package net.i2p.router.transport.udp; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import; import; import; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.router.transport.FIFOBandwidthLimiter; import net.i2p.router.util.CDQEntry; import net.i2p.util.Addresses; import net.i2p.util.Log; import net.i2p.util.SystemVersion; /** * Basic delivery unit containing the datagram. This also maintains a cache * of object instances to allow rapid reuse. * */ class UDPPacket implements CDQEntry { private RouterContext _context; private final DatagramPacket _packet; private volatile short _priority; private volatile long _initializeTime; //private volatile long _expiration; private final byte[] _data; private final byte[] _validateBuf; private final byte[] _ivBuf; private volatile int _markedType; private RemoteHostId _remoteHost; private boolean _released; //private volatile Exception _releasedBy; //private volatile Exception _acquiredBy; private long _enqueueTime; private long _receivedTime; //private long _beforeValidate; //private long _afterValidate; //private long _beforeReceiveFragments; //private long _afterHandlingTime; private int _validateCount; // private boolean _isInbound; private FIFOBandwidthLimiter.Request _bandwidthRequest; // Warning - this mixes contexts in a multi-router JVM private static final Queue<UDPPacket> _packetCache; private static final boolean CACHE = true; private static final int MIN_CACHE_SIZE = 64; private static final int MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 256; static { if (CACHE) { long maxMemory = SystemVersion.getMaxMemory(); int csize = (int) Math.max(MIN_CACHE_SIZE, Math.min(MAX_CACHE_SIZE, maxMemory / (1024*1024))); _packetCache = new LinkedBlockingQueue<UDPPacket>(csize); } else { _packetCache = null; } } /** * Actually it is one less than this, we assume * if a received packet is this big it is truncated. * This is bigger than PeerState.LARGE_MTU, as the far-end's * LARGE_MTU may be larger than ours. * * Due to longstanding bugs, a packet may be larger than LARGE_MTU * (acks and padding). Together with an increase in the LARGE_MTU to * 1492 in release 0.8.9, routers from 0.8.9 - 0.8.11 can generate * packets up to 1536. Data packets are always a multiple of 16, * so make this 4 + a multiple of 16. */ static final int MAX_PACKET_SIZE = 1572; public static final int IV_SIZE = 16; public static final int MAC_SIZE = 16; /** Message types, 4 bits max */ public static final int PAYLOAD_TYPE_SESSION_REQUEST = 0; public static final int PAYLOAD_TYPE_SESSION_CREATED = 1; public static final int PAYLOAD_TYPE_SESSION_CONFIRMED = 2; public static final int PAYLOAD_TYPE_RELAY_REQUEST = 3; public static final int PAYLOAD_TYPE_RELAY_RESPONSE = 4; public static final int PAYLOAD_TYPE_RELAY_INTRO = 5; public static final int PAYLOAD_TYPE_DATA = 6; public static final int PAYLOAD_TYPE_TEST = 7; /** @since 0.8.1 */ public static final int PAYLOAD_TYPE_SESSION_DESTROY = 8; public static final int MAX_PAYLOAD_TYPE = PAYLOAD_TYPE_SESSION_DESTROY; // various flag fields for use in the header /** * Defined in the spec from the beginning, Unused * @since 0.9.24 */ public static final byte HEADER_FLAG_REKEY = (1 << 3); /** * Defined in the spec from the beginning, Used starting in 0.9.24 * @since 0.9.24 */ public static final byte HEADER_FLAG_EXTENDED_OPTIONS = (1 << 2); // Extended options for session request public static final int SESS_REQ_MIN_EXT_OPTIONS_LENGTH = 2; // bytes 0-1 are flags /** * set to 1 to request a session tag, i.e. we want him to be an introducer for us */ public static final int SESS_REQ_EXT_FLAG_REQUEST_RELAY_TAG = 0x01; // various flag fields for use in the data packets public static final byte DATA_FLAG_EXPLICIT_ACK = (byte)(1 << 7); public static final byte DATA_FLAG_ACK_BITFIELDS = (1 << 6); /** unused */ public static final byte DATA_FLAG_ECN = (1 << 4); public static final byte DATA_FLAG_WANT_ACKS = (1 << 3); public static final byte