/* * Copyright (c) 2004 Ragnarok * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package net.i2p.addressbook; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import net.i2p.I2PAppContext; import net.i2p.client.naming.HostTxtEntry; import net.i2p.client.naming.NamingService; import net.i2p.client.naming.SingleFileNamingService; import net.i2p.data.DataFormatException; import net.i2p.data.Destination; import net.i2p.util.OrderedProperties; import net.i2p.util.SecureDirectory; import net.i2p.util.SystemVersion; /** * Main class of addressbook. Performs updates, and runs the main loop. * As of 0.9.30, package private, run with DaemonThread. * * @author Ragnarok * */ class Daemon { public static final String VERSION = "2.0.4"; private volatile boolean _running; private static final boolean DEBUG = false; // If you change this, change in SusiDNS SubscriptionBean also private static final String DEFAULT_SUB = "http://i2p-projekt.i2p/hosts.txt"; /** @since 0.9.12 */ static final String OLD_DEFAULT_SUB = "http://www.i2p2.i2p/hosts.txt"; /** Any properties we receive from the subscription, we store to the * addressbook with this prefix, so it knows it's part of the signature. * This is also chosen so that it can't be spoofed. */ private static final String RCVD_PROP_PREFIX = "="; private static final boolean MUST_VALIDATE = false; /** * Update the router and published address books using remote data from the * subscribed address books listed in subscriptions. * * @param master * The master AddressBook. This address book is never * overwritten, so it is safe for the user to write to. * It is only merged to the published addressbook. * May be null. * @param router * The router AddressBook. This is the address book read by * client applications. * @param published * The published AddressBook. This address book is published on * the user's eepsite so that others may subscribe to it. * May be null. * If non-null, overwrite with the new addressbook. * @param subscriptions * A SubscriptionList listing the remote address books to update * from. * @param log * The log to write changes and conflicts to. * May be null. */ public static void update(AddressBook master, AddressBook router, File published, SubscriptionList subscriptions, Log log) { for (AddressBook book : subscriptions) { // yes, the EepGet fetch() is done in next() router.merge(book, false, log); } router.write(); if (published != null) { if (master != null) router.merge(master, true, null); router.write(published); } subscriptions.write(); } /** * Update the router and published address books using remote data from the * subscribed address books listed in subscriptions. * Merging of the "master" addressbook is NOT supported. * * @param router * The NamingService to update, generally the root NamingService from the context. * @param published * The published AddressBook. This address book is published on * the user's eepsite so that others may subscribe to it. * May be null. * If non-null, overwrite with the new addressbook. * @param subscriptions * A SubscriptionList listing the remote address books to update * from. * @param log * The log to write changes and conflicts to. * May be null. * @since 0.8.7 */ public static void update(NamingService router, File published, SubscriptionList subscriptions, Log log) { // If the NamingService is a database, we look up as we go. // If it is a text file, we do things differently, to avoid O(n**2) behavior // when scanning large subscription results (i.e. those that return the whole file, not just the new entries) - // we load all the known hostnames into a Set one time. // This also has the advantage of not flushing the NamingService's LRU cache. String nsClass = router.getClass().getSimpleName(); boolean isTextFile = nsClass.equals("HostsTxtNamingService") || nsClass.equals("SingleFileNamingService"); Set<String> knownNames = null; NamingService publishedNS = null; Iterator<AddressBook> iter = subscriptions.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { // yes, the EepGet fetch() is done in next() long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); AddressBook addressbook = iter.next(); // SubscriptionIterator puts in a dummy AddressBook with no location if no fetch is done if (DEBUG && log != null && addressbook.getLocation() != null) { long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); log.append("Fetch of " + addressbook.getLocation() + " took " + (end - start)); start = end; } int old = 0, nnew = 0, invalid = 0, conflict = 0, total = 0; int deleted = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, HostTxtEntry> entry : addressbook) { total++; // may be null for 'remove' entries String key = entry.getKey(); boolean