package net.i2p.router.update; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import; import net.i2p.crypto.CertUtil; import net.i2p.crypto.SU3File; import net.i2p.crypto.TrustedUpdate; import; import; import; import net.i2p.router.Banlist; import net.i2p.router.Blocklist; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.router.RouterVersion; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.router.util.RFC822Date; import net.i2p.router.web.ConfigUpdateHandler; import net.i2p.router.web.NewsHelper; import net.i2p.update.*; import static net.i2p.update.UpdateType.*; import static net.i2p.update.UpdateMethod.*; import net.i2p.util.Addresses; import net.i2p.util.EepGet; import net.i2p.util.FileUtil; import net.i2p.util.Log; import net.i2p.util.PortMapper; import net.i2p.util.ReusableGZIPInputStream; import net.i2p.util.SecureFile; import net.i2p.util.SecureFileOutputStream; import net.i2p.util.SSLEepGet; import net.i2p.util.SystemVersion; import net.i2p.util.Translate; import net.i2p.util.VersionComparator; import org.cybergarage.xml.Node; /** * Task to fetch updates to the news.xml, and to keep * track of whether that has an announcement for a new version. * * @since 0.9.4 moved from NewsFetcher and make an Updater */ class NewsFetcher extends UpdateRunner { private String _lastModified; private long _newLastModified; private final File _newsFile; private final File _tempFile; /** is the news newer */ private boolean _isNewer; private boolean _success; private static final String TEMP_NEWS_FILE = "news.xml.temp"; static final String PROP_BLOCKLIST_TIME = "router.blocklistVersion"; private static final String BLOCKLIST_DIR = "docs/feed/blocklist"; private static final String BLOCKLIST_FILE = "blocklist.txt"; public NewsFetcher(RouterContext ctx, ConsoleUpdateManager mgr, List<URI> uris) { super(ctx, mgr, NEWS, uris); _newsFile = new File(ctx.getRouterDir(), NewsHelper.NEWS_FILE); _tempFile = new File(ctx.getTempDir(), "tmp-" + ctx.random().nextLong() + TEMP_NEWS_FILE); long lastMod = NewsHelper.lastUpdated(ctx); if (lastMod > 0) _lastModified = RFC822Date.to822Date(lastMod); } @Override public void run() { _isRunning = true; try { fetchNews(); } catch (Throwable t) { _mgr.notifyTaskFailed(this, "", t); } finally { _mgr.notifyCheckComplete(this, _isNewer, _success); _isRunning = false; } } public void fetchNews() { boolean shouldProxy = _context.getProperty(ConfigUpdateHandler.PROP_SHOULD_PROXY_NEWS, ConfigUpdateHandler.DEFAULT_SHOULD_PROXY_NEWS); String proxyHost = _context.getProperty(ConfigUpdateHandler.PROP_PROXY_HOST, ConfigUpdateHandler.DEFAULT_PROXY_HOST); int proxyPort = ConfigUpdateHandler.proxyPort(_context); if (shouldProxy && proxyPort == ConfigUpdateHandler.DEFAULT_PROXY_PORT_INT && proxyHost.equals(ConfigUpdateHandler.DEFAULT_PROXY_HOST) && _context.portMapper().getPort(PortMapper.SVC_HTTP_PROXY) < 0) { if (_log.shouldWarn()) _log.warn("Cannot fetch news - HTTP client tunnel not running"); return; } if (shouldProxy && _context.commSystem().isDummy()) { if (_log.shouldWarn()) _log.warn("Cannot fetch news - VM Comm system"); return; } for (URI uri : _urls) { _currentURI = addLang(uri); String newsURL = _currentURI.toString(); if (_tempFile.exists()) _tempFile.delete(); try { EepGet get; if (shouldProxy) get = new EepGet(_context, true, proxyHost, proxyPort, 0, _tempFile.getAbsolutePath(), newsURL, true, null, _lastModified); else if ("https".equals(uri.getScheme())) // no constructor w/ last mod check get = new SSLEepGet(_context, _tempFile.getAbsolutePath(), newsURL); else get = new EepGet(_context, false, null, 0, 0, _tempFile.getAbsolutePath(), newsURL, true, null, _lastModified); get.addStatusListener(this); long start = _context.clock().now(); // will be adjusted in headerReceived() below _newLastModified = start; if (get.fetch()) { int status = get.getStatusCode(); if (status == 200 || status == 304) { Map<String, String> opts = new HashMap<String, String>(2); opts.put(NewsHelper.PROP_LAST_CHECKED, Long.toString(start)); if (status == 200 && _isNewer) opts.put(NewsHelper.PROP_LAST_UPDATED, Long.toString(_newLastModified)); _context.router().saveConfig(opts, null); return; } } } catch (Throwable t) { _log.error("Error fetching the news", t); } } } /** * Add a query param for the local language to get translated news. * Unchanged if disabled by property, if language is english, * or if URI already contains a language parameter * * @since 0.9.21 */ private URI addLang(URI uri) { if (!_context.getBooleanPropertyDefaultTrue(NewsHelper.PROP_TRANSLATE)) return uri; String lang = Translate.getLanguage(_context); if (lang.equals("en")) return uri; String query = uri.getRawQuery(); if (query != null && (query.startsWith("lang=") || query.contains("&lang="))) return uri; String url = uri.toString(); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append(url); if (query != null) buf.append("&lang="); else buf.append("?lang="); buf.append(lang); String co = Translate.getCountry(_context); if (co.length() > 0) buf.append('_').append(co); try { return new URI(buf.toString()); } catch (URISyntaxException use) { return uri; } } // Fake XML parsing // Line must contain this, and full entry must be on one line private static final String VERSION_PREFIX = "<i2p.release "; // all keys mapped to lower case by parseArgs() private static final String VERSION_KEY = "version"; // you have to be at least this version to update to the new version private static final String MIN_VERSION_KEY = "minversion"; private static final String MIN_JAVA_VERSION_KEY = "minjavaversion"; private static final String SUD_KEY = "sudtorrent"; private static final String SU2_KEY = "su2torrent"; private static final String SU3_KEY = "su3torrent"; private static final String CLEARNET_SUD_KEY = "sudclearnet"; private static final String CLEARNET_SU2_KEY = "su2clearnet"; private static final String CLEARNET_HTTP_SU3_KEY = "su3clearnet"; private static final String CLEARNET_HTTPS_SU3_KEY = "su3ssl"; private static final String I2P_SUD_KEY = "sudi2p"; private static final String I2P_SU2_KEY = "su2i2p"; /** * Parse the installed (not the temp) news file for the latest version. * TODO: Real XML parsing * TODO: Check minVersion, use backup URLs specified * TODO: SU3 */ void checkForUpdates() { FileInputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(_newsFile); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128); while (DataHelper.readLine(in, buf)) { int index = buf.indexOf(VERSION_PREFIX); if (index >= 0) { Map<String, String> args = parseArgs(buf.substring(index+VERSION_PREFIX.length())); String ver = args.get(VERSION_KEY); if (ver != null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Found version: [" + ver + "]"); if (TrustedUpdate.needsUpdate(RouterVersion.VERSION, ver)) { if (NewsHelper.isUpdateDisabled(_context)) { String msg = _mgr._t("In-network updates disabled. Check package manager."); _log.logAlways(Log.WARN, "Cannot update to version " + ver + ": " + msg); _mgr.notifyVersionConstraint(this, _currentURI, ROUTER_SIGNED, "", ver, msg); return; } if (NewsHelper.isBaseReadonly(_context)) { String msg = _mgr._t("No write permission for I2P install directory."); _log.logAlways(Log.WARN, "Cannot update to version " + ver + ": " + msg); _mgr.notifyVersionConstraint(this, _currentURI, ROUTER_SIGNED, "", ver, msg); return; } if (!FileUtil.isPack200Supported()) { String msg = _mgr._t("No Pack200 support in Java runtime."); _log.logAlways(Log.WARN, "Cannot update to version " + ver + ": " + msg); _mgr.notifyVersionConstraint(this, _currentURI, ROUTER_SIGNED, "", ver, msg); return; } if (!ConfigUpdateHandler.USE_SU3_UPDATE) { String msg = _mgr._t("No update certificates installed."); _log.logAlways(Log.WARN, "Cannot