package net.i2p.router.web; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import; import; import net.i2p.crypto.SU3File; import net.i2p.crypto.TrustedUpdate; import; import net.i2p.router.client.ClientManagerFacadeImpl; import net.i2p.router.startup.ClientAppConfig; import net.i2p.router.startup.LoadClientAppsJob; import net.i2p.router.update.ConsoleUpdateManager; import static net.i2p.update.UpdateType.*; import net.i2p.util.SecureFileOutputStream; import net.i2p.util.PortMapper; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandlerCollection; /** * Saves changes to clients.config or webapps.config */ public class ConfigClientsHandler extends FormHandler { @Override protected void processForm() { // set action for when CR is hit in a text input box if (_action.length() <= 0) { String url = getJettyString("pluginURL"); if (url != null && url.length() > 0) _action = "Install Plugin"; else _action = "Save Client Configuration"; } if (_action.equals(_t("Save Client Configuration"))) { saveClientChanges(); return; } if (_action.equals(_t("Save Interface Configuration"))) { saveInterfaceChanges(); return; } if (_action.equals(_t("Save WebApp Configuration"))) { saveWebAppChanges(); return; } boolean pluginsEnabled = PluginStarter.pluginsEnabled(_context); if (_action.equals(_t("Save Plugin Configuration"))) { if (pluginsEnabled) savePluginChanges(); else addFormError("Plugins disabled"); return; } if (_action.equals(_t("Install Plugin"))) { if (pluginsEnabled && (_context.getBooleanPropertyDefaultTrue(ConfigClientsHelper.PROP_ENABLE_PLUGIN_INSTALL) || isAdvanced())) installPlugin(); else addFormError("Plugins disabled"); return; } if (_action.equals(_t("Install Plugin from File"))) { if (pluginsEnabled && (_context.getBooleanPropertyDefaultTrue(ConfigClientsHelper.PROP_ENABLE_PLUGIN_INSTALL) || isAdvanced())) installPluginFromFile(); else addFormError("Plugins disabled"); return; } if (_action.equals(_t("Update All Installed Plugins"))) { if (pluginsEnabled) updateAllPlugins(); else addFormError("Plugins disabled"); return; } // value if (_action.startsWith("Start ")) { String app = _action.substring(6); int appnum = -1; try { appnum = Integer.parseInt(app); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} if (appnum >= 0) { startClient(appnum); } else { List<String> plugins = PluginStarter.getPlugins(); if (plugins.contains(app)) { if (pluginsEnabled) startPlugin(app); else addFormError("Plugins disabled"); } else { startWebApp(app); } } return; } // value if (_action.startsWith("Delete ")) { String app = _action.substring(7); int appnum = -1; try { appnum = Integer.parseInt(app); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} if (appnum >= 0) { if (_context.getBooleanProperty(ConfigClientsHelper.PROP_ENABLE_CLIENT_CHANGE) || isAdvanced()) { deleteClient(appnum); } else { addFormError("Delete client disabled"); } } else if (pluginsEnabled) { try { PluginStarter.stopPlugin(_context, app); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { // don't complain here. Some plugins need to be ran to be deleted. // I tried to check to see if the plugin was ran elsewhere, // and it sait it was when it was not. -- Sponge } catch (Throwable e) { addFormError(_t("Error stopping plugin {0}", app) + ": " + e); _log.error("Error stopping plugin " + app, e); } try { PluginStarter.deletePlugin(_context, app); addFormNotice(_t("Deleted plugin {0}", app)); } catch (Throwable e) { addFormError(_t("Error deleting plugin {0}", app) + ": " + e); _log.error("Error deleting plugin " + app, e); } } else { addFormError("Plugins disabled"); } return; } // value if (_action.startsWith("Stop ")) { String app = _action.substring(5); int appnum = -1; try { appnum = Integer.parseInt(app); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} if (appnum >= 0) { stopClient(appnum); } else { List<String> plugins = PluginStarter.getPlugins(); if (plugins.contains(app)) { try { if (pluginsEnabled) { PluginStarter.stopPlugin(_context, app); addFormNotice(_t("Stopped plugin {0}", app)); } else { addFormError("Plugins disabled"); } } catch (Throwable e) { addFormError(_t("Error stopping plugin {0}", app) + ": " + e); _log.error("Error stopping plugin " + app, e); } } else { WebAppStarter.stopWebApp(app); addFormNotice(_t("Stopped webapp {0}", app)); } } return; } // value if (_action.startsWith("Update ")) { if (pluginsEnabled) { String app = _action.substring(7); updatePlugin(app); } else { addFormError("Plugins disabled"); } return; } // value if (_action.startsWith("Check ")) { if (pluginsEnabled) { String app = _action.substring(6); checkPlugin(app); } else { addFormError("Plugins disabled"); } return; } // label (IE) String xStart = _t("Start"); if (_action.toLowerCase(Locale.US).startsWith(xStart + "<span class=hide> ") && _action.toLowerCase(Locale.US).endsWith("</span>")) { // IE sucks String app = _action.substring(xStart.length() + 18, _action.length() - 7); int appnum = -1; try { appnum = Integer.parseInt(app); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} if (appnum >= 0) { startClient(appnum); } else { List<String> plugins = PluginStarter.getPlugins(); if (plugins.contains(app)) { if (pluginsEnabled) startPlugin(app); else addFormError("Plugins disabled"); } else { startWebApp(app); } } } else { //addFormError(_t("Unsupported") + ' ' + _action + '.'); } } private void saveClientChanges() { List<ClientAppConfig> clients = ClientAppConfig.getClientApps(_context); for (int cur = 0; cur < clients.size(); cur++) { ClientAppConfig ca = clients.get(cur); Object val = _settings.get(cur + ".enabled"); if (! (RouterConsoleRunner.class.getName().equals(ca.className))) ca.disabled = val == null; // edit of an existing entry if (_context.getBooleanProperty(ConfigClientsHelper.PROP_ENABLE_CLIENT_CHANGE) || isAdvanced()) { String desc = getJettyString("nofilter_desc" + cur); if (desc != null) { int spc = desc.indexOf(' '); String clss = desc; String args = null; if (spc >= 0) { clss = desc.substring(0, spc); args = desc.substring(spc + 1); } ca.className = clss; ca.args = args; ca.clientName = getJettyString("nofilter_name" + cur); } } } // new client if (_context.getBooleanProperty(ConfigClientsHelper.PROP_ENABLE_CLIENT_CHANGE) || isAdvanced()) { int newClient = clients.size(); String newDesc = getJettyString("nofilter_desc" + newClient); if (newDesc != null && newDesc.trim().length() > 0) { // new entry int spc = newDesc.indexOf(' '); String clss = newDesc; String args = null; if (spc >= 0) { clss = newDesc.substring(0, spc); args = newDesc.substring(spc + 1); } String name = getJettyString("nofilter_name" + newClient); if (name == null || name.trim().length() <= 0) name = "new client"; ClientAppConfig ca = new ClientAppConfig(clss, name, args, 2*60*1000, _settings.get(newClient + ".enabled") == null); // true for disabled clients.add(ca); addFormNotice(_t("New client added") + ": " + name + " (" + clss + ")."); } } ClientAppConfig.writeClientAppConfig(_context, clients); addFormNotice(_t("Client configuration saved successfully")); //addFormNotice(_t("Restart required to take effect")); } /** * @since Implemented in 0.9.6 using ClientAppManager */ private void stopClient(int i) { List<ClientAppConfig> clients = ClientAppConfig.getClientApps(_context); if (i >= clients.size()) { addFormError(_t("Bad client index.")); return; } ClientAppConfig ca = clients.get(i); ClientApp clientApp = _context.routerAppManager().getClientApp(ca.className, LoadClientAppsJob.parseArgs(ca.args)); if (clientApp != null && clientApp.getState() == ClientAppState.RUNNING) { try { // todo parseArgs(ca.stopArgs) ? clientApp.shutdown(null); addFormNotice(_t("Client {0} stopped", ca.clientName)); // Give a chance for status to update try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} } catch (Throwable t) { addFormError("Cannot stop client " + ca.className + ": " + t); _log.error("Error stopping client " + ca.className, t); } } else { addFormError("Cannot stop client " + i + ": " + ca.className); } } private void startClient(int i) { List<ClientAppConfig> clients = ClientAppConfig.getClientApps(_context); if (i >= clients.size()) { addFormError(_t("Bad client index.")); return; } ClientAppConfig ca = clients.get(i); LoadClientAppsJob.runClient(ca.className, ca.clientName, LoadClientAppsJob.parseArgs(ca.args), _context, _log); addFormNotice(_t("Client {0} started", ca.clientName)); // Give a chance for status to update try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} } private void deleteClient(int i) { List<ClientAppConfig> clients = ClientAppConfig.getClientApps(_context); if (i < 0 || i >= clients.size()) { addFormError(_t("Bad client index.")); return; } ClientAppConfig ca = clients.remove(i); ClientAppConfig.writeClientAppConfig(_context, clients); addFormNotice(_t("Client {0} deleted", ca.clientName)); } private void saveWebAppChanges() { Properties props = RouterConsoleRunner.webAppProperties(_context); Set<String> keys = props.stringPropertyNames(); for (String name : keys) { if (! (name.startsWith(RouterConsoleRunner.PREFIX) && name.endsWith(RouterConsoleRunner.ENABLED))) continue; String app = name.substring(RouterConsoleRunner.PREFIX.length(), name.lastIndexOf(RouterConsoleRunner.ENABLED)); Object val = _settings.get(app + ".enabled"); if (! RouterConsoleRunner.ROUTERCONSOLE.equals(app)) props.setProperty(name, "" + (val != null)); } RouterConsoleRunner.storeWebAppProperties(_context, props); addFormNotice(_t("WebApp configuration saved.")); } private void savePluginChanges() { Properties props = PluginStarter.pluginProperties(); Set<String> keys = props.stringPropertyNames(); for (String name : keys) { if (! (name.startsWith(PluginStarter.PREFIX) && name.endsWith(PluginStarter.ENABLED))) continue; String app = name.substring(PluginStarter.PREFIX.length(), name.lastIndexOf(PluginStarter.ENABLED)); Object val = _settings.get(app + ".enabled"); props.setProperty(name, "" + (val != null)); } PluginStarter.storePluginProperties(props); addFormNotice(_t("Plugin configuration saved.")); } /** * Big hack for the moment, not using properties for directory and port * Go through all the Jetty servers, find the one serving port 7657, * requested and add the .war to that one */ private void startWebApp(String app) { ContextHandlerCollection s = WebAppStarter.getConsoleServer(); if (s != null) { try { File path = new File(_context.getBaseDir(), "webapps"); path = new File(path, app + ".war"); WebAppStarter.startWebApp(_context, s, app, path.getAbsolutePath()); addFormNoticeNoEscape(_t("WebApp") + " <a href=\"/" + app + "/\">" + _t(app) + "</a> " + _t("started") + '.'); } catch (Throwable e) { addFormError(_t("Failed to start") + ' ' + _t(app) + ": " + e); _log.error("Failed to start webapp " + app, e); } return; } addFormError(_t("Failed to find server.")); } private void installPlugin() { String url = getJettyString("pluginURL"); if (url == null || url.length() <= 0) { addFormError(_t("No plugin URL specified.")); return; } installPlugin(null, url); } /** * @since 0.9.19 */ private void installPluginFromFile() { InputStream in = _requestWrapper.getInputStream("pluginFile"); // go to some trouble to verify it's an su3 or xpi2p file before // passing it along, so we can display a good error message byte[] su3Magic = DataHelper.getASCII(SU3File.MAGIC); byte[] zipMagic = new byte[] { 0x50, 0x4b, 0x03, 0x04 }; byte[] magic = new byte[TrustedUpdate.HEADER_BYTES + zipMagic.length]; File tmp = null; OutputStream out = null; try { // non-null but zero bytes if no file entered, don't know why if (in == null || in.available() <= 0) { addFormError(_t("You must enter a file")); return; }, magic); boolean isSU3 = DataHelper.eq(magic, 0, su3Magic, 0, su3Magic.length); if (!isSU3) { if (!DataHelper.eq(magic, TrustedUpdate.HEADER_BYTES, zipMagic, 0, zipMagic.length)) { String name = _requestWrapper.getFilename("pluginFile"); if (name == null) name = "File"; throw new IOException(name + " is not an xpi2p or su3 plugin"); } } tmp = new File(_context.getTempDir(), "plugin-" + _context.random().nextInt() + (isSU3 ? ".su3" : ".xpi2p")); out = new BufferedOutputStream(new SecureFileOutputStream(tmp)); out.write(magic); DataHelper.copy(in, out); out.close(); String url = tmp.toURI().toString(); // threaded... TODO inline to get better result to UI? installPlugin(null, url); // above sleeps 1000, give it some more time? // or check for complete? ConsoleUpdateManager mgr = UpdateHandler.updateManager(_context); if (mgr == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { if (!mgr.isUpdateInProgress(PLUGIN)) { tmp.delete(); break; } try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} } String status = mgr.getStatus(); if (status != null && status.length() > 0) addFormNoticeNoEscape(status); } catch (IOException ioe) { addFormError(_t("Install from file failed") + " - " + ioe.getMessage()); } finally { // it's really a ByteArrayInputStream but we'll play along... if (in != null) try { in.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} if (out != null) try { out.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} } } private void updatePlugin(String app) { Properties props = PluginStarter.pluginProperties(_context, app); String url = props.getProperty("updateURL.su3"); if (url == null) url = props.getProperty("updateURL"); if (url == null) { addFormError(_t("No update URL specified for {0}",app)); return; } installPlugin(app, url); } /** @since 0.8.13 */ private void updateAllPlugins() { if (NewsHelper.isAnyUpdateInProgress()) { addFormError(_t("Plugin or update download already in progress.")); return; } if (!verifyProxy()) return; addFormNotice(_t("Updating all plugins")); PluginStarter.updateAll(_context); // So that update() will post a status to the summary