isKnown; // NOT set for text file NamingService Destination oldDest; if (isTextFile) { if (knownNames == null) { // load the hostname set Properties opts = new Properties(); opts.setProperty("file", "hosts.txt"); knownNames = router.getNames(opts); } oldDest = null; isKnown = key != null ? knownNames.contains(key) : null; } else { oldDest = key != null ? router.lookup(key) : null; isKnown = oldDest != null; } try { HostTxtEntry he = entry.getValue(); Properties hprops = he.getProps(); boolean mustValidate = MUST_VALIDATE || hprops != null; String action = hprops != null ? hprops.getProperty(HostTxtEntry.PROP_ACTION) : null; if (key == null && !he.hasValidRemoveSig()) { if (log != null) { log.append("Bad signature of action " + action + " for key " + hprops.getProperty(HostTxtEntry.PROP_NAME) + ". From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); } invalid++; } else if (key != null && mustValidate && !he.hasValidSig()) { if (log != null) { log.append("Bad signature of action " + action + " for key " + key + ". From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); } invalid++; } else if (action != null || !isKnown) { if (key != null && AddressBook.isValidKey(key)) { Destination dest = new Destination(he.getDest()); Properties props = new OrderedProperties(); props.setProperty("s", addressbook.getLocation()); boolean allowExistingKeyInPublished = false; if (mustValidate) { // sig checked above props.setProperty("v", "true"); } if (hprops != null) { // merge in all the received properties for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> e : hprops.entrySet()) { // Add prefix to indicate received property props.setProperty(RCVD_PROP_PREFIX + e.getKey(), (String) e.getValue()); } } if (action != null) { // Process commands. hprops is non-null. // Must handle isKnown in each case. if (action.equals(HostTxtEntry.ACTION_ADDDEST)) { // Add an alternate destination (new crypto) for existing hostname // Requires new NamingService support if the key exists String polddest = hprops.getProperty(HostTxtEntry.PROP_OLDDEST); if (polddest != null) { Destination pod = new Destination(polddest); List<Destination> pod2 = router.lookupAll(key); if (pod2 == null) { // we didn't know it before, so we'll add it // check inner sig anyway if (!he.hasValidInnerSig()) { logInner(log, action, key, addressbook); invalid++; continue; } } else if (pod2.contains(dest)) { // we knew it before, with the same dest old++; continue; } else if (pod2.contains(pod)) { // checks out, so verify the inner sig if (!he.hasValidInnerSig()) { logInner(log, action, key, addressbook); invalid++; continue; } // TODO Requires NamingService support // if (isTextFile), do we replace or not? check sigType.isAvailable() boolean success = router.addDestination(key, dest, props); if (log != null) { if (success) log.append("Additional address for " + key + " added to address book. From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); else log.append("Failed to add additional address for " + key + " From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); } // now update the published addressbook // ditto if (published != null) { if (publishedNS == null) publishedNS = new SingleFileNamingService(I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext(), published.getAbsolutePath()); // FIXME this fails, no support in SFNS success = publishedNS.addDestination(key, dest, props); if (log != null && !success) log.append("Add to published address book " + published.getAbsolutePath() + " failed for " + key); } nnew++; continue; } else { // mismatch, disallow logMismatch(log, action, key, pod2, he.getDest(), addressbook); invalid++; continue; } } else { logMissing(log, action, key, addressbook); invalid++; continue; } } else if (action.equals(HostTxtEntry.ACTION_ADDNAME)) { // Add an alias for an existing hostname, same dest if (isKnown) { // could be same or different dest old++; continue; } String poldname = hprops.getProperty(HostTxtEntry.PROP_OLDNAME); if (poldname != null) { List<Destination> pod = router.lookupAll(poldname); if (pod == null) { // we didn't have the old one, so we'll add the new one } else if (pod.contains(dest)) { // checks out, so we'll add the new one } else { // mismatch, disallow logMismatch(log, action, key, pod, he.getDest(), addressbook); invalid++; continue; } } else { logMissing(log, action, key, addressbook); invalid++; continue; } } else if (action.equals(HostTxtEntry.ACTION_ADDSUBDOMAIN)) { // add a subdomain with verification if (isKnown) { old++; continue; } String polddest = hprops.getProperty(HostTxtEntry.PROP_OLDDEST); String poldname = hprops.getProperty(HostTxtEntry.PROP_OLDNAME); if (polddest != null && poldname != null) { // check for valid subdomain if (!AddressBook.isValidKey(poldname) || key.indexOf('.' + poldname) <= 0) { if (log != null) log.append("Action: " + action + " failed because" + " old name " + poldname + " is invalid" + ". From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); invalid++; continue; } Destination pod = new Destination(polddest); List<Destination> pod2 = router.lookupAll(poldname); if (pod2 == null) { // we didn't have the old name // check inner sig anyway if (!he.hasValidInnerSig()) { logInner(log, action, key, addressbook); invalid++; continue; } } else if (pod2.contains(pod)) { // checks out, so verify the inner sig if (!he.hasValidInnerSig()) { logInner(log, action, key, addressbook); invalid++; continue; } } else { // mismatch, disallow logMismatch(log, action, key, pod2, polddest, addressbook); invalid++; continue; } } else { logMissing(log, action, key, addressbook); invalid++; continue; } } else if (action.equals(HostTxtEntry.ACTION_CHANGEDEST)) { // change destination on an existing entry // This removes all previous destinations under that hostname, // is this what we want? String polddest = hprops.getProperty(HostTxtEntry.PROP_OLDDEST); if (polddest != null) { Destination pod = new Destination(polddest); List<Destination> pod2 = router.lookupAll(key); if (pod2 == null) { // we didn't have the old name // check inner sig anyway if (!he.hasValidInnerSig()) { logInner(log, action, key, addressbook); invalid++; continue; } } else if (pod2.contains(dest)) { // we already have the new dest old++; continue; } else if (pod2.contains(pod)) { // checks out, so verify the inner sig if (!he.hasValidInnerSig()) { logInner(log, action, key, addressbook); invalid++; continue; } if (log != null) { if (pod2.size() == 1) log.append("Changing destination for " + key + ". From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); else log.append("Replacing " + pod2.size() + " destinations for " + key + ". From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); } allowExistingKeyInPublished = true; props.setProperty("m", Long.toString(I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().clock().now())); } else { // mismatch, disallow logMismatch(log, action, key, pod2, polddest, addressbook); invalid++; continue; } } else { logMissing(log, action, key, addressbook); invalid++; continue; } } else if (action.equals(HostTxtEntry.ACTION_CHANGENAME)) { // Delete old name, replace with new // This removes all previous destinations under that hostname, // is this what we want? if (isKnown) { old++; continue; } String poldname = hprops.getProperty(HostTxtEntry.PROP_OLDNAME); if (poldname != null) { List<Destination> pod = router.lookupAll(poldname); if (pod == null) { // we didn't have the old name } else if (pod.contains(dest)) { // checks out, so we'll delete it if (knownNames != null) knownNames.remove(poldname); boolean success = router.remove(poldname, dest); if (success) deleted++; if (log != null) { if (success) log.append("Removed: " + poldname + " to be replaced with " + key + ". From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); else log.append("Remove failed for: " + poldname + " to be replaced with " + key + ". From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); } // now update the published addressbook if (published != null) { if (publishedNS == null) publishedNS = new SingleFileNamingService(I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext(), published.getAbsolutePath()); success = publishedNS.remove(poldname, dest); if (log != null && !success) log.append("Remove from published address book " + published.getAbsolutePath() + " failed for " + poldname); } } else { // mismatch, disallow logMismatch(log, action, key, pod, he.getDest(), addressbook); continue; } } else { logMissing(log, action, key, addressbook); invalid++; continue; } } else if (action.equals(HostTxtEntry.ACTION_REMOVE) || action.equals(HostTxtEntry.ACTION_REMOVEALL)) { // w/o name=dest handled below if (log != null) log.append("Action: " + action + " with name=dest invalid" + ". From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); invalid++; continue; } else if (action.equals(HostTxtEntry.ACTION_UPDATE)) { if (isKnown) { allowExistingKeyInPublished = true; props.setProperty("m", Long.toString(I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().clock().now())); } } else { if (log != null) log.append("Action: " + action + " unrecognized" + ". From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); invalid++; continue; } } // action != null boolean success = router.put(key, dest, props); if (log != null) { if (success) log.append("New address " + key + " added to address