package net.i2p.router.client; /* * free (adj.): unencumbered; not under the control of others * Written by jrandom in 2003 and released into the public domain * with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. * It probably won't make your computer catch on fire, or eat * your children, but it might. Use at your own risk. * */ import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import net.i2p.CoreVersion; import net.i2p.client.I2PSessionException; import net.i2p.crypto.SessionKeyManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.internal.I2CPMessageQueue; import net.i2p.router.ClientManagerFacade; import net.i2p.router.ClientMessage; import net.i2p.router.Job; import net.i2p.router.JobImpl; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.util.I2PThread; import net.i2p.util.Log; import net.i2p.util.SimpleTimer2; import net.i2p.util.SystemVersion; /** * Coordinate connections and various tasks * * @author jrandom */ class ClientManager { private final Log _log; protected final List<ClientListenerRunner> _listeners; // Destination --> ClientConnectionRunner // Locked for adds/removes but not lookups // If a runner has multiple sessions it will be in here multiple times, one for each dest private final Map<Destination, ClientConnectionRunner> _runners; // Same as what's in _runners, but for fast lookup by Hash // Locked for adds/removes but not lookups // If a runner has multiple sessions it will be in here multiple times, one for each dest private final Map<Hash, ClientConnectionRunner> _runnersByHash; // ClientConnectionRunner for clients w/out a Dest yet private final Set<ClientConnectionRunner> _pendingRunners; private final Set<SessionId> _runnerSessionIds; protected final RouterContext _ctx; protected final int _port; protected volatile boolean _isStarted; private final SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent _clientTimestamper; /** Disable external interface, allow internal clients only @since 0.8.3 */ private static final String PROP_DISABLE_EXTERNAL = "i2cp.disableInterface"; /** SSL interface (only) @since 0.8.3 */ private static final String PROP_ENABLE_SSL = "i2cp.SSL"; private static final int INTERNAL_QUEUE_SIZE = 256; private static final long REQUEST_LEASESET_TIMEOUT = 60*1000; /** 2 bytes, save 65535 for unknown */ private static final int MAX_SESSION_ID = 65534; private static final String PROP_MAX_SESSIONS = "i2cp.maxSessions"; private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_SESSIONS = 100; /** 65535 */ public static final SessionId UNKNOWN_SESSION_ID = new SessionId(MAX_SESSION_ID + 1); /** * Does not start the listeners. * Caller must call start() */ public ClientManager(RouterContext context, int port) { _ctx = context; _log = context.logManager().getLog(ClientManager.class); //_ctx.statManager().createRateStat("client.receiveMessageSize", // "How large are messages received by the client?", // "ClientMessages", // new long[] { 60*1000l, 60*60*1000l, 24*60*60*1000l }); _listeners = new ArrayList<ClientListenerRunner>(); _runners = new ConcurrentHashMap<Destination, ClientConnectionRunner>(); _runnersByHash = new ConcurrentHashMap<Hash, ClientConnectionRunner>(); _pendingRunners = new HashSet<ClientConnectionRunner>(); _runnerSessionIds = new HashSet<SessionId>(); _port = port; _clientTimestamper = new ClientTimestamper(); // following are for RequestLeaseSetJob _ctx.statManager().createRateStat("client.requestLeaseSetSuccess", "How frequently the router requests successfully a new leaseSet?", "ClientMessages", new long[] { 60*60*1000 }); _ctx.statManager().createRateStat("client.requestLeaseSetTimeout", "How frequently the router requests a new leaseSet but gets no reply?", "ClientMessages", new long[] { 60*60*1000 }); _ctx.statManager().createRateStat("client.requestLeaseSetDropped", "How frequently the router requests a new leaseSet but the client drops?", "ClientMessages", new long[] { 60*60*1000 }); } /** @since 0.9.8 */ public synchronized void start() { startListeners(); } /** * Call from synchronized method * Todo: Start a 3rd listener for IPV6? */ protected void startListeners() { ClientListenerRunner listener; if (SystemVersion.isAndroid()) { try { Class<? extends ClientListenerRunner> clazz = Class.forName( "net.i2p.router.client.DomainClientListenerRunner" ).asSubclass(ClientListenerRunner.class); Constructor<? extends ClientListenerRunner> ctor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(RouterContext.class, ClientManager.class); listener = ctor.newInstance(_ctx, this); Thread t = new I2PThread(listener, "DomainClientListener", true); t.start(); _listeners.add(listener); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { _log.warn("Could not find DomainClientListenerRunner class", e); } catch (ClassCastException e) { _log.error("Error creating DomainClientListenerRunner", e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { _log.error("Error creating DomainClientListenerRunner", e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { _log.error("Error creating DomainClientListenerRunner", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { _log.error("Error creating DomainClientListenerRunner", e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { _log.error("Error creating DomainClientListenerRunner", e); } } if (!_ctx.getBooleanProperty(PROP_DISABLE_EXTERNAL)) { // there's no option to start both an SSL and non-SSL listener if (_ctx.getBooleanProperty(PROP_ENABLE_SSL)) listener = new SSLClientListenerRunner(_ctx, this, _port); else listener = new ClientListenerRunner(_ctx, this, _port); Thread t = new I2PThread(listener, "ClientListener:" + _port, true); t.start(); _listeners.add(listener); _clientTimestamper.schedule(ClientTimestamper.LOOP_TIME); } _isStarted = true; } public synchronized void restart() { shutdown("Router restart"); // to let the old listener die try { Thread.sleep(2*1000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} startListeners(); } /** * @param msg message to send to the clients */ public synchronized void shutdown(String msg) { _isStarted = false;"Shutting down the ClientManager"); for (ClientListenerRunner listener : _listeners) listener.stopListening(); _listeners.clear(); Set<ClientConnectionRunner> runners = new HashSet<ClientConnectionRunner>(); synchronized (_runners) { for (ClientConnectionRunner runner : _runners.values()) { runners.add(runner); } } synchronized (_pendingRunners) { for (ClientConnectionRunner runner : _pendingRunners) { runners.add(runner); } } for (ClientConnectionRunner runner : runners) { runner.disconnectClient(msg, Log.WARN); } _runnersByHash.clear(); _clientTimestamper.cancel(); } /** * The InternalClientManager interface. * Connects to the router, receiving a message queue to talk to the router with. * @throws I2PSessionException if the router isn't ready * @since 0.8.3 */ public I2CPMessageQueue internalConnect() throws I2PSessionException { if (!_isStarted) throw new I2PSessionException("Router client manager is shut down"); LinkedBlockingQueue<I2CPMessage> in = new LinkedBlockingQueue<I2CPMessage>(INTERNAL_QUEUE_SIZE); LinkedBlockingQueue<I2CPMessage> out = new LinkedBlockingQueue<I2CPMessage>(INTERNAL_QUEUE_SIZE); I2CPMessageQueue myQueue = new I2CPMessageQueueImpl(in, out); I2CPMessageQueue hisQueue = new I2CPMessageQueueImpl(out, in); ClientConnectionRunner runner = new QueuedClientConnectionRunner(_ctx, this, myQueue); registerConnection(runner); return hisQueue; } public synchronized boolean isAlive() { boolean listening = true; if (!_listeners.isEmpty()) { for (ClientListenerRunner listener : _listeners) listening = listening && listener.isListening(); } return _isStarted && (_listeners.isEmpty() || listening); } public void registerConnection(ClientConnectionRunner runner) { try { runner.startRunning(); synchronized (_pendingRunners) { _pendingRunners.add(runner); } } catch (IOException ioe) { _log.error("Error starting up the runner", ioe); runner.stopRunning(); } } /** * Remove all sessions for this runner. */ public void unregisterConnection(ClientConnectionRunner runner) { synchronized (_pendingRunners) { _pendingRunners.remove(runner); } List<SessionId> ids = runner.getSessionIds(); List<Destination> dests = runner.getDestinations(); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Unregistering (dropping) a client connection with ids: " + ids); synchronized (_runners) { for (SessionId id : ids) { _runnerSessionIds.remove(id); } for (Destination dest : dests) { _runners.remove(dest); _runnersByHash.remove(dest.calculateHash()); } // just in case for (Iterator<ClientConnectionRunner> iter = _runners.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ClientConnectionRunner r =; if (r.equals(runner)) iter.remove(); } for (Iterator<ClientConnectionRunner> iter = _runnersByHash.