package net.i2p.router; /* * free (adj.): unencumbered; not under the control of others * Written by jrandom in 2003 and released into the public domain * with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. * It probably won't make your computer catch on fire, or eat * your children, but it might. Use at your own risk. * */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import net.i2p.crypto.SigType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.router.startup.CreateRouterInfoJob; import net.i2p.util.Log; import net.i2p.util.SecureDirectory; import net.i2p.util.SecureFileOutputStream; /** * Maintain all of the key pairs for the router. * Router keys are written to files in a backup directory. * LeaseSet keys are not written to files. * */ public class KeyManager { private final Log _log; private final RouterContext _context; private PrivateKey _privateKey; private PublicKey _publicKey; private SigningPrivateKey _signingPrivateKey; private SigningPublicKey _signingPublicKey; private final Map<Hash, LeaseSetKeys> _leaseSetKeys; // Destination --> LeaseSetKeys public final static String PROP_KEYDIR = "router.keyBackupDir"; public final static String DEFAULT_KEYDIR = "keyBackup"; public final static String KEYFILE_PRIVATE_ENC = "privateEncryption.key"; public final static String KEYFILE_PUBLIC_ENC = "publicEncryption.key"; public final static String KEYFILE_PRIVATE_SIGNING = "privateSigning.key"; public final static String KEYFILE_PUBLIC_SIGNING = "publicSigning.key"; public KeyManager(RouterContext context) { _context = context; _log = _context.logManager().getLog(KeyManager.class); _leaseSetKeys = new ConcurrentHashMap<Hash, LeaseSetKeys>(); } /** * Read keys in from disk, blocking * * @deprecated we never read keys in anymore */ @Deprecated public void startup() { // run inline so keys are loaded immediately (new SynchronizeKeysJob()).runJob(); } /** * Configure the router's keys. * @since 0.9.4 replace individual setters */ public void setKeys(PublicKey key1, PrivateKey key2, SigningPublicKey key3, SigningPrivateKey key4) { synchronized(this) { _publicKey = key1; _privateKey = key2; _signingPublicKey = key3; _signingPrivateKey = key4; } queueWrite(); } /** * Router key * @return will be null on error or before startup() or setKeys() is called */ public synchronized PrivateKey getPrivateKey() { return _privateKey; } /** * Router key * @return will be null on error or before startup() or setKeys() is called */ public synchronized PublicKey getPublicKey() { return _publicKey; } /** * Router key * @return will be null on error or before startup() or setKeys() is called */ public synchronized SigningPrivateKey getSigningPrivateKey() { return _signingPrivateKey; } /** * Router key * @return will be null on error or before startup() or setKeys() is called */ public synchronized SigningPublicKey getSigningPublicKey() { return _signingPublicKey; } /** client */ public void registerKeys(Destination dest, SigningPrivateKey leaseRevocationPrivateKey, PrivateKey endpointDecryptionKey) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Registering keys for destination " + dest.calculateHash().toBase64()); LeaseSetKeys keys = new LeaseSetKeys(dest, leaseRevocationPrivateKey, endpointDecryptionKey); _leaseSetKeys.put(dest.calculateHash(), keys); } /** * Read/Write the router keys from/to disk */ private void queueWrite() { _context.jobQueue().addJob(new SynchronizeKeysJob()); } /** client */ public LeaseSetKeys unregisterKeys(Destination dest) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Unregistering keys for destination " + dest.calculateHash().toBase64()); return _leaseSetKeys.remove(dest.calculateHash()); } /** client */ public LeaseSetKeys getKeys(Destination dest) { return getKeys(dest.calculateHash()); } /** client */ public LeaseSetKeys getKeys(Hash dest) { return _leaseSetKeys.get(dest); } /** * Read/Write the 4 files in keyBackup/ * As of 0.9.4 this is run on-demand only, there's no need to * periodically sync. * Actually, there's little need for this at all. * If router.keys is corrupt, we should just make a new router identity, * there's no real reason to try so hard to recover our old keys. */ private class SynchronizeKeysJob extends JobImpl { public SynchronizeKeysJob() { super(KeyManager.this._context); } public void runJob() { String keyDir = getContext().getProperty(PROP_KEYDIR, DEFAULT_KEYDIR); File dir = new SecureDirectory(getContext().getRouterDir(), keyDir); if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdirs(); if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory() && dir.canRead() && dir.canWrite()) { synchronized(KeyManager.this) { syncKeys(dir); } } else { _log.log(Log.CRIT, "Unable to synchronize keys in " + keyDir + " - permissions problem?"); } } private void syncKeys(File keyDir) { syncPrivateKey(keyDir); syncPublicKey(keyDir); SigType type = CreateRouterInfoJob.getSigTypeConfig(getContext()); syncSigningKey(keyDir, type); syncVerificationKey(keyDir, type); } private void syncPrivateKey(File keyDir) { DataStructure ds; File keyFile = new File(keyDir, KEYFILE_PRIVATE_ENC); boolean exists = (_privateKey != null); if (exists) ds = _privateKey; else ds = new PrivateKey(); DataStructure readin = syncKey(keyFile, ds, exists); if (readin != null && !exists) _privateKey = (PrivateKey) readin; } private void syncPublicKey(File keyDir) { DataStructure ds; File keyFile = new File(keyDir, KEYFILE_PUBLIC_ENC); boolean exists = (_publicKey != null); if (exists) ds = _publicKey; else ds = new PublicKey(); DataStructure readin = syncKey(keyFile, ds, exists); if (readin != null && !exists) _publicKey = (PublicKey) readin; } /** * @param type the SigType to expect on read-in, ignored on write */ private void syncSigningKey(File keyDir, SigType type) { DataStructure ds; File keyFile = new File(keyDir, KEYFILE_PRIVATE_SIGNING); boolean exists = (_signingPrivateKey != null); if (exists) ds = _signingPrivateKey; else ds = new SigningPrivateKey(type); DataStructure readin = syncKey(keyFile, ds, exists); if (readin != null && !exists) _signingPrivateKey = (SigningPrivateKey) readin; } /** * @param type the SigType to expect on read-in, ignored on write */ private void syncVerificationKey(File keyDir, SigType type) { DataStructure ds; File keyFile = new File(keyDir, KEYFILE_PUBLIC_SIGNING); boolean exists = (_signingPublicKey != null); if (exists) ds = _signingPublicKey; else ds = new SigningPublicKey(type); DataStructure readin = syncKey(keyFile, ds, exists); if (readin != null && !exists) _signingPublicKey = (SigningPublicKey) readin; } /** * @param param non-null, filled-in if exists is true, or without data if exists is false * @param exists write to file if true, read from file if false * @return structure or null on read error */ private DataStructure syncKey(File keyFile, DataStructure structure, boolean exists) { OutputStream out = null; InputStream in = null; try { if (exists) { out = new BufferedOutputStream(new SecureFileOutputStream(keyFile)); structure.writeBytes(out); return structure; } else { if (keyFile.exists()) { in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(keyFile)); structure.readBytes(in); return structure; } else { // we don't have it, and its not on disk. oh well. return null; } } } catch (IOException ioe) { _log.error("Error syncing the structure to " + keyFile.getAbsolutePath(), ioe); } catch (DataFormatException dfe) { _log.error("Error syncing the structure with " + keyFile.getAbsolutePath(), dfe); } finally { if (out != null) try { out.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} if (in != null) try { in.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} } if (exists) return structure; else return null; } public String getName() { return "Synchronize Keys to Disk"; } } }