package net.i2p.router.transport.udp; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.router.OutNetMessage; import net.i2p.router.Router; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.router.transport.TransportUtil; import net.i2p.router.transport.crypto.DHSessionKeyBuilder; import static net.i2p.router.transport.udp.InboundEstablishState.InboundState.*; import static net.i2p.router.transport.udp.OutboundEstablishState.OutboundState.*; import net.i2p.router.util.DecayingHashSet; import net.i2p.router.util.DecayingBloomFilter; import net.i2p.util.Addresses; import net.i2p.util.I2PThread; import net.i2p.util.Log; import net.i2p.util.VersionComparator; /** * Coordinate the establishment of new sessions - both inbound and outbound. * This has its own thread to add packets to the packet queue when necessary, * as well as to drop any failed establishment attempts. * */ class EstablishmentManager { private final RouterContext _context; private final Log _log; private final UDPTransport _transport; private final PacketBuilder _builder; private final int _networkID; /** map of RemoteHostId to InboundEstablishState */ private final ConcurrentHashMap<RemoteHostId, InboundEstablishState> _inboundStates; /** * Map of RemoteHostId to OutboundEstablishState. * The key could be either an IP/Port (for direct) or * a Hash (for indirect, before the RelayResponse is received). * Once the RelayResponse is received we change the key. */ private final ConcurrentHashMap<RemoteHostId, OutboundEstablishState> _outboundStates; /** map of RemoteHostId to List of OutNetMessage for messages exceeding capacity */ private final ConcurrentHashMap<RemoteHostId, List<OutNetMessage>> _queuedOutbound; /** * Map of nonce (Long) to OutboundEstablishState. * Only for indirect, before we receive the RelayResponse. * This is so we can lookup state for the RelayResponse. * After we receive the relay response, _outboundStates is keyed by actual IP. */ private final ConcurrentHashMap<Long, OutboundEstablishState> _liveIntroductions; /** * Map of claimed IP/port to OutboundEstablishState. * Only for indirect, before we receive the RelayResponse. * This is so we can lookup a pending introduction by IP * even before we know the "real" IP, so we can match an inbound packet. * After we receive the relay response, _outboundStates is keyed by actual IP. */ private final ConcurrentHashMap<RemoteHostId, OutboundEstablishState> _outboundByClaimedAddress; /** * Map of router hash to OutboundEstablishState. * Only for indirect, after we receive the RelayResponse. * This is so we can lookup a pending connection by Hash * even after we've got the IP/port, so we can match a subsequent outbound packet. * Before we receive the relay response, _outboundStates is keyed by hash. */ private final ConcurrentHashMap<Hash, OutboundEstablishState> _outboundByHash; private volatile boolean _alive; private final Object _activityLock; private int _activity; /** "bloom filter" */ private final DecayingBloomFilter _replayFilter; /** max outbound in progress - max inbound is half of this */ private final int DEFAULT_MAX_CONCURRENT_ESTABLISH; private static final int DEFAULT_LOW_MAX_CONCURRENT_ESTABLISH = 20; private static final int DEFAULT_HIGH_MAX_CONCURRENT_ESTABLISH = 150; private static final String PROP_MAX_CONCURRENT_ESTABLISH = "i2np.udp.maxConcurrentEstablish"; /** max pending outbound connections (waiting because we are at MAX_CONCURRENT_ESTABLISH) */ private static final int MAX_QUEUED_OUTBOUND = 50; /** max queued msgs per peer while the peer connection is queued */ private static final int MAX_QUEUED_PER_PEER = 16; private static final long MAX_NONCE = 0xFFFFFFFFl; /** * Kill any outbound that takes more than this. * Two round trips (Req-Created-Confirmed-Data) for direct; * 3 1/2 round trips (RReq-RResp+Intro-HolePunch-Req-Created-Confirmed-Data) for indirect. * Note that this is way too long for us to be able to fall back to NTCP * for individual messages unless the message timer fires first. * But SSU probably isn't higher priority than NTCP. * And it's important to not fail an establishment too soon and waste it. */ private static final int MAX_OB_ESTABLISH_TIME = 35*1000; /** * Kill any inbound that takes more than this * One round trip (Created-Confirmed) */ private static final int MAX_IB_ESTABLISH_TIME = 20*1000; /** max before receiving a response to a single message during outbound establishment */ public static final int OB_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT = 15*1000; /** for the DSM and or netdb store */ private static final int DATA_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT = 10*1000; /** * Java I2P has always parsed the length of the extended options field, * but i2pd hasn't recognized it until this release. * No matter, the options weren't defined until this release anyway. * */ private static final String VERSION_ALLOW_EXTENDED_OPTIONS = "0.9.24"; private static final String PROP_DISABLE_EXT_OPTS = "i2np.udp.disableExtendedOptions"; public EstablishmentManager(RouterContext ctx, UDPTransport transport) { _context = ctx; _log = ctx.logManager().getLog(EstablishmentManager.class); _networkID = ctx.router().getNetworkID(); _transport = transport; _builder = new PacketBuilder(ctx, transport); _inboundStates = new ConcurrentHashMap<RemoteHostId, InboundEstablishState>(); _outboundStates = new ConcurrentHashMap<RemoteHostId, OutboundEstablishState>(); _queuedOutbound = new ConcurrentHashMap<RemoteHostId, List<OutNetMessage>>(); _liveIntroductions = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, OutboundEstablishState>(); _outboundByClaimedAddress = new ConcurrentHashMap<RemoteHostId, OutboundEstablishState>(); _outboundByHash = new ConcurrentHashMap<Hash, OutboundEstablishState>(); _activityLock = new Object(); _replayFilter = new DecayingHashSet(ctx, 10*60*1000, 8, "SSU-DH-X"); DEFAULT_MAX_CONCURRENT_ESTABLISH = Math.max(DEFAULT_LOW_MAX_CONCURRENT_ESTABLISH, Math.min(DEFAULT_HIGH_MAX_CONCURRENT_ESTABLISH, ctx.bandwidthLimiter().getOutboundKBytesPerSecond() / 2)); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.inboundEstablishTime", "How long it takes for a new inbound session to be established", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.outboundEstablishTime", "How long it takes for a new outbound session to be established", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); //_context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.inboundEstablishFailedState", "What state a failed inbound establishment request fails in", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); //_context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.outboundEstablishFailedState", "What