bar before we reload try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} } /** * @param app null for a new install * @param url http: or file: */ private void installPlugin(String app, String url) { ConsoleUpdateManager mgr = UpdateHandler.updateManager(_context); if (mgr == null) { addFormError("Update manager not registered, cannot install"); return; } if (mgr.isUpdateInProgress()) { addFormError(_t("Plugin or update download already in progress.")); return; } URI uri; try { uri = new URI(url); } catch (URISyntaxException use) { addFormError(_t("Bad URL {0}", url)); return; } if (!url.startsWith("file:")) { if (!verifyProxy()) return; } if (mgr.installPlugin(app, uri)) { if (url.startsWith("file:")) addFormNotice(_t("Installing plugin from {0}", uri.getPath())); else addFormNotice(_t("Downloading plugin from {0}", url)); } else { addFormError("Cannot install, check logs"); } // So that update() will post a status to the summary bar before we reload try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} } private void checkPlugin(String app) { ConsoleUpdateManager mgr = UpdateHandler.updateManager(_context); if (mgr == null) { addFormError("Update manager not registered, cannot check"); return; } if (!verifyProxy()) return; mgr.check(PLUGIN, app); addFormNotice(_t("Checking plugin {0} for updates", app)); // So that update() will post a status to the summary bar before we reload try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} } /** * Plugin checks, updates, and installs are always proxied. * See if the proxy tunnel is available, unless we're configured * to use something else (probably not). * Outputs form error if returning false. * * @return true if available * @since 0.9.20 */ private boolean verifyProxy() { String proxyHost = _context.getProperty(ConfigUpdateHandler.PROP_PROXY_HOST, ConfigUpdateHandler.DEFAULT_PROXY_HOST); int proxyPort = ConfigUpdateHandler.proxyPort(_context); boolean rv = ! (proxyPort == ConfigUpdateHandler.DEFAULT_PROXY_PORT_INT && proxyHost.equals(ConfigUpdateHandler.DEFAULT_PROXY_HOST) && _context.portMapper().getPort(PortMapper.SVC_HTTP_PROXY) < 0); if (!rv) addFormError(_t("HTTP client proxy tunnel must be running")); return rv; } private void startPlugin(String app) { try { PluginStarter.startPlugin(_context, app); // linkify the app name for the message if available Properties props = PluginStarter.pluginProperties(_context, app); String name = ConfigClientsHelper.stripHTML(props, "consoleLinkName_" + Messages.getLanguage(_context)); if (name == null) name = ConfigClientsHelper.stripHTML(props, "consoleLinkName"); String url = ConfigClientsHelper.stripHTML(props, "consoleLinkURL"); if (name != null && url != null && name.length() > 0 && url.length() > 0) { app = "<a href=\"" + url + "\">" + name + "</a>"; addFormNoticeNoEscape(_t("Started plugin {0}", app)); } else { addFormNotice(_t("Started plugin {0}", app)); } } catch (Throwable e) { addFormError(_t("Error starting plugin {0}", app) + ": " + e); _log.error("Error starting plugin " + app, e); } } /** * Handle interface form * @since 0.8.3 */ private void saveInterfaceChanges() { Map<String, String> changes = new HashMap<String, String>(); String port = getJettyString("port"); if (port != null) changes.put(ClientManagerFacadeImpl.PROP_CLIENT_PORT, port); String intfc = getJettyString("interface"); if (intfc != null) changes.put(ClientManagerFacadeImpl.PROP_CLIENT_HOST, intfc); String user = getJettyString("user"); String pw = getJettyString("nofilter_pw"); if (user != null && pw != null && user.length() > 0 && pw.length() > 0) { ConsolePasswordManager mgr = new ConsolePasswordManager(_context); mgr.saveHash(ConfigClientsHelper.PROP_AUTH, user, pw); addFormNotice(_t("Added user {0}", user)); } String mode = getJettyString("mode"); boolean disabled = "0".equals(mode); boolean ssl = "2".equals(mode); changes.put(ConfigClientsHelper.PROP_DISABLE_EXTERNAL, Boolean.toString(disabled)); changes.put(ConfigClientsHelper.PROP_ENABLE_SSL, Boolean.toString(ssl)); changes.put(ConfigClientsHelper.PROP_AUTH, Boolean.toString((_settings.get("auth") != null))); boolean all = "".equals(intfc) || "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0".equals(intfc) || "::".equals(intfc); changes.put(ConfigClientsHelper.BIND_ALL_INTERFACES, Boolean.toString(all)); if (_context.router().saveConfig(changes, null)) { addFormNotice(_t("Interface configuration saved")); addFormNotice(_t("Restart required to take effect")); } else addFormError(_t("Error saving the configuration (applied but not saved) - please see the error logs")); } }