package net.i2p.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import gnu.getopt.Getopt; import net.i2p.I2PAppContext; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.util.InternalSocket; /** * EepGet [-p] * [-n #retries] * [-o outputFile] * [-m markSize lineLen] * url */ public class EepGet { protected final I2PAppContext _context; protected final Log _log; protected final boolean _shouldProxy; private final String _proxyHost; private final int _proxyPort; protected final int _numRetries; private final long _minSize; // minimum and maximum acceptable response size, -1 signifies unlimited, private final long _maxSize; // applied both against whole responses and chunks protected final String _outputFile; protected final OutputStream _outputStream; /** url we were asked to fetch */ protected final String _url; /** the URL we actually fetch from (may differ from the _url in case of redirect) */ protected String _actualURL; private final String _postData; private boolean _allowCaching; protected final List<StatusListener> _listeners; protected List<String> _extraHeaders; protected boolean _keepFetching; // The proxy or the actual site if not proxied. Warning - null when extended by I2PSocketEepGet protected Socket _proxy; protected OutputStream _proxyOut; protected InputStream _proxyIn; protected OutputStream _out; protected long _alreadyTransferred; protected long _bytesTransferred; protected long _bytesRemaining; protected int _currentAttempt; protected int _responseCode = -1; protected String _responseText; protected boolean _shouldWriteErrorToOutput; protected String _etag; protected String _lastModified; protected final String _etagOrig; protected final String _lastModifiedOrig; protected boolean _encodingChunked; protected boolean _notModified; protected String _contentType; protected boolean _transferFailed; protected boolean _headersRead; protected boolean _aborted; protected int _fetchHeaderTimeout; private long _fetchEndTime; protected int _fetchInactivityTimeout; protected int _redirects; protected String _redirectLocation; protected boolean _isGzippedResponse; protected IOException _decompressException; // following for proxy digest auth // only created via addAuthorization() protected AuthState _authState; /** this will be replaced by the HTTP Proxy if we are using it */ protected static final String USER_AGENT = "Wget/1.11.4"; protected static final int CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 45*1000; protected static final int INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT = 60*1000; /** maximum times to try without getting any data at all, even if numRetries is higher @since 0.7.14 */ protected static final int MAX_COMPLETE_FAILS = 5; public EepGet(I2PAppContext ctx, String proxyHost, int proxyPort, int numRetries, String outputFile, String url) { this(ctx, true, proxyHost, proxyPort, numRetries, outputFile, url); } public EepGet(I2PAppContext ctx, String proxyHost, int proxyPort, int numRetries, String outputFile, String url, boolean allowCaching) { this(ctx, true, proxyHost, proxyPort, numRetries, outputFile, url, allowCaching, null); } public EepGet(I2PAppContext ctx, int numRetries, String outputFile, String url) { this(ctx, false, null, -1, numRetries, outputFile, url); } public EepGet(I2PAppContext ctx, int numRetries, String outputFile, String url, boolean allowCaching) { this(ctx, false, null, -1, numRetries, outputFile, url, allowCaching, null); } public EepGet(I2PAppContext ctx, boolean shouldProxy, String proxyHost, int proxyPort, int numRetries, String outputFile, String url) { this(ctx, shouldProxy, proxyHost, proxyPort, numRetries, outputFile, url, true, null); } public EepGet(I2PAppContext ctx, boolean shouldProxy, String proxyHost, int proxyPort, int numRetries, String outputFile, String url, String postData) { this(ctx, shouldProxy, proxyHost, proxyPort, numRetries, -1, -1, outputFile, null, url, true, null, postData); } public EepGet(I2PAppContext ctx, boolean shouldProxy, String proxyHost, int proxyPort, int numRetries, String outputFile, String url, boolean allowCaching, String etag) { this(ctx, shouldProxy, proxyHost, proxyPort, numRetries, -1, -1, outputFile, null, url, allowCaching, etag, null); } public EepGet(I2PAppContext ctx, boolean shouldProxy, String proxyHost, int proxyPort, int numRetries, String outputFile, String url, boolean allowCaching, String etag, String lastModified) { this(ctx, shouldProxy, proxyHost, proxyPort, numRetries, -1, -1, outputFile, null, url, allowCaching, etag, lastModified, null); } public EepGet(I2PAppContext ctx, boolean shouldProxy, String proxyHost, int proxyPort, int numRetries, long minSize, long maxSize, String outputFile, OutputStream outputStream, String url, boolean allowCaching, String etag, String postData) { this(ctx, shouldProxy, proxyHost, proxyPort, numRetries, minSize, maxSize, outputFile, outputStream, url, allowCaching, etag, null, postData); } public EepGet(I2PAppContext ctx, boolean shouldProxy, String proxyHost, int proxyPort, int numRetries, long minSize, long maxSize, String outputFile, OutputStream outputStream, String url, boolean allowCaching, String etag, String lastModified, String postData) { _context = ctx; _log = ctx.logManager().getLog(getClass()); _shouldProxy = (proxyHost != null) && (proxyHost.length() > 0) && (proxyPort > 0) && shouldProxy; _proxyHost = proxyHost; _proxyPort = proxyPort; _numRetries = numRetries; _minSize = minSize; _maxSize = maxSize; _outputFile = outputFile; // if outputFile is set, outputStream must be null _outputStream = outputStream; // if both are set, outputStream overrides outputFile _url = url; _actualURL = url; _postData = postData; _bytesRemaining = -1; _fetchHeaderTimeout = CONNECT_TIMEOUT; _listeners = new ArrayList<StatusListener>(1); _etag = etag; _lastModified = lastModified; _etagOrig = etag; _lastModifiedOrig = lastModified; } /** * EepGet [-p] [-n #retries] [-e etag] [-o outputFile] [-m markSize lineLen] url * */ public static void main(String args[]) { String proxyHost = ""; int proxyPort = 4444; int numRetries = 0; int markSize = 1024; int lineLen = 40; long inactivityTimeout = INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT; String etag = null; String saveAs = null; List<String> extra = null; String username = null; String password = null; boolean error = false; // // note: if you add options, please update