package net.i2p.router.web; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; /** set the theme */ public class ConfigUIHandler extends FormHandler { private boolean _shouldSave; private boolean _universalTheming; private boolean _forceMobileConsole; private String _config; @Override protected void processForm() { if (_shouldSave) { saveChanges(); } else if (_action.equals(_t("Delete selected"))) { delUser(); } else if (_action.equals(_t("Add user"))) { addUser(); } } public void setShouldsave(String moo) { _shouldSave = true; } public void setUniversalTheming(String baa) { _universalTheming = true; } public void setForceMobileConsole(String baa) { _forceMobileConsole = true; } public void setTheme(String val) { _config = val; } /** note - lang change is handled in CSSHelper but we still need to save it here */ private void saveChanges() { if (_config == null || _config.length() <= 0) return; if (_config.replaceAll("[a-zA-Z0-9_-]", "").length() != 0) { addFormError("Bad theme name"); return; } Map<String, String> changes = new HashMap<String, String>(); List<String> removes = new ArrayList<String>(); String oldTheme = _context.getProperty(CSSHelper.PROP_THEME_NAME, CSSHelper.DEFAULT_THEME); boolean oldForceMobileConsole = _context.getBooleanProperty(CSSHelper.PROP_FORCE_MOBILE_CONSOLE); if (_config.equals("default")) // obsolete removes.add(CSSHelper.PROP_THEME_NAME); else changes.put(CSSHelper.PROP_THEME_NAME, _config); if (_universalTheming) changes.put(CSSHelper.PROP_UNIVERSAL_THEMING, "true"); else removes.add(CSSHelper.PROP_UNIVERSAL_THEMING); if (_forceMobileConsole) changes.put(CSSHelper.PROP_FORCE_MOBILE_CONSOLE, "true"); else removes.add(CSSHelper.PROP_FORCE_MOBILE_CONSOLE); boolean ok = _context.router().saveConfig(changes, removes); if (ok) { if (!oldTheme.equals(_config)) addFormNoticeNoEscape(_t("Theme change saved.") + " <a href=\"configui\">" + _t("Refresh the page to view.") + "</a>"); if (oldForceMobileConsole != _forceMobileConsole) addFormNoticeNoEscape(_t("Mobile console option saved.") + " <a href=\"configui\">" + _t("Refresh the page to view.") + "</a>"); } else { addFormError(_t("Error saving the configuration (applied but not saved) - please see the error logs.")); } } private void addUser() { String name = getJettyString("name"); if (name == null || name.length() <= 0) { addFormError(_t("No user name entered")); return; } // XSS filters # and ; but not = // We store the username as the part of an option key, so we can't handle '=' if (name.contains("=")) { addFormError("User name may not contain '='"); return; } byte[] b1 = DataHelper.getUTF8(name); byte[] b2 = DataHelper.getASCII(name); if (!DataHelper.eq(b1, b2)) addFormError(_t("Warning: User names outside the ISO-8859-1 character set are not recommended. Support is not standardized and varies by browser.")); String pw = getJettyString("nofilter_pw"); if (pw == null || pw.length() <= 0) { addFormError(_t("No password entered")); return; } ConsolePasswordManager mgr = new ConsolePasswordManager(_context); // rfc 2617 if (mgr.saveMD5(RouterConsoleRunner.PROP_CONSOLE_PW, RouterConsoleRunner.JETTY_REALM, name, pw)) { if (!_context.getBooleanProperty(RouterConsoleRunner.PROP_PW_ENABLE)) _context.router().saveConfig(RouterConsoleRunner.PROP_PW_ENABLE, "true"); addFormNotice(_t("Added user {0}", name)); addFormNotice(_t("To recover from a forgotten or non-working password, stop I2P, edit the file {0}, delete the line {1}, and restart I2P.", _context.router().getConfigFilename(), RouterConsoleRunner.PROP_PW_ENABLE + "=true")); addFormError(_t("Restart required to take effect")); } else { addFormError(_t("Error saving the configuration (applied but not saved) - please see the error logs.")); } } private void delUser() { ConsolePasswordManager mgr = new ConsolePasswordManager(_context); boolean success = false; for (Object o : _settings.keySet()) { if (!(o instanceof String)) continue; String k = (String) o; if (!k.startsWith("delete_")) continue; k = k.substring(7); if (mgr.remove(RouterConsoleRunner.PROP_CONSOLE_PW, k)) { addFormNotice(_t("Removed user {0}", k)); success = true; } else { addFormError(_t("Error saving the configuration (applied but not saved) - please see the error logs.")); } } if (success) addFormError(_t("Restart required to take effect")); } }