package net.i2p.router.client; /* * free (adj.): unencumbered; not under the control of others * Written by jrandom in 2003 and released into the public domain * with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. * It probably won't make your computer catch on fire, or eat * your children, but it might. Use at your own risk. * */ import java.util.Date; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.router.JobImpl; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.util.Log; /** * Async job to walk the client through generating a lease set. First sends it * to the client and then queues up a CheckLeaseRequestStatus job for * processing after the expiration. When that CheckLeaseRequestStatus is run, * if the client still hasn't provided the signed leaseSet, fire off the onFailed * job from the intermediary LeaseRequestState and drop the client. * */ class RequestLeaseSetJob extends JobImpl { private final Log _log; private final ClientConnectionRunner _runner; private final LeaseRequestState _requestState; private static final long MAX_FUDGE = 2*1000; /** temp for testing */ private static final String PROP_VARIABLE = "router.variableLeaseExpiration"; private static final boolean DFLT_VARIABLE = true; public RequestLeaseSetJob(RouterContext ctx, ClientConnectionRunner runner, LeaseRequestState state) { super(ctx); _log = ctx.logManager().getLog(RequestLeaseSetJob.class); _runner = runner; _requestState = state; // all createRateStat in ClientManager } public String getName() { return "Request Lease Set"; } public void runJob() { if (_runner.isDead()) return; LeaseSet requested = _requestState.getRequested(); long endTime = requested.getEarliestLeaseDate(); // Add a small number of ms (0 to MAX_FUDGE) that increases as we approach the expire time. // Since the earliest date functions as a version number, // this will force the floodfill to flood each new version; // otherwise it won't if the earliest time hasn't changed. long fudge = MAX_FUDGE - ((endTime - getContext().clock().now()) / (10*60*1000 / MAX_FUDGE)); //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("Adding fudge " + fudge); endTime += fudge; SessionId id = _runner.getSessionId(requested.getDestination().calculateHash()); if (id == null) { _runner.failLeaseRequest(_requestState); return; } I2CPMessage msg; if (getContext().getProperty(PROP_VARIABLE, DFLT_VARIABLE) && (_runner instanceof QueuedClientConnectionRunner || RequestVariableLeaseSetMessage.isSupported(_runner.getClientVersion()))) { // new style - leases will have individual expirations RequestVariableLeaseSetMessage rmsg = new RequestVariableLeaseSetMessage(); rmsg.setSessionId(id); for (int i = 0; i < requested.getLeaseCount(); i++) { Lease lease = requested.getLease(i); if (lease.getEndDate().getTime() < endTime) { // don't modify old object, we don't know where it came from Lease nl = new Lease(); nl.setGateway(lease.getGateway()); nl.setTunnelId(lease.getTunnelId()); nl.setEndDate(new Date(endTime)); lease = nl; //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) //"Adjusted end date to " + endTime + " for " + lease); } rmsg.addEndpoint(lease); } msg = rmsg; } else { // old style - all leases will have same expiration RequestLeaseSetMessage rmsg = new RequestLeaseSetMessage(); Date end = new Date(endTime); rmsg.setEndDate(end); rmsg.setSessionId(id); for (int i = 0; i < requested.getLeaseCount(); i++) { Lease lease = requested.getLease(i); rmsg.addEndpoint(lease.getGateway(), lease.getTunnelId()); } msg = rmsg; } try { //_runner.setLeaseRequest(state); _runner.doSend(msg); getContext().jobQueue().addJob(new CheckLeaseRequestStatus()); } catch (I2CPMessageException ime) { getContext().statManager().addRateData("client.requestLeaseSetDropped", 1); _log.error("Error sending I2CP message requesting the lease set", ime); _requestState.setIsSuccessful(false); if (_requestState.getOnFailed() != null) RequestLeaseSetJob.this.getContext().jobQueue().addJob(_requestState.getOnFailed()); _runner.failLeaseRequest(_requestState); // Don't disconnect, the tunnel will retry //_runner.disconnectClient("I2CP error requesting leaseSet"); } } /** * Schedule this job to be run after the request's expiration, so that if * it wasn't yet successful, we fire off the failure job and disconnect the * client (but if it was, noop) * */ private class CheckLeaseRequestStatus extends JobImpl { private final long _start; public CheckLeaseRequestStatus() { super(RequestLeaseSetJob.this.getContext()); _start = System.currentTimeMillis(); getTiming().setStartAfter(_requestState.getExpiration()); } public void runJob() { if (_runner.isDead()) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Already dead, dont try to expire the leaseSet lookup"); return; } if (_requestState.getIsSuccessful()) { // we didn't fail CheckLeaseRequestStatus.this.getContext().statManager().addRateData("client.requestLeaseSetSuccess", 1); return; } else { CheckLeaseRequestStatus.this.getContext().statManager().addRateData("client.requestLeaseSetTimeout", 1); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR)) { long waited = System.currentTimeMillis() - _start; _log.error("Failed to receive a leaseSet in the time allotted (" + waited + "): " + _requestState); } if (_requestState.getOnFailed() != null) RequestLeaseSetJob.this.getContext().jobQueue().addJob(_requestState.getOnFailed()); _runner.failLeaseRequest(_requestState); // Don't disconnect, the tunnel will retry //_runner.disconnectClient("Took too long to request leaseSet"); } } public String getName() { return "Check LeaseRequest Status"; } } }