package net.i2p.router.web; import; import; import; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import net.i2p.stat.Rate; /** * /graphs.jsp, including form, and /graph.jsp */ public class GraphHelper extends FormHandler { protected Writer _out; private int _periodCount; private boolean _showEvents; private int _width; private int _height; private int _refreshDelaySeconds; private boolean _persistent; private String _stat; private int _end; private static final String PROP_X = "routerconsole.graphX"; private static final String PROP_Y = "routerconsole.graphY"; private static final String PROP_REFRESH = "routerconsole.graphRefresh"; private static final String PROP_PERIODS = "routerconsole.graphPeriods"; private static final String PROP_EVENTS = "routerconsole.graphEvents"; public static final int DEFAULT_X = 250; public static final int DEFAULT_Y = 100; private static final int DEFAULT_REFRESH = 5*60; private static final int DEFAULT_PERIODS = 60; static final int MAX_X = 2048; static final int MAX_Y = 1024; private static final int MIN_X = 200; private static final int MIN_Y = 60; private static final int MIN_C = 20; private static final int MAX_C = SummaryListener.MAX_ROWS; private static final int MIN_REFRESH = 15; /** set the defaults after we have a context */ @Override public void setContextId(String contextId) { super.setContextId(contextId); _width = _context.getProperty(PROP_X, DEFAULT_X); _height = _context.getProperty(PROP_Y, DEFAULT_Y); _periodCount = _context.getProperty(PROP_PERIODS, DEFAULT_PERIODS); _refreshDelaySeconds = _context.getProperty(PROP_REFRESH, DEFAULT_REFRESH); _showEvents = _context.getBooleanProperty(PROP_EVENTS); } /** * This must be output in the jsp since *lt;meta> must be in the <head> * @since 0.8.7 */ public String getRefreshMeta() { if (_refreshDelaySeconds <= 8 || ConfigRestartBean.getRestartTimeRemaining() < (1000 * (_refreshDelaySeconds + 30))) return ""; // shorten the refresh by 3 seconds so we beat the iframe return "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"" + (_refreshDelaySeconds - 3) + "\">"; } /** * This was a HelperBase but now it's a FormHandler * @since 0.8.2 */ public void storeWriter(Writer out) { _out = out; } public void setPeriodCount(String str) { setC(str); } /** @since 0.9 */ public void setE(String str) { try { _end = Math.max(0, Integer.parseInt(str)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} } /** @since 0.9 shorter parameter */ public void setC(String str) { try { _periodCount = Math.max(MIN_C, Math.min(Integer.parseInt(str), MAX_C)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} } public void setShowEvents(String b) { _showEvents = !"false".equals(b); } public void setHeight(String str) { setH(str); } /** @since 0.9 shorter parameter */ public void setH(String str) { try { _height = Math.max(MIN_Y, Math.min(Integer.parseInt(str), MAX_Y)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} } public void setWidth(String str) { setW(str); } /** @since 0.9 shorter parameter */ public void setW(String str) { try { _width = Math.max(MIN_X, Math.min(Integer.parseInt(str), MAX_X)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} } public void setRefreshDelay(String str) { try { int rds = Integer.parseInt(str); if (rds > 0) _refreshDelaySeconds = Math.max(rds, MIN_REFRESH); else _refreshDelaySeconds = -1; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} } /** @since 0.8.7 */ public void setPersistent(String foo) { _persistent = true; } /** * For single stat page * @since 0.9 */ public void setStat(String stat) { _stat = stat; } public String getImages() { if (StatSummarizer.isDisabled()) return ""; try { List<SummaryListener> listeners = StatSummarizer.instance().getListeners(); TreeSet<SummaryListener> ordered = new TreeSet<SummaryListener>(new AlphaComparator()); ordered.addAll(listeners); // go to some trouble to see if we have the data for the combined bw graph boolean hasTx = false; boolean hasRx = false; for (SummaryListener lsnr : ordered) { String title = lsnr.getRate().getRateStat().getName(); if (title.equals("bw.sendRate")) hasTx = true; else if (title.equals("bw.recvRate")) hasRx = true; } if (hasTx && hasRx && !