state a failed outbound establishment request fails in", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.sendIntroRelayRequest", "How often we send a relay request to reach a peer", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.sendIntroRelayTimeout", "How often a relay request times out before getting a response (due to the target or intro peer being offline)", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.receiveIntroRelayResponse", "How long it took to receive a relay response", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.establishDropped", "Dropped an inbound establish message", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.establishRejected", "How many pending outbound connections are there when we refuse to add any more?", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.establishOverflow", "How many messages were queued up on a pending connection when it was too much?", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.establishBadIP", "Received IP or port was bad", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); // following are for PeerState _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.congestionOccurred", "How large the cwin was when congestion occurred (duration == sendBps)", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.congestedRTO", "retransmission timeout after congestion (duration == rtt dev)", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.sendACKPartial", "Number of partial ACKs sent (duration == number of full ACKs in that ack packet)", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.sendBps", "How fast we are transmitting when a packet is acked", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.receiveBps", "How fast we are receiving when a packet is fully received (at most one per second)", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.mtuIncrease", "How many retransmissions have there been to the peer when the MTU was increased", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.mtuDecrease", "How many retransmissions have there been to the peer when the MTU was decreased", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.rejectConcurrentActive", "How many messages are currently being sent to the peer when we reject it (period is how many concurrent packets we allow)", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.allowConcurrentActive", "How many messages are currently being sent to the peer when we accept it (period is how many concurrent packets we allow)", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.rejectConcurrentSequence", "How many consecutive concurrency rejections have we had when we stop rejecting (period is how many concurrent packets we are on)", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); //_context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.queueDropSize", "How many messages were queued up when it was considered full, causing a tail drop?", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); //_context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.queueAllowTotalLifetime", "When a peer is retransmitting and we probabalistically allow a new message, what is the sum of the pending message lifetimes? (period is the new message's lifetime)?", "udp", UDPTransport.RATES); _context.statManager().createRateStat("udp.dupDHX", "Session request replay", "udp", new long[] { 24*60*60*1000L } ); } public synchronized void startup() { _alive = true; I2PThread t = new I2PThread(new Establisher(), "UDP Establisher", true); t.start(); } public synchronized void shutdown() { _alive = false; notifyActivity(); } /** * Grab the active establishing state * @return null if none */ InboundEstablishState getInboundState(RemoteHostId from) { InboundEstablishState state = _inboundStates.get(from); // if ( (state == null) && (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) ) // _log.debug("No inbound states for " + from + ", with remaining: " + _inboundStates); return state; } /** * Grab the active establishing state * @return null if none */ OutboundEstablishState getOutboundState(RemoteHostId from) { OutboundEstablishState state = _outboundStates.get(from); if (state == null) { state = _outboundByClaimedAddress.get(from); if (state != null && _log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Found by claimed address: " + state); } // if ( (state == null) && (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) ) // _log.debug("No outbound states for " + from + ", with remaining: " + _outboundStates); return state; } /** * How many concurrent outbound sessions to deal with */ private int getMaxConcurrentEstablish() { return _context.getProperty(PROP_MAX_CONCURRENT_ESTABLISH, DEFAULT_MAX_CONCURRENT_ESTABLISH); } /** * Send the message to its specified recipient by establishing a connection * with them and sending it off. This call does not block, and on failure, * the message is failed. * * Note - if we go back to multiple PacketHandler threads, this may need more locking. */ public void establish(OutNetMessage msg) { establish(msg, true); } /** * @param queueIfMaxExceeded true normally, false if called from locked_admit so we don't loop * @since 0.9.2 */ private void establish(OutNetMessage msg, boolean queueIfMaxExceeded) { RouterInfo toRouterInfo = msg.getTarget(); RouterAddress ra = _transport.getTargetAddress(toRouterInfo); if (ra == null) { _transport.failed(msg, "Remote peer has no address, cannot establish"); return; } RouterIdentity toIdentity = toRouterInfo.getIdentity(); Hash toHash = toIdentity.calculateHash(); if (toRouterInfo.getNetworkId() != _networkID) { _context.banlist().banlistRouter(toHash); _transport.markUnreachable(toHash); _transport.failed(msg, "Remote peer is on the wrong network, cannot establish"); return; } UDPAddress addr = new UDPAddress(ra); RemoteHostId maybeTo = null; InetAddress remAddr = addr.getHostAddress(); int port = addr.getPort(); // check for validity and existing inbound state, using the // claimed address (which we won't be using if indirect) if (remAddr != null && port > 0 && port <= 65535) { maybeTo = new RemoteHostId(remAddr.getAddress(), port); if ((!_transport.isValid(maybeTo.getIP())) || (Arrays.equals(maybeTo.getIP(), _transport.getExternalIP()) && !