package net.i2p.router.tunnel.pool; import java.util.Set; import net.i2p.crypto.SessionKeyManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.router.JobImpl; import net.i2p.router.MessageSelector; import net.i2p.router.OutNetMessage; import net.i2p.router.ReplyJob; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.router.TunnelInfo; import net.i2p.router.message.GarlicMessageBuilder; import net.i2p.router.message.PayloadGarlicConfig; import net.i2p.router.util.RemovableSingletonSet; import net.i2p.stat.Rate; import net.i2p.stat.RateStat; import net.i2p.util.Log; /** * Repeatedly test a single tunnel for its entire lifetime, * or until the pool is shut down or removed from the client manager. */ class TestJob extends JobImpl { private final Log _log; private final TunnelPool _pool; private final PooledTunnelCreatorConfig _cfg; private boolean _found; private TunnelInfo _outTunnel; private TunnelInfo _replyTunnel; private PooledTunnelCreatorConfig _otherTunnel; /** save this so we can tell the SKM to kill it if the test fails */ private SessionTag _encryptTag; /** base to randomize the test delay on */ private static final int TEST_DELAY = 40*1000; public TestJob(RouterContext ctx, PooledTunnelCreatorConfig cfg, TunnelPool pool) { super(ctx); _log = ctx.logManager().getLog(TestJob.class); _cfg = cfg; if (pool != null) _pool = pool; else _pool = cfg.getTunnelPool(); if ( (_pool == null) && (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR)) ) _log.error("Invalid tunnel test configuration: no pool for " + cfg, new Exception("origin")); getTiming().setStartAfter(getDelay() + ctx.clock().now()); // stats are created in TunnelPoolManager } public String getName() { return "Test tunnel"; } public void runJob() { if (_pool == null || !_pool.isAlive()) return; long lag = getContext().jobQueue().getMaxLag(); if (lag > 3000) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Deferring test of " + _cfg + " due to job lag = " + lag); getContext().statManager().addRateData("tunnel.testAborted", _cfg.getLength(), 0); scheduleRetest(); return; } if (getContext().router().gracefulShutdownInProgress()) return; // don't reschedule _found = false; // note: testing with exploratory tunnels always, even if the tested tunnel // is a client tunnel (per _cfg.getDestination()) // should we test with the tunnel that we exposed the creation with? // (accessible as _cfg.getPairedTunnel()) _replyTunnel = null; _outTunnel = null; if (_cfg.isInbound()) { _replyTunnel = _cfg; // TODO if testing is re-enabled, pick closest to far end _outTunnel = getContext().tunnelManager().selectOutboundTunnel(); _otherTunnel = (PooledTunnelCreatorConfig) _outTunnel; } else { // TODO if testing is re-enabled, pick closest to far end _replyTunnel = getContext().tunnelManager().selectInboundTunnel(); _outTunnel = _cfg; _otherTunnel = (PooledTunnelCreatorConfig) _replyTunnel; } if ( (_replyTunnel == null) || (_outTunnel == null) ) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Insufficient tunnels to test " + _cfg + " with: " + _replyTunnel + " / " + _outTunnel); getContext().statManager().addRateData("tunnel.testAborted", _cfg.getLength(), 0); scheduleRetest(); } else { int testPeriod = getTestPeriod(); long testExpiration = getContext().clock().now() + testPeriod; DeliveryStatusMessage m = new DeliveryStatusMessage(getContext()); m.setArrival(getContext().clock().now()); m.setMessageExpiration(testExpiration); m.setMessageId(getContext().random().nextLong(I2NPMessage.MAX_ID_VALUE)); ReplySelector sel = new ReplySelector(getContext(), m.getMessageId(), testExpiration); OnTestReply onReply = new OnTestReply(getContext()); OnTestTimeout onTimeout = new OnTestTimeout(getContext()); OutNetMessage msg = getContext().messageRegistry().registerPending(sel, onReply, onTimeout); onReply.setSentMessage(msg); sendTest(m); } } private void sendTest(I2NPMessage m) { // garlic route that DeliveryStatusMessage to ourselves so the endpoints and gateways // can't tell its a