package net.i2p.router.util; import net.i2p.I2PAppContext; import net.i2p.util.ConcurrentHashSet; import net.i2p.util.Log; /** * Double buffered hash set. * Since DecayingBloomFilter was instantiated 4 times for a total memory usage * of 8MB, it seemed like we could do a lot better, given these usage stats * on a class L router: * * ./router/java/src/net/i2p/router/tunnel/ * 32 bytes, peak 10 entries in 1m * (320 peak entries seen on fast router) * * ./router/java/src/net/i2p/router/transport/udp/ * 4 bytes, peak 150 entries in 10s * (1600 peak entries seen on fast router) * * ./router/java/src/net/i2p/router/ * 8 bytes, peak 1K entries in 2m * (36K peak entries seen on fast router) * * ./router/java/src/net/i2p/router/tunnel/ * 16 bytes, peak 15K entries in 10m * * If the ArrayWrapper object in the HashSet is 50 bytes, and BloomSHA1(23, 11) is 1MB, * then for less than 20K entries this is smaller. * And this uses space proportional to traffic, so it doesn't penalize small routers * with a fixed 8MB. * So let's try it for the first 2 or 3, for now. * * Also, DBF is synchronized, and uses SimpleTimer. * Here we use a read/write lock, with synchronization only * when switching double buffers, and we use SimpleTimer2. * * Yes, we could stare at stats all day, and try to calculate an acceptable * false-positive rate for each of the above uses, then estimate the DBF size * required to meet that rate for a given usage. Or even start adjusting the * Bloom filter m and k values on a per-DBF basis. But it's a whole lot easier * to implement something with a zero false positive rate, and uses less memory * for almost all bandwidth classes. * * This has a strictly zero false positive rate for <= 8 byte keys. * For larger keys, it is 1 / (2**64) ~= 5E-20, which is better than * DBF for any entry count greater than about 14K. * * DBF has a zero false negative rate over the period * 2 * durationMs. And a 100% false negative rate beyond that period. * This has the same properties. * * This performs about twice as fast as DBF in the test below. * * @author zzz */ public class DecayingHashSet extends DecayingBloomFilter { private ConcurrentHashSet<ArrayWrapper> _current; private ConcurrentHashSet<ArrayWrapper> _previous; /** * Create a double-buffered hash set that will decay its entries over time. * * @param durationMs entries last for at least this long, but no more than twice this long * @param entryBytes how large are the entries to be added? 1 to 32 bytes */ public DecayingHashSet(I2PAppContext context, int durationMs, int entryBytes) { this(context, durationMs, entryBytes, "DHS"); } /** @param name just for logging / debugging / stats */ public DecayingHashSet(I2PAppContext context, int durationMs, int entryBytes, String name) { super(durationMs, entryBytes, name, context); if (entryBytes <= 0 || entryBytes > 32) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad size"); _current = new ConcurrentHashSet<ArrayWrapper>(128); _previous = new ConcurrentHashSet<ArrayWrapper>(128); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("New DHS " + name + " entryBytes = " + entryBytes + " cycle (s) = " + (durationMs / 1000)); // try to get a handle on memory usage vs. false positives context.statManager().createRateStat("router.decayingHashSet." + name + ".size", "Size", "Router", new long[] { 10 * Math.max(60*1000, durationMs) }); context.statManager().createRateStat("router.decayingHashSet." + name + ".dups", "1000000 * Duplicates/Size", "Router", new long[] { 10 * Math.max(60*1000, durationMs) }); } /** unsynchronized but only used for logging elsewhere */ @Override public int getInsertedCount() { return _current.size() + _previous.size(); } /** pointless, only used for logging elsewhere */ @Override public double getFalsePositiveRate() { if (_entryBytes <= 8) return 0d; return 1d / Math.pow(2d, 64d); // 5.4E-20 } /** * @return true if the entry added is a duplicate */ @Override public boolean add(byte entry[], int off, int len) { if (entry == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null entry"); if (len != _entryBytes) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad entry [" + len + ", expected " + _entryBytes + "]"); ArrayWrapper w = new ArrayWrapper(entry, off, len); getReadLock(); try { return locked_add(w, true); } finally { releaseReadLock(); } } /** * @return true if the entry added is a duplicate. the number of low order * bits used is determined by the entryBytes parameter used on creation of the * filter. * */ @Override public boolean add(long entry) { return add(entry, true); } /** * @return true if the entry is already known. this does NOT add the * entry however. * */ @Override public boolean isKnown(long entry) { return add(entry, false); } private boolean add(long entry, boolean addIfNew) { ArrayWrapper w = new ArrayWrapper(entry); getReadLock(); try { return locked_add(w, addIfNew); } finally { releaseReadLock(); } } /** * @param addIfNew if true, add the element to current if it is not already there or in previous; * if false, only check * @return if the element is in either the current or previous set */ private boolean locked_add(ArrayWrapper w, boolean addIfNew) { boolean seen = _previous.contains(w); // only access _current once. if (!seen) { if (addIfNew) seen = !