package org.klomp.snark.web; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import net.i2p.CoreVersion; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.util.Log; import net.i2p.util.SecureFile; import net.i2p.util.SystemVersion; import net.i2p.util.Translate; import org.klomp.snark.I2PSnarkUtil; import org.klomp.snark.MagnetURI; import org.klomp.snark.MetaInfo; import org.klomp.snark.Peer; import org.klomp.snark.PeerID; import org.klomp.snark.Snark; import org.klomp.snark.SnarkManager; import org.klomp.snark.Storage; import org.klomp.snark.Tracker; import org.klomp.snark.TrackerClient; import org.klomp.snark.dht.DHT; import org.klomp.snark.standalone.ConfigUIHelper; /** * Refactored to eliminate Jetty dependencies. */ public class I2PSnarkServlet extends BasicServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** generally "/i2psnark" */ private String _contextPath; /** generally "i2psnark" */ private String _contextName; private transient SnarkManager _manager; private long _nonce; private String _themePath; private String _imgPath; private String _lastAnnounceURL; private static final String DEFAULT_NAME = "i2psnark"; public static final String PROP_CONFIG_FILE = "i2psnark.configFile"; private static final String WARBASE = "/.resources/"; private static final char HELLIP = '\u2026'; public I2PSnarkServlet() { super(); } @Override public void init(ServletConfig cfg) throws ServletException { super.init(cfg); String cpath = getServletContext().getContextPath(); _contextPath = cpath == "" ? "/" : cpath; _contextName = cpath == "" ? DEFAULT_NAME : cpath.substring(1).replace("/", "_"); _nonce = _context.random().nextLong(); // limited protection against overwriting other config files or directories // in case you named your war "router.war" // We don't handle bad characters in the context path. Don't do that. String configName = _contextName; if (!configName.equals(DEFAULT_NAME)) configName = DEFAULT_NAME + '_' + _contextName; _manager = new SnarkManager(_context, _contextPath, configName); String configFile = _context.getProperty(PROP_CONFIG_FILE); if ( (configFile == null) || (configFile.trim().length() <= 0) ) configFile = configName + ".config"; _manager.loadConfig(configFile); _manager.start(); loadMimeMap("org/klomp/snark/web/mime"); setResourceBase(_manager.getDataDir()); setWarBase(WARBASE); } @Override public void destroy() { if (_manager != null) _manager.stop(); super.destroy(); } /** * We override this to set the file relative to the storage dirctory * for the torrent. * * @param pathInContext should always start with / */ @Override public File getResource(String pathInContext) { if (pathInContext == null || pathInContext.equals("/") || pathInContext.equals("/index.jsp") || !pathInContext.startsWith("/") || pathInContext.length() == 0 || pathInContext.equals("/index.html") || pathInContext.startsWith(WARBASE)) return super.getResource(pathInContext); // files in the i2psnark/ directory // get top level pathInContext = pathInContext.substring(1); File top = new File(pathInContext); File parent; while ((parent = top.getParentFile()) != null) { top = parent; } Snark snark = _manager.getTorrentByBaseName(top.getPath()); if (snark != null) { Storage storage = snark.getStorage(); if (storage != null) { File sbase = storage.getBase(); String child = pathInContext.substring(top.getPath().length()); return new File(sbase, child); } } return new File(_resourceBase, pathInContext); } /** * Handle what we can here, calling super.doGet() for the rest. * @since 0.8.3 */ @Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { doGetAndPost(request, response); } /** * Handle what we can here, calling super.doPost() for the rest. * @since Jetty 7 */ @Override public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { doGetAndPost(request, response); } /** * Handle what we can here, calling super.doGet() or super.doPost() for the rest. * * Some parts modified from: * <pre> // ======================================================================== // $Id:,v 1.51 2006/10/08 14:13:18 gregwilkins Exp $ // Copyright 199-2004 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // ======================================================================== * </pre> * */ private void doGetAndPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("Service " + req.getMethod() + " \"" + req.getContextPath() + "\" \"" + req.getServletPath() + "\" \"" + req.getPathInfo() + '"'); // since we are not overriding handle*(), do this here String method = req.getMethod(); // this is the part after /i2psnark String path = req.getServletPath(); // in-war icons etc. if (path != null && path.startsWith(WARBASE)) { if (method.equals("GET") || method.equals("HEAD")) super.doGet(req, resp); else // no POST either resp.sendError(405); return; } if (_context.isRouterContext()) _themePath = "/themes/snark/" + _manager.getTheme() + '/'; else _themePath = _contextPath + WARBASE + "themes/snark/" + _manager.getTheme() + '/'; _imgPath = _themePath + "images/"; req.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); String pOverride = _manager.util().connected() ? null : ""; String peerString = getQueryString(req, pOverride, null, null); // AJAX for mainsection if ("/.ajax/xhr1.html".equals(path)) { setHTMLHeaders(resp); PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter(); //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _manager.addMessage((_context.clock().now() / 1000) + " xhr1 p=" + req.getParameter("p")); writeMessages(out, false, peerString); writeTorrents(out, req); return; } boolean isConfigure = "/configure".equals(path); // index.jsp doesn't work, it is grabbed by the war handler before here if (!(path == null || path.equals("/") || path.equals("/index.jsp") || path.equals("/index.html") || path.equals("/_post") || isConfigure)) { if (path.endsWith("/")) { // Listing of a torrent (torrent detail page) // bypass the horrid Resource.getListHTML() String pathInfo = req.getPathInfo(); String pathInContext = addPaths(path, pathInfo); File resource = getResource(pathInContext); if (resource == null) { resp.sendError(404); } else { String base = addPaths(req.getRequestURI(), "/"); String listing = getListHTML(resource, base, true, method.equals("POST") ? req.getParameterMap() : null, req.getParameter("sort")); if (method.equals("POST")) { // P-R-G sendRedirect(req, resp, ""); } else if (listing != null) { setHTMLHeaders(resp); resp.getWriter().write(listing); } else { // shouldn't happen resp.sendError(404); } } } else { // local completed files in torrent directories if (method.equals("GET") || method.equals("HEAD")) super.doGet(req, resp); else if (method.equals("POST")) super.doPost(req, resp); else resp.sendError(405); } return; } // Either the main page or /configure String nonce = req.getParameter("nonce"); if (nonce != null) { if (nonce.equals(String.valueOf(_nonce))) processRequest(req); else // nonce is constant, shouldn't happen _manager.addMessage("Please retry form submission (bad nonce)"); // P-R-G (or G-R-G to hide the params from the address bar) sendRedirect(req, resp, peerString); return; } setHTMLHeaders(resp); PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter(); out.write(DOCTYPE + "<html>\n" + "<head><link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"" + _themePath + "favicon.ico\">\n" + "<title>"); if (_contextName.equals(DEFAULT_NAME)) out.write(_t("I2PSnark")); else out.write(_contextName); out.write(" - "); if (isConfigure) out.write(_t("Configuration")); else out.write(_t("Anonymous BitTorrent Client")); String peerParam = req.getParameter("p"); if ("2".equals(peerParam)) out.write(" | Debug Mode"); out.write("</title>\n"); // we want it to go to the base URI so we don't refresh with some funky action= value int delay = 0; if (!isConfigure) { delay = _manager.getRefreshDelaySeconds(); if (delay > 0) { String jsPfx = _context.isRouterContext() ? "" : ".resources"; String downMsg = _context.isRouterContext() ? _t("Router is down") : _t("I2PSnark has stopped"); //out.write("<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"" + delay + ";/i2psnark/" + peerString + "\">\n"); out.write("<script src=\"" + jsPfx + "/js/ajax.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n" + "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n" + "var failMessage = \"<div class=\\\"routerdown\\\"><b>" + downMsg + "<\\/b><\\/div>\";\n" + "function requestAjax1() { ajax(\"" + _contextPath + "/.ajax/xhr1.html" + peerString.replace("&", "&") + // don't html escape in js "\", \"mainsection\", " + (delay*1000) + "); }\n" + "function initAjax() { setTimeout(requestAjax1, " + (delay*1000) +"); }\n" + "</script>\n"); } } out.write(HEADER_A + _themePath + HEADER_B + "</head>\n"); if (isConfigure || delay <= 0) out.write("<body>"); else out.write("<body onload=\"initAjax()\">"); out.write("<center>"); List<Tracker> sortedTrackers = null; if (isConfigure) { out.write("<div class=\"snarknavbar\"><a href=\"" + _contextPath + "/\" title=\""); out.write(_t("Torrents")); out.write("\" class=\"snarkRefresh\">"); out.write(toThemeImg("arrow_refresh")); out.write("  "); if (_contextName.equals(DEFAULT_NAME)) out.write(_t("I2PSnark")); else out.write(_contextName); out.write("</a>"); } else { out.write("<div class=\"snarknavbar\"><a href=\"" + _contextPath + '/' + peerString + "\" title=\""); out.write(_t("Refresh page")); out.write("\" class=\"snarkRefresh\">"); out.write(toThemeImg("arrow_refresh")); out.write("  "); if (_contextName.equals(DEFAULT_NAME)) out.write(_t("I2PSnark")); else out.write(_contextName); out.write("</a>\n"); sortedTrackers = _manager.getSortedTrackers(); if (_context.isRouterContext()) { out.write("<a href=\"http://forum.i2p/viewforum.php?f=21\" class=\"snarkRefresh\" target=\"_blank\">"); out.write(_t("Forum")); out.write("</a>\n"); for (Tracker t : sortedTrackers) { if (t.baseURL == null || !t.baseURL.startsWith("http")) continue; if (_manager.util().isKnownOpenTracker(t.announceURL)) continue; out.write(" <a href=\"" + t.baseURL + "\" class=\"snarkRefresh\" target=\"_blank\">" + + "</a>"); } } } out.write("</div>\n"); String newURL = req.getParameter("newURL"); if (newURL != null && newURL.trim().length() > 0 && req.getMethod().equals("GET")) _manager.addMessage(_t("Click \"Add torrent\" button to fetch torrent")); out.write("<div class=\"page\"><div id=\"mainsection\" class=\"mainsection\">"); writeMessages(out, isConfigure, peerString); if (isConfigure) { // end of mainsection div out.write("<div class=\"logshim\"></div></div>\n"); writeConfigForm(out, req); writeTrackerForm(out, req); } else { boolean pageOne = writeTorrents(out, req); // end of mainsection div if (pageOne) { out.write("</div><div id=\"lowersection\">\n"); writeAddForm(out, req); writeSeedForm(out, req, sortedTrackers); writeConfigLink(out); // end of lowersection div } out.write("</div>\n"); } out.write(FOOTER); } /** * The standard HTTP headers for all HTML pages * * @since 0.9.16 moved from doGetAndPost() */ private static void setHTMLHeaders(HttpServletResponse resp) { resp.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); resp.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8"); resp.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store, max-age=0, no-cache, must-revalidate"); resp.setHeader("Content-Security-Policy", "default-src 'self'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'"); resp.setDateHeader("Expires", 0); resp.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); resp.setHeader("X-Frame-Options", "SAMEORIGIN"); resp.setHeader("X-XSS-Protection", "1; mode=block"); resp.setHeader("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff"); resp.setHeader("Referrer-Policy", "no-referrer"); } private void writeMessages(PrintWriter out, boolean isConfigure, String peerString) throws IOException { List<String> msgs = _manager.getMessages(); if (!msgs.isEmpty()) { out.write("<div class=\"snarkMessages\">"); out.write("<a href=\"" + _contextPath + '/'); if (isConfigure) out.write("configure"); if (peerString.length() > 0) out.write(peerString + "&"); else out.write("?"); out.write("action=Clear&nonce=" + _nonce + "\">"); String tx = _t("clear messages"); out.write(toThemeImg("delete", tx, tx)); out.write("</a>" + "<ul>"); for (int i = msgs.