installer/resources/man/eepget.1 // Getopt g = new Getopt("eepget", args, "p:cn:t:e:o:m:l:h:u:x:"); try { int c; while ((c = g.getopt()) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'p': String s = g.getOptarg(); int colon = s.indexOf(':'); if (colon >= 0) { // Todo IPv6 [a:b:c]:4444 proxyHost = s.substring(0, colon); String port = s.substring(colon + 1); proxyPort = Integer.parseInt(port); } else { proxyHost = s; // proxyPort remains default } break; case 'c': // no proxy, same as -p :0 proxyHost = ""; proxyPort = 0; break; case 'n': numRetries = Integer.parseInt(g.getOptarg()); break; case 't': inactivityTimeout = 1000 * Integer.parseInt(g.getOptarg()); break; case 'e': etag = "\"" + g.getOptarg() + "\""; break; case 'o': saveAs = g.getOptarg(); break; case 'm': markSize = Integer.parseInt(g.getOptarg()); break; case 'l': lineLen = Integer.parseInt(g.getOptarg()); break; case 'h': String a = g.getOptarg(); int eq = a.indexOf('='); if (eq > 0) { if (extra == null) extra = new ArrayList<String>(2); String key = a.substring(0, eq); String val = a.substring(eq + 1); extra.add(key); extra.add(val); } else { error = true; } break; case 'u': username = g.getOptarg(); break; case 'x': password = g.getOptarg(); break; case '?': case ':': default: error = true; break; } // switch } // while } catch (RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); error = true; } if (error || args.length - g.getOptind() != 1) { usage(); System.exit(1); } String url = args[g.getOptind()]; if (saveAs == null) saveAs = suggestName(url); EepGet get = new EepGet(I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext(), true, proxyHost, proxyPort, numRetries, saveAs, url, true, etag); if (extra != null) { for (int i = 0; i < extra.size(); i += 2) { get.addHeader(extra.get(i), extra.get(i + 1)); } } if (username != null) { if (password == null) { try { BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; do { System.err.print("Proxy password: "); password = r.readLine(); if (password == null) throw new IOException(); password = password.trim(); } while (password.length() <= 0); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.exit(1); } } get.addAuthorization(username, password); } get.addStatusListener( CLIStatusListener(markSize, lineLen)); if (!get.fetch(CONNECT_TIMEOUT, -1, inactivityTimeout)) System.exit(1); } /** * Parse URL for a viable filename. * * @param url a URL giving the location of an online resource * @return a filename to save the resource as on local filesystem */ public static String suggestName(String url) { URI nameURL = null; String name; // suggested name try { nameURL = new URI(url); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { System.err.println("Please enter a properly formed URL."); System.exit(1); } String path = nameURL.getRawPath(); // discard any URI queries // if no file specified, eepget scrapes webpage - use domain as name Pattern slashes = Pattern.compile("/+"); Matcher matcher = slashes.matcher(path); // if empty path or just /'s - nameURL lets multiple /'s through if (path.equals("") || matcher.matches()) { name = sanitize(nameURL.getAuthority()); // if path specified } else { int last = path.lastIndexOf('/'); // if last / not at end of string, use following string as filename if (last != path.length() - 1) { name = sanitize(path.substring(last + 1)); // if there's a trailing / group look for previous / as trim point } else { int i = 1; int slash; while (true) { slash = path.lastIndexOf('/', last - i); if (slash != last - i) { break; } i += 1; } name = sanitize(path.substring(slash + 1, path.length() - i)); } } return name; } /* Blacklist borrowed from snark */ private static final char[] ILLEGAL = new char[] { '<', '>', ':', '"', '/', '\\', '|', '?', '*', 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 0x7f }; /** * Removes 'suspicious' characters from the given file name. * */ private static String sanitize(String name) { if (name.equals(".") || name.equals(" ")) return "_"; String rv = name; if (rv.startsWith(".")) rv = '_' + rv.substring(1); if (rv.endsWith(".") || rv.endsWith(" ")) rv = rv.substring(0, rv.length() - 1) + '_'; for (int i = 0; i < ILLEGAL.length; i++) { if (rv.indexOf(ILLEGAL[i]) >= 0) rv = rv.replace(ILLEGAL[i], '_'); } return rv; } private static void usage() { System.err.println("eepget [-p[:4444]] [-c] [-o outputFile]\n" + " [-n #retries] (default 0)\n" + " [-m markSize] (default 1024)\n" + " [-l lineLen] (default 40)\n" + " [-t timeout] (default 60 sec)\n" + " [-e etag]\n" + " [-h headerName=headerValue]\n" + " [-u username] [-x password] url\n" + " (use -c or -p :0 for no proxy)"); } public static interface StatusListener { /** * alreadyTransferred - total of all attempts, not including currentWrite * If nonzero on the first call, a partial file of that length was found, * _and_ the server supports resume. * If zero on a subsequent call after some bytes are transferred * (and presumably after an attemptFailed), the server does _not_ * support resume and we had to start over. * To track _actual_ transfer if the output file could already exist, * the listener should keep its own counter, * or subtract the initial alreadyTransferred value. * And watch out for alreadyTransferred resetting if a resume failed... * currentWrite - since last call to the listener * bytesTransferred - includes headers, retries, redirects, discarded partial downloads, ... * bytesRemaining - on this attempt only, currentWrite already subtracted - * or -1 if chunked encoding or server does not return a length * * Total length should be == alreadyTransferred + currentWrite + bytesRemaining for all calls * */ public void bytesTransferred(long alreadyTransferred, int currentWrite, long bytesTransferred, long bytesRemaining, String url); public void transferComplete(long alreadyTransferred, long bytesTransferred, long bytesRemaining, String url, String outputFile, boolean notModified); public void attemptFailed(String url, long bytesTransferred, long bytesRemaining, int currentAttempt, int numRetries, Exception cause); public void transferFailed(String url, long bytesTransferred, long bytesRemaining, int currentAttempt); /** * Note: Headers are not processed, and this is not called, for most error response codes, * unless setWriteErrorToOutput() is called before fetch(). * To be changed? */ public void headerReceived(String url, int currentAttempt, String key, String val); public void