/* Copyright (c) 2006, Matthew Estes All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Metanotion Software nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package net.metanotion.io.block.index; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import net.metanotion.io.block.BlockFile; import net.metanotion.util.skiplist.SkipList; import net.metanotion.util.skiplist.SkipLevels; import net.metanotion.util.skiplist.SkipSpan; import net.i2p.util.Log; /** * On-disk format: *<pre> * Magic number (long) * max height (unsigned short) * non-null height (unsigned short) * span page (unsigned int) * height number of level pages (unsigned ints) *</pre> * * Always fits on one page. */ public class BSkipLevels<K extends Comparable<? super K>, V> extends SkipLevels<K, V> { private static final long MAGIC = 0x42534c6576656c73l; // "BSLevels" static final int HEADER_LEN = 16; public final int levelPage; public final int spanPage; public final BlockFile bf; private final BSkipList<K, V> bsl; private boolean isKilled; // the level pages, passed from the constructor to initializeLevels(), // NOT kept up to date private final int[] lps; /** * Non-recursive initializer initializeLevels() * MUST be called on the first BSkipLevel in the skiplist * after the constructor, unless it's a new empty * level and init() was previously called. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public BSkipLevels(BlockFile bf, int levelPage, BSkipList<K, V> bsl) throws IOException { this.levelPage = levelPage; this.bf = bf; this.bsl = bsl; BlockFile.pageSeek(bf.file, levelPage); long magic = bf.file.readLong(); if (magic != MAGIC) throw new IOException("Bad SkipLevels magic number 0x" + Long.toHexString(magic) + " on page " + levelPage); bsl.levelHash.put(Integer.valueOf(this.levelPage), this); int maxLen = bf.file.readUnsignedShort(); int nonNull = bf.file.readUnsignedShort(); if(maxLen < 1 || maxLen > MAX_SIZE || nonNull > maxLen) throw new IOException("Invalid Level Skip size " + nonNull + " / " + maxLen); spanPage = bf.file.readUnsignedInt(); bottom = bsl.spanHash.get(Integer.valueOf(spanPage)); if (bottom == null) { // FIXME recover better? bf.log.error("No span found in cache???"); throw new IOException("No span found in cache???"); } this.levels = (BSkipLevels<K, V>[]) new BSkipLevels[maxLen]; if (bf.log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) bf.log.debug("Reading New BSkipLevels with " + nonNull + " / " + maxLen + " valid levels page " + levelPage + " in skiplist " + bsl); // We have to read now because new BSkipLevels() will move the file pointer lps = new int[nonNull]; for(int i = 0; i < nonNull; i++) { lps[i] = bf.file.readUnsignedInt(); } } /** * Non-recursive initializer. * MUST be called on the first BSkipLevel in the skiplist * after the constructor, unless it's a new empty * level and init() was previously called. * Only call on the first skiplevel in the list! * * @since 0.9.20 */ public void initializeLevels() { List<BSkipLevels<K, V>> toInit = new ArrayList<BSkipLevels<K, V>>(32); List<BSkipLevels<K, V>> nextInit = new ArrayList<BSkipLevels<K, V>>(32); initializeLevels(toInit); while (!toInit.isEmpty()) { for (BSkipLevels<K, V> bsl : toInit) { bsl.initializeLevels(nextInit); } List<BSkipLevels<K, V>> tmp = toInit; toInit = nextInit; nextInit = tmp; nextInit.clear(); } } /** * Non-recursive initializer. * MUST be called after constructor. * * @param nextInit out parameter, next levels to initialize * @since 0.9.20 */ private void initializeLevels(List<BSkipLevels<K, V>> nextInit) { boolean fail = false; for(int i = 0; i < lps.length; i++) { int lp = lps[i]; if(lp != 0) { levels[i] = bsl.levelHash.get(Integer.valueOf(lp)); if(levels[i] == null) { try { BSkipLevels<K, V> lev = new BSkipLevels<K, V>(bf, lp, bsl); levels[i] = lev; nextInit.add(lev); } catch (IOException ioe) { bf.log.error("Corrupt database, bad level " + i + " at page " + lp, ioe); levels[i] = null; fail = true; continue; } } K ourKey = key(); K nextKey = levels[i].key(); if (ourKey != null && nextKey != null && ourKey.compareTo(nextKey) >= 0) { bf.log.warn("Corrupt