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { String msg = msgs.get(i); out.write("<li>" + msg + "</li>\n"); } out.write("</ul></div>"); } } /** * @return true if on first page */ private boolean writeTorrents(PrintWriter out, HttpServletRequest req) throws IOException { /** dl, ul, down rate, up rate, peers, size */ final long stats[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0}; String peerParam = req.getParameter("p"); String stParam = req.getParameter("st"); List<Snark> snarks = getSortedSnarks(req); boolean isForm = _manager.util().connected() || !snarks.isEmpty(); if (isForm) { out.write("<form action=\"_post\" method=\"POST\">\n"); writeHiddenInputs(out, req, null); } out.write(TABLE_HEADER); // Opera and text-mode browsers: no   and no input type=image values submitted // Using a unique name fixes Opera, except for the buttons with js confirms, see below String ua = req.getHeader("User-Agent"); boolean isDegraded = ua != null && (ua.startsWith("Lynx") || ua.startsWith("w3m") || ua.startsWith("ELinks") || ua.startsWith("Links") || ua.startsWith("Dillo") || ua.startsWith("Emacs-w3m")); boolean noThinsp = isDegraded || (ua != null && ua.startsWith("Opera")); // pages int start = 0; int total = snarks.size(); if (stParam != null) { try { start = Math.max(0, Math.min(total - 1, Integer.parseInt(stParam))); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} } int pageSize = Math.max(_manager.getPageSize(), 5); String currentSort = req.getParameter("sort"); boolean showSort = total > 1; out.write("<tr><th>"); String sort = ("2".equals(currentSort)) ? "-2" : "2"; if (showSort) { out.write("<a href=\"" + _contextPath + '/' + getQueryString(req, null, null, sort)); out.write("\">"); } String tx = _t("Status"); out.write(toThemeImg("status", tx, showSort ? _t("Sort by {0}", tx) : tx)); if (showSort) out.write("</a>"); out.write("</th>\n<th>"); if (_manager.util().connected() && !snarks.isEmpty()) { out.write(" <a href=\"" + _contextPath + '/'); if (peerParam != null) { // disable peer view out.write(getQueryString(req, "", null, null)); out.write("\">"); tx = _t("Hide Peers"); out.write(toThemeImg("hidepeers", tx, tx)); } else { // enable peer view out.write(getQueryString(req, "1", null, null)); out.write("\">"); tx = _t("Show Peers"); out.write(toThemeImg("showpeers", tx, tx)); } out.write("</a><br>\n"); } out.write("</th>\n<th colspan=\"2\" align=\"left\">"); // cycle through sort by name or type boolean isTypeSort = false; if (showSort) { if (currentSort == null || "0".equals(currentSort) || "1".equals(currentSort)) { sort = "-1"; } else if ("-1".equals(currentSort)) { sort = "12"; isTypeSort = true; } else if ("12".equals(currentSort)) { sort = "-12"; isTypeSort = true; } else { sort = ""; } out.write("<a href=\"" + _contextPath + '/' + getQueryString(req, null, null, sort)); out.write("\">"); } tx = _t("Torrent"); out.write(toThemeImg("torrent", tx, showSort ? _t("Sort by {0}", (isTypeSort ? _t("File type") : tx)) : tx)); if (showSort) out.write("</a>"); out.write("</th>\n<th align=\"center\">"); if (total > 0 && (start > 0 || total > pageSize)) { writePageNav(out, req, start, pageSize, total, noThinsp); } out.write("</th>\n<th align=\"right\">"); if (_manager.util().connected() && !snarks.isEmpty()) { if (showSort) { sort = ("4".equals(currentSort)) ? "-4" : "4"; out.write("<a href=\"" + _contextPath + '/' + getQueryString(req, null, null, sort)); out.write("\">"); } // Translators: Please keep short or translate as " " tx = _t("ETA"); out.write(toThemeImg("eta", tx, showSort ? _t("Sort by {0}", _t("Estimated time remaining")) : _t("Estimated time remaining"))); if (showSort) out.write("</a>"); } out.write("</th>\n<th align=\"right\">"); // cycle through sort by size or downloaded boolean isDlSort = false; if (showSort) { if ("5".equals(currentSort)) { sort = "-5"; } else if ("-5".equals(currentSort)) { sort = "6"; isDlSort = true; } else if ("6".equals(currentSort)) { sort = "-6"; isDlSort = true; } else { sort = "5"; } out.write("<a href=\"" + _contextPath + '/' + getQueryString(req, null, null, sort)); out.write("\">"); } // Translators: Please keep short or translate as " " tx = _t("RX"); out.write(toThemeImg("head_rx", tx, showSort ? _t("Sort by {0}", (isDlSort ? _t("Downloaded") : _t("Size"))) : _t("Downloaded"))); if (showSort) out.write("</a>"); out.write("</th>\n<th align=\"right\">"); boolean isRatSort = false; if (!snarks.isEmpty()) { // cycle through sort by uploaded or ratio boolean nextRatSort = false; if (showSort) { if ("7".equals(currentSort)) { sort = "-7"; } else if ("-7".equals(currentSort)) { sort = "11"; nextRatSort = true; } else if ("11".equals(currentSort)) { sort = "-11"; nextRatSort = true; isRatSort = true; } else if ("-11".equals(currentSort)) { sort = "7"; isRatSort = true; } else { sort = "7"; } out.write("<a href=\"" + _contextPath + '/' + getQueryString(req, null, null, sort)); out.write("\">"); } // Translators: Please keep short or translate as " " tx = _t("TX"); out.write(toThemeImg("head_tx", tx, showSort ? _t("Sort by {0}", (nextRatSort ? _t("Upload ratio") : _t("Uploaded"))) : _t("Uploaded"))); if (showSort) out.write("</a>"); } out.write("</th>\n<th align=\"right\">"); if (_manager.util().connected() && !snarks.isEmpty()) { if (showSort) { sort = ("8".equals(currentSort)) ? "-8" : "8"; out.write("<a href=\"" + _contextPath + '/' + getQueryString(req, null, null, sort)); out.write("\">"); } // Translators: Please keep short or translate as " " tx = _t("RX Rate"); out.write(toThemeImg("head_rxspeed", tx, showSort ? _t("Sort by {0}", _t("Down Rate")) : _t("Down Rate"))); if (showSort) out.write("</a>"); } out.write("</th>\n<th align=\"right\">"); if (_manager.util().connected() && !snarks.isEmpty()) { if (showSort) { sort = ("9".equals(currentSort)) ? "-9" : "9"; out.write("<a href=\"" + _contextPath + '/' + getQueryString(req, null, null, sort)); out.write("\">"); } // Translators: Please keep short or translate as " " tx = _t("TX Rate"); out.write(toThemeImg("head_txspeed", tx, showSort ? _t("Sort by {0}", _t("Up Rate")) : _t("Up Rate"))); if (showSort) out.write("</a>"); } out.write("</th>\n<th align=\"center\">"); if (_manager.isStopping()) { out.write(" "); } else if (_manager.util().connected()) { if (isDegraded) out.write("<a href=\"" + _contextPath + "/?action=StopAll&nonce=" + _nonce + "\"><img title=\""); else { // //out.write("<input type=\"image\" name=\"action\" value=\"StopAll\" title=\""); out.write("<input type=\"image\" name=\"action_StopAll\" value=\"foo\" title=\""); } out.write(_t("Stop all torrents and the I2P tunnel")); out.write("\" src=\"" + _imgPath + "stop_all.png\" alt=\""); out.write(_t("Stop All")); out.write("\">"); if (isDegraded) out.write("</a>"); for (Snark s : snarks) { if (s.isStopped()) { // show startall too out.write("<br>"); if (isDegraded) out.write("<a href=\"" + _contextPath + "/?action=StartAll&nonce=" + _nonce + "\"><img title=\""); else out.write("<input type=\"image\" name=\"action_StartAll\" value=\"foo\" title=\""); out.write(_t("Start all stopped torrents")); out.write("\" src=\"" + _imgPath + "start_all.png\" alt=\""); out.write(_t("Start All")); out.write("\">"); if (isDegraded) out.write("</a>"); break; } } } else if ((!_manager.util().isConnecting()) && !snarks.isEmpty()) { if (isDegraded) out.write("<a href=\"" + _contextPath + "/?action=StartAll&nonce=" + _nonce + "\"><img title=\""); else out.write("<input type=\"image\" name=\"action_StartAll\" value=\"foo\" title=\""); out.write(_t("Start all torrents and the I2P tunnel")); out.write("\" src=\"" + _imgPath + "start_all.png\" alt=\""); out.write(_t("Start All")); out.write("\">"); if (isDegraded) out.write("</a>"); } else { out.write(" "); } out.write("</th></tr>\n"); out.write("</thead>\n"); String uri = _contextPath + '/'; boolean showDebug = "2".equals(peerParam); for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) { Snark snark = snarks.get(i); boolean showPeers = showDebug || "1".equals(peerParam) || Base64.encode(snark.getInfoHash()).equals(peerParam); boolean hide = i < start || i >= start + pageSize; displaySnark(out, req, snark, uri, i, stats, showPeers, isDegraded, noThinsp, showDebug, hide, isRatSort); } if (total == 0) { out.write("<tr class=\"snarkTorrentNoneLoaded\">" + "<td class=\"snarkTorrentNoneLoaded\"" + " colspan=\"11\"><i>"); out.write(_t("No torrents loaded.")); out.write("</i></td></tr>\n"); } else /** if (snarks.size() > 1) */ { out.write("<tfoot><tr>\n" + " <th align=\"left\" colspan=\"6\">"); out.write(" "); out.write(_t("Totals")); out.write(": "); out.write(ngettext("1 torrent", "{0} torrents", total)); out.write(", "); out.write(DataHelper.formatSize2(stats[5]) + "B"); if (_manager.util().connected() && total > 0) { out.write(", "); out.write(ngettext("1 connected peer", "{0} connected peers", (int) stats[4])); } DHT dht = _manager.util().getDHT(); if (dht != null) { int dhts = dht.size(); if (dhts > 0) { out.write(", "); out.write(ngettext("1 DHT peer", "{0} DHT peers", dhts)); } } String IPString = _manager.util().getOurIPString(); if(!IPString.equals("unknown")) { // Only truncate if it's an actual dest out.write("; "); out.write(_t("Dest")); out.write(": <tt>"); out.write(IPString.substring(0, 4)); out.write("</tt>"); } if (dht != null) { if (showDebug) out.write(dht.renderStatusHTML()); } out.write("</th>\n"); if (_manager.util().connected() && total > 0) { out.write(" <th align=\"right\">" + formatSize(stats[0]) + "</th>\n" + " <th align=\"right\">" + formatSize(stats[1]) + "</th>\n" + " <th align=\"right\">" + formatSize(stats[2]) + "ps</th>\n" + " <th align=\"right\">" + formatSize(stats[3]) + "ps</th>\n" + " <th></th>"); } else { out.write("<th colspan=\"5\"></th>"); } out.write("</tr></tfoot>\n"); } out.write("</table>"); if (isForm) out.write("</form>\n"); return start == 0; } /** * hidden inputs for nonce and paramters p, st, and sort * * @param out writes to it * @param action if non-null, add it as the action * @since 0.9.16 */ private void writeHiddenInputs(PrintWriter out, HttpServletRequest req, String action) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(256); writeHiddenInputs(buf, req, action); out.write(buf.toString()); } /** * hidden inputs for nonce and paramters p, st, and sort * * @param buf appends to it * @param action if non-null, add it as the action * @since 0.9.16 */ private void writeHiddenInputs(StringBuilder buf, HttpServletRequest req, String action) { buf.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nonce\" value=\"") .append(_nonce).append("\" >\n"); String peerParam = req.getParameter("p"); if (peerParam != null) { buf.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"p\" value=\"") .append(DataHelper.stripHTML(peerParam)).append("\" >\n"); } String stParam = req.getParameter("st"); if (stParam != null) { buf.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"st\" value=\"") .append(DataHelper.stripHTML(stParam)).append("\" >\n"); } String soParam = req.getParameter("sort"); if (soParam != null) { buf.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sort\" value=\"") .append(DataHelper.stripHTML(soParam)).append("\" >\n"); } if (action != null) { buf.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"") .append(action).append("\" >\n"); } } /** * Build HTML-escaped and stripped query string * * @param p override or "" for default or null to keep the same as in req * @param st override or "" for default or null to keep the same as in req * @param so override or "" for default or null to keep the same as in req * @return non-null, possibly empty * @since 0.9.16 */ private static String getQueryString(HttpServletRequest req, String p, String st, String so) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(64); if (p == null) { p = req.getParameter("p"); if (p != null) p = DataHelper.stripHTML(p); } if (p != null && !p.equals("")) buf.append("?p=").append(p); if (so == null) { so = req.getParameter("sort"); if (so != null) so = DataHelper.stripHTML(so); } if (so != null && !so.equals("")) { if (buf.length() <= 0) buf.append("?sort="); else buf.append("&sort="); buf.append(so); } if (st == null) { st = req.getParameter("st"); if (st != null) st = DataHelper.stripHTML(st); } if (st != null && !st.equals("")) { if (buf.length() <= 0) buf.append("?st="); else buf.append("&st="); buf.append(st); } return buf.toString(); } /** * @since 0.9.6 */ private void writePageNav(PrintWriter out, HttpServletRequest req, int start, int pageSize, int total, boolean noThinsp) { // Page nav if (start > 0) { // First out.write("<a href=\"" + _contextPath); out.write(getQueryString(req, null, "", null)); out.write("\">"); out.write(toThemeImg("control_rewind_blue", _t("First"), _t("First page"))); out.write("</a> "); int prev = Math.max(0, start - pageSize); //if (prev > 0) { if (true) { // Back out.write(" <a href=\"" + _contextPath); String sprev = (prev > 0) ? Integer.toString(prev) : ""; out.write(getQueryString(req, null, sprev, null)); out.write("\">"); out.write(toThemeImg("control_back_blue", _t("Prev"), _t("Previous page"))); out.write("</a> "); } } else { out.write( "<img alt=\"\" border=\"0\" class=\"disable\" src=\"" + _imgPath + "control_rewind_blue.png\">" + " " + "<img alt=\"\" border=\"0\" class=\"disable\" src=\"" + _imgPath + "control_back_blue.png\">" + " "); } // Page count int pages = 1 + ((total - 1) / pageSize); if (pages == 1 && start > 0) pages = 2; if (pages > 1) { int page; if (start + pageSize >= total) page = pages; else page = 1 + (start / pageSize); //out.write(" " + _t("Page {0}", page) + thinsp(noThinsp) + pages + " "); out.write("  " + page + thinsp(noThinsp) + pages + "  "); } if (start + pageSize < total) { int next = start + pageSize; //if (next + pageSize < total) { if (true) { // Next out.write(" <a href=\"" + _contextPath); out.write(getQueryString(req, null, Integer.toString(next), null)); out.write("\">"); out.write(toThemeImg("control_play_blue", _t("Next"), _t("Next page"))); out.write("</a> "); } // Last int last = ((total - 1) / pageSize) * pageSize; out.write(" <a href=\"" + _contextPath); out.write(getQueryString(req, null, Integer.toString(last), null)); out.write("\">"); out.write(toThemeImg("control_fastforward_blue", _t("Last"), _t("Last page"))); out.write("</a> "); } else { out.write(" " + "<img alt=\"\" border=\"0\" class=\"disable\" src=\"" + _imgPath + "control_play_blue.png\">" + " " + "<img alt=\"\" border=\"0\" class=\"disable\" src=\"" + _imgPath + "control_fastforward_blue.png\">"); } } /** * Do what they ask, adding messages to _manager.addMessage as necessary */ private void processRequest(HttpServletRequest req) { String action = req.getParameter("action"); if (action == null) { // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // TODO-Java6: Remove cast, return type is correct Map<String, String[]> params = req.getParameterMap(); for (Object o : params.keySet()) { String key = (String) o; if (key.startsWith("action_") && key.endsWith(".x")) { action = key.substring(0, key.length() - 2).substring(7); break; } } if (action == null) { _manager.addMessage("No action specified"); return; } } // sadly, Opera doesn't send value with input type=image, so we have to use GET there //if (!"POST".equals(req.getMethod())) { // _manager.addMessage("Action must be with POST"); // return; //} if ("Add".equals(action)) { String newURL = req.getParameter("nofilter_newURL"); /****** // NOTE - newFile currently disabled in HTML form - see below File f = null; if ( (newFile != null) && (newFile.trim().length() > 0) ) f = new File(newFile.trim()); if ( (f != null) && (!f.exists()) ) { _manager.addMessage(_t("Torrent file {0} does not exist", newFile)); } if ( (f != null) && (f.exists()) ) { // NOTE - All this is disabled - load from local file disabled File local = new File(_manager.getDataDir(), f.getName()); String canonical = null; try { canonical = local.getCanonicalPath(); if (local.exists()) { if (_manager.getTorrent(canonical) != null) _manager.addMessage(_t("Torrent already running: {0}", newFile)); else _manager.addMessage(_t("Torrent already in the queue: {0}", newFile)); } else { boolean ok = FileUtil.copy(f.getAbsolutePath(), local.getAbsolutePath(), true); if (ok) { _manager.addMessage(_t("Copying torrent to {0}", local.getAbsolutePath())); _manager.addTorrent(canonical); } else { _manager.addMessage(_t("Unable to copy the torrent to {0}", local.getAbsolutePath()) + ' ' + _t("from {0}", f.getAbsolutePath())); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { _log.warn("hrm: " + local, ioe); } } else *****/ if (newURL != null) { newURL = newURL.trim(); String newDir = req.getParameter("nofilter_newDir"); File dir = null; if (newDir != null) { newDir = newDir.trim(); if (newDir.length() > 0) { dir = new SecureFile(newDir); if (!dir.isAbsolute()) { _manager.addMessage(_t("Data directory must be an absolute path") + ": " + dir); return; } if (!dir.isDirectory() && !dir.mkdirs()) { _manager.addMessage(_t("Data directory cannot be created") + ": " + dir); return; } Collection<Snark> snarks = _manager.getTorrents(); for (Snark s : snarks) { Storage storage = s.getStorage(); if (storage == null) continue; File sbase = storage.getBase(); if (isParentOf(sbase, dir)) { _manager.addMessage(_t("Cannot add torrent {0} inside another torrent: {1}", dir.getAbsolutePath(), sbase)); return; } } } } File dd = _manager.getDataDir(); if (!dd.canWrite()) { _manager.addMessage(_t("No write permissions for data directory") + ": " + dd); return; } if (newURL.startsWith("http://")) { FetchAndAdd fetch = new FetchAndAdd(_context, _manager, newURL, dir); _manager.addDownloader(fetch); } else if (newURL.startsWith(MagnetURI.MAGNET) || newURL.startsWith(MagnetURI.MAGGOT)) { addMagnet(newURL, dir); } else if (newURL.length() == 40 && newURL.replaceAll("[a-fA-F0-9]", "").length() == 0) { // hex newURL = newURL.toUpperCase(Locale.US); addMagnet(MagnetURI.MAGNET_FULL + newURL, dir); } else if (newURL.length() == 32 && newURL.replaceAll("[a-zA-Z2-7]", "").length() == 0) { // b32 newURL = newURL.toUpperCase(Locale.US); addMagnet(MagnetURI.MAGNET_FULL + newURL, dir); } else { _manager.addMessage(_t("Invalid URL: Must start with \"http://\", \"{0}\", or \"{1}\"", MagnetURI.MAGNET, MagnetURI.MAGGOT)); } } else { // no file or URL specified } } else if (action.startsWith("Stop_")) { String torrent = action.substring(5); if (torrent != null) { byte infoHash[] = Base64.decode(torrent); if ( (infoHash != null) && (infoHash.length == 20) ) { // valid sha1 for (String name : _manager.listTorrentFiles() ) { Snark snark = _manager.getTorrent(name); if ( (snark != null) && (DataHelper.eq(infoHash, snark.getInfoHash())) ) { _manager.stopTorrent(snark, false); break; } } } } } else if (action.startsWith("Start_")) { String torrent = action.substring(6); if (torrent != null) { byte infoHash[] = Base64.decode(torrent); if ( (infoHash != null) && (infoHash.length == 20) ) { // valid sha1 _manager.startTorrent(infoHash); } } } else if (action.startsWith("Remove_")) { String torrent = action.substring(7); if (torrent != null) { byte infoHash[] = Base64.decode(torrent); if ( (infoHash != null) && (infoHash.length == 20) ) { // valid sha1 for (String name : _manager.listTorrentFiles() ) { Snark snark = _manager.getTorrent(name); if ( (snark != null) && (DataHelper.eq(infoHash, snark.getInfoHash())) ) { MetaInfo meta = snark.getMetaInfo(); if (meta == null) { // magnet - remove and delete are the same thing // Remove not shown on UI so we shouldn't get here _manager.deleteMagnet(snark); _manager.addMessage(_t("Magnet deleted: {0}", name)); return; } File f = new File(name); File dd = _manager.getDataDir(); boolean canDelete = dd.canWrite() || !f.exists(); _manager.stopTorrent(snark, canDelete); // TODO race here with the DirMonitor, could get re-added if (f.delete()) { _manager.addMessage(_t("Torrent file deleted: {0}", f.getAbsolutePath())); } else if (f.exists()) { if (!canDelete) _manager.addMessage(_t("No write permissions for data directory") + ": " + dd); _manager.addMessage(_t("Torrent file could not be deleted: {0}", f.getAbsolutePath())); } break; } } } } } else if (action.startsWith("Delete_")) { String torrent = action.substring(7); if (torrent != null) { byte infoHash[] = Base64.decode(torrent); if ( (infoHash != null) && (infoHash.length == 20) ) { // valid sha1 for (String name : _manager.listTorrentFiles() ) { Snark snark = _manager.getTorrent(name); if ( (snark != null) && (DataHelper.eq(infoHash, snark.getInfoHash())) ) { MetaInfo meta = snark.getMetaInfo(); if (meta == null) { // magnet - remove and delete are the same thing _manager.deleteMagnet(snark); if (snark instanceof FetchAndAdd) _manager.addMessage(_t("Download deleted: {0}", name)); else _manager.addMessage(_t("Magnet deleted: {0}", name)); return; } File f = new File(name); File dd = _manager.getDataDir(); boolean canDelete = dd.canWrite() || !f.exists(); _manager.stopTorrent(snark, canDelete); // TODO race here with the DirMonitor, could get re-added if (f.delete()) { _manager.addMessage(_t("Torrent file deleted: {0}", f.getAbsolutePath())); } else if (f.exists()) { if (!canDelete) _manager.addMessage(_t("No write permissions for data directory") + ": " + dd); _manager.addMessage(_t("Torrent file could not be deleted: {0}", f.getAbsolutePath())); return; } Storage storage = snark.getStorage(); if (storage == null) break; List<List<String>> files = meta.getFiles(); if (files == null) { // single file torrent for (File df : storage.getFiles()) { // should be only one if (df.delete()) _manager.addMessage(_t("Data file deleted: {0}", df.getAbsolutePath())); else if (df.exists()) _manager.addMessage(_t("Data file could not be deleted: {0}", df.getAbsolutePath())); // else already gone } break; } // step 1 delete files for (File df : storage.getFiles()) { if (df.delete()) { //_manager.addMessage(_t("Data file deleted: {0}", df.getAbsolutePath())); } else if (df.exists()) { _manager.addMessage(_t("Data file could not be deleted: {0}", df.getAbsolutePath())); // else already gone } } // step 2 delete dirs bottom-up Set<File> dirs = storage.getDirectories(); if (dirs == null) break; // directory deleted out from under us if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Dirs to delete: " + DataHelper.toString(dirs)); boolean ok = false; for (File df : dirs) { if (df.delete()) { ok = true; //_manager.addMessage(_t("Data dir deleted: {0}", df.getAbsolutePath())); } else if (df.exists()) { ok = false; _manager.addMessage(_t("Directory could not be deleted: {0}", df.getAbsolutePath())); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Could not delete dir " + df); // else already gone } } // step 3 message for base (last one) if (ok) _manager.addMessage(_t("Directory deleted: {0}", storage.getBase())); break; } } } } } else if ("Save".equals(action)) { String dataDir = req.getParameter("nofilter_dataDir"); boolean filesPublic = req.getParameter("filesPublic") != null; boolean autoStart = req.getParameter("autoStart") != null; boolean smartSort = req.getParameter("smartSort") != null; String seedPct = req.getParameter("seedPct"); String eepHost = req.getParameter("eepHost"); String eepPort = req.getParameter("eepPort"); String i2cpHost = req.getParameter("i2cpHost"); String i2cpPort = req.getParameter("i2cpPort"); String i2cpOpts = buildI2CPOpts(req); String upLimit = req.getParameter("upLimit"); String upBW = req.getParameter("upBW"); String refreshDel = req.getParameter("refreshDelay"); String startupDel = req.getParameter("startupDelay"); String pageSize = req.getParameter("pageSize"); boolean useOpenTrackers = req.getParameter("useOpenTrackers") != null; boolean useDHT = req.getParameter("useDHT") != null; //String openTrackers = req.getParameter("openTrackers"); String theme = req.getParameter("theme"); String lang = req.getParameter("lang"); boolean ratings = req.getParameter("ratings") != null; boolean comments = req.getParameter("comments") != null; String commentsName = req.getParameter("nofilter_commentsName"); _manager.updateConfig(dataDir, filesPublic, autoStart, smartSort, refreshDel, startupDel, pageSize, seedPct, eepHost, eepPort, i2cpHost, i2cpPort, i2cpOpts, upLimit, upBW, useOpenTrackers, useDHT, theme, lang, ratings, comments, commentsName); // update servlet try { setResourceBase(_manager.getDataDir()); } catch (ServletException se) {} } else if ("Save2".equals(action)) { String taction = req.getParameter("taction"); if (taction != null) processTrackerForm(taction, req); } else if ("Create".equals(action)) { String baseData = req.getParameter("nofilter_baseFile"); if (baseData != null && baseData.trim().length() > 0) { File baseFile = new File(baseData.trim()); if (!baseFile.isAbsolute()) baseFile = new File(_manager.getDataDir(), baseData); String announceURL = req.getParameter("announceURL"); // make the user add a tracker on the config form now //String announceURLOther = req.getParameter("announceURLOther"); //if ( (announceURLOther != null) && (announceURLOther.trim().length() > "http://.i2p/announce".length()) ) // announceURL = announceURLOther; if (baseFile.exists()) { File dd = _manager.getDataDir(); if (!dd.canWrite()) { _manager.addMessage(_t("No write permissions for data directory") + ": " + dd); return; } String torrentName = baseFile.getName(); if (torrentName.toLowerCase(Locale.US).endsWith(".torrent")) { _manager.addMessage(_t("Cannot add a torrent ending in \".torrent\": {0}", baseFile.getAbsolutePath())); return; } Snark snark = _manager.getTorrentByBaseName(torrentName); if (snark != null) { _manager.addMessage(_t("Torrent with this name is already running: {0}", torrentName)); return; } if (isParentOf(baseFile,_manager.getDataDir()) || isParentOf(baseFile, _manager.util().getContext().getBaseDir()) || isParentOf(baseFile, _manager.util().getContext().getConfigDir())) { _manager.addMessage(_t("Cannot add a torrent including an I2P directory: {0}", baseFile.getAbsolutePath())); return; } Collection<Snark> snarks = _manager.getTorrents(); for (Snark s : snarks) { Storage storage = s.getStorage(); if (storage == null) continue; File sbase = storage.getBase(); if (isParentOf(sbase, baseFile)) { _manager.addMessage(_t("Cannot add torrent {0} inside another torrent: {1}", baseFile.getAbsolutePath(), sbase)); return; } if (isParentOf(baseFile, sbase)) { _manager.addMessage(_t("Cannot add torrent {0} including another torrent: {1}", baseFile.getAbsolutePath(), sbase)); return; } } if (announceURL.equals("none")) announceURL = null; _lastAnnounceURL = announceURL; List<String> backupURLs = new ArrayList<String>(); Enumeration<?> e = req.getParameterNames(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { Object o = e.nextElement(); if (!(o instanceof String)) continue; String k = (String) o; if (k.startsWith("backup_")) { String url = k.substring(7); if (!url.equals(announceURL)) backupURLs.add(DataHelper.stripHTML(url)); } } List<List<String>> announceList = null; if (!backupURLs.isEmpty()) { // BEP 12 - Put primary first, then the others, each as the sole entry in their own list if (announceURL == null) { _manager.addMessage(_t("Error - Cannot include alternate trackers without a primary tracker")); return; } backupURLs.add(0, announceURL); boolean hasPrivate = false; boolean hasPublic = false; for (String url : backupURLs) { if (_manager.getPrivateTrackers().contains(url)) hasPrivate = true; else hasPublic = true; } if (hasPrivate && hasPublic) { _manager.addMessage(_t("Error - Cannot mix private and public trackers in a torrent")); return; } announceList = new ArrayList<List<String>>(backupURLs.size()); for (String url : backupURLs) { announceList.add(Collections.singletonList(url)); } } try { // This may take a long time to check the storage, but since it already exists, // it shouldn't be THAT bad, so keep it in this thread. // TODO thread it for big torrents, perhaps a la FetchAndAdd boolean isPrivate = _manager.getPrivateTrackers().contains(announceURL); Storage s = new Storage(_manager.util(), baseFile, announceURL, announceList, null, isPrivate, null); s.close(); // close the files... maybe need a way to pass this Storage to addTorrent rather than starting over MetaInfo info = s.getMetaInfo(); File torrentFile = new File(_manager.getDataDir(), s.getBaseName() + ".torrent"); // FIXME is the storage going to stay around thanks to the info reference? // now add it, but don't automatically start it boolean ok = _manager.addTorrent(info, s.getBitField(), torrentFile.getAbsolutePath(), baseFile, true); if (!ok) return; _manager.addMessage(_t("Torrent created for \"{0}\"", baseFile.getName()) + ": " + torrentFile.getAbsolutePath()); if (announceURL != null && !_manager.util().getOpenTrackers().contains(announceURL)) _manager.addMessage(_t("Many I2P trackers require you to register new torrents before seeding - please do so before starting \"{0}\"", baseFile.getName())); } catch (IOException ioe) { _manager.addMessage(_t("Error creating a torrent for \"{0}\"", baseFile.getAbsolutePath()) + ": " + ioe); _log.error("Error creating a torrent", ioe); } } else { _manager.addMessage(_t("Cannot create a torrent for the nonexistent data: {0}", baseFile.getAbsolutePath())); } } else { _manager.addMessage(_t("Error creating torrent - you must enter a file or directory")); } } else if ("StopAll".equals(action)) { _manager.stopAllTorrents(false); } else if ("StartAll".equals(action)) { _manager.startAllTorrents(); } else if ("Clear".equals(action)) { _manager.clearMessages(); } else { _manager.addMessage("Unknown POST action: \"" + action + '\"'); } } /** * Redirect a POST to a GET (P-R-G), preserving the peer string * @since 0.9.5 */ private void sendRedirect(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp, String p) throws IOException { String url = req.getRequestURL().toString(); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128); if (url.endsWith("_post")) url = url.substring(0, url.length() - 5); buf.append(url); if (p.length() > 0) buf.append(p.replace("&", "&")); // no you don't html escape the redirect header resp.setHeader("Location", buf.toString()); resp.sendError(302, "Moved"); } /** @since 0.9 */ private void processTrackerForm(String action, HttpServletRequest req) { if (action.equals(_t("Delete selected")) || action.equals(_t("Save tracker configuration"))) { boolean changed = false; Map<String, Tracker> trackers = _manager.getTrackerMap(); List<String> removed = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> open = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> priv = new ArrayList<String>(); Enumeration<?> e = req.getParameterNames(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { Object o = e.nextElement(); if (!