package net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia; /* * free (adj.): unencumbered; not under the control of others * Written by jrandom in 2003 and released into the public domain * with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. * It probably won't make your computer catch on fire, or eat * your children, but it might. Use at your own risk. * */ import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import net.i2p.crypto.SigAlgo; import net.i2p.crypto.SigType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.kademlia.KBucketSet; import net.i2p.kademlia.RejectTrimmer; import net.i2p.kademlia.SelectionCollector; import net.i2p.router.Job; import net.i2p.router.NetworkDatabaseFacade; import net.i2p.router.Router; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.router.crypto.FamilyKeyCrypto; import net.i2p.router.networkdb.PublishLocalRouterInfoJob; import net.i2p.router.networkdb.reseed.ReseedChecker; import net.i2p.router.peermanager.PeerProfile; import net.i2p.util.ConcurrentHashSet; import net.i2p.util.Log; /** * Kademlia based version of the network database. * Never instantiated directly; see FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade. */ public class KademliaNetworkDatabaseFacade extends NetworkDatabaseFacade { protected final Log _log; private KBucketSet<Hash> _kb; // peer hashes sorted into kbuckets, but within kbuckets, unsorted private DataStore _ds; // hash to DataStructure mapping, persisted when necessary /** where the data store is pushing the data */ private String _dbDir; // set of Hash objects that we should search on (to fill up a bucket, not to get data) private final Set<Hash> _exploreKeys = new ConcurrentHashSet<Hash>(64); private boolean _initialized; /** Clock independent time of when we started up */ private long _started; private StartExplorersJob _exploreJob; /** when was the last time an exploration found something new? */ private long _lastExploreNew; protected final PeerSelector _peerSelector; protected final RouterContext _context; private final ReseedChecker _reseedChecker; private volatile long _lastRIPublishTime; private NegativeLookupCache _negativeCache; protected final int _networkID; /** * Map of Hash to RepublishLeaseSetJob for leases we'realready managing. * This is added to when we create a new RepublishLeaseSetJob, and the values are * removed when the job decides to stop running. * */ private final Map<Hash, RepublishLeaseSetJob> _publishingLeaseSets; /** * Hash of the key currently being searched for, pointing the SearchJob that * is currently operating. Subsequent requests for that same key are simply * added on to the list of jobs fired on success/failure * */ private final Map<Hash, SearchJob> _activeRequests; /** * The search for the given key is no longer active * */ void searchComplete(Hash key) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("search Complete: " + key); synchronized (_activeRequests) { _activeRequests.remove(key); } } /** * for the 10 minutes after startup, don't fail db entries so that if we were * offline for a while, we'll have a chance of finding some live peers with the * previous references */ protected final static long DONT_FAIL_PERIOD = 10*60*1000; /** don't probe or broadcast data, just respond and search when explicitly needed */ private static final boolean QUIET = false; public final static String PROP_DB_DIR = "router.networkDatabase.dbDir"; public final static String DEFAULT_DB_DIR = "netDb"; /** Reseed if below this. * @since 0.9.4 */ static final int MIN_RESEED = ReseedChecker.MINIMUM; /** if we have less than this many routers left, don't drop any more, * even if they're failing or doing bad stuff. * As of 0.9.4, we make this LOWER than the min for reseeding, so * a reseed will be forced if necessary. */ protected final static int MIN_REMAINING_ROUTERS = MIN_RESEED - 10; /** * limits for accepting a dbDtore of a router (unless we dont * know anyone or just started up) -- see validate() below */ private final static long ROUTER_INFO_EXPIRATION = 27*60*60*1000l; private final static long ROUTER_INFO_EXPIRATION_MIN = 90*60*1000l; private final static long ROUTER_INFO_EXPIRATION_SHORT = 75*60*1000l; private final static long ROUTER_INFO_EXPIRATION_FLOODFILL = 60*60*1000l; private final static long ROUTER_INFO_EXPIRATION_INTRODUCED = 45*60*1000l; private final static long EXPLORE_JOB_DELAY = 10*60*1000l; /** this needs to be long enough to give us time to start up, but less than 20m (when we start accepting tunnels and could be a IBGW) Actually no, we need this soon if we are a new router or other routers have forgotten about us, else we can't build IB exploratory tunnels. Unused. */ protected final static long PUBLISH_JOB_DELAY = 5*60*1000l; static final int MAX_EXPLORE_QUEUE = 128; /** * kad K * Was 500 in old implementation but that was with B ~= -8! */ private static final int BUCKET_SIZE = 24; private static final int KAD_B = 4; public KademliaNetworkDatabaseFacade(RouterContext context) { _context = context; _log = _context.logManager().getLog(getClass()); _networkID = context.router().getNetworkID(); _peerSelector = createPeerSelector(); _publishingLeaseSets = new HashMap<Hash, RepublishLeaseSetJob>(8); _activeRequests = new HashMap<Hash, SearchJob>(8); _reseedChecker = new ReseedChecker(context); context.statManager().createRateStat("netDb.lookupDeferred", "how many lookups are deferred?", "NetworkDatabase", new long[] { 60*60*1000 }); context.statManager().createRateStat("netDb.exploreKeySet", "how many keys are queued for exploration?", "NetworkDatabase", new long[] { 60*60*1000 }); context.statManager().createRateStat("netDb.negativeCache", "Aborted lookup, already cached", "NetworkDatabase", new long[] { 60*60*1000l }); // following are for StoreJob context.statManager().createRateStat("netDb.storeRouterInfoSent", "How many routerInfo store messages have we sent?", "NetworkDatabase", new long[] { 60*60*1000l }); context.statManager().createRateStat("netDb.storeLeaseSetSent", "How many leaseSet store messages have we sent?", "NetworkDatabase", new long[] { 60*60*1000l }); context.statManager().createRateStat("netDb.storePeers", "How many peers each netDb must be sent to before success?", "NetworkDatabase", new long[] { 60*60*1000l }); context.statManager().createRateStat("netDb.storeFailedPeers", "How many peers each netDb must be sent to before failing completely?", "NetworkDatabase", new long[] { 60*60*1000l }); context.statManager().createRateStat("netDb.ackTime", "How long does it take for a peer to ack a netDb store?", "NetworkDatabase", new long[] { 60*60*1000l }); context.statManager().createRateStat("netDb.replyTimeout", "How long after a netDb send does the timeout expire (when the peer doesn't reply in time)?", "NetworkDatabase", new long[] { 60*60*1000l }); // following is for RepublishLeaseSetJob context.statManager().createRateStat("netDb.republishLeaseSetCount", "How often we republish a leaseSet?", "NetworkDatabase", new long[] { 60*60*1000l }); // following is for DatabaseStoreMessage context.statManager().createRateStat("netDb.DSMAllZeros", "Store with zero key", "NetworkDatabase", new long[] { 60*60*1000l }); // following is for HandleDatabaseLookupMessageJob context.statManager().createRateStat("netDb.DLMAllZeros", "Lookup with zero key", "NetworkDatabase", new long[] { 60*60*1000l }); } @Override public boolean isInitialized() { return _initialized && _ds != null && _ds.isInitialized(); } protected PeerSelector createPeerSelector() { return new PeerSelector(_context); } public PeerSelector getPeerSelector() { return _peerSelector; } /** @since 0.9 */ @Override public ReseedChecker reseedChecker() { return _reseedChecker; } KBucketSet<Hash> getKBuckets() { return _kb; } DataStore getDataStore() { return _ds; } long getLastExploreNewDate() { return _lastExploreNew; } void setLastExploreNewDate(long when) { _lastExploreNew = when; if (_exploreJob != null) _exploreJob.updateExploreSchedule(); } /** @return unmodifiable set */ public Set<Hash> getExploreKeys() { if (!_initialized) return Collections.emptySet(); return Collections.unmodifiableSet(_exploreKeys); } public void removeFromExploreKeys(Collection<Hash> toRemove) { if (!_initialized) return; _exploreKeys.removeAll(toRemove); _context.statManager().addRateData("netDb.exploreKeySet", _exploreKeys.size()); } public void queueForExploration(Collection<Hash> keys) { if (!_initialized) return; for (Iterator<Hash> iter = keys.iterator(); iter.hasNext() && _exploreKeys.size() < MAX_EXPLORE_QUEUE; ) { _exploreKeys.add(; } _context.statManager().addRateData("netDb.exploreKeySet", _exploreKeys.size()); } public synchronized void shutdown() { _initialized = false; if (_kb != null) _kb.clear(); // don't null out _kb, it can cause NPEs in concurrent operations //_kb = null; if (_ds != null) _ds.stop(); // don't null out _ds, it can cause NPEs in concurrent operations //_ds = null; _exploreKeys.clear(); // hope this doesn't cause an explosion, it shouldn't. // _exploreKeys = null; _negativeCache.clear(); } public synchronized void restart() { _dbDir = _context.router().getConfigSetting(PROP_DB_DIR); if (_dbDir == null) {"No DB dir specified [" + PROP_DB_DIR + "], using [" + DEFAULT_DB_DIR + "]"); _dbDir = DEFAULT_DB_DIR; } _ds.restart(); _exploreKeys.clear(); _initialized = true; RouterInfo ri = _context.router().getRouterInfo(); publish(ri); } @Override public void rescan() { if (isInitialized()) _ds.rescan(); } String getDbDir() { return _dbDir; } public synchronized void startup() {"Starting up the kademlia network database"); RouterInfo ri = _context.router().getRouterInfo(); String dbDir = _context.getProperty(PROP_DB_DIR, DEFAULT_DB_DIR); _kb = new KBucketSet<Hash>(_context, ri.getIdentity().getHash(), BUCKET_SIZE, KAD_B, new RejectTrimmer<Hash>()); try { _ds = new PersistentDataStore(_context, dbDir, this); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to initialize netdb storage", ioe); } //_ds = new TransientDataStore(); // _exploreKeys = new HashSet(64); _dbDir = dbDir; _negativeCache = new NegativeLookupCache(_context); createHandlers(); _initialized = true; _started = System.currentTimeMillis(); // expire old leases Job elj = new ExpireLeasesJob(_context, this); elj.getTiming().setStartAfter(_context.clock().now() + 2*60*1000); _context.jobQueue().addJob(elj); //// expire some routers // Don't run until after RefreshRoutersJob has run, and after validate() will return invalid for old routers. if (!