_transport.allowLocal())) { _transport.failed(msg, "Remote peer's IP isn't valid"); _transport.markUnreachable(toHash); //_context.banlist().banlistRouter(msg.getTarget().getIdentity().calculateHash(), "Invalid SSU address", UDPTransport.STYLE); _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.establishBadIP", 1); return; } InboundEstablishState inState = _inboundStates.get(maybeTo); if (inState != null) { // we have an inbound establishment in progress, queue it there instead synchronized (inState) { switch (inState.getState()) { case IB_STATE_UNKNOWN: case IB_STATE_REQUEST_RECEIVED: case IB_STATE_CREATED_SENT: case IB_STATE_CONFIRMED_PARTIALLY: case IB_STATE_CONFIRMED_COMPLETELY: // queue it inState.addMessage(msg); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.debug("OB msg queued to IES"); break; case IB_STATE_COMPLETE: // race, send it out (but don't call _transport.send() again and risk a loop) _transport.sendIfEstablished(msg); break; case IB_STATE_FAILED: // race, failed _transport.failed(msg, "OB msg failed during IB establish"); break; } } return; } } RemoteHostId to; boolean isIndirect = addr.getIntroducerCount() > 0 || maybeTo == null; if (isIndirect) { to = new RemoteHostId(toHash); } else { to = maybeTo; } OutboundEstablishState state = null; int deferred = 0; boolean rejected = false; int queueCount = 0; state = _outboundStates.get(to); if (state == null) { state = _outboundByHash.get(toHash); if (state != null && _log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Found by hash: " + state); } if (state == null) { if (queueIfMaxExceeded && _outboundStates.size() >= getMaxConcurrentEstablish()) { if (_queuedOutbound.size() >= MAX_QUEUED_OUTBOUND && !_queuedOutbound.containsKey(to)) { rejected = true; } else { List<OutNetMessage> newQueued = new ArrayList<OutNetMessage>(MAX_QUEUED_PER_PEER); List<OutNetMessage> queued = _queuedOutbound.putIfAbsent(to, newQueued); if (queued == null) { queued = newQueued; if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Queueing outbound establish to " + to + ", increase " + PROP_MAX_CONCURRENT_ESTABLISH); } // this used to be inside a synchronized (_outboundStates) block, // but that's now a CHM, so protect the ArrayList // There are still races possible but this should prevent AIOOBE and NPE synchronized (queued) { queueCount = queued.size(); if (queueCount < MAX_QUEUED_PER_PEER) { queued.add(msg); // increment for the stat below queueCount++; } else { rejected = true; } deferred = _queuedOutbound.size(); } } } else { // must have a valid session key byte[] keyBytes = addr.getIntroKey(); if (keyBytes == null) { _transport.markUnreachable(toHash); _transport.failed(msg, "Peer has no key, cannot establish"); return; } SessionKey sessionKey; try { sessionKey = new SessionKey(keyBytes); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { _transport.markUnreachable(toHash); _transport.failed(msg, "Peer has bad key, cannot establish"); return; } boolean allowExtendedOptions = VersionComparator.comp(toRouterInfo.getVersion(), VERSION_ALLOW_EXTENDED_OPTIONS) >= 0 && !_context.getBooleanProperty(PROP_DISABLE_EXT_OPTS); // w/o ext options, it's always 'requested', no need to set // don't ask if they are indirect boolean requestIntroduction = allowExtendedOptions && !isIndirect && _transport.introducersMaybeRequired(); state = new OutboundEstablishState(_context, maybeTo, to, toIdentity, allowExtendedOptions, requestIntroduction, sessionKey, addr, _transport.getDHFactory()); OutboundEstablishState oldState = _outboundStates.putIfAbsent(to, state); boolean isNew = oldState == null; if (isNew) { if (isIndirect && maybeTo != null) _outboundByClaimedAddress.put(maybeTo, state); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Adding new " + state); } else { // whoops, somebody beat us to it, throw out the state we just created state = oldState; } } } if (state != null) { state.addMessage(msg); List<OutNetMessage> queued = _queuedOutbound.remove(to); if (queued != null) { // see comments above synchronized (queued) { for (OutNetMessage m : queued) { state.addMessage(m); } } } } if (rejected) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Too many pending, rejecting outbound establish to " + to); _transport.failed(msg, "Too many pending outbound connections"); _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.establishRejected", deferred); return; } if (queueCount >= MAX_QUEUED_PER_PEER) { _transport.failed(msg, "Too many pending messages for the given peer"); _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.establishOverflow", queueCount, deferred); return; } if (deferred > 0) msg.timestamp("too many deferred establishers"); else if (state != null) msg.timestamp("establish state already waiting"); notifyActivity(); } /** * How many concurrent inbound sessions to deal with */ private int getMaxInboundEstablishers() { return getMaxConcurrentEstablish()/2; } /** * Should we allow another inbound establishment? * Used to throttle outbound hole punches. * @since 0.9.2 */ public boolean shouldAllowInboundEstablishment() { return _inboundStates.size() < getMaxInboundEstablishers(); } /** * Got a SessionRequest (initiates an inbound establishment) * */ void receiveSessionRequest(RemoteHostId from, UDPPacketReader reader) { if (!TransportUtil.isValidPort(from.getPort()) || !_transport.isValid(from.getIP())) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Receive session request from invalid: " + from); return; } boolean isNew = false; InboundEstablishState state = _inboundStates.get(from); if (state == null) { // TODO this is insufficient to prevent DoSing, especially if // IP spoofing is used. For further study. if (!shouldAllowInboundEstablishment()) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Dropping inbound establish, increase " + PROP_MAX_CONCURRENT_ESTABLISH); _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.establishDropped", 1); return; // drop the packet } if (_context.blocklist().isBlocklisted(from.getIP())) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Receive session request from blocklisted IP: " + from); _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.establishBadIP", 1); return; // drop the packet } if (!