(o instanceof String)) continue; String k = (String) o; if (k.startsWith("delete_")) { k = k.substring(7); Tracker t; if ((t = trackers.remove(k)) != null) { removed.add(t.announceURL); _manager.addMessage(_t("Removed") + ": " + DataHelper.stripHTML(k)); changed = true; } } else if (k.startsWith("ttype_")) { String val = req.getParameter(k); k = k.substring(6); if ("1".equals(val)) open.add(k); else if ("2".equals(val)) priv.add(k); } } if (changed) { _manager.saveTrackerMap(); } open.removeAll(removed); List<String> oldOpen = new ArrayList<String>(_manager.util().getOpenTrackers()); Collections.sort(oldOpen); Collections.sort(open); if (!open.equals(oldOpen)) _manager.saveOpenTrackers(open); priv.removeAll(removed); // open trumps private priv.removeAll(open); List<String> oldPriv = new ArrayList<String>(_manager.getPrivateTrackers()); Collections.sort(oldPriv); Collections.sort(priv); if (!priv.equals(oldPriv)) _manager.savePrivateTrackers(priv); } else if (action.equals(_t("Add tracker"))) { String name = req.getParameter("tname"); String hurl = req.getParameter("thurl"); String aurl = req.getParameter("taurl"); if (name != null && hurl != null && aurl != null) { name = DataHelper.stripHTML(name.trim()); hurl = DataHelper.stripHTML(hurl.trim()); aurl = DataHelper.stripHTML(aurl.trim()).replace("=", "="); if (name.length() > 0 && hurl.startsWith("http://") && TrackerClient.isValidAnnounce(aurl)) { Map<String, Tracker> trackers = _manager.getTrackerMap(); trackers.put(name, new Tracker(name, aurl, hurl)); _manager.saveTrackerMap(); String type = req.getParameter("add_tracker_type"); if ("1".equals(type)) { List<String> newOpen = new ArrayList<String>(_manager.util().getOpenTrackers()); newOpen.add(aurl); _manager.saveOpenTrackers(newOpen); } else if ("2".equals(type)) { List<String> newPriv = new ArrayList<String>(_manager.getPrivateTrackers()); newPriv.add(aurl); _manager.savePrivateTrackers(newPriv); } } else { _manager.addMessage(_t("Enter valid tracker name and URLs")); } } else { _manager.addMessage(_t("Enter valid tracker name and URLs")); } } else if (action.equals(_t("Restore defaults"))) { _manager.setDefaultTrackerMap(); _manager.saveOpenTrackers(null); _manager.addMessage(_t("Restored default trackers")); } else { _manager.addMessage("Unknown POST action: \"" + action + '\"'); } } private static final String iopts[] = {"inbound.length", "inbound.quantity", "outbound.length", "outbound.quantity" }; /** put the individual i2cp selections into the option string */ private static String buildI2CPOpts(HttpServletRequest req) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128); String p = req.getParameter("i2cpOpts"); if (p != null) buf.append(p); for (int i = 0; i < iopts.length; i++) { p = req.getParameter(iopts[i]); if (p != null) buf.append(' ').append(iopts[i]).append('=').append(p); } return buf.toString(); } private List<Snark> getSortedSnarks(HttpServletRequest req) { ArrayList<Snark> rv = new ArrayList<Snark>(_manager.getTorrents()); if (rv.size() > 1) { int sort = 0; String ssort = req.getParameter("sort"); if (ssort != null) { try { sort = Integer.parseInt(ssort); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} } if (_manager.isSmartSortEnabled()) Sorters.setPattern(Translate.getLanguage(_manager.util().getContext())); else Sorters.setPattern(null); try { Collections.sort(rv, Sorters.getComparator(sort, this)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { // Java 7 TimSort - may be unstable } } return rv; } private static final int MAX_DISPLAYED_FILENAME_LENGTH = 50; private static final int MAX_DISPLAYED_ERROR_LENGTH = 43; /** * Display one snark (one line in table, unless showPeers is true) * * @param stats in/out param (totals) * @param statsOnly if true, output nothing, update stats only */ private void displaySnark(PrintWriter out, HttpServletRequest req, Snark snark, String uri, int row, long stats[], boolean showPeers, boolean isDegraded, boolean noThinsp, boolean showDebug, boolean statsOnly, boolean showRatios) throws IOException { // stats long uploaded = snark.getUploaded(); stats[0] += snark.getDownloaded(); stats[1] += uploaded; long downBps = snark.getDownloadRate(); long upBps = snark.getUploadRate(); boolean isRunning = !snark.isStopped(); if (isRunning) { stats[2] += downBps; stats[3] += upBps; } int curPeers = snark.getPeerCount(); stats[4] += curPeers; long total = snark.getTotalLength(); if (total > 0) stats[5] += total; if (statsOnly) return; String basename = snark.getBaseName(); String fullBasename = basename; if (basename.length() > MAX_DISPLAYED_FILENAME_LENGTH) { String start = basename.substring(0, MAX_DISPLAYED_FILENAME_LENGTH); if (start.indexOf(' ') < 0 && start.indexOf('-') < 0) { // browser has nowhere to break it basename = start + HELLIP; } } // includes skipped files, -1 for magnet mode long remaining = snark.getRemainingLength(); if (remaining > total) remaining = total; // does not include skipped files, -1 for magnet mode or when not running. long needed = snark.getNeededLength(); if (needed > total) needed = total; long remainingSeconds; if (downBps > 0 && needed > 0) remainingSeconds = needed / downBps; else remainingSeconds = -1; MetaInfo meta = snark.getMetaInfo(); String b64 = Base64.encode(snark.getInfoHash()); String b64Short = b64.substring(0, 6); // isValid means isNotMagnet boolean isValid = meta != null; boolean isMultiFile = isValid && meta.getFiles() != null; String err = snark.getTrackerProblems(); int knownPeers = Math.max(curPeers, snark.getTrackerSeenPeers()); String rowClass = (row % 2 == 0 ? "snarkTorrentEven" : "snarkTorrentOdd"); String statusString; if (snark.isChecking()) { statusString = toThemeImg("stalled", "", _t("Checking")) + "</td>" + "<td class=\"snarkTorrentStatus\">" + _t("Checking") + ' ' + (new DecimalFormat("0.00%")).format(snark.getCheckingProgress()); } else if (snark.isAllocating()) { statusString = toThemeImg("stalled", "", _t("Allocating")) + "</td>" + "<td class=\"snarkTorrentStatus\">" + _t("Allocating"); } else if (err != null && isRunning && curPeers == 0) { //} else if (err != null && curPeers == 0) { // Also don't show if seeding... but then we won't see the not-registered error // && remaining != 0 && needed != 0) { // let's only show this if we have no peers, otherwise PEX and DHT should bail us out, user doesn't care //if (isRunning && curPeers > 0 && !showPeers) // statusString = "<img alt=\"\" border=\"0\" src=\"" + _imgPath + "trackererror.png\" title=\"" + err + "\"></td>" + // "<td class=\"snarkTorrentStatus " + rowClass + "\">" + _t("Tracker Error") + // ": <a href=\"" + uri + "?p=" + Base64.encode(snark.getInfoHash()) + "\">" + // curPeers + thinsp(noThinsp) + // ngettext("1 peer", "{0} peers", knownPeers) + "</a>"; //else if (isRunning) //if (isRunning) { statusString = toThemeImg("trackererror", "", err) + "</td>" + "<td class=\"snarkTorrentStatus\">" + _t("Tracker Error") + ": " + curPeers + thinsp(noThinsp) + ngettext("1 peer", "{0} peers", knownPeers); //} else { // if (err.length() > MAX_DISPLAYED_ERROR_LENGTH) // err = DataHelper.escapeHTML(err.substring(0, MAX_DISPLAYED_ERROR_LENGTH)) + "…"; // else // err = DataHelper.escapeHTML(err); // statusString = toThemeImg("trackererror", "", err) + "</td>" + // "<td class=\"snarkTorrentStatus\">" + _t("Tracker Error"); //} } else if (snark.isStarting()) { statusString = toThemeImg("stalled", "", _t("Starting")) + "</td>" + "<td class=\"snarkTorrentStatus\">" + _t("Starting"); } else if (remaining == 0 || needed == 0) { // < 0 means no meta size yet // partial complete or seeding if (isRunning) { String img; String txt; if (remaining == 0) { img = "seeding"; txt = _t("Seeding"); } else { // partial img = "complete"; txt = _t("Complete"); } if (curPeers > 0 && !showPeers) { statusString = toThemeImg(img, "", txt) + "</td>" + "<td class=\"snarkTorrentStatus\">" + txt + ": <a href=\"" + uri + getQueryString(req, b64, null, null) + '#' + b64Short + "\">" + curPeers + thinsp(noThinsp) + ngettext("1 peer", "{0} peers", knownPeers) + "</a>"; } else { statusString = toThemeImg(img, "", txt) + "</td>" + "<td class=\"snarkTorrentStatus\">" + txt + ": " + curPeers + thinsp(noThinsp) + ngettext("1 peer", "{0} peers", knownPeers); } } else { statusString = toThemeImg("complete", "", _t("Complete")) + "</td>" + "<td class=\"snarkTorrentStatus\">" + _t("Complete"); } } else { if (isRunning && curPeers > 0 && downBps > 0 && !showPeers) { statusString = toThemeImg("downloading", "", _t("OK")) + "</td>" + "<td class=\"snarkTorrentStatus\">" + _t("OK") + ": <a href=\"" + uri + getQueryString(req, b64, null, null) + '#' + b64Short + "\">" + curPeers + thinsp(noThinsp) + ngettext("1 peer", "{0} peers", knownPeers) + "</a>"; } else if (isRunning && curPeers > 0 && downBps > 0) { statusString = toThemeImg("downloading", "", _t("OK")) + "</td>" + "<td class=\"snarkTorrentStatus\">" + _t("OK") + ": " + curPeers + thinsp(noThinsp) + ngettext("1 peer", "{0} peers", knownPeers); } else if (isRunning && curPeers > 0 && !showPeers) { statusString = toThemeImg("stalled", "", _t("Stalled")) + "</td>" + "<td class=\"snarkTorrentStatus\">" + _t("Stalled") + ": <a href=\"" + uri + getQueryString(req, b64, null, null) + '#' + b64Short + "\">" + curPeers + thinsp(noThinsp) + ngettext("1 peer", "{0} peers", knownPeers) + "</a>"; } else if (isRunning && curPeers > 0) { statusString = toThemeImg("stalled", "", _t("Stalled")) + "</td>" + "<td class=\"snarkTorrentStatus\">" + _t("Stalled") + ": " + curPeers + thinsp(noThinsp) + ngettext("1 peer", "{0} peers", knownPeers); } else if (isRunning && knownPeers > 0) { statusString = toThemeImg("nopeers", "", _t("No Peers")) + "</td>" + "<td class=\"snarkTorrentStatus\">" + _t("No Peers") + ": 0" + thinsp(noThinsp) + knownPeers ; } else if (isRunning) { statusString = toThemeImg("nopeers", "", _t("No Peers")) + "</td>" + "<td class=\"snarkTorrentStatus\">" + _t("No Peers"); } else { statusString = toThemeImg("stopped", "", _t("Stopped")) + "</td>" + "<td class=\"snarkTorrentStatus\">" + _t("Stopped"); } } out.write("<tr class=\"" + rowClass + "\" id=\"" + b64Short + "\">"); out.write("<td class=\"center\">"); out.write(statusString + "</td>\n\t"); // (i) icon column out.write("<td>"); if (isValid) { String announce = meta.getAnnounce(); if (announce == null) announce = snark.getTrackerURL(); if (announce != null) { // Link to tracker details page String trackerLink = getTrackerLink(announce, snark.getInfoHash()); if (trackerLink != null) out.write(trackerLink); } } String encodedBaseName = encodePath(fullBasename); // File type icon column out.write("</td>\n<td>"); if (isValid) { // Link to local details page - note that trailing slash on a single-file torrent // gets us to the details page instead of the file. StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128); buf.append("<a href=\"").append(encodedBaseName) .append("/\" title=\"").append(_t("Torrent details")) .append("\">"); out.write(buf.toString()); } String icon; if (isMultiFile) icon = "folder"; else if (isValid) icon = toIcon(meta.getName()); else if (snark instanceof FetchAndAdd) icon = "basket_put"; else icon = "magnet"; if (isValid) { out.write(toImg(icon)); out.write("</a>"); } else { out.write(toImg(icon)); } // Torrent name column out.write("</td><td class=\"snarkTorrentName\""); if (isMultiFile) { // link on the whole td out.write(" onclick=\"document.location='" + encodedBaseName + "/';\">"); } else { out.write('>'); } if (remaining == 0 || isMultiFile) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128); buf.append("<a href=\"").append(encodedBaseName); if (isMultiFile) buf.append('/'); buf.append("\" title=\""); if (isMultiFile) buf.append(_t("View files")); else buf.append(_t("Open file")); buf.append("\">"); out.write(buf.toString()); } out.write(DataHelper.escapeHTML(basename)); if (remaining == 0 || isMultiFile) out.write("</a>"); out.write("<td align=\"right\" class=\"snarkTorrentETA\">"); if(isRunning && remainingSeconds > 0 && !snark.isChecking()) out.write(DataHelper.formatDuration2(Math.max(remainingSeconds, 10) * 1000)); // (eta 6h) out.write("</td>\n\t"); out.write("<td align=\"right\" class=\"snarkTorrentDownloaded\">"); if (remaining > 0) out.write(formatSize(total-remaining) + thinsp(noThinsp) + formatSize(total)); else if (remaining == 0) out.write(formatSize(total)); // 3GB //else // out.write("??"); // no meta size yet out.write("</td>\n\t"); out.write("<td align=\"right\" class=\"snarkTorrentUploaded\">"); if (isValid) { if (showRatios) { if (total > 0) { double ratio = uploaded / ((double) total); out.write((new DecimalFormat("0.000")).format(ratio)); out.write(" x"); } } else if (uploaded > 0) { out.write(formatSize(uploaded)); } } out.write("</td>\n\t"); out.write("<td align=\"right\" class=\"snarkTorrentRateDown\">"); if (isRunning && needed > 0) out.write(formatSize(downBps) + "ps"); out.write("</td>\n\t"); out.write("<td align=\"right\" class=\"snarkTorrentRateUp\">"); if (isRunning && isValid) out.write(formatSize(upBps) + "ps"); out.write("</td>\n\t"); out.write("<td align=\"center\" class=\"snarkTorrentAction\">"); if (snark.isChecking()) { // show no buttons } else if (isRunning) { // Stop Button if (isDegraded) out.write("<a href=\"" + _contextPath + "/?action=Stop_" + b64 + "&nonce=" + _nonce + getQueryString(req, "", null, null).replace("?", "&") + "\"><img title=\""); else out.write("<input type=\"image\" name=\"action_Stop_" + b64 + "\" value=\"foo\" title=\""); out.write(_t("Stop the torrent")); out.write("\" src=\"" + _imgPath + "stop.png\" alt=\""); out.write(_t("Stop")); out.write("\">"); if (isDegraded) out.write("</a>"); } else if (!snark.isStarting()) { if (!