database, level out of order " + this + ' ' + print() + " i = " + i + ' ' + levels[i]); // This will be fixed in blvlfix() via BlockFile.getIndex() //levels[i] = null; //fail = true; } // TODO also check that the level[] array is not out-of-order } else { if (bf.log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) bf.log.warn(this + " i = " + i + " of " + lps.length + " / " + levels.length + " valid levels but page is zero"); levels[i] = null; fail = true; } } if (fail && bf.file.canWrite()) { // corruption is actually fixed in blvlfix() via BlockFile.getIndex() // after instantiation is complete bf.log.error("Repairing corruption of " + this + ' ' + print()); flush(); // if the removed levels have no other links to them, they and their data // are lost forever, but the alternative is infinite loops / stack overflows // in SkipSpan. } } public static void init(BlockFile bf, int page, int spanPage, int maxHeight) throws IOException { BlockFile.pageSeek(bf.file, page); bf.file.writeLong(MAGIC); bf.file.writeShort((short) maxHeight); bf.file.writeShort(0); bf.file.writeInt(spanPage); } @Override public void flush() { if (isKilled) { bf.log.error("Already killed!! " + this, new Exception()); return; } try { BlockFile.pageSeek(bf.file, levelPage); bf.file.writeLong(MAGIC); bf.file.writeShort((short) levels.length); int i = 0; for( ; i < levels.length; i++) { if(levels[i] == null) break; } bf.file.writeShort(i); bf.file.writeInt(((BSkipSpan<K, V>) bottom).page); for(int j = 0; j < i; j++) { bf.file.writeInt(((BSkipLevels<K, V>) levels[j]).levelPage); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException("Error writing to database", ioe); } } @Override public void killInstance() { if (isKilled) { bf.log.error("Already killed!! " + this, new Exception()); return; } if (bf.log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) bf.log.debug("Killing " + this + ' ' + print() /* , new Exception() */ ); isKilled = true; bsl.levelHash.remove(Integer.valueOf(levelPage)); bf.freePage(levelPage); } @Override public SkipLevels<K, V> newInstance(int levels, SkipSpan<K, V> ss, SkipList<K, V> sl) { try { BSkipSpan<K, V> bss = (BSkipSpan<K, V>) ss; BSkipList<K, V> bsl = (BSkipList<K, V>) sl; int page = bf.allocPage(); BSkipLevels.init(bf, page, bss.page, levels); if (bf.log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) bf.log.debug("New BSkipLevels height " + levels + " page " + page); return new BSkipLevels<K, V>(bf, page, bsl); // do not need to call initLevels() here } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException("Error creating database page", ioe); } } /** * Run an integrity check on the skiplevels from the first, * or just fix it if fix == true. * Only call from the first level. * @return true if the levels were modified. */ @Override public boolean blvlck(boolean fix) { if (fix) return blvlfix(); return blvlck(fix, 0, null); } /** * Fix the levels. * Only call from the first level. * Primarily to fix nulls in levels caused by previous SkipLevels bug. * This should handle dups and loops and out-of-order levels too, * but those may cause problems before this in the constructor. * This is fast enough to call every time the skiplist is opened. * @return true if the levels were modified. * @since 0.8.8 */ private boolean blvlfix() { TreeSet<SkipLevels<K, V>> lvls = new TreeSet<SkipLevels<K, V>>(new LevelComparator<K, V>()); if (bf.log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) bf.log.debug("Starting level search"); getAllLevels(this, lvls); if (bf.log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) bf.log.debug("Finished level search, found " + lvls.size() + " levels"); if (!this.equals(lvls.last())) { bf.log.error("First level is out of order! " + print()); // TODO switch stack and other fields for the skiplist - hard to test } // traverse the levels, back-to-front boolean rv = false; SkipLevels<K, V> after = null; for (SkipLevels<K, V> lv : lvls) { boolean modified = false; if (bf.log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) bf.log.debug("Checking " + lv.print()); if (after != null) { int