book. From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); else log.append("Save to naming service " + router + " failed for new key " + key); } // now update the published addressbook if (published != null) { if (publishedNS == null) publishedNS = new SingleFileNamingService(I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext(), published.getAbsolutePath()); if (allowExistingKeyInPublished) success = publishedNS.put(key, dest, props); else success = publishedNS.putIfAbsent(key, dest, props); if (log != null && !success) { log.append("Save to published address book " + published.getAbsolutePath() + " failed for new key " + key); } } if (isTextFile) // keep track for later dup check knownNames.add(key); nnew++; } else if (key == null) { // 'remove' actions // isKnown is false if (action != null) { // Process commands. hprops is non-null. if (action.equals(HostTxtEntry.ACTION_REMOVE)) { // delete this entry String polddest = hprops.getProperty(HostTxtEntry.PROP_DEST); String poldname = hprops.getProperty(HostTxtEntry.PROP_NAME); if (polddest != null && poldname != null) { Destination pod = new Destination(polddest); List<Destination> pod2 = router.lookupAll(poldname); if (pod2 != null && pod2.contains(pod)) { if (knownNames != null && pod2.size() == 1) knownNames.remove(poldname); boolean success = router.remove(poldname, pod); if (success) deleted++; if (log != null) { if (success) log.append("Removed: " + poldname + " as requested" + ". From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); else log.append("Remove failed for: " + poldname + " as requested" + ". From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); } // now update the published addressbook if (published != null) { if (publishedNS == null) publishedNS = new SingleFileNamingService(I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext(), published.getAbsolutePath()); success = publishedNS.remove(poldname, pod); if (log != null && !success) log.append("Remove from published address book " + published.getAbsolutePath() + " failed for " + poldname); } } else if (pod2 != null) { // mismatch, disallow logMismatch(log, action, key, pod2, polddest, addressbook); invalid++; } else { old++; } } else { logMissing(log, action, "delete", addressbook); invalid++; } } else if (action.equals(HostTxtEntry.ACTION_REMOVEALL)) { // delete all entries with this destination String polddest = hprops.getProperty(HostTxtEntry.PROP_DEST); // oldname is optional, but nice because not all books support reverse lookup if (polddest != null) { Destination pod = new Destination(polddest); String poldname = hprops.getProperty(HostTxtEntry.PROP_NAME); if (poldname != null) { List<Destination> pod2 = router.lookupAll(poldname); if (pod2 != null && pod2.contains(pod)) { if (knownNames != null) knownNames.remove(poldname); boolean success = router.remove(poldname, pod); if (success) deleted++; if (log != null) { if (success) log.append("Removed: " + poldname + " as requested" + ". From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); else log.append("Remove failed for: " + poldname + " as requested" + ". From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); } // now update the published addressbook if (published != null) { if (publishedNS == null) publishedNS = new SingleFileNamingService(I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext(), published.getAbsolutePath()); success = publishedNS.remove(poldname, pod); if (log != null && !success) log.append("Remove from published address book " + published.getAbsolutePath() + " failed for " + poldname); } } else if (pod2 != null) { // mismatch, disallow logMismatch(log, action, key, pod2, polddest, addressbook); invalid++; } else { old++; } } // reverse lookup, delete all List<String> revs = router.reverseLookupAll(pod); if (revs != null) { for (String rev : revs) { if (knownNames != null) knownNames.remove(rev); boolean success = router.remove(rev, pod); if (success) deleted++; if (log != null) { if (success) log.append("Removed: " + rev + " as requested" + ". From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); else log.append("Remove failed for: " + rev + " as requested" + ". From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); } // now update the published addressbook if (published != null) { if (publishedNS == null) publishedNS = new SingleFileNamingService(I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext(), published.getAbsolutePath()); success = publishedNS.remove(rev, pod); if (log != null && !success) log.append("Remove from published address book " + published.getAbsolutePath() + " failed for " + rev); } } } } else { logMissing(log, action, "delete", addressbook); invalid++; } } else { if (log != null) log.append("Action: " + action + " w/o name=dest unrecognized" + ". From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); invalid++; } continue; } else { if (log != null) log.append("No action in command line" + ". From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); invalid++; continue; } } else if (log != null) { log.append("Bad hostname " + key + ". From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); invalid++; } /**** } else if (false && DEBUG && log != null) { // lookup the conflict if we haven't yet (O(n**2) for text file) if (isTextFile) oldDest = router.lookup(key); if (oldDest != null && !oldDest.toBase64().equals(entry.getValue())) { log.append("Conflict for " + key + ". From: " + addressbook.getLocation() + ". Destination in remote address book is " + entry.getValue()); conflict++; } else { old++; } ****/ } else { old++; } } catch (DataFormatException dfe) { if (log != null) log.append("Invalid b64 for " + key + " From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); invalid++; } } if (DEBUG && log != null && total > 0) { log.append("Merge of " + addressbook.getLocation() + " into " + router + " took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms with " + total + " total, " + nnew + " new, " + old + " old, " + deleted + " deleted, " + invalid + " invalid, " + conflict + " conflicts"); } // entries addressbook.delete(); } // subscriptions subscriptions.write(); } /** @since 0.9.26 */ private static void logInner(Log log, String action, String name, AddressBook addressbook) { if (log != null) { log.append("Action: " + action + " failed because" + " inner signature for key " + name + " failed" + ". From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); } } /** @since 0.9.26 */ private static void logMissing(Log log, String action, String name, AddressBook addressbook) { if (log != null) { log.append("Action: " + action + " for " + name + " failed, missing required parameters" + ". From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); } } /** @since 0.9.26 */ private static void logMismatch(Log log, String action, String name, List<Destination> dests, String olddest, AddressBook addressbook) { if (log != null) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(16); final int sz = dests.size(); for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { buf.append(dests.get(i).toBase64().substring(0, 6)); if (i != sz - 1) buf.append(", "); } log.append("Action: " + action + " failed because" + " destinations for " + name + " (" + buf + ')' + " do not include" + " (" + olddest.substring(0, 6) + ')' + ". From: " + addressbook.getLocation()); } } /** * Run an update, using the Map settings to provide the parameters. * * @param settings * A Map containg the parameters needed by update. * @param home * The directory containing addressbook's configuration files. */ public static void update(Map<String, String> settings, String home) { File published = null; boolean should_publish = Boolean.parseBoolean(settings.get("should_publish")); if (should_publish) published = new File(home, settings.get("published_addressbook")); File subscriptionFile = new File(home, settings.get("subscriptions")); File logFile = new File(home, settings.get("log")); File etagsFile = new File(home, settings.get("etags")); File lastModifiedFile = new File(home, settings.get("last_modified")); File lastFetchedFile = new File(home, settings.get("last_fetched")); long delay; try { delay = Long.parseLong(settings.get("update_delay")); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { delay = 12; } delay *= 60 * 60 * 1000; List<String> defaultSubs = new ArrayList<String>(4); // defaultSubs.add("http://i2p/NF2RLVUxVulR3IqK0sGJR0dHQcGXAzwa6rEO4WAWYXOHw-DoZhKnlbf1nzHXwMEJoex5nFTyiNMqxJMWlY54cvU~UenZdkyQQeUSBZXyuSweflUXFqKN-y8xIoK2w9Ylq1k8IcrAFDsITyOzjUKoOPfVq34rKNDo7fYyis4kT5bAHy~2N1EVMs34pi2RFabATIOBk38Qhab57Umpa6yEoE~rbyR~suDRvD7gjBvBiIKFqhFueXsR2uSrPB-yzwAGofTXuklofK3DdKspciclTVzqbDjsk5UXfu2nTrC1agkhLyqlOfjhyqC~t1IXm-Vs2o7911k7KKLGjB4lmH508YJ7G9fLAUyjuB-wwwhejoWqvg7oWvqo4oIok8LG6ECR71C3dzCvIjY2QcrhoaazA9G4zcGMm6NKND-H4XY6tUWhpB~5GefB3YczOqMbHq4wi0O9MzBFrOJEOs3X4hwboKWANf7DT5PZKJZ5KorQPsYRSq0E3wSOsFCSsdVCKUGsAAAA/i2p/hosts.txt"); defaultSubs.add(DEFAULT_SUB); SubscriptionList subscriptions = new SubscriptionList(subscriptionFile, etagsFile, lastModifiedFile, lastFetchedFile, delay, defaultSubs, settings.get("proxy_host"), Integer.parseInt(settings.get("proxy_port"))); Log log = SystemVersion.isAndroid() ? null : new Log(logFile); // If false, add hosts via naming service; if true, write hosts.txt file directly // Default false if (Boolean.parseBoolean(settings.get("update_direct"))) { // Direct hosts.txt access File routerFile = new File(home, settings.get("router_addressbook")); AddressBook master; if (should_publish) { File masterFile = new File(home, settings.get("master_addressbook")); master = new AddressBook(masterFile); } else { master = null; } AddressBook router = new AddressBook(routerFile); update(master, router, published, subscriptions, log); } else { // Naming service - no merging of master to router and published is supported. update(getNamingService(settings.get("naming_service")), published, subscriptions, log); } } /** depth-first search */ private static NamingService searchNamingService(NamingService ns, String srch) { String name = ns.getName(); if (name.equals(srch) || name.endsWith('/' + srch) || name.endsWith('\\' + srch)) return ns; List<NamingService> list = ns.getNamingServices(); if (list != null) { for (NamingService nss : list) { NamingService rv = searchNamingService(nss, srch); if (rv != null) return rv; } } return null; } /** @return the configured NamingService, or the root NamingService */ private static NamingService getNamingService(String srch) { NamingService root = I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().namingService(); NamingService rv = searchNamingService(root, srch); return rv != null ? rv : root; } /** * Load the settings, set the proxy, then enter into the main loop. The main * loop performs an immediate update, and then an update every number of * hours, as configured in the settings file. * * @param args * Command line arguments. If there are any arguments provided, * the first is taken as addressbook's home directory, and the * others are ignored. */ public static void main(String[] args) { Daemon daemon = new Daemon(); if (args != null && args.length > 0 && args[0].equals("test")) daemon.test(args); else daemon.run(args); } /** @since 0.9.26 */ public static void test(String[] args) { Properties ctxProps = new Properties(); String PROP_FORCE = "i2p.naming.blockfile.writeInAppContext"; ctxProps.setProperty(PROP_FORCE, "true"); I2PAppContext ctx = new I2PAppContext(ctxProps); NamingService ns = getNamingService("hosts.txt"); File published = new File("test-published.txt"); Log log = new Log(new File("test-log.txt")); SubscriptionList subscriptions = new SubscriptionList("test-sub.txt"); update(ns, published, subscriptions, log); ctx.logManager().flush(); } public void run(String[] args) { _running = true; String settingsLocation = "config.txt"; File homeFile; if (args.length > 0) { homeFile = new SecureDirectory(args[0]); if (!homeFile.isAbsolute()) homeFile = new SecureDirectory(I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().getRouterDir(), args[0]); } else { homeFile = new SecureDirectory(System.getProperty("user.dir")); } Map<String, String> defaultSettings = new HashMap<String, String>(); defaultSettings.put("proxy_host", ""); defaultSettings.put("proxy_port", "4444"); defaultSettings.put("master_addressbook", "../userhosts.txt"); defaultSettings.put("router_addressbook", "../hosts.txt"); defaultSettings.put("published_addressbook", "../eepsite/docroot/hosts.txt"); defaultSettings.put("should_publish", "false"); defaultSettings.put("log", "log.txt"); defaultSettings.put("subscriptions", "subscriptions.txt"); defaultSettings.put("etags", "etags"); defaultSettings.put("last_modified", "last_modified"); defaultSettings.put("last_fetched", "last_fetched"); defaultSettings.put("update_delay", "12"); defaultSettings.put("update_direct", "false"); defaultSettings.put("naming_service", "hosts.txt"); if (!homeFile.exists()) { boolean created = homeFile.mkdirs(); if (created) System.out.println("INFO: Addressbook directory " + homeFile.getName() + " created"); else System.out.println("ERROR: Addressbook directory " + homeFile.getName() + " could not be created"); } File settingsFile = new File(homeFile, settingsLocation); Map<String, String> settings = ConfigParser.parse(settingsFile, defaultSettings); // wait try { Thread.sleep(5*60*1000 + I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().random().nextLong(5*60*1000)); // Static method, and redundent Thread.currentThread().sleep(5*60*1000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} while (_running) { long delay = Long.parseLong(settings.get("update_delay")); if (delay < 1) { delay = 1; } update(settings, homeFile.getAbsolutePath()); try { synchronized (this) { wait(delay * 60 * 60 * 1000); } } catch (InterruptedException exp) { } if (!_running) break; settings = ConfigParser.parse(settingsFile, defaultSettings); } } /** * Call this to get the addressbook to reread its config and * refetch its subscriptions. */ public void wakeup() { synchronized (this) { notifyAll(); } } public void stop() { _running = false; wakeup(); } }