_manager.isStopping()) { // Start Button // This works in Opera but it's displayed a little differently, so use noThinsp here too so all 3 icons are consistent if (noThinsp) out.write("<a href=\"" + _contextPath + "/?action=Start_" + b64 + "&nonce=" + _nonce + getQueryString(req, "", null, null).replace("?", "&") + "\"><img title=\""); else out.write("<input type=\"image\" name=\"action_Start_" + b64 + "\" value=\"foo\" title=\""); out.write(_t("Start the torrent")); out.write("\" src=\"" + _imgPath + "start.png\" alt=\""); out.write(_t("Start")); out.write("\">"); if (isDegraded) out.write("</a>"); } if (isValid) { // Remove Button // Doesnt work with Opera so use noThinsp instead of isDegraded if (noThinsp) out.write("<a href=\"" + _contextPath + "/?action=Remove_" + b64 + "&nonce=" + _nonce + getQueryString(req, "", null, null).replace("?", "&") + "\"><img title=\""); else out.write("<input type=\"image\" name=\"action_Remove_" + b64 + "\" value=\"foo\" title=\""); out.write(_t("Remove the torrent from the active list, deleting the .torrent file")); out.write("\" onclick=\"if (!confirm('"); // Can't figure out how to escape double quotes inside the onclick string. // Single quotes in translate strings with parameters must be doubled. // Then the remaining single quote must be escaped out.write(_t("Are you sure you want to delete the file \\''{0}\\'' (downloaded data will not be deleted) ?", escapeJSString(snark.getName()))); out.write("')) { return false; }\""); out.write(" src=\"" + _imgPath + "remove.png\" alt=\""); out.write(_t("Remove")); out.write("\">"); if (isDegraded) out.write("</a>"); } // Delete Button // Doesnt work with Opera so use noThinsp instead of isDegraded if (noThinsp) out.write("<a href=\"" + _contextPath + "/?action=Delete_" + b64 + "&nonce=" + _nonce + getQueryString(req, "", null, null).replace("?", "&") + "\"><img title=\""); else out.write("<input type=\"image\" name=\"action_Delete_" + b64 + "\" value=\"foo\" title=\""); out.write(_t("Delete the .torrent file and the associated data file(s)")); out.write("\" onclick=\"if (!confirm('"); // Can't figure out how to escape double quotes inside the onclick string. // Single quotes in translate strings with parameters must be doubled. // Then the remaining single quote must be escaped out.write(_t("Are you sure you want to delete the torrent \\''{0}\\'' and all downloaded data?", escapeJSString(fullBasename))); out.write("')) { return false; }\""); out.write(" src=\"" + _imgPath + "delete.png\" alt=\""); out.write(_t("Delete")); out.write("\">"); if (isDegraded) out.write("</a>"); } out.write("</td>\n</tr>\n"); if(showPeers && isRunning && curPeers > 0) { List<Peer> peers = snark.getPeerList(); if (!showDebug) Collections.sort(peers, new PeerComparator()); for (Peer peer : peers) { if (!peer.isConnected()) continue; out.write("<tr class=\"" + rowClass + "\"><td></td>"); out.write("<td colspan=\"4\" align=\"right\">"); PeerID pid = peer.getPeerID(); String ch = pid != null ? pid.toString().substring(0, 4) : "????"; String client; if ("AwMD".equals(ch)) client = _t("I2PSnark"); else if ("BFJT".equals(ch)) client = "I2PRufus"; else if ("TTMt".equals(ch)) client = "I2P-BT"; else if ("LUFa".equals(ch)) client = "Vuze" + getAzVersion(pid.getID()); else if ("CwsL".equals(ch)) client = "I2PSnarkXL"; else if ("LVhE".equals(ch)) client = "XD" + getAzVersion(pid.getID()); else if ("ZV".equals(ch.substring(2,4)) || "VUZP".equals(ch)) client = "Robert" + getRobtVersion(pid.getID()); else if (ch.startsWith("LV")) // LVCS 1.0.2?; LVRS 1.0.4 client = "Transmission" + getAzVersion(pid.getID()); else if ("LUtU".equals(ch)) client = "KTorrent" + getAzVersion(pid.getID()); else client = _t("Unknown") + " (" + ch + ')'; out.write(client + "  <tt>" + peer.toString().substring(5, 9)+ "</tt>"); if (showDebug) out.write(" inactive " + (peer.getInactiveTime() / 1000) + "s"); out.write("</td>\n\t"); out.write("<td class=\"snarkTorrentStatus\">"); out.write("</td>\n\t"); out.write("<td align=\"right\" class=\"snarkTorrentStatus\">"); float pct; if (isValid) { pct = (float) (100.0 * peer.completed() / meta.getPieces()); if (pct >= 100.0) out.write(_t("Seed")); else { String ps = String.valueOf(pct); if (ps.length() > 5) ps = ps.substring(0, 5); out.write(ps + "%"); } } else { pct = (float) 101.0; // until we get the metainfo we don't know how many pieces there are //out.write("??"); } out.write("</td>\n\t"); out.write("<td class=\"snarkTorrentStatus\">"); out.write("</td>\n\t"); out.write("<td align=\"right\" class=\"snarkTorrentStatus\">"); if (needed > 0) { if (peer.isInteresting() && !peer.isChoked()) { out.write("<span class=\"unchoked\">"); out.write(formatSize(peer.getDownloadRate()) + "ps</span>"); } else { out.write("<span class=\"choked\"><a title=\""); if (!peer.isInteresting()) out.write(_t("Uninteresting (The peer has no pieces we need)")); else out.write(_t("Choked (The peer is not allowing us to request pieces)")); out.write("\">"); out.write(formatSize(peer.getDownloadRate()) + "ps</a></span>"); } } else if (!isValid) { //if (peer supports metadata extension) { out.write("<span class=\"unchoked\">"); out.write(formatSize(peer.getDownloadRate()) + "ps</span>"); //} else { //} } out.write("</td>\n\t"); out.write("<td align=\"right\" class=\"snarkTorrentStatus\">"); if (isValid && pct < 100.0) { if (peer.isInterested() && !peer.isChoking()) { out.write("<span class=\"unchoked\">"); out.write(formatSize(peer.getUploadRate()) + "ps</span>"); } else { out.write("<span class=\"choked\"><a title=\""); if (!peer.isInterested()) out.write(_t("Uninterested (We have no pieces the peer needs)")); else out.write(_t("Choking (We are not allowing the peer to request pieces)")); out.write("\">"); out.write(formatSize(peer.getUploadRate()) + "ps</a></span>"); } } out.write("</td>\n\t"); out.write("<td class=\"snarkTorrentStatus\">"); out.write("</td></tr>\n\t"); if (showDebug) out.write("<tr class=\"" + rowClass + "\"><td></td><td colspan=\"10\" align=\"right\">" + peer.getSocket() + "</td></tr>"); } } } /** * Make it JS and HTML-safe * @since 0.9.15 * */ private static String escapeJSString(String s) { return s.replace("\\", "\\u005c") .replace("<", "\\u003c") .replace(">", "\\u003e") .replace("\"", "\\u0022") .replace("'", "\\u0027") .replace("&", "\\u0026"); } /** * Get version from bytes 3-6 * @return " w.x.y.z" or "" * @since 0.9.14 */ private static String getAzVersion(byte[] id) { if (id[7] != '-') return ""; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(16); buf.append(' '); for (int i = 3; i <= 6; i++) { int val = id[i] - '0'; if (val < 0) return ""; if (val > 9) val = id[i] - 'A'; if (i != 6 || val != 0) { if (i != 3) buf.append('.'); buf.append(val); } } return buf.toString(); } /** * Get version from bytes 3-5 * @return " w.x.y" or "" * @since 0.9.14 */ private static String getRobtVersion(byte[] id) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(8); buf.append(' '); for (int i = 3; i <= 5; i++) { int val = id[i]; if (val < 0) return ""; if (i != 3) buf.append('.'); buf.append(val); } return buf.toString(); } /** @since 0.8.2 */ private static String thinsp(boolean disable) { if (disable) return " / "; return (" / "); } /** * Sort by completeness (seeds first), then by ID * @since 0.8.1 */ private static class PeerComparator implements Comparator<Peer>, Serializable { public int compare(Peer l, Peer r) { int diff = r.completed() - l.completed(); // reverse if (diff != 0) return diff; return l.toString().substring(5, 9).compareTo(r.toString().substring(5, 9)); } } /** * Generate link to details page if we know it supports it. * Start of anchor only, caller must add anchor text or img and close anchor. * * @return string or null if unknown tracker * @since 0.8.4 */ private String getTrackerLinkUrl(String announce, byte[] infohash) { // temporarily hardcoded for postman* and anonymity, requires bytemonsoon patch for lookup by info_hash if (announce != null && (announce.startsWith("http://YRgrgTLG") || announce.startsWith("http://8EoJZIKr") || announce.startsWith("http://lnQ6yoBT") || announce.startsWith("http://tracker2.postman.i2p/") || announce.startsWith("http://ahsplxkbhemefwvvml7qovzl5a2b5xo5i7lyai7ntdunvcyfdtna.b32.i2p/"))) { for (Tracker t : _manager.getTrackers()) { String aURL = t.announceURL; if (!(aURL.startsWith(announce) || // vvv hack for non-b64 announce in list vvv (announce.startsWith("http://lnQ6yoBT") && aURL.startsWith("http://tracker2.postman.i2p/")) || (announce.startsWith("http://ahsplxkbhemefwvvml7qovzl5a2b5xo5i7lyai7ntdunvcyfdtna.b32.i2p/") && aURL.startsWith("http://tracker2.postman.i2p/")))) continue; String baseURL = urlEncode(t.baseURL); String name = DataHelper.escapeHTML(; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128); buf.append("<a href=\"").append(baseURL).append("details.php?dllist=1&filelist=1&info_hash=") .append(TrackerClient.urlencode(infohash)) .append("\" title=\"").append(_t("Details at {0} tracker", name)).append("\" target=\"_blank\">"); return buf.toString(); } } return null; } /** * Full link to details page with img * @return string or null if details page unsupported * @since 0.8.4 */ private String getTrackerLink(String announce, byte[] infohash) { String linkUrl = getTrackerLinkUrl(announce, infohash); if (linkUrl != null) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128); buf.append(linkUrl); toThemeImg(buf, "details", _t("Info"), ""); buf.append("</a>"); return buf.toString(); } return null; } /** * Full anchor to home page or details page with shortened host name as anchor text * @return string, non-null * @since 0.9.5 */ private String getShortTrackerLink(String announce, byte[] infohash) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128); String trackerLinkUrl = getTrackerLinkUrl(announce, infohash); if (announce.startsWith("http://")) announce = announce.substring(7); // strip path int slsh = announce.indexOf('/'); if (slsh > 0) announce = announce.substring(0, slsh); if (trackerLinkUrl != null) { buf.append(trackerLinkUrl); } else { // browsers don't like a full b64 dest, so convert it to b32 String host = announce; if (host.length() >= 516) { int colon = announce.indexOf(':'); String port = ""; if (colon > 0) { port = host.substring(colon); host = host.substring(0, colon); } if (host.endsWith(".i2p")) host = host.substring(0, host.length() - 4); byte[] b = Base64.decode(host); if (b != null) { Hash h = _context.sha().calculateHash(b); // should we add the port back or strip it? host = Base32.encode(h.getData()) + ".b32.i2p" + port; } } buf.append("<a href=\"http://").append(urlEncode(host)).append("/\">"); } // strip port int colon = announce.indexOf(':'); if (colon > 0) announce = announce.substring(0, colon); if (announce.length() > 67) announce = DataHelper.escapeHTML(announce.substring(0, 40)) + "…" + DataHelper.escapeHTML(announce.substring(announce.length() - 8)); buf.append(announce); buf.append("</a>"); return buf.toString(); } private void writeAddForm(PrintWriter out, HttpServletRequest req) throws IOException { // display incoming parameter if a GET so links will work String newURL = req.getParameter("nofilter_newURL"); if (newURL == null || newURL.trim().length() <= 0 || req.getMethod().equals("POST")) newURL = ""; else newURL = DataHelper.stripHTML(newURL); // XSS //String newFile = req.getParameter("newFile"); //if ( (newFile == null) || (newFile.trim().length() <= 0) ) newFile = ""; out.write("<div class=\"snarkNewTorrent\">\n"); // *not* enctype="multipart/form-data", so that the input type=file sends the filename, not the file out.write("<form action=\"_post\" method=\"POST\">\n"); writeHiddenInputs(out, req, "Add"); out.write("<div class=\"addtorrentsection\"><span class=\"snarkConfigTitle\">"); out.write(toThemeImg("add")); out.write(' '); out.write(_t("Add Torrent")); out.write("</span><hr>\n<table border=\"0\"><tr><td>"); out.write(_t("From URL")); out.write(":<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"nofilter_newURL\" size=\"85\" value=\"" + newURL + "\" spellcheck=\"false\""); out.write(" title=\""); out.write(_t("Enter the torrent file download URL (I2P only), magnet link, maggot link, or info hash")); out.write("\"> \n"); // not supporting from file at the moment, since the file name passed isn't always absolute (so it may not resolve) //out.write("From file: <input type=\"file\" name=\"newFile\" size=\"50\" value=\"" + newFile + "\" /><br>"); out.write("<input type=\"submit\" class=\"add\" value=\""); out.write(_t("Add torrent")); out.write("\" name=\"foo\" ><br>\n" + "<tr><td>"); out.write(_t("Data dir")); out.write(":<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"nofilter_newDir\" size=\"85\" value=\"\" spellcheck=\"false\""); out.write(" title=\""); out.write(_t("Enter the directory to save the data in (default {0})", _manager.getDataDir().getAbsolutePath())); out.write("\"></td></tr>\n"); out.write("<tr><td> <td><span class=\"snarkAddInfo\">"); out.write(_t("You can also copy .torrent files to: {0}.", "<code>" + _manager.getDataDir().getAbsolutePath() + "</code>")); out.write("\n"); out.write(_t("Removing a .torrent will cause it to stop.")); out.write("<br></span></table>\n"); out.write("</div></form></div>"); } private void writeSeedForm(PrintWriter out, HttpServletRequest req, List<Tracker> sortedTrackers) throws IOException { out.write("<a name=\"add\"></a><div class=\"newtorrentsection\"><div class=\"snarkNewTorrent\">\n"); // *not* enctype="multipart/form-data", so that the input type=file sends the filename, not the file out.write("<form action=\"_post\" method=\"POST\">\n"); writeHiddenInputs(out, req, "Create"); out.write("<span class=\"snarkConfigTitle\">"); out.write(toThemeImg("create")); out.write(' '); out.write(_t("Create Torrent")); out.write("</span><hr>\n<table border=\"0\"><tr><td>"); //out.write("From file: <input type=\"file\" name=\"newFile\" size=\"50\" value=\"" + newFile + "\" /><br>\n"); out.write(_t("Data to seed")); out.write(":<td>" + "<input type=\"text\" name=\"nofilter_baseFile\" size=\"85\" value=\"" + "\" spellcheck=\"false\" title=\""); out.write(_t("File or directory to seed (full path or within the directory {0} )", _manager.getDataDir().getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar)); out.write("\" ><tr><td>\n"); out.write(_t("Trackers")); out.write(":<td><table style=\"width: 30%;\"><tr><td></td><td align=\"center\">"); out.write(_t("Primary")); out.write("</td><td align=\"center\">"); out.write(_t("Alternates")); out.write("</td><td rowspan=\"0\">" + " <input type=\"submit\" class=\"create\" value=\""); out.write(_t("Create torrent")); out.write("\" name=\"foo\" >" + "</td></tr>\n"); for (Tracker t : sortedTrackers) { String name =; String announceURL = t.announceURL.replace("=", "="); out.write("<tr><td>"); out.write(name); out.write("</td><td align=\"center\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"announceURL\" value=\""); out.write(announceURL); out.write("\""); if (announceURL.equals(_lastAnnounceURL)) out.write(" checked"); out.write("></td><td