package net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia; /* * free (adj.): unencumbered; not under the control of others * Written by jrandom in 2003 and released into the public domain * with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. * It probably won't make your computer catch on fire, or eat * your children, but it might. Use at your own risk. * */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import; import; import net.i2p.kademlia.KBucketSet; import net.i2p.kademlia.SelectionCollector; import net.i2p.kademlia.XORComparator; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.router.peermanager.PeerProfile; import net.i2p.router.util.MaskedIPSet; import net.i2p.router.util.RandomIterator; import net.i2p.stat.Rate; import net.i2p.stat.RateStat; import net.i2p.util.Log; /** * This is where we implement semi-Kademlia with the floodfills, by * selecting floodfills closest to a given key for * searches and stores. * * Warning - most methods taking a key as an argument require the * routing key, not the original key. * */ class FloodfillPeerSelector extends PeerSelector { public FloodfillPeerSelector(RouterContext ctx) { super(ctx); } /** * Pick out peers with the floodfill capacity set, returning them first, but then * after they're complete, sort via kademlia. * Puts the floodfill peers that are directly connected first in the list. * List will not include our own hash. * * @param key the ROUTING key (NOT the original key) * @param peersToIgnore can be null * @return List of Hash for the peers selected */ @Override List<Hash> selectMostReliablePeers(Hash key, int maxNumRouters, Set<Hash> peersToIgnore, KBucketSet<Hash> kbuckets) { return selectNearestExplicitThin(key, maxNumRouters, peersToIgnore, kbuckets, true); } /** * Pick out peers with the floodfill capacity set, returning them first, but then * after they're complete, sort via kademlia. * Does not prefer the floodfill peers that are directly connected. * List will not include our own hash. * * @param key the ROUTING key (NOT the original key) * @param peersToIgnore can be null * @return List of Hash for the peers selected */ @Override List<Hash> selectNearestExplicitThin(Hash key, int maxNumRouters, Set<Hash> peersToIgnore, KBucketSet<Hash> kbuckets) { return selectNearestExplicitThin(key, maxNumRouters, peersToIgnore, kbuckets, false); } /** * Pick out peers with the floodfill capacity set, returning them first, but then * after they're complete, sort via kademlia. * List will not include our own hash. * * @param key the ROUTING key (NOT the original key) * @param peersToIgnore can be null * @return List of Hash for the peers selected */ List<Hash> selectNearestExplicitThin(Hash key, int maxNumRouters, Set<Hash> peersToIgnore, KBucketSet<Hash> kbuckets, boolean preferConnected) { if (peersToIgnore == null) peersToIgnore = Collections.singleton(_context.routerHash()); else peersToIgnore.add(_context.routerHash()); // TODO this is very slow FloodfillSelectionCollector matches = new FloodfillSelectionCollector(key, peersToIgnore, maxNumRouters); if (kbuckets == null) return new ArrayList<Hash>(); kbuckets.getAll(matches); List<Hash> rv = matches.get(maxNumRouters, preferConnected); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Searching for " + maxNumRouters + " peers close to " + key + ": " + rv + " (not including " + peersToIgnore + ") [allHashes.size = " + matches.size() + "]", new Exception("Search by")); return rv; } /** * @param kbuckets now unused * @return all floodfills not banlisted forever. * List will not include our own hash. * List is not sorted and not shuffled. */ List<Hash> selectFloodfillParticipants(KBucketSet<Hash> kbuckets) { Set<Hash> ignore = Collections.singleton(_context.routerHash()); return selectFloodfillParticipants(ignore, kbuckets); } /** * @param kbuckets now unused * @param toIgnore can be null * @return all floodfills not banlisted forever. * List MAY INCLUDE our own hash. * List is not sorted and not shuffled. */ private List<Hash> selectFloodfillParticipants(Set<Hash> toIgnore, KBucketSet<Hash> kbuckets) { /***** if (kbuckets == null) return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; // TODO this is very slow - use profile getPeersByCapability('f') instead _context.statManager().addRateData("netDb.newFSC", 