update to version " + ver + ": " + msg); _mgr.notifyVersionConstraint(this, _currentURI, ROUTER_SIGNED, "", ver, msg); return; } String minRouter = args.get(MIN_VERSION_KEY); if (minRouter != null) { if (VersionComparator.comp(RouterVersion.VERSION, minRouter) < 0) { String msg = _mgr._t("You must first update to version {0}", minRouter); _log.logAlways(Log.WARN, "Cannot update to version " + ver + ": " + msg); _mgr.notifyVersionConstraint(this, _currentURI, ROUTER_SIGNED, "", ver, msg); return; } } String minJava = args.get(MIN_JAVA_VERSION_KEY); if (minJava != null) { String ourJava = System.getProperty("java.version"); if (VersionComparator.comp(ourJava, minJava) < 0) { String msg = _mgr._t("Requires Java version {0} but installed Java version is {1}", minJava, ourJava); _log.logAlways(Log.WARN, "Cannot update to version " + ver + ": " + msg); _mgr.notifyVersionConstraint(this, _currentURI, ROUTER_SIGNED, "", ver, msg); return; } } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Our version is out of date, update!"); // TODO if minversion > our version, continue // and look for a second entry with clearnet URLs // TODO clearnet URLs, notify with HTTP_CLEARNET and/or HTTPS_CLEARNET Map<UpdateMethod, List<URI>> sourceMap = new HashMap<UpdateMethod, List<URI>>(4); // Must do su3 first //if (ConfigUpdateHandler.USE_SU3_UPDATE) { sourceMap.put(HTTP, _mgr.getUpdateURLs(ROUTER_SIGNED_SU3, "", HTTP)); addMethod(TORRENT, args.get(SU3_KEY), sourceMap); addMethod(HTTP_CLEARNET, args.get(CLEARNET_HTTP_SU3_KEY), sourceMap); addMethod(HTTPS_CLEARNET, args.get(CLEARNET_HTTPS_SU3_KEY), sourceMap); // notify about all sources at once _mgr.notifyVersionAvailable(this, _currentURI, ROUTER_SIGNED_SU3, "", sourceMap, ver, ""); sourceMap.clear(); //} // now do sud/su2 - DISABLED //sourceMap.put(HTTP, _mgr.getUpdateURLs(ROUTER_SIGNED, "", HTTP)); //String key = FileUtil.isPack200Supported() ? SU2_KEY : SUD_KEY; //addMethod(TORRENT, args.get(key), sourceMap); // notify about all sources at once //_mgr.notifyVersionAvailable(this, _currentURI, ROUTER_SIGNED, // "", sourceMap, ver, ""); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Our version is current"); } return; } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("No version in " + buf.toString()); } } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("No match in " + buf.toString()); } buf.setLength(0); } } catch (IOException ioe) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Error checking the news for an update", ioe); return; } finally { if (in != null) try { in.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("No version found in news.xml file"); } /** * Modified from LoadClientAppsJob and I2PTunnelHTTPClientBase * All keys are mapped to lower case. * * @param args non-null * @since 0.9.4 */ private static Map<String, String> parseArgs(String args) { Map<String, String> rv = new HashMap<String, String>(8); char data[] = args.toCharArray(); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(32); boolean isQuoted = false; String key = null; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { switch (data[i]) { case '\'': case '"': if (isQuoted) { // keys never quoted if (key != null) { rv.put(key, buf.toString().trim()); key = null; } buf.setLength(0); } isQuoted = !isQuoted; break; case ' ': case '\r': case '\n': case '\t': case ',': // whitespace - if we're in a quoted section, keep this as part of the quote, // otherwise use it as a delim if (isQuoted) { buf.append(data[i]); } else { if (key != null) { rv.put(key, buf.toString().trim()); key = null; } buf.setLength(0); } break; case '=': if (isQuoted) { buf.append(data[i]); } else { key = buf.toString().trim().toLowerCase(Locale.US); buf.setLength(0); } break; default: buf.append(data[i]); break; } } if (key != null) rv.put(key, buf.toString().trim()); return rv; } private