package net.i2p.router.transport.udp; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import net.i2p.crypto.SigType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.router.CommSystemFacade; import net.i2p.router.CommSystemFacade.Status; import net.i2p.router.OutNetMessage; import net.i2p.router.Router; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.router.transport.Transport; import static net.i2p.router.transport.Transport.AddressSource.*; import net.i2p.router.transport.TransportBid; import net.i2p.router.transport.TransportImpl; import net.i2p.router.transport.TransportUtil; import static net.i2p.router.transport.TransportUtil.IPv6Config.*; import net.i2p.router.transport.crypto.DHSessionKeyBuilder; import static net.i2p.router.transport.udp.PeerTestState.Role.*; import static net.i2p.router.transport.udp.Sorters.*; import net.i2p.router.util.EventLog; import net.i2p.router.util.RandomIterator; import net.i2p.util.Addresses; import net.i2p.util.ConcurrentHashSet; import net.i2p.util.Log; import net.i2p.util.OrderedProperties; import net.i2p.util.SimpleTimer; import net.i2p.util.SimpleTimer2; import net.i2p.util.VersionComparator; /** * The SSU transport */ public class UDPTransport extends TransportImpl implements TimedWeightedPriorityMessageQueue.FailedListener { private final Log _log; private final List<UDPEndpoint> _endpoints; private final Object _addDropLock = new Object(); /** Peer (Hash) to PeerState */ private final Map<Hash, PeerState> _peersByIdent; /** RemoteHostId to PeerState */ private final Map<RemoteHostId, PeerState> _peersByRemoteHost; private PacketHandler _handler; private EstablishmentManager _establisher; private final MessageQueue _outboundMessages; private final OutboundMessageFragments _fragments; private final OutboundMessageFragments.ActiveThrottle _activeThrottle; private OutboundRefiller _refiller; private volatile PacketPusher _pusher; private final InboundMessageFragments _inboundFragments; //private UDPFlooder _flooder; private final PeerTestManager _testManager; private final IntroductionManager _introManager; private final ExpirePeerEvent _expireEvent; private final PeerTestEvent _testEvent; private final PacketBuilder _destroyBuilder; private Status _reachabilityStatus; private Status _reachabilityStatusPending; // only for logging, to be removed private long _reachabilityStatusLastUpdated; private int _reachabilityStatusUnchanged; private long _introducersSelectedOn; private long _lastInboundReceivedOn; private final DHSessionKeyBuilder.Factory _dhFactory; private int _mtu; private int _mtu_ipv6; private boolean _mismatchLogged; private final int _networkID; /** * Do we have a public IPv6 address? * TODO periodically update via CSFI.NetMonitor? */ private volatile boolean _haveIPv6Address; private long _lastInboundIPv6; private final int _min_peers; private final int _min_v6_peers; /** do we need to rebuild our external router address asap? */ private boolean _needsRebuild; private final Object _rebuildLock = new Object(); /** introduction key */ private SessionKey _introKey; /** * List of RemoteHostId for peers whose packets we want to drop outright * This is only for old network IDs (pre-, so it isn't really used now. */ private final Set<RemoteHostId> _dropList; private volatile long _expireTimeout; /** last report from a peer of our IP */ private Hash _lastFrom; private byte[] _lastOurIP; private int _lastOurPort; /** since we don't publish our IP/port if introduced anymore, we need to store it somewhere. */ private RouterAddress _currentOurV4Address; private RouterAddress _currentOurV6Address; private static final int DROPLIST_PERIOD = 10*60*1000; public static final String STYLE = "SSU"; public static final String PROP_INTERNAL_PORT = "i2np.udp.internalPort"; /** now unused, we pick a random port * @deprecated unused */ @Deprecated public static final int DEFAULT_INTERNAL_PORT = 8887; /** define this to explicitly set an external IP address */ public static final String PROP_EXTERNAL_HOST = ""; /** define this to explicitly set an external port */ public static final String PROP_EXTERNAL_PORT = "i2np.udp.port"; /** * If i2np.udp.preferred is set to "always", the UDP bids will always be under * the bid from the TCP transport - even if a TCP connection already * exists. If it is set to "true", * it will prefer UDP unless no UDP session exists and a TCP connection * already exists. * If it is set to "false" (the default), * it will prefer TCP unless no TCP session exists and a UDP connection * already exists. */ public static final String PROP_PREFER_UDP = "i2np.udp.preferred"; private static final String DEFAULT_PREFER_UDP = "false"; /** Override whether we will change our advertised port no matter what our peers tell us * See getIsPortFixed() for default behaviour. */ private static final String PROP_FIXED_PORT = "i2np.udp.fixedPort"; /** allowed sources of address updates */ public static final String PROP_SOURCES = "i2np.udp.addressSources"; public static final String DEFAULT_SOURCES = SOURCE_INTERFACE.toConfigString() + ',' + SOURCE_UPNP.toConfigString() + ',' + SOURCE_SSU.toConfigString(); /** remember IP changes */ public static final String PROP_IP= "i2np.lastIP"; public static final String PROP_IP_CHANGE = "i2np.lastIPChange"; public static final String PROP_LAPTOP_MODE = "i2np.laptopMode"; /** do we require introducers, regardless of our status? */ public static final String PROP_FORCE_INTRODUCERS = "i2np.udp.forceIntroducers"; /** do we allow direct SSU connections, sans introducers? */ public static final String PROP_ALLOW_DIRECT = "i2np.udp.allowDirect"; /** this is rarely if ever used, default is to bind to wildcard address */ public static final String PROP_BIND_INTERFACE = "i2np.udp.bindInterface"; /** override the "large" (max) MTU, default is PeerState.LARGE_MTU */ private static final String PROP_DEFAULT_MTU = "i2np.udp.mtu"; private static final String PROP_ADVANCED = "routerconsole.advanced"; private static final String CAP_TESTING = "" + UDPAddress.CAPACITY_TESTING; private static final String CAP_TESTING_INTRO = "" + UDPAddress.CAPACITY_TESTING + UDPAddress.CAPACITY_INTRODUCER; /** how many relays offered to us will we use at a time? */ public static final int PUBLIC_RELAY_COUNT = 3; private static final boolean USE_PRIORITY = false; /** configure the priority queue with the given split points */ private static final int PRIORITY_LIMITS[] = new int[] { 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 1000 }; /** configure the priority queue with the given weighting per priority group */ private static final int PRIORITY_WEIGHT[] = new int[] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 }; /** should we flood all UDP peers with the configured rate? This is for testing only! */ //private static final boolean SHOULD_FLOOD_PEERS = false; private static final int MAX_CONSECUTIVE_FAILED = 5; public static final int DEFAULT_COST = 5; static final long[] RATES = { 10*60*1000 }; /** minimum active peers to maintain IP detection, etc. */ private static final int MIN_PEERS = 5; private static final int MIN_PEERS_IF_HAVE_V6 = 30; /** minimum peers volunteering to be introducers if we need that */ private static final int MIN_INTRODUCER_POOL = 5; static final long INTRODUCER_EXPIRATION_MARGIN = 20*60*1000L; private static final int[] BID_VALUES = { 15, 20, 50, 65, 80, 95, 100, 115, TransportBid.TRANSIENT_FAIL }; private static final int FAST_PREFERRED_BID = 0; private static final int SLOW_PREFERRED_BID = 1; private static final int FAST_BID = 2; private static final int SLOW_BID = 3; private static final int SLOWEST_BID = 4; private static final int SLOWEST_COST_BID = 5; private static final int NEAR_CAPACITY_BID = 6; private static final int NEAR_CAPACITY_COST_BID = 7; private static final int TRANSIENT_FAIL_BID = 8; private final TransportBid[] _cachedBid; // Opera doesn't have the char, TODO check UA //private static final String THINSP = " / "; private static final String THINSP = " / "; /** * RI sigtypes supported in 0.9.16, but due to a bug in InboundEstablishState * fixed in 0.9.17, we cannot connect out to routers before that version. */ private static final String MIN_SIGTYPE_VERSION = "0.9.17"; /** * IPv6 Peer Testing supported */ private static final String MIN_V6_PEER_TEST_VERSION = "0.9.27"; public UDPTransport(RouterContext ctx, DHSessionKeyBuilder.Factory dh) { super(ctx); _networkID = ctx.router().getNetworkID(); _dhFactory = dh; _log = ctx.logManager().getLog(UDPTransport.class); _peersByIdent = new ConcurrentHashMap<Hash, PeerState>(128); _peersByRemoteHost = new ConcurrentHashMap<RemoteHostId, PeerState>(128); _dropList = new ConcurrentHashSet<RemoteHostId>(2); _endpoints = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<UDPEndpoint>(); // See comments in if (USE_PRIORITY) { TimedWeightedPriorityMessageQueue mq = new TimedWeightedPriorityMessageQueue(ctx, PRIORITY_LIMITS, PRIORITY_WEIGHT, this); _outboundMessages = mq; _activeThrottle = mq; } else { DummyThrottle mq = new DummyThrottle(); _outboundMessages = null; _activeThrottle = mq; } _cachedBid = new SharedBid[BID_VALUES.length]; for (int i = 0; i < BID_VALUES.length; i++) { _cachedBid[i] = new SharedBid(BID_VALUES[i]); } _destroyBuilder = new PacketBuilder(_context, this); _fragments = new OutboundMessageFragments(_context, this, _activeThrottle); _inboundFragments = new InboundMessageFragments(_context, _fragments, this); //if (SHOULD_FLOOD_PEERS) // _flooder = new UDPFlooder(_context, this); _expireTimeout = EXPIRE_TIMEOUT; _expireEvent = new ExpirePeerEvent(); _testManager = new PeerTestManager(_context, this); _testEvent = new PeerTestEvent(_context, this, _testManager); _reachabilityStatus = Status.UNKNOWN; _reachabilityStatusPending = Status.OK; _introManager = new IntroductionManager(_context, this); _introducersSelectedOn = -1; _lastInboundReceivedOn = -1; _mtu = PeerState.LARGE_MTU; _mtu_ipv6 = PeerState.MIN_IPV6_MTU; setupPort(); _needsRebuild = true; _min_peers = _context.getProperty("i2np.udp.minpeers", MIN_PEERS); _min_v6_peers = _context.getProperty("i2np.udp.minv6peers", MIN_PEERS_IF_HAVE_V6); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.alreadyConnected", "What is the lifetime of a reestablished session", "udp", RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.droppedPeer", "How long ago did we receive from a dropped peer (duration == session lifetime", "udp", RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.droppedPeerInactive", "How long ago did we receive from a dropped peer (duration == session lifetime)", "udp", RATES); //_context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.statusOK", "How many times the peer test returned OK", "udp", RATES); //_context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.statusDifferent", "How many times the peer test returned different IP/ports", "udp", RATES); //_context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.statusReject", "How many times the peer test returned reject unsolicited", "udp", RATES); //_context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.statusUnknown", "How many times the peer test returned an unknown result", "udp", RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.addressTestInsteadOfUpdate", "How many times we fire off a peer test of ourselves instead of adjusting our own reachable address?", "udp", RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.addressUpdated", "How many times we adjust our own reachable IP address", "udp", RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.proactiveReestablish", "How long a session was idle for when we proactively reestablished it", "udp", RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.dropPeerDroplist", "How many peers currently have their packets dropped outright when a new peer is added to the list?", "udp", RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.dropPeerConsecutiveFailures", "How many consecutive failed sends to a peer did we attempt before giving up and reestablishing a new session (lifetime is inactivity perood)", "udp", RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.inboundIPv4Conn", "Inbound IPv4 UDP Connection", "udp", RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.inboundIPv6Conn", "Inbound IPv4 UDP Connection", "udp", RATES); // following are for PacketBuider //_context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.packetAuthTime", "How long it takes to encrypt and MAC a packet for sending", "udp", RATES); //_context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.packetAuthTimeSlow", "How long it takes to encrypt and MAC a packet for sending (when its slow)", "udp", RATES); _context.simpleTimer2().addPeriodicEvent(new PingIntroducers(), MIN_EXPIRE_TIMEOUT * 3 / 4); } /** * Pick a port if not previously configured, so that TransportManager may * call getRequestedPort() before we've started to get a best-guess of what our * port is going to be, and pass that to NTCP * * @since IPv6 */ private void setupPort() { int port = getRequestedPort(); if (port < 0) { port = UDPEndpoint.selectRandomPort(_context); Map<String, String> changes = new HashMap<String, String>(); changes.put(PROP_INTERNAL_PORT, Integer.toString(port)); changes.put(PROP_EXTERNAL_PORT, Integer.toString(port)); _context.router().saveConfig(changes, null); _log.logAlways(Log.INFO, "UDP selected random port " + port); } } private synchronized void startup() { _fragments.shutdown(); if (_pusher != null) _pusher.shutdown(); if (_handler != null) _handler.shutdown(); for (UDPEndpoint endpoint : _endpoints) { endpoint.shutdown(); // should we remove? _endpoints.remove(endpoint); } if (_establisher != null) _establisher.shutdown(); if (_refiller != null) _refiller.shutdown(); _inboundFragments.shutdown(); //if (_flooder != null) // _flooder.shutdown(); _introManager.reset(); UDPPacket.clearCache(); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Starting