0, 0); FloodfillSelectionCollector matches = new FloodfillSelectionCollector(null, toIgnore, 0); kbuckets.getAll(matches); return matches.getFloodfillParticipants(); *****/ Set<Hash> set = _context.peerManager().getPeersByCapability(FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade.CAPABILITY_FLOODFILL); List<Hash> rv = new ArrayList<Hash>(set.size()); for (Hash h : set) { if ((toIgnore != null && toIgnore.contains(h)) || _context.banlist().isBanlistedForever(h)) continue; rv.add(h); } return rv; } /** * Sort the floodfills. The challenge here is to keep the good ones * at the front and the bad ones at the back. If they are all good or bad, * searches and stores won't work well. * List will not include our own hash. * * @return floodfills closest to the key that are not banlisted forever * @param key the ROUTING key (NOT the original key) * @param maxNumRouters max to return * @param kbuckets now unused * * Sorted by closest to the key if > maxNumRouters, otherwise not * The list is in 3 groups - sorted by routing key within each group. * Group 1: No store or lookup failure in a long time, and * lookup fail rate no more than 1.5 * average * Group 2: No store or lookup failure in a little while or * success newer than failure * Group 3: All others */ List<Hash> selectFloodfillParticipants(Hash key, int maxNumRouters, KBucketSet<Hash> kbuckets) { Set<Hash> ignore = Collections.singleton(_context.routerHash()); return selectFloodfillParticipants(key, maxNumRouters, ignore, kbuckets); } /** .5 * PublishLocalRouterInfoJob.PUBLISH_DELAY */ private static final int NO_FAIL_STORE_OK = 10*60*1000; private static final int NO_FAIL_STORE_GOOD = NO_FAIL_STORE_OK * 2; /** this must be longer than the max streaming timeout (60s) */ private static final int NO_FAIL_LOOKUP_OK = 75*1000; private static final int NO_FAIL_LOOKUP_GOOD = NO_FAIL_LOOKUP_OK * 3; private static final int MAX_GOOD_RESP_TIME = 5*1000; // TODO we need better tracking of floodfill first-heard-about times // before we can do this. Old profiles get deleted. //private static final long HEARD_AGE = 48*60*60*1000L; private static final long HEARD_AGE = 60*60*1000L; private static final long INSTALL_AGE = HEARD_AGE + (60*60*1000L); /** * See above for description * List will not include our own hash * @param key the ROUTING key (NOT the original key) * @param toIgnore can be null * @param kbuckets now unused */ List<Hash> selectFloodfillParticipants(Hash key, int howMany, Set<Hash> toIgnore, KBucketSet<Hash> kbuckets) { if (toIgnore == null) { toIgnore = Collections.singleton(_context.routerHash()); } else if (!toIgnore.contains(_context.routerHash())) { // copy the Set so we don't confuse StoreJob toIgnore = new HashSet<Hash>(toIgnore); toIgnore.add(_context.routerHash()); } return selectFloodfillParticipantsIncludingUs(key, howMany, toIgnore, kbuckets); } /** * See above for description * List MAY CONTAIN our own hash unless included in toIgnore * @param key the ROUTING key (NOT the original key) * @param toIgnore can be null * @param kbuckets now unused */ private List<Hash> selectFloodfillParticipantsIncludingUs(Hash key, int howMany, Set<Hash> toIgnore, KBucketSet<Hash> kbuckets) { List<Hash> ffs = selectFloodfillParticipants(toIgnore, kbuckets); TreeSet<Hash> sorted = new TreeSet<Hash>(new XORComparator<Hash>(key)); sorted.addAll(ffs); List<Hash> rv = new ArrayList<Hash>(howMany); List<Hash> okff = new ArrayList<Hash>(ffs.size()); List<Hash> badff = new ArrayList<Hash>(ffs.size()); int found = 0; long now = _context.clock().now(); long installed = _context.getProperty("router.firstInstalled", 0L); boolean enforceHeard = installed > 0 && (now - installed) > INSTALL_AGE; double maxFailRate = 100; if (_context.router().getUptime() > 60*60*1000) { RateStat rs = _context.statManager().getRate("peer.failedLookupRate"); if (rs != null) { Rate r = rs.getRate(60*60*1000); if (r != null) { double currentFailRate = r.getAverageValue(); maxFailRate = Math.max(0.20d, 1.5d * currentFailRate); } } } // 5 == FNDF.MAX_TO_FLOOD + 1 int limit = Math.max(5, howMany); limit = Math.min(limit, ffs.size()); MaskedIPSet maskedIPs = new MaskedIPSet(limit * 3); // split sorted list into 3 sorted lists for (int i = 0; found < howMany && i < limit; i++) { Hash