_context.commSystem().isDummy()) { Job erj = new ExpireRoutersJob(_context, this); erj.getTiming().setStartAfter(_context.clock().now() + ROUTER_INFO_EXPIRATION_FLOODFILL + 10*60*1000); _context.jobQueue().addJob(erj); } if (!QUIET) { // fill the search queue with random keys in buckets that are too small // Disabled since KBucketImpl.generateRandomKey() is b0rked, // and anyway, we want to search for a completely random key, // not a random key for a particular kbucket. // _context.jobQueue().addJob(new ExploreKeySelectorJob(_context, this)); if (_exploreJob == null) _exploreJob = new StartExplorersJob(_context, this); // fire off a group of searches from the explore pool // Don't start it right away, so we don't send searches for random keys // out our 0-hop exploratory tunnels (generating direct connections to // one or more floodfill peers within seconds of startup). // We're trying to minimize the ff connections to lessen the load on the // floodfills, and in any case let's try to build some real expl. tunnels first. // No rush, it only runs every 30m. _exploreJob.getTiming().setStartAfter(_context.clock().now() + EXPLORE_JOB_DELAY); _context.jobQueue().addJob(_exploreJob); } else { _log.warn("Operating in quiet mode - not exploring or pushing data proactively, simply reactively"); _log.warn("This should NOT be used in production"); } // periodically update and resign the router's 'published date', which basically // serves as a version Job plrij = new PublishLocalRouterInfoJob(_context); // do not delay this, as this creates the RI too, and we need a good local routerinfo right away //plrij.getTiming().setStartAfter(_context.clock().now() + PUBLISH_JOB_DELAY); _context.jobQueue().addJob(plrij); // plrij calls publish() for us //try { // publish(ri); //} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { // _context.router().rebuildRouterInfo(true); // //_log.log(Log.CRIT, "Our local router info is b0rked, clearing from scratch", iae); // //_context.router().rebuildNewIdentity(); //} } /** unused, see override */ protected void createHandlers() { //_context.inNetMessagePool().registerHandlerJobBuilder(DatabaseLookupMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE, new DatabaseLookupMessageHandler(_context)); //_context.inNetMessagePool().registerHandlerJobBuilder(DatabaseStoreMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE, new DatabaseStoreMessageHandler(_context)); } /** * Get the routers closest to that key in response to a remote lookup * Only used by ../HDLMJ * Set MAY INCLUDE our own router - add to peersToIgnore if you don't want * * @param key the real key, NOT the routing key * @param peersToIgnore can be null */ public Set<Hash> findNearestRouters(Hash key, int maxNumRouters, Set<Hash> peersToIgnore) { if (!_initialized) return Collections.emptySet(); return new HashSet<Hash>(_peerSelector.selectNearest(key, maxNumRouters, peersToIgnore, _kb)); } /***** private Set<RouterInfo> getRouters(Collection hashes) { if (!_initialized) return null; Set rv = new HashSet(hashes.size()); for (Iterator iter = hashes.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Hash rhash = (Hash); DataStructure ds = _ds.get(rhash); if (ds == null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Selected hash " + rhash.toBase64() + " is not stored locally"); } else if ( !(ds instanceof RouterInfo) ) { // leaseSet } else { rv.add(ds); } } return rv; } *****/ /** get the hashes for all known routers */ public Set<Hash> getAllRouters() { if (!_initialized) return Collections.emptySet(); Set<Map.Entry<Hash, DatabaseEntry>> entries = _ds.getMapEntries(); Set<Hash> rv = new HashSet<Hash>(entries.size()); for (Map.Entry<Hash, DatabaseEntry> entry : entries) { if (entry.getValue().getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO) { rv.add(entry.getKey()); } } return rv; } /** * This used to return the number of routers that were in * both the kbuckets AND the data store, which was fine when the kbuckets held everything. * But now that is probably not what you want. * Just return the count in the data store. */ @Override public int getKnownRouters() { /**** if (_kb == null) return 0; CountRouters count = new CountRouters(); _kb.getAll(count); return count.size(); ****/ if (_ds == null) return 0; int rv = 0; for (DatabaseEntry ds : _ds.getEntries()) { if (ds.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO) rv++; } return rv; } /**** private class CountRouters implements SelectionCollector<Hash> { private int _count; public int size() { return _count; } public void add(Hash entry) { if (_ds == null) return; DatabaseEntry o = _ds.get(entry); if (o != null && o.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO) _count++; } } ****/ /** * This is only used by StatisticsManager to publish * the count if we are floodfill. * So to hide a clue that a popular eepsite is hosted * on a floodfill router, only count leasesets that * are "received as published", as of 0.7.14 */ @Override public int getKnownLeaseSets() { if (_ds == null) return 0; //return _ds.countLeaseSets(); int rv = 0; for (DatabaseEntry ds : _ds.getEntries()) { if (ds.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_LEASESET && ((LeaseSet)ds).getReceivedAsPublished()) rv++; } return rv; } /** * This is fast and doesn't use synchronization, * but it includes both routerinfos and leasesets. * Use it to avoid deadlocks. * No - not true - the KBS contains RIs only. */ protected int getKBucketSetSize() { if (_kb == null) return 0; return _kb.size(); } /** * @return RouterInfo, LeaseSet, or null, validated * @since 0.8.3 */ public DatabaseEntry lookupLocally(Hash key) { if (!_initialized) return null; DatabaseEntry rv = _ds.get(key); if (rv == null) return null; if (rv.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_LEASESET) { LeaseSet ls = (LeaseSet)rv; if (ls.isCurrent(Router.CLOCK_FUDGE_FACTOR)) return rv; else fail(key); } else if (rv.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO) { try { if (validate((RouterInfo)rv) == null) return rv; } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {} fail(key); } return null; } /** * Not for use without validation * @return RouterInfo, LeaseSet, or null, NOT validated * @since 0.9.9 */ DatabaseEntry lookupLocallyWithoutValidation(Hash key) { if (!