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ClientConnectionRunner r =; if (r.equals(runner)) iter.remove(); } } } /** * Remove only the following session. Does not remove the runner if it has more. * * @since 0.9.21 */ public void unregisterSession(SessionId id, Destination dest) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Unregistering client session " + id); synchronized (_runners) { _runnerSessionIds.remove(id); _runners.remove(dest); _runnersByHash.remove(dest.calculateHash()); } } /** * Add to the clients list. Check for a dup destination. * Side effect: Sets the session ID of the runner. * Caller must call runner.disconnectClient() on failure. * * @return SessionStatusMessage return code, 1 for success, != 1 for failure */ public int destinationEstablished(ClientConnectionRunner runner, Destination dest) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("DestinationEstablished called for destination " + dest.calculateHash().toBase64()); synchronized (_pendingRunners) { _pendingRunners.remove(runner); } int rv; synchronized (_runners) { boolean fail = _runnersByHash.containsKey(dest.calculateHash()); if (fail) { rv = SessionStatusMessage.STATUS_INVALID; } else { SessionId id = locked_getNextSessionId(); if (id != null) { Hash h = dest.calculateHash(); runner.setSessionId(h, id); _runners.put(dest, runner); _runnersByHash.put(h, runner); rv = SessionStatusMessage.STATUS_CREATED; } else { rv = SessionStatusMessage.STATUS_REFUSED; } } } if (rv == SessionStatusMessage.STATUS_INVALID) { _log.log(Log.CRIT, "Client attempted to register duplicate destination " + dest.calculateHash().toBase64()); } else if (rv == SessionStatusMessage.STATUS_REFUSED) { _log.error("Max sessions exceeded " + dest.calculateHash().toBase64()); } return rv; } /** * Generate a new random, unused sessionId. Caller must synch on _runners. * @return null on failure * @since 0.9.12 */ private SessionId locked_getNextSessionId() { int max = Math.max(1, Math.min(2048, _ctx.getProperty(PROP_MAX_SESSIONS, DEFAULT_MAX_SESSIONS))); if (_runnerSessionIds.size() >= max) { _log.logAlways(Log.WARN, "Session refused, max is " + max + ", increase " + PROP_MAX_SESSIONS); return null; } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { SessionId id = new SessionId(_ctx.random().nextInt(MAX_SESSION_ID + 1)); if (_runnerSessionIds.add(id)) return id; } _log.logAlways(Log.WARN, "Session refused, can't find id slot"); return null; } /** * Distribute message to a local or remote destination. * @param msgId the router's ID for this message * @param messageNonce the client's ID for this message * @param flags ignored for local */ void distributeMessage(Destination fromDest, Destination toDest, Payload payload, MessageId msgId, long messageNonce, long expiration, int flags) { // check if there is a runner for it ClientConnectionRunner runner = getRunner(toDest); if (runner != null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Message " + msgId + " is targeting a local destination. distribute it as such"); ClientConnectionRunner sender = getRunner(fromDest); if (sender == null) { // sender went away return; } // run this inline so we don't clog up the job queue Job j = new DistributeLocal(toDest, runner, sender, fromDest, payload, msgId, messageNonce); //_ctx.jobQueue().addJob(j); j.runJob(); } else { // remote. w00t if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Message " + msgId + " is targeting a REMOTE destination! Added to the client message pool"); runner = getRunner(fromDest); if (runner == null) { // sender went away return; } SessionConfig config = runner.getConfig(fromDest.calculateHash()); if (config == null) return; ClientMessage msg = new ClientMessage(toDest, payload, config, fromDest, msgId, messageNonce, expiration, flags); _ctx.clientMessagePool().add(msg, true); } } private class DistributeLocal extends JobImpl { private final Destination _toDest; private final ClientConnectionRunner _to; private final ClientConnectionRunner _from; private final Destination _fromDest; private final Payload _payload; private final MessageId _msgId; private final long _messageNonce; /** * @param msgId the router's ID for this message * @param messageNonce the client's ID for this message */ public DistributeLocal(Destination toDest, ClientConnectionRunner to, ClientConnectionRunner from, Destination fromDest, Payload payload, MessageId id, long messageNonce) { super(_ctx); _toDest = toDest; _to = to; _from = from; _fromDest = fromDest; _payload = payload; _msgId = id; _messageNonce = messageNonce; } public String getName() { return "Distribute local message"; } public void runJob() { boolean ok = _to.receiveMessage(_toDest, _fromDest, _payload); if (_from != null) { int rc = ok ? MessageStatusMessage.STATUS_SEND_SUCCESS_LOCAL : MessageStatusMessage.STATUS_SEND_FAILURE_LOCAL; _from.updateMessageDeliveryStatus(_fromDest, _msgId, _messageNonce, rc); } } } /** * Request that a particular client authorize the Leases contained in the * LeaseSet, after which the onCreateJob is queued up. If that doesn't occur * within the timeout specified, queue up the onFailedJob. This call does not * block. * * UNUSED, the call below without jobs is always used. * * @param dest Destination from which the LeaseSet's authorization should be requested * @param set LeaseSet with requested leases - this object must be updated to contain the * signed version (as well as any changed/added/removed Leases). * The LeaseSet contains Leases only; it is unsigned and does not have the destination set. * @param timeout ms to wait before failing * @param onCreateJob Job to run after the LeaseSet is authorized * @param onFailedJob Job to run after the timeout passes without receiving authorization */ public void requestLeaseSet(Destination dest, LeaseSet set, long timeout, Job onCreateJob, Job onFailedJob) { ClientConnectionRunner runner = getRunner(dest); if (runner == null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Cannot request the lease set, as we can't find a client runner for " + dest.calculateHash().toBase64() + ". disconnected?"); _ctx.jobQueue().addJob(onFailedJob); } else { runner.requestLeaseSet(dest.calculateHash(), set, timeout, onCreateJob, onFailedJob); } } /** * Request that a particular client authorize the Leases contained in the * LeaseSet. * * @param dest Destination from which the LeaseSet's authorization should be requested * @param ls LeaseSet with requested leases - this object must be updated to contain the * signed version (as well as any changed/added/removed Leases). * The LeaseSet contains Leases only; it is unsigned and does not have the destination set. */ public void requestLeaseSet(Hash dest, LeaseSet ls) { ClientConnectionRunner runner = getRunner(dest); if (runner != null) { // no need to fire off any jobs... runner.requestLeaseSet(dest, ls, REQUEST_LEASESET_TIMEOUT, null, null); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Cannot request the lease set, as we can't find a client runner for " + dest + ". disconnected?"); } } /** * Unsynchronized */ public boolean isLocal(Destination dest) { return _runners.containsKey(dest); } /** * Unsynchronized */ public boolean isLocal(Hash destHash) { if (destHash == null) return false; return _runnersByHash.containsKey(destHash); } /** * @return true if we don't know about this destination at all */ public boolean shouldPublishLeaseSet(Hash destHash) { if (destHash == null) return true; ClientConnectionRunner runner = getRunner(destHash); if (runner == null) return true; SessionConfig config = runner.getConfig(destHash); if (config == null) return true; return !Boolean.parseBoolean(config.getOptions().getProperty(ClientManagerFacade.PROP_CLIENT_ONLY)); } /** * Unsynchronized */ public Set<Destination> listClients() { Set<Destination> rv = new HashSet<Destination>(); rv.addAll(_runners.keySet()); return rv; } /** * Unsynchronized */ ClientConnectionRunner getRunner(Destination dest) { return _runners.get(dest); } /** * Return the client's current config, or null if not connected * */ public SessionConfig getClientSessionConfig(Destination dest) { ClientConnectionRunner runner = getRunner(dest); if (runner != null) return runner.getConfig(dest.calculateHash()); else return null; } /** * Return the client's SessionKeyManager * Use this instead of the RouterContext.sessionKeyManager() * to prevent correlation attacks across destinations */ public SessionKeyManager getClientSessionKeyManager(Hash dest) { ClientConnectionRunner runner = getRunner(dest); if (runner != null) return runner.getSessionKeyManager(); else return null; } /** * Unsynchronized */ private ClientConnectionRunner getRunner(Hash destHash) { if (destHash == null) return null; return _runnersByHash.get(destHash); } /** * @param id the router's ID for this message * @param messageNonce the client's ID for this message * @param status see I2CP MessageStatusMessage for success/failure codes */ public void messageDeliveryStatusUpdate(Destination fromDest, MessageId id, long messageNonce, int status) { ClientConnectionRunner runner = getRunner(fromDest); if (runner != null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Delivering status " + status + " to " + fromDest.calculateHash() + " for message " + id); runner.updateMessageDeliveryStatus(fromDest, id, messageNonce, status); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Cannot deliver status " + status + " to " + fromDest.calculateHash() + " for message " + id); } } /** * @return unmodifiable, not a copy */ Set<Destination> getRunnerDestinations() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(_runners.keySet()); } /** * Unused * * @param dest null for all local destinations */ public void reportAbuse(Destination dest, String reason, int severity) { if (dest != null) { ClientConnectionRunner runner = getRunner(dest); if (runner != null) { runner.reportAbuse(dest, reason, severity); } } else { for (Destination d : _runners.keySet()) { reportAbuse(d, reason, severity); } } } /** @deprecated unused */ @Deprecated public void renderStatusHTML(Writer out) throws IOException { /****** StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(8*1024); buf.append("<u><b>Local destinations</b></u><br>"); Map<Destination, ClientConnectionRunner> runners = null; synchronized (_runners) { runners = (Map)_runners.clone(); } for (Iterator<Destination> iter = runners.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Destination dest =; ClientConnectionRunner runner = runners.get(dest); buf.append("<b>*</b> ").append(dest.calculateHash().toBase64().substring(0,6)).append("<br>\n"); LeaseSet ls = runner.getLeaseSet(); if (ls == null) { buf.append("<font color=\"red\"><i>No lease</i></font><br>\n"); } else { long leaseAge = ls.getEarliestLeaseDate() - _ctx.clock().now(); if (leaseAge <= 0) { buf.append("<font color=\"red\"><i>Lease expired "); buf.append(DataHelper.formatDuration(0-leaseAge)).append(" ago</i></font><br>\n"); } else { int count = ls.getLeaseCount(); if (count <= 0) { buf.append("<font color=\"red\"><i>No tunnels</i></font><br>\n"); } else { TunnelId id = ls.getLease(0).getTunnelId(); TunnelInfo info = _ctx.tunnelManager().getTunnelInfo(id); if (info == null) { buf.append("<font color=\"red\"><i>Failed tunnels</i></font><br>\n"); } else { buf.append(count).append(" x "); buf.append(info.getLength() - 1).append(" hop tunnel"); if (count != 1) buf.append('s'); buf.append("<br>\n"); buf.append("Expiring in ").append(DataHelper.formatDuration(leaseAge)); buf.append("<br>\n"); } } } } } buf.append("\n<hr>\n"); out.write(buf.toString()); out.flush(); ******/ } public void messageReceived(ClientMessage msg) { // This is fast and non-blocking, run in-line //_ctx.jobQueue().addJob(new HandleJob(msg)); (new HandleJob(msg)).runJob(); } private class HandleJob extends JobImpl { private final ClientMessage _msg; public HandleJob(ClientMessage msg) { super(_ctx); _msg = msg; } public String getName() { return "Handle Inbound Client Messages"; } public void runJob() { ClientConnectionRunner runner; Destination dest = _msg.getDestination(); if (dest != null) runner = getRunner(dest); else runner = getRunner(_msg.getDestinationHash()); if (runner != null) { //_ctx.statManager().addRateData("client.receiveMessageSize", // _msg.getPayload().getSize(), 0); if (dest != null) runner.receiveMessage(dest, null, _msg.getPayload()); else runner.receiveMessage(_msg.getDestinationHash(), null, _msg.getPayload()); } else { // no client connection... // we should pool these somewhere... if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Message received but we don't have a connection to " + dest + "/" + _msg.getDestinationHash() + " currently. DROPPED"); } } } /** * Tell external clients the time periodically * * @since 0.9.20 */ private class ClientTimestamper extends SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent { public static final long LOOP_TIME = 10*60*1000; /** must call schedule() later */ public ClientTimestamper() { super(_ctx.simpleTimer2()); } public void timeReached() { if (!_isStarted) return; for (ClientConnectionRunner runner : _runners.values()) { if (runner instanceof QueuedClientConnectionRunner) continue; if (runner.isDead()) continue; SessionConfig cfg = runner.getPrimaryConfig(); if (cfg == null) continue; // simple session or no session yet if (runner.getLeaseSet(cfg.getDestination().calculateHash()) == null) continue; // don't confuse client while waiting for CreateLeaseSet msg try { // only send version if the client can handle it (0.8.7 or greater) runner.doSend(new SetDateMessage(runner.getClientVersion() != null ? CoreVersion.VERSION : null)); } catch (I2CPMessageException ime) {} } if (_isStarted) schedule(LOOP_TIME); } } }