entry = sorted.first(); if (entry == null) break; // shouldn't happen sorted.remove(entry); // put anybody in the same /16 at the end RouterInfo info = _context.netDb().lookupRouterInfoLocally(entry); MaskedIPSet entryIPs = new MaskedIPSet(_context, entry, info, 2); boolean sameIP = false; for (String ip : entryIPs) { if (!maskedIPs.add(ip)) sameIP = true; } if (sameIP) { badff.add(entry); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Same /16, family, or port: " + entry); } else if (info != null && now - info.getPublished() > 3*60*60*1000) { badff.add(entry); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Old: " + entry); } else if (info != null && _context.commSystem().isInBadCountry(info)) { badff.add(entry); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Bad country: " + entry); } else if (info != null && info.getBandwidthTier().equals("L")) { badff.add(entry); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Slow: " + entry); } else { PeerProfile prof = _context.profileOrganizer().getProfile(entry); double maxGoodRespTime = MAX_GOOD_RESP_TIME; RateStat ttst = _context.statManager().getRate("tunnel.testSuccessTime"); if (ttst != null) { Rate tunnelTestTime = ttst.getRate(10*60*1000); if (tunnelTestTime != null && tunnelTestTime.getAverageValue() > 500) maxGoodRespTime = 2 * tunnelTestTime.getAverageValue(); } if (prof != null) { if (enforceHeard && prof.getFirstHeardAbout() > now - HEARD_AGE) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Bad (new): " + entry); badff.add(entry); } else if (prof.getDBHistory() != null) { if (prof.getDbResponseTime().getRate(10*60*1000).getAverageValue() < maxGoodRespTime && prof.getDBHistory().getLastStoreFailed() < now - NO_FAIL_STORE_GOOD && prof.getDBHistory().getLastLookupFailed() < now - NO_FAIL_LOOKUP_GOOD && prof.getDBHistory().getFailedLookupRate().getRate(60*60*1000).getAverageValue() < maxFailRate) { // good if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Good: " + entry); rv.add(entry); found++; } else if (prof.getDBHistory().getLastStoreFailed() <= prof.getDBHistory().getLastStoreSuccessful() || prof.getDBHistory().getLastLookupFailed() <= prof.getDBHistory().getLastLookupSuccessful() || (prof.getDBHistory().getLastStoreFailed() < now - NO_FAIL_STORE_OK && prof.getDBHistory().getLastLookupFailed() < now - NO_FAIL_LOOKUP_OK)) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("OK: " + entry); okff.add(entry); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Bad (DB): " + entry); badff.add(entry); } } else { // no DBHistory if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Bad (no hist): " + entry); badff.add(entry); } } else { // no profile if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Bad (no prof): " + entry); badff.add(entry); } } } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Good: " + rv + " OK: " + okff + " Bad: " + badff); // Put the ok floodfills after the good floodfills for (int i = 0; found < howMany && i < okff.size(); i++) { rv.add(okff.get(i)); found++; } // Put the "bad" floodfills after the ok floodfills for (int i = 0; found < howMany && i < badff.size(); i++) { rv.add(badff.get(i)); found++; } return rv; } private class FloodfillSelectionCollector implements SelectionCollector<Hash> { private final TreeSet<Hash> _sorted; private final List<Hash> _floodfillMatches; private final Hash _key; private final Set<Hash> _toIgnore; private int _matches; private final int _wanted; /** * Warning - may return our router hash - add to toIgnore if necessary * @param key the ROUTING key (NOT the original key) * @param toIgnore can be null */ public FloodfillSelectionCollector(Hash key, Set<Hash> toIgnore, int wanted) { _key = key; _sorted = new TreeSet<Hash>(new XORComparator<Hash>(key)); _floodfillMatches = new ArrayList<Hash>(8); _toIgnore = toIgnore; _wanted = wanted; } private static final int EXTRA_MATCHES = 100; public void add(Hash entry) { //if (_context.profileOrganizer().isFailing(entry)) // return; if ( (_toIgnore != null) && (_toIgnore.contains(entry)) ) return; //if (entry.equals(_context.routerHash())) // return; // it isn't direct, so who cares if they're banlisted //if (_context.banlist().isBanlisted(entry)) // return; // ... unless they are really bad if (_context.banlist().isBanlistedForever(entry)) return; RouterInfo