_current.add(w); else seen = _current.contains(w); } if (seen) { // why increment if addIfNew == false? Only used for stats... _currentDuplicates++; } return seen; } @Override public void clear() { _current.clear(); _previous.clear(); _currentDuplicates = 0; } /** super doesn't call clear, but neither do the users, so it seems like we should here */ @Override public void stopDecaying() { _keepDecaying = false; clear(); } @Override protected void decay() { int currentCount; long dups; if (!getWriteLock()) return; try { ConcurrentHashSet<ArrayWrapper> tmp = _previous; currentCount = _current.size(); _previous = _current; _current = tmp; _current.clear(); dups = _currentDuplicates; _currentDuplicates = 0; } finally { releaseWriteLock(); } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Decaying the filter " + _name + " after inserting " + currentCount + " elements and " + dups + " false positives"); _context.statManager().addRateData("router.decayingHashSet." + _name + ".size", currentCount); if (currentCount > 0) _context.statManager().addRateData("router.decayingHashSet." + _name + ".dups", 1000l*1000*dups/currentCount); } /** * This saves the data as-is if the length is <= 8 bytes, * otherwise it stores an 8-byte hash. * Hash function is from DataHelper, modded to get * the maximum entropy given the length of the data. */ private static class ArrayWrapper { private final long _longhashcode; public ArrayWrapper(byte[] b, int offset, int len) { int idx = offset; int shift = Math.min(8, 64 / len); long lhc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { // xor better than + in tests lhc ^= (((long) b[idx++]) << (i * shift)); } _longhashcode = lhc; } /** faster version for when storing <= 8 bytes */ public ArrayWrapper(long b) { _longhashcode = b; } public int hashCode() { return (int) _longhashcode; } public long longHashCode() { return _longhashcode; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == null || !(o instanceof ArrayWrapper)) return false; return ((ArrayWrapper) o).longHashCode() == _longhashcode; } } /** * vs. DBF, this measures 1.93x faster for testByLong and 2.46x faster for testByBytes. */ /***** public static void main(String args[]) { // KBytes per sec, 1 message per KByte int kbps = 256; int iterations = 10; //testSize(); testByLong(kbps, iterations); testByBytes(kbps, iterations); } *****/ /** and the answer is: 49.9 bytes. The ArrayWrapper alone measured 16, so that's 34 for the HashSet entry. */ /***** private static void testSize() { int qty = 256*1024; byte b[] = new byte[8]; Random r = new Random(); long old = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); ConcurrentHashSet foo = new ConcurrentHashSet(qty); for (int i = 0; i < qty; i++) { r.nextBytes(b); foo.add(new ArrayWrapper(b, 0, 8)); } long used = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); System.out.println("Memory per ArrayWrapper: " + (((double) (used - old)) / qty)); } *****/ /** 8 bytes, simulate the router message validator */ /***** private static void testByLong(int kbps, int numRuns) { int messages = 60 * 10 * kbps; Random r = new Random(); DecayingBloomFilter filter = new DecayingHashSet(I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext(), 600*1000, 8); int falsePositives = 0; long totalTime = 0; for (int j = 0; j < numRuns; j++) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < messages; i++) { if (filter.add(r.nextLong())) { falsePositives++; System.out.println("False positive " + falsePositives + " (testByLong j=" + j + " i=" + i + ")"); } } totalTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - start; filter.clear(); } System.out.println("False postive rate should be " + filter.getFalsePositiveRate()); filter.stopDecaying(); System.out.println("After " + numRuns + " runs pushing " + messages + " entries in " + DataHelper.formatDuration(totalTime/numRuns) + " per run, there were " + falsePositives + " false positives"); } *****/ /** 16 bytes, simulate the tunnel IV validator */ /***** private static void testByBytes(int kbps, int numRuns) { byte iv[][] = new byte[60*10*kbps][16]; Random r = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < iv.length; i++) r.nextBytes(iv[i]); DecayingBloomFilter filter = new DecayingHashSet(I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext(), 600*1000, 16); int falsePositives = 0; long totalTime = 0; for (int j = 0; j < numRuns; j++) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < iv.length; i++) { if (filter.add(iv[i])) { falsePositives++; System.out.println("False positive " + falsePositives + " (testByBytes j=" + j + " i=" + i + ")"); } } totalTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - start; filter.clear(); } System.out.println("False postive rate should be " + filter.getFalsePositiveRate()); filter.stopDecaying(); System.out.println("After " + numRuns + " runs pushing " + iv.length + " entries in " + DataHelper.formatDuration(totalTime/numRuns) + " per run, there were " + falsePositives + " false positives"); } *****/ }