_transport.allowConnection()) return; // drop the packet byte[] fromIP = from.getIP(); state = new InboundEstablishState(_context, fromIP, from.getPort(), _transport.getExternalPort(fromIP.length == 16), _transport.getDHBuilder()); state.receiveSessionRequest(reader.getSessionRequestReader()); if (_replayFilter.add(state.getReceivedX(), 0, 8)) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Duplicate X in session request from: " + from); _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.dupDHX", 1); return; // drop the packet } InboundEstablishState oldState = _inboundStates.putIfAbsent(from, state); isNew = oldState == null; if (!isNew) // whoops, somebody beat us to it, throw out the state we just created state = oldState; } if (isNew) { // Don't offer to relay to privileged ports. // Only offer for an IPv4 session. // TODO if already we have their RI, only offer if they need it (no 'C' cap) // if extended options, only if they asked for it if (state.isIntroductionRequested() && _transport.canIntroduce() && state.getSentPort() >= 1024 && state.getSentIP().length == 4) { // ensure > 0 long tag = 1 + _context.random().nextLong(MAX_TAG_VALUE); state.setSentRelayTag(tag); } else { // we got an IB even though we were firewalled, hidden, not high cap, etc. } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Received NEW session request " + state); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Receive DUP session request from: " + state); } notifyActivity(); } /** * got a SessionConfirmed (should only happen as part of an inbound * establishment) */ void receiveSessionConfirmed(RemoteHostId from, UDPPacketReader reader) { InboundEstablishState state = _inboundStates.get(from); if (state != null) { state.receiveSessionConfirmed(reader.getSessionConfirmedReader()); notifyActivity(); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Receive session confirmed from: " + state); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Receive (DUP?) session confirmed from: " + from); } } /** * Got a SessionCreated (in response to our outbound SessionRequest) * */ void receiveSessionCreated(RemoteHostId from, UDPPacketReader reader) { OutboundEstablishState state = _outboundStates.get(from); if (state != null) { state.receiveSessionCreated(reader.getSessionCreatedReader()); notifyActivity(); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Receive session created from: " + state); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Receive (DUP?) session created from: " + from); } } /** * Got a SessionDestroy on an established conn * @since 0.8.1 */ void receiveSessionDestroy(RemoteHostId from, PeerState state) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Receive session destroy (EST) from: " + from); _transport.dropPeer(state, false, "received destroy message"); } /** * Got a SessionDestroy during outbound establish * @since 0.8.1 */ void receiveSessionDestroy(RemoteHostId from, OutboundEstablishState state) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Receive session destroy (OB) from: " + from); _outboundStates.remove(from); Hash peer = state.getRemoteIdentity().calculateHash(); _transport.dropPeer(peer, false, "received destroy message during OB establish"); } /** * Got a SessionDestroy - maybe during an inbound establish? * TODO - PacketHandler won't look up inbound establishes * As this packet was essentially unauthenticated (i.e. intro key, not session key) * we just log it as it could be spoofed. * @since 0.8.1 */ void receiveSessionDestroy(RemoteHostId from) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Receive session destroy (none) from: " + from); //InboundEstablishState state = _inboundStates.remove(from); //if (state != null) { // Hash peer = state.getConfirmedIdentity().calculateHash(); // if (peer != null) // _transport.dropPeer(peer, false, "received destroy message"); //} } /** * A data packet arrived on an outbound connection being established, which * means its complete (yay!). This is a blocking call, more than I'd like... * * @return the new PeerState */ PeerState receiveData(OutboundEstablishState state) { state.dataReceived(); //int active = 0; //int admitted = 0; //int remaining = 0; //active = _outboundStates.size(); _outboundStates.remove(state.getRemoteHostId()); // there shouldn't have been queued messages for this active state, but just in case... List<OutNetMessage> queued = _queuedOutbound.remove(state.getRemoteHostId()); if (queued != null) { // see comments above synchronized (queued) { for (OutNetMessage m : queued) { state.addMessage(m); } } } if (_outboundStates.size() < getMaxConcurrentEstablish() && !_queuedOutbound.isEmpty()) { locked_admitQueued(); } //remaining = _queuedOutbound.size(); //if (admitted > 0) // _log.log(Log.CRIT, "Admitted " + admitted + " with " + remaining + " remaining queued and " + active + " active"); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Outbound established completely! yay: " + state); PeerState peer = handleCompletelyEstablished(state); notifyActivity(); return peer; } /** * Move pending OB messages from _queuedOutbound to _outboundStates. * This isn't so great because _queuedOutbound is not a FIFO. */ private int locked_admitQueued() { if (_queuedOutbound.isEmpty()) return 0; int admitted = 0; int max = getMaxConcurrentEstablish(); for (Iterator<Map.Entry<RemoteHostId, List<OutNetMessage>>> iter = _queuedOutbound.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext() && _outboundStates.size() < max; ) { // ok, active shrunk, lets let some queued in. Map.Entry<RemoteHostId, List<OutNetMessage>> entry =; // java 5 IllegalStateException here try { iter.remove(); } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { continue; } RemoteHostId to = entry.getKey(); List<OutNetMessage> allQueued = entry.getValue(); List<OutNetMessage> queued = new ArrayList<OutNetMessage>(); long now = _context.clock().now(); synchronized (allQueued) { for (OutNetMessage msg : allQueued) { if (now - Router.CLOCK_FUDGE_FACTOR > msg.getExpiration()) { _transport.failed(msg, "Took too long in est. mgr OB queue"); } else { queued.add(msg); } } } if (queued.isEmpty()) continue; for (OutNetMessage m : queued) { m.timestamp("no longer deferred... establishing"); establish(m, false); } admitted++; } return admitted; } private void notifyActivity() { synchronized (_activityLock) { _activity++; _activityLock.notifyAll(); } } /** * ok, fully received, add it to the established cons and queue up a * netDb store to them * */ private void handleCompletelyEstablished(InboundEstablishState state) { if (state.isComplete()) return; RouterIdentity remote = state.getConfirmedIdentity(); PeerState peer = new PeerState(_context, _transport, state.getSentIP(), state.getSentPort(), remote.calculateHash(), true); peer.setCurrentCipherKey(state.getCipherKey()); peer.setCurrentMACKey(state.getMACKey()); peer.setWeRelayToThemAs(state.getSentRelayTag()); // Lookup the peer's MTU from the netdb, since it isn't included in the protocol setup (yet) // TODO if we don't have RI then we will get it shortly, but too late. // Perhaps netdb should notify transport when it gets a new RI... RouterInfo info = _context.netDb().lookupRouterInfoLocally(remote.calculateHash()); if (info != null) { RouterAddress addr = _transport.getTargetAddress(info); if (addr != null) { String smtu = addr.getOption(UDPAddress.PROP_MTU); if (smtu != null) { try { boolean isIPv6 = state.getSentIP().length == 16; int mtu = MTU.rectify(isIPv6, Integer.parseInt(smtu)); peer.setHisMTU(mtu); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} } } } // 0 is the default //peer.setTheyRelayToUsAs(0); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Handle completely established (inbound): " + state + " - " + peer.getRemotePeer()); //if (true) // for now, only support direct // peer.setRemoteRequiresIntroduction(false); _transport.addRemotePeerState(peer); boolean isIPv6 = state.getSentIP().length == 16; _transport.inboundConnectionReceived(isIPv6); _transport.setIP(remote.calculateHash(), state.getSentIP()); _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.inboundEstablishTime", state.getLifetime()); sendInboundComplete(peer); OutNetMessage msg; while ((msg = state.getNextQueuedMessage()) != null) { if (_context.clock().now() - Router.CLOCK_FUDGE_FACTOR > msg.getExpiration()) { msg.timestamp("took too long but established..."); _transport.failed(msg, "Took too long to establish, but it was established"); } else { msg.timestamp("session fully established and sent"); _transport.send(msg); } } state.complete(); } /** * dont send our info immediately, just send a small data packet, and 5-10s later, * if the peer isnt banlisted, *then* send them our info. this will help kick off * the oldnet * The "oldnet" was <, it is long gone. * The delay really slows down the network. * The peer is unbanlisted and marked reachable by addRemotePeerState() which calls markReachable() * so the check below is fairly pointless. * If for some strange reason an oldnet router (NETWORK_ID == 1) does show up, * it's handled in UDPTransport.messageReceived() * (where it will get dropped, marked unreachable and banlisted at that time). */ private void sendInboundComplete(PeerState peer) { // SimpleTimer.getInstance().addEvent(new PublishToNewInbound(peer), 10*1000); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Completing to the peer after IB confirm: " + peer); DeliveryStatusMessage dsm = new DeliveryStatusMessage(_context); dsm.setArrival(_networkID); // overloaded, sure, but future versions can check this // This causes huge values in the inNetPool.droppedDeliveryStatusDelay stat // so it needs to be caught in InNetMessagePool. dsm.setMessageExpiration(_context.clock().now() + DATA_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT); dsm.setMessageId(_context.random().nextLong(I2NPMessage.MAX_ID_VALUE)); // sent below // just do this inline //_context.simpleTimer2().addEvent(new PublishToNewInbound(peer), 0); Hash hash = peer.getRemotePeer(); if ((hash != null) && (!_context.banlist().isBanlisted(hash)) && (!_transport.isUnreachable(hash))) { // ok, we are fine with them, send them our latest info //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) //"Publishing to the peer after confirm plus delay (without banlist): " + peer); // bundle the two messages together for efficiency DatabaseStoreMessage dbsm = getOurInfo(); List<I2NPMessage> msgs = new ArrayList<I2NPMessage>(2); msgs.add(dsm); msgs.add(dbsm); _transport.send(msgs, peer); } else { _transport.send(dsm, peer); // nuh uh. if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("NOT publishing to the peer after confirm plus delay (WITH banlist): " + (hash != null ? hash.toString() : "unknown")); } } /** * ok, fully received, add it to the established cons and send any * queued messages * * @return the new PeerState */ private PeerState handleCompletelyEstablished(OutboundEstablishState state) { if (state.complete()) { RouterIdentity rem = state.getRemoteIdentity(); if (rem != null) return _transport.getPeerState(rem.getHash()); } long now = _context.clock().now(); RouterIdentity remote = state.getRemoteIdentity(); // only if == state RemoteHostId claimed = state.getClaimedAddress(); if (claimed != null) _outboundByClaimedAddress.remove(claimed, state); _outboundByHash.remove(remote.calculateHash(), state); PeerState peer = new PeerState(_context, _transport, state.getSentIP(), state.getSentPort(), remote.calculateHash(), false); peer.setCurrentCipherKey(state.getCipherKey()); peer.setCurrentMACKey(state.getMACKey()); peer.setTheyRelayToUsAs(state.getReceivedRelayTag()); int mtu = state.getRemoteAddress().getMTU(); if (mtu > 0) peer.setHisMTU(mtu); // 0 is the default //peer.setWeRelayToThemAs(0); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Handle completely established (outbound): " + state + " - " + peer.getRemotePeer()); _transport.addRemotePeerState(peer); _transport.setIP(remote.calculateHash(), state.getSentIP()); _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.outboundEstablishTime", state.getLifetime()); DatabaseStoreMessage dbsm = null; if (!state.isFirstMessageOurDSM()) { dbsm = getOurInfo(); } else if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) {"Skipping publish: " + state); } List<OutNetMessage> msgs = new ArrayList<OutNetMessage>(8); OutNetMessage msg; while ((msg = state.getNextQueuedMessage()) != null) { if (now - Router.CLOCK_FUDGE_FACTOR > msg.getExpiration()) { msg.timestamp("took too long but established..."); _transport.failed(msg, "Took too long to establish, but it was established"); } else { msg.timestamp("session fully established and sent"); msgs.add(msg); } } _transport.send(dbsm, msgs, peer); return peer; } /**** private void sendOurInfo(PeerState peer, boolean isInbound) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Publishing to the peer after confirm: " + (isInbound ? " inbound con from " + peer : "outbound con to " + peer)); DatabaseStoreMessage m = getOurInfo(); _transport.send(m, peer); } ****/ /** * A database store message with our router info * @return non-null * @since 0.9.24 split from sendOurInfo() */ private DatabaseStoreMessage getOurInfo() { DatabaseStoreMessage m = new DatabaseStoreMessage(_context); m.setEntry(_context.router().getRouterInfo()); m.setMessageExpiration(_context.clock().now() + DATA_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT); return m; } /** the relay tag is a 4-byte field in the protocol */ public static final long MAX_TAG_VALUE = 0xFFFFFFFFl; /** * This may be called more than once */ private void sendCreated(InboundEstablishState state) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Send created to: " + state); try { state.generateSessionKey(); } catch (DHSessionKeyBuilder.InvalidPublicParameterException ippe) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Peer " + state + " sent us an invalid DH parameter", ippe); _inboundStates.remove(state.getRemoteHostId());; return; } UDPPacket pkt = _builder.buildSessionCreatedPacket(state, _transport.getExternalPort(state.getSentIP().length == 16), _transport.getIntroKey()); if (pkt == null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Peer " + state + " sent us an invalid IP?"); _inboundStates.remove(state.getRemoteHostId());; return; } _transport.send(pkt); state.createdPacketSent(); } /** * Caller should probably synch on outboundState */ private void sendRequest(OutboundEstablishState state) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Send SessionRequest to: " + state); UDPPacket packet = _builder.buildSessionRequestPacket(state); if (packet != null) { _transport.send(packet); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Unable to build a session request packet for " + state); } state.requestSent(); } /** * Send RelayRequests to multiple introducers. * This may be called multiple times, it sets the nonce the first time only * Caller should probably synch on state. */ private void handlePendingIntro(OutboundEstablishState state) { long nonce = state.getIntroNonce(); if (nonce < 0) { OutboundEstablishState old; do { nonce = _context.random().nextLong(MAX_NONCE); old = _liveIntroductions.putIfAbsent(Long.valueOf(nonce), state); } while (old != null); state.setIntroNonce(nonce); } _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.sendIntroRelayRequest", 1); List<UDPPacket> requests = _builder.buildRelayRequest(_transport, state, _transport.getIntroKey()); if (requests.isEmpty()) { // FIXME need a failed OB state if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("No valid introducers! " + state); // set failed state, remove nonce, and return } for (UDPPacket req : requests) { _transport.send(req); } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Send intro for " + state + " with our intro key as " + _transport.getIntroKey()); state.introSent(); } /** * We are Alice, we sent a RelayRequest to Bob and got a response back. */ void receiveRelayResponse(RemoteHostId bob, UDPPacketReader reader) { long nonce = reader.getRelayResponseReader().readNonce(); OutboundEstablishState state = _liveIntroductions.remove(Long.valueOf(nonce)); if (state == null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Dup or unknown RelayResponse: " + nonce); return; // already established } // Note that we ignore the Alice (us) IP/Port in the RelayResponse int sz = reader.getRelayResponseReader().readCharlieIPSize(); byte ip[] = new byte[sz]; reader.getRelayResponseReader().readCharlieIP(ip, 0); int port = reader.getRelayResponseReader().readCharliePort(); if ((!isValid(ip, port)) || (!isValid(bob.getIP(), bob.getPort()))) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Bad relay resp from " + bob + " for " + Addresses.toString(ip, port)); _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.relayBadIP", 1); return; } InetAddress addr = null; try { addr = InetAddress.getByAddress(ip); } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Introducer for " + state + " (" + bob + ") sent us an invalid address for our target: " + Addresses.toString(ip, port), uhe); // TODO either put the nonce back in liveintroductions, or fail return; } _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.receiveIntroRelayResponse", state.getLifetime()); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Received RelayResponse for " + state.getRemoteIdentity().calculateHash() + " - they are on " + addr.toString() + ":" + port + " (according to " + bob + ") nonce=" + nonce); synchronized (state) { RemoteHostId oldId = state.getRemoteHostId(); state.introduced(ip, port); RemoteHostId newId = state.getRemoteHostId(); // Swap out the RemoteHostId the state is indexed under. // It was a Hash, change it to a IP/port. // Remove the entry in the byClaimedAddress map as it's now in main map. // Add an entry in the byHash map so additional OB pkts can find it. _outboundByHash.put(state.getRemoteIdentity().calculateHash(), state); RemoteHostId claimed = state.getClaimedAddress(); if (!oldId.equals(newId)) { _outboundStates.remove(oldId); _outboundStates.put(newId, state); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"RR replaced " + oldId + " with " + newId + ", claimed address was " + claimed); } // if (claimed != null) _outboundByClaimedAddress.remove(oldId, state); // only if == state } notifyActivity(); } /** * Called from UDPReceiver. * Accelerate response to RelayResponse if we haven't sent it yet. * * @since 0.9.15 */ void receiveHolePunch(InetAddress from, int fromPort) { RemoteHostId id = new RemoteHostId(from.getAddress(), fromPort); OutboundEstablishState state = _outboundStates.get(id); if (state != null) { boolean sendNow = state.receiveHolePunch(); if (sendNow) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Hole punch from " + state + ", sending SessionRequest now"); notifyActivity(); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Hole punch from " + state + ", already sent SessionRequest"); } } else { // HolePunch received before RelayResponse, and we didn't know the IP/port, or it changed if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"No state found for hole punch from " + from + " port " + fromPort); } } /** * Are IP and port valid? This is only for checking the relay response. * Reject all IPv6, for now, even if we are configured for it. * Refuse anybody in the same /16 * @since 0.9.3 */ private boolean isValid(byte[] ip, int port) { return TransportUtil.isValidPort(port) && ip != null && ip.length == 4 && _transport.isValid(ip) && (!_transport.isTooClose(ip)) && (!_context.blocklist().isBlocklisted(ip)); } /** * Note that while a SessionConfirmed could in theory be fragmented, * in practice a RouterIdentity is 387 bytes and a single fragment is 512 bytes max, * so it will never be fragmented. * Caller should probably synch on state. */ private void sendConfirmation(OutboundEstablishState state) { boolean valid = state.validateSessionCreated(); if (!valid) { // validate clears fields on failure // sendDestroy(state) won't work as we haven't sent the confirmed... if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("SessionCreated validate failed: " + state); return; } if (!_transport.isValid(state.getReceivedIP()) || !