attempting(String url); } protected class CLIStatusListener implements StatusListener { private final int _markSize; private final int _lineSize; private final long _startedOn; private long _written; private long _previousWritten; private long _discarded; private long _lastComplete; private boolean _firstTime; private final DecimalFormat _pct = new DecimalFormat("00.0%"); private final DecimalFormat _kbps = new DecimalFormat("###,000.00"); public CLIStatusListener() { this(1024, 40); } public CLIStatusListener(int markSize, int lineSize) { _markSize = markSize; _lineSize = lineSize; _lastComplete = _context.clock().now(); _startedOn = _lastComplete; _firstTime = true; } public void bytesTransferred(long alreadyTransferred, int currentWrite, long bytesTransferred, long bytesRemaining, String url) { if (_firstTime) { if (alreadyTransferred > 0) { _previousWritten = alreadyTransferred; System.out.println("File found with length " + alreadyTransferred + ", resuming"); } _firstTime = false; } if (_written == 0 && alreadyTransferred == 0 && _previousWritten > 0) { // boo System.out.println("Server does not support resume, discarding " + _previousWritten + " bytes"); _discarded += _previousWritten; _previousWritten = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < currentWrite; i++) { _written++; if ( (_markSize > 0) && (_written % _markSize == 0) ) { System.out.print("#"); if ( (_lineSize > 0) && (_written % ((long)_markSize*(long)_lineSize) == 0l) ) { long now = _context.clock().now(); long timeToSend = now - _lastComplete; if (timeToSend > 0) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(50); Formatter fmt = new Formatter(buf); buf.append(" "); if ( bytesRemaining > 0 ) { double pct = 100 * ((double)_written + _previousWritten) / ((double)alreadyTransferred + (double)currentWrite + bytesRemaining); fmt.format("%4.1f", Double.valueOf(pct)); buf.append("%: "); } fmt.format("%8d", Long.valueOf(_written)); buf.append(" @ "); double lineKBytes = ((double)_markSize * (double)_lineSize)/1024.0d; double kbps = lineKBytes/(timeToSend/1000.0d); fmt.format("%7.2f", Double.valueOf(kbps)); buf.append(" KBps"); buf.append(" / "); long lifetime = _context.clock().now() - _startedOn; double lifetimeKBps = (1000.0d*(_written)/(lifetime*1024.0d)); fmt.format("%7.2f", Double.valueOf(lifetimeKBps)); buf.append(" KBps"); System.out.println(buf.toString()); fmt.close(); } _lastComplete = now; } } } } public void transferComplete(long alreadyTransferred, long bytesTransferred, long bytesRemaining, String url, String outputFile, boolean notModified) { long transferred; if (_firstTime) transferred = 0; else transferred = alreadyTransferred - _previousWritten; System.out.println(); System.out.println("== " + new Date()); if (notModified) { System.out.println("== Source not modified since last download"); } else { if ( bytesRemaining > 0 ) { System.out.println("== Transfer of " + url + " completed with " + transferred + " transferred and " + (bytesRemaining - bytesTransferred) + " remaining" + (_discarded > 0 ? (" and " + _discarded + " bytes discarded") : "")); } else { System.out.println("== Transfer of " + url + " completed with " + transferred + " bytes transferred" + (_discarded > 0 ? (" and " + _discarded + " bytes discarded") : "")); } if (transferred > 0) System.out.println("== Output saved to " + outputFile + " (" + alreadyTransferred + " bytes)"); } long timeToSend = _context.clock().now() - _startedOn; System.out.println("== Transfer time: " + DataHelper.formatDuration(timeToSend)); if (_etag != null) System.out.println("== ETag: " + _etag); if (transferred > 0) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(50); buf.append("== Transfer rate: "); double kbps = (1000.0d*(transferred)/(timeToSend*1024.0d)); synchronized (_kbps) { buf.append(_kbps.format(kbps)); } buf.append("KBps"); System.out.println(buf.toString()); } } public void attemptFailed(String url, long bytesTransferred, long bytesRemaining, int currentAttempt, int numRetries, Exception cause) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("** " + new Date()); System.out.println("** Attempt " + currentAttempt + " of " + url + " failed"); System.out.println("** Transfered " + bytesTransferred + " with " + (bytesRemaining < 0 ? "unknown" : ""+bytesRemaining) + " remaining"); System.out.println("** " + cause.getMessage()); _previousWritten += _written; _written = 0; } public void transferFailed(String url, long bytesTransferred, long bytesRemaining, int currentAttempt) { System.out.println("== " + new Date()); System.out.println("== Transfer of " + url + " failed after " + currentAttempt + " attempts"); System.out.println("== Transfer size: " + bytesTransferred + " with " + (bytesRemaining < 0 ? "unknown" : ""+bytesRemaining) + " remaining"); long timeToSend = _context.clock().now() - _startedOn; System.out.println("== Transfer time: " + DataHelper.formatDuration(timeToSend)); double kbps = (timeToSend > 0 ? (1000.0d*(bytesTransferred)/(timeToSend*1024.0d)) : 0); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(50); buf.append("== Transfer rate: "); synchronized (_kbps) { buf.append(_kbps.format(kbps)); } buf.append("KBps"); System.out.println(buf.toString()); } public void attempting(String url) {} public void headerReceived(String url, int currentAttempt, String key, String val) {} } public void addStatusListener(StatusListener lsnr) { synchronized (_listeners) { _listeners.add(lsnr); } } public void stopFetching() { _keepFetching = false; } /** * Blocking fetch, returning true if the URL was retrieved, false if all retries failed. * * Header timeout default 45 sec, total timeout default none, inactivity timeout default 60 sec. */ public boolean fetch() { return fetch(_fetchHeaderTimeout); } /** * Blocking fetch, timing out individual attempts if the HTTP response headers * don't come back in the time given. If the timeout is zero or less, this will * wait indefinitely. * * Total timeout default none, inactivity timeout default 60 sec. */ public boolean fetch(long fetchHeaderTimeout) { return fetch(fetchHeaderTimeout, -1, -1); } /** * Blocking fetch. * * @param fetchHeaderTimeout <= 0 for none (proxy will timeout if none, none isn't recommended if no proxy) * @param totalTimeout <= 0 for default none * @param inactivityTimeout <= 0 for default 60 sec */ public boolean fetch(long fetchHeaderTimeout, long totalTimeout, long