package org.klomp.snark; import; import; import java.util.List; import net.i2p.I2PAppContext; import net.i2p.crypto.TrustedUpdate; import; import net.i2p.update.*; import net.i2p.util.Log; import net.i2p.util.SimpleTimer2; import org.klomp.snark.comments.CommentSet; /** * The downloader for router signed updates. * * @since 0.9.4 */ class UpdateRunner implements UpdateTask, CompleteListener { private final I2PAppContext _context; private final Log _log; private final UpdateManager _umgr; private final SnarkManager _smgr; private final UpdateType _type; private final List<URI> _urls; private volatile boolean _isRunning; private volatile boolean _hasMetaInfo; private volatile boolean _isComplete; private final String _newVersion; private URI _currentURI; private Snark _snark; private static final long MAX_LENGTH = 30*1024*1024; private static final long METAINFO_TIMEOUT = 30*60*1000; private static final long COMPLETE_TIMEOUT = 3*60*60*1000; private static final long CHECK_INTERVAL = 3*60*1000; public UpdateRunner(I2PAppContext ctx, UpdateManager umgr, SnarkManager smgr, UpdateType type, List<URI> uris, String newVersion) { _context = ctx; _log = ctx.logManager().getLog(getClass()); _umgr = umgr; _smgr = smgr; _type = type; _urls = uris; _newVersion = newVersion; } //////// begin UpdateTask methods public boolean isRunning() { return _isRunning; } public void shutdown() { _isRunning = false; if (_snark != null) { } } public UpdateType getType() { return _type; } public UpdateMethod getMethod() { return UpdateMethod.TORRENT; } public URI getURI() { return _currentURI; } public String getID() { return ""; } //////// end UpdateTask methods public void start() { _isRunning = true; update(); } /** * Loop through the entire list of update URLs. * For each one, first get the version from the first 56 bytes and see if * it is newer than what we are running now. * If it is, get the whole thing. */ private void update() { for (URI uri : _urls) { _currentURI = uri; String updateURL = uri.toString(); try { MagnetURI magnet = new MagnetURI(_smgr.util(), updateURL); byte[] ih = magnet.getInfoHash(); // do we already have it? _snark = _smgr.getTorrentByInfoHash(ih); if (_snark != null) { if (_snark.getMetaInfo() != null) { _hasMetaInfo = true; Storage storage = _snark.getStorage(); if (storage != null && storage.complete()) processComplete(_snark); } if (!_isComplete) { if (_snark.isStopped() && !_snark.isStarting()) _snark.startTorrent(); // we aren't a listener so we must poll new Watcher(); } break; } String name = magnet.getName(); String trackerURL = magnet.getTrackerURL(); if (trackerURL == null && !_smgr.util().shouldUseDHT() && !_smgr.util().shouldUseOpenTrackers()) { // but won't we use OT as a failsafe even if disabled? _umgr.notifyAttemptFailed(this, "No tracker, no DHT, no OT", null); continue; } _snark = _smgr.addMagnet(name, ih, trackerURL, true, true, null, this); if (_snark != null) { updateStatus("<b>" + _smgr.util().getString("Updating from {0}", linkify(updateURL)) + "</b>"); new Timeout(); break; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { _log.error("Invalid update URL", iae); } } if (_snark == null) fatal("No valid URLs"); } /** * This will run twice, once at the metainfo timeout and * once at the complete timeout. */ private class Timeout extends SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent { private final long _start = _context.clock().now(); public Timeout() { super(_context.simpleTimer2(), METAINFO_TIMEOUT); } public void timeReached() { if (_isComplete || !_isRunning) return; if (!_hasMetaInfo) { fatal("Metainfo timeout"); return; } if (_context.clock().now() - _start >= COMPLETE_TIMEOUT) { fatal("Complete timeout"); return; } reschedule(COMPLETE_TIMEOUT - METAINFO_TIMEOUT); } } /** * Rarely used - only if the user added the torrent, so * we aren't a complete listener. * This will periodically until the complete timeout. */ private class Watcher extends SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent { private final long _start = _context.clock().now(); public Watcher() { super(_context.simpleTimer2(), CHECK_INTERVAL); } public void timeReached() { if (_hasMetaInfo && _snark.getRemainingLength() == 0 && !