_initialized) return null; return _ds.get(key); } /** * Lookup using exploratory tunnels. * Use lookupDestination() if you don't need the LS or don't need it validated. */ public void lookupLeaseSet(Hash key, Job onFindJob, Job onFailedLookupJob, long timeoutMs) { lookupLeaseSet(key, onFindJob, onFailedLookupJob, timeoutMs, null); } /** * Lookup using the client's tunnels * Use lookupDestination() if you don't need the LS or don't need it validated. * * @param fromLocalDest use these tunnels for the lookup, or null for exploratory * @since 0.9.10 */ public void lookupLeaseSet(Hash key, Job onFindJob, Job onFailedLookupJob, long timeoutMs, Hash fromLocalDest) { if (!_initialized) return; LeaseSet ls = lookupLeaseSetLocally(key); if (ls != null) { //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("leaseSet found locally, firing " + onFindJob); if (onFindJob != null) _context.jobQueue().addJob(onFindJob); } else if (isNegativeCached(key)) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Negative cached, not searching LS: " + key); if (onFailedLookupJob != null) _context.jobQueue().addJob(onFailedLookupJob); } else { //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("leaseSet not found locally, running search"); search(key, onFindJob, onFailedLookupJob, timeoutMs, true, fromLocalDest); } //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("after lookupLeaseSet"); } /** * Unconditionally lookup using the client's tunnels. * No success or failed jobs, no local lookup, no checks. * Use this to refresh a leaseset before expiration. * * @param fromLocalDest use these tunnels for the lookup, or null for exploratory * @since 0.9.25 */ public void lookupLeaseSetRemotely(Hash key, Hash fromLocalDest) { if (!_initialized) return; search(key, null, null, 20*1000, true, fromLocalDest); } /** * Use lookupDestination() if you don't need the LS or don't need it validated. */ public LeaseSet lookupLeaseSetLocally(Hash key) { if (!_initialized) return null; DatabaseEntry ds = _ds.get(key); if (ds != null) { if (ds.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_LEASESET) { LeaseSet ls = (LeaseSet)ds; if (ls.isCurrent(Router.CLOCK_FUDGE_FACTOR)) { return ls; } else { fail(key); // this was an interesting key, so either refetch it or simply explore with it _exploreKeys.add(key); return null; } } else { //_log.debug("Looking for a lease set [" + key + "] but it ISN'T a leaseSet! " + ds, new Exception("Who thought that router was a lease?")); return null; } } else { return null; } } /** * Lookup using the client's tunnels * Succeeds even if LS validation and store fails due to unsupported sig type, expired, etc. * * Note that there are not separate success and fail jobs. Caller must call * lookupDestinationLocally() in the job to determine success. * * @param onFinishedJob non-null * @param fromLocalDest use these tunnels for the lookup, or null for exploratory * @since 0.9.16 */ public void lookupDestination(Hash key, Job onFinishedJob, long timeoutMs, Hash fromLocalDest) { if (!_initialized) return; Destination d = lookupDestinationLocally(key); if (d != null) { _context.jobQueue().addJob(onFinishedJob); } else if (isNegativeCached(key)) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Negative cached, not searching dest: " + key); } else { search(key, onFinishedJob, onFinishedJob, timeoutMs, true, fromLocalDest); } } /** * Lookup locally in netDB and in badDest cache * Succeeds even if LS validation fails due to unsupported sig type, expired, etc. * * @since 0.9.16 */ public Destination lookupDestinationLocally(Hash key) { if (!_initialized) return null; DatabaseEntry ds = _ds.get(key); if (ds != null) { if (ds.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_LEASESET) { LeaseSet ls = (LeaseSet)ds; return ls.getDestination(); } } else { return _negativeCache.getBadDest(key); } return null; } public void lookupRouterInfo(Hash key, Job onFindJob, Job onFailedLookupJob, long timeoutMs) { if (!_initialized) return; RouterInfo ri = lookupRouterInfoLocally(key); if (ri != null) { if (onFindJob != null) _context.jobQueue().addJob(onFindJob); } else if (_context.banlist().isBanlistedForever(key)) { if (onFailedLookupJob != null) _context.jobQueue().addJob(onFailedLookupJob); } else if (isNegativeCached(key)) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Negative cached, not searching RI: " + key); } else { search(key, onFindJob, onFailedLookupJob, timeoutMs, false); } } public RouterInfo lookupRouterInfoLocally(Hash key) { if (!_initialized) return null; DatabaseEntry ds = _ds.get(key); if (ds != null) { if (ds.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO) { // more aggressive than perhaps is necessary, but makes sure we // drop old references that we had accepted on startup (since // startup allows some lax rules). boolean valid = true; try { valid = (null == validate((RouterInfo)ds)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { valid = false; } if (!valid) { fail(key); return null; } return (RouterInfo)ds; } else { //_log.debug("Looking for a router [" + key + "] but it ISN'T a RouterInfo! " + ds, new Exception("Who thought that lease was a router?")); return null; } } else { return null; } } private static final long PUBLISH_DELAY = 3*1000; /** * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the leaseSet is not valid */ public void publish(LeaseSet localLeaseSet) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (!_initialized) return; Hash h = localLeaseSet.getDestination().calculateHash(); try { store(h, localLeaseSet); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { _log.error("locally published leaseSet is not valid?", iae); throw iae; } if (!