align=\"center\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"backup_"); out.write(announceURL); out.write("\" value=\"foo\"></td></tr>\n"); } out.write("<tr><td><i>"); out.write(_t("none")); out.write("</i></td><td align=\"center\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"announceURL\" value=\"none\""); if (_lastAnnounceURL == null) out.write(" checked"); out.write("></td><td></td></tr></table>\n"); // make the user add a tracker on the config form now //out.write(_t("or")); //out.write(" <input type=\"text\" name=\"announceURLOther\" size=\"57\" value=\"http://\" " + // "title=\""); //out.write(_t("Specify custom tracker announce URL")); //out.write("\" > " + out.write("</td></tr>" + "</table>\n" + "</form></div></div>"); } private static final int[] times = { 5, 15, 30, 60, 2*60, 5*60, 10*60, 30*60, -1 }; private void writeConfigForm(PrintWriter out, HttpServletRequest req) throws IOException { String dataDir = _manager.getDataDir().getAbsolutePath(); boolean filesPublic = _manager.areFilesPublic(); boolean autoStart = _manager.shouldAutoStart(); boolean smartSort = _manager.isSmartSortEnabled(); boolean useOpenTrackers = _manager.util().shouldUseOpenTrackers(); //String openTrackers = _manager.util().getOpenTrackerString(); boolean useDHT = _manager.util().shouldUseDHT(); //int seedPct = 0; out.write("<form action=\"" + _contextPath + "/configure\" method=\"POST\">\n" + "<div class=\"configsectionpanel\"><div class=\"snarkConfig\">\n"); writeHiddenInputs(out, req, "Save"); out.write("<span class=\"snarkConfigTitle\">"); out.write(toThemeImg("config")); out.write(' '); out.write(_t("Configuration")); out.write("</span><hr>\n" + "<table border=\"0\"><tr><td>"); out.write(_t("Data directory")); out.write(": <td><input name=\"nofilter_dataDir\" size=\"80\" value=\"" + DataHelper.escapeHTML(dataDir) + "\" spellcheck=\"false\"></td>\n" + "<tr><td>"); out.write(_t("Files readable by all")); out.write(": <td><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"optbox\" name=\"filesPublic\" value=\"true\" " + (filesPublic ? "checked " : "") + "title=\""); out.write(_t("If checked, other users may access the downloaded files")); out.write("\" >" + "<tr><td>"); out.write(_t("Auto start torrents")); out.write(": <td><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"optbox\" name=\"autoStart\" value=\"true\" " + (autoStart ? "checked " : "") + "title=\""); out.write(_t("If checked, automatically start torrents that are added")); out.write("\" >" + "<tr><td>"); out.write(_t("Smart torrent sorting")); out.write(": <td><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"optbox\" name=\"smartSort\" value=\"true\" " + (smartSort ? "checked " : "") + "title=\""); out.write(_t("If checked, ignore words such as 'the' when sorting")); out.write("\" >"); if (!_context.isRouterContext()) { try { out.write("<tr><td>"); out.write(_t("Language")); out.write(": <td>"); // class only in standalone builds out.write(ConfigUIHelper.getLangSettings(_context)); } catch (Throwable t) {} } out.write("<tr><td>"); out.write(_t("Theme")); out.write(": <td><select name='theme'>"); String theme = _manager.getTheme(); String[] themes = _manager.getThemes(); Arrays.sort(themes); for(int i = 0; i < themes.length; i++) { if(themes[i].equals(theme)) out.write("\n<OPTION value=\"" + themes[i] + "\" SELECTED>" + themes[i]); else out.write("\n<OPTION value=\"" + themes[i] + "\">" + themes[i]); } out.write("</select>\n" + "<tr><td>"); out.write(_t("Refresh time")); out.write(": <td><select name=\"refreshDelay\">"); int delay = _manager.getRefreshDelaySeconds(); for (int i = 0; i < times.length; i++) { out.write("<option value=\""); out.write(Integer.toString(times[i])); out.write("\""); if (times[i] == delay) out.write(" selected=\"selected\""); out.write(">"); if (times[i] > 0) out.write(DataHelper.formatDuration2(times[i] * 1000)); else out.write(_t("Never")); out.write("</option>\n"); } out.write("</select><br>" + "<tr><td>"); if (_context.isRouterContext()) { out.write(_t("Startup delay")); out.write(": <td><input name=\"startupDelay\" size=\"4\" class=\"r\" value=\"" + _manager.util().getStartupDelay() + "\"> "); out.write(_t("minutes")); out.write("<br>\n" + "<tr><td>"); } out.write(_t("Page size")); out.write(": <td><input name=\"pageSize\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"6\" class=\"r\" value=\"" + _manager.getPageSize() + "\"> "); out.write(_t("torrents")); out.write("<br>\n"); //Auto add: <input type="checkbox" name="autoAdd" value="true" title="If true, automatically add torrents that are found in the data directory" /> //Auto stop: <input type="checkbox" name="autoStop" value="true" title="If true, automatically stop torrents that are removed from the data directory" /> //out.write("<br>\n"); /* out.write("Seed percentage: <select name=\"seedPct\" disabled=\"true\" >\n\t"); if (seedPct <= 0) out.write("<option value=\"0\" selected=\"selected\">Unlimited</option>\n\t"); else out.write("<option value=\"0\">Unlimited</option>\n\t"); if (seedPct == 100) out.write("<option value=\"100\" selected=\"selected\">100%</option>\n\t"); else out.write("<option value=\"100\">100%</option>\n\t"); if (seedPct == 150) out.write("<option value=\"150\" selected=\"selected\">150%</option>\n\t"); else out.write("<option value=\"150\">150%</option>\n\t"); out.write("</select><br>\n"); */ out.write("<tr><td>"); out.write(_t("Total uploader limit")); out.write(": <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"upLimit\" class=\"r\" value=\"" + _manager.util().getMaxUploaders() + "\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"3\" > "); out.write(_t("peers")); out.write("<br>\n" + "<tr><td>"); out.write(_t("Up bandwidth limit")); out.write(": <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"upBW\" class=\"r\" value=\"" + _manager.util().getMaxUpBW() + "\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"4\" > KBps <i>"); out.write(_t("Half available bandwidth recommended.")); if (_context.isRouterContext()) { out.write(" [<a href=\"/config.jsp\" target=\"blank\">"); out.write(_t("View or change router bandwidth")); out.write("</a>]</i>"); } out.write("<br>\n<tr><td>"); out.write(_t("Use open trackers also")); out.write(": <td><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"optbox\" name=\"useOpenTrackers\" value=\"true\" " + (useOpenTrackers ? "checked " : "") + "title=\""); out.write(_t("If checked, announce torrents to open trackers as well as the tracker listed in the torrent file")); out.write("\" ></td></tr>\n" + "<tr><td>"); out.write(_t("Enable DHT")); out.write(": <td><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"optbox\" name=\"useDHT\" value=\"true\" " + (useDHT ? "checked " : "") + "title=\""); out.write(_t("If checked, use DHT")); out.write("\" ></td></tr>\n"); // "<tr><td>"); //out.write(_t("Open tracker announce URLs")); //out.write(": <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"openTrackers\" value=\"" // + openTrackers + "\" size=\"50\" ><br>\n"); //out.write("\n"); //out.write("EepProxy host: <input type=\"text\" name=\"eepHost\" value=\"" // + _manager.util().getEepProxyHost() + "\" size=\"15\" /> "); //out.write("port: <input type=\"text\" name=\"eepPort\" value=\"" // + _manager.util().getEepProxyPort() + "\" size=\"5\" maxlength=\"5\" /><br>\n"); Map<String, String> options = new TreeMap<String, String>(_manager.util().getI2CPOptions()); out.write("<tr><td>"); out.write(_t("Inbound Settings")); out.write(":<td>"); out.write(renderOptions(1, 10, SnarkManager.DEFAULT_TUNNEL_QUANTITY, options.remove("inbound.quantity"), "inbound.quantity", TUNNEL)); out.write("     "); out.write(renderOptions(0, 4, 3, options.remove("inbound.length"), "inbound.length", HOP)); out.write("<tr><td>"); out.write(_t("Outbound Settings")); out.write(":<td>"); out.write(renderOptions(1, 10, SnarkManager.DEFAULT_TUNNEL_QUANTITY, options.remove("outbound.quantity"), "outbound.quantity", TUNNEL)); out.write("     "); out.write(renderOptions(0, 4, 3, options.remove("outbound.length"), "outbound.length", HOP)); if (!_context.isRouterContext()) { out.write("<tr><td>"); out.write(_t("I2CP host")); out.write(": <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"i2cpHost\" value=\"" + _manager.util().getI2CPHost() + "\" size=\"15\" > " + "<tr><td>"); out.write(_t("I2CP port")); out.write(": <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"i2cpPort\" class=\"r\" value=\"" + + _manager.util().getI2CPPort() + "\" size=\"5\" maxlength=\"5\" > <br>\n"); } options.remove(I2PSnarkUtil.PROP_MAX_BW); // was accidentally in the I2CP options prior to 0.8.9 so it will be in old config files options.remove(SnarkManager.PROP_OPENTRACKERS); StringBuilder opts = new StringBuilder(64); for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : options.entrySet()) { String key = e.getKey(); String val = e.getValue(); opts.append(key).append('=').append(val).append(' '); } out.write("<tr><td>"); out.write(_t("I2CP options")); out.write(": <td><textarea name=\"i2cpOpts\" cols=\"60\" rows=\"1\" wrap=\"off\" spellcheck=\"false\" >" + opts.toString() + "</textarea><br>\n" + "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"> \n" + // spacer "<tr><td> <td><input type=\"submit\" class=\"accept\" value=\""); out.write(_t("Save configuration")); out.write("\" name=\"foo\" >\n" + "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"> \n" + // spacer "</table></div></div></form>"); } /** @since 0.9 */ private void writeTrackerForm(PrintWriter out, HttpServletRequest req) throws IOException { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(1024); buf.append("<form action=\"" + _contextPath + "/configure\" method=\"POST\">\n" + "<div class=\"configsectionpanel\"><div class=\"snarkConfig\">\n"); writeHiddenInputs(buf, req, "Save2"); buf.append("<span class=\"snarkConfigTitle\">"); toThemeImg(buf, "config"); buf.append(' '); buf.append(_t("Trackers")); buf.append("</span><hr>\n" + "<table class=\"trackerconfig\"><tr><th>") //.append(_t("Remove")) .append("</th><th>") .append(_t("Name")) .append("</th><th>") .append(_t("Website URL")) .append("</th><th>") .append(_t("Standard")) .append("</th><th>") .append(_t("Open")) .append("</th><th>") .append(_t("Private")) .append("</th><th>") .append(_t("Announce URL")) .append("</th></tr>\n"); List<String> openTrackers = _manager.util().getOpenTrackers(); List<String> privateTrackers = _manager.getPrivateTrackers(); for (Tracker t : _manager.getSortedTrackers()) { String name =; String homeURL = t.baseURL; String announceURL = t.announceURL.replace("=", "="); boolean isPrivate = privateTrackers.contains(t.announceURL); boolean isKnownOpen = _manager.util().isKnownOpenTracker(t.announceURL); boolean isOpen = isKnownOpen || openTrackers.contains(t.announceURL); buf.append("<tr><td><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"optbox\" name=\"delete_") .append(name).append("\" title=\"").append(_t("Delete")).append("\">" + "</td><td>").append(name) .append("</td><td>").append(urlify(homeURL, 35)) .append("</td><td><input type=\"radio\" class=\"optbox\" value=\"0\" name=\"ttype_") .append(announceURL).append("\""); if (!(isOpen || isPrivate)) buf.append(" checked=\"checked\""); else if (isKnownOpen) buf.append(" disabled=\"disabled\""); buf.append(">" + "</td><td><input type=\"radio\" class=\"optbox\" value=\"1\" name=\"ttype_") .append(announceURL).append("\""); if (isOpen) buf.append(" checked=\"checked\""); else if (t.announceURL.equals("http://diftracker.i2p/announce.php") || t.announceURL.equals("http://tracker2.postman.i2p/announce.php")) buf.append(" disabled=\"disabled\""); buf.append(">" + "</td><td><input type=\"radio\" class=\"optbox\" value=\"2\" name=\"ttype_") .append(announceURL).append("\""); if (isPrivate) { buf.append(" checked=\"checked\""); } else if (isKnownOpen || t.announceURL.equals("http://diftracker.i2p/announce.php") || t.announceURL.equals("http://tracker2.postman.i2p/announce.php")) { buf.append(" disabled=\"disabled\""); } buf.append(">" + "</td><td>").append(urlify(announceURL, 35)) .append("</td></tr>\n"); } buf.append("<tr><td><b>") .append(_t("Add")).append(":</b></td>" + "<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"trackername\" name=\"tname\" spellcheck=\"false\"></td>" + "<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"trackerhome\" name=\"thurl\" spellcheck=\"false\"></td>" + "<td><input type=\"radio\" class=\"optbox\" value=\"0\" name=\"add_tracker_type\" checked=\"checked\"></td>" + "<td><input type=\"radio\" class=\"optbox\" value=\"1\" name=\"add_tracker_type\"></td>" + "<td><input type=\"radio\" class=\"optbox\" value=\"2\" name=\"add_tracker_type\"></td>" + "<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"trackerannounce\" name=\"taurl\" spellcheck=\"false\"></td></tr>\n" + "<tr><td colspan=\"7\"> </td></tr>\n" + // spacer "<tr><td colspan=\"2\"></td><td colspan=\"5\">\n" + "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"taction\" class=\"default\" value=\"").append(_t("Add tracker")).append("\">\n" + "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"taction\" class=\"delete\" value=\"").append(_t("Delete selected")).append("\">\n" + "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"taction\" class=\"add\" value=\"").append(_t("Add tracker")).append("\">\n" + "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"taction\" class=\"accept\" value=\"").append(_t("Save tracker configuration")).append("\">\n" + // "<input type=\"reset\" class=\"cancel\" value=\"").append(_t("Cancel")).append("\">\n" + "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"taction\" class=\"reload\" value=\"").append(_t("Restore defaults")).append("\">\n" + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td colspan=\"7\"> </td></tr>\n" + // spacer "</table></div></div></form>\n"); out.write(buf.toString()); } private void writeConfigLink(PrintWriter out) throws IOException { out.write("<div class=\"configsection\"><span class=\"snarkConfig\">\n" + "<span class=\"snarkConfigTitle\"><a href=\"configure\">"); out.write(toThemeImg("config")); out.write(' '); out.write(_t("Configuration")); out.write("</a></span></span></div>\n"); } /** * @param url in base32 or hex * @param dataDir null to default to snark data directory * @since 0.8.4 */ private void addMagnet(String url, File dataDir) { try { MagnetURI magnet = new MagnetURI(_manager.util(), url); String name = magnet.getName(); byte[] ih = magnet.getInfoHash(); String