_transport.isValid(state.getRemoteHostId().getIP())) {; return; } // gives us the opportunity to "detect" our external addr _transport.externalAddressReceived(state.getRemoteIdentity().calculateHash(), state.getReceivedIP(), state.getReceivedPort()); // signs if we havent signed yet state.prepareSessionConfirmed(); // BUG - handle null return UDPPacket packets[] = _builder.buildSessionConfirmedPackets(state, _context.router().getRouterInfo().getIdentity()); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Send confirm to: " + state); for (int i = 0; i < packets.length; i++) _transport.send(packets[i]); state.confirmedPacketsSent(); } /** * Tell the other side never mind. * This is only useful after we have received SessionCreated, * and sent SessionConfirmed, but not yet gotten a data packet as an * ack to the SessionConfirmed - otherwise we haven't generated the keys. * Caller should probably synch on state. * * @since 0.9.2 */ private void sendDestroy(OutboundEstablishState state) { UDPPacket packet = _builder.buildSessionDestroyPacket(state); if (packet != null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Send destroy to: " + state); _transport.send(packet); } } /** * Tell the other side never mind. * This is only useful after we have sent SessionCreated, * but not received SessionConfirmed * Otherwise we haven't generated the keys. * Caller should probably synch on state. * * @since 0.9.2 */ private void sendDestroy(InboundEstablishState state) { UDPPacket packet = _builder.buildSessionDestroyPacket(state); if (packet != null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Send destroy to: " + state); _transport.send(packet); } } /** * Drive through the inbound establishment states, adjusting one of them * as necessary. Called from Establisher thread only. * @return next requested time or -1 */ private long handleInbound() { long now = _context.clock().now(); long nextSendTime = -1; InboundEstablishState inboundState = null; boolean expired = false; for (Iterator<InboundEstablishState> iter = _inboundStates.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { InboundEstablishState cur =; if (cur.getState() == IB_STATE_CONFIRMED_COMPLETELY) { // completely received (though the signature may be invalid) iter.remove(); inboundState = cur; //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("Removing completely confirmed inbound state"); break; } else if (cur.getLifetime() > MAX_IB_ESTABLISH_TIME) { // took too long iter.remove(); inboundState = cur; //_context.statManager().addRateData("udp.inboundEstablishFailedState", cur.getState(), cur.getLifetime()); //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("Removing expired inbound state"); expired = true; break; } else if (cur.getState() == IB_STATE_FAILED) { iter.remove(); //_context.statManager().addRateData("udp.inboundEstablishFailedState", cur.getState(), cur.getLifetime()); } else { if (cur.getNextSendTime() <= now) { // our turn... inboundState = cur; // if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("Processing inbound that wanted activity"); break; } else { // nothin to do but wait for them to send us // stuff, so lets move on to the next one being // established long when = -1; if (cur.getNextSendTime() <= 0) { when = cur.getEstablishBeginTime() + MAX_IB_ESTABLISH_TIME; } else { when = cur.getNextSendTime(); } if (when < nextSendTime) nextSendTime = when; } } } if (inboundState != null) { //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("Processing for inbound: " + inboundState); synchronized (inboundState) { switch (inboundState.getState()) { case IB_STATE_REQUEST_RECEIVED: if (expired) processExpired(inboundState); else sendCreated(inboundState); break; case IB_STATE_CREATED_SENT: // fallthrough case IB_STATE_CONFIRMED_PARTIALLY: if (expired) { sendDestroy(inboundState); processExpired(inboundState); } else if (inboundState.getNextSendTime() <= now) { sendCreated(inboundState); } break; case IB_STATE_CONFIRMED_COMPLETELY: RouterIdentity remote = inboundState.getConfirmedIdentity(); if (remote != null) { if (_context.banlist().isBanlistedForever(remote.calculateHash())) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Dropping inbound connection from permanently banlisted peer: " + remote.calculateHash()); // So next time we will not accept the con, rather than doing the whole handshake _context.blocklist().add(inboundState.getSentIP());; processExpired(inboundState); } else { handleCompletelyEstablished(inboundState); } } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("confirmed with invalid? " + inboundState);; processExpired(inboundState); } break; case IB_STATE_COMPLETE: // fall through case IB_STATE_FAILED: // leak here if fail() was called in IES??? break; // already removed; case IB_STATE_UNKNOWN: // Can't happen, always call receiveSessionRequest() before putting in map if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR)) _log.error("hrm, state is unknown for " + inboundState); } } // ok, since there was something to do, we want to loop again nextSendTime = now; } return nextSendTime; } /** * Drive through the outbound establishment states, adjusting one of them * as necessary. Called from Establisher thread only. * @return next requested time or -1 */ private long handleOutbound() { long now = _context.clock().now(); long nextSendTime = -1; OutboundEstablishState outboundState = null; //int admitted = 0; //int remaining = 0; //int active = 0; for (Iterator<OutboundEstablishState> iter = _outboundStates.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { OutboundEstablishState cur =; OutboundEstablishState.OutboundState state = cur.getState(); if (state == OB_STATE_CONFIRMED_COMPLETELY || state == OB_STATE_VALIDATION_FAILED) { iter.remove(); outboundState = cur; break; } else if (cur.getLifetime() >= MAX_OB_ESTABLISH_TIME) { // took too long iter.remove(); outboundState = cur; //_context.statManager().addRateData("udp.outboundEstablishFailedState", cur.getState(), cur.getLifetime()); //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("Removing expired outbound: " + cur); break; } else { if (cur.getNextSendTime() <= now) { // our turn... outboundState = cur; // if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("Outbound wants activity: " + cur); break; } else { // nothin to do but wait for them to send us // stuff, so lets move on to the next one being // established long when = -1; if (cur.getNextSendTime() <= 0) { when = cur.getEstablishBeginTime() + MAX_OB_ESTABLISH_TIME; } else { when = cur.getNextSendTime(); } if ( (nextSendTime <= 0) || (when < nextSendTime) ) nextSendTime = when; // if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("Outbound doesn't want activity: " + cur + " (next=" + (when-now) + ")"); } } } //admitted = locked_admitQueued(); //remaining = _queuedOutbound.size(); //if (admitted > 0) // _log.log(Log.CRIT, "Admitted " + admitted + " in push with " + remaining + " remaining queued and " + active + " active"); if (outboundState != null) { //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("Processing for outbound: " + outboundState); synchronized (outboundState) { boolean expired = outboundState.getLifetime() >= MAX_OB_ESTABLISH_TIME; switch (outboundState.getState()) { case OB_STATE_UNKNOWN: // fall thru case OB_STATE_INTRODUCED: if (expired) processExpired(outboundState); else