_context.clientManager().shouldPublishLeaseSet(h)) return; // If we're exiting, don't publish. // If we're restarting, keep publishing to minimize the downtime. if (_context.router().gracefulShutdownInProgress()) { int code = _context.router().scheduledGracefulExitCode(); if (code == Router.EXIT_GRACEFUL || code == Router.EXIT_HARD) return; } RepublishLeaseSetJob j = null; synchronized (_publishingLeaseSets) { j = _publishingLeaseSets.get(h); if (j == null) { j = new RepublishLeaseSetJob(_context, this, h); _publishingLeaseSets.put(h, j); } } // Don't spam the floodfills. In addition, always delay a few seconds since there may // be another leaseset change coming along momentarily. long nextTime = Math.max(j.lastPublished() + RepublishLeaseSetJob.REPUBLISH_LEASESET_TIMEOUT, _context.clock().now() + PUBLISH_DELAY); // remove first since queue is a TreeSet now... _context.jobQueue().removeJob(j); j.getTiming().setStartAfter(nextTime); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Queueing to publish at " + (new Date(nextTime)) + ' ' + localLeaseSet); _context.jobQueue().addJob(j); } void stopPublishing(Hash target) { synchronized (_publishingLeaseSets) { _publishingLeaseSets.remove(target); } } /** * Stores to local db only. * Overridden in FNDF to actually send to the floodfills. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the local router info is invalid */ public void publish(RouterInfo localRouterInfo) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (!_initialized) return; if (_context.router().gracefulShutdownInProgress()) return; // This isn't really used for anything // writeMyInfo(localRouterInfo); if (_context.router().isHidden()) return; // DE-nied! Hash h = localRouterInfo.getIdentity().getHash(); store(h, localRouterInfo); } /** * Set the last time we successfully published our RI. * @since 0.9.9 */ void routerInfoPublishSuccessful() { _lastRIPublishTime = _context.clock().now(); } /** * The last time we successfully published our RI. * @since 0.9.9 */ @Override public long getLastRouterInfoPublishTime() { return _lastRIPublishTime; } /** * Persist the local router's info (as updated) into netDb/, since * ./ isn't always updated. This also allows external applications * to easily pick out which router a netDb directory is rooted off, which is handy * for getting the freshest data. * */ /*** private final void writeMyInfo(RouterInfo info) { FileOutputStream fos = null; try { File dbDir = new File(_dbDir); if (!dbDir.exists()) dbDir.mkdirs(); fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(dbDir, "")); info.writeBytes(fos); fos.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR)) _log.error("Unable to persist!", ioe); } catch (DataFormatException dfe) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR)) _log.error("Error persisting - our structure isn't valid?!", dfe); } finally { if (fos != null) try { fos.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} } } ***/ /** * Don't let leaseSets go 20 minutes into the future */ static final long MAX_LEASE_FUTURE = 20*60*1000; /** * Determine whether this leaseSet will be accepted as valid and current * given what we know now. * * Unlike for RouterInfos, this is only called once, when stored. * After that, LeaseSet.isCurrent() is used. * * @throws UnsupportedCryptoException if that's why it failed. * @return reason why the entry is not valid, or null if it is valid */ private String validate(Hash key, LeaseSet leaseSet) throws UnsupportedCryptoException { if (!key.equals(leaseSet.getDestination().calculateHash())) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Invalid store attempt! key does not match leaseSet.destination! key = " + key + ", leaseSet = " + leaseSet); return "Key does not match leaseSet.destination - " + key.toBase64(); } if (!leaseSet.verifySignature()) { // throws UnsupportedCryptoException processStoreFailure(key, leaseSet); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Invalid leaseSet signature! " + leaseSet); return "Invalid leaseSet signature on " + key; } long earliest = leaseSet.getEarliestLeaseDate(); long latest = leaseSet.getLatestLeaseDate(); long now = _context.clock().now(); if (earliest <= now - 10*60*1000L || // same as the isCurrent(Router.CLOCK_FUDGE_FACTOR) test in // lookupLeaseSetLocally() latest <= now - Router.CLOCK_FUDGE_FACTOR) { long age = now - earliest; if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Old leaseSet! not storing it: " + leaseSet.getDestination().calculateHash() + " first exp. " + new Date(earliest) + " last exp. " + new Date(latest), new Exception("Rejecting store")); return "Expired leaseSet for " + leaseSet.getDestination().calculateHash() + " expired " + DataHelper.formatDuration(age) + " ago"; } if (latest > now + (Router.CLOCK_FUDGE_FACTOR + MAX_LEASE_FUTURE)) { long age = latest - now; // let's not make this an error, it happens when peers have bad clocks if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("LeaseSet expires too far in the future: " + leaseSet.getDestination().calculateHash() + " expires " + DataHelper.formatDuration(age) + " from now"); return "Future expiring leaseSet for " + leaseSet.getDestination().calculateHash() + " expiring in " + DataHelper.formatDuration(age); } return null; } /** * Store the leaseSet. * * If the store fails due to unsupported crypto, it will negative cache * the hash until restart. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the leaseSet is not valid * @throws UnsupportedCryptoException if that's why it failed. * @return previous entry or null */ public LeaseSet store(Hash key, LeaseSet leaseSet) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (!_initialized) return null; LeaseSet rv = null; try { rv = (LeaseSet)_ds.get(key); if ( (rv != null) && (rv.equals(leaseSet)) ) { // if it hasn't changed, no need to do anything return rv; } } catch (ClassCastException cce) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to replace RI with " + leaseSet); } // spoof / hash collision detection if (rv != null && !leaseSet.getDestination().equals(rv.getDestination())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("LS Hash collision"); String err = validate(key, leaseSet); if (err != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid store attempt - " + err); _ds.put(key, leaseSet); // Iterate through the old failure / success count, copying over the old // values (if any tunnels overlap between leaseSets). no need to be // ueberthreadsafe fascists here, since these values are just heuristics /****** unused if (rv != null) { for (int i = 0; i < rv.getLeaseCount(); i++) { Lease old = rv.getLease(i); for (int j = 0; j < leaseSet.getLeaseCount(); j++) { Lease cur = leaseSet.getLease(j); if (cur.getTunnelId().getTunnelId() == old.getTunnelId().getTunnelId()) { cur.setNumFailure(old.getNumFailure()); cur.setNumSuccess(old.getNumSuccess()); break; } } } } *******/ return rv; } private static final int MIN_ROUTERS = 90; /** * Determine whether this routerInfo will be accepted as valid and current * given what we know now. * * Call this only on first store, to check the key and signature once * * If the store fails due to unsupported crypto, it will banlist * the router hash until restart and then throw UnsupportedCrytpoException. * * @throws UnsupportedCryptoException if that's why it failed. * @return reason why the entry is not valid, or null if it is valid */ private String validate(Hash key, RouterInfo routerInfo) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (!key.equals(routerInfo.getIdentity().getHash())) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Invalid store attempt! key does not match routerInfo.identity! key = " + key + ", router = " + routerInfo); return "Key does not match routerInfo.identity"; } if (!routerInfo.isValid()) { // throws UnsupportedCryptoException processStoreFailure(key, routerInfo); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Invalid routerInfo signature! forged router structure! router = " + routerInfo); return "Invalid routerInfo signature"; } if (routerInfo.getNetworkId() != _networkID){ _context.banlist().banlistRouter(key, "Not in our network"); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Bad network: " + routerInfo); return "Not in our network"; } FamilyKeyCrypto fkc = _context.router().getFamilyKeyCrypto(); if (fkc != null) { boolean validFamily = fkc.verify(routerInfo); if (!validFamily) { if (_log.shouldWarn()) _log.warn("Bad family sig: " + routerInfo.getHash()); } // todo store in RI } return validate(routerInfo); } /** * Determine whether this routerInfo will be accepted as valid and current * given what we know now. * * Call this before each use, to check expiration * * @return reason why the entry is not valid, or null if it is valid * @since 0.9.7 */ String validate(RouterInfo routerInfo) throws IllegalArgumentException { long now = _context.clock().now(); boolean upLongEnough = _context.router().getUptime() > 60*60*1000; // Once we're over MIN_ROUTERS routers, reduce the expiration time down from the default, // as a crude way of limiting memory usage. // i.e. at 2*MIN_ROUTERS routers the expiration time will be about half the default, etc. // And if we're floodfill, we can keep the expiration really short, since // we are always getting the latest published to us. // As the net grows this won't be sufficient, and we'll have to implement // flushing some from memory, while keeping all on disk. long adjustedExpiration; if (floodfillEnabled()) adjustedExpiration = ROUTER_INFO_EXPIRATION_FLOODFILL; else // _kb.size() includes leasesets but that's ok adjustedExpiration = Math.min(ROUTER_INFO_EXPIRATION, ROUTER_INFO_EXPIRATION_MIN + ((ROUTER_INFO_EXPIRATION - ROUTER_INFO_EXPIRATION_MIN) * MIN_ROUTERS / (_kb.size() + 1))); if (upLongEnough && !routerInfo.isCurrent(adjustedExpiration)) { long age = _context.clock().now() - routerInfo.getPublished(); int existing = _kb.size(); if (existing >= MIN_REMAINING_ROUTERS) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Expired RI " + routerInfo.getIdentity().getHash(), new Exception()); return "Peer expired " + DataHelper.formatDuration(age) + " ago"; } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Even though the peer is old, we have only " + existing + " peers left " + routerInfo); } } if (routerInfo.getPublished() > now + 2*Router.CLOCK_FUDGE_FACTOR) { long age = routerInfo.getPublished() - _context.clock().now(); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Peer " + routerInfo.getIdentity().getHash() + " published their routerInfo in the future?! [" + new Date(routerInfo.getPublished()) + "]", new Exception()); return "Peer published " + DataHelper.formatDuration(age) + " in the future?!"; } if (!routerInfo.isCurrent(ROUTER_INFO_EXPIRATION_INTRODUCED)) { if (routerInfo.getAddresses().isEmpty()) return "Old peer with no addresses"; // This should cover the introducers case below too // And even better, catches the case where the router is unreachable but knows no introducers if (routerInfo.getCapabilities().indexOf(Router.CAPABILITY_UNREACHABLE) >= 0) return "Old peer and thinks it is unreachable"; // Just check all the addresses, faster than getting just the SSU ones for (RouterAddress ra : routerInfo.getAddresses()) { // Introducers change often, introducee will ping introducer for 2 hours if (ra.getOption("ihost0") != null) return "Old peer with SSU Introducers"; } } if (upLongEnough && (routerInfo.getPublished() < now - 2*24*60*60*1000l) ) { long age = _context.clock().now() - routerInfo.getPublished(); return "Peer published " + DataHelper.formatDuration(age) + " ago"; } if (upLongEnough && !routerInfo.isCurrent(ROUTER_INFO_EXPIRATION_SHORT)) { if (routerInfo.getTargetAddress("NTCP") == null) return "Peer published > 75m ago, SSU only without introducers"; } return null; } /** * Store the routerInfo. * * If the store fails due to unsupported crypto, it will banlist * the router hash until restart and then throw UnsupportedCrytpoException. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the routerInfo is not valid * @throws UnsupportedCryptoException if that's why it failed. * @return previous entry or null */ public RouterInfo store(Hash key, RouterInfo routerInfo) throws IllegalArgumentException { return store(key, routerInfo, true); } /** * Store the routerInfo. * * If the store fails due to unsupported crypto, it will banlist * the router hash until restart and then throw UnsupportedCrytpoException. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the routerInfo is not valid * @throws UnsupportedCryptoException if that's why it failed. * @return previous entry or null */ RouterInfo store(Hash key, RouterInfo routerInfo, boolean persist) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (!_initialized) return null; RouterInfo rv = null; try { rv = (RouterInfo)_ds.get(key, persist); if ( (rv != null) && (rv.equals(routerInfo)) ) { // no need to validate return rv; } } catch (ClassCastException cce) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to replace LS with " + routerInfo); } // spoof / hash collision detection if (rv != null && !routerInfo.getIdentity().equals(rv.getIdentity())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("RI Hash collision"); String err = validate(key, routerInfo); if (err != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid store attempt - " + err); //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("RouterInfo " + key.toBase64() + " is stored with " // + routerInfo.getOptionsMap().size() + " options on " // + new Date(routerInfo.getPublished())); _context.peerManager().setCapabilities(key, routerInfo.getCapabilities()); _ds.put(key, routerInfo, persist); if (rv == null) _kb.add(key); return rv; } /** * If the validate fails, call this * to determine if it was because of unsupported crypto. * * If so, this will banlist-forever the router hash or permanently negative cache the dest hash, * and then throw the exception. Otherwise it does nothing. * * @throws UnsupportedCryptoException if that's why it failed. * @since 0.9.16 */ private void processStoreFailure(Hash h, DatabaseEntry entry) throws UnsupportedCryptoException { if (entry.getHash().equals(h)) { if (entry.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_LEASESET) { LeaseSet ls = (LeaseSet) entry; Destination d = ls.getDestination(); Certificate c = d.getCertificate(); if (c.getCertificateType() == Certificate.CERTIFICATE_TYPE_KEY) { try { KeyCertificate kc = c.toKeyCertificate(); SigType type = kc.getSigType(); if (type == null || !type.isAvailable() || type.getBaseAlgorithm() == SigAlgo.RSA) { failPermanently(d); String stype = (type != null) ? type.toString() : Integer.toString(kc.getSigTypeCode()); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Unsupported sig type " + stype + " for destination " + h); throw new UnsupportedCryptoException("Sig type " + stype); } } catch (DataFormatException dfe) {} } } else if (entry.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO) { RouterInfo ri = (RouterInfo) entry; RouterIdentity id = ri.getIdentity(); Certificate c = id.getCertificate(); if (c.getCertificateType() == Certificate.CERTIFICATE_TYPE_KEY) { try { KeyCertificate kc = c.toKeyCertificate(); SigType type = kc.getSigType(); if (type == null || !type.isAvailable()) { String stype = (type != null) ? type.toString() : Integer.toString(kc.getSigTypeCode()); _context.banlist().banlistRouterForever(h, "Unsupported signature type " + stype); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Unsupported sig type " + stype + " for router " + h); throw new UnsupportedCryptoException("Sig type " + stype); } } catch (DataFormatException dfe) {} } } } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Verify fail, cause unknown: " + entry); } /** * Final remove for a leaseset. * For a router info, will look up in the network before dropping. */ public void fail(Hash dbEntry) { if (!_initialized) return; DatabaseEntry o = _ds.get(dbEntry); if (o == null) { // if we dont know the key, lets make sure it isn't a now-dead peer _kb.remove(dbEntry); _context.peerManager().removeCapabilities(dbEntry); return; } if (o.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO) { lookupBeforeDropping(dbEntry, (RouterInfo)o); return; } // we always drop leaseSets that are failed [timed out], // regardless of how many routers we have. this is called on a lease if // it has expired *or* its tunnels are failing and we want to see if there // are any updates if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Dropping a lease: " + dbEntry); _ds.remove(dbEntry, false); } /** don't use directly - see F.N.D.F. override */ protected void lookupBeforeDropping(Hash peer, RouterInfo info) { //bah, humbug. dropAfterLookupFailed(peer); } /** * Final remove for a router info. * Do NOT use for leasesets. */ void dropAfterLookupFailed(Hash peer) { _context.peerManager().removeCapabilities(peer); _kb.remove(peer); //if (removed) { // if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) //"Removed kbucket entry for " + peer); //} _ds.remove(peer); } public void unpublish(LeaseSet localLeaseSet) { if (!