test. to simplify this, we encrypt it with a random key and tag, // remembering that key+tag so that we can decrypt it later. this means we can do the // garlic encryption without any ElGamal (yay) PayloadGarlicConfig payload = new PayloadGarlicConfig(); payload.setCertificate(Certificate.NULL_CERT); payload.setId(getContext().random().nextLong(I2NPMessage.MAX_ID_VALUE)); payload.setPayload(m); payload.setRecipient(getContext().router().getRouterInfo()); payload.setDeliveryInstructions(DeliveryInstructions.LOCAL); payload.setExpiration(m.getMessageExpiration()); SessionKey encryptKey = getContext().keyGenerator().generateSessionKey(); SessionTag encryptTag = new SessionTag(true); _encryptTag = encryptTag; SessionKey sentKey = new SessionKey(); Set<SessionTag> sentTags = null; GarlicMessage msg = GarlicMessageBuilder.buildMessage(getContext(), payload, sentKey, sentTags, getContext().keyManager().getPublicKey(), encryptKey, encryptTag); if (msg == null) { // overloaded / unknown peers / etc scheduleRetest(); return; } Set<SessionTag> encryptTags = new RemovableSingletonSet<SessionTag>(encryptTag); // Register the single tag with the appropriate SKM if (_cfg.isInbound() && !_pool.getSettings().isExploratory()) { SessionKeyManager skm = getContext().clientManager().getClientSessionKeyManager(_pool.getSettings().getDestination()); if (skm != null) skm.tagsReceived(encryptKey, encryptTags); } else { getContext().sessionKeyManager().tagsReceived(encryptKey, encryptTags); } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Sending garlic test of " + _outTunnel + " / " + _replyTunnel); getContext().tunnelDispatcher().dispatchOutbound(msg, _outTunnel.getSendTunnelId(0), _replyTunnel.getReceiveTunnelId(0), _replyTunnel.getPeer(0)); } public void testSuccessful(int ms) { if (_pool == null || !_pool.isAlive()) return; getContext().statManager().addRateData("tunnel.testSuccessLength", _cfg.getLength(), 0); getContext().statManager().addRateData("tunnel.testSuccessTime", ms, 0); _outTunnel.incrementVerifiedBytesTransferred(1024); // reply tunnel is marked in the inboundEndpointProcessor //_replyTunnel.incrementVerifiedBytesTransferred(1024); noteSuccess(ms, _outTunnel); noteSuccess(ms, _replyTunnel); _cfg.testJobSuccessful(ms); // credit the expl. tunnel too if (_otherTunnel.getLength() > 1) _otherTunnel.testJobSuccessful(ms); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Tunnel test successful in " + ms + "ms: " + _cfg); scheduleRetest(); } private void noteSuccess(long ms, TunnelInfo tunnel) { if (tunnel != null) for (int i = 0; i < tunnel.getLength(); i++) getContext().profileManager().tunnelTestSucceeded(tunnel.getPeer(i), ms); } private void testFailed(long timeToFail) { if (_pool == null || !_pool.isAlive()) return; if (_found) { // ok, not really a /success/, but we did find it, even though slowly noteSuccess(timeToFail, _outTunnel); noteSuccess(timeToFail, _replyTunnel); } if (_pool.getSettings().isExploratory()) getContext().statManager().addRateData("tunnel.testExploratoryFailedTime", timeToFail, timeToFail); else getContext().statManager().addRateData("tunnel.testFailedTime", timeToFail, timeToFail); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Tunnel test failed in " + timeToFail + "ms: " + _cfg); boolean keepGoing = _cfg.tunnelFailed(); // blame the expl. tunnel too if (_otherTunnel.getLength() > 1) _otherTunnel.tunnelFailed(); if (keepGoing) { scheduleRetest(true); } else { if (_pool.getSettings().isExploratory()) getContext().statManager().addRateData("tunnel.testExploratoryFailedCompletelyTime", timeToFail, timeToFail); else getContext().statManager().addRateData("tunnel.testFailedCompletelyTime", timeToFail, timeToFail); } } /** randomized time we should wait before testing */ private int getDelay() { return TEST_DELAY + getContext().random().nextInt(TEST_DELAY / 3); } /** how long we allow tests to run for before failing them */ private int getTestPeriod() { if (_outTunnel == null || _replyTunnel == null) return 