inactivityTimeout) { _fetchHeaderTimeout = (int) Math.min(fetchHeaderTimeout, Integer.MAX_VALUE); _fetchEndTime = (totalTimeout > 0 ? System.currentTimeMillis() + totalTimeout : -1); _fetchInactivityTimeout = (int) Math.min(inactivityTimeout, Integer.MAX_VALUE); _keepFetching = true; if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Fetching (proxied? " + _shouldProxy + ") url=" + _actualURL); while (_keepFetching) { SocketTimeout timeout = null; if (_fetchHeaderTimeout > 0) { timeout = new SocketTimeout(_fetchHeaderTimeout); final SocketTimeout stimeout = timeout; // ugly - why not use sotimeout? timeout.setTimeoutCommand(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("timeout reached on " + _url + ": " + stimeout); _aborted = true; } }); timeout.setTotalTimeoutPeriod(_fetchEndTime); } try { for (int i = 0; i < _listeners.size(); i++) _listeners.get(i).attempting(_url); sendRequest(timeout); if (timeout != null) timeout.resetTimer(); doFetch(timeout); if (timeout != null) timeout.cancel(); if (!_transferFailed) return true; break; } catch (IOException ioe) { if (timeout != null) timeout.cancel(); for (int i = 0; i < _listeners.size(); i++) _listeners.get(i).attemptFailed(_url, _bytesTransferred, _bytesRemaining, _currentAttempt, _numRetries, ioe); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("ERR: doFetch failed ", ioe); if (ioe instanceof MalformedURLException || ioe instanceof UnknownHostException || ioe instanceof ConnectException) // proxy or nonproxied host Connection Refused _keepFetching = false; } finally { if (_out != null) { try { _out.close(); } catch (IOException cioe) {} _out = null; } if (_proxy != null) { try { _proxy.close(); _proxy = null; } catch (IOException ioe) {} } } _currentAttempt++; if (_currentAttempt > _numRetries || (_alreadyTransferred == 0 && _currentAttempt > MAX_COMPLETE_FAILS) || !_keepFetching) break; _redirects = 0; try { long delay = _context.random().nextInt(60*1000); Thread.sleep(5*1000+delay); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} } for (int i = 0; i < _listeners.size(); i++) _listeners.get(i).transferFailed(_url, _bytesTransferred, _bytesRemaining, _currentAttempt); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("All attempts failed for " + _url); return false; } /** * single fetch * @param timeout may be null */ protected void doFetch(SocketTimeout timeout) throws IOException { _headersRead = false; _aborted = false; try { readHeaders(); } finally { _headersRead = true; } if (_aborted) throw new IOException("Timed out reading the HTTP headers"); if (timeout != null) { timeout.resetTimer(); if (_fetchInactivityTimeout > 0) timeout.setInactivityTimeout(_fetchInactivityTimeout); else timeout.setInactivityTimeout(INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT); } // _proxy is null when extended by I2PSocketEepGet if (_proxy != null && !_shouldProxy) { // we only set the soTimeout before the headers if not proxied if (_fetchInactivityTimeout > 0) _proxy.setSoTimeout(_fetchInactivityTimeout); else _proxy.setSoTimeout(INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT); } if (_redirectLocation != null) { // we also are here after a 407 try { if (_redirectLocation.startsWith("http://")) { _actualURL = _redirectLocation; } else { // the Location: field has been required to be an absolute URI at least since // RFC 1945 (HTTP/1.0 1996), so it isn't clear what the point of this is. // This oddly adds a ":" even if no port, but that seems to work. URI url = new URI(_actualURL); String host = url.getHost(); if (host == null) throw new MalformedURLException("Redirected to invalid URL"); int port = url.getPort(); if (port < 0) port = 80; if (_redirectLocation.startsWith("/")) _actualURL = "http://" + host + ":" + port + _redirectLocation; else // this blows up completely on a redirect to https://, for example _actualURL = "http://" + host+ ":" + port + "/" + _redirectLocation; } } catch (URISyntaxException use) { IOException ioe = new MalformedURLException("Redirected to invalid URL"); ioe.initCause(use); throw ioe; } AuthState as = _authState; if (_responseCode == 407) { if (!_shouldProxy) throw new IOException("Proxy auth response from non-proxy"); if (as == null) throw new IOException("Proxy requires authentication"); if (as.authSent) throw new IOException("Proxy authentication failed"); // ignore stale if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Adding auth"); // actually happens in getRequest() } else { _redirects++; if (_redirects > 5) throw new IOException("Too many redirects: to " + _redirectLocation); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Redirecting to " + _redirectLocation); if (as != null) as.authSent = false; } // reset some important variables, we don't want to save the values from the redirect _bytesRemaining = -1; _redirectLocation = null; _etag = _etagOrig; _lastModified = _lastModifiedOrig; _contentType = null; _encodingChunked = false; sendRequest(timeout); doFetch(timeout); return; } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Headers read completely, reading " + _bytesRemaining); boolean strictSize = (_bytesRemaining >= 0); // If minimum or maximum size defined, ensure they aren't exceeded if ((_minSize > 0) && (_bytesRemaining < _minSize)) throw new IOException("HTTP response size " + _bytesRemaining + " violates minimum of " + _minSize + " bytes"); if ((_maxSize > -1) && (_bytesRemaining > _maxSize)) throw new IOException("HTTP response size " + _bytesRemaining + " violates maximum of " + _maxSize + " bytes"); Thread pusher = null; _decompressException = null; if (_isGzippedResponse) { if (_log.shouldInfo())"Gzipped response, starting decompressor"); PipedInputStream pi = BigPipedInputStream.getInstance(); PipedOutputStream po = new PipedOutputStream(pi); pusher = new I2PAppThread(new Gunzipper(pi, _out), "EepGet Decompressor"); _out = po; pusher.start(); } int remaining = (int)_bytesRemaining; byte buf[] = new byte[16*1024]; while (_keepFetching && ( (remaining > 0) || !strictSize ) && !