_initialized) return; Hash h = localLeaseSet.getDestination().calculateHash(); DatabaseEntry data = _ds.remove(h); if (data == null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Unpublished a lease we don't know...: " + localLeaseSet); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Unpublished a lease: " + h); } // now update it if we can to remove any leases } /** * Begin a kademlia style search for the key specified, which can take up to timeoutMs and * will fire the appropriate jobs on success or timeout (or if the kademlia search completes * without any match) * * Unused - called only by FNDF.searchFull() from FloodSearchJob which is overridden - don't use this. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException always */ SearchJob search(Hash key, Job onFindJob, Job onFailedLookupJob, long timeoutMs, boolean isLease) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); /**** if (!_initialized) return null; boolean isNew = true; SearchJob searchJob = null; synchronized (_activeRequests) { searchJob = _activeRequests.get(key); if (searchJob == null) { searchJob = new SearchJob(_context, this, key, onFindJob, onFailedLookupJob, timeoutMs, true, isLease); _activeRequests.put(key, searchJob); } else { isNew = false; } } if (isNew) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("this is the first search for that key, fire off the SearchJob"); _context.jobQueue().addJob(searchJob); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Deferring search for " + key.toBase64() + " with " + onFindJob); int deferred = searchJob.addDeferred(onFindJob, onFailedLookupJob, timeoutMs, isLease); _context.statManager().addRateData("netDb.lookupDeferred", deferred, searchJob.getExpiration()-_context.clock().now()); } return searchJob; ****/ } /** * Unused - see FNDF * @throws UnsupportedOperationException always * @since 0.9.10 */ SearchJob search(Hash key, Job onFindJob, Job onFailedLookupJob, long timeoutMs, boolean isLease, Hash fromLocalDest) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** public for NetDbRenderer in routerconsole */ @Override public Set<LeaseSet> getLeases() { if (!_initialized) return null; Set<LeaseSet> leases = new HashSet<LeaseSet>(); for (DatabaseEntry o : getDataStore().getEntries()) { if (o.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_LEASESET) leases.add((LeaseSet)o); } return leases; } /** public for NetDbRenderer in routerconsole */ @Override public Set<RouterInfo> getRouters() { if (!_initialized) return null; Set<RouterInfo> routers = new HashSet<RouterInfo>(); for (DatabaseEntry o : getDataStore().getEntries()) { if (o.getType() == DatabaseEntry.KEY_TYPE_ROUTERINFO) routers.add((RouterInfo)o); } return routers; } /** smallest allowed period */ private static final int MIN_PER_PEER_TIMEOUT = 2*1000; /** * We want FNDF.PUBLISH_TIMEOUT and RepublishLeaseSetJob.REPUBLISH_LEASESET_TIMEOUT * to be greater than MAX_PER_PEER_TIMEOUT * TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER by a factor of at least * 3 or 4, to allow at least that many peers to be attempted for a store. */ private static final int MAX_PER_PEER_TIMEOUT = 7*1000; private static final int TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER = 3; /** todo: does this need more tuning? */ public int getPeerTimeout(Hash peer) { PeerProfile prof = _context.profileOrganizer().getProfile(peer); double responseTime = MAX_PER_PEER_TIMEOUT; if (prof != null && prof.getIsExpandedDB()) { responseTime = prof.getDbResponseTime().getRate(24*60*60*1000l).getAverageValue(); // if 0 then there is no data, set to max. if (responseTime <= 0 || responseTime > MAX_PER_PEER_TIMEOUT) responseTime = MAX_PER_PEER_TIMEOUT; else if (responseTime < MIN_PER_PEER_TIMEOUT) responseTime = MIN_PER_PEER_TIMEOUT; } return TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER * (int)responseTime; // give it up to 3x the average response time } /** unused (overridden in FNDF) */ public void sendStore(Hash key, DatabaseEntry ds, Job onSuccess, Job onFailure, long sendTimeout, Set<Hash> toIgnore) { if ( (ds == null) || (key == null) ) { if (onFailure != null) _context.jobQueue().addJob(onFailure); return; } _context.jobQueue().addJob(new StoreJob(_context, this, key, ds, onSuccess, onFailure, sendTimeout, toIgnore)); } /** * Increment in the negative lookup cache * * @param key for Destinations or RouterIdentities * @since 0.9.4 moved from FNDF to KNDF in 0.9.16 */ void lookupFailed(Hash key) { _negativeCache.lookupFailed(key); } /** * Is the key in the negative lookup cache? * * @param key for Destinations or RouterIdentities * @since 0.9.4 moved from FNDF to KNDF in 0.9.16 */ boolean isNegativeCached(Hash key) { boolean rv = _negativeCache.isCached(key); if (rv) _context.statManager().addRateData("netDb.negativeCache", 1); return rv; } /** * Negative cache until restart * @since 0.9.16 */ void failPermanently(Destination dest) { _negativeCache.failPermanently(dest); } /** * Is it permanently negative cached? * * @param key only for Destinations; for RouterIdentities, see Banlist * @since 0.9.16 */ public boolean isNegativeCachedForever(Hash key) { return _negativeCache.getBadDest(key) != null; } /** * Debug info, HTML formatted * @since 0.9.10 */ @Override public void renderStatusHTML(Writer out) throws IOException { out.write(_kb.toString().replace("\n", "<br>\n")); } }