package net.i2p.router.startup; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import; import net.i2p.util.SecureDirectory; import net.i2p.util.SecureFileOutputStream; import net.i2p.util.SystemVersion; /** * Get a working directory for i2p. * * For the location, first try the system property i2p.dir.config * Next try $HOME/.i2p on linux or %APPDATA%\I2P on Windows. * * If the dir exists, return it. * Otherwise, attempt to create it, and copy files from the base directory. * To successfully copy, the base install dir must be the system property i2p.dir.base * or else must be in $CWD. * * If I2P was run from the install directory in the past, * and migrateOldData = true, copy the * necessary data files (except i2psnark/) over to the new working directory. * * Otherwise, just copy over a limited number of files over. * * Do not ever copy or move the old i2psnark/ directory, as if the * old and new locations are on different file systems, this could * be quite slow. * * Modify some files while copying, see methods below. * * After migration, the router will run using the new directory. * The wrapper, however, must be stopped and restarted from the new script - until then, * it will continue to write to wrapper.log* in the old directory. */ public class WorkingDir { private final static String PROP_BASE_DIR = "i2p.dir.base"; private final static String PROP_WORKING_DIR = "i2p.dir.config"; private final static String WORKING_DIR_DEFAULT_WINDOWS = "I2P"; private final static String WORKING_DIR_DEFAULT_MAC = "i2p"; private final static String WORKING_DIR_DEFAULT = ".i2p"; private final static String WORKING_DIR_DEFAULT_DAEMON = "i2p-config"; /** we do a couple of things differently if this is the username */ private static final String PROP_WRAPPER_LOG = "wrapper.logfile"; private static final String DEFAULT_WRAPPER_LOG = "wrapper.log"; /** Feb 16 2006 */ private static final long EEPSITE_TIMESTAMP = 1140048000000l; /** * Only call this once on router invocation. * Caller should store the return value for future reference. * * This also redirects stdout and stderr to a wrapper.log file if there is no wrapper present. * * @param migrateOldConfig whether to copy all data over from an existing install */ public static String getWorkingDir(Properties envProps, boolean migrateOldConfig) { String dir = null; if (envProps != null) dir = envProps.getProperty(PROP_WORKING_DIR); if (dir == null) dir = System.getProperty(PROP_WORKING_DIR); boolean isWindows = SystemVersion.isWindows(); File dirf = null; String gentooWarning = null; if (dir != null) { dirf = new SecureDirectory(dir); } else { String home = System.getProperty("user.home"); if (isWindows) { String appdata = System.getenv("APPDATA"); if (appdata != null) home = appdata; dirf = new SecureDirectory(home, WORKING_DIR_DEFAULT_WINDOWS); } else if (SystemVersion.isMac()) { String appdata = "/Library/Application Support/"; File old = new File(home,WORKING_DIR_DEFAULT); if (old.exists() && old.isDirectory()) dirf = new SecureDirectory(home, WORKING_DIR_DEFAULT); else { home = home+appdata; dirf = new SecureDirectory(home, WORKING_DIR_DEFAULT_MAC); } } else { if (SystemVersion.isLinuxService()) { if (SystemVersion.isGentoo() && SystemVersion.GENTOO_USER.equals(System.getProperty(""))) { // whoops, we didn't recognize Gentoo as a service until 0.9.29, // so the config dir was /var/lib/i2p/.i2p through 0.9.28 // and changed to /var/lib/i2p/i2p-config in 0.9.29. // Look for both to decide which to use. // We prefer .i2p if neither exists. // We prefer the newer if both exist. File d1 = new SecureDirectory(home, WORKING_DIR_DEFAULT); File d2 = new SecureDirectory(home, WORKING_DIR_DEFAULT_DAEMON); boolean e1 = isSetup(d1); boolean e2 = isSetup(d2); if (e1 && e2) { // d1 is probably older. Switch if it isn't. if (d2.lastModified() < d1.lastModified()) { File tmp = d2; d2 = d1; d1 = tmp; // d1 now is the older one } dirf = d2; gentooWarning = "Warning - Found both an old configuration directory " + d1.getAbsolutePath() + " and new configuration directory " + d2.getAbsolutePath() + " created due to a bug in release 0.9.29\n. Using the new configuration" + " directory. To use the old directory instead, stop i2p," + " delete the new directory, and restart."; } else if (e1 && !e2) { dirf = d1; } else if (!e1 && e2) { dirf = d2; } else { dirf = d1; } } else { dirf = new SecureDirectory(home, WORKING_DIR_DEFAULT_DAEMON); } } else { dirf = new SecureDirectory(home, WORKING_DIR_DEFAULT); } } } // where we are now String cwd = null; if (envProps != null) cwd = envProps.getProperty(PROP_BASE_DIR); if (cwd == null) { cwd = System.getProperty(PROP_BASE_DIR); if (cwd == null) cwd = System.getProperty("user.dir"); } // Check for a hosts.txt file, if it exists then I2P is there File oldDirf = new File(cwd); File test = new File(oldDirf, "hosts.txt"); if (!test.exists()) { setupSystemOut(cwd); System.err.println("ERROR - Cannot find I2P installation in " + cwd + " - Will probably be just a router with no apps or console at all!"); // we are probably doomed... return cwd; } // apparently configured for "portable" ? try { if (oldDirf.getCanonicalPath().equals(dirf.getCanonicalPath())) { setupSystemOut(cwd); return cwd; } } catch (IOException ioe) {} // where we want to go String rv = dirf.getAbsolutePath(); if (dirf.exists()) { if (dirf.isDirectory()) { if (isSetup(dirf)) { setupSystemOut(rv); // see above for why if (gentooWarning != null) System.err.println(gentooWarning); return rv; // all is good, we found the user directory } } else { setupSystemOut(null); System.err.println("Wanted to use " + rv + " for a working directory but it is not a directory"); return cwd; } } // Check for a router.keys file or logs dir, if either exists it's an old install, // and only migrate the data files if told to do so // (router.keys could be deleted later by a killkeys()) test = new File(oldDirf, CreateRouterInfoJob.KEYS_FILENAME); boolean oldInstall = test.exists(); if (!oldInstall) { test = new File(oldDirf, "logs"); oldInstall = test.exists(); } // keep everything where it is, in one place... if (oldInstall && !migrateOldConfig) { setupSystemOut(cwd); return cwd; } boolean migrateOldData = false; // this is a terrible idea if (!dirf.exists() && !dirf.mkdir()) { setupSystemOut(null); System.err.println("Wanted to use " + rv + " for a working directory but could not create it"); return cwd; } setupSystemOut(dirf.getAbsolutePath()); // Do the copying if (migrateOldData) System.err.println("Migrating data files to new user directory " + rv); else System.err.println("Setting up new user directory " + rv); boolean success = migrate(MIGRATE_BASE, oldDirf, dirf); // this one must be after MIGRATE_BASE File oldEep = new File(oldDirf, "eepsite"); File newEep = new File(dirf, "eepsite"); String newPath = newEep.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar; success &= migrateJettyXml(oldEep, newEep, "jetty.xml", "./eepsite/", newPath); success &= migrateJettyXml(oldEep, newEep, "jetty-ssl.xml", "./eepsite/", newPath); success &= migrateJettyXml(oldEep, newEep, "contexts/base-context.xml", "./eepsite/", newPath); success &= migrateJettyXml(oldEep, newEep, "contexts/cgi-context.xml", "./eepsite/", newPath); success &= migrateClientsConfig(oldDirf, dirf); // for later news.xml updates (we don't copy initialNews.xml over anymore) success &= (new SecureDirectory(dirf, "docs")).mkdir(); // prevent correlation of eepsite timestamps with router first-seen time touchRecursive(new File(dirf, "eepsite/docroot"), EEPSITE_TIMESTAMP); // Report success or failure if (success) { System.err.println("Successfully copied data files to new user directory " + rv); return rv; } else { System.err.println("FAILED copy of some or all data files to new directory " + rv); System.err.println("Check logs for details"); System.err.println("Continung to use data files in old directory " + cwd); return cwd; } } /** * Tests if <code>dir</code> has been set up as a I2P working directory.<br/> * Returns <code>false</code> if a directory is empty, or contains nothing that * is usually migrated from the base install. * This allows to pre-install plugins before the first router start. * @return true if already set up */ private static boolean isSetup(File dir) { if (dir.isDirectory()) { String[] files = dir.list(); if (files == null) return false; String migrated[] = DataHelper.split(MIGRATE_BASE, ","); for (String file: files) { for (int i = 0; i < migrated.length; i++) { if (file.equals(migrated[i])) return true; } } } return false; } /** * Redirect stdout and stderr to a wrapper.log file if there is no wrapper. * * If there is no -Dwrapper.log=/path/to/wrapper.log on the java command line * to specify a log file, check for existence of wrapper.log in CWD, * for backward compatibility in old installations (don't move it). * Otherwise, use (system temp dir)/wrapper.log. * Create if it doesn't exist, and append to it if it does. * Put the location in the environment as an absolute path, so logs.jsp can find it. * * @param dir if null, use Java temp dir; System property wrapper.logfile overrides * @since 0.8.13 */ private static void setupSystemOut(String dir) { if (System.getProperty("wrapper.version") != null) return; String path = System.getProperty(PROP_WRAPPER_LOG); File logfile; if (path != null) { logfile = new File(path); } else { logfile = new File(DEFAULT_WRAPPER_LOG); if (!logfile.exists()) { if (dir == null) dir = System.getProperty(""); logfile = new File(dir, DEFAULT_WRAPPER_LOG); } } System.setProperty(PROP_WRAPPER_LOG, logfile.getAbsolutePath()); try { PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(new SecureFileOutputStream(logfile, true), true, "UTF-8"); System.setOut(ps); System.setErr(ps); } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } } /** * files and directories from the base install to copy over * None of these should be included in * * The user should not delete these in the old location, leave them as templates for new users */ private static final String MIGRATE_BASE = // base install - dirs // We don't currently have a default addressbook/ in the base distribution, // but distros might put one in "addressbook,eepsite," + // 0.9.15 support bundled router infos "netDb," + // base install - files // We don't currently have a default router.config, logger.config, susimail.config, or webapps.config in the base distribution, // but distros might put one in // blocklist.txt now accessed in base dir, user can add another in config dir if desired "hosts.txt,i2psnark.config,i2ptunnel.config,jetty-i2psnark.xml," + "logger.config,router.config,susimail.config,systray.config,webapps.config"; private static boolean migrate(String list, File olddir, File todir) { boolean rv = true; String files[] = DataHelper.split(list, ","); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { File from = new File(olddir, files[i]); if (!copy(from, todir)) { System.err.println("Error copying " + from.getAbsolutePath()); rv = false; } } return rv; } /** * Copy over the clients.config file with modifications */ private static boolean migrateClientsConfig(File olddir, File todir) { File oldFile = new File(olddir, "clients.config"); File newFile = new File(todir, "clients.config"); FileInputStream in = null; PrintWriter out = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(oldFile); out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new SecureFileOutputStream(newFile), "UTF-8"))); out.println("# Modified by I2P User dir migration script"); String s = null; boolean isDaemon = SystemVersion.isLinuxService(); while ((s = DataHelper.readLine(in)) != null) { // readLine() doesn't strip \r if (s.endsWith("\r")) s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1); if (s.endsWith("=\"eepsite/jetty.xml\"")) { s = s.replace("=\"eepsite/jetty.xml\"", "=\"" + todir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar + "eepsite" + File.separatorChar + "jetty.xml\""); } else if (isDaemon && s.equals("clientApp.4.startOnLoad=true")) { // disable browser launch for daemon s = "clientApp.4.startOnLoad=false"; } out.println(s); } System.err.println("Copied " + oldFile + " with modifications"); if (out.checkError()) throw new IOException("Failed write to " + newFile); return true; } catch (IOException ioe) { if (in != null) { System.err.println("FAILED copy " + oldFile + ": " + ioe); } return false; } finally { if (in != null) try { in.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} if (out != null) out.close(); } } /** * Copy over the jetty.xml file with modifications * It was already copied over once in migrate(), throw that out and * do it again with modifications. */ static boolean migrateJettyXml(File olddir, File todir, String filename, String oldString, String newString) { File oldFile = new File(olddir, filename); File newFile = new File(todir, filename); FileInputStream in = null; PrintWriter out = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(oldFile); out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new SecureFileOutputStream(newFile), "UTF-8"))); String s = null; while ((s = DataHelper.readLine(in)) != null) { // readLine() doesn't strip \r if (s.endsWith("\r")) s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1); if (s.indexOf(oldString) >= 0) { s = s.replace(oldString, newString); } out.println(s); } out.println("<!-- Modified by I2P User dir migration script -->"); System.err.println("Copied " + oldFile + " with modifications"); return true; } catch (IOException ioe) { if (in != null) { System.err.println("FAILED copy " + oldFile + ": " + ioe); } return false; } finally { if (in != null) try { in.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} if (out != null) out.close(); } } /** * Recursive copy a file or dir to a dir * * @param src file or directory, need not exist * @param targetDir the directory to copy to, will be created if it doesn't exist * @return true for success OR if src does not exist */ private static boolean copy(File src, File targetDir) { if (!src.exists()) return true; if (!targetDir.exists()) { if (!targetDir.mkdir()) { System.err.println("FAILED copy " + src.getPath()); return false; } System.err.println("Created " + targetDir.getPath()); } // SecureDirectory is a File so this works for non-directories too File targetFile = new SecureDirectory(targetDir, src.getName()); if (!src.isDirectory()) return copyFile(src, targetFile); File children[] = src.listFiles(); if (children == null) { System.err.println("FAILED copy " + src.getPath()); return false; } // make it here so even empty dirs get copied if (!targetFile.exists()) { if (!targetFile.mkdir()) { System.err.println("FAILED copy " + src.getPath()); return false; } System.err.println("Created " + targetFile.getPath()); } boolean rv = true; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { rv &= copy(children[i], targetFile); } return rv; } /** * @param src not a directory, must exist * @param dst not a directory, will be overwritten if existing, will be mode 600 * @return true if it was copied successfully */ static boolean copyFile(File src, File dst) { if (!src.exists()) return false; boolean rv = true; byte buf[] = new byte[4096]; FileInputStream in = null; FileOutputStream out = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(src); out = new SecureFileOutputStream(dst); DataHelper.copy(in, out); System.err.println("Copied " + src.getPath()); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println("FAILED copy " + src.getPath() + ": " + ioe); rv = false; } finally { if (in != null) try { in.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} if (out != null) try { out.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} } if (rv) dst.setLastModified(src.lastModified()); return rv; } /** * Recursive touch all files in a dir to a given time * * @param target the directory or file to touch, must exist * @param time the timestamp * @since 0.8.13 */ private static void touchRecursive(File target, long time) { if (!target.exists()) return; if (target.isFile()) { target.setLastModified(time); return; } if (!target.isDirectory()) return; File children[] = target.listFiles(); if (children == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { touchRecursive(children[i], time); } } }