package net.i2p.client.streaming.impl; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.i2p.I2PAppContext; import; //import net.i2p.util.ByteCache; import net.i2p.util.Log; /** * Stream that can be given messages out of order * yet present them in order. *<p> * I2PSession -> MessageHandler -> PacketHandler -> ConnectionPacketHandler -> MessageInputStream *<p> * This buffers unlimited data via messageReceived() - * limiting / blocking is done in ConnectionPacketHandler.receivePacket(). * */ class MessageInputStream extends InputStream { private final Log _log; /** * List of ByteArray objects of data ready to be read, * with the first ByteArray at index 0, and the next * actual byte to be read at _readyDataBlockIndex of * that array. * */ private final List<ByteArray> _readyDataBlocks; /** current byte index into _readyDataBlocks.get(0) */ private int _readyDataBlockIndex; /** highest message ID used in the readyDataBlocks */ private long _highestReadyBlockId; /** highest overall message ID */ private long _highestBlockId; /** * Message ID (Long) to ByteArray for blocks received * out of order when there are lower IDs not yet * received */ private final Map<Long, ByteArray> _notYetReadyBlocks; /** * if we have received a flag saying there won't be later messages, EOF * after we have cleared what we have received. */ private boolean _closeReceived; /** if we don't want any more data, ignore the data */ private boolean _locallyClosed; private int _readTimeout; private IOException _streamError; private long _readTotal; //private ByteCache _cache; private final int _maxMessageSize; private final int _maxWindowSize; private final int _maxBufferSize; private final byte[] _oneByte = new byte[1]; private final Object _dataLock; /** only in _notYetReadyBlocks, never in _readyDataBlocks */ private static final ByteArray DUMMY_BA = new ByteArray(null); private static final int MIN_READY_BUFFERS = 16; public MessageInputStream(I2PAppContext ctx, int maxMessageSize, int maxWindowSize, int maxBufferSize) { _log = ctx.logManager().getLog(MessageInputStream.class); _readyDataBlocks = new ArrayList<ByteArray>(4); _highestReadyBlockId = -1; _highestBlockId = -1; _readTimeout = -1; _notYetReadyBlocks = new HashMap<Long, ByteArray>(4); _dataLock = new Object(); _maxMessageSize = maxMessageSize; _maxWindowSize = maxWindowSize; _maxBufferSize = maxBufferSize; //_cache = ByteCache.getInstance(128, Packet.MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE); } /** What is the highest block ID we've completely received through? * @return highest data block ID completely received or -1 for none */ public long getHighestReadyBlockId() { synchronized (_dataLock) { return _highestReadyBlockId; } } /** * @return highest data block ID received or -1 for none */ public long getHighestBlockId() { synchronized (_dataLock) { return _highestBlockId; } } /** * Determine if this packet will fit in our buffering limits. * Always returns true for zero payloadSize. * * @return true if we have room. If false, do not call messageReceived() * @since 0.9.20 moved from ConnectionPacketHandler.receivePacket() so it can all be under one lock, * and we can efficiently do several checks */ public boolean canAccept(long messageId, int payloadSize) { if (payloadSize <= 0) return true; if (messageId < MIN_READY_BUFFERS) return true; synchronized (_dataLock) { // always accept if closed, will be processed elsewhere if (_locallyClosed) return true; // ready dup check // we always allow sequence numbers less than or equal to highest received if (messageId <= _highestReadyBlockId) return true; // shortcut test, assuming all ready and not ready blocks are max size, // to avoid iterating through all the ready blocks in getTotalReadySize() if ((_readyDataBlocks.size() + _notYetReadyBlocks.size()) * _maxMessageSize < _maxBufferSize) return true; // not ready dup check if (_notYetReadyBlocks.containsKey(Long.valueOf(messageId))) return true; // less efficient starting here // Here, for the purposes of calculating whether the input stream is full, // we assume all the not-ready blocks are the max message size. // This prevents us from getting DoSed by accepting unlimited out-of-order small messages int available = _maxBufferSize - getTotalReadySize(); if (available <= 0) { if (_log.shouldWarn()) _log.warn("Dropping message " + messageId + ", inbound buffer exceeded: available = " + available); return false; } // following code screws up if available < 0 int allowedBlocks = available / _maxMessageSize; if (messageId > _highestReadyBlockId + allowedBlocks) { if (_log.shouldWarn()) _log.warn("Dropping message " + messageId + ", inbound buffer exceeded: " + _highestReadyBlockId + '/' + (_highestReadyBlockId + allowedBlocks) + '/' + available); return false; } // This prevents us from getting DoSed by accepting unlimited in-order small messages if (_readyDataBlocks.size() >= 4 * _maxWindowSize) { if (_log.shouldWarn()) _log.warn("Dropping message " + messageId + ", too many ready blocks"); return false; } } return true; } /** * Retrieve the message IDs that are holes in our sequence - ones * past the highest ready ID and below the highest received message * ID. This may return null if there are no such IDs. * * @return array of message ID holes, or null if none */ public long[] getNacks() { synchronized (_dataLock) { return locked_getNacks(); } } private long[] locked_getNacks() { List<Long> ids = null; for (long i = _highestReadyBlockId + 1; i < _highestBlockId; i++) { Long l = Long.valueOf(i); if (_notYetReadyBlocks.containsKey(l)) { // ACK } else { if (ids == null) ids = new ArrayList<Long>(4); ids.add(l); } } if (ids != null) { long rv[] = new long[ids.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < rv.length; i++) rv[i] = ids.get(i).longValue(); return rv; } else { return null; } } /** * Adds the ack-through and nack fields to a packet we are building for transmission */ public void updateAcks(PacketLocal packet) { synchronized (_dataLock) { packet.setAckThrough(_highestBlockId); packet.setNacks(locked_getNacks()); } } /** * Ascending list of block IDs greater than the highest * ready block ID, or null if there aren't any. * * @return block IDs greater than the highest ready block ID, or null if there aren't any. */ /*** public long[] getOutOfOrderBlocks() { long blocks[] = null; synchronized (_dataLock) { int num = _notYetReadyBlocks.size(); if (num <= 0) return null; blocks = new long[num]; int i = 0; for (Long id : _notYetReadyBlocks.keySet()) { blocks[i++] = id.longValue(); } } Arrays.sort(blocks); return blocks; } ***/ /** how many blocks have we received that we still have holes before? * @return Count of blocks received that still have holes */ /*** public int getOutOfOrderBlockCount() { synchronized (_dataLock) { return _notYetReadyBlocks.size(); } } ***/ /** * how long a read() call should block (if less than 0, block indefinitely, * but if it is 0, do not block at all) * @return how long read calls should block, 0 for nonblocking, negative to indefinitely block */ public int getReadTimeout() { return _readTimeout; } /** * how long a read() call should block (if less than 0, block indefinitely, * but if it is 0, do not block at all) * @param timeout how long read calls should block, 0 for nonblocking, negative to indefinitely block */ public void setReadTimeout(int timeout) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Changing read timeout from " + _readTimeout + " to " + timeout); _readTimeout = timeout; } /** * There is no more data coming from the I2P side. * Does NOT clear pending data. * messageReceived() MUST have been called previously with the messageId of the CLOSE packet. */ public void closeReceived() { synchronized (_dataLock) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128); buf.append("Close received, ready bytes: "); long available = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _readyDataBlocks.size(); i++) available += _readyDataBlocks.get(i).getValid(); available -= _readyDataBlockIndex; buf.append(available); buf.append(" blocks: ").append(_readyDataBlocks.size()); buf.append(" not ready blocks: "); long notAvailable = 0; for (Long id : _notYetReadyBlocks.keySet()) { ByteArray ba = _notYetReadyBlocks.get(id); buf.append(id).append(" "); if (ba != null) notAvailable += ba.getValid(); } buf.append("not ready bytes: ").append(notAvailable); buf.append(" highest ready block: ").append(_highestReadyBlockId); _log.debug(buf.toString(), new Exception("closed")); } _closeReceived = true; _dataLock.notifyAll(); } } public void notifyActivity() { synchronized (_dataLock) { _dataLock.notifyAll(); } } /** * A new message has arrived - toss it on the appropriate queue (moving * previously pending messages to the ready queue if it fills the gap, etc). * This does no limiting of pending data - see canAccept() for limiting. * * @param messageId ID of the message * @param payload message payload, may be null or have null or zero-length data * @return true if this is a new packet, false if it is a dup */ public boolean messageReceived(long messageId, ByteArray payload) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("received msg ID " + messageId + " with " + (payload != null ? payload.getValid() + " bytes" : "no payload")); synchronized (_dataLock) { if (messageId <= _highestReadyBlockId) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"ignoring dup message " + messageId); _dataLock.notifyAll(); return false; // already received } if (messageId > _highestBlockId) _highestBlockId = messageId; if (_highestReadyBlockId + 1 == messageId) { if (!