SSU transport listening"); _introKey = new SessionKey(new byte[SessionKey.KEYSIZE_BYTES]); System.arraycopy(_context.routerHash().getData(), 0, _introKey.getData(), 0, SessionKey.KEYSIZE_BYTES); // bind host // This is not exposed in the UI and in practice is always null. // We use PROP_EXTERNAL_HOST instead. See below. String bindTo = _context.getProperty(PROP_BIND_INTERFACE); if (bindTo == null) { // If we are configured with a fixed IP address, // AND it's one of our local interfaces, // bind only to that. String fixedHost = _context.getProperty(PROP_EXTERNAL_HOST); if (fixedHost != null && fixedHost.length() > 0) { // Generate a comma-separated list of valid IP addresses // that we can bind to, // from the comma-separated PROP_EXTERNAL_HOST config. // The config may contain IPs or hostnames; expand each // hostname to one or more (v4 or v6) IPs. TransportUtil.IPv6Config cfg = getIPv6Config(); Set<String> myAddrs; if (cfg == IPV6_DISABLED) myAddrs = Addresses.getAddresses(false, false); else myAddrs = Addresses.getAddresses(false, true); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); String[] bta = DataHelper.split(fixedHost, "[,; \r\n\t]"); for (int i = 0; i < bta.length; i++) { String bt = bta[i]; if (bt.length() <= 0) continue; try { InetAddress[] all = InetAddress.getAllByName(bt); for (int j = 0; j < all.length; j++) { InetAddress ia = all[j]; if (cfg == IPV6_ONLY && (ia instanceof Inet4Address)) { if (_log.shouldWarn()) _log.warn("Configured for IPv6 only, not binding to configured IPv4 host " + bt); continue; } String testAddr = ia.getHostAddress(); if (myAddrs.contains(testAddr)) { if (buf.length() > 0) buf.append(','); buf.append(testAddr); } else { if (_log.shouldWarn()) _log.warn("Not a local address, not binding to configured IP " + testAddr); } } } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) { if (_log.shouldWarn()) _log.warn("Not binding to configured host " + bt + " - " + uhe); } } if (buf.length() > 0) { bindTo = buf.toString(); if (_log.shouldWarn() && !fixedHost.equals(bindTo)) _log.warn("Expanded external host config \"" + fixedHost + "\" to \"" + bindTo + '"'); } } } // construct a set of addresses Set<InetAddress> bindToAddrs = new HashSet<InetAddress>(4); if (bindTo != null) { // Generate a set IP addresses // that we can bind to, // from the comma-separated PROP_BIND_INTERFACE config, // or as generated from the PROP_EXTERNAL_HOST config. // In theory, the config may contain IPs and/or hostnames. // However, in practice, it's only IPs, because any hostnames // in PROP_EXTERNAL_HOST were expanded above to one or more (v4 or v6) IPs. // PROP_BIND_INTERFACE is not exposed in the UI and is never set. String[] bta = DataHelper.split(bindTo, "[,; \r\n\t]"); for (int i = 0; i < bta.length; i++) { String bt = bta[i]; if (bt.length() <= 0) continue; try { bindToAddrs.add(InetAddress.getByName(bt)); } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) { _log.error("Invalid SSU bind interface specified [" + bt + "]", uhe); //setReachabilityStatus(CommSystemFacade.STATUS_HOSED); //return; // fall thru... } } } // Requested bind port // This may be -1 or may not be honored if busy, // Priority: Configured internal, then already used, then configured external // we will check below after starting up the endpoint. int port; int oldIPort = _context.getProperty(PROP_INTERNAL_PORT, -1); int oldBindPort = getListenPort(false); int oldEPort = _context.getProperty(PROP_EXTERNAL_PORT, -1); if (oldIPort > 0) port = oldIPort; else if (oldBindPort > 0) port = oldBindPort; else port = oldEPort; if (!bindToAddrs.isEmpty() && _log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Binding only to " + bindToAddrs); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Binding to the port: " + port); if (_endpoints.isEmpty()) { // _endpoints will always be empty since we removed them above if (bindToAddrs.isEmpty()) { UDPEndpoint endpoint = new UDPEndpoint(_context, this, port, null); _endpoints.add(endpoint); setMTU(null); } else { for (InetAddress bindToAddr : bindToAddrs) { UDPEndpoint endpoint = new UDPEndpoint(_context, this, port, bindToAddr); _endpoints.add(endpoint); setMTU(bindToAddr); } } } else { // unused for now for (UDPEndpoint endpoint : _endpoints) { if (endpoint.isIPv4()) { // hack, first IPv4 endpoint, FIXME // todo, set bind address too endpoint.setListenPort(port); break; } } } if (_establisher == null) _establisher = new EstablishmentManager(_context, this); if (_handler == null) _handler = new PacketHandler(_context, this, _establisher, _inboundFragments, _testManager, _introManager); // See comments in if (USE_PRIORITY && _refiller == null) _refiller = new OutboundRefiller(_context, _fragments, _outboundMessages); //if (SHOULD_FLOOD_PEERS && _flooder == null) // _flooder = new UDPFlooder(_context, this); // Startup the endpoint with the requested port, check the actual port, and // take action if it failed or was different than requested or it needs to be saved int newPort = -1; for (UDPEndpoint endpoint : _endpoints) { try { endpoint.startup(); // hack, first IPv4 endpoint, FIXME if (newPort < 0 && endpoint.isIPv4()) { newPort = endpoint.getListenPort(); } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Started " + endpoint); } catch (SocketException se) { _endpoints.remove(endpoint); _log.error("Failed to start " + endpoint, se); } } if (_endpoints.isEmpty()) { _log.log(Log.CRIT, "Unable to open UDP port"); setReachabilityStatus(Status.HOSED); return; } if (newPort > 0 && (newPort != port || newPort != oldIPort || newPort != oldEPort)) { // attempt to use it as our external port - this will be overridden by // externalAddressReceived(...) Map<String, String> changes = new HashMap<String, String>(); changes.put(PROP_INTERNAL_PORT, Integer.toString(newPort)); changes.put(PROP_EXTERNAL_PORT, Integer.toString(newPort)); _context.router().saveConfig(changes, null); } _handler.startup(); _fragments.startup(); _inboundFragments.startup(); _pusher = new PacketPusher(_context, _fragments, _endpoints); _pusher.startup(); // must be after pusher _establisher.startup(); if (USE_PRIORITY) _refiller.startup(); //if (SHOULD_FLOOD_PEERS) // _flooder.startup(); _expireEvent.setIsAlive(true); _reachabilityStatus = Status.UNKNOWN; _testEvent.setIsAlive(true); // this queues it for 3-6 minutes in the future... _testEvent.reschedule(10*1000); // lets requeue it for Real Soon // set up external addresses // REA param is false; // TransportManager.startListening() calls router.rebuildRouterInfo() if (newPort > 0 && bindToAddrs.isEmpty()) { for (InetAddress ia : getSavedLocalAddresses()) { // Discovered or configured addresses are presumed good at the start. // when externalAddressReceived() was called with SOURCE_INTERFACE, // isAlive() was false, so setReachabilityStatus() was not called // TODO should we set both to unknown and wait for an inbound v6 conn, // since there's no v6 testing? if (ia.getAddress().length == 16) { // FIXME we need to check and time out after an hour of no inbound ipv6, // change to firewalled maybe? but we don't have any test to restore // a v6 address after it's removed. _lastInboundIPv6 = _context.clock().now(); if (!isIPv6Firewalled()) setReachabilityStatus(Status.IPV4_UNKNOWN_IPV6_OK, true); } else { if (!isIPv4Firewalled()) setReachabilityStatus(Status.IPV4_OK_IPV6_UNKNOWN); } rebuildExternalAddress(ia.getHostAddress(), newPort, false); } } else if (newPort > 0 && !bindToAddrs.isEmpty()) { for (InetAddress ia : bindToAddrs) { if (ia.getAddress().length == 16) { _lastInboundIPv6 = _context.clock().now(); if (!isIPv6Firewalled()) setReachabilityStatus(Status.IPV4_UNKNOWN_IPV6_OK, true); } else { if (!isIPv4Firewalled()) setReachabilityStatus(Status.IPV4_OK_IPV6_UNKNOWN); } rebuildExternalAddress(ia.getHostAddress(), newPort, false); } // TODO // If we are bound only to v4 addresses, // force _haveIPv6Address to false, or else we get 'no endpoint' errors // If we are bound only to v6 addresses, // override getIPv6Config() ? } if (isIPv4Firewalled()) { if (_lastInboundIPv6 > 0) setReachabilityStatus(Status.IPV4_FIREWALLED_IPV6_UNKNOWN); else setReachabilityStatus(Status.REJECT_UNSOLICITED); } rebuildExternalAddress(false); } public synchronized void shutdown() { destroyAll(); for (UDPEndpoint endpoint : _endpoints) { endpoint.shutdown(); // should we remove? _endpoints.remove(endpoint); } //if (_flooder != null) // _flooder.shutdown(); if (_refiller != null) _refiller.shutdown(); if (_handler != null) _handler.shutdown(); if (_pusher != null) _pusher.shutdown(); _fragments.shutdown(); if (_establisher != null) _establisher.shutdown(); _inboundFragments.shutdown(); _expireEvent.setIsAlive(false); _testEvent.setIsAlive(false); _peersByRemoteHost.clear(); _peersByIdent.clear(); _dropList.clear(); _introManager.reset(); UDPPacket.clearCache(); UDPAddress.clearCache(); _lastInboundIPv6 = 0; } /** * The endpoint has failed. Remove it. * * @since 0.9.16 */ public void fail(UDPEndpoint endpoint) { if (_endpoints.remove(endpoint)) { _log.log(Log.CRIT, "UDP port failure: " + endpoint); if (_endpoints.isEmpty()) { _log.log(Log.CRIT, "No more UDP sockets open"); setReachabilityStatus(Status.HOSED); // TODO restart? } rebuildExternalAddress(); } } /** @since IPv6 */ private boolean isAlive() { return _inboundFragments.isAlive(); } /** * Introduction key that people should use to contact us * */ SessionKey getIntroKey() { return _introKey; } int getExternalPort(boolean ipv6) { RouterAddress addr = getCurrentAddress(ipv6); if (addr != null) { int rv = addr.getPort(); if (rv > 0) return rv; } return getRequestedPort(ipv6); } /** * IPv4 only * @return IP or null * @since 0.9.2 */ byte[] getExternalIP() { RouterAddress addr = getCurrentAddress(false); if (addr != null) return addr.getIP(); return null; } /** * For PeerTestManager * @since 0.9.30 */ boolean hasIPv6Address() { return _haveIPv6Address; } /** * Is this IP too close to ours to trust it for * things like relaying? * @param ip IPv4 or IPv6 * @since IPv6 */ boolean isTooClose(byte[] ip) { if (allowLocal()) return false; for (RouterAddress addr : getCurrentAddresses()) { byte[] myip = addr.getIP(); if (myip == null || ip.length != myip.length) continue; if (ip.length == 4) { if (DataHelper.eq(ip, 0, myip, 0, 2)) return true; } else if (ip.length == 16) { if (DataHelper.eq(ip, 0, myip, 0, 8)) return true; } } return false; } /** * The current port of the first matching endpoint. * To be enhanced to handle multiple endpoints of the same type. * @return port or -1 * @since IPv6 */ private int getListenPort(boolean ipv6) { for (UDPEndpoint endpoint : _endpoints) { if (((!ipv6) && endpoint.isIPv4()) || (ipv6 && endpoint.isIPv6())) return endpoint.getListenPort(); } return -1; } /** * The current or configured internal IPv4 port. * UDPEndpoint should always be instantiated (and a random port picked if not configured) * before this is called, so the returned value should be > 0 * unless the endpoint failed to bind. */ @Override public int getRequestedPort() { return getRequestedPort(false); } /** * The current or configured internal port. * UDPEndpoint should always be instantiated (and a random port picked if not configured) * before this is called, so the returned value should be > 0 * unless the endpoint failed to bind. */ private int getRequestedPort(boolean ipv6) { int rv = getListenPort(ipv6); if (rv > 0) return rv; // fallbacks rv = _context.getProperty(PROP_INTERNAL_PORT, -1); if (rv > 0) return rv; return _context.getProperty(PROP_EXTERNAL_PORT, -1); } /** * Set the MTU for the socket interface at addr. * @param addr null ok * @return the mtu * @since 0.9.2 */ private int setMTU(InetAddress addr) { String p = _context.getProperty(PROP_DEFAULT_MTU); if (p != null) { try { int pmtu = Integer.parseInt(p); _mtu = MTU.rectify(false, pmtu); _mtu_ipv6 = MTU.rectify(true, pmtu); return _mtu; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} } int mtu = MTU.getMTU(addr); if (addr != null && addr.getAddress().length == 16) { if (mtu <= 0) mtu = PeerState.MIN_IPV6_MTU; _mtu_ipv6 = mtu; } else { if (mtu <= 0) mtu = PeerState.LARGE_MTU; _mtu = mtu; } return mtu; } /** * The MTU for the socket interface. * To be used as the "large" MTU. * @return limited to range PeerState.MIN_MTU to PeerState.LARGE_MTU. * @since 0.9.2 */ int getMTU(boolean ipv6) { // TODO multiple interfaces of each type return ipv6 ? _mtu_ipv6 : _mtu; } /** * If we have received an inbound connection in the last 2 minutes, don't allow * our IP to change. */ private static final int ALLOW_IP_CHANGE_INTERVAL = 2*60*1000; void inboundConnectionReceived(boolean isIPv6) { if (isIPv6) { _lastInboundIPv6 = _context.clock().now(); _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.inboundIPv6Conn", 1); // former workaround for lack of IPv6 peer testing //if (_currentOurV6Address != null) // setReachabilityStatus(Status.IPV4_UNKNOWN_IPV6_OK, true); } else { // Introduced connections are still inbound, this is not evidence // that we are not firewalled. // use OS clock since its an ordering thing, not a time thing _lastInboundReceivedOn = System.currentTimeMillis(); _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.inboundIPv4Conn", 1); } } // temp prevent multiples private boolean gotIPv4Addr = false; private boolean gotIPv6Addr = false; /** * From config, UPnP, local i/f, ... * Not for info received from peers - see externalAddressReceived(Hash, ip, port) * * @param source as defined in Transport.SOURCE_xxx * @param ip publicly routable IPv4 or IPv6, null ok * @param port 0 if unknown */ @Override public void externalAddressReceived(Transport.AddressSource source, byte[] ip, int port) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Received address: " + Addresses.toString(ip, port) + " from: " + source); if (ip == null) return; // this is essentially isValid(ip), but we can't use that because // _haveIPv6Address is not set yet if (!