package net.i2p.stat; import; import; import java.text.Collator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import net.i2p.I2PAppContext; /** * Coordinate the management of various frequencies and rates within I2P components, * both allowing central update and retrieval, as well as distributed creation and * use. This does not provide any persistence, but the data structures exposed can be * read and updated to manage the complete state. * */ public class StatManager { private final I2PAppContext _context; /** stat name to FrequencyStat */ private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, FrequencyStat> _frequencyStats; /** stat name to RateStat */ private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, RateStat> _rateStats; /** may be null */ private StatLog _statLog; /** * Comma-separated stats or * for all. * This property must be set at startup, or * logging is disabled. */ public static final String PROP_STAT_FILTER = "stat.logFilters"; public static final String PROP_STAT_FILE = "stat.logFile"; public static final String DEFAULT_STAT_FILE = "stats.log"; /** default false */ public static final String PROP_STAT_FULL = "stat.full"; /** * The stat manager should only be constructed and accessed through the * application context. This constructor should only be used by the * appropriate application context itself. * */ public StatManager(I2PAppContext context) { _context = context; _frequencyStats = new ConcurrentHashMap<String,FrequencyStat>(8); _rateStats = new ConcurrentHashMap<String,RateStat>(128); String filter = getStatFilter(); if (filter != null && filter.length() > 0) _statLog = new BufferedStatLog(context); } /** @since 0.8.8 */ public void shutdown() { _frequencyStats.clear(); _rateStats.clear(); } /** may be null */ public StatLog getStatLog() { return _statLog; } public void setStatLog(StatLog log) { _statLog = log; for (RateStat rs : _rateStats.values()) { rs.setStatLog(log); } } /** * Create a new statistic to monitor the frequency of some event. * The stat is ONLY created if the stat.full property is true or we are not in the router context. * * @param name unique name of the statistic * @param description simple description of the statistic * @param group used to group statistics together * @param periods array of period lengths (in milliseconds) */ public void createFrequencyStat(String name, String description, String group, long periods[]) { if (ignoreStat(name)) return; createRequiredFrequencyStat(name, description, group, periods); } /** * Create a new statistic to monitor the frequency of some event. * The stat is always created, independent of the stat.full setting or context. * * @param name unique name of the statistic * @param description simple description of the statistic * @param group used to group statistics together * @param periods array of period lengths (in milliseconds) * @since 0.8.7 */ public void createRequiredFrequencyStat(String name, String description, String group, long periods[]) { if (_frequencyStats.containsKey(name)) return; _frequencyStats.putIfAbsent(name, new FrequencyStat(name, description, group, periods)); } /** * Create a new statistic to monitor the average value and confidence of some action. * The stat is ONLY created if the stat.full property is true or we are not in the router context. * * @param name unique name of the statistic * @param description simple description of the statistic * @param group used to group statistics together * @param periods array of period lengths (in milliseconds) */ public void createRateStat(String name, String description, String group, long periods[]) { if (ignoreStat(name)) return; createRequiredRateStat(name, description, group, periods); } /** * Create a new statistic to monitor the average value and confidence of some action. * The stat is always created, independent of the stat.full setting or context. * * @param name unique name of the statistic * @param description simple description of the statistic * @param group used to group statistics together * @param periods array of period lengths (in milliseconds) * @since 0.8.7 */ public void createRequiredRateStat(String name, String description, String group, long periods[]) { if (_rateStats.containsKey(name)) return; RateStat rs = new RateStat(name, description, group, periods); if (_statLog != null) rs.setStatLog(_statLog); _rateStats.putIfAbsent(name, rs); } // Hope this doesn't cause any problems with unsynchronized accesses like addRateData() ... public void removeRateStat(String name) { _rateStats.remove(name); } /** update the given frequency statistic, taking note that an event occurred (and recalculating all frequencies) */ public void updateFrequency(String name) { FrequencyStat freq = _frequencyStats.get(name); if (freq != null) freq.eventOccurred(); } /** update the given rate statistic, taking note that the given data point was received (and recalculating all rates) */ public void addRateData(String name, long data, long eventDuration) { RateStat stat = _rateStats.get(name); // unsynchronized if (stat != null) stat.addData(data, eventDuration); } /** * Update the given rate statistic, taking note that the given data point was received (and recalculating all rates). * Zero duration. * @since 0.8.10 */ public void addRateData(String name, long data) { RateStat stat = _rateStats.get(name); // unsynchronized if (stat != null) stat.addData(data); } private int coalesceCounter; /** every this many minutes for frequencies */ private static final int FREQ_COALESCE_RATE = 9; public void coalesceStats() { if (++coalesceCounter % FREQ_COALESCE_RATE == 0) { for (FrequencyStat stat : _frequencyStats.values()) { if (stat != null) { stat.coalesceStats(); } } } for (RateStat stat : _rateStats.values()) { if (stat != null) { stat.coalesceStats(); } } } /** * Misnamed, as it returns a FrequenceyStat, not a Frequency. */ public FrequencyStat getFrequency(String name) { return _frequencyStats.get(name); } /** * Misnamed, as it returns a RateStat, not a Rate. */ public RateStat getRate(String name) { return _rateStats.get(name); } public Set<String> getFrequencyNames() { return new HashSet<String>(_frequencyStats.keySet()); } public Set<String> getRateNames() { return new HashSet<String>(_rateStats.keySet()); } /** is the given stat a monitored rate? */ public boolean isRate(String statName) { return _rateStats.containsKey(statName); } /** is the given stat a monitored frequency? */ public boolean isFrequency(String statName) { return _frequencyStats.containsKey(statName); } /** * Group name (untranslated String) to a SortedSet of untranslated stat names. * Map is unsorted. */ public Map<String, SortedSet<String>> getStatsByGroup() { Map<String, SortedSet<String>> groups = new HashMap<String, SortedSet<String>>(32); for (FrequencyStat stat : _frequencyStats.values()) { String gname = stat.getGroupName(); SortedSet<String> names = groups.get(gname); if (names == null) { names = new TreeSet<String>(Collator.getInstance()); groups.put(gname, names); } names.add(stat.getName()); } for (RateStat stat : _rateStats.values()) { String gname = stat.getGroupName(); SortedSet<String> names = groups.get(gname); if (names == null) { names = new TreeSet<String>(Collator.getInstance()); groups.put(gname, names); } names.add(stat.getName()); } return groups; } public String getStatFilter() { return _context.getProperty(PROP_STAT_FILTER); } public String getStatFile() { return _context.getProperty(PROP_STAT_FILE, DEFAULT_STAT_FILE); } /** * Save memory by not creating stats unless they are required for router operation. * For backward compatibility of any external clients, always returns false if not in router context. * * @param statName ignored * @return true if the stat should be ignored. */ public boolean ignoreStat(String statName) { return _context.isRouterContext() && !_context.getBooleanProperty(PROP_STAT_FULL); } /** * Serializes all Frequencies and Rates to the provided OutputStream * @param out to write to * @param prefix to use when serializing * @throws IOException if something goes wrong * @since 0.9.23 */ public void store(OutputStream out, String prefix) throws IOException { for (FrequencyStat fs : _frequencyStats.values()), prefix); for (RateStat rs : _rateStats.values()),prefix); } }