package net.i2p.i2ptunnel.web; /* * free (adj.): unencumbered; not under the control of others * Written by jrandom in 2005 and released into the public domain * with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. * It probably won't make your computer catch on fire, or eat * your children, but it might. Use at your own risk. * */ import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import net.i2p.I2PException; import net.i2p.crypto.SigType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.i2ptunnel.TunnelController; import net.i2p.i2ptunnel.TunnelControllerGroup; import net.i2p.util.Addresses; /** * Ugly little accessor for the edit page * * Warning - This class is not part of the i2ptunnel API, * it has been moved from the jar to the war. * Usage by classes outside of i2ptunnel.war is deprecated. */ public class EditBean extends IndexBean { public EditBean() { super(); } /** * Is it a client or server in the UI and I2P side? * Note that a streamr client is a UI and I2P client but a server on the localhost side. * Note that a streamr server is a UI and I2P server but a client on the localhost side. */ public static boolean staticIsClient(int tunnel) { TunnelControllerGroup group = TunnelControllerGroup.getInstance(); if (group == null) return false; List<TunnelController> controllers = group.getControllers(); if (controllers.size() > tunnel) { TunnelController cur = controllers.get(tunnel); if (cur == null) return false; return isClient(cur.getType()); } else { return false; } } public String getTargetHost(int tunnel) { return DataHelper.escapeHTML(_helper.getTargetHost(tunnel)); } public String getTargetPort(int tunnel) { int port = _helper.getTargetPort(tunnel); return port > 0 ? "" + port : ""; } public String getSpoofedHost(int tunnel) { return DataHelper.escapeHTML(_helper.getSpoofedHost(tunnel)); } public String getPrivateKeyFile(int tunnel) { return _helper.getPrivateKeyFile(tunnel); } /** * @return path or "" * @since 0.9.30 */ public String getAltPrivateKeyFile(int tunnel) { return _helper.getAltPrivateKeyFile(tunnel); } /**** public String getNameSignature(int tunnel) { String spoof = getSpoofedHost(tunnel); if (spoof.length() <= 0) return ""; TunnelController tun = getController(tunnel); if (tun == null) return ""; String keyFile = tun.getPrivKeyFile(); if (keyFile != null && keyFile.trim().length() > 0) { File f = new File(keyFile); if (!f.isAbsolute()) f = new File(_context.getConfigDir(), keyFile); PrivateKeyFile pkf = new PrivateKeyFile(f); try { Destination d = pkf.getDestination(); if (d == null) return ""; SigningPrivateKey privKey = pkf.getSigningPrivKey(); if (privKey == null) return ""; Signature sig = _context.dsa().sign(spoof.getBytes("UTF-8"), privKey); if (sig == null) return ""; return Base64.encode(sig.getData()); } catch (I2PException e) { } catch (IOException e) {} } return ""; } ****/ /** * @since 0.9.26 * @return key or null */ public SigningPrivateKey getSigningPrivateKey(int tunnel) { TunnelController tun = getController(tunnel); if (tun == null) return null; String keyFile = tun.getPrivKeyFile(); if (keyFile != null && keyFile.trim().length() > 0) { File f = new File(keyFile); if (!f.isAbsolute()) f = new File(_context.getConfigDir(), keyFile); PrivateKeyFile pkf = new PrivateKeyFile(f); return pkf.getSigningPrivKey(); } return null; } public boolean startAutomatically(int tunnel) { return _helper.shouldStartAutomatically(tunnel); } public boolean isSharedClient(int tunnel) { return _helper.isSharedClient(tunnel); } public boolean shouldDelay(int tunnel) { return _helper.shouldDelayConnect(tunnel); } public boolean