_locallyClosed && payload.getValid() > 0) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("accepting bytes as ready: " + payload.getValid()); _readyDataBlocks.add(payload); } _highestReadyBlockId = messageId; long cur = _highestReadyBlockId + 1; // now pull in any previously pending blocks ByteArray ba; while ((ba = _notYetReadyBlocks.remove(Long.valueOf(cur))) != null) { if (ba.getData() != null && ba.getValid() > 0) { _readyDataBlocks.add(ba); } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("making ready the block " + cur); cur++; _highestReadyBlockId++; } // FIXME Javadocs for setReadTimeout() say we will throw // an InterruptedIOException. // Java throws a SocketTimeoutException. // We do neither. } else { // _notYetReadyBlocks size is limited in canAccept() if (_locallyClosed) { if (_log.shouldInfo())"Message received on closed stream: " + messageId); // dont need the payload, just the msgId in order _notYetReadyBlocks.put(Long.valueOf(messageId), DUMMY_BA); } else { if (_log.shouldInfo())"Message is out of order: " + messageId); _notYetReadyBlocks.put(Long.valueOf(messageId), payload); } } _dataLock.notifyAll(); } return true; } /** * On a read timeout, this returns -1 * (doesn't throw SocketTimeoutException like Socket) * (doesn't throw InterruptedIOException like our javadocs say) */ public int read() throws IOException { int read = read(_oneByte, 0, 1); if (read <= 0) return -1; return _oneByte[0] & 0xff; } /** * On a read timeout, this returns 0 * (doesn't throw SocketTimeoutException like Socket) * (doesn't throw InterruptedIOException like our javadocs say) */ @Override public int read(byte target[]) throws IOException { return read(target, 0, target.length); } /** * On a read timeout, this returns 0 * (doesn't throw SocketTimeoutException like Socket) * (doesn't throw InterruptedIOException like our javadocs say) */ @Override public int read(byte target[], int offset, int length) throws IOException { int readTimeout = _readTimeout; long expiration; if (readTimeout > 0) expiration = readTimeout + System.currentTimeMillis(); else expiration = -1; synchronized (_dataLock) { if (_locallyClosed) throw new IOException("Already locally closed"); throwAnyError(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if ( (_readyDataBlocks.isEmpty()) && (i == 0) ) { // ok, we havent found anything, so lets block until we get // at least one byte while (_readyDataBlocks.isEmpty()) { if (_locallyClosed) throw new IOException("Already closed"); if ( (_notYetReadyBlocks.isEmpty()) && (_closeReceived) ) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"read(...," + offset + ", " + length + ")[" + i + "] got EOF after " + _readTotal + " " + toString()); return -1; } else { if (readTimeout < 0) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("read(...," + offset+", " + length+ ")[" + i + "] with no timeout: " + toString()); try { _dataLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { IOException ioe2 = new InterruptedIOException("Interrupted read"); ioe2.initCause(ie); throw ioe2; } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("read(...," + offset+", " + length+ ")[" + i + "] with no timeout complete: " + toString()); throwAnyError(); } else if (readTimeout > 0) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("read(...," + offset+", " + length+ ")[" + i + "] with timeout: " + readTimeout + ": " + toString()); try { _dataLock.wait(readTimeout); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { IOException ioe2 = new InterruptedIOException("Interrupted read"); ioe2.initCause(ie); throw ioe2; } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("read(...," + offset+", " + length+ ")[" + i + "] with timeout complete: " + readTimeout + ": " + toString()); throwAnyError(); } else { // readTimeout == 0 // noop, don't block if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("read(...," + offset+", " + length+ ")[" + i + "] with nonblocking setup: " + toString()); return i; } if (_readyDataBlocks.isEmpty()) { if (readTimeout > 0) { long remaining = expiration - System.currentTimeMillis(); if (remaining <= 0) { // FIXME Javadocs for setReadTimeout() say we will throw // an