package net.i2p.client.streaming.impl; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import net.i2p.I2PAppContext; import net.i2p.I2PException; import net.i2p.client.I2PClient; import net.i2p.client.I2PSession; import net.i2p.client.I2PSessionException; import net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PServerSocket; import net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocket; import net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocketManager; import net.i2p.client.streaming.I2PSocketOptions; import net.i2p.crypto.SigAlgo; import net.i2p.crypto.SigType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.util.ConvertToHash; import net.i2p.util.ConcurrentHashSet; import net.i2p.util.Log; /** * Centralize the coordination and multiplexing of the local client's streaming. * There should be one I2PSocketManager for each I2PSession, and if an application * is sending and receiving data through the streaming library using an * I2PSocketManager, it should not attempt to call I2PSession's setSessionListener * or receive any messages with its .receiveMessage * * This is what I2PSocketManagerFactory.createManager() returns. * Direct instantiation by others is deprecated. */ public class I2PSocketManagerFull implements I2PSocketManager { private final I2PAppContext _context; private final Log _log; private final I2PSession _session; private final Set<I2PSession> _subsessions; private final I2PServerSocketFull _serverSocket; private StandardServerSocket _realServerSocket; private final ConnectionOptions _defaultOptions; private long _acceptTimeout; private String _name; private static final AtomicInteger __managerId = new AtomicInteger(); private final ConnectionManager _connectionManager; private final AtomicBoolean _isDestroyed = new AtomicBoolean(); /** * Does not support EC * @since 0.9.21 */ private static final Set<Hash> _ecUnsupported = new HashSet<Hash>(16); private static final String[] EC_UNSUPPORTED_HASHES = { // list from http://zzz.i2p/topics/1682?page=1#p8414 // bzr.welterde.i2p "Cvs1gCZTTkgD2Z2byh2J9atPmh5~I8~L7BNQnQl0hUE=", // docs.i2p2.i2p "WCXV87RdrF6j-mnn6qt7kVSBifHTlPL0PmVMFWwaolo=", // flibusta.i2p "yy2hYtqqfl84N9skwdRkeM7baFMXHKyDWU3XRShlEo8=", // forum.i2p "3t5Ar2NCTIOId70uzX2bZyJljR0aBogxMEzNyHirB7A=", // i2jump.i2p "9vaoGZbOaeqdRK2qEunlwRM9mUSW-I9R4OON35TDKK4=", // irc.welterde.i2p "5rjezx4McFk3bNhoJV-NTLlQW1AR~jiUcN6DOWMCCVc=", // lists.i2p2.i2p "qwtgoFoMSK0TOtbT4ovBX1jHUzCoZCPzrJVxjKD7RCg=", // mtn.i2p2.i2p "X5VDzYaoX9-P6bAWnrVSR5seGLkOeORP2l3Mh4drXPo=", // nntp.welterde.i2p "VXwmNIwMy1BcUVmut0oZ72jbWoqFzvxJukmS-G8kAAE=", // paste.i2p2.i2p "DoyMyUUgOSTddvRpqYfKHFPPjkkX~iQmResyfjjBYWs=", // syndie.welterde.i2p "xMxC54BFgyp-~zzrQI3F8m2CK--9XMcNmSAep6RH4Kk=", // ugha.i2p "zsu3WF~QLBxZXH-gHq9MuZE6y8ROZmMF7dA2MbMMKkY=", // tracker.welterde.i2p "EVkFgKkrDKyGfI7TIuDmlHoAmvHC~FbnY946DfujR0A=", // www.i2p2.i2p "im9gytzKT15mT1sB5LC9bHXCcwytQ4EPcrGQhoam-4w=" }; /** * Does not support Ed * @since 0.9.23 */ private static final Set<Hash> _edUnsupported = new HashSet<Hash>(16); private static final String[] ED_UNSUPPORTED_HASHES = { // list from http://zzz.i2p/topics/1682?page=1#p8414 // minus those tested to support Ed // last tested 2015-11-04 // bzr.welterde.i2p "Cvs1gCZTTkgD2Z2byh2J9atPmh5~I8~L7BNQnQl0hUE=", // docs.i2p2.i2p "WCXV87RdrF6j-mnn6qt7kVSBifHTlPL0PmVMFWwaolo=", // i2jump.i2p "9vaoGZbOaeqdRK2qEunlwRM9mUSW-I9R4OON35TDKK4=", // irc.welterde.i2p "5rjezx4McFk3bNhoJV-NTLlQW1AR~jiUcN6DOWMCCVc=", // lists.i2p2.i2p "qwtgoFoMSK0TOtbT4ovBX1jHUzCoZCPzrJVxjKD7RCg=", // mtn.i2p2.i2p "X5VDzYaoX9-P6bAWnrVSR5seGLkOeORP2l3Mh4drXPo=", // nntp.welterde.i2p "VXwmNIwMy1BcUVmut0oZ72jbWoqFzvxJukmS-G8kAAE=", // paste.i2p2.i2p "DoyMyUUgOSTddvRpqYfKHFPPjkkX~iQmResyfjjBYWs=", // syndie.welterde.i2p "xMxC54BFgyp-~zzrQI3F8m2CK--9XMcNmSAep6RH4Kk=", // tracker.welterde.i2p "EVkFgKkrDKyGfI7TIuDmlHoAmvHC~FbnY946DfujR0A=", // www.i2p2.i2p "im9gytzKT15mT1sB5LC9bHXCcwytQ4EPcrGQhoam-4w=" }; static { for (int i = 0; i < EC_UNSUPPORTED_HASHES.length; i++) { String s = EC_UNSUPPORTED_HASHES[i]; Hash h = ConvertToHash.getHash(s); if (h != null) _ecUnsupported.add(h); else System.out.println("Bad hash " + s); } for (int i = 0; i < ED_UNSUPPORTED_HASHES.length; i++) { String s = ED_UNSUPPORTED_HASHES[i]; Hash h = ConvertToHash.getHash(s); if (h != null) _edUnsupported.add(h); else System.out.println("Bad hash " + s); } } /** cache of the property to detect changes */ private static volatile String _userDsaList = ""; private static final Set<Hash> _userDsaOnly = new ConcurrentHashSet<Hash>(4); private static final String PROP_DSALIST = "i2p.streaming.dsalist"; /** * How long to wait for the client app to accept() before sending back CLOSE? * This includes the time waiting in the queue. Currently set to 5 seconds. */ private static final long ACCEPT_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = 5*1000; /** * @deprecated use 4-arg constructor * @throws UnsupportedOperationException always */ @Deprecated public I2PSocketManagerFull() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * @deprecated use 4-arg constructor * @throws UnsupportedOperationException always */ @Deprecated public void init(I2PAppContext context, I2PSession session, Properties opts, String name) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** * This is what I2PSocketManagerFactory.createManager() returns. * Direct instantiation by others is deprecated. * * @param context non-null * @param session non-null * @param opts may be null * @param name non-null */ public I2PSocketManagerFull(I2PAppContext context, I2PSession session, Properties opts, String name) { _context = context; _session = session; _subsessions = new ConcurrentHashSet<I2PSession>(4); _log = _context.logManager().getLog(I2PSocketManagerFull.class); _name = name + " " + (__managerId.incrementAndGet()); _acceptTimeout = ACCEPT_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT; _defaultOptions = new ConnectionOptions(opts); _connectionManager = new ConnectionManager(_context, _session, _defaultOptions); _serverSocket = new I2PServerSocketFull(this); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) {"Socket manager created. \ndefault options: " + _defaultOptions + "\noriginal properties: " + opts); } debugInit(context); } /** * Create a copy of the current options, to be used in a setDefaultOptions() call. */ public I2PSocketOptions buildOptions() { return buildOptions(null); } /** * Create a modified copy of the current options, to be used in a setDefaultOptions() call. * * As of 0.9.19, defaults in opts are honored. * * @param opts The new options, may be null */ public I2PSocketOptions buildOptions(Properties opts) { ConnectionOptions curOpts = new ConnectionOptions(_defaultOptions); curOpts.setProperties(opts); return curOpts; } /** * @return the session, non-null */ public I2PSession getSession() { return _session; } /** * For a server, you must call connect() on the returned object. * Connecting the primary session does NOT connect any subsessions. * If the primary session is not connected, connecting a subsession will connect the primary session first. * * @return a new subsession, non-null * @param privateKeyStream null for transient, if non-null must have same encryption keys as primary session * and different signing keys * @param opts subsession options if any, may be null * @since 0.9.21 */ public I2PSession addSubsession(InputStream privateKeyStream, Properties opts) throws I2PSessionException { if (privateKeyStream == null) { // We don't actually need the same pubkey in the dest, just in the LS. // The dest one is unused. But this is how we find the LS keys // to reuse