package; /* * free (adj.): unencumbered; not under the control of others * Written by jrandom in 2003 and released into the public domain * with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. * It probably won't make your computer catch on fire, or eat * your children, but it might. Use at your own risk. * */ import net.i2p.I2PAppContext; import; /** * Defines a message containing arbitrary bytes of data * This is what goes in a GarlicClove. * It was also previously used for generating test messages. * * @author jrandom */ public class DataMessage extends FastI2NPMessageImpl { public final static int MESSAGE_TYPE = 20; private byte _data[]; public DataMessage(I2PAppContext context) { super(context); } public byte[] getData() { return _data; } /** * @throws IllegalStateException if data previously set, to protect saved checksum */ public void setData(byte[] data) { if (_data != null) throw new IllegalStateException(); _data = data; } public int getSize() { return _data.length; } public void readMessage(byte data[], int offset, int dataSize, int type) throws I2NPMessageException { if (type != MESSAGE_TYPE) throw new I2NPMessageException("Message type is incorrect for this message"); int curIndex = offset; long size = DataHelper.fromLong(data, curIndex, 4); curIndex += 4; if (size > MAX_SIZE) throw new I2NPMessageException("too large msg, size=" + size); _data = new byte[(int)size]; System.arraycopy(data, curIndex, _data, 0, (int)size); } /** calculate the message body's length (not including the header and footer */ protected int calculateWrittenLength() { if (_data == null) return 4; else return 4 + _data.length; } /** write the message body to the output array, starting at the given index */ protected int writeMessageBody(byte out[], int curIndex) { if (_data == null) { out[curIndex++] = 0x0; out[curIndex++] = 0x0; out[curIndex++] = 0x0; out[curIndex++] = 0x0; } else { DataHelper.toLong(out, curIndex, 4, _data.length); curIndex += 4; System.arraycopy(_data, 0, out, curIndex, _data.length); curIndex += _data.length; } return curIndex; } public int getType() { return MESSAGE_TYPE; } @Override public int hashCode() { return DataHelper.hashCode(_data); } @Override public boolean equals(Object object) { if ( (object != null) && (object instanceof DataMessage) ) { DataMessage msg = (DataMessage)object; return DataHelper.eq(_data, msg._data); } else { return false; } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("[DataMessage: "); buf.append("\n\tData: ").append(DataHelper.toString(_data, 64)); buf.append("]"); return buf.toString(); } }