(isPubliclyRoutable(ip) || allowLocal())) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Invalid address: " + Addresses.toString(ip, port) + " from: " + source); return; } if (source == SOURCE_INTERFACE && ip.length == 16) { // NOW we can set it, it's a valid v6 address // (we don't want to set this for Teredo, 6to4, ...) _haveIPv6Address = true; } if (explicitAddressSpecified()) return; String sources = _context.getProperty(PROP_SOURCES, DEFAULT_SOURCES); if (!sources.contains(source.toConfigString())) return; if (!isAlive()) { if (source == SOURCE_INTERFACE || source == SOURCE_UPNP) { try { InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getByAddress(ip); saveLocalAddress(ia); } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) {} } return; } if (source == SOURCE_INTERFACE) { // temp prevent multiples if (ip.length == 4) { if (gotIPv4Addr) return; else gotIPv4Addr = true; } else if (ip.length == 16) { if (gotIPv6Addr) return; else gotIPv6Addr = true; } } boolean changed = changeAddress(ip, port); // Assume if we have an interface with a public IP that we aren't firewalled. // If this is wrong, the peer test will figure it out and change the status. if (changed && source == SOURCE_INTERFACE) { if (ip.length == 4) { if (!isIPv4Firewalled()) setReachabilityStatus(Status.IPV4_OK_IPV6_UNKNOWN); } else if (ip.length == 16) { // TODO should we set both to unknown and wait for an inbound v6 conn, // since there's no v6 testing? if (!isIPv6Firewalled()) setReachabilityStatus(Status.IPV4_UNKNOWN_IPV6_OK, true); } } } /** * Callback from UPnP. * If we we have an IP address and UPnP claims success, believe it. * If this is wrong, the peer test will figure it out and change the status. * Don't do anything if UPnP claims failure. */ @Override public void forwardPortStatus(byte[] ip, int port, int externalPort, boolean success, String reason) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) { if (success) _log.warn("UPnP has opened the SSU port: " + port + " via " + Addresses.toString(ip, externalPort)); else _log.warn("UPnP has failed to open the SSU port: " + port + " reason: " + reason); } if (success && ip != null && getExternalIP() != null) { if (!isIPv4Firewalled()) setReachabilityStatus(Status.IPV4_OK_IPV6_UNKNOWN); } } /** * Someone we tried to contact gave us what they think our IP address is. * Right now, we just blindly trust them, changing our IP and port on a * whim. this is not good ;) * * Slight enhancement - require two different peers in a row to agree * * Todo: * - Much better tracking of troublemakers * - Disable if we have good local address or UPnP * - This gets harder if and when we publish multiple addresses, or IPv6 * * @param from Hash of inbound destination * @param ourIP publicly routable IPv4 only * @param ourPort >= 1024 */ void externalAddressReceived(Hash from, byte ourIP[], int ourPort) { boolean isValid = isValid(ourIP) && TransportUtil.isValidPort(ourPort); boolean explicitSpecified = explicitAddressSpecified(); boolean inboundRecent = _lastInboundReceivedOn + ALLOW_IP_CHANGE_INTERVAL > System.currentTimeMillis(); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"External address received: " + Addresses.toString(ourIP, ourPort) + " from " + from + ", isValid? " + isValid + ", explicitSpecified? " + explicitSpecified + ", receivedInboundRecent? " + inboundRecent + " status " + _reachabilityStatus); if (ourIP.length != 4) { return; } if (explicitSpecified) return; String sources = _context.getProperty(PROP_SOURCES, DEFAULT_SOURCES); if (!sources.contains("ssu")) return; if (!isValid) { // ignore them if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR)) _log.error("The router " + from + " told us we have an invalid IP - " + Addresses.toString(ourIP, ourPort) + ". Lets throw tomatoes at them"); markUnreachable(from); //_context.banlist().banlistRouter(from, "They said we had an invalid IP", STYLE); return; } RouterAddress addr = getCurrentExternalAddress(false); if (inboundRecent && addr != null && addr.getPort() > 0 && addr.getHost() != null) { // use OS clock since its an ordering thing, not a time thing // Note that this fails us if we switch from one IP to a second, then back to the first, // as some routers still have the first IP and will successfully connect, // leaving us thinking the second IP is still good. if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Ignoring IP address suggestion, since we have received an inbound con recently"); } else { // New IP boolean changeIt = false; synchronized(this) { if (from.equals(_lastFrom) || !eq(_lastOurIP, _lastOurPort, ourIP, ourPort)) { _lastFrom = from; _lastOurIP = ourIP; _lastOurPort = ourPort; if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"The router " + from + " told us we have a new IP - " + Addresses.toString(ourIP, ourPort) + ". Wait until somebody else tells us the same thing."); } else { _lastFrom = from; _lastOurIP = ourIP; _lastOurPort = ourPort; changeIt = true; } } if (changeIt) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) + " and " + _lastFrom + " agree we have a new IP - " + Addresses.toString(ourIP, ourPort) + ". Changing address."); changeAddress(ourIP, ourPort); } } } /** * Possibly change our external address to the IP/port. * IP/port are already validated, but not yet compared to current IP/port. * We compare here. * * @param ourIP MUST have been previously validated with isValid() * IPv4 or IPv6 OK * @param ourPort >= 1024 or 0 for no change */ private boolean changeAddress(byte ourIP[], int ourPort) { // this defaults to true when we are firewalled and false otherwise. boolean fixedPort = getIsPortFixed(); boolean updated = false; boolean fireTest = false; boolean isIPv6 = ourIP.length == 16; RouterAddress current = getCurrentExternalAddress(isIPv6); byte[] externalListenHost = current != null ? current.getIP() : null; int externalListenPort = current != null ? current.getPort() : getRequestedPort(isIPv6); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Change address? status = " + _reachabilityStatus + " diff = " + (_context.clock().now() - _reachabilityStatusLastUpdated) + " old = " + Addresses.toString(externalListenHost, externalListenPort) + " new = " + Addresses.toString(ourIP, ourPort)); if ((fixedPort && externalListenPort > 0) || ourPort <= 0) ourPort = externalListenPort; synchronized (this) { if (ourPort > 0 && !eq(externalListenHost, externalListenPort, ourIP, ourPort)) { // This prevents us from changing our IP when we are not firewalled //if ( (_reachabilityStatus != CommSystemFacade.STATUS_OK) || // (_externalListenHost == null) || (_externalListenPort <= 0) || // (_context.clock().now() - _reachabilityStatusLastUpdated > 2*TEST_FREQUENCY) ) { // they told us something different and our tests are either old or failing if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Trying to change our external address to " + Addresses.toString(ourIP, ourPort)); RouterAddress newAddr = rebuildExternalAddress(ourIP, ourPort, true); updated = newAddr != null; //} else { // // they told us something different, but our tests are recent and positive, // // so lets test again // fireTest = true; // if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) // _log.warn("Different address, but we're fine.. (" + _reachabilityStatus + ")"); //} } else { // matched what we expect if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Same address as the current one"); } } if (fireTest) { // always false, commented out above _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.addressTestInsteadOfUpdate", 1); _testEvent.forceRunImmediately(isIPv6); } else if (updated) { _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.addressUpdated", 1); Map<String, String> changes = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (ourIP.length == 4 && !fixedPort) changes.put(PROP_EXTERNAL_PORT, Integer.toString(ourPort)); // queue a country code lookup of the new IP if (ourIP.length == 4) _context.commSystem().queueLookup(ourIP); // store these for laptop-mode (change ident on restart... or every time... when IP changes) // IPV4 ONLY String oldIP = _context.getProperty(PROP_IP); String newIP = Addresses.toString(ourIP); if (ourIP.length == 4 && !newIP.equals(oldIP)) { long lastChanged = 0; long now = _context.clock().now(); String lcs = _context.getProperty(PROP_IP_CHANGE); if (lcs != null) { try { lastChanged = Long.parseLong(lcs); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} } changes.put(PROP_IP, newIP); changes.put(PROP_IP_CHANGE, Long.toString(now)); _context.router().saveConfig(changes, null); if (oldIP != null) { _context.router().eventLog().addEvent(EventLog.CHANGE_IP, newIP); } // laptop mode // For now, only do this at startup if (oldIP != null && System.getProperty("wrapper.version") != null && _context.getBooleanProperty(PROP_LAPTOP_MODE) && now - lastChanged > 10*60*1000 && _context.router().getUptime() < 10*60*1000) { _log.log(Log.CRIT, "IP changed, restarting with a new identity and port"); // this removes the UDP port config _context.router().killKeys(); // do we need WrapperManager.signalStopped() like in ConfigServiceHandler ??? // without it, the wrapper complains "shutdown unexpectedly" // but we can't have that dependency in the router _context.router().shutdown(Router.EXIT_HARD_RESTART); // doesn't return } } else if (ourIP.length == 4 && !fixedPort) { // save PROP_EXTERNAL_PORT _context.router().saveConfig(changes, null); } // deadlock thru here ticket #1699 _context.router().rebuildRouterInfo(); _testEvent.forceRunImmediately(isIPv6); } return updated; } /** * @param laddr and raddr may be null */ private static final boolean eq(byte laddr[], int lport, byte raddr[], int rport) { return (rport == lport) && DataHelper.eq(laddr, raddr); } /** * An IPv6 address is only valid if we are configured to support IPv6 * AND we have a public IPv6 address. * * @param addr may be null, returns false */ public final boolean isValid(byte addr[]) { if (addr == null) return false; if (isPubliclyRoutable(addr) && (addr.length != 16 || _haveIPv6Address)) return true; return allowLocal(); } /** * Was true before 0.9.2 * Now false if we need introducers (as perhaps that's why we need them, * our firewall is changing our port), unless overridden by the property. * We must have an accurate external port when firewalled, or else * our signature of the SessionCreated packet will be invalid. */ private boolean getIsPortFixed() { String prop = _context.getProperty(PROP_FIXED_PORT); if (prop != null) return Boolean.parseBoolean(prop); Status status = getReachabilityStatus(); return status != Status.REJECT_UNSOLICITED && status != Status.IPV4_FIREWALLED_IPV6_OK && status != Status.IPV4_FIREWALLED_IPV6_UNKNOWN; } /** * get the state for the peer at the given remote host/port, or null * if no state exists */ PeerState getPeerState(RemoteHostId hostInfo) { return _peersByRemoteHost.get(hostInfo); } /** * Get the states for all peers at the given remote host, ignoring port. * Used for a last-chance search for a peer that changed port, by PacketHandler. * Always returns empty list for IPv6 hostInfo. * @since 0.9.3 */ List<PeerState> getPeerStatesByIP(RemoteHostId hostInfo) { List<PeerState> rv = new ArrayList<PeerState>(4); byte[] ip = hostInfo.getIP(); if (ip != null && ip.length == 4) { for (PeerState ps : _peersByIdent.values()) { if (DataHelper.eq(ip, ps.getRemoteIP())) rv.add(ps); } } return rv; } /** * get the state for the peer with the given ident, or null * if no state exists */ PeerState getPeerState(Hash remotePeer) { return _peersByIdent.get(remotePeer); } /** * Remove and add to peersByRemoteHost map * @since 0.9.3 */ void changePeerPort(PeerState peer, int newPort) { // this happens a lot int oldPort; synchronized (_addDropLock) { oldPort = peer.getRemotePort(); if (oldPort != newPort) { _peersByRemoteHost.remove(peer.getRemoteHostId()); peer.changePort(newPort); _peersByRemoteHost.put(peer.getRemoteHostId(), peer); } } if (_log.shouldInfo() && oldPort != newPort)"Changed port from " + oldPort + " to " + newPort + " for " + peer); } /** * For IntroductionManager * @return may be null if not started * @since 0.9.2 */ EstablishmentManager getEstablisher() { return _establisher; } /** * Intercept RouterInfo entries received directly from a peer to inject them into * the PeersByCapacity listing. * */ /* public void messageReceived(I2NPMessage inMsg, RouterIdentity remoteIdent, Hash remoteIdentHash, long msToReceive, int bytesReceived) { if (inMsg instanceof DatabaseStoreMessage) { DatabaseStoreMessage dsm = (DatabaseStoreMessage)inMsg; if (dsm.getValueType() == DatabaseStoreMessage.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO) { Hash from = remoteIdentHash; if (from == null) from = remoteIdent.getHash(); if (from.equals(dsm.getKey())) { // db info received directly from the peer - inject it into the peersByCapacity RouterInfo info = dsm.getRouterInfo(); Set addresses = info.getAddresses(); for (Iterator iter = addresses.