info = _context.netDb().lookupRouterInfoLocally(entry); //if (info == null) // return; if (info != null && FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade.isFloodfill(info)) { _floodfillMatches.add(entry); } else { // This didn't really work because we stopped filling up when _wanted == _matches, // thus we don't add and sort the whole db to find the closest. // So we keep going for a while. This, together with periodically shuffling the // KBucket (see KBucketImpl.add()) makes exploration work well. if ( (!SearchJob.onlyQueryFloodfillPeers(_context)) && (_wanted + EXTRA_MATCHES > _matches) && (_key != null) ) { _sorted.add(entry); } else { return; } } _matches++; } /** get the first $howMany entries matching */ public List<Hash> get(int howMany) { return get(howMany, false); } /** * @return list of all with the 'f' mark in their netdb except for banlisted ones. * Will return non-floodfills only if there aren't enough floodfills. * * The list is in 3 groups - unsorted (shuffled) within each group. * Group 1: If preferConnected = true, the peers we are directly * connected to, that meet the group 2 criteria * Group 2: Netdb published less than 3h ago, no bad send in last 30m. * Group 3: All others * Group 4: Non-floodfills, sorted by closest-to-the-key */ public List<Hash> get(int howMany, boolean preferConnected) { List<Hash> rv = new ArrayList<Hash>(howMany); List<Hash> badff = new ArrayList<Hash>(howMany); List<Hash> unconnectedff = new ArrayList<Hash>(howMany); int found = 0; long now = _context.clock().now(); // Only add in "good" floodfills here... // Let's say published in last 3h and no failed sends in last 30m // (Forever banlisted ones are excluded in add() above) for (Iterator<Hash> iter = new RandomIterator<Hash>(_floodfillMatches); (found < howMany) && iter.hasNext(); ) { Hash entry =; RouterInfo info = _context.netDb().lookupRouterInfoLocally(entry); if (info != null && now - info.getPublished() > 3*60*60*1000) { badff.add(entry); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Skipping, published a while ago: " + entry); } else { PeerProfile prof = _context.profileOrganizer().getProfile(entry); if (prof != null && now - prof.getLastSendFailed() < 30*60*1000) { badff.add(entry); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Skipping, recent failed send: " + entry); } else if (preferConnected && !_context.commSystem().isEstablished(entry)) { unconnectedff.add(entry); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Skipping, unconnected: " + entry); } else { rv.add(entry); found++; } } } // Put the unconnected floodfills after the connected floodfills for (int i = 0; found < howMany && i < unconnectedff.size(); i++) { rv.add(unconnectedff.get(i)); found++; } // Put the "bad" floodfills at the end of the floodfills but before the kademlias for (int i = 0; found < howMany && i < badff.size(); i++) { rv.add(badff.get(i)); found++; } // are we corrupting _sorted here? for (int i = rv.size(); i < howMany; i++) { if (_sorted.isEmpty()) break; Hash entry = _sorted.first(); rv.add(entry); _sorted.remove(entry); } return rv; } public int size() { return _matches; } } /** * Floodfill peers only. Used only by HandleDatabaseLookupMessageJob to populate the DSRM. * UNLESS peersToIgnore contains Hash.FAKE_HASH (all zeros), in which case this is an exploratory * lookup, and the response should not include floodfills. * List MAY INCLUDE our own router - add to peersToIgnore if you don't want * * @param key the original key (NOT the routing key) * @param peersToIgnore can be null * @return List of Hash for the peers selected, ordered */ @Override List<Hash> selectNearest(Hash key, int maxNumRouters, Set<Hash> peersToIgnore, KBucketSet<Hash> kbuckets) { Hash rkey = _context.routingKeyGenerator().getRoutingKey(key); if (peersToIgnore != null && peersToIgnore.contains(Hash.FAKE_HASH)) { // return non-ff peersToIgnore.addAll(selectFloodfillParticipants(peersToIgnore, kbuckets)); // TODO this is very slow FloodfillSelectionCollector matches = new FloodfillSelectionCollector(rkey, peersToIgnore, maxNumRouters); kbuckets.getAll(matches); return matches.get(maxNumRouters); } else { // return ff return selectFloodfillParticipantsIncludingUs(rkey, maxNumRouters, peersToIgnore, kbuckets); } } }