isInteractive(int tunnel) { return _helper.isInteractive(tunnel); } public int getTunnelDepth(int tunnel, int defaultLength) { return _helper.getTunnelDepth(tunnel, defaultLength); } public int getTunnelQuantity(int tunnel, int defaultQuantity) { return _helper.getTunnelQuantity(tunnel, defaultQuantity); } public int getTunnelBackupQuantity(int tunnel, int defaultBackupQuantity) { return _helper.getTunnelBackupQuantity(tunnel, defaultBackupQuantity); } public int getTunnelVariance(int tunnel, int defaultVariance) { return _helper.getTunnelVariance(tunnel, defaultVariance); } public boolean getReduce(int tunnel) { return _helper.getReduceOnIdle(tunnel, false); } public int getReduceCount(int tunnel) { return _helper.getReduceCount(tunnel, 1); } public int getReduceTime(int tunnel) { return _helper.getReduceTime(tunnel, 20); } public int getCert(int tunnel) { return _helper.getCert(tunnel); } public int getEffort(int tunnel) { return _helper.getEffort(tunnel); } public String getSigner(int tunnel) { return _helper.getSigner(tunnel); } public boolean getEncrypt(int tunnel) { return _helper.getEncrypt(tunnel); } /** * @param newTunnelType used if tunnel < 0 * @since 0.9.12 */ public int getSigType(int tunnel, String newTunnelType) { return _helper.getSigType(tunnel, newTunnelType); } /** @since 0.9.12 */ public boolean isSigTypeAvailable(int code) { return SigType.isAvailable(code); } /** * Random keys, hidden in forms * @since 0.9.18 */ public String getKey1(int tunnel) { return _helper.getInboundRandomKey(tunnel); } public String getKey2(int tunnel) { return _helper.getOutboundRandomKey(tunnel); } public String getKey3(int tunnel) { return _helper.getLeaseSetSigningPrivateKey(tunnel); } public String getKey4(int tunnel) { return _helper.getLeaseSetPrivateKey(tunnel); } /** @since 0.8.9 */ public boolean getDCC(int tunnel) { return _helper.getDCC(tunnel); } public String getEncryptKey(int tunnel) { return _helper.getEncryptKey(tunnel); } public String getAccessMode(int tunnel) { return Integer.toString(_helper.getAccessMode(tunnel)); } public String getAccessList(int tunnel) { return _helper.getAccessList(tunnel); } public String getJumpList(int tunnel) { return _helper.getJumpList(tunnel); } public boolean getClose(int tunnel) { return _helper.getCloseOnIdle(tunnel, false); } public int getCloseTime(int tunnel) { return _helper.getCloseTime(tunnel, 30); } public boolean getNewDest(int tunnel) { return _helper.getNewDest(tunnel); } public boolean getPersistentClientKey(int tunnel) { return _helper.getPersistentClientKey(tunnel); } public boolean getDelayOpen(int tunnel) { return _helper.getDelayOpen(tunnel); } /** @since 0.9.14 */ public boolean getAllowUserAgent(int tunnel) { return _helper.getAllowUserAgent(tunnel); } /** @since 0.9.14 */ public boolean getAllowReferer(int tunnel) { return _helper.getAllowReferer(tunnel); } /** @since 0.9.14 */ public boolean getAllowAccept(int tunnel) { return _helper.getAllowAccept(tunnel); } /** @since 0.9.14 */ public boolean getAllowInternalSSL(int tunnel) { return _helper.getAllowInternalSSL(tunnel); } /** @since 0.9.18 */ public boolean getMultihome(int tunnel) { return _helper.getMultihome(tunnel); } /** @since 0.9.25 */ public String getUserAgents(int tunnel) { return _helper.getUserAgents(tunnel); } /** all proxy auth @since 0.8.2 */ public boolean getProxyAuth(int tunnel) { return _helper.getProxyAuth(tunnel) != "false"; } // TODO think public boolean getOutproxyAuth(int tunnel) { return _helper.getOutproxyAuth(tunnel) && getOutproxyUsername(tunnel).length() > 0 && getOutproxyPassword(tunnel).length() > 0; } public