min = Math.min(after.levels.length, lv.levels.length); for (int i = 0; i < min; i++) { SkipLevels<K, V> cur = lv.levels[i]; if (cur != after) { if (cur != null) bf.log.warn("Level " + i + " was wrong, fixing for " + lv.print()); else bf.log.warn("Level " + i + " was null, fixing for " + lv.print()); lv.levels[i] = after; modified = true; } } } else { // last one for (int i = 0; i < lv.levels.length; i++) { if (lv.levels[i] != null) { lv.levels[i] = null; bf.log.warn("Last level " + i + " was non-null, fixing for " + lv.print()); modified = true; } } } if (modified) { lv.flush(); rv = true; } after = lv; } if (bf.log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) bf.log.info("Checked " + lvls.size() + " levels"); return rv; } /** * Breadth-first, sortof * We assume everything is findable from the root level * @param l non-null * @param lvlSet out parameter, the result * @since 0.8.8 */ private void getAllLevels(SkipLevels<K, V> l, Set<SkipLevels<K, V>> lvlSet) { if (bf.log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) bf.log.debug("GAL " + l.print()); // Do level 0 without recursion, on the assumption everything is findable // from the root SkipLevels<K, V> cur = l; while (cur != null && lvlSet.add(cur)) { if (bf.log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) bf.log.debug("Adding " + cur.print()); if (!cur.equals(this) && cur.key() == null && bf.log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) bf.log.debug("Null KEY!!! " + cur.print()); cur = cur.levels[0]; } // If there were no nulls at level 0 in the middle, // i.e. there are no problems, this won't find anything for (int i = 1; i < l.levels.length; i++) { SkipLevels<K, V> lv = l.levels[i]; if (lv != null && !lvlSet.contains(lv)) getAllLevels(lv, lvlSet); } } /** * For sorting levels in blvlfix() * Sorts in REVERSE order. * @since 0.8.8 */ private static class LevelComparator<K extends Comparable<? super K>, V> implements Comparator<SkipLevels<K, V>>, Serializable { public int compare(SkipLevels<K, V> l, SkipLevels<K, V> r) { K lk = l.key(); K rk = r.key(); if (lk == null && rk == null) return 0; if (lk == null) return 1; if (rk == null) return -1; // reverse! return rk.compareTo(lk); } } /* * Recursively walk through the levels at level 0 * This needs work. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean blvlck(boolean fix, int width, SkipLevels<K, V>[] prevLevels) { bf.log.warn(" Skip level at width " + width); bf.log.warn(" levels " + this.levels.length); bf.log.warn(" first key " + this.key()); bf.log.warn(" spanPage " + this.spanPage); bf.log.warn(" levelPage " + this.levelPage); SkipLevels<K, V> higher = null; for (int i = levels.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (levels[i] != null) { bf.log.info(" level " + i + " -> " + levels[i].key() + " "); if (higher != null) { if (higher.key().compareTo(key()) < 0) bf.log.warn(" Higher level has lower key " + higher.key()); } } else { bf.log.info(" level " + i + " empty"); if (higher != null) bf.log.warn(" Higher level is not empty, key is " + higher.key()); } } if (prevLevels != null) { int min = Math.min(prevLevels.length, levels.length); for (int i = 0; i < min; i++) { if (prevLevels[i] == this) { prevLevels[i] = levels[i]; } else if (prevLevels[i] != null) { // skipping over us bf.log.warn(" Previous levels is non-null " + prevLevels[i].key() + " but not pointing to us at level " + i); // replace so we only get one error prevLevels[i] = levels[i]; } else { // dead end in the middle if (levels[i] != null) { bf.log.warn(" Previous levels is null but we are non-null " + levels[i].key() + " at level " + i); // replace so we only get one error prevLevels[i] = levels[i]; } } } } else { prevLevels = (SkipLevels<K, V>[]) new SkipLevels[levels.length]; System.arraycopy(levels, 0, prevLevels, 0, levels.length); } if (levels[0] != null) levels[0].blvlck(fix, width + 1, prevLevels); return false; } @Override public String toString() { String rv = "BSLevel height: " + levels.length + " page: " + levelPage + " span: " + bottom + " in skiplist " + bsl; if (isKilled) rv += " KILLED"; return rv; } }