_showEvents) { _out.write("<a href=\"graph?stat=bw.combined" + "&c=" + (3 * _periodCount ) + "&w=" + (3 * _width) + "&h=" + (3 * _height) + "\">"); String title = _t("Combined bandwidth graph"); _out.write("<img class=\"statimage\"" + " src=\"viewstat.jsp?stat=bw.combined" + "&periodCount=" + _periodCount + "&width=" + _width + "&height=" + (_height - 13) + "\" alt=\"" + title + "\" title=\"" + title + "\"></a>\n"); } for (SummaryListener lsnr : ordered) { Rate r = lsnr.getRate(); // e.g. "statname for 60m" String title = _t("{0} for {1}", r.getRateStat().getName(), DataHelper.formatDuration2(_periodCount * r.getPeriod())); _out.write("<a href=\"graph?stat=" + r.getRateStat().getName() + '.' + r.getPeriod() + "&c=" + (3 * _periodCount) + "&w=" + (3 * _width) + "&h=" + (3 * _height) + (_showEvents ? "&showEvents=1" : "") + "\">"); _out.write("<img class=\"statimage\" border=\"0\"" + " src=\"viewstat.jsp?stat=" + r.getRateStat().getName() + "&showEvents=" + _showEvents + "&period=" + r.getPeriod() + "&periodCount=" + _periodCount + "&width=" + _width + "&height=" + _height + "\" alt=\"" + title + "\" title=\"" + title + "\"></a>\n"); } // FIXME jrobin doesn't support setting the timezone, will have to mod // 0.9.1 - all graphs currently state UTC on them, so this text blurb is unnecessary, //_out.write("<p><i>" + _t("All times are UTC.") + "</i></p>\n"); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } return ""; } /** * For single stat page; * stat = "bw.combined" treated specially * * @since 0.9 */ public String getSingleStat() { try { if (StatSummarizer.isDisabled()) return ""; if (_stat == null) { _out.write("No stat specified"); return ""; } long period; String name, displayName; if (_stat.equals("bw.combined")) { period = 60000; name = _stat; displayName = _t("Bandwidth usage"); } else { Set<Rate> rates = StatSummarizer.instance().parseSpecs(_stat); if (rates.size() != 1) { _out.write("Graphs not enabled for " + _stat); return ""; } Rate r = rates.iterator().next(); period = r.getPeriod(); name = r.getRateStat().getName(); displayName = name; } _out.write("<h3>"); _out.write(_t("{0} for {1}", displayName, DataHelper.formatDuration2(_periodCount * period))); if (_end > 0) _out.write(' ' + _t("ending {0} ago", DataHelper.formatDuration2(_end * period))); _out.write("</h3><img class=\"statimage\" border=\"0\"" + " src=\"viewstat.jsp?stat=" + name + "&showEvents=" + _showEvents + "&period=" + period + "&periodCount=" + _periodCount + "&end=" + _end + "&width=" + _width + "&height=" + _height + "\"><p>\n"); if (_width < MAX_X && _height < MAX_Y) { _out.write(link(_stat, _showEvents, _periodCount, _end, _width * 3 / 2, _height * 3 / 2)); _out.write(_t("Larger")); _out.write("</a> - "); } if (_width > MIN_X && _height > MIN_Y) { _out.write(link(_stat, _showEvents, _periodCount, _end, _width * 2 / 3, _height * 2 / 3)); _out.write(_t("Smaller")); _out.write("</a> - "); } if (_height < MAX_Y) { _out.write(link(_stat, _showEvents, _periodCount, _end, _width, _height * 3 / 2)); _out.write(_t("Taller")); _out.write("</a> - "); } if (_height > MIN_Y) { _out.write(link(_stat, _showEvents, _periodCount, _end, _width, _height * 2 / 3)); _out.write(_t("Shorter")); _out.write("</a> - "); } if (_width < MAX_X) { _out.write(link(_stat, _showEvents, _periodCount, _end, _width * 3 / 2, _height)); _out.write(_t("Wider")); _out.write("</a> - "); } if (_width > MIN_X) { _out.write(link(_stat, _showEvents, _periodCount, _end, _width * 2 / 3, _height)); _out.write(_t("Narrower")); _out.write("</a>"); } _out.write("<br>"); if (_periodCount < MAX_C) { _out.write(link(_stat, _showEvents, _periodCount * 2, _end, _width, _height)); _out.write(_t("Larger interval")); _out.write("</a> - "); } if (_periodCount > MIN_C) { _out.write(link(_stat, _showEvents, _periodCount / 2, _end, _width, _height)); _out.write(_t("Smaller interval")); _out.write("</a>"); } _out.write("<br>"); if (_periodCount < MAX_C) { _out.write(link(_stat, _showEvents, _periodCount, _end + _periodCount, _width, _height)); _out.write(_t("Previous interval")); _out.write("</a>"); } if (_end > 0) { int end = _end - _periodCount; if (end <= 0) end = 0; if (_periodCount < MAX_C) _out.write(" - "); _out.write(link(_stat, _showEvents, _periodCount, end, _width, _height)); _out.write(_t("Next interval")); _out.write("</a> "); } _out.write("<br>"); _out.write(link(_stat, !_showEvents, _periodCount, _end, _width, _height)); if (!