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { RouterAddress addr = (RouterAddress); if (!STYLE.equals(addr.getTransportStyle())) continue; Properties opts = addr.getOptions(); if ( (opts != null) && (info.isValid()) ) { String capacities = opts.getProperty(UDPAddress.PROP_CAPACITY); if (capacities != null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Intercepting and storing the capacities for " + from.toBase64() + ": " + capacities); PeerState peer = getPeerState(from); for (int i = 0; i < capacities.length(); i++) { char capacity = capacities.charAt(i); int cap = capacity - 'A'; if ( (cap < 0) || (cap >= _peersByCapacity.length) ) continue; List peers = _peersByCapacity[cap]; synchronized (peers) { if ( (peers.size() < MAX_PEERS_PER_CAPACITY) && (!peers.contains(peer)) ) peers.add(peer); } } } } // this was an SSU address so we're done now break; } } } } super.messageReceived(inMsg, remoteIdent, remoteIdentHash, msToReceive, bytesReceived); } */ /** * add the peer info, returning true if it went in properly, false if * it was rejected (causes include peer ident already connected, or no * remote host info known * */ boolean addRemotePeerState(PeerState peer) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Add remote peer state: " + peer); synchronized(_addDropLock) { return locked_addRemotePeerState(peer); } } private boolean locked_addRemotePeerState(PeerState peer) { Hash remotePeer = peer.getRemotePeer(); long oldEstablishedOn = -1; PeerState oldPeer = null; if (remotePeer != null) { oldPeer = _peersByIdent.put(remotePeer, peer); if ( (oldPeer != null) && (oldPeer != peer) ) { // this happens a lot if (_log.shouldInfo())"Peer already connected (PBID): old=" + oldPeer + " new=" + peer); // transfer over the old state/inbound message fragments/etc peer.loadFrom(oldPeer); oldEstablishedOn = oldPeer.getKeyEstablishedTime(); } } RemoteHostId remoteId = peer.getRemoteHostId(); if (oldPeer != null) { oldPeer.dropOutbound(); _introManager.remove(oldPeer); _expireEvent.remove(oldPeer); RemoteHostId oldID = oldPeer.getRemoteHostId(); if (!remoteId.equals(oldID)) { // leak fix, remove old address if (_log.shouldInfo()) + " changed address FROM " + oldID + " TO " + remoteId); PeerState oldPeer2 = _peersByRemoteHost.remove(oldID); // different ones in the two maps? shouldn't happen if (oldPeer2 != oldPeer && oldPeer2 != null) { oldPeer2.dropOutbound(); _introManager.remove(oldPeer2); _expireEvent.remove(oldPeer2); } } } // Should always be direct... except maybe for hidden mode? // or do we always know the IP by now? if (remoteId.getIP() == null && _log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Add indirect: " + peer); // don't do this twice PeerState oldPeer2 = _peersByRemoteHost.put(remoteId, peer); if (oldPeer2 != null && oldPeer2 != peer && oldPeer2 != oldPeer) { // this shouldn't happen, should have been removed above if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Peer already connected (PBRH): old=" + oldPeer2 + " new=" + peer); // transfer over the old state/inbound message fragments/etc peer.loadFrom(oldPeer2); oldEstablishedOn = oldPeer2.getKeyEstablishedTime(); oldPeer2.dropOutbound(); _introManager.remove(oldPeer2); _expireEvent.remove(oldPeer2); } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN) && !_mismatchLogged && _peersByIdent.size() != _peersByRemoteHost.size()) { _mismatchLogged = true; _log.warn("Size Mismatch after add: " + peer + " byIDsz = " + _peersByIdent.size() + " byHostsz = " + _peersByRemoteHost.size()); } _activeThrottle.unchoke(peer.getRemotePeer()); markReachable(peer.getRemotePeer(), peer.isInbound()); //_context.banlist().unbanlistRouter(peer.getRemotePeer(), STYLE); //if (SHOULD_FLOOD_PEERS) // _flooder.addPeer(peer); _expireEvent.add(peer); _introManager.add(peer); if (oldEstablishedOn > 0) _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.alreadyConnected", oldEstablishedOn); synchronized(_rebuildLock) { rebuildIfNecessary(); Status status = getReachabilityStatus(); if (status != Status.OK && status != Status.IPV4_OK_IPV6_UNKNOWN && status != Status.IPV4_OK_IPV6_FIREWALLED && status != Status.IPV4_DISABLED_IPV6_OK && status != Status.IPV4_DISABLED_IPV6_UNKNOWN && status != Status.IPV4_DISABLED_IPV6_FIREWALLED && status != Status.DISCONNECTED && _reachabilityStatusUnchanged < 7) { _testEvent.forceRunSoon(peer.isIPv6()); } } return true; } /*** infinite loop public RouterAddress getCurrentAddress() { if (needsRebuild()) rebuildExternalAddress(false); return super.getCurrentAddress(); } ***/ @Override public void messageReceived(I2NPMessage inMsg, RouterIdentity remoteIdent, Hash remoteIdentHash, long msToReceive, int bytesReceived) { if (inMsg.getType() == DatabaseStoreMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE) { DatabaseStoreMessage dsm = (DatabaseStoreMessage)inMsg; DatabaseEntry entry = dsm.getEntry(); if (entry == null) return; if (entry.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO && ((RouterInfo) entry).getNetworkId() != _networkID) { // this is pre-, so it isn't going to happen any more /* if (remoteIdentHash != null) { _context.banlist().banlistRouter(remoteIdentHash, "Sent us a peer from the wrong network"); dropPeer(remoteIdentHash); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR)) _log.error("Dropping the peer " + remoteIdentHash + " because they are in the wrong net"); } else if (remoteIdent != null) { _context.banlist().banlistRouter(remoteIdent.calculateHash(), "Sent us a peer from the wrong network"); dropPeer(remoteIdent.calculateHash()); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR)) _log.error("Dropping the peer " + remoteIdent.calculateHash() + " because they are in the wrong net"); } */ Hash peerHash = entry.getHash(); PeerState peer = getPeerState(peerHash); if (peer != null) { RemoteHostId remote = peer.getRemoteHostId(); _dropList.add(remote); _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.dropPeerDroplist", 1); _context.simpleTimer2().addEvent(new RemoveDropList(remote), DROPLIST_PERIOD); } markUnreachable(peerHash); _context.banlist().banlistRouter(peerHash, "Part of the wrong network, version = " + ((RouterInfo) entry).getVersion()); //_context.banlist().banlistRouter(peerHash, "Part of the wrong network", STYLE); if (peer != null) sendDestroy(peer); dropPeer(peerHash, false, "wrong network"); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Dropping the peer " + peerHash + " because they are in the wrong net: " + entry); return; } else { if (entry.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Received an RI from the same net"); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Received a leaseSet: " + dsm); } } } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Received another message: " + inMsg.getClass().getName()); } PeerState peer = getPeerState(remoteIdentHash); super.messageReceived(inMsg, remoteIdent, remoteIdentHash, msToReceive, bytesReceived); if (peer != null) peer.expireInboundMessages(); } private class RemoveDropList implements SimpleTimer.TimedEvent { private final RemoteHostId _peer; public RemoveDropList(RemoteHostId peer) { _peer = peer; } public void timeReached() { _dropList.remove(_peer); } } boolean isInDropList(RemoteHostId peer) { return _dropList.contains(peer); } /** * This does not send a session destroy, caller must do that if desired. * * @param shouldBanlist doesn't really, only sets unreachable */ void dropPeer(Hash peer, boolean shouldBanlist, String why) { PeerState state = getPeerState(peer); if (state != null) dropPeer(state, shouldBanlist, why); } /** * This does not send a session destroy, caller must do that if desired. * * @param shouldBanlist doesn't really, only sets unreachable */ void dropPeer(PeerState peer, boolean shouldBanlist, String why) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) { long now = _context.clock().now(); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(4096); long timeSinceSend = now - peer.getLastSendTime(); long timeSinceRecv = now - peer.getLastReceiveTime(); long timeSinceAck = now - peer.getLastACKSend(); long timeSinceSendOK = now - peer.getLastSendFullyTime(); int consec = peer.getConsecutiveFailedSends(); buf.append("Dropping remote peer: ").append(peer.toString()).append(" banlist? ").append(shouldBanlist); buf.append(" lifetime: ").append(now - peer.getKeyEstablishedTime()); buf.append(" time since send/fully/recv/ack: ").append(timeSinceSend).append(" / "); buf.append(timeSinceSendOK).append(" / "); buf.append(timeSinceRecv).append(" / ").append(timeSinceAck); buf.append(" consec failures: ").append(consec); if (why != null) buf.append(" cause: ").append(why); /* buf.append("Existing peers: \n"); synchronized (_peersByIdent) { for (Iterator iter = _peersByIdent.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Hash c = (Hash); PeerState p = (PeerState)_peersByIdent.get(c); if (c.equals(peer.getRemotePeer())) { if (p != peer) { buf.append(" SAME PEER, DIFFERENT STATE "); } else { buf.append(" same peer, same state "); } } else { buf.append("Peer ").append(p.toString()).append(" "); } buf.append(" lifetime: ").append(now - p.getKeyEstablishedTime()); timeSinceSend = now - p.getLastSendTime(); timeSinceRecv = now - p.getLastReceiveTime(); timeSinceAck = now - p.getLastACKSend(); buf.append(" time since send/recv/ack: ").append(timeSinceSend).append(" / "); buf.append(timeSinceRecv).append(" / ").append(timeSinceAck); buf.append("\n"); } } */, new Exception("Dropped by")); } synchronized(_addDropLock) { locked_dropPeer(peer, shouldBanlist, why); } rebuildIfNecessary(); } /** * This does not send a session destroy, caller must do that if desired. * * @param shouldBanlist doesn't really, only sets unreachable */ private void locked_dropPeer(PeerState peer, boolean shouldBanlist, String why) { peer.dropOutbound(); peer.expireInboundMessages(); _introManager.remove(peer); _fragments.dropPeer(peer); PeerState altByIdent = null; if (peer.getRemotePeer() != null) { dropPeerCapacities(peer); if (shouldBanlist) { markUnreachable(peer.getRemotePeer()); //_context.banlist().banlistRouter(peer.getRemotePeer(), "dropped after too many retries", STYLE); } long now = _context.clock().now(); _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.droppedPeer", now - peer.getLastReceiveTime(), now - peer.getKeyEstablishedTime()); altByIdent = _peersByIdent.remove(peer.getRemotePeer()); } RemoteHostId remoteId = peer.getRemoteHostId(); PeerState altByHost = _peersByRemoteHost.remove(remoteId); if (altByIdent != altByHost && _log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Mismatch on remove, RHID = " + remoteId + " byID = " + altByIdent + " byHost = " + altByHost + " byIDsz = " + _peersByIdent.size() + " byHostsz = " + _peersByRemoteHost.size()); // unchoke 'em, but just because we'll never talk again... _activeThrottle.unchoke(peer.getRemotePeer()); //if (SHOULD_FLOOD_PEERS) // _flooder.removePeer(peer); _expireEvent.remove(peer); // deal with races to make sure we drop the peers fully if ( (altByIdent != null) && (peer != altByIdent) ) locked_dropPeer(altByIdent, shouldBanlist, "recurse"); if ( (altByHost != null) && (peer != altByHost) ) locked_dropPeer(altByHost, shouldBanlist, "recurse"); } /** * Rebuild the IPv4 external address if required */ private void rebuildIfNecessary() { synchronized (_rebuildLock) { if (locked_needsRebuild()) rebuildExternalAddress(); } } private boolean locked_needsRebuild() { if (_needsRebuild) return true; // simple enough if (_context.router().isHidden()) return false; RouterAddress addr = getCurrentAddress(false); if (introducersRequired()) { UDPAddress ua = new UDPAddress(addr); long now = _context.clock().now(); int valid = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ua.getIntroducerCount(); i++) { // warning: this is only valid as long as we use the ident hash as their key. byte[] key = ua.getIntroducerKey(i); if (key.length != Hash.HASH_LENGTH) continue; long exp = ua.getIntroducerExpiration(i); if (exp > 0 && exp < now + INTRODUCER_EXPIRATION_MARGIN) continue; PeerState peer = getPeerState(new Hash(key)); if (peer != null) valid++; } long sinceSelected = now - _introducersSelectedOn; if (valid >= PUBLIC_RELAY_COUNT) { // try to shift 'em around every 10 minutes or so if (sinceSelected > 17*60*1000) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Our introducers are valid, but haven't changed in " + DataHelper.formatDuration(sinceSelected) + ", so lets rechoose"); return true; } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Our introducers are valid and were selected " + DataHelper.formatDuration(sinceSelected) + " ago"); return false; } } else if (sinceSelected > 2*60*1000) { // Rate limit to prevent rapid churn after transition to firewalled or at startup if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Need more introducers (have " +valid + " need " + PUBLIC_RELAY_COUNT + ')'); return true; } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Need more introducers (have " +valid + " need " + PUBLIC_RELAY_COUNT + ')' + " but we just chose them " + DataHelper.formatDuration(sinceSelected) + " ago so wait"); // TODO also check to see if we actually have more available return false; } } else { byte[] externalListenHost = addr != null ? addr.getIP() : null; int externalListenPort = addr != null ? addr.getPort() : -1; boolean rv = (externalListenHost == null) || (externalListenPort <= 0); if (!rv) { // shortcut to determine if introducers are present if (addr.getOption("ihost0") != null) rv = true; // status == ok and we don't actually need introducers, so rebuild } if (rv) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Need to initialize our direct SSU info (" + Addresses.toString(externalListenHost, externalListenPort) + ')'); } else if (addr.getPort() <= 0 || addr.getHost() == null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Our direct SSU info is initialized, but not used in our address yet"); rv = true; } else { //"Our direct SSU info is initialized"); } return rv; } } /** * Make sure we don't think this dropped peer is capable of doing anything anymore... * */ private void dropPeerCapacities(PeerState peer) { /* RouterInfo info = _context.netDb().lookupRouterInfoLocally(peer.getRemotePeer()); if (info != null) { String capacities = info.getOptions().getProperty(UDPAddress.PROP_CAPACITY); if (capacities != null) { for (int i = 0; i < capacities.length(); i++) { char capacity = capacities.charAt(i); int cap = capacity - 'A'; if ( (cap < 0) || (cap >= _peersByCapacity.length) ) continue; List peers = _peersByCapacity[cap]; synchronized (peers) { peers.remove(peer); } } } } */ } /** * This sends it directly out, bypassing OutboundMessageFragments. * The only queueing is for the bandwidth limiter. * BLOCKING if OB queue is full. */ void send(UDPPacket packet) { if (_pusher != null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Sending packet " + packet); _pusher.send(packet); } else { _log.error("No pusher", new Exception()); } } /** * Send a session destroy message, bypassing OMF and PacketPusher. * BLOCKING if OB queue is full. * * @since 0.8.9 */ void sendDestroy(PeerState peer) { // peer must be fully established if (peer.getCurrentCipherKey() == null) return; UDPPacket pkt = _destroyBuilder.buildSessionDestroyPacket(peer); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Sending destroy to : " + peer); send(pkt); } /** * Send a session destroy message to everybody. * BLOCKING for at least 1 sec per 1K peers, more if BW is very low or if OB queue is full. * * @since 0.8.9 */ private void destroyAll() { for (UDPEndpoint endpoint : _endpoints) { endpoint.clearOutbound(); } int howMany = _peersByIdent.size(); // use no more than 1/4 of configured bandwidth final int burst = 8; int pps = Math.max(48, (_context.bandwidthLimiter().getOutboundKBytesPerSecond() * 1000 / 4) / 48); int burstps = pps / burst; // max of 1000 pps int toSleep = Math.max(8, (1000 / burstps)); int count = 0; if (_log.shouldInfo())"Sending destroy to : " + howMany + " peers"); for (PeerState peer : _peersByIdent.values()) { sendDestroy(peer); // 1000 per second * 48 bytes = 400 KBps if ((++count) % burst == 0) { try { Thread.sleep(toSleep); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} } } toSleep = Math.min(howMany / 3, 750); if (toSleep > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(toSleep); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} } } public TransportBid bid(RouterInfo toAddress, long dataSize) { if (dataSize > OutboundMessageState.MAX_MSG_SIZE) { // NTCP max is lower, so msg will get dropped return null; } Hash to = toAddress.getIdentity().calculateHash(); PeerState peer = getPeerState(to); if (peer != null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("bidding on a message to an established peer: " + peer); if (preferUDP()) return _cachedBid[FAST_PREFERRED_BID]; else return _cachedBid[FAST_BID]; } else { // If we don't have a port, all is lost if ( _reachabilityStatus == Status.HOSED) { markUnreachable(to); return null; } // Validate his SSU address RouterAddress addr = getTargetAddress(toAddress); if (addr == null) { markUnreachable(to); return null; } // Check for supported sig type SigType type = toAddress.getIdentity().getSigType(); if (type == null || !type.isAvailable()) { markUnreachable(to); return null; } // Can we connect to them if we are not DSA? RouterInfo us = _context.router().getRouterInfo(); if (us != null) { RouterIdentity id = us.getIdentity(); if (id.getSigType() != SigType.DSA_SHA1) { String v = toAddress.getVersion(); if (VersionComparator.comp(v, MIN_SIGTYPE_VERSION) < 0) { markUnreachable(to); return null; } } } if (!allowConnection()) return _cachedBid[TRANSIENT_FAIL_BID]; if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("bidding on a message to an unestablished peer: " + to); // Try to maintain at least 5 peers (30 for v6) so we can determine our IP address and // we have a selection to run peer tests with. // If we are firewalled, and we don't have enough peers that volunteered to // also introduce us, also bid aggressively so we are preferred over NTCP. // (Otherwise we only talk UDP to those that are firewalled, and we will // never get any introducers) int count = _peersByIdent.size(); if (alwaysPreferUDP()) { return _cachedBid[SLOW_PREFERRED_BID]; } else if (count < _min_peers || (_haveIPv6Address && count < _min_v6_peers) || (introducersRequired() && _introManager.introducerCount() < MIN_INTRODUCER_POOL)) { // Even if we haven't hit our minimums, give NTCP a chance some of the time. // This may make things work a little faster at startup // (especially when we have an IPv6 address and the increased minimums), // and if UDP is completely blocked we'll still have some connectivity. // TODO After some time, decide that UDP is blocked/broken and return TRANSIENT_FAIL_BID? if (_context.random().nextInt(4) == 0) return _cachedBid[SLOWEST_BID]; else return _cachedBid[SLOW_PREFERRED_BID]; } else if (preferUDP()) { return _cachedBid[SLOW_BID]; } else if (haveCapacity()) { if (addr.getCost() > DEFAULT_COST) return _cachedBid[SLOWEST_COST_BID]; else return _cachedBid[SLOWEST_BID]; } else { if (addr.getCost() > DEFAULT_COST) return _cachedBid[NEAR_CAPACITY_COST_BID]; else return _cachedBid[NEAR_CAPACITY_BID]; } } } /** * Get first available address we can use. * @return address or null * @since 0.9.6 */ RouterAddress getTargetAddress(RouterInfo target) { List<RouterAddress> addrs = getTargetAddresses(target); for (int i = 0; i < addrs.size(); i++) { RouterAddress addr = addrs.get(i); if (addr.getOption("ihost0") == null) { byte[] ip = addr.getIP(); int port = addr.getPort(); if (ip == null || !TransportUtil.isValidPort(port) || (!isValid(ip)) || (Arrays.equals(ip, getExternalIP()) && !allowLocal())) { continue; } } else { // introducers if (getIPv6Config() == IPV6_ONLY) continue; } return addr; } return null; } private boolean preferUDP() { String pref = _context.getProperty(PROP_PREFER_UDP, DEFAULT_PREFER_UDP); return (pref != null) && ! "false".equals(pref); } private boolean alwaysPreferUDP() { String pref = _context.getProperty(PROP_PREFER_UDP, DEFAULT_PREFER_UDP); return (pref != null) && "always".equals(pref); } // We used to have MAX_IDLE_TIME = 5m, but this causes us to drop peers // and lose the old introducer tags, causing introduction fails, // so we keep the max time long to give the introducer keepalive code // in the IntroductionManager a chance to work. public static final int EXPIRE_TIMEOUT = 20*60*1000; private static final int MAX_IDLE_TIME = EXPIRE_TIMEOUT; public static final int MIN_EXPIRE_TIMEOUT = 165*1000; public String getStyle() { return STYLE; } @Override public void send(OutNetMessage msg) { if (msg == null) return; if (msg.getTarget() == null) return; if (msg.getTarget().getIdentity() == null) return; if (_establisher == null) { failed(msg, "UDP not up yet"); return; } msg.timestamp("sending on UDP transport"); Hash to = msg.getTarget().getIdentity().calculateHash(); PeerState peer = getPeerState(to); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Sending to " + (to != null ? to.toString() : "")); if (peer != null) { long lastSend = peer.getLastSendFullyTime(); long lastRecv = peer.getLastReceiveTime(); long now = _context.clock().now(); int inboundActive = peer.expireInboundMessages(); if ( (lastSend > 0) && (lastRecv > 0) ) { if ( (now - lastSend > MAX_IDLE_TIME) && (now - lastRecv > MAX_IDLE_TIME) && (peer.getConsecutiveFailedSends() > 0) && (inboundActive <= 0)) { // peer is waaaay idle, drop the con and queue it up as a new con dropPeer(peer, false, "proactive reconnection"); msg.timestamp("peer is really idle, dropping con and reestablishing"); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Proactive reestablish to " + to); _establisher.establish(msg); _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.proactiveReestablish", now-lastSend, now-peer.getKeyEstablishedTime()); return; } } msg.timestamp("enqueueing for an already established peer"); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Add to fragments for " + to); // See comments in if (USE_PRIORITY) _outboundMessages.add(msg); else // skip the priority queue and go straight to the active pool _fragments.add(msg); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Establish new connection to " + to); msg.timestamp("establishing a new connection"); _establisher.establish(msg); } } /** * Send only if established, otherwise fail immediately. * Never queue with the establisher. * @since 0.9.2 */ void sendIfEstablished(OutNetMessage msg) { _fragments.add(msg); } /** * "injected" message from the EstablishmentManager. * If you have multiple messages, use the list variant, * so the messages may be bundled efficiently. * * @param peer all messages MUST be going to this peer */ void send(I2NPMessage msg, PeerState peer) { try { OutboundMessageState state = new OutboundMessageState(_context, msg, peer); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Injecting a data message to a new peer: " + peer); _fragments.add(state, peer); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Shouldnt happen", new Exception("I did it")); } } /** * "injected" message from the EstablishmentManager, * plus pending messages to send, * so the messages may be bundled efficiently. * Called at end of outbound establishment. * * @param msg may be null if nothing to inject * @param msgs non-null, may be empty * @param peer all messages MUST be going to this peer * @since 0.9.24 */ void send(I2NPMessage msg, List<OutNetMessage> msgs, PeerState peer) { try { int sz = msgs.size(); List<OutboundMessageState> states = new ArrayList<OutboundMessageState>(sz + 1); if (msg != null) { OutboundMessageState state = new OutboundMessageState(_context, msg, peer); states.add(state); } for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { OutboundMessageState state = new OutboundMessageState(_context, msgs.get(i), peer); states.add(state); } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Injecting " + states.size() + " data messages to a new peer: " + peer); _fragments.add(states, peer); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Shouldnt happen", new Exception("I did it")); } } /** * "injected" messages from the EstablishmentManager. * Called at end of inbound establishment. * * @param peer all messages MUST be going to this peer * @since 0.9.24 */ void send(List<I2NPMessage> msgs, PeerState peer) { try { int sz = msgs.size(); List<OutboundMessageState> states = new ArrayList<OutboundMessageState>(sz); for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { OutboundMessageState state = new OutboundMessageState(_context, msgs.get(i), peer); states.add(state); } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Injecting " + sz + " data messages to a new peer: " + peer); _fragments.add(states, peer); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Shouldnt happen", new Exception("I did it")); } } // we don't need the following, since we have our own queueing protected void outboundMessageReady() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not used for UDP"); } public void startListening() { startup(); } public void stopListening() { shutdown(); replaceAddress(null); } private boolean explicitAddressSpecified() { String h = _context.getProperty(PROP_EXTERNAL_HOST); // Bug in config.jsp prior to 0.7.14, sets an empty host config return h != null && h.length() > 0; } /** * Rebuild to get updated cost and introducers. * Do not tell the router (he is the one calling this) * @since 0.7.12 */ @Override public List<RouterAddress> updateAddress() { rebuildExternalAddress(false); return getCurrentAddresses(); } /** * Update our IPv4 addresses AND tell the router to rebuild and republish the router info. * * @return the new address if changed, else null */ private RouterAddress rebuildExternalAddress() { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("REA1"); return rebuildExternalAddress(true); } /** * Update our IPv4 address and optionally tell the router to rebuild and republish the router info. * * @param allowRebuildRouterInfo whether to tell the router * @return the new address if changed, else null */ private RouterAddress rebuildExternalAddress(boolean allowRebuildRouterInfo) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("REA2 " + allowRebuildRouterInfo); // if the external port is specified, we want to use that to bind to even // if we don't know the external host. int port = _context.getProperty(PROP_EXTERNAL_PORT, -1); byte[] ip = null; String host = null; if (explicitAddressSpecified()) { host = _context.getProperty(PROP_EXTERNAL_HOST); if (host != null) { String[] hosts = DataHelper.split(host, "[,; \r\n\t]"); RouterAddress rv = null; for (int i = 0; i < hosts.length; i++) { String h = hosts[i]; if (h.length() <= 0) continue; rv = rebuildExternalAddress(h, port, allowRebuildRouterInfo); } return rv; } } else { if (!introducersRequired()) { RouterAddress cur = getCurrentExternalAddress(false); if (cur != null) host = cur.getHost(); } } return rebuildExternalAddress(host, port, allowRebuildRouterInfo); } /** * Update our IPv4 or IPv6 address and optionally tell the router to rebuild and republish the router info. * * @param ip new ip valid IPv4 or IPv6 or null * @param port new valid port or -1 * @param allowRebuildRouterInfo whether to tell the router * @return the new address if changed, else null * @since IPv6 */ private RouterAddress rebuildExternalAddress(byte[] ip, int port, boolean allowRebuildRouterInfo) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("REA3 " + Addresses.toString(ip, port)); if (ip == null) return rebuildExternalAddress((String) null, port, allowRebuildRouterInfo); if (isValid(ip)) return rebuildExternalAddress(Addresses.toString(ip), port, allowRebuildRouterInfo); return null; } /** * Update our IPv4 or IPv6 address and optionally tell the router to rebuild and republish the router info. * FIXME no way to remove an IPv6 address * * @param host new validated IPv4 or IPv6 or DNS hostname or null * @param port new validated port or 0/-1 * @param allowRebuildRouterInfo whether to tell the router * @return the new address if changed, else null * @since IPv6 */ private RouterAddress rebuildExternalAddress(String host, int port, boolean allowRebuildRouterInfo) { synchronized (_rebuildLock) { return locked_rebuildExternalAddress(host, port, allowRebuildRouterInfo); } } private RouterAddress locked_rebuildExternalAddress(String host, int port, boolean allowRebuildRouterInfo) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("REA4 " + host + ':' + port); if (_context.router().isHidden()) return null; OrderedProperties options = new OrderedProperties(); boolean directIncluded; // DNS name assumed IPv4 boolean isIPv6 = host != null && host.contains(":"); boolean introducersRequired = (!isIPv6) && introducersRequired(); if (!introducersRequired && allowDirectUDP() && port > 0 && host != null) { options.setProperty(UDPAddress.PROP_PORT, String.valueOf(port)); options.setProperty(UDPAddress.PROP_HOST, host); directIncluded = true; } else { directIncluded = false; } boolean introducersIncluded = false; if (introducersRequired) { // intro manager now sorts introducers, so // deepEquals() below will not fail even with same introducers. // Was only a problem when we had very very few peers to pick from. RouterAddress current = getCurrentAddress(isIPv6); int found = _introManager.pickInbound(current, options, PUBLIC_RELAY_COUNT); if (found > 0) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Direct? " + directIncluded + " reqd? " + introducersRequired + " picked introducers: " + found); _introducersSelectedOn = _context.clock().now(); introducersIncluded = true; } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Direct? " + directIncluded + " reqd? " + introducersRequired + " no introducers"); } } // if we have explicit external addresses, they had better be reachable if (introducersRequired) options.setProperty(UDPAddress.PROP_CAPACITY, CAP_TESTING); else options.setProperty(UDPAddress.PROP_CAPACITY, CAP_TESTING_INTRO); // MTU since 0.9.2 int mtu; if (host == null) { mtu = _mtu; } else { try { InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getByName(host); mtu = setMTU(ia); } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) { mtu = _mtu; } } if (mtu != PeerState.LARGE_MTU) options.setProperty(UDPAddress.PROP_MTU, Integer.toString(mtu)); if (directIncluded || introducersIncluded) { // This is called via TransportManager.configTransports() before startup(), prevent NPE // Note that peers won't connect to us without this - see EstablishmentManager if (_introKey != null) options.setProperty(UDPAddress.PROP_INTRO_KEY, _introKey.toBase64()); // SSU seems to regulate at about 85%, so make it a little higher. // If this is too low, both NTCP and SSU always have incremented cost and // the whole mechanism is not helpful. int cost = DEFAULT_COST; if (ADJUST_COST && !haveCapacity(91)) cost += CONGESTION_COST_ADJUSTMENT; if (introducersIncluded) cost += 2; if (isIPv6) { TransportUtil.IPv6Config config = getIPv6Config(); if (config == IPV6_PREFERRED) cost--; else if (config == IPV6_NOT_PREFERRED) cost++; } RouterAddress addr = new RouterAddress(STYLE, options, cost); RouterAddress current = getCurrentAddress(isIPv6); boolean wantsRebuild = !addr.deepEquals(current); // save the external address, even if we didn't publish it if (port > 0 && host != null) { RouterAddress local; if (directIncluded) { local = addr; } else { OrderedProperties localOpts = new OrderedProperties(); localOpts.setProperty(UDPAddress.PROP_PORT, String.valueOf(port)); localOpts.setProperty(UDPAddress.PROP_HOST, host); local = new RouterAddress(STYLE, localOpts, cost); } replaceCurrentExternalAddress(local, isIPv6); } if (wantsRebuild) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Address rebuilt: " + addr, new Exception()); replaceAddress(addr); // warning, this calls back into us with allowRebuildRouterInfo = false, // via CSFI.createAddresses->TM.getAddresses()->updateAddress()->REA if (allowRebuildRouterInfo) _context.router().rebuildRouterInfo(); } else { addr = null; } if (!isIPv6) _needsRebuild = false; return addr; } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Wanted to rebuild my SSU address, but couldn't specify either the direct or indirect info (needs introducers? " + introducersRequired + ")", new Exception("source")); _needsRebuild = true; // save the external address, even if we didn't publish it if (port > 0 && host != null) { OrderedProperties localOpts = new OrderedProperties(); localOpts.setProperty(UDPAddress.PROP_PORT, String.valueOf(port)); localOpts.setProperty(UDPAddress.PROP_HOST, host); RouterAddress local = new RouterAddress(STYLE, localOpts, DEFAULT_COST); replaceCurrentExternalAddress(local, isIPv6); } if (hasCurrentAddress()) { // We must remove current address, otherwise the user will see // "firewalled with inbound NTCP enabled" warning in console. // Remove the IPv4 address only removeAddress(false); // warning, this calls back into us with allowRebuildRouterInfo = false, // via CSFI.createAddresses->TM.getAddresses()->updateAddress()->REA if (allowRebuildRouterInfo) _context.router().rebuildRouterInfo(); } return null; } } /** * Simple storage of IP and port, since * we don't put them in the real, published RouterAddress anymore * if we are firewalled. * * Caller must sync on _rebuildLock * * @since 0.9.18 */ private void replaceCurrentExternalAddress(RouterAddress ra, boolean isIPv6) { if (isIPv6) _currentOurV6Address = ra; else _currentOurV4Address = ra; } /** * Simple fetch of stored IP and port, since * we don't put them in the real, published RouterAddress anymore * if we are firewalled. * * @since 0.9.18 */ private RouterAddress getCurrentExternalAddress(boolean isIPv6) { // deadlock thru here ticket #1699 synchronized (_rebuildLock) { return isIPv6 ? _currentOurV6Address : _currentOurV4Address; } } /** * Replace then tell NTCP that we changed. * * @param address the new address or null to remove all */ @Override protected void replaceAddress(RouterAddress address) { super.replaceAddress(address); _context.commSystem().notifyReplaceAddress(address); } /** * Remove then tell NTCP that we changed. * * @since 0.9.20 */ @Override protected void removeAddress(RouterAddress address) { super.removeAddress(address); _context.commSystem().notifyRemoveAddress(address); } /** * Remove then tell NTCP that we changed. * * @since 0.9.20 */ @Override protected void removeAddress(boolean ipv6) { super.removeAddress(ipv6); if (ipv6) _lastInboundIPv6 = 0; _context.commSystem().notifyRemoveAddress(ipv6); } /** * Calls replaceAddress(address), then shuts down the router if * dynamic keys is enabled, which it never is, so all this is unused. * * @param address the new address or null to remove all */ /**** protected void replaceAddress(RouterAddress address, RouterAddress oldAddress) { replaceAddress(address); if (oldAddress != null) { UDPAddress old = new UDPAddress(oldAddress); InetAddress oldHost = old.getHostAddress(); UDPAddress newAddr = new UDPAddress(address); InetAddress newHost = newAddr.getHostAddress(); if ( (old.getPort() > 0) && (oldHost != null) && (isValid(oldHost.getAddress())) && (newAddr.getPort() > 0) && (newHost != null) && (isValid(newHost.getAddress())) ) { if ( (old.getPort() != newAddr.getPort()) || (!oldHost.equals(newHost)) ) { // substantial data has changed, so if we are in 'dynamic keys' mode, restart the // router hard and regenerate a new identity if (_context.getBooleanProperty(Router.PROP_DYNAMIC_KEYS)) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR)) _log.error("SSU address updated. new address: " + newAddr.getHostAddress() + ":" + newAddr.getPort() + ", old address: " + old.getHostAddress() + ":" + old.getPort()); // shutdown itself checks the DYNAMIC_KEYS flag, and if its set to true, deletes // the keys _context.router().shutdown(Router.EXIT_HARD_RESTART); } } } } } ****/ /** * Do we require introducers? */ public boolean introducersRequired() { /****************** * Don't do this anymore, as we are removing the checkbox from the UI, * and we rarely if ever see the problem of false negatives for firewall detection - * it's usually false positives. ****************** String forceIntroducers = _context.getProperty(PROP_FORCE_INTRODUCERS); if ( (forceIntroducers != null) && (Boolean.parseBoolean(forceIntroducers)) ) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Force introducers specified"); return true; } *******************/ Status status = getReachabilityStatus(); switch (status) { case REJECT_UNSOLICITED: case DIFFERENT: case IPV4_FIREWALLED_IPV6_OK: case IPV4_FIREWALLED_IPV6_UNKNOWN: if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Require introducers, because our status is " + status); return true; default: if (!allowDirectUDP()) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Require introducers, because we do not allow direct UDP connections"); return true; } return false; } } /** * MIGHT we require introducers? * This is like introducersRequired, but if we aren't sure, this returns true. * Used only by EstablishmentManager. * * @since 0.9.24 */ boolean introducersMaybeRequired() { Status status = getReachabilityStatus(); switch (status) { case REJECT_UNSOLICITED: case DIFFERENT: case IPV4_FIREWALLED_IPV6_OK: case IPV4_FIREWALLED_IPV6_UNKNOWN: case IPV4_UNKNOWN_IPV6_OK: case IPV4_UNKNOWN_IPV6_FIREWALLED: case UNKNOWN: return true; default: return !allowDirectUDP(); } } /** * For EstablishmentManager * @since 0.9.3 */ boolean canIntroduce() { // we don't expect inbound connections when hidden, but it could happen // Don't offer if we are approaching max connections. While Relay Intros do not // count as connections, we have to keep the connection to this peer up longer if // we are offering introductions. return (!_context.router().isHidden()) && (!introducersRequired()) && haveCapacity() && (!_context.netDb().floodfillEnabled()) && _introManager.introducedCount() < IntroductionManager.MAX_OUTBOUND && _introManager.introducedCount() < getMaxConnections() / 4; } /** default true */ private boolean allowDirectUDP() { return _context.getBooleanPropertyDefaultTrue(PROP_ALLOW_DIRECT); } String getPacketHandlerStatus() { PacketHandler handler = _handler; if (handler != null) return handler.getHandlerStatus(); else return ""; } /** @since IPv6 */ PacketHandler getPacketHandler() { return _handler; } public void failed(OutboundMessageState msg) { failed(msg, true); } void failed(OutboundMessageState msg, boolean allowPeerFailure) { if (msg == null) return; OutNetMessage m = msg.getMessage(); if ( allowPeerFailure && (msg.getPeer() != null) && ( (msg.getMaxSends() >= OutboundMessageFragments.MAX_VOLLEYS) || (msg.isExpired())) ) { //long recvDelay = _context.clock().now() - msg.getPeer().getLastReceiveTime(); //long sendDelay = _context.clock().now() - msg.getPeer().getLastSendFullyTime(); //if (m != null) // m.timestamp("message failure - volleys = " + msg.getMaxSends() // + " lastReceived: " + recvDelay // + " lastSentFully: " + sendDelay // + " expired? " + msg.isExpired()); int consecutive = msg.getPeer().incrementConsecutiveFailedSends(); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Consecutive failure #" + consecutive + " on " + msg.toString() + " to " + msg.getPeer()); if ( (_context.clock().now() - msg.getPeer().getLastSendFullyTime() <= 60*1000) || (consecutive < MAX_CONSECUTIVE_FAILED) ) { // ok, a few conseutive failures, but we /are/ getting through to them } else { _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.dropPeerConsecutiveFailures", consecutive, msg.getPeer().getInactivityTime()); sendDestroy(msg.getPeer()); dropPeer(msg.getPeer(), false, "too many failures"); } //if ( (consecutive > MAX_CONSECUTIVE_FAILED) && (msg.getPeer().getInactivityTime() > DROP_INACTIVITY_TIME)) // dropPeer(msg.getPeer(), false); //else if (consecutive > 2 * MAX_CONSECUTIVE_FAILED) // they're sending us data, but we cant reply? // dropPeer(msg.getPeer(), false); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Failed sending " + msg + " to " + msg.getPeer()); } noteSend(msg, false); if (m != null) super.afterSend(m, false); } private void noteSend(OutboundMessageState msg, boolean successful) { // bail before we do all the work if (!_context.messageHistory().getDoLog()) return; int pushCount = msg.getPushCount(); int sends = msg.getMaxSends(); boolean expired = msg.isExpired(); OutNetMessage m = msg.getMessage(); PeerState p = msg.getPeer(); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(64); buf.append(" lifetime: ").append(msg.getLifetime()); buf.append(" sends: ").append(sends); buf.append(" pushes: ").append(pushCount); buf.append(" expired? ").append(expired); buf.append(" unacked: ").append(msg.getUnackedSize()); if ( (p != null) && (!successful) ) { buf.append(" consec_failed: ").append(p.getConsecutiveFailedSends()); long timeSinceSend = _context.clock().now() - p.getLastSendFullyTime(); buf.append(" lastFullSend: ").append(timeSinceSend); long timeSinceRecv = _context.clock().now() - p.getLastReceiveTime(); buf.append(" lastRecv: ").append(timeSinceRecv); buf.append(" xfer: ").append(p.getSendBps()).append("/").append(p.getReceiveBps()); buf.append(" mtu: ").append(p.getMTU()); buf.append(" rto: ").append(p.getRTO()); buf.append(" sent: ").append(p.getMessagesSent()).append("/").append(p.getPacketsTransmitted()); buf.append(" recv: ").append(p.getMessagesReceived()).append("/").append(p.getPacketsReceived()); buf.append(" uptime: ").append(_context.clock().now()-p.getKeyEstablishedTime()); } if ( (m != null) && (p != null) ) { _context.messageHistory().sendMessage(m.getMessageType(), msg.getMessageId(), m.getExpiration(), p.getRemotePeer(), successful, buf.toString()); } else { _context.messageHistory().sendMessage("establish", msg.getMessageId(), -1, (p != null ? p.getRemotePeer() : null), successful, buf.toString()); } } public void failed(OutNetMessage msg, String reason) { if (msg == null) return; if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Send failed: " + reason + " msg: " + msg, new Exception("failed from")); if (_context.messageHistory().getDoLog()) _context.messageHistory().sendMessage(msg.getMessageType(), msg.getMessageId(), msg.getExpiration(), msg.getTarget().getIdentity().calculateHash(), false, reason); super.afterSend(msg, false); } public void succeeded(OutboundMessageState msg) { if (msg == null) return; if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Sending message succeeded: " + msg); noteSend(msg, true); OutNetMessage m = msg.getMessage(); if (m != null) super.afterSend(m, true); } public