InterruptedIOException. // Java throws a SocketTimeoutException. // We do neither. if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"read(...," + offset+", " + length+ ")[" + i + "] expired: " + toString()); return i; } else { readTimeout = (int) remaining; } } } } } // we looped a few times then got data, so this pass doesnt count i--; } else if (_readyDataBlocks.isEmpty()) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("read(...," + offset+", " + length+ ")[" + i + "] no more ready blocks, returning"); return i; } else { // either was already ready, or we wait()ed and it arrived ByteArray cur = _readyDataBlocks.get(0); byte rv = cur.getData()[cur.getOffset()+_readyDataBlockIndex]; _readyDataBlockIndex++; if (cur.getValid() <= _readyDataBlockIndex) { _readyDataBlockIndex = 0; _readyDataBlocks.remove(0); } _readTotal++; target[offset + i] = rv; // rv < 0 ? rv + 256 : rv if ( (_readyDataBlockIndex <= 3) || (_readyDataBlockIndex >= cur.getValid() - 5) ) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("read(...," + offset+", " + length+ ")[" + i + "] after ready data: readyDataBlockIndex=" + _readyDataBlockIndex + " readyBlocks=" + _readyDataBlocks.size() + " readTotal=" + _readTotal); } //if (removed) // _cache.release(cur); } } // for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { } // synchronized (_dataLock) if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("read(byte[]," + offset + ',' + length + ") read fully; total read: " +_readTotal); return length; } @Override public int available() throws IOException { int numBytes = 0; synchronized (_dataLock) { if (_locallyClosed) throw new IOException("Already closed"); throwAnyError(); for (int i = 0; i < _readyDataBlocks.size(); i++) { ByteArray cur = _readyDataBlocks.get(i); if (i == 0) numBytes += cur.getValid() - _readyDataBlockIndex; else numBytes += cur.getValid(); } } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("available(): " + numBytes); return numBytes; } /** * How many bytes are queued up for reading (or sitting in the out-of-order * buffer)? * * @return Count of bytes waiting to be read */ /*** public int getTotalQueuedSize() { synchronized (_dataLock) { if (_locallyClosed) return 0; int numBytes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _readyDataBlocks.size(); i++) { ByteArray cur = _readyDataBlocks.get(i); if (i == 0) numBytes += cur.getValid() - _readyDataBlockIndex; else numBytes += cur.getValid(); } for (ByteArray cur : _notYetReadyBlocks.values()) { numBytes += cur.getValid(); } return numBytes; } } ***/ /** * Same as available() but doesn't throw IOE */ public int getTotalReadySize() { synchronized (_dataLock) { if (_locallyClosed) return 0; int numBytes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _readyDataBlocks.size(); i++) { ByteArray cur = _readyDataBlocks.get(i); numBytes += cur.getValid(); if (i == 0) numBytes -= _readyDataBlockIndex; } return numBytes; } } @Override public void close() { synchronized (_dataLock) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128); buf.append("close(), ready bytes: "); long available = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _readyDataBlocks.size(); i++) available += _readyDataBlocks.get(i).getValid(); available -= _readyDataBlockIndex; buf.append(available); buf.append(" blocks: ").append(_readyDataBlocks.size()); buf.append(" not ready blocks: "); long notAvailable = 0; for (Long id : _notYetReadyBlocks.keySet()) { ByteArray ba = _notYetReadyBlocks.get(id); buf.append(id).append(" "); if (ba != null) notAvailable += ba.getValid(); } buf.append("not ready bytes: ").append(notAvailable); buf.append(" highest ready block: ").append(_highestReadyBlockId); _log.debug(buf.toString()); } //while (_readyDataBlocks.size() > 0) // _cache.release((ByteArray)_readyDataBlocks.remove(0)); _readyDataBlocks.clear(); // we don't need the data, but we do need to keep track of the messageIds // received, so we can ACK accordingly for (ByteArray ba : _notYetReadyBlocks.values()) { ba.setData(null); //_cache.release(ba); } _locallyClosed = true; _dataLock.notifyAll(); } } /** * Stream b0rked, die with the given error * */ void streamErrorOccurred(IOException ioe) { synchronized (_dataLock) { if (_streamError == null) _streamError = ioe; _locallyClosed = true; _dataLock.notifyAll(); } } /** Caller must lock _dataLock */ private void throwAnyError() throws IOException { IOException ioe = _streamError; if (ioe != null) { _streamError = null; // constructor with cause not until Java 6 IOException ioe2 = new IOException("Input stream error"); ioe2.initCause(ioe); throw ioe2; } } }