sendRequest(outboundState); break; case OB_STATE_REQUEST_SENT: // no response yet (or it was invalid), lets retry long rtime = outboundState.getRequestSentTime(); if (expired || (rtime > 0 && rtime + OB_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT <= now)) processExpired(outboundState); else if (outboundState.getNextSendTime() <= now) sendRequest(outboundState); break; case OB_STATE_CREATED_RECEIVED: if (expired) processExpired(outboundState); else if (outboundState.getNextSendTime() <= now) sendConfirmation(outboundState); break; case OB_STATE_CONFIRMED_PARTIALLY: long ctime = outboundState.getConfirmedSentTime(); if (expired || (ctime > 0 && ctime + OB_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT <= now)) { sendDestroy(outboundState); processExpired(outboundState); } else if (outboundState.getNextSendTime() <= now) { sendConfirmation(outboundState); } break; case OB_STATE_CONFIRMED_COMPLETELY: if (expired) processExpired(outboundState); else handleCompletelyEstablished(outboundState); break; case OB_STATE_PENDING_INTRO: long itime = outboundState.getIntroSentTime(); if (expired || (itime > 0 && itime + OB_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT <= now)) processExpired(outboundState); else if (outboundState.getNextSendTime() <= now) handlePendingIntro(outboundState); break; case OB_STATE_VALIDATION_FAILED: processExpired(outboundState); break; } } // ok, since there was something to do, we want to loop again nextSendTime = now; } return nextSendTime; } /** * Caller should probably synch on outboundState */ private void processExpired(OutboundEstablishState outboundState) { long nonce = outboundState.getIntroNonce(); if (nonce >= 0) { // remove only if value == state boolean removed = _liveIntroductions.remove(Long.valueOf(nonce), outboundState); if (removed) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Send intro for " + outboundState + " timed out"); _context.statManager().addRateData("udp.sendIntroRelayTimeout", 1); } } // only if == state RemoteHostId claimed = outboundState.getClaimedAddress(); if (claimed != null) _outboundByClaimedAddress.remove(claimed, outboundState); _outboundByHash.remove(outboundState.getRemoteIdentity().calculateHash(), outboundState); // should have already been removed in handleOutbound() above // remove only if value == state _outboundStates.remove(outboundState.getRemoteHostId(), outboundState); if (outboundState.getState() != OB_STATE_CONFIRMED_COMPLETELY) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Expired: " + outboundState + " Lifetime: " + outboundState.getLifetime()); OutNetMessage msg; while ((msg = outboundState.getNextQueuedMessage()) != null) { _transport.failed(msg, "Expired during failed establish"); } String err = "Took too long to establish OB connection, state = " + outboundState.getState(); Hash peer = outboundState.getRemoteIdentity().calculateHash(); //_context.banlist().banlistRouter(peer, err, UDPTransport.STYLE); _transport.markUnreachable(peer); _transport.dropPeer(peer, false, err); //_context.profileManager().commErrorOccurred(peer);; } else { OutNetMessage msg; while ((msg = outboundState.getNextQueuedMessage()) != null) { _transport.send(msg); } } } /** * Caller should probably synch on inboundState * @since 0.9.2 */ private void processExpired(InboundEstablishState inboundState) { OutNetMessage msg; while ((msg = inboundState.getNextQueuedMessage()) != null) { _transport.failed(msg, "Expired during failed establish"); } } /** * Driving thread, processing up to one step for an inbound peer and up to * one step for an outbound peer. This is prodded whenever any peer's state * changes as well. * */ private class Establisher implements Runnable { public void run() { while (_alive) { try { doPass(); } catch (RuntimeException re) { _log.log(Log.CRIT, "Error in the establisher", re); } } _inboundStates.clear(); _outboundStates.clear(); _queuedOutbound.clear(); _outboundByClaimedAddress.clear(); _outboundByHash.clear(); } private long _lastFailsafe; private static final long FAILSAFE_INTERVAL = 3*60*1000; // Debugging private long _lastPrinted; private static final long PRINT_INTERVAL = 5*1000; private void doPass() { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG) && _lastPrinted + PRINT_INTERVAL < _context.clock().now()) { _lastPrinted = _context.clock().now(); int iactive = _inboundStates.size(); int oactive = _outboundStates.size(); if (iactive > 0 || oactive > 0) { int queued = _queuedOutbound.size(); int live = _liveIntroductions.size(); int claimed = _outboundByClaimedAddress.size(); int hash = _outboundByHash.size(); _log.debug("OB states: " + oactive + " IB states: " + iactive + " OB queued: " + queued + " intros: " + live + " OB claimed: " + claimed + " hash: " + hash); } } _activity = 0; long now = _context.clock().now(); if (_lastFailsafe + FAILSAFE_INTERVAL < _context.clock().now()) { _lastFailsafe = _context.clock().now(); doFailsafe(); } long nextSendTime = -1; long nextSendInbound = handleInbound(); long nextSendOutbound = handleOutbound(); if (nextSendInbound > 0) nextSendTime = nextSendInbound; if ( (nextSendTime < 0) || (nextSendOutbound < nextSendTime) ) nextSendTime = nextSendOutbound; long delay = nextSendTime - now; if ( (nextSendTime == -1) || (delay > 0) ) { if (delay > 1000) delay = 1000; try { synchronized (_activityLock) { if (_activity > 0) return; if (nextSendTime == -1) _activityLock.wait(1000); else _activityLock.wait(delay); } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } // if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("After waiting w/ nextSend=" + nextSendTime // + " and delay=" + delay + " and interrupted=" + interrupted); } } /** @since 0.9.2 */ private void doFailsafe() { for (Iterator<OutboundEstablishState> iter = _liveIntroductions.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { OutboundEstablishState state =; if (state.getLifetime() > 3*MAX_OB_ESTABLISH_TIME) { iter.remove(); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Failsafe remove LI " + state); } } for (Iterator<OutboundEstablishState> iter = _outboundByClaimedAddress.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { OutboundEstablishState state =; if (state.getLifetime() > 3*MAX_OB_ESTABLISH_TIME) { iter.remove(); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Failsafe remove OBBCA " + state); } } for (Iterator<OutboundEstablishState> iter = _outboundByHash.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { OutboundEstablishState state =; if (state.getLifetime() > 3*MAX_OB_ESTABLISH_TIME) { iter.remove(); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Failsafe remove OBBH " + state); } } } } }