_aborted) { int toRead = buf.length; if (strictSize && toRead > remaining) toRead = remaining; int read =, 0, toRead); if (read == -1) break; if (timeout != null) timeout.resetTimer(); _out.write(buf, 0, read); _bytesTransferred += read; if ((_maxSize > -1) && (_alreadyTransferred + read > _maxSize)) // could transfer a little over maxSize throw new IOException("Bytes transferred " + (_alreadyTransferred + read) + " violates maximum of " + _maxSize + " bytes"); remaining -= read; if (remaining==0 && _encodingChunked) { int char1 =; if (char1 == '\r') { int char2 =; if (char2 == '\n') { remaining = (int) readChunkLength(); } else { _out.write(char1); _out.write(char2); _bytesTransferred += 2; remaining -= 2; read += 2; } } else { _out.write(char1); _bytesTransferred++; remaining--; read++; } } if (timeout != null) timeout.resetTimer(); if (_bytesRemaining >= read) // else chunked? _bytesRemaining -= read; if (read > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < _listeners.size(); i++) _listeners.get(i).bytesTransferred( _alreadyTransferred, read, _bytesTransferred, _encodingChunked?-1:_bytesRemaining, _url); // This seems necessary to properly resume a partial download into a stream, // as nothing else increments _alreadyTransferred, and there's no file length to check. // Do this after calling the listeners to keep the total correct _alreadyTransferred += read; } } if (_out != null) _out.close(); _out = null; if (_isGzippedResponse) { try { pusher.join(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} pusher = null; if (_decompressException != null) { // we can't resume from here _keepFetching = false; throw _decompressException; } } if (_aborted) throw new IOException("Timed out reading the HTTP data"); if (timeout != null) timeout.cancel(); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Done transferring " + _bytesTransferred + " (ok? " + !_transferFailed + ")"); if (_transferFailed) { // 404, etc - transferFailed is called after all attempts fail, by fetch() above if (!_listeners.isEmpty()) { String s; if (_responseText != null) s = "Attempt failed: " + _responseCode + ' ' + _responseText; else s = "Attempt failed: " + _responseCode; Exception e = new IOException(s); for (int i = 0; i < _listeners.size(); i++) { _listeners.get(i).attemptFailed(_url, _bytesTransferred, _bytesRemaining, _currentAttempt, _numRetries, e); } } } else if ((_minSize > 0) && (_alreadyTransferred < _minSize)) { throw new IOException("Bytes transferred " + _alreadyTransferred + " violates minimum of " + _minSize + " bytes"); } else if ( (_bytesRemaining == -1) || (remaining == 0) ) { for (int i = 0; i < _listeners.size(); i++) _listeners.get(i).transferComplete( _alreadyTransferred, _bytesTransferred, _encodingChunked?-1:_bytesRemaining, _url, _outputFile, _notModified); } else { throw new IOException("Disconnection on attempt " + _currentAttempt + " after " + _bytesTransferred); } } protected void readHeaders() throws IOException { String key = null; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(32); boolean read = DataHelper.readLine(_proxyIn, buf); if (!read) throw new IOException("Unable to read the first line"); _responseCode = handleStatus(buf.toString()); boolean redirect = false; if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("rc: " + _responseCode + " for " + _actualURL); boolean rcOk = false; // switch (_responseCode) { case 200: // full case 201: // various other success codes follow case 202: case 203: case 204: // no content, TODO separate case? case 205: // no content, TODO separate case? case 207: case 208: case 226: if (_outputStream != null) _out = _outputStream; else _out = new FileOutputStream(_outputFile, false); _alreadyTransferred = 0; rcOk = true; break; case 206: // partial if (_outputStream != null) _out = _outputStream; else _out = new FileOutputStream(_outputFile, true); rcOk = true; break; case 301: // various redirections case 302: case 303: case 307: _alreadyTransferred = 0; rcOk = true; redirect = true; break; case 304: // not modified _bytesRemaining = 0; _keepFetching = false; _notModified = true; return; case 400: // bad req case 401: // server auth case 402: // payment required case 403: // bad req case 404: // not found case 405: // method case 406: // not acceptable case 408: // req timeout case 409: // bad addr helper case 410: // gone case 411: // length case 413: // payload case 414: // URI too long case 415: // unsupported case 418: // backoff case 420: // backoff case 421: // misdirected case 423: // locked case 424: // dependency case 426: // upgrade case 428: // precondition case 429: // too many requests case 431: // headers too long case 451: // legal case 500: // internal case 501: // not implemented case 502: // bad gateway case 503: // no outproxy case 505: // version case 506: // variant case 507: // insufficient case 508: // loop case 510: // not extended case 511: // network auth _transferFailed = true; if (_alreadyTransferred > 0 || !_shouldWriteErrorToOutput) { _keepFetching = false; return; } // output the error data to the stream rcOk = true; if (_out == null) { if (_outputStream != null) _out = _outputStream; else _out = new FileOutputStream(_outputFile, true); } break; case 407: // proxy auth // we will treat this is a redirect if we haven't sent auth yet //_redirectLocation will be set to _actualURL below _alreadyTransferred = 0; if (_authState != null) rcOk = !_authState.authSent; else rcOk = false; redirect = rcOk; _keepFetching = rcOk; break; case 416: // completed (or range out of reach) _bytesRemaining = 0; if (_alreadyTransferred > 0 || !_shouldWriteErrorToOutput) { _keepFetching = false; return; } // output the error data to the stream rcOk = true; if (_out == null) { if (_outputStream != null) _out = _outputStream; else _out = new FileOutputStream(_outputFile, true); } break; case 504: // gateway timeout if (_alreadyTransferred > 0 || (!_shouldWriteErrorToOutput) || _currentAttempt < _numRetries) { // throw out of doFetch() to fetch() and try again // why throw??? throw new IOException("HTTP Proxy timeout"); } // output the error data to the stream rcOk = true; if (_out == null) { if (_outputStream != null) _out = _outputStream; else _out = new FileOutputStream(_outputFile, true); } _transferFailed = true; break; default: if (_alreadyTransferred > 0 || !