static List<URI> tokenize(String URLs) { StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(URLs, " ,\r\n"); List<URI> rv = new ArrayList<URI>(); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { try { rv.add(new URI(tok.nextToken().trim())); } catch (URISyntaxException use) {} } return rv; } /** * Parse URLs and add to the map * @param urls may be null * @since 0.9.9 */ private void addMethod(UpdateMethod method, String urls, Map<UpdateMethod, List<URI>> map) { if (urls != null) { List<URI> uris = tokenize(urls); if (!uris.isEmpty()) { Collections.shuffle(uris, _context.random()); map.put(method, uris); } } } /** override to prevent status update */ @Override public void bytesTransferred(long alreadyTransferred, int currentWrite, long bytesTransferred, long bytesRemaining, String url) {} /** * Overriden to get the last-modified header */ @Override public void headerReceived(String url, int attemptNum, String key, String val) { if ("Last-Modified".equals(key)) { long lm = RFC822Date.parse822Date(val); // _newLastModified was set to start time in fetchNews() above if (lm > 0 && lm < _newLastModified) _newLastModified = lm; } } /** * Copies the file from temp dir to the news location, * calls checkForUpdates() */ @Override public void transferComplete(long alreadyTransferred, long bytesTransferred, long bytesRemaining, String url, String outputFile, boolean notModified) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"News fetched from " + url + " with " + (alreadyTransferred+bytesTransferred)); if (_tempFile.exists() && _tempFile.length() > 0) { File from; // sud/su2 disabled //if (url.endsWith(".su3") || url.contains(".su3?")) { try { from = processSU3(); } catch (IOException ioe) { _log.error("Failed to extract the news file", ioe); _tempFile.delete(); return; } //} else { // from = _tempFile; //} boolean copied = FileUtil.rename(from, _newsFile); _tempFile.delete(); if (copied) { // this is either the start time or the Last-Modified header String newVer = Long.toString(_newLastModified); // fixme su3 version ? but it will be older than file version, which is older than now. _mgr.notifyVersionAvailable(this, _currentURI, NEWS, "", HTTP, null, newVer, ""); _isNewer = true; checkForUpdates(); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR)) _log.error("Failed to copy the news file!"); } } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Transfer complete, but no file? - probably 304 Not Modified"); } _success = true; } /** override to prevent status update */ @Override public void transferFailed(String url, long bytesTransferred, long bytesRemaining, int currentAttempt) {} /** * Process the fetched su3 news file _tempFile. * Handles 3 types of contained files: xml.gz (preferred), xml, and html (old format fake xml) * * @return the temp file contining the HTML-format news.xml * @since 0.9.17 */ private File processSU3() throws IOException { SU3File su3 = new SU3File(_context, _tempFile); // real xml, maybe gz, maybe not File to1 = new File(_context.getTempDir(), "tmp-" + _context.random().nextInt() + ".xml"); // real xml File to2 = new File(_context.getTempDir(), "tmp2-" + _context.random().nextInt() + ".xml"); try { su3.verifyAndMigrate(to1); int type = su3.getFileType(); if (su3.getContentType() != SU3File.CONTENT_NEWS) throw new IOException("bad content type: " + su3.getContentType()); if (type == SU3File.TYPE_HTML) return to1; if (type != SU3File.TYPE_XML && type != SU3File.TYPE_XML_GZ) throw new IOException("bad file type: " + type); File xml; if (type == SU3File.TYPE_XML_GZ) { gunzip(to1, to2); xml = to2; to1.delete(); } else { xml = to1; } NewsXMLParser parser = new NewsXMLParser(_context); Node root = parser.parse(xml); xml.delete(); NewsMetadata data = parser.getMetadata(); List<NewsEntry> entries = parser.getEntries(); // add entries to the news manager ClientAppManager