15*1000; // Give it 2.5s per hop + 5s (2 hop tunnel = length 3, so this will be 15s for two 2-hop tunnels) // Minimum is 7.5s (since a 0-hop could be the expl. tunnel, but only >= 1-hop client tunnels are tested) // Network average for success is about 1.5s. // Another possibility - make configurable via pool options // // Try to prevent congestion collapse (failing all our tunnels and then clogging our outbound // with new tunnel build requests) by adding in three times the average outbound delay. RateStat tspt = getContext().statManager().getRate("transport.sendProcessingTime"); if (tspt != null) { Rate r = tspt.getRate(60*1000); if (r != null) { int delay = 3 * (int) r.getAverageValue(); return delay + (2500 * (_outTunnel.getLength() + _replyTunnel.getLength())); } } return 15*1000; } private void scheduleRetest() { scheduleRetest(false); } private void scheduleRetest(boolean asap) { if (_pool == null || !_pool.isAlive()) return; if (asap) { if (_cfg.getExpiration() > getContext().clock().now() + (60 * 1000)) requeue((TEST_DELAY / 4) + getContext().random().nextInt(TEST_DELAY / 4)); } else { int delay = getDelay(); if (_cfg.getExpiration() > getContext().clock().now() + delay + (3 * getTestPeriod())) requeue(delay); } } private class ReplySelector implements MessageSelector { private final RouterContext _context; private final long _id; private final long _expiration; public ReplySelector(RouterContext ctx, long id, long expiration) { _context = ctx; _id = id; _expiration = expiration; _found = false; } public boolean continueMatching() { return !_found && _context.clock().now() < _expiration; } public long getExpiration() { return _expiration; } public boolean isMatch(I2NPMessage message) { if (message instanceof DeliveryStatusMessage) { return ((DeliveryStatusMessage)message).getMessageId() == _id; } return false; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder rv = new StringBuilder(64); rv.append("Testing tunnel ").append(_cfg.toString()).append(" waiting for "); rv.append(_id).append(" found? ").append(_found); return rv.toString(); } } /** * Test successfull (w00t) */ private class OnTestReply extends JobImpl implements ReplyJob { private long _successTime; private OutNetMessage _sentMessage; public OnTestReply(RouterContext ctx) { super(ctx); } public String getName() { return "Tunnel test success"; } public void setSentMessage(OutNetMessage m) { _sentMessage = m; } public void runJob() { if (_sentMessage != null) getContext().messageRegistry().unregisterPending(_sentMessage); if (_successTime < getTestPeriod()) testSuccessful((int)_successTime); else testFailed(_successTime); _found = true; } // who cares about the details... public void setMessage(I2NPMessage message) { _successTime = getContext().clock().now() - ((DeliveryStatusMessage)message).getArrival(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder rv = new StringBuilder(64); rv.append("Testing tunnel ").append(_cfg.toString()); rv.append(" successful after ").append(_successTime); return rv.toString(); } } /** * Test failed (boo, hiss) */ private class OnTestTimeout extends JobImpl { private final long _started; public OnTestTimeout(RouterContext ctx) { super(ctx); _started = ctx.clock().now(); } public String getName() { return "Tunnel test timeout"; } public void runJob() { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Timeout: found? " + _found); if (!_found) { // don't clog up the SKM with old one-tag tagsets if (_cfg.isInbound() && !_pool.getSettings().isExploratory()) { SessionKeyManager skm = getContext().clientManager().getClientSessionKeyManager(_pool.getSettings().getDestination()); if (skm != null) skm.consumeTag(_encryptTag); } else { getContext().sessionKeyManager().consumeTag(_encryptTag); } testFailed(getContext().clock().now() - _started); } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder rv = new StringBuilder(64); rv.append("Testing tunnel ").append(_cfg.toString()); rv.append(" timed out"); return rv.toString(); } } }