DATA_FLAG_WANT_REPLY = (1 << 2); /** unused */ public static final byte DATA_FLAG_EXTENDED = (1 << 1); public static final byte BITFIELD_CONTINUATION = (byte)(1 << 7); private static final int MAX_VALIDATE_SIZE = MAX_PACKET_SIZE; private UDPPacket(RouterContext ctx) { //ctx.statManager().createRateStat("udp.fetchRemoteSlow", "How long it takes to grab the remote ip info", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); // the data buffer is clobbered on init(..), but we need it to bootstrap _data = new byte[MAX_PACKET_SIZE]; _packet = new DatagramPacket(_data, MAX_PACKET_SIZE); _validateBuf = new byte[MAX_VALIDATE_SIZE]; _ivBuf = new byte[IV_SIZE]; init(ctx); } private synchronized void init(RouterContext ctx) { _context = ctx; //_dataBuf = _dataCache.acquire(); Arrays.fill(_data, (byte)0); //_packet = new DatagramPacket(_data, MAX_PACKET_SIZE); // // WARNING - // Doesn't seem like we should have to do this every time, // from reading the DatagramPacket javadocs, // but we get massive corruption without it. _packet.setData(_data); // _isInbound = inbound; _initializeTime = _context.clock().now(); _markedType = -1; _validateCount = 0; _remoteHost = null; _released = false; // clear out some values to make debugging easier via toString() _messageType = -1; _enqueueTime = 0; _receivedTime = 0; _fragmentCount = 0; } /**** public void writeData(byte src[], int offset, int len) { verifyNotReleased(); System.arraycopy(src, offset, _data, 0, len); _packet.setLength(len); resetBegin(); } ****/ /** */ public synchronized DatagramPacket getPacket() { verifyNotReleased(); return _packet; } public synchronized short getPriority() { verifyNotReleased(); return _priority; } //public long getExpiration() { verifyNotReleased(); return _expiration; } public synchronized long getBegin() { verifyNotReleased(); return _initializeTime; } public long getLifetime() { /** verifyNotReleased(); */ return _context.clock().now() - _initializeTime; } public synchronized void resetBegin() { _initializeTime = _context.clock().now(); } /** flag this packet as a particular type for accounting purposes */ public synchronized void markType(int type) { verifyNotReleased(); _markedType = type; } /** * flag this packet as a particular type for accounting purposes, with * 1 implying the packet is an ACK, otherwise it is a data packet * */ public synchronized int getMarkedType() { verifyNotReleased(); return _markedType; } private int _messageType; private int _fragmentCount; /** only for debugging and stats, does not go on the wire */ int getMessageType() { return _messageType; } /** only for debugging and stats, does not go on the wire */ void setMessageType(int type) { _messageType = type; } /** only for debugging and stats */ int getFragmentCount() { return _fragmentCount; } /** only for debugging and stats */ void setFragmentCount(int count) { _fragmentCount = count; } synchronized RemoteHostId getRemoteHost() { if (_remoteHost == null) { //long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); InetAddress addr = _packet.getAddress(); byte ip[] = addr.getAddress(); int port = _packet.getPort(); _remoteHost = new RemoteHostId(ip, port); //long timeToFetch = System.currentTimeMillis() - before; //if (timeToFetch > 50) // _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.fetchRemoteSlow", timeToFetch, getLifetime()); } return _remoteHost; } /** * Validate the packet against the MAC specified, returning true if the * MAC matches, false otherwise. * */ public synchronized boolean validate(SessionKey macKey) { verifyNotReleased(); //_beforeValidate = _context.clock().now(); boolean eq = false; Arrays.fill(_validateBuf, (byte)0); // validate by comparing _data[0:15] and // HMAC(payload + IV + (payloadLength ^ protocolVersion), macKey) int payloadLength = _packet.getLength() - MAC_SIZE - IV_SIZE; if (payloadLength > 0) { int off = 0; System.arraycopy(_data, _packet.getOffset() + MAC_SIZE + IV_SIZE, _validateBuf, off, payloadLength); off += payloadLength; System.arraycopy(_data, _packet.getOffset() + MAC_SIZE, _validateBuf, off, IV_SIZE); off += IV_SIZE; DataHelper.toLong(_validateBuf, off, 2, payloadLength /* ^ PacketBuilder.PROTOCOL_VERSION */ ); off += 2; eq = _context.hmac().verify(macKey, _validateBuf, 0, off, _data, _packet.getOffset(), MAC_SIZE); if (!eq) { // this is relatively frequent, as you can get old keys in PacketHandler. Log log = _context.logManager().getLog(UDPPacket.class); if (log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) { byte[] calc = new byte[32]; _context.hmac().calculate(macKey, _validateBuf, 0, off, calc, 0); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(512); str.append("Bad HMAC:\n\t"); str.append(_packet.getLength()).append(" byte pkt, "); str.append(payloadLength).append(" byte payload"); str.append("\n\tFrom: ").append(getRemoteHost().toString()); str.append("\n\tIV: ").append(Base64.encode(_validateBuf, payloadLength, IV_SIZE)); str.append("\n\tIV2: ").append(Base64.encode(_data, MAC_SIZE, IV_SIZE)); str.append("\n\tGiven Len: ").append(DataHelper.fromLong(_validateBuf, payloadLength + IV_SIZE, 2)); str.append("\n\tCalc HMAC: ").append(Base64.encode(calc, 0, MAC_SIZE)); str.append("\n\tRead HMAC: ").append(Base64.encode(_data, _packet.getOffset(), MAC_SIZE)); str.append("\n\tUsing key: ").append(macKey.toBase64()); if (DataHelper.eq(macKey.getData(), 0, _context.routerHash().getData(), 0, 32)) str.append(" (Intro)"); else str.append(" (Session)"); str.append("\n\tRaw: ").append(Base64.encode(_data, _packet.getOffset(), _packet.getLength()));, new Exception()); } } } else { Log log = _context.logManager().getLog(UDPPacket.class); if (log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) log.warn("Payload length is " + payloadLength + ", too short! From: " + getRemoteHost() + '\n' + net.i2p.util.HexDump.dump(_data, _packet.getOffset(), _packet.getLength())); } //_afterValidate = _context.clock().now(); _validateCount++; return eq; } /** * Decrypt this valid packet, overwriting the _data buffer's payload * with the decrypted data (leaving the MAC and IV unaltered) * */ public synchronized void decrypt(SessionKey cipherKey) { verifyNotReleased(); System.arraycopy(_data, MAC_SIZE, _ivBuf, 0, IV_SIZE); int len = _packet.getLength(); // As of 0.9.7, ignore padding beyond the last mod 16, // it could otherwise blow up in decryption. // This allows for better obfuscation. // Probably works without this since _data is bigger than necessary, but let's not // bother decrypting and risk overrun. int rem = len & 0x0f; if (rem != 0) len -= rem; int off = _packet.getOffset() + MAC_SIZE + IV_SIZE; _context.aes().decrypt(_data, off, _data, off, cipherKey, _ivBuf, len - MAC_SIZE - IV_SIZE); } /** * For CDQ * @since 0.9.3 */ public void setEnqueueTime(long now) { _enqueueTime = now; } /** a packet handler has pulled it off the inbound queue */ synchronized void received() { _receivedTime = _context.clock().now(); } /** a packet handler has decrypted and verified the packet and is about to parse out the good bits */ //void beforeReceiveFragments() { _beforeReceiveFragments = _context.clock().now(); } /** a packet handler has finished parsing out the good bits */ //void afterHandling() { _afterHandlingTime = _context.clock().now(); } /** * For CDQ * @since 0.9.3 */ public long getEnqueueTime() { return _enqueueTime; } /** a packet handler has pulled it off the inbound queue */ synchronized long getTimeSinceReceived() { return (_receivedTime > 0 ? _context.clock().now() - _receivedTime : 0); } /** a packet handler has decrypted and verified the packet and is about to parse out the good bits */ //long getTimeSinceReceiveFragments() { return (_beforeReceiveFragments > 0 ? _context.clock().now() - _beforeReceiveFragments : 0); } /** a packet handler has finished parsing out the good bits */ //long getTimeSinceHandling() { return (_afterHandlingTime > 0 ? _context.clock().now() - _afterHandlingTime : 0); } /** * So that we can compete with NTCP, we want to request bandwidth * in parallel, on the way into the queue, not on the way out. * Call before enqueueing. * @since 0.9.21 * @deprecated unused */ @Deprecated public synchronized void requestInboundBandwidth() { verifyNotReleased(); _bandwidthRequest = _context.bandwidthLimiter().requestInbound(_packet.getLength(), "UDP receiver"); } /** * So that we can compete with NTCP, we want to request bandwidth * in parallel, on the way into the queue, not on the way out. * Call before enqueueing. * @since 0.9.21 */ public synchronized void requestOutboundBandwidth() { verifyNotReleased(); _bandwidthRequest = _context.bandwidthLimiter().requestOutbound(_packet.getLength(), 0, "UDP sender"); } /** * So that we can compete with NTCP, we want to request bandwidth * in parallel, on the way into the queue, not on the way out. * Call after dequeueing. * @since 0.9.21 */ public synchronized FIFOBandwidthLimiter.Request getBandwidthRequest() { verifyNotReleased(); return _bandwidthRequest; } // Following 5: All used only for stats in PacketHandler, commented out /** when it was pulled off the endpoint receive queue */ //long getReceivedTime() { return _receivedTime; } /** when we began validate() */ //long getBeforeValidate() { return _beforeValidate; } /** when we finished validate() */ //long getAfterValidate() { return _afterValidate; } /** how many times we tried to validate the packet */ //int getValidateCount() { return _validateCount; } @Override public String toString() { verifyNotReleased(); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(256); buf.append(_packet.getLength()); buf.append(" byte pkt with "); buf.append(Addresses.toString(_packet.getAddress().getAddress(), _packet.getPort())); //buf.append(" id=").append(System.identityHashCode(this)); if (_messageType >= 0) buf.append(" msgType=").append(_messageType); if (_markedType >= 0) buf.append(" markType=").append(_markedType); if (_fragmentCount > 0) buf.append(" fragCount=").append(_fragmentCount); if (_enqueueTime > 0) buf.append(" sinceEnqueued=").append(_context.clock().now() - _enqueueTime); if (_receivedTime > 0) buf.append(" sinceReceived=").append(_context.clock().now() - _receivedTime); //buf.append(" beforeReceiveFragments=").append((_beforeReceiveFragments > 0 ? _context.clock().now()-_beforeReceiveFragments : -1)); //buf.append(" sinceHandled=").append((_afterHandlingTime > 0 ? _context.clock().now()-_afterHandlingTime : -1)); //buf.append("\ndata=").append(Base64.encode(_packet.getData(), _packet.getOffset(), _packet.getLength())); return buf.toString(); } /** * @param inbound unused */ public static UDPPacket acquire(RouterContext ctx, boolean inbound) { UDPPacket rv = null; if (CACHE) { rv = _packetCache.poll(); if (rv != null) { synchronized(rv) { if (!rv._released) { Log log = rv._context.logManager().getLog(UDPPacket.class); log.error("Unreleased cached packet", new Exception()); rv = null; } else { rv.init(ctx); } } } } if (rv == null) rv = new UDPPacket(ctx); return rv; } /** * For CDQ * @since 0.9.3 */ public void drop() { release(); } public synchronized void release() { verifyNotReleased(); _released = true; //_releasedBy = new Exception("released by"); //_acquiredBy = null; // //_dataCache.release(_dataBuf); if (_bandwidthRequest != null) { synchronized(_bandwidthRequest) { if (_bandwidthRequest.getPendingRequested() > 0) _bandwidthRequest.abort(); } _bandwidthRequest = null; } if (!CACHE) return; _packetCache.offer(this); } /** * Call at shutdown/startup to not hold ctx refs * @since 0.9.2 */ public static void clearCache() { if (CACHE) _packetCache.clear(); } private synchronized void verifyNotReleased() { if (!CACHE) return; if (_released) { Log log = _context.logManager().getLog(UDPPacket.class); log.error("Already released", new Exception()); //log.log(Log.CRIT, "Released by: ", _releasedBy); //log.log(Log.CRIT, "Acquired by: ", _acquiredBy); } } }