cmgr = _context.clientAppManager(); if (cmgr != null) { NewsManager nmgr = (NewsManager) cmgr.getRegisteredApp(NewsManager.APP_NAME); if (nmgr != null) { nmgr.addEntries(entries); List<Node> nodes = NewsXMLParser.getNodes(root, "entry"); nmgr.storeEntries(nodes); } } // Persist any new CRL entries List<CRLEntry> crlEntries = parser.getCRLEntries(); if (crlEntries != null) persistCRLEntries(crlEntries); else"No CRL entries found in news feed"); // Block any new blocklist entries BlocklistEntries ble = parser.getBlocklistEntries(); if (ble != null && ble.isVerified()) processBlocklistEntries(ble); else"No blocklist entries found in news feed"); // store entries and metadata in old news.xml format String sudVersion = su3.getVersionString(); String signingKeyName = su3.getSignerString(); File to3 = new File(_context.getTempDir(), "tmp3-" + _context.random().nextInt() + ".xml"); outputOldNewsXML(data, entries, sudVersion, signingKeyName, to3); return to3; } finally { to2.delete(); } } /** * Gunzip the file * * @since 0.9.17 */ private static void gunzip(File from, File to) throws IOException { ReusableGZIPInputStream in = ReusableGZIPInputStream.acquire(); OutputStream out = null; try { in.initialize(new FileInputStream(from)); out = new SecureFileOutputStream(to); DataHelper.copy(in, out); } finally { if (out != null) try { out.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} ReusableGZIPInputStream.release(in); } } /** * Output any updated CRL entries * * @since 0.9.26 */ private void persistCRLEntries(List<CRLEntry> entries) { File dir = new SecureFile(_context.getConfigDir(), "certificates"); if (!dir.exists() && !dir.mkdir()) { _log.error("Failed to create CRL directory " + dir); return; } dir = new SecureFile(dir, "revocations"); if (!dir.exists() && !dir.mkdir()) { _log.error("Failed to create CRL directory " + dir); return; } int i = 0; for (CRLEntry e : entries) { if ( == null || == null) { if (_log.shouldWarn()) _log.warn("Bad CRL entry received"); continue; } byte[] bid = DataHelper.getUTF8(; byte[] hash = new byte[32]; _context.sha().calculateHash(bid, 0, bid.length, hash, 0); String name = "crl-" + Base64.encode(hash) + ".crl"; File f = new File(dir, name); if (f.exists() && f.lastModified() >= e.updated) continue; OutputStream out = null; try { byte[] data = DataHelper.getUTF8(; // test for validity CertUtil.loadCRL(new ByteArrayInputStream(data)); out = new SecureFileOutputStream(f); out.write(data); } catch (GeneralSecurityException gse) { _log.error("Bad CRL", gse); } catch (IOException ioe) { _log.error("Failed to write CRL", ioe); } finally { if (out != null) try { out.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} } f.setLastModified(e.updated); i++; } if (i > 0) _log.logAlways(Log.WARN, "Stored " + i + " new CRL " + (i > 1 ? "entries" : "entry")); } /** * Process blocklist entries * * @since 0.9.28 */ private void processBlocklistEntries(BlocklistEntries ble) { long oldTime = _context.getProperty(PROP_BLOCKLIST_TIME, 0L); if (ble.updated <= oldTime) { if (_log.shouldWarn()) _log.warn("Not processing blocklist " + new Date(ble.updated) + ", already have " + new Date(oldTime)); return; } Blocklist bl = _context.blocklist(); Banlist ban = _context.banlist(); DateFormat fmt = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT); fmt.setTimeZone(SystemVersion.getSystemTimeZone(_context)); String reason = "Blocklist feed " + new Date(ble.updated); int banned = 0; for (Iterator<String> iter = ble.entries.