_stat.equals("bw.combined")) _out.write(_showEvents ? _t("Plot averages") : _t("plot events")); _out.write("</a>"); _out.write("</p><p><i>" + _t("All times are UTC.") + "</i></p>\n"); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } return ""; } /** @since 0.9 */ private static String link(String stat, boolean showEvents, int periodCount, int end, int width, int height) { return "<a href=\"graph?stat=" + stat + "&c=" + periodCount + "&w=" + width + "&h=" + height + (end > 0 ? "&e=" + end : "") + (showEvents ? "&showEvents=1" : "") + "\">"; } private static final int[] times = { 60, 2*60, 5*60, 10*60, 30*60, 60*60, -1 }; public String getForm() { if (StatSummarizer.isDisabled()) return ""; // too hard to use the standard formhandler.jsi / session nonces // since graphs.jsp needs the refresh value in its <head>. // So just use the "shared/console nonce". String nonce = CSSHelper.getNonce(); try { _out.write("<br><h3>" + _t("Configure Graph Display") + " [<a href=\"configstats\">" + _t("Select Stats") + "</a>]</h3>"); _out.write("<form action=\"graphs\" method=\"POST\">\n" + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"save\">\n" + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nonce\" value=\"" + nonce + "\" >\n"); _out.write(_t("Periods") + ": <input size=\"5\" style=\"text-align: right;\" type=\"text\" name=\"periodCount\" value=\"" + _periodCount + "\"><br>\n"); _out.write(_t("Plot averages") + ": <input type=\"radio\" class=\"optbox\" name=\"showEvents\" value=\"false\" " + (_showEvents ? "" : HelperBase.CHECKED) + "> "); _out.write(_t("or")+ " " +_t("plot events") + ": <input type=\"radio\" class=\"optbox\" name=\"showEvents\" value=\"true\" "+ (_showEvents ? HelperBase.CHECKED : "") + "><br>\n"); _out.write(_t("Image sizes") + ": " + _t("width") + ": <input size=\"4\" style=\"text-align: right;\" type=\"text\" name=\"width\" value=\"" + _width + "\"> " + _t("pixels") + ", " + _t("height") + ": <input size=\"4\" style=\"text-align: right;\" type=\"text\" name=\"height\" value=\"" + _height + "\"> " + _t("pixels") + "<br>\n"); _out.write(_t("Refresh delay") + ": <select name=\"refreshDelay\">"); for (int i = 0; i < times.length; i++) { _out.write("<option value=\""); _out.write(Integer.toString(times[i])); _out.write("\""); if (times[i] == _refreshDelaySeconds) _out.write(" selected=\"selected\""); _out.write(">"); if (times[i] > 0) _out.write(DataHelper.formatDuration2(times[i] * 1000)); else _out.write(_t("Never")); _out.write("</option>\n"); } _out.write("</select><br>\n" + _t("Store graph data on disk?") + " <input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"optbox\" value=\"true\" name=\"persistent\""); boolean persistent = _context.getBooleanPropertyDefaultTrue(SummaryListener.PROP_PERSISTENT); if (persistent) _out.write(HelperBase.CHECKED); _out.write(">" + "<hr><div class=\"formaction\"><input type=\"submit\" class=\"accept\" value=\"" + _t("Save settings and redraw graphs") + "\"></div></form>"); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } return ""; } /** * We have to do this here because processForm() isn't called unless the nonces are good * @since 0.8.7 */ @Override public String getAllMessages() { if (StatSummarizer.isDisabled()) { addFormError("Graphing not supported with this JVM: " + System.getProperty("java.vendor") + ' ' + System.getProperty("java.version") + " (" + System.getProperty("") + ' ' + System.getProperty("java.runtime.version") + ')'); if (_context.getProperty(PROP_REFRESH, 0) >= 0) { // force no refresh, save silently _context.router().saveConfig(PROP_REFRESH, "-1"); } } return super.getAllMessages(); } /** * This was a HelperBase but now it's a FormHandler * @since 0.8.2 */ @Override protected void processForm() { if ("save".equals(_action)) saveSettings(); } /** * Silently save settings if changed, no indication of success or failure * @since 0.7.10 */ private void saveSettings() { if (_width != _context.getProperty(PROP_X, DEFAULT_X) || _height != _context.getProperty(PROP_Y, DEFAULT_Y) || _periodCount != _context.getProperty(PROP_PERIODS, DEFAULT_PERIODS) || _refreshDelaySeconds != _context.getProperty(PROP_REFRESH, DEFAULT_REFRESH) || _showEvents != _context.getBooleanProperty(PROP_EVENTS) || _persistent != _context.getBooleanPropertyDefaultTrue(SummaryListener.PROP_PERSISTENT)) { Map<String, String> changes = new HashMap<String, String>(); changes.put(PROP_X, "" + _width); changes.put(PROP_Y, "" + _height); changes.put(PROP_PERIODS, "" + _periodCount); changes.put(PROP_REFRESH, "" + _refreshDelaySeconds); changes.put(PROP_EVENTS, "" + _showEvents); changes.put(SummaryListener.PROP_PERSISTENT, "" + _persistent); _context.router().saveConfig(changes, null); addFormNotice(_t("Graph settings saved")); } } private static class AlphaComparator implements Comparator<SummaryListener>, Serializable { public int compare(SummaryListener l, SummaryListener r) { String lName = l.getRate().getRateStat().getName(); String rName = r.getRate().getRateStat().getName(); int rv = lName.compareTo(rName); if (rv != 0) return rv; return (int) (l.getRate().getPeriod() - r.getRate().getPeriod()); } } }