in RequestLeaseSetMessageHandler. ByteArrayOutputStream keyStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024); try { SigType type = getSigType(opts); if (type != SigType.DSA_SHA1) { // hassle, have to set up the padding and cert, see I2PClientImpl throw new I2PSessionException("type " + type + " unsupported"); } PublicKey pub = _session.getMyDestination().getPublicKey(); PrivateKey priv = _session.getDecryptionKey(); SimpleDataStructure[] keys = _context.keyGenerator().generateSigningKeys(type); pub.writeBytes(keyStream); keys[0].writeBytes(keyStream); // signing pub Certificate.NULL_CERT.writeBytes(keyStream); priv.writeBytes(keyStream); keys[1].writeBytes(keyStream); // signing priv } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { throw new I2PSessionException("Error creating keys", e); } catch (I2PException e) { throw new I2PSessionException("Error creating keys", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new I2PSessionException("Error creating keys", e); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new I2PSessionException("Error creating keys", e); } privateKeyStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(keyStream.toByteArray()); } I2PSession rv = _session.addSubsession(privateKeyStream, opts); boolean added = _subsessions.add(rv); if (!added) { // shouldn't happen _session.removeSubsession(rv); throw new I2PSessionException("dup"); } ConnectionOptions defaultOptions = new ConnectionOptions(opts); int protocol = defaultOptions.getEnforceProtocol() ? I2PSession.PROTO_STREAMING : I2PSession.PROTO_ANY; rv.addMuxedSessionListener(_connectionManager.getMessageHandler(), protocol, defaultOptions.getLocalPort()); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Added subsession " + rv); return rv; } /** * @param opts may be null * @since 0.9.21 copied from I2PSocketManagerFactory */ private SigType getSigType(Properties opts) { if (opts != null) { String st = opts.getProperty(I2PClient.PROP_SIGTYPE); if (st != null) { SigType rv = SigType.parseSigType(st); if (rv != null && rv.isAvailable()) return rv; if (rv != null) st = rv.toString(); _log.logAlways(Log.WARN, "Unsupported sig type " + st + ", reverting to " + I2PClient.DEFAULT_SIGTYPE); // TODO throw instead? } } return I2PClient.DEFAULT_SIGTYPE; } /** * Remove the subsession * * @since 0.9.21 */ public void removeSubsession(I2PSession session) { _session.removeSubsession(session); boolean removed = _subsessions.remove(session); if (removed) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Removeed subsession " + session); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Subsession not found to remove " + session); } } /** * @return a list of subsessions, non-null, does not include the primary session * @since 0.9.21 */ public List<I2PSession> getSubsessions() { return _session.getSubsessions(); } public ConnectionManager getConnectionManager() { return _connectionManager; } /** * The accept() call. * * This only listens on the primary session. There is no way to get * incoming connections on a subsession. * * @return connected I2PSocket, or null through 0.9.16, non-null as of 0.9.17 * @throws I2PException if session is closed * @throws ConnectException (since 0.9.17; I2PServerSocket interface always declared it) * @throws SocketTimeoutException if a timeout was previously set with setSoTimeout and the timeout has been reached. */ public I2PSocket receiveSocket() throws I2PException, ConnectException, SocketTimeoutException { verifySession(); Connection con = _connectionManager.getConnectionHandler().accept(_connectionManager.getSoTimeout()); I2PSocketFull sock = new I2PSocketFull(con, _context); con.setSocket(sock); return sock; } /** * Ping the specified peer, returning true if they replied to the ping within * the timeout specified, false otherwise. This call blocks. * * Uses