int countPeers() { return _peersByIdent.size(); } public int countActivePeers() { long old = _context.clock().now() - 5*60*1000; int active = 0; for (PeerState peer : _peersByIdent.values()) { // PeerState initializes times at construction, // so check message count also if ((peer.getMessagesReceived() > 0 && peer.getLastReceiveTime() >= old) || (peer.getMessagesSent() > 0 && peer.getLastSendTime() >= old)) { active++; } } return active; } public int countActiveSendPeers() { long old = _context.clock().now() - 60*1000; int active = 0; for (PeerState peer : _peersByIdent.values()) { if (peer.getLastSendFullyTime() >= old) active++; } return active; } @Override public boolean isEstablished(Hash dest) { return getPeerState(dest) != null; } /** * @since 0.9.3 */ @Override public boolean isBacklogged(Hash dest) { PeerState peer = _peersByIdent.get(dest); return peer != null && peer.isBacklogged(); } /** * Tell the transport that we may disconnect from this peer. * This is advisory only. * * @since 0.9.24 */ @Override public void mayDisconnect(final Hash peer) { final PeerState ps = _peersByIdent.get(peer); if (ps != null && ps.getWeRelayToThemAs() <= 0 && (ps.getTheyRelayToUsAs() <= 0 || ps.getIntroducerTime() < _context.clock().now() - 2*60*60*1000) && ps.getMessagesReceived() <= 2 && ps.getMessagesSent() <= 2) { ps.setMayDisconnect(); } } public boolean allowConnection() { return _peersByIdent.size() < getMaxConnections(); } /** * Return our peer clock skews on this transport. * Vector composed of Long, each element representing a peer skew in seconds. * A positive number means our clock is ahead of theirs. */ @Override public Vector<Long> getClockSkews() { Vector<Long> skews = new Vector<Long>(); // If our clock is way off, we may not have many (or any) successful connections, // so try hard in that case to return good data boolean includeEverybody = _context.router().getUptime() < 10*60*1000 || _peersByIdent.size() < 10; long now = _context.clock().now(); for (PeerState peer : _peersByIdent.values()) { if ((!includeEverybody) && now - peer.getLastReceiveTime() > 5*60*1000) continue; // skip old peers if (peer.getRTT() > PeerState.INIT_RTT - 250) continue; // Big RTT makes for a poor calculation skews.addElement(Long.valueOf(peer.getClockSkew() / 1000)); } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("UDP transport returning " + skews.size() + " peer clock skews."); return skews; } /** * @return a new DHSessionKeyBuilder * @since 0.9 */ DHSessionKeyBuilder getDHBuilder() { return _dhFactory.getBuilder(); } /** * @return the factory * @since 0.9.2 */ DHSessionKeyBuilder.Factory getDHFactory() { return _dhFactory; } @Override public void renderStatusHTML(Writer out, String urlBase, int sortFlags) throws IOException { TreeSet<PeerState> peers = new TreeSet<PeerState>(getComparator(sortFlags)); peers.addAll(_peersByIdent.values()); long offsetTotal = 0; int bpsIn = 0; int bpsOut = 0; long uptimeMsTotal = 0; long cwinTotal = 0; long rttTotal = 0; long rtoTotal = 0; long sendTotal = 0; long recvTotal = 0; long resentTotal = 0; long dupRecvTotal = 0; int numPeers = 0; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); buf.append("<h3 id=\"udpcon\">").append(_t("UDP connections")).append(": ").append(peers.size()); buf.append(". ").append(_t("Limit")).append(": ").append(getMaxConnections()); buf.append(". ").append(_t("Timeout")).append(": ").append(DataHelper.formatDuration2(_expireTimeout)); if (_context.getBooleanProperty(PROP_ADVANCED)) { buf.append(". ").append(_t("Status")).append(": ").append(_t(_reachabilityStatus.toStatusString())); } buf.append(".</h3>\n"); buf.append("<table>\n"); buf.append("<tr><th class=\"smallhead\" nowrap><a href=\"#def.peer\">").append(_t("Peer")).append("</a><br>"); if (sortFlags != FLAG_ALPHA) appendSortLinks(buf, urlBase, sortFlags, _t("Sort by peer hash"), FLAG_ALPHA); buf.append("</th><th class=\"smallhead\" nowrap><a href=\"#def.dir\" title=\"") .append(_t("Direction/Introduction")).append("\">").append(_t("Dir")) .append("</a></th><th class=\"smallhead\" nowrap><a href=\"#def.ipv6\">").append(_t("IPv6")) .append("</a></th><th class=\"smallhead\" nowrap><a href=\"#def.idle\">").append(_t("Idle")).append("</a><br>"); appendSortLinks(buf, urlBase, sortFlags, _t("Sort by idle inbound"), FLAG_IDLE_IN); buf.append(" / "); appendSortLinks(buf, urlBase, sortFlags, _t("Sort by idle outbound"), FLAG_IDLE_OUT); buf.append("</th>"); buf.append("<th class=\"smallhead\" nowrap><a href=\"#def.rate\">").append(_t("In/Out")).append("</a><br>"); appendSortLinks(buf, urlBase, sortFlags, _t("Sort by inbound rate"), FLAG_RATE_IN); buf.append(" / "); appendSortLinks(buf, urlBase, sortFlags, _t("Sort by outbound rate"), FLAG_RATE_OUT); buf.append("</th>\n"); buf.append("<th class=\"smallhead\" nowrap><a href=\"#def.up\">").append(_t("Up")).append("</a><br>"); appendSortLinks(buf, urlBase, sortFlags, _t("Sort by connection uptime"), FLAG_UPTIME); buf.append("</th><th class=\"smallhead\" nowrap><a href=\"#def.skew\">").append(_t("Skew")).append("</a><br>"); appendSortLinks(buf, urlBase, sortFlags, _t("Sort by clock skew"), FLAG_SKEW); buf.append("</th>\n"); buf.append("<th class=\"smallhead\" nowrap><a href=\"#def.cwnd\">CWND</a><br>"); appendSortLinks(buf, urlBase, sortFlags, _t("Sort by congestion window"), FLAG_CWND); buf.append("</th><th class=\"smallhead\" nowrap><a href=\"#def.ssthresh\">SST</a><br>"); appendSortLinks(buf, urlBase, sortFlags, _t("Sort by slow start threshold"), FLAG_SSTHRESH); buf.append("</th>\n"); buf.append("<th class=\"smallhead\" nowrap><a href=\"#def.rtt\">RTT</a><br>"); appendSortLinks(buf, urlBase, sortFlags, _t("Sort by round trip time"), FLAG_RTT); //buf.append("</th><th class=\"smallhead\" nowrap><a href=\"\">").append(_t("Dev")).append("</a><br>"); //appendSortLinks(buf, urlBase, sortFlags, _t("Sort by round trip time deviation"), FLAG_DEV); buf.append("</th><th class=\"smallhead\" nowrap><a href=\"#def.rto\">RTO</a><br>"); appendSortLinks(buf, urlBase, sortFlags, _t("Sort by retransmission timeout"), FLAG_RTO); buf.append("</th>\n"); buf.append("<th class=\"smallhead\" nowrap><a href=\"#def.mtu\">MTU</a><br>"); appendSortLinks(buf, urlBase, sortFlags, _t("Sort by outbound maximum transmit unit"), FLAG_MTU); buf.append("</th><th class=\"smallhead\" nowrap><a href=\"#def.send\">").append(_t("TX")).append("</a><br>"); appendSortLinks(buf, urlBase, sortFlags, _t("Sort by packets sent"), FLAG_SEND); buf.append("</th><th class=\"smallhead\" nowrap><a href=\"#def.recv\">").append(_t("RX")).append("</a><br>"); appendSortLinks(buf, urlBase, sortFlags, _t("Sort by packets received"), FLAG_RECV); buf.append("</th>\n"); buf.append("<th class=\"smallhead\" nowrap><a href=\"#def.resent\">").append(_t("Dup TX")).append("</a><br>"); appendSortLinks(buf, urlBase, sortFlags, _t("Sort by packets retransmitted"), FLAG_RESEND); buf.append("</th><th class=\"smallhead\" nowrap><a href=\"#def.dupRecv\">").append(_t("Dup RX")).append("</a><br>"); appendSortLinks(buf, urlBase, sortFlags, _t("Sort by packets received more than once"), FLAG_DUP); buf.append("</th></tr>\n"); out.write(buf.toString()); buf.setLength(0); long now = _context.clock().now(); for (PeerState peer : peers) { if (now-peer.getLastReceiveTime() > 60*60*1000) continue; // don't include old peers buf.append("<tr><td class=\"cells\" align=\"left\" nowrap>"); buf.append(_context.commSystem().renderPeerHTML(peer.getRemotePeer())); //byte ip[] = peer.getRemoteIP(); //if (ip != null) // buf.append(' ').append(_context.blocklist().toStr(ip)); buf.append("</td><td class=\"cells\" nowrap align=\"left\">"); if (peer.isInbound()) buf.append("<img src=\"/themes/console/images/inbound.png\" alt=\"Inbound\" title=\"").append(_t("Inbound")).append("\">"); else buf.append("<img src=\"/themes/console/images/outbound.png\" alt=\"Outbound\" title=\"").append(_t("Outbound")).append("\">"); if (peer.getWeRelayToThemAs() > 0) buf.append("  <img src=\"/themes/console/images/outbound.png\" height=\"8\" width=\"12\" alt=\"^\" title=\"").append(_t("We offered to introduce them")).append("\">"); if (peer.getTheyRelayToUsAs() > 0) buf.append("  <img src=\"/themes/console/images/inbound.png\" height=\"8\" width=\"12\" alt=\"V\" title=\"").append(_t("They offered to introduce us")).append("\">"); boolean appended = false; if (_activeThrottle.isChoked(peer.getRemotePeer())) { buf.append("<br><i>").append(_t("Choked")).append("</i>"); appended = true; } int cfs = peer.getConsecutiveFailedSends(); if (cfs > 0) { if (!appended) buf.append("<br>"); buf.append(" <i>"); if (cfs == 1) buf.append(_t("1 fail")); else buf.append(_t("{0} fails", cfs)); buf.append("</i>"); appended = true; } if (_context.banlist().isBanlisted(peer.getRemotePeer(), STYLE)) { if (!appended) buf.append("<br>"); buf.append(" <i>").append(_t("Banned")).append("</i>"); appended = true; } //byte[] ip = getIP(peer.getRemotePeer()); //if (ip != null) // buf.append(' ').append(_context.blocklist().toStr(ip)); buf.append("</td>"); buf.append("<td class=\"cells\" align=\"center\">"); if (peer.isIPv6()) buf.append("✓"); else buf.append(" "); buf.append("</td>"); long idleIn = Math.max(now-peer.getLastReceiveTime(), 0); long idleOut = Math.max(now-peer.getLastSendTime(), 0); buf.append("<td class=\"cells\" align=\"right\">"); buf.append(DataHelper.formatDuration2(idleIn)); buf.append(THINSP); buf.append(DataHelper.formatDuration2(idleOut)); buf.append("</td>"); int recvBps = (idleIn > 15*1000 ? 0 : peer.getReceiveBps()); int sendBps = (idleOut > 15*1000 ? 0 : peer.getSendBps()); buf.append("<td class=\"cells\" align=\"right\" nowrap>"); buf.append(formatKBps(recvBps)); buf.append(THINSP); buf.append(formatKBps(sendBps)); //buf.append(" K/s"); //buf.append(formatKBps(peer.getReceiveACKBps())); //buf.append("K/s/"); //buf.append(formatKBps(peer.getSendACKBps())); //buf.append("K/s "); buf.append("</td>"); long uptime = now - peer.getKeyEstablishedTime(); buf.append("<td class=\"cells\" align=\"right\">"); buf.append(DataHelper.formatDuration2(uptime)); buf.append("</td>"); buf.append("<td class=\"cells\" align=\"right\">"); long skew = peer.getClockSkew(); buf.append(DataHelper.formatDuration2(skew)); buf.append("</td>"); offsetTotal = offsetTotal + skew; long sendWindow = peer.getSendWindowBytes(); buf.append("<td class=\"cells\" align=\"right\">"); buf.append(sendWindow/1024); buf.append("K"); buf.append(THINSP).append(peer.getConcurrentSends()); buf.append(THINSP).append(peer.getConcurrentSendWindow()); buf.append(THINSP).append(peer.getConsecutiveSendRejections()); if (peer.isBacklogged()) buf.append(' ').append(_t("backlogged")); buf.append("</td>"); buf.append("<td class=\"cells\" align=\"right\">"); buf.append(peer.getSlowStartThreshold()/1024); buf.append("K</td>"); int rtt = peer.getRTT(); int rto = peer.getRTO(); buf.append("<td class=\"cells\" align=\"right\">"); buf.append(DataHelper.formatDuration2(rtt)); buf.append("</td>"); //buf.append("<td class=\"cells\" align=\"right\">"); //buf.append(DataHelper.formatDuration2(peer.getRTTDeviation())); //buf.append("</td>"); buf.append("<td class=\"cells\" align=\"right\">"); buf.append(DataHelper.formatDuration2(rto)); buf.append("</td>"); buf.append("<td class=\"cells\" align=\"right\">"); buf.append(peer.getMTU()).append(THINSP).append(peer.getReceiveMTU()); //.append('/'); //buf.append(peer.getMTUIncreases()).append('/'); //buf.append(peer.getMTUDecreases()); buf.append("</td>"); long sent = peer.getMessagesSent(); long recv = peer.getMessagesReceived(); buf.append("<td class=\"cells\" align=\"right\">"); buf.append(sent); buf.append("</td>"); buf.append("<td class=\"cells\" align=\"right\">"); buf.append(recv); buf.append("</td>"); //double sent = (double)peer.getPacketsPeriodTransmitted(); //double sendLostPct = 0; //if (sent > 0) // sendLostPct = (double)peer.getPacketsRetransmitted()/(sent); long resent = peer.getPacketsRetransmitted(); long dupRecv = peer.getPacketsReceivedDuplicate(); buf.append("<td class=\"cells\" align=\"right\">"); //buf.append(formatPct(sendLostPct)); buf.append(resent); // + "/" + peer.getPacketsPeriodRetransmitted() + "/" + sent); //buf.append(peer.getPacketRetransmissionRate()); buf.append("</td>"); buf.append("<td class=\"cells\" align=\"right\">"); buf.append(dupRecv); //formatPct(recvDupPct)); buf.append("</td>"); buf.append("</tr>\n"); out.write(buf.toString()); buf.setLength(0); bpsIn += recvBps; bpsOut += sendBps; uptimeMsTotal += uptime; cwinTotal += sendWindow; rttTotal += rtt; rtoTotal += rto; sendTotal += sent; recvTotal += recv; resentTotal += resent; dupRecvTotal += dupRecv; numPeers++; } if (numPeers > 0) { // buf.append("<tr><td colspan=\"16\"><hr></td></tr>\n"); buf.append("<tr class=\"tablefooter\"><td colspan=\"4\" align=\"left\"><b>") .append(ngettext("{0} peer", "{0} peers", peers.size())) .append("</b></td>" + "<td align=\"center\" nowrap><b>"); buf.append(formatKBps(bpsIn)).append(THINSP).append(formatKBps(bpsOut)); long x = uptimeMsTotal/numPeers; buf.append("</b></td>" + "<td align=\"center\"><b>").append(DataHelper.formatDuration2(x)); x = offsetTotal/numPeers; buf.append("</b></td><td align=\"center\"><b>").append(DataHelper.formatDuration2(x)).append("</b></td>\n" + "<td align=\"center\"><b>"); buf.append(cwinTotal/(numPeers*1024) + "K"); buf.append("</b></td><td> </td>\n" + "<td align=\"center\"><b>"); buf.append(DataHelper.formatDuration2(rttTotal/numPeers)); //buf.append("</b></td><td> </td><td align=\"center\"><b>"); buf.append("</b></td><td align=\"center\"><b>"); buf.append(DataHelper.formatDuration2(rtoTotal/numPeers)); buf.append("</b></td><td align=\"center\"><b>").append(_mtu).append("</b></td><td align=\"center\"><b>"); buf.append(sendTotal).append("</b></td><td align=\"center\"><b>").append(recvTotal).append("</b></td>\n" + "<td align=\"center\"><b>").append(resentTotal); buf.append("</b></td><td align=\"center\"><b>").append(dupRecvTotal).append("</b></td></tr>\n"); if (sortFlags == FLAG_DEBUG) { buf.append("<tr><td colspan=\"16\">"); buf.append("peersByIdent: ").append(_peersByIdent.size()); buf.append(" peersByRemoteHost: ").append(_peersByRemoteHost.size()); int dir = 0; int indir = 0; for (RemoteHostId rhi : _peersByRemoteHost.keySet()) { if (rhi.getIP() != null) dir++; else indir++; } buf.append(" pBRH direct: ").append(dir).append(" indirect: ").append(indir); buf.append("</td></tr>"); } } // numPeers > 0 buf.append("</table>\n"); /***** long bytesTransmitted = _context.bandwidthLimiter().getTotalAllocatedOutboundBytes(); // NPE here early double averagePacketSize = _context.statManager().getRate("udp.sendPacketSize").getLifetimeAverageValue(); // lifetime value, not just the retransmitted packets of current connections resentTotal = (long)_context.statManager().getRate("udp.packetsRetransmitted").getLifetimeEventCount(); double nondupSent = ((double)bytesTransmitted - ((double)resentTotal)*averagePacketSize); double bwResent = (nondupSent <= 0 ? 