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String s =; if (s.length() == 44) { byte[] b = Base64.decode(s); if (b == null || b.length != Hash.HASH_LENGTH) { iter.remove(); continue; } Hash h = Hash.create(b); if (!ban.isBanlistedForever(h)) ban.banlistRouterForever(h, reason); } else { byte[] ip = Addresses.getIP(s); if (ip == null) { iter.remove(); continue; } if (!bl.isBlocklisted(ip)) bl.add(ip); } if (++banned >= BlocklistEntries.MAX_ENTRIES) { // prevent somebody from destroying the whole network break; } } for (String s : ble.removes) { if (s.length() == 44) { byte[] b = Base64.decode(s); if (b == null || b.length != Hash.HASH_LENGTH) continue; Hash h = Hash.create(b); if (ban.isBanlistedForever(h)) ban.unbanlistRouter(h); } else { byte[] ip = Addresses.getIP(s); if (ip == null) continue; if (bl.isBlocklisted(ip)) bl.remove(ip); } } // Save the blocks. We do not save the unblocks. File f = new SecureFile(_context.getConfigDir(), BLOCKLIST_DIR); f.mkdirs(); f = new File(f, BLOCKLIST_FILE); boolean fail = false; BufferedWriter out = null; try { out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new SecureFileOutputStream(f), "UTF-8")); out.write("# "); out.write(ble.supdated); out.newLine(); banned = 0; for (String s : ble.entries) { s = s.replace(':', ';'); // IPv6 out.write(reason); out.write(':'); out.write(s); out.newLine(); if (++banned >= BlocklistEntries.MAX_ENTRIES) break; } } catch (IOException ioe) { _log.error("Error writing blocklist", ioe); fail = true; } finally { if (out != null) try { out.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} } if (!fail) { f.setLastModified(ble.updated); String upd = Long.toString(ble.updated); _context.router().saveConfig(PROP_BLOCKLIST_TIME, upd); _mgr.notifyVersionAvailable(this, _currentURI, BLOCKLIST, "", HTTP, null, upd, ""); } if (_log.shouldWarn()) _log.warn("Processed " + ble.entries.size() + " blocks and " + ble.removes.size() + " unblocks from news feed"); } /** * Output in the old format. * * @since 0.9.17 */ private void outputOldNewsXML(NewsMetadata data, List<NewsEntry> entries, String sudVersion, String signingKeyName, File to) throws IOException { NewsMetadata.Release latestRelease = data.releases.get(0); Writer out = null; try { out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new SecureFileOutputStream(to), "UTF-8")); out.write("<!--\n"); // update metadata in old format out.write("<i2p.release "); if (latestRelease.i2pVersion != null) out.write(" version=\"" + latestRelease.i2pVersion + '"'); if (latestRelease.minVersion != null) out.write(" minVersion=\"" + latestRelease.minVersion + '"'); if (latestRelease.minJavaVersion != null) out.write(" minJavaVersion=\"" + latestRelease.minJavaVersion + '"'); String su3Torrent = ""; String su2Torrent = ""; for (NewsMetadata.Update update : latestRelease.updates) { if (update.torrent != null) { if ("su3".equals(update.type)) su3Torrent = update.torrent; else if ("su2".equals(update.type)) su2Torrent = update.torrent; } } if (!su2Torrent.isEmpty()) out.write(" su2Torrent=\"" + su2Torrent + '"'); if (!su3Torrent.isEmpty()) out.write(" su3Torrent=\"" + su3Torrent + '"'); out.write("/>\n"); // su3 and feed metadata for debugging out.write("** News version:\t" + DataHelper.stripHTML(sudVersion) + '\n'); out.write("** Signed by:\t" + signingKeyName + '\n'); out.write("** Feed:\t" + DataHelper.stripHTML(data.feedTitle) + '\n'); out.write("** Feed ID:\t" + DataHelper.stripHTML(data.feedID) + '\n'); out.write("** Feed Date:\t" + (new Date(data.feedUpdated)) + '\n'); out.write("-->\n"); if (entries == null) return; DateFormat fmt = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT); // the router sets the JVM time zone to UTC but saves the original here so we can get it fmt.setTimeZone(SystemVersion.getSystemTimeZone(_context)); for (NewsEntry e : entries) { if (e.title == null || e.content == null) continue; Date date = new Date(e.updated); out.write("<!-- Entry Date: " + date + " -->\n"); out.write("<h3>"); out.write(fmt.format(date)); out.write(": "); out.write(e.title); out.write("</h3>\n"); out.write(e.content); out.write("\n\n"); } } finally { if (out != null) try { out.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} } } }