trackerURL = magnet.getTrackerURL(); _manager.addMagnet(name, ih, trackerURL, true, dataDir); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { _manager.addMessage(_t("Invalid magnet URL {0}", url)); } } /** copied from ConfigTunnelsHelper */ private static final String HOP = "hop"; private static final String TUNNEL = "tunnel"; /** dummies for translation */ private static final String HOPS = ngettext("1 hop", "{0} hops"); private static final String TUNNELS = ngettext("1 tunnel", "{0} tunnels"); /** prevents the ngettext line below from getting tagged */ private static final String DUMMY0 = "{0} "; private static final String DUMMY1 = "1 "; /** modded from ConfigTunnelsHelper @since 0.7.14 */ private String renderOptions(int min, int max, int dflt, String strNow, String selName, String name) { int now = dflt; try { now = Integer.parseInt(strNow); } catch (Throwable t) {} StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128); buf.append("<select name=\"").append(selName).append("\">\n"); for (int i = min; i <= max; i++) { buf.append("<option value=\"").append(i).append("\" "); if (i == now) buf.append("selected=\"selected\" "); // constants to prevent tagging buf.append(">").append(ngettext(DUMMY1 + name, DUMMY0 + name + 's', i)); buf.append("</option>\n"); } buf.append("</select>\n"); return buf.toString(); } /** translate */ private String _t(String s) { return _manager.util().getString(s); } /** translate */ private String _t(String s, Object o) { return _manager.util().getString(s, o); } /** translate */ private String _t(String s, Object o, Object o2) { return _manager.util().getString(s, o, o2); } /** translate (ngettext) @since 0.7.14 */ private String ngettext(String s, String p, int n) { return _manager.util().getString(n, s, p); } /** dummy for tagging */ private static String ngettext(String s, String p) { return null; } // rounding makes us look faster :) private static String formatSize(long bytes) { if (bytes < 5000) return bytes + " B"; else if (bytes < 5*1024*1024) return ((bytes + 512)/1024) + " KB"; else if (bytes < 10*1024*1024*1024l) return ((bytes + 512*1024)/(1024*1024)) + " MB"; else return ((bytes + 512*1024*1024)/(1024*1024*1024)) + " GB"; } /** * This is for a full URL. For a path only, use encodePath(). * @since 0.7.14 */ static String urlify(String s) { return urlify(s, 100); } /** * This is for a full URL. For a path only, use encodePath(). * @since 0.9 */ private static String urlify(String s, int max) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(256); // browsers seem to work without doing this but let's be strict String link = urlEncode(s); String display; if (s.length() <= max) display = DataHelper.escapeHTML(link); else display = DataHelper.escapeHTML(s.substring(0, max)) + "…"; buf.append("<a href=\"").append(link).append("\">").append(display).append("</a>"); return buf.toString(); } /** * This is for a full URL. For a path only, use encodePath(). * @since 0.8.13 */ private static String urlEncode(String s) { return s.replace(";", "%3B").replace("&", "&").replace(" ", "%20") .replace("<", "%3C").replace(">", "%3E") .replace("[", "%5B").replace("]", "%5D"); } private static final String DOCTYPE = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n"; private static final String HEADER_A = "<link href=\""; private static final String HEADER_B = "snark.css?" + CoreVersion.VERSION + "\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" >"; private static final String TABLE_HEADER = "<table border=\"0\" class=\"snarkTorrents\" width=\"100%\" >\n" + "<thead>\n"; private static final String FOOTER = "</div></center></body></html>"; /** * Modded heavily from the Jetty version in, * pass Resource as 1st param * All the xxxResource constructors are package local so we can't extend them. * * <pre> // ======================================================================== // $Id:,v 1.32 2009/05/16 01:53:36 gregwilkins Exp $ // Copyright 1996-2004 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // ======================================================================== * </pre> * * Get the resource list as a HTML directory listing. * @param xxxr The Resource unused * @param base The encoded base URL * @param parent True if the parent directory should be included * @param postParams map of POST parameters or null if not a POST * @param sortParam may be null * @return String of HTML or null if postParams != null * @since 0.7.14 */ private String getListHTML(File xxxr, String base, boolean parent, Map<String, String[]> postParams, String sortParam) throws IOException { String decodedBase = decodePath(base); String title = decodedBase; String cpath = _contextPath + '/'; if (title.startsWith(cpath)) title = title.substring(cpath.length()); // Get the snark associated with this directory String torrentName; String pathInTorrent; int slash = title.indexOf('/'); if (slash > 0) { torrentName = title.substring(0, slash); pathInTorrent = title.substring(slash); } else { torrentName = title; pathInTorrent = "/"; } Snark snark = _manager.getTorrentByBaseName(torrentName); if (snark != null && postParams != null) { // caller must P-R-G String[] val = postParams.get("nonce"); if (val != null) { String nonce = val[0]; if (String.valueOf(_nonce).equals(nonce)) { if (postParams.get("savepri") != null) { savePriorities(snark, postParams); } else if (postParams.get("stop") != null) { _manager.stopTorrent(snark, false); } else if (postParams.get("start") != null) { _manager.startTorrent(snark); } else if (postParams.get("recheck") != null) { _manager.recheckTorrent(snark); } else { _manager.addMessage("Unknown command"); } } else { _manager.addMessage("Please retry form submission (bad nonce)"); } } return null; } File r; if (snark != null) { Storage storage = snark.getStorage(); if (storage != null) { File sbase = storage.getBase(); if (pathInTorrent.equals("/")) r = sbase; else r = new File(sbase, pathInTorrent); } else { // magnet, dummy r = new File(""); } } else { // dummy r = new File(""); } boolean showStopStart = snark != null; boolean showPriority = snark != null && snark.getStorage() != null && !snark.getStorage().complete() && r.isDirectory(); StringBuilder buf=new StringBuilder(4096); buf.append(DOCTYPE).append("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>"); if (title.endsWith("/")) title = title.substring(0, title.length() - 1); String directory = title; title = _t("Torrent") + ": " + DataHelper.escapeHTML(title); buf.append(title); buf.append("</TITLE>\n").append(HEADER_A).append(_themePath).append(HEADER_B) .append("<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"" + _themePath + "favicon.ico\">\n"); if (showPriority) buf.append("<script src=\"").append(_contextPath).append(WARBASE + "js/folder.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n"); buf.append("</HEAD><BODY"); if (showPriority) buf.append(" onload=\"setupbuttons()\""); buf.append(">\n<center><div class=\"snarknavbar\"><a href=\"").append(_contextPath).append("/\" title=\"Torrents\""); buf.append(" class=\"snarkRefresh\">"); toThemeImg(buf, "arrow_refresh"); buf.append("  "); if (_contextName.equals(DEFAULT_NAME)) buf.append(_t("I2PSnark")); else buf.append(_contextName); buf.append("</a></div></center>\n"); if (parent) // always true buf.append("<div class=\"page\"><div class=\"mainsection\">"); // for stop/start/check if (showStopStart || showPriority) { buf.append("<form action=\"").append(base).append("\" method=\"POST\">\n"); buf.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nonce\" value=\"").append(_nonce).append("\" >\n"); if (sortParam != null) { buf.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sort\" value=\"") .append(DataHelper.stripHTML(sortParam)).append("\" >\n"); } } if (snark != null) { // first table - torrent info buf.append("<table class=\"snarkTorrentInfo\">\n"); buf.append("<tr><th></th><th><b>") .append(_t("Torrent")) .append(":</b> ") .append(DataHelper.escapeHTML(snark.getBaseName())) .append("</th></tr>\n"); String fullPath = snark.getName(); String baseName = encodePath((new File(fullPath)).getName()); buf.append("<tr><td>"); toThemeImg(buf, "file"); buf.append("</td><td><b>") .append(_t("Torrent file")) .append(":</b> <a href=\"").append(_contextPath).append('/').append(baseName).append("\">") .append(DataHelper.escapeHTML(fullPath)) .append("</a></td></tr>\n"); if (snark.getStorage() != null) { buf.append("<tr><td>"); toThemeImg(buf, "file"); buf.append("</td><td><b>") .append(_t("Data location")) .append(":</b> ") .append(DataHelper.escapeHTML(snark.getStorage().getBase().getPath())) .append("</td></tr>\n"); } String hex = I2PSnarkUtil.toHex(snark.getInfoHash()); buf.append("<tr><td>"); toThemeImg(buf, "details"); buf.append("</td><td><b>") .append(_t("Info hash")) .append(":</b> ") .append(hex.toUpperCase(Locale.US)) .append("</td></tr>\n"); String announce = null; MetaInfo meta = snark.getMetaInfo(); if (meta != null) { announce = meta.getAnnounce(); if (announce == null) announce = snark.getTrackerURL(); if (announce != null) { announce = DataHelper.stripHTML(announce); buf.append("<tr><td>"); String trackerLink = getTrackerLink(announce, snark.getInfoHash()); if (trackerLink != null) buf.append(trackerLink); else toThemeImg(buf, "details"); buf.append("</td><td><b>").append(_t("Primary Tracker")).append(":</b> "); buf.append(getShortTrackerLink(announce, snark.getInfoHash())); buf.append("</td></tr>"); } List<List<String>> alist = meta.getAnnounceList(); if (alist != null && !alist.isEmpty()) { buf.append("<tr><td>"); toThemeImg(buf, "details"); buf.append("</td><td valign=\"top\"><b>") .append(_t("Tracker List")).append(":</b> "); for (List<String> alist2 : alist) { buf.append('['); boolean more = false; for (String s : alist2) { if (more) buf.append(' '); else more = true; buf.append(getShortTrackerLink(DataHelper.stripHTML(s), snark.getInfoHash())); } buf.append("] "); } buf.append("</td></tr>\n"); } } if (meta != null) { String com = meta.getComment(); if (com != null && com.length() > 0) { if (com.length() > 1024) com = com.substring(0, 1024); buf.append("<tr><td>"); toThemeImg(buf, "details"); buf.append("</td><td><b>") .append(_t("Comment")).append(":</b> ") .append(DataHelper.stripHTML(com)) .append("</td></tr>\n"); } long dat = meta.getCreationDate(); SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); fmt.setTimeZone(SystemVersion.getSystemTimeZone(_context)); if (dat > 0) { String date = fmt.format(new Date(dat)); buf.append("<tr><td>"); toThemeImg(buf, "details"); buf.append("</td><td><b>") .append(_t("Created")).append(":</b> ") .append(date) .append("</td></tr>\n"); } String cby = meta.getCreatedBy(); if (cby != null && cby.length() > 0) { if (cby.length() > 128) cby = com.substring(0, 128); buf.append("<tr><td>"); toThemeImg(buf, "details"); buf.append("</td><td><b>") .append(_t("Created By")).append(":</b> ") .append(DataHelper.stripHTML(cby)) .append("</td></tr>\n"); } long[] dates = _manager.getSavedAddedAndCompleted(snark); if (dates[0] > 0) { String date = fmt.format(new Date(dates[0])); buf.append("<tr><td>"); toThemeImg(buf, "details"); buf.append("</td><td><b>") .append(_t("Added")).append(":</b> ") .append(date) .append("</td></tr>\n"); } if (dates[1] > 0) { String date = fmt.format(new Date(dates[1])); buf.append("<tr><td>"); toThemeImg(buf, "details"); buf.append("</td><td><b>") .append(_t("Completed")).append(":</b> ") .append(date) .append("</td></tr>\n"); } } if (meta == null || !meta.isPrivate()) { buf.append("<tr><td><a href=\"") .append(MagnetURI.MAGNET_FULL).append(hex); if (announce != null) buf.append("&tr=").append(announce); buf.append("\">") .append(toImg("magnet", _t("Magnet link"))) .append("</a></td><td><b>Magnet:</b> <a href=\"") .append(MagnetURI.MAGNET_FULL).append(hex); if (announce != null) buf.append("&tr=").append(announce); buf.append("\">") .append(MagnetURI.MAGNET_FULL).append(hex); if (announce != null) buf.append("&tr=").append(announce); buf.append("</a>") .append("</td></tr>\n"); } else { buf.append("<tr><td>"); toThemeImg(buf, "details"); buf.append("</td><td><b>") .append(_t("Private torrent")) .append("</td></tr>\n"); } // We don't have the hash of the torrent file //buf.append("<tr><td>").append(_t("Maggot link")).append(": <a href=\"").append(MAGGOT).append(hex).append(':').append(hex).append("\">") // .append(MAGGOT).append(hex).append(':').append(hex).append("</a></td></tr>"); buf.append("<tr><td>"); toThemeImg(buf, "size"); buf.append("</td><td><b>") .append(_t("Size")) .append(":</b> ") .append(formatSize(snark.getTotalLength())); int pieces = snark.getPieces(); double completion = (pieces - snark.getNeeded()) / (double) pieces; buf.append(" "); toThemeImg(buf, "head_rx"); buf.append(" <b>"); if (completion < 1.0) buf.append(_t("Completion")) .append(":</b> ") .append((new DecimalFormat("0.00%")).format(completion)); else buf.append(_t("Complete")).append("</b>"); // up ratio buf.append(" "); toThemeImg(buf, "head_tx"); buf.append(" <b>") .append(_t("Upload ratio")) .append(":</b> "); long uploaded = snark.getUploaded(); if (uploaded > 0) { double ratio = uploaded / ((double) snark.getTotalLength()); buf.append((new DecimalFormat("0.000")).format(ratio)); buf.append(" x"); } else { buf.append('0'); } // not including skipped files, but -1 when not running long needed = snark.getNeededLength(); if (needed < 0) { // including skipped files, valid when not running needed = snark.getRemainingLength(); } if (needed > 0) { buf.append(" "); toThemeImg(buf, "head_rx"); buf.append(" <b>") .append(_t("Remaining")) .append(":</b> ") .append(formatSize(needed)); } long skipped = snark.getSkippedLength(); if (skipped > 0) { buf.append(" "); toThemeImg(buf, "head_rx"); buf.append(" <b>") .append(_t("Skipped")) .append(":</b> ") .append(formatSize(skipped)); } if (meta != null) { List<List<String>> files = meta.getFiles(); int fileCount = files != null ? files.size() : 1; buf.append(" "); toThemeImg(buf, "file"); buf.append(" <b>") .append(_t("Files")) .append(":</b> ") .append(fileCount); } buf.append(" "); toThemeImg(buf, "file"); buf.append(" <b>") .append(_t("Pieces")) .append(":</b> ") .append(pieces); buf.append(" "); toThemeImg(buf, "file"); buf.append(" <b>") .append(_t("Piece size")) .append(":</b> ") .append(formatSize(snark.getPieceLength(0))) .append("</td></tr>\n"); // buttons