0d : ((((double)resentTotal)*averagePacketSize) / nondupSent)); buf.append("<h3>Percentage of bytes retransmitted (lifetime): ").append(formatPct(bwResent)); buf.append("</h3><i>(Includes retransmission required by packet loss)</i>\n"); *****/ out.write(buf.toString()); buf.setLength(0); } private static final DecimalFormat _fmt = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.00"); private static final String formatKBps(int bps) { synchronized (_fmt) { return _fmt.format((float)bps/1024); } } private static final DecimalFormat _pctFmt = new DecimalFormat("#0.0%"); /* * Cache the bid to reduce object churn */ private class SharedBid extends TransportBid { public SharedBid(int ms) { super(); setLatencyMs(ms); } @Override public Transport getTransport() { return UDPTransport.this; } @Override public String toString() { return "UDP bid @ " + getLatencyMs(); } } private class ExpirePeerEvent extends SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent { // TODO why have separate Set, just use _peersByIdent.values() private final Set<PeerState> _expirePeers; private final List<PeerState> _expireBuffer; private volatile boolean _alive; private int _runCount; private boolean _lastLoopShort; // we've seen firewalls change ports after 40 seconds private static final long PING_FIREWALL_TIME = 30*1000; private static final long PING_FIREWALL_CUTOFF = PING_FIREWALL_TIME / 2; // ping 1/4 of the peers every loop private static final int SLICES = 4; private static final long SHORT_LOOP_TIME = PING_FIREWALL_CUTOFF / (SLICES + 1); private static final long LONG_LOOP_TIME = 25*1000; private static final long EXPIRE_INCREMENT = 15*1000; private static final long EXPIRE_DECREMENT = 45*1000; private static final long MAY_DISCON_TIMEOUT = 10*1000; public ExpirePeerEvent() { super(_context.simpleTimer2()); _expirePeers = new ConcurrentHashSet<PeerState>(128); _expireBuffer = new ArrayList<PeerState>(); } public void timeReached() { // Increase allowed idle time if we are well under allowed connections, otherwise decrease boolean haveCap = haveCapacity(33); if (haveCap) { long inc; // don't adjust too quickly if we are looping fast if (_lastLoopShort) inc = EXPIRE_INCREMENT * SHORT_LOOP_TIME / LONG_LOOP_TIME; else inc = EXPIRE_INCREMENT; _expireTimeout = Math.min(_expireTimeout + inc, EXPIRE_TIMEOUT); } else { long dec; if (_lastLoopShort) dec = EXPIRE_DECREMENT * SHORT_LOOP_TIME / LONG_LOOP_TIME; else dec = EXPIRE_DECREMENT; _expireTimeout = Math.max(_expireTimeout - dec, MIN_EXPIRE_TIMEOUT); } long now = _context.clock().now(); long shortInactivityCutoff = now - _expireTimeout; long longInactivityCutoff = now - EXPIRE_TIMEOUT; final long mayDisconCutoff = now - MAY_DISCON_TIMEOUT; long pingCutoff = now - (2 * 60*60*1000); long pingFirewallCutoff = now - PING_FIREWALL_CUTOFF; boolean shouldPingFirewall = _reachabilityStatus != Status.OK; int currentListenPort = getListenPort(false); boolean pingOneOnly = shouldPingFirewall && getExternalPort(false) == currentListenPort; boolean shortLoop = shouldPingFirewall || !haveCap || _context.netDb().floodfillEnabled(); _lastLoopShort = shortLoop; _expireBuffer.clear(); _runCount++; for (Iterator<PeerState> iter = _expirePeers.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { PeerState peer =; long inactivityCutoff; // if we offered to introduce them, or we used them as introducer in last 2 hours if (peer.getWeRelayToThemAs() > 0 || peer.getIntroducerTime() > pingCutoff) { inactivityCutoff = longInactivityCutoff; } else if ((!haveCap || !peer.isInbound()) && peer.getMayDisconnect() && peer.getMessagesReceived() <= 2 && peer.getMessagesSent() <= 2) { if (_log.shouldInfo())"Possible early disconnect for: " + peer); inactivityCutoff = mayDisconCutoff; } else { inactivityCutoff = shortInactivityCutoff; } if ( (peer.getLastReceiveTime() < inactivityCutoff) && (peer.getLastSendTime() < inactivityCutoff) ) { _expireBuffer.add(peer); iter.remove(); } else if (shouldPingFirewall && ((_runCount ^ peer.hashCode()) & (SLICES - 1)) == 0 && peer.getLastSendOrPingTime() < pingFirewallCutoff && peer.getLastReceiveTime() < pingFirewallCutoff) { // ping if firewall is mapping the port to keep port the same... // if the port changes we are screwed if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Pinging for firewall: " + peer); // don't update or idle time won't be right and peer won't get dropped // TODO if both sides are firewalled should only one ping // or else session will stay open forever? //peer.setLastSendTime(now); send(_destroyBuilder.buildPing(peer)); peer.setLastPingTime(now); // If external port is different, it may be changing the port for every // session, so ping all of them. Otherwise only one. if (pingOneOnly) shouldPingFirewall = false; } } if (!_expireBuffer.isEmpty()) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Expiring " + _expireBuffer.size() + " peers"); for (PeerState peer : _expireBuffer) { sendDestroy(peer); dropPeer(peer, false, "idle too long"); // TODO sleep to limit burst like in destroyAll() ?? // but we are on the timer thread... // hopefully this isn't too many at once // ... or only send a max of x, then requeue } _expireBuffer.clear(); } if (_alive) schedule(shortLoop ? SHORT_LOOP_TIME : LONG_LOOP_TIME); } public void add(PeerState peer) { _expirePeers.add(peer); } public void remove(PeerState peer) { _expirePeers.remove(peer); } public void setIsAlive(boolean isAlive) { _alive = isAlive; if (isAlive) { reschedule(LONG_LOOP_TIME); } else { cancel(); _expirePeers.clear(); } } } /** * IPv4 only */ private void setReachabilityStatus(Status status) { setReachabilityStatus(status, false); } /** * @since 0.9.27 * @param isIPv6 Is the change an IPv6 change? */ void setReachabilityStatus(Status status, boolean isIPv6) { synchronized (_rebuildLock) { locked_setReachabilityStatus(status, isIPv6); } } /** * @param isIPv6 Is the change an IPv6 change? */ private void locked_setReachabilityStatus(Status newStatus, boolean isIPv6) { Status old = _reachabilityStatus; // merge new status into old Status status = Status.merge(old, newStatus); _testEvent.setLastTested(isIPv6); // now modify if we are IPv6 only TransportUtil.IPv6Config config = getIPv6Config(); if (config == IPV6_ONLY) { if (status == Status.IPV4_UNKNOWN_IPV6_OK) status = Status.IPV4_DISABLED_IPV6_OK; else if (status == Status.IPV4_UNKNOWN_IPV6_FIREWALLED) status = Status.IPV4_DISABLED_IPV6_FIREWALLED; else if (status == Status.UNKNOWN) status = Status.IPV4_DISABLED_IPV6_UNKNOWN; } if (status != Status.UNKNOWN) { // now modify if we have no IPv6 address if (_currentOurV6Address == null && !_haveIPv6Address) { if (status == Status.IPV4_OK_IPV6_UNKNOWN) status = Status.OK; else if (status == Status.IPV4_FIREWALLED_IPV6_UNKNOWN) status = Status.REJECT_UNSOLICITED; else if (status == Status.IPV4_SNAT_IPV6_UNKNOWN) status = Status.DIFFERENT; // prevent firewalled -> OK -> firewalled+OK else if (status == Status.IPV4_FIREWALLED_IPV6_OK) status = Status.REJECT_UNSOLICITED; else if (status == Status.IPV4_SNAT_IPV6_OK) status = Status.DIFFERENT; } if (status != old) { // for the following transitions ONLY, require two in a row // to prevent thrashing if ((old == Status.OK && (status == Status.DIFFERENT || status == Status.REJECT_UNSOLICITED || status == Status.IPV4_FIREWALLED_IPV6_OK || status == Status.IPV4_SNAT_IPV6_OK || status == Status.IPV4_OK_IPV6_FIREWALLED)) || (status == Status.OK && (old == Status.DIFFERENT || old == Status.REJECT_UNSOLICITED || old == Status.IPV4_FIREWALLED_IPV6_OK || old == Status.IPV4_SNAT_IPV6_OK || old == Status.IPV4_OK_IPV6_FIREWALLED))) { if (status != _reachabilityStatusPending) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Old status: " + old + " status pending confirmation: " + status + " Caused by update: " + newStatus); _reachabilityStatusPending = status; _testEvent.forceRunSoon(isIPv6); return; } } _reachabilityStatusUnchanged = 0; long now = _context.clock().now(); _reachabilityStatusLastUpdated = now; _reachabilityStatus = status; } else { _reachabilityStatusUnchanged++; } _reachabilityStatusPending = status; } if (status != old) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Old status: " + old + " New status: " + status + " Caused by update: " + newStatus + " from: ", new Exception("traceback")); if (old != Status.UNKNOWN) _context.router().eventLog().addEvent(EventLog.REACHABILITY, "from " + _t(old.toStatusString()) + " to " + _t(status.toStatusString())); // Always rebuild when the status changes, even if our address hasn't changed, // as rebuildExternalAddress() calls replaceAddress() which calls CSFI.notifyReplaceAddress() // which will start up NTCP inbound when we transition to OK. // if (needsRebuild()) rebuildExternalAddress(); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Status unchanged: " + _reachabilityStatus + " after update: " + newStatus + " (unchanged " + _reachabilityStatusUnchanged + " consecutive times), last updated " + DataHelper.formatDuration(_context.clock().now() - _reachabilityStatusLastUpdated) + " ago"); } } private static final String PROP_REACHABILITY_STATUS_OVERRIDE = "i2np.udp.status"; /** * Previously returned short, now enum as of 0.9.20 */ public Status getReachabilityStatus() { String override = _context.getProperty(PROP_REACHABILITY_STATUS_OVERRIDE); if (override != null) { if ("ok".equals(override)) return Status.OK; else if ("err-reject".equals(override)) return Status.REJECT_UNSOLICITED; else if ("err-different".equals(override)) return Status.DIFFERENT; } return _reachabilityStatus; } /** * @deprecated unused */ @Override @Deprecated public void recheckReachability() { // FIXME locking if we do this again //_testEvent.runTest(); } /** * Pick a Bob (if we are Alice) or a Charlie (if we are Bob). * * For Bob (as called from PeerTestEvent below), returns an established IPv4/v6 peer. * While the protocol allows Alice to select an unestablished Bob, we don't support that. * * For Charlie (as called from PeerTestManager), returns an established IPv4 or IPv6 peer. * (doesn't matter how Bob and Charlie communicate) * * Any returned peer must advertise an IPv4 address to prove it is IPv4-capable. * Ditto for v6. * * @param peerRole The role of the peer we are looking for, BOB or CHARLIE only (NOT our role) * @param isIPv6 true to get a v6-capable peer back * @param dontInclude may be null * @return IPv4 peer or null */ PeerState pickTestPeer(PeerTestState.Role peerRole, boolean isIPv6, RemoteHostId dontInclude) { if (peerRole == ALICE) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); List<PeerState> peers = new ArrayList<PeerState>(_peersByIdent.values()); for (Iterator<PeerState> iter = new RandomIterator<PeerState>(peers); iter.hasNext(); ) { PeerState peer =; if ( (dontInclude != null) && (dontInclude.equals(peer.getRemoteHostId())) ) continue; // enforce IPv4/v6 connection if we are ALICE looking for a BOB byte[] ip = peer.getRemoteIP(); if (peerRole == BOB) { if (isIPv6) { if (ip.length != 16) continue; } else { if (ip.length != 4) continue; } } // enforce IPv4/v6 advertised for all RouterInfo peerInfo = _context.netDb().lookupRouterInfoLocally(peer.getRemotePeer()); if (peerInfo == null) continue; if (isIPv6) { String v = peerInfo.getVersion(); if (VersionComparator.comp(v, MIN_V6_PEER_TEST_VERSION) < 0) continue; } ip = null; List<RouterAddress> addrs = getTargetAddresses(peerInfo); for (RouterAddress addr : addrs) { byte[] rip = addr.getIP(); if (rip != null) { if (isIPv6) { if (rip.length != 16) continue; } else { if (rip.length != 4) continue; } // as of 0.9.27, we trust the 'B' cap for IPv6 String caps = addr.getOption(UDPAddress.PROP_CAPACITY); if (caps != null && caps.contains(CAP_TESTING)) { ip = rip; break; } } } if (ip == null) continue; if (isTooClose(ip)) continue; return peer; } return null; } /** * Periodically ping the introducers, split out since we need to * do it faster than we rebuild our address. * @since 0.8.11 */ private class PingIntroducers implements SimpleTimer.TimedEvent { public void timeReached() { if (introducersRequired()) _introManager.pingIntroducers(); } } /******* private static final String BADIPS[] = new String[] { "", "", "", "", "" }; private static final String GOODIPS[] = new String[] { "", "", "", "", "" }; public static void main(String args[]) { for (int i = 0; i < BADIPS.length; i++) { try { InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(BADIPS[i]); boolean routable = isPubliclyRoutable(addr.getAddress()); System.out.println("Routable: " + routable + " (" + BADIPS[i] + ")"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } for (int i = 0; i < GOODIPS.length; i++) { try { InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(GOODIPS[i]); boolean routable = isPubliclyRoutable(addr.getAddress()); System.out.println("Routable: " + routable + " (" + GOODIPS[i] + ")"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } *******/ }