String getOutproxyUsername(int tunnel) { return _helper.getOutproxyUsername(tunnel); } public String getOutproxyPassword(int tunnel) { return _helper.getOutproxyPassword(tunnel); } /** @since 0.9.11 */ public String getSslProxies(int tunnel) { return _helper.getSslProxies(tunnel); } /** * Default true * @since 0.9.11 */ public boolean getUseOutproxyPlugin(int tunnel) { return _helper.getUseOutproxyPlugin(tunnel); } /** all of these are @since 0.8.3 */ public int getLimitMinute(int tunnel) { return _helper.getLimitMinute(tunnel); } public int getLimitHour(int tunnel) { return _helper.getLimitHour(tunnel); } public int getLimitDay(int tunnel) { return _helper.getLimitDay(tunnel); } public int getTotalMinute(int tunnel) { return _helper.getTotalMinute(tunnel); } public int getTotalHour(int tunnel) { return _helper.getTotalHour(tunnel); } public int getTotalDay(int tunnel) { return _helper.getTotalDay(tunnel); } public int getMaxStreams(int tunnel) { return _helper.getMaxStreams(tunnel); } /** * POST limits * @since 0.9.9 */ public int getPostMax(int tunnel) { return _helper.getPostMax(tunnel); } public int getPostTotalMax(int tunnel) { return _helper.getPostTotalMax(tunnel); } public int getPostCheckTime(int tunnel) { return _helper.getPostCheckTime(tunnel); } public int getPostBanTime(int tunnel) { return _helper.getPostBanTime(tunnel); } public int getPostTotalBanTime(int tunnel) { return _helper.getPostTotalBanTime(tunnel); } /** @since 0.9.13 */ public boolean getUniqueLocal(int tunnel) { return _helper.getUniqueLocal(tunnel); } /** @since 0.8.3 */ public boolean isRouterContext() { return _context.isRouterContext(); } /** @since 0.8.3 */ public Set<String> interfaceSet() { return Addresses.getAllAddresses(); } /** @since 0.9.12 */ public boolean isAdvanced() { return _context.getBooleanProperty(PROP_ADVANCED); } public String getI2CPHost(int tunnel) { if (_context.isRouterContext()) return _t("internal"); TunnelController tun = getController(tunnel); if (tun != null) return tun.getI2CPHost(); else return ""; } public String getI2CPPort(int tunnel) { if (_context.isRouterContext()) return _t("internal"); TunnelController tun = getController(tunnel); if (tun != null) return tun.getI2CPPort(); else return "7654"; } public String getCustomOptions(int tunnel) { return _helper.getCustomOptionsString(tunnel); } private static final String PROP_ADVANCED = "routerconsole.advanced"; private static final int DFLT_QUANTITY = 2; private static final int MAX_CLIENT_QUANTITY = 3; private static final int MAX_SERVER_QUANTITY = 6; private static final int MAX_ADVANCED_QUANTITY = 16; /** * @since 0.9.7 */ public String getQuantityOptions(int tunnel) { int tunnelQuantity = getTunnelQuantity(tunnel, DFLT_QUANTITY); boolean advanced = _context.getBooleanProperty(PROP_ADVANCED); int maxQuantity = advanced ? MAX_ADVANCED_QUANTITY : (isClient(tunnel) ? MAX_CLIENT_QUANTITY : MAX_SERVER_QUANTITY); if (tunnelQuantity > maxQuantity) maxQuantity = tunnelQuantity; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(256); for (int i = 1; i <= maxQuantity; i++) { buf.append("<option value=\"").append(i).append('"'); if (i == tunnelQuantity) buf.append(" selected=\"selected\""); buf.append('>'); buf.append(ngettext("{0} inbound, {0} outbound tunnel", "{0} inbound, {0} outbound tunnels", i)); if (i <= 3) { buf.append(" ("); if (i == 1) buf.append(_t("lower bandwidth and reliability")); else if (i == 2) buf.append(_t("standard bandwidth and reliability")); else if (i == 3) buf.append(_t("higher bandwidth and reliability")); buf.append(')'); } buf.append("</option>\n"); } return buf.toString(); } }