_isComplete) processComplete(_snark); if (_isComplete || !_isRunning) return; if (_context.clock().now() - _start >= METAINFO_TIMEOUT && !_hasMetaInfo) { fatal("Metainfo timeout"); return; } if (_context.clock().now() - _start >= COMPLETE_TIMEOUT) { fatal("Complete timeout"); return; } notifyProgress(); reschedule(CHECK_INTERVAL); } } private void fatal(String error) { if (_snark != null) { if (_hasMetaInfo) { _smgr.stopTorrent(_snark, true); String file = _snark.getName(); _smgr.removeTorrent(file); // delete torrent file File f = new File(_smgr.getDataDir(), file); f.delete(); // delete data file = _snark.getBaseName(); f = new File(_smgr.getDataDir(), file); f.delete(); } else { _smgr.deleteMagnet(_snark); } } _umgr.notifyTaskFailed(this, error, null); _log.error(error); _isRunning = false; // stop the tunnel if we were the only one running if (_smgr.util().connected() && !_smgr.util().isConnecting()) { for (Snark s : _smgr.getTorrents()) { if (!s.isStopped()) return; } _smgr.util().disconnect(); } } private void processComplete(Snark snark) { String dataFile = snark.getBaseName(); File f = new File(_smgr.getDataDir(), dataFile); String sudVersion = TrustedUpdate.getVersionString(f); if (_newVersion.equals(sudVersion)) _umgr.notifyComplete(this, _newVersion, f); else fatal("version mismatch"); _isComplete = true; } private void notifyProgress() { if (_hasMetaInfo) { long total = _snark.getTotalLength(); long remaining = _snark.getRemainingLength(); String status = "<b>" + _smgr.util().getString("Updating") + "</b>"; _umgr.notifyProgress(this, status, total - remaining, total); } } //////// begin CompleteListener methods //////// all pass through to SnarkManager public void torrentComplete(Snark snark) { processComplete(snark); _smgr.torrentComplete(snark); } /** * This is called by stopTorrent() among others */ public void updateStatus(Snark snark) { if (snark.isStopped()) { if (!_isComplete) fatal("stopped by user"); } _smgr.updateStatus(snark); } public String gotMetaInfo(Snark snark) { MetaInfo info = snark.getMetaInfo(); if (info.getFiles() != null) { fatal("more than 1 file"); return null; } if (info.isPrivate()) { fatal("private torrent"); return null; } if (info.getTotalLength() > MAX_LENGTH) { fatal("too big"); return null; } _hasMetaInfo = true; notifyProgress(); snark.setAutoStoppable(true); return _smgr.gotMetaInfo(snark); } public void fatal(Snark snark, String error) { fatal(error); _smgr.fatal(snark, error); } public void addMessage(Snark snark, String message) { _smgr.addMessage(snark, message); } public void gotPiece(Snark snark) { notifyProgress(); _smgr.gotPiece(snark); } public long getSavedTorrentTime(Snark snark) { return _smgr.getSavedTorrentTime(snark); } public BitField getSavedTorrentBitField(Snark snark) { return _smgr.getSavedTorrentBitField(snark); } public boolean getSavedPreserveNamesSetting(Snark snark) { return _smgr.getSavedPreserveNamesSetting(snark); } public long getSavedUploaded(Snark snark) { return _smgr.getSavedUploaded(snark); } /** @since 0.9.31 */ public CommentSet getSavedComments(Snark snark) { return _smgr.getSavedComments(snark); } /** @since 0.9.31 */ public void locked_saveComments(Snark snark, CommentSet comments) { _smgr.locked_saveComments(snark, comments); } //////// end CompleteListener methods private static String linkify(String url) { String durl = url.length() <= 28 ? DataHelper.escapeHTML(url) : DataHelper.escapeHTML(url.substring(0, 25)) + "…"; // TODO urlEncode instead return "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + DataHelper.escapeHTML(url) + "\"/>" + durl + "</a>"; } private void updateStatus(String s) { _umgr.notifyProgress(this, s); } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + ' ' + getType() + ' ' + getID() + ' ' + getMethod() + ' ' + getURI(); } }