_shouldWriteErrorToOutput) { _keepFetching = false; } else { // output the error data to the stream rcOk = true; if (_out == null) { if (_outputStream != null) _out = _outputStream; else _out = new FileOutputStream(_outputFile, true); } } _transferFailed = true; } _isGzippedResponse = false; // clear out the arguments, as we use the same variables for return values _etag = null; _lastModified = null; buf.setLength(0); byte lookahead[] = new byte[3]; while (true) { int cur =; switch (cur) { case -1: throw new IOException("Headers ended too soon"); case ':': if (key == null) { key = buf.toString(); buf.setLength(0); increment(lookahead, cur); break; } else { buf.append((char)cur); increment(lookahead, cur); break; } case '\n': case '\r': if (key != null) handle(key, buf.toString()); buf.setLength(0); key = null; increment(lookahead, cur); if (isEndOfHeaders(lookahead)) { if (!rcOk) throw new IOException("Invalid HTTP response code: " + _responseCode + ' ' + _responseText); if (_encodingChunked) { _bytesRemaining = readChunkLength(); } if (!redirect) _redirectLocation = null; else if (_responseCode == 407) _redirectLocation = _actualURL; return; } break; default: buf.append((char)cur); increment(lookahead, cur); } if (buf.length() > 1024) throw new IOException("Header line too long: " + buf.toString()); } } protected long readChunkLength() throws IOException { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(8); int nl = 0; while (true) { int cur =; switch (cur) { case -1: throw new IOException("Chunk ended too soon"); case '\n': case '\r': nl++; default: buf.append((char)cur); } if (nl >= 2) break; } String len = buf.toString().trim(); try { long bytes = Long.parseLong(len, 16); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Chunked length: " + bytes); return bytes; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new IOException("Invalid chunk length [" + len + "]"); } } /** * parse the first status line and grab the response code. * e.g. "HTTP/1.1 206 OK" vs "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" vs * "HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND", etc. * * Side effect - stores status text in _responseText * * @return HTTP response code (200, 206, other) */ private int handleStatus(String line) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Status line: [" + line.trim() + "]"); String[] toks = DataHelper.split(line, " ", 3); if (toks.length < 2) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("ERR: status "+ line); return -1; } String rc = toks[1]; try { if (toks.length >= 3) _responseText = toks[2].trim(); else _responseText = null; return Integer.parseInt(rc); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("ERR: status is invalid: " + line, nfe); return -1; } } private void handle(String key, String val) { key = key.trim(); val = val.trim(); for (int i = 0; i < _listeners.size(); i++) _listeners.get(i).headerReceived(_url, _currentAttempt, key, val); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Header line: [" + key + "] = [" + val + "]"); key = key.toLowerCase(Locale.US); if (key.equals("content-length")) { try { _bytesRemaining = Long.parseLong(val); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { nfe.printStackTrace(); } } else if (key.equals("etag")) { _etag = val; } else if (key.equals("last-modified")) { _lastModified = val; } else if (key.equals("transfer-encoding")) { _encodingChunked = val.toLowerCase(Locale.US).contains("chunked"); } else if (key.equals("content-encoding")) { // This is kindof a hack, but if we are downloading a gzip file // we don't want to transparently gunzip it and save it as a .gz file. // A query string will also mess this up if ((!_actualURL.endsWith(".gz")) && (!_actualURL.endsWith(".tgz"))) _isGzippedResponse = val.toLowerCase(Locale.US).contains("gzip"); } else if (key.equals("content-type")) { _contentType=val; } else if (key.equals("location")) { _redirectLocation=val; } else if (key.equals("proxy-authenticate") && _responseCode == 407 && _authState != null && _shouldProxy) { _authState.setAuthChallenge(val); } else { // ignore the rest } } private static void increment(byte[] lookahead, int cur) { lookahead[0] = lookahead[1]; lookahead[1] = lookahead[2]; lookahead[2] = (byte)cur; } private static boolean isEndOfHeaders(byte lookahead[]) { return lookahead[2] == NL && (lookahead[0] == NL || lookahead[1] == NL); // \n\n or \n\r\n } private static final byte NL = '\n'; /** * @param timeout may be null */ protected void sendRequest(SocketTimeout timeout) throws IOException { if (_outputStream != null) { // We are reading into a stream supplied by a caller, // for which we cannot easily determine how much we've written. // Assume that _alreadyTransferred holds the right value // (we should never be restarted to work on an old stream). } else { File outFile = new File(_outputFile); if (outFile.exists()) _alreadyTransferred = outFile.length(); } String req = getRequest(); if (_proxyIn != null) try { _proxyIn.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} if (_proxyOut != null) try { _proxyOut.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} if (_proxy != null) try { _proxy.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} if (_shouldProxy) { _proxy = InternalSocket.getSocket(_proxyHost, _proxyPort); } else { try { URI url = new URI(_actualURL); if ("http".equals(url.getScheme())) { String host = url.getHost(); if (host == null) throw new MalformedURLException("URL is not supported:" + _actualURL); String hostlc = host.toLowerCase(Locale.US); if (hostlc.endsWith(".i2p")) throw new UnknownHostException("I2P addresses must be proxied"); if (hostlc.endsWith(".onion")) throw new UnknownHostException("Tor addresses must be proxied"); int port = url.getPort(); if (port == -1) port = 80; if (_fetchHeaderTimeout > 0) { _proxy = new Socket(); _proxy.setSoTimeout(_fetchHeaderTimeout); _proxy.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, port), _fetchHeaderTimeout); } else { _proxy = new Socket(host, port); } } else { throw new MalformedURLException("URL is not supported:" + _actualURL); } } catch (URISyntaxException use) { IOException ioe = new MalformedURLException("Request URL is invalid"); ioe.initCause(use); throw ioe; } } _proxyIn = _proxy.getInputStream(); if (!