package net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.util.I2PThread; import net.i2p.util.Log; /** * Pool of running threads which will transform the next I2NP message into * something ready to be transferred over an NTCP connection, including the * encryption of the data read. * */ class Writer { private final Log _log; private final Set<NTCPConnection> _pendingConnections; private final Set<NTCPConnection> _liveWrites; private final Set<NTCPConnection> _writeAfterLive; private final List<Runner> _runners; public Writer(RouterContext ctx) { _log = ctx.logManager().getLog(getClass()); _pendingConnections = new LinkedHashSet<NTCPConnection>(16); _runners = new ArrayList<Runner>(5); _liveWrites = new HashSet<NTCPConnection>(5); _writeAfterLive = new HashSet<NTCPConnection>(5); } public synchronized void startWriting(int numWriters) { for (int i = 1; i <=numWriters; i++) { Runner r = new Runner(); I2PThread t = new I2PThread(r, "NTCP writer " + i + '/' + numWriters, true); _runners.add(r); t.start(); } } public synchronized void stopWriting() { while (!_runners.isEmpty()) { Runner r = _runners.remove(0); r.stop(); } synchronized (_pendingConnections) { _writeAfterLive.clear(); _pendingConnections.notifyAll(); } } public void wantsWrite(NTCPConnection con, String source) { //if (con.getCurrentOutbound() != null) // throw new RuntimeException("Current outbound message already in play on " + con); boolean already = false; boolean pending = false; synchronized (_pendingConnections) { if (_liveWrites.contains(con)) { _writeAfterLive.add(con); already = true; } else { pending = _pendingConnections.add(con); // only notify here if added? } _pendingConnections.notify(); } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("wantsWrite: " + con + " already live? " + already + " added to pending? " + pending + ": " + source); } public void connectionClosed(NTCPConnection con) { synchronized (_pendingConnections) { _writeAfterLive.remove(con); _pendingConnections.remove(con); // necessary? _pendingConnections.notify(); } } private class Runner implements Runnable { /** a scratch space to serialize and encrypt messages */ private final NTCPConnection.PrepBuffer _prepBuffer; private volatile boolean _stop; public Runner() { _prepBuffer = new NTCPConnection.PrepBuffer(); } public void stop() { _stop = true; } public void run() { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Starting writer"); NTCPConnection con = null; while (!_stop) { try { synchronized (_pendingConnections) { boolean keepWriting = (con != null) && _writeAfterLive.remove(con); if (keepWriting) { // keep on writing the same one if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Keep writing on the same connection: " + con); } else { _liveWrites.remove(con); con = null; if (_pendingConnections.isEmpty()) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Done writing, but nothing pending, so wait"); _pendingConnections.wait(); } else { Iterator<NTCPConnection> iter = _pendingConnections.iterator(); con =; iter.remove(); _liveWrites.add(con); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Switch to writing on: " + con); } } } } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} if (!_stop && (con != null)) { try { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Prepare next write on: " + con); _prepBuffer.init(); con.prepareNextWrite(_prepBuffer); } catch (RuntimeException re) { _log.log(Log.CRIT, "Error in the ntcp writer on " + con, re); } } } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Stopping writer"); } } }