if (showStopStart) { buf.append("<tr><td></td><td>"); if (snark.isChecking()) { buf.append("<b>").append(_t("Checking")).append("… ") .append((new DecimalFormat("0.00%")).format(snark.getCheckingProgress())) .append("   <a href=\"").append(base).append("\">") .append(_t("Refresh page for results")).append("</a>"); } else if (snark.isStarting()) { buf.append("<b>").append(_t("Starting")).append("…</b>"); } else if (snark.isAllocating()) { buf.append("<b>").append(_t("Allocating")).append("…</b>"); } else { boolean isRunning = !snark.isStopped(); buf.append("<input type=\"submit\" value=\""); if (isRunning) buf.append(_t("Stop")).append("\" name=\"stop\" class=\"stoptorrent\">\n"); else buf.append(_t("Start")).append("\" name=\"start\" class=\"starttorrent\">\n"); buf.append("   <input type=\"submit\" name=\"recheck\" value=\"").append(_t("Force Recheck")); if (isRunning) buf.append("\" class=\"disabled\" disabled=\"disabled\">\n"); else buf.append("\" class=\"reload\">\n"); } buf.append("</td></tr>\n"); } } else { // snark == null // shouldn't happen buf.append("<tr><th>Not found<br>resource=\"").append(r.toString()) .append("\"<br>base=\"").append(base) .append("\"<br>torrent=\"").append(torrentName) .append("\"</th></tr>\n"); } buf.append("</table>\n"); if (snark != null && !r.exists()) { // fixup TODO buf.append("<p>Does not exist<br>resource=\"").append(r.toString()) .append("\"<br>base=\"").append(base) .append("\"<br>torrent=\"").append(torrentName) .append("\"</p></div></div></BODY></HTML>"); return buf.toString(); } File[] ls = null; if (r.isDirectory()) { ls = r.listFiles(); } // if r is not a directory, we are only showing torrent info section if (ls == null) { // We are only showing the torrent info section buf.append("</div></div></BODY></HTML>"); return buf.toString(); } Storage storage = snark != null ? snark.getStorage() : null; List<Sorters.FileAndIndex> fileList = new ArrayList<Sorters.FileAndIndex>(ls.length); // precompute remaining for all files for efficiency long[] remainingArray = (storage != null) ? storage.remaining() : null; for (int i = 0; i < ls.length; i++) { fileList.add(new Sorters.FileAndIndex(ls[i], storage, remainingArray)); } boolean showSort = fileList.size() > 1; if (showSort) { int sort = 0; if (sortParam != null) { try { sort = Integer.parseInt(sortParam); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} } Collections.sort(fileList, Sorters.getFileComparator(sort, this)); } // second table - dir info buf.append("<table class=\"snarkDirInfo\"><thead>\n"); buf.append("<tr>\n") .append("<th colspan=2>"); String tx = _t("Directory"); // cycle through sort by name or type String sort; boolean isTypeSort = false; if (showSort) { if (sortParam == null || "0".equals(sortParam) || "1".equals(sortParam)) { sort = "-1"; } else if ("-1".equals(sortParam)) { sort = "12"; isTypeSort = true; } else if ("12".equals(sortParam)) { sort = "-12"; isTypeSort = true; } else { sort = ""; } buf.append("<a href=\"").append(base) .append(getQueryString(sort)).append("\">"); } toThemeImg(buf, "file", tx, showSort ? _t("Sort by {0}", (isTypeSort ? _t("File type") : _t("Name"))) : tx + ": " + directory); if (showSort) buf.append("</a>"); int dirSlash = directory.indexOf('/'); if (dirSlash > 0) { buf.append(" "); buf.append(DataHelper.escapeHTML(directory.substring(dirSlash + 1))); } buf.append("</th>\n<th align=\"right\">"); if (showSort) { sort = ("5".equals(sortParam)) ? "-5" : "5"; buf.append("<a href=\"").append(base) .append(getQueryString(sort)).append("\">"); } tx = _t("Size"); toThemeImg(buf, "size", tx, showSort ? _t("Sort by {0}", tx) : tx); if (showSort) buf.append("</a>"); buf.append("</th>\n<th class=\"headerstatus\">"); boolean showRemainingSort = showSort && showPriority; if (showRemainingSort) { sort = ("10".equals(sortParam)) ? "-10" : "10"; buf.append("<a href=\"").append(base) .append(getQueryString(sort)).append("\">"); } tx = _t("Status"); toThemeImg(buf, "status", tx, showRemainingSort ? _t("Sort by {0}", _t("Remaining")) : tx); if (showRemainingSort) buf.append("</a>"); if (showPriority) { buf.append("</th>\n<th class=\"headerpriority\">"); if (showSort) { sort = ("13".equals(sortParam)) ? "-13" : "13"; buf.append("<a href=\"").append(base) .append(getQueryString(sort)).append("\">"); } tx = _t("Priority"); toThemeImg(buf, "priority", tx, showSort ? _t("Sort by {0}", tx) : tx); if (showSort) buf.append("</a>"); } buf.append("</th>\n</tr>\n</thead>\n"); buf.append("<tr><td colspan=\"" + (showPriority ? '5' : '4') + "\" class=\"ParentDir\"><A HREF=\""); URIUtil.encodePath(buf, addPaths(decodedBase,"../")); buf.append("\">"); toThemeImg(buf, "up"); buf.append(' ') .append(_t("Up to higher level directory")) .append("</A></td></tr>\n"); //DateFormat dfmt=DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, // DateFormat.MEDIUM); boolean showSaveButton = false; boolean rowEven = true; for (Sorters.FileAndIndex fai : fileList) { //String encoded = encodePath(ls[i].getName()); // bugfix for I2P - Backport from Jetty 6 (zero file lengths and last-modified times) // // See resource.diff attachment //Resource item = addPath(encoded); File item = fai.file; String rowClass = (rowEven ? "snarkTorrentEven" : "snarkTorrentOdd"); rowEven = !rowEven; buf.append("<TR class=\"").append(rowClass).append("\">"); // Get completeness and status string boolean complete = false; String status = ""; long length = item.length(); int fileIndex = fai.index; int priority = 0; if (fai.isDirectory) { complete = true; //status = toImg("tick") + ' ' + _t("Directory"); } else { if (snark == null || snark.getStorage() == null) { // Assume complete, perhaps he removed a completed torrent but kept a bookmark complete = true; status = toImg("cancel") + ' ' + _t("Torrent not found?"); } else { long remaining = fai.remaining; if (remaining < 0) { complete = true; status = toImg("cancel") + ' ' + _t("File not found in torrent?"); } else if (remaining == 0 || length <= 0) { complete = true; status = toImg("tick") + ' ' + _t("Complete"); } else { priority = fai.priority; if (priority < 0) status = toImg("cancel"); else if (priority == 0) status = toImg("clock"); else status = toImg("clock_red"); status += " " + (100 * (length - remaining) / length) + "% " + _t("complete") + " (" + DataHelper.formatSize2(remaining) + "B " + _t("remaining") + ")"; } } } String path = addPaths(decodedBase, item.getName()); if (item.isDirectory() && !path.endsWith("/")) path=addPaths(path,"/"); path = encodePath(path); String icon = toIcon(item); buf.append("<TD class=\"snarkFileIcon\">"); if (complete) { buf.append("<a href=\"").append(path).append("\">"); // thumbnail ? String plc = item.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.US); if (plc.endsWith(".jpg") || plc.endsWith(".jpeg") || plc.endsWith(".png") || plc.endsWith(".gif") || plc.endsWith(".ico")) { buf.append("<img alt=\"\" border=\"0\" class=\"thumb\" src=\"") .append(path).append("\"></a>"); } else { buf.append(toImg(icon, _t("Open"))).append("</a>"); } } else { buf.append(toImg(icon)); } buf.append("</TD><TD class=\"snarkFileName\">"); if (complete) buf.append("<a href=\"").append(path).append("\">"); buf.append(DataHelper.escapeHTML(item.getName())); if (complete) buf.append("</a>"); buf.append("</TD><TD ALIGN=right class=\"snarkFileSize\">"); if (!item.isDirectory()) buf.append(DataHelper.formatSize2(length)).append('B'); buf.append("</TD><TD class=\"snarkFileStatus\">"); //buf.append(dfmt.format(new Date(item.lastModified()))); buf.append(status); buf.append("</TD>"); if (showPriority) { buf.append("<td class=\"priority\">"); if ((!complete) && (!item.isDirectory())) { buf.append("\n<input type=\"radio\" onclick=\"priorityclicked();\" class=\"prihigh\" value=\"5\" name=\"pri.").append(fileIndex).append("\" "); if (priority > 0) buf.append("checked=\"checked\""); buf.append('>').append(_t("High")); buf.append("\n<input type=\"radio\" onclick=\"priorityclicked();\" class=\"prinorm\" value=\"0\" name=\"pri.").append(fileIndex).append("\" "); if (priority == 0) buf.append("checked=\"checked\""); buf.append('>').append(_t("Normal")); buf.append("\n<input type=\"radio\" onclick=\"priorityclicked();\" class=\"priskip\" value=\"-9\" name=\"pri.").append(fileIndex).append("\" "); if (priority < 0) buf.append("checked=\"checked\""); buf.append('>').append(_t("Skip")); showSaveButton = true; } buf.append("</td>"); } buf.append("</TR>\n"); } if (showSaveButton) { buf.append("<thead><tr><th colspan=\"4\"> </th><th class=\"headerpriority\">" + "<a class=\"control\" id=\"setallhigh\" href=\"javascript:void(null);\" onclick=\"setallhigh();\">") .append(toImg("clock_red")).append(_t("Set all high")).append("</a>\n" + "<a class=\"control\" id=\"setallnorm\" href=\"javascript:void(null);\" onclick=\"setallnorm();\">") .append(toImg("clock")).append(_t("Set all normal")).append("</a>\n" + "<a class=\"control\" id=\"setallskip\" href=\"javascript:void(null);\" onclick=\"setallskip();\">") .append(toImg("cancel")).append(_t("Skip all")).append("</a>\n" + "<br><br><input type=\"submit\" class=\"accept\" value=\"").append(_t("Save priorities")) .append("\" name=\"savepri\" >\n" + "</th></tr></thead>\n"); } buf.append("</table>\n"); // for stop/start/check if (showStopStart || showPriority) buf.append("</form>"); buf.append("</div></div></BODY></HTML>\n"); return buf.toString(); } /** * @param so null ok * @return query string or "" * @since 0.9.16 */ private static String getQueryString(String so) { if (so != null && !so.equals("")) return "?sort=" + DataHelper.stripHTML(so); return ""; } /** * Pick an icon; try to catch the common types in an i2p environment. * * @return file name not including ".png" * @since 0.7.14 */ private String toIcon(File item) { if (item.isDirectory()) return "folder"; return toIcon(item.toString()); } /** * Pick an icon; try to catch the common types in an i2p environment * Pkg private for FileTypeSorter. * * @return file name not including ".png" * @since 0.7.14 */ String toIcon(String path) { String icon; // Note that for this to work well, our custom file must be loaded. String plc = path.toLowerCase(Locale.US); String mime = getMimeType(path); if (mime == null) mime = ""; if (mime.equals("text/html")) icon = "html"; else if (mime.equals("text/plain") || mime.equals("text/x-sfv") || mime.equals("application/rtf") || mime.equals("application/epub+zip") || mime.equals("application/x-mobipocket-ebook") || plc.endsWith(".azw4")) icon = "page"; else if (mime.equals("application/java-archive") || plc.endsWith(".deb")) icon = "package"; else if (plc.endsWith(".xpi2p")) icon = "plugin"; else if (mime.equals("application/pdf")) icon = "page_white_acrobat"; else if (mime.startsWith("image/")) icon = "photo"; else if (mime.startsWith("audio/") || mime.equals("application/ogg")) icon = "music"; else if (mime.startsWith("video/")) icon = "film"; else if (mime.equals("application/zip")) { if (plc.endsWith(".su3") || plc.endsWith(".su2") || plc.endsWith(".sud")) icon = "itoopie_xxsm"; else icon = "compress"; } else if (mime.equals("application/x-gtar") || mime.equals("application/x-xz") || mime.equals("application/compress") || mime.equals("application/gzip") || mime.equals("application/x-7z-compressed") || mime.equals("application/x-rar-compressed") || mime.equals("application/x-tar") || mime.equals("application/x-bzip2")) icon = "compress"; else if (plc.endsWith(".exe")) icon = "application"; else if (plc.endsWith(".iso")) icon = "cd"; else if (mime.equals("application/x-bittorrent")) icon = "magnet"; else icon = "page_white"; return icon; } /** * Icon file in the .war. Always 16x16. * * @param icon name without the ".png" * @since 0.7.14 */ private String toImg(String icon) { return toImg(icon, ""); } /** * Icon file in the .war. Always 16x16. * * @param icon name without the ".png" * @since 0.8.2 */ private String toImg(String icon, String altText) { return "<img alt=\"" + altText + "\" height=\"16\" width=\"16\" src=\"" + _contextPath + WARBASE + "icons/" + icon + ".png\">"; } /** * Image file in the theme. * * @param image name without the ".png" * @since 0.9.16 */ private String toThemeImg(String image) { return toThemeImg(image, "", ""); } /** * Image file in the theme. * * @param image name without the ".png" * @since 0.9.16 */ private void toThemeImg(StringBuilder buf, String image) { toThemeImg(buf, image, "", ""); } /** * Image file in the theme. * * @param image name without the ".png" * @param altText non-null * @param titleText non-null * @since 0.9.16 */ private String toThemeImg(String image, String altText, String titleText) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128); toThemeImg(buf, image, altText, titleText); return buf.toString(); } /** * Image file in the theme. * * @param image name without the ".png" * @param altText non-null * @param titleText non-null * @since 0.9.16 */ private void toThemeImg(StringBuilder buf, String image, String altText, String titleText) { buf.append("<img alt=\"").append(altText).append("\" src=\"").append(_imgPath).append(image).append(".png\""); if (titleText.length() > 0) buf.append(" title=\"").append(titleText).append('"'); buf.append('>'); } /** @since 0.8.1 */ private void savePriorities(Snark snark, Map<String, String[]> postParams) { Storage storage = snark.getStorage(); if (storage == null) return; for (Map.Entry<String, String[]> entry : postParams.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); if (key.startsWith("pri.")) { try { int fileIndex = Integer.parseInt(key.substring(4)); String val = entry.getValue()[0]; // jetty arrays int pri = Integer.parseInt(val); storage.setPriority(fileIndex, pri); //System.err.println("Priority now " + pri + " for " + file); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } } snark.updatePiecePriorities(); _manager.saveTorrentStatus(snark); } /** * Is "a" equal to "b", * or is "a" a directory and a parent of file or directory "b", * canonically speaking? * * @since 0.9.15 */ private static boolean isParentOf(File a, File b) { try { a = a.getCanonicalFile(); b = b.getCanonicalFile(); } catch (IOException ioe) { return false; } if (a.equals(b)) return true; if (!a.isDirectory()) return false; // easy case if (!b.getPath().startsWith(a.getPath())) return false; // dir by dir while (!a.equals(b)) { b = b.getParentFile(); if (b == null) return false; } return true; } }