(_proxy instanceof InternalSocket)) _proxyIn = new BufferedInputStream(_proxyIn); _proxyOut = _proxy.getOutputStream(); if (timeout != null) timeout.setSocket(_proxy); _proxyOut.write(DataHelper.getUTF8(req)); _proxyOut.flush(); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Request flushed"); } protected String getRequest() throws IOException { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(2048); boolean post = false; if ( (_postData != null) && (_postData.length() > 0) ) post = true; URI url; try { url = new URI(_actualURL); } catch (URISyntaxException use) { IOException ioe = new MalformedURLException("Bad URL"); ioe.initCause(use); throw ioe; } String host = url.getHost(); if (host == null || host.length() <= 0) throw new MalformedURLException("Bad URL, no host"); int port = url.getPort(); String path = url.getRawPath(); String query = url.getRawQuery(); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Requesting " + _actualURL); // RFC 2616 sec 5.1.2 - full URL if proxied, absolute path only if not proxied String urlToSend; if (_shouldProxy) { urlToSend = _actualURL; if ((path == null || path.length()<= 0) && (query == null || query.length()<= 0)) urlToSend += "/"; } else { urlToSend = path; if (urlToSend == null || urlToSend.length()<= 0) urlToSend = "/"; if (query != null) urlToSend += '?' + query; } if (post) { buf.append("POST "); } else { buf.append("GET "); } buf.append(urlToSend).append(" HTTP/1.1\r\n"); // RFC 2616 sec 5.1.2 - host + port (NOT authority, which includes userinfo) buf.append("Host: ").append(host); if (port >= 0) buf.append(':').append(port); buf.append("\r\n"); if (_alreadyTransferred > 0) { buf.append("Range: bytes="); buf.append(_alreadyTransferred); buf.append("-\r\n"); } if (!_allowCaching) { buf.append("Cache-control: no-cache\r\n" + "Pragma: no-cache\r\n"); } boolean uaOverridden = false; boolean etagOverridden = false; boolean lastmodOverridden = false; if (_extraHeaders != null) { for (String hdr : _extraHeaders) { String hlc = hdr.toLowerCase(Locale.US); if (hlc.startsWith("user-agent: ")) uaOverridden = true; else if (hlc.startsWith("if-none-match: ")) etagOverridden = true; else if (hlc.startsWith("if-modified-since: ")) lastmodOverridden = true; buf.append(hdr).append("\r\n"); } } if ((_etag != null) && (_alreadyTransferred <= 0) && !etagOverridden) { buf.append("If-None-Match: "); buf.append(_etag); buf.append("\r\n"); } if ((_lastModified != null) && (_alreadyTransferred <= 0) && !lastmodOverridden) { buf.append("If-Modified-Since: "); buf.append(_lastModified); buf.append("\r\n"); } if (post) buf.append("Content-length: ").append(_postData.length()).append("\r\n"); // This will be replaced if we are going through I2PTunnelHTTPClient buf.append("Accept-Encoding: "); // as of 0.9.23, the proxy passes the Accept-Encoding header through if ( /* (!_shouldProxy) && */ // This is kindof a hack, but if we are downloading a gzip file // we don't want to transparently gunzip it and save it as a .gz file. (!path.endsWith(".gz")) && (!path.endsWith(".tgz"))) buf.append("gzip"); buf.append("\r\n"); if(!uaOverridden) buf.append("User-Agent: " + USER_AGENT + "\r\n"); if (_authState != null && _shouldProxy && _authState.authMode != AUTH_MODE.NONE) { buf.append("Proxy-Authorization: "); String method = post ? "POST" : "GET"; buf.append(_authState.getAuthHeader(method, urlToSend)); buf.append("\r\n"); } buf.append("Connection: close\r\n\r\n"); if (post) buf.append(_postData); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Request: [" + buf.toString() + "]"); return buf.toString(); } /** * After fetch, the received value from the server, or null if none. * Before fetch, and after some errors, may be the value passed in the constructor. */ public String getETag() { return _etag; } /** * After fetch, the received value from the server, or null if none. * Before fetch, and after some errors, may be the value passed in the constructor. */ public String getLastModified() { return _lastModified; } /** * @return true if the server returned 304 */ public boolean getNotModified() { return _notModified; } /** * After fetch, the received value from the server, or null if none. */ public String getContentType() { return _contentType; } /** * The server response (200, etc). * @return -1 if invalid, or if the proxy never responded, * or if no proxy was used and the server never responded. * If a non-proxied request partially succeeded (for example a redirect followed * by a fail, or a partial fetch followed by a fail), this will * be the last status code received. * Note that fetch() may return false even if this returns 200. * * @since 0.8.8 */ public int getStatusCode() { return _responseCode; } /** * The server text ("OK", "Not Found", etc). * Note that the text may contain % encoding. * * @return null if invalid, or if the proxy never responded, * or if no proxy was used and the server never responded. * If a non-proxied request partially succeeded (for example a redirect followed * by a fail, or a partial fetch followed by a fail), this will * be the last status code received. * Note that fetch() may return false even if this returns "OK". * * @since 0.9.9 */ public String getStatusText() { return _responseText; } /** * If called (before calling fetch()), * data from the server or proxy will be written to the * output file or stream even on an error response code (4xx, 5xx, etc). * The error data will only be written if no previous data was written * on an earlier try. * Caller must of course check getStatusCode() or the * fetch() return value. * * @since 0.8.8 */ public void setWriteErrorToOutput() { _shouldWriteErrorToOutput = true; } /** * Add an extra header to the request. * Must be called before fetch(). * Not supported by EepHead. * As of 0.9.10, If name is User-Agent, this will replace the default User-Agent header. * As of 0.9.14, If name is If-None-Match or If-Modified-Since, * this will replace the etag or last-modified value given in the constructor. * Note that headers may be subsequently modified or removed in the I2PTunnel HTTP Client proxy. * * @since 0.8.8 */ public void addHeader(String name, String value) { if (_extraHeaders == null) _extraHeaders = new ArrayList<String>(); _extraHeaders.add(name + ": " + value); } /** * Add basic authorization header for the proxy. * Only added if the request is going through a proxy. * Must be called before fetch(). * * @since 0.8.9 */ public void addAuthorization(String userName, String password) { if (_shouldProxy) { // Could only do this for Basic // Now we always wait for the 407, in the hope we can use Digest //addHeader("Proxy-Authorization", // "Basic " + Base64.encode(DataHelper.getUTF8(userName + ':' + password), true)); // true = use standard alphabet if (_authState != null) throw new IllegalStateException(); _authState = new AuthState(userName, password); } } /** * Parse the args in an authentication header. * * Modified from LoadClientAppsJob. * All keys are mapped to lower case. * Double quotes around