package net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia; /* * free (adj.): unencumbered; not under the control of others * Written by jrandom in 2003 and released into the public domain * with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. * It probably won't make your computer catch on fire, or eat * your children, but it might. Use at your own risk. * */ import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import; import; import net.i2p.router.JobImpl; import net.i2p.router.Router; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.util.Log; /** * Fire off search jobs for random keys from the explore pool, up to MAX_PER_RUN * at a time. * If the explore pool is empty, just search for a random key. * */ class StartExplorersJob extends JobImpl { private final Log _log; private final KademliaNetworkDatabaseFacade _facade; /** don't explore more than 1 bucket at a time */ private static final int MAX_PER_RUN = 1; /** dont explore the network more often than this */ private static final int MIN_RERUN_DELAY_MS = 99*1000; /** explore the network at least this often */ private static final int MAX_RERUN_DELAY_MS = 15*60*1000; /** aggressively explore during this time - same as KNDF expiration grace period */ private static final int STARTUP_TIME = 60*60*1000; /** super-aggressively explore if we have less than this many routers */ private static final int LOW_ROUTERS = 125; /** aggressively explore if we have less than this many routers */ private static final int MIN_ROUTERS = 250; /** explore slowly if we have more than this many routers */ private static final int MAX_ROUTERS = 800; private static final long MAX_LAG = 100; private static final long MAX_MSG_DELAY = 1500; public StartExplorersJob(RouterContext context, KademliaNetworkDatabaseFacade facade) { super(context); _log = context.logManager().getLog(StartExplorersJob.class); _facade = facade; } public String getName() { return "Start Explorers Job"; } public void runJob() { if (! (_facade.floodfillEnabled() || getContext().jobQueue().getMaxLag() > MAX_LAG || getContext().throttle().getMessageDelay() > MAX_MSG_DELAY || // message delay limit also? getContext().router().gracefulShutdownInProgress())) { int num = MAX_PER_RUN; if (_facade.getDataStore().size() < LOW_ROUTERS) num *= 3; if (getContext().router().getUptime() < STARTUP_TIME) num *= 3; Set<Hash> toExplore = selectKeysToExplore(num); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Keys to explore during this run: " + toExplore); _facade.removeFromExploreKeys(toExplore); long delay = 0; for (Hash key : toExplore) { ExploreJob j = new ExploreJob(getContext(), _facade, key); if (delay > 0) j.getTiming().setStartAfter(getContext().clock().now() + delay); getContext().jobQueue().addJob(j); delay += 200; } } long delay = getNextRunDelay(); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Reenqueueing the exploration with a delay of " + delay); requeue(delay); } /** * the exploration has found some new peers - update the schedule so that * we'll explore appropriately. */ public void updateExploreSchedule() { // This is playing havoc with the JobQueue and putting this job out-of-order // since we switched to a TreeSet, // so just let runJob() above do the scheduling. //long delay = getNextRunDelay(); //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("Updating exploration schedule with a delay of " + delay); //requeue(delay); } /** * How long should we wait before exploring? * We wait as long as it's been since we were last successful, * with exceptions. */ private long getNextRunDelay() { // we don't explore if floodfill if (_facade.floodfillEnabled()) return MAX_RERUN_DELAY_MS; // If we don't know too many peers, or just started, explore aggressively // Also if hidden or K, as nobody will be connecting to us // Use DataStore.size() which includes leasesets because it's faster if (getContext().router().getUptime() < STARTUP_TIME || _facade.getDataStore().size() < MIN_ROUTERS || getContext().router().isHidden()) return MIN_RERUN_DELAY_MS; RouterInfo ri = getContext().router().getRouterInfo(); if (ri != null && ri.getCapabilities().contains("" + Router.CAPABILITY_BW12)) return MIN_RERUN_DELAY_MS; if (_facade.getDataStore().size() > MAX_ROUTERS) return MAX_RERUN_DELAY_MS; long delay = getContext().clock().now() - _facade.getLastExploreNewDate(); if (delay < MIN_RERUN_DELAY_MS) return MIN_RERUN_DELAY_MS; else if (delay > MAX_RERUN_DELAY_MS) return MAX_RERUN_DELAY_MS; else return delay; } /** * Run through the explore pool and pick out some values * * Nope, ExploreKeySelectorJob is disabled, so the explore pool * may be empty. In that case, generate random keys. */ private Set<Hash> selectKeysToExplore(int num) { Set<Hash> queued = _facade.getExploreKeys(); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Keys waiting for exploration: " + queued.size()); Set<Hash> rv = new HashSet<Hash>(num); for (Hash key : queued) { if (rv.size() >= num) break; rv.add(key); } for (int i = rv.size(); i < num; i++) { byte hash[] = new byte[Hash.HASH_LENGTH]; getContext().random().nextBytes(hash); Hash key = new Hash(hash); rv.add(key); } return rv; } }