values are stripped. * Ref: RFC 2617 * * Public for I2PTunnelHTTPClientBase; use outside of tree at own risk, subject to change or removal * * @param args non-null, starting after "Digest " or "Basic " * @since 0.9.4, moved from I2PTunnelHTTPClientBase in 0.9.12 */ public static Map<String, String> parseAuthArgs(String args) { Map<String, String> rv = new HashMap<String, String>(8); char data[] = args.toCharArray(); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(32); boolean isQuoted = false; String key = null; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { switch (data[i]) { case '"': if (isQuoted) { // keys never quoted if (key != null) { rv.put(key, buf.toString().trim()); key = null; } buf.setLength(0); } isQuoted = !isQuoted; break; case ' ': case '\r': case '\n': case '\t': case ',': // whitespace - if we're in a quoted section, keep this as part of the quote, // otherwise use it as a delim if (isQuoted) { buf.append(data[i]); } else { if (key != null) { rv.put(key, buf.toString().trim()); key = null; } buf.setLength(0); } break; case '=': if (isQuoted) { buf.append(data[i]); } else { key = buf.toString().trim().toLowerCase(Locale.US); buf.setLength(0); } break; default: buf.append(data[i]); break; } } if (key != null) rv.put(key, buf.toString().trim()); return rv; } /** * @since 0.9.12 */ protected enum AUTH_MODE {NONE, BASIC, DIGEST, UNKNOWN} /** * Manage the authentication parameters * Ref: RFC 2617 * Supports both Basic and Digest, however i2ptunnel HTTP proxy * has migrated all previous Basic support to Digest. * * @since 0.9.12 */ protected class AuthState { private final String username; private final String password; // as recvd in 407 public AUTH_MODE authMode = AUTH_MODE.NONE; // as recvd in 407, after the mode string private String authChallenge; public boolean authSent; private int nonceCount; private String cnonce; // as parsed from authChallenge private Map<String, String> args; public AuthState(String user, String pw) { username = user; password = pw; } /** * May be called multiple times, save the best one */ public void setAuthChallenge(String auth) { String authLC = auth.toLowerCase(Locale.US); if (authLC.startsWith("basic ")) { // better than anything but DIGEST if (authMode != AUTH_MODE.DIGEST) { // use standard alphabet authMode = AUTH_MODE.BASIC; authChallenge = auth.substring(6); } } else if (authLC.startsWith("digest ")) { // better than anything authMode = AUTH_MODE.DIGEST; authChallenge = auth.substring(7); } else { // better than NONE only if (authMode == AUTH_MODE.NONE) { authMode = AUTH_MODE.UNKNOWN; authChallenge = null; } } nonceCount = 0; args = null; } public String getAuthHeader(String method, String uri) throws IOException { switch (authMode) { case BASIC: authSent = true; // use standard alphabet return "Basic " + Base64.encode(DataHelper.getUTF8(username + ':' + password), true); case DIGEST: if (authChallenge == null) throw new IOException("Bad proxy auth response"); if (args == null) args = parseAuthArgs(authChallenge); Map<String, String> outArgs = generateAuthArgs(method, uri); if (outArgs == null) throw new IOException("Bad proxy auth response"); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(256); buf.append("Digest"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : outArgs.entrySet()) { buf.append(' ').append(e.getKey()).append('=').append(e.getValue()); } authSent = true; return buf.toString(); default: throw new IOException("Unknown proxy auth type " + authChallenge); } } /** * Generate the digest authentication parameters * Ref: RFC 2617 * * @since 0.9.12 modified from I2PTunnelHTTPClientBase.validateDigest() */ public Map<String, String> generateAuthArgs(String method, String uri) throws IOException { Map<String, String> rv = new HashMap<String, String>(12); String realm = args.get("realm"); String nonce = args.get("nonce"); String qop = args.get("qop"); String opaque = args.get("opaque"); //String algorithm = args.get("algorithm"); //String stale = args.get("stale"); if (realm == null || nonce == null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Bad digest request: " + DataHelper.toString(args)); throw new IOException("Bad auth response"); } rv.put("username", '"' + username + '"'); rv.put("realm", '"' + realm + '"'); rv.put("nonce", '"' + nonce + '"'); rv.put("uri", '"' + uri + '"'); if (opaque != null) rv.put("opaque", '"' + opaque + '"'); String kdMiddle; if ("auth".equals(qop)) { rv.put("qop", "\"auth\""); if (cnonce == null) { byte[] rand = new byte[5]; _context.random().nextBytes(rand); cnonce = Base32.encode(rand); } // else reuse on redirect rv.put("cnonce", '"' + cnonce + '"'); String nc = lc8hex(++nonceCount); rv.put("nc", nc); kdMiddle = ':' + nc + ':' + cnonce + ':' + qop; } else { kdMiddle = ""; } // get H(A1) String ha1 = PasswordManager.md5Hex(username + ':' + realm + ':' + password); // get H(A2) String a2 = method + ':' + uri; String ha2 = PasswordManager.md5Hex(a2); // response String kd = ha1 + ':' + nonce + kdMiddle + ':' + ha2; rv.put("response", '"' + PasswordManager.md5Hex(kd) + '"'); return rv; } } /** * @return 8 hex chars, lower case, e.g. 00000001 * @since 0.8.10 */ private static String lc8hex(int nc) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(8); for (int i = 28; i >= 0; i -= 4) { int v = (nc >> i) & 0xf; if (v < 10) buf.append((char) (v + '0')); else buf.append((char) (v + 'a' - 10)); } return buf.toString(); } /** * Decompressor thread. * Copied / modified from i2ptunnel HTTPResponseOutputStream (GPL) * * @since 0.8.10 */ protected class Gunzipper implements Runnable { private final InputStream _inRaw; private final OutputStream _out; public Gunzipper(InputStream in, OutputStream out) { _inRaw = in; _out = out; } public void run() { ReusableGZIPInputStream in = ReusableGZIPInputStream.acquire(); ByteArray ba = null; long written = 0; try { // blocking in.initialize(_inRaw); DataHelper.copy(in, _out); } catch (IOException ioe) { _decompressException = ioe; if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Error decompressing: " + written + ", " + in.getTotalRead() + "/" + in.getTotalExpanded(), ioe); } catch (OutOfMemoryError oom) { _decompressException = new IOException("OOM in HTTP Decompressor"); _log.error("OOM in HTTP Decompressor", oom); } finally { if (_out != null) try { _out.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} ReusableGZIPInputStream.release(in); } } } }