the ports from the default options. * * TODO There is no way to ping on a subsession. * * @param peer * @param timeoutMs timeout in ms, greater than zero * @return true on success, false on failure * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ public boolean ping(Destination peer, long timeoutMs) { if (timeoutMs <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad timeout"); return, _defaultOptions.getLocalPort(), _defaultOptions.getPort(), timeoutMs); } /** * Ping the specified peer, returning true if they replied to the ping within * the timeout specified, false otherwise. This call blocks. * * Uses the ports specified. * * TODO There is no way to ping on a subsession. * * @param peer Destination to ping * @param localPort 0 - 65535 * @param remotePort 0 - 65535 * @param timeoutMs timeout in ms, greater than zero * @return success or failure * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @since 0.9.12 */ public boolean ping(Destination peer, int localPort, int remotePort, long timeoutMs) { if (localPort < 0 || localPort > 65535 || remotePort < 0 || remotePort > 65535) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad port"); if (timeoutMs <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad timeout"); return, localPort, remotePort, timeoutMs); } /** * Ping the specified peer, returning true if they replied to the ping within * the timeout specified, false otherwise. This call blocks. * * Uses the ports specified. * * TODO There is no way to ping on a subsession. * * @param peer Destination to ping * @param localPort 0 - 65535 * @param remotePort 0 - 65535 * @param timeoutMs timeout in ms, greater than zero * @param payload to include in the ping * @return the payload received in the pong, zero-length if none, null on failure or timeout * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @since 0.9.18 */ public byte[] ping(Destination peer, int localPort, int remotePort, long timeoutMs, byte[] payload) { if (localPort < 0 || localPort > 65535 || remotePort < 0 || remotePort > 65535) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad port"); if (timeoutMs <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad timeout"); return, localPort, remotePort, timeoutMs, payload); } /** * How long should we wait for the client to .accept() a socket before * sending back a NACK/Close? * * @param ms milliseconds to wait, maximum */ public void setAcceptTimeout(long ms) { _acceptTimeout = ms; } public long getAcceptTimeout() { return _acceptTimeout; } /** * Update the options on a running socket manager. * Parameters in the I2PSocketOptions interface may be changed directly * with the setters; no need to use this method for those. * This does NOT update the underlying I2CP or tunnel options; use getSession().updateOptions() for that. * * TODO There is no way to update the options on a subsession. * * @param options as created from a call to buildOptions(properties), non-null */ public void setDefaultOptions(I2PSocketOptions options) { if (!(options instanceof ConnectionOptions)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Changing options from:\n " + _defaultOptions + "\nto:\n " + options); _defaultOptions.updateAll((ConnectionOptions) options); _connectionManager.updateOptions(); } /** * Current options, not a copy, setters may be used to make changes. * * TODO There is no facility to specify the session. */ public I2PSocketOptions getDefaultOptions() { return _defaultOptions; } /** * Returns non-null socket. * This method does not throw exceptions, but methods on the returned socket * may throw exceptions if the socket or socket manager is closed. * * This only listens on the primary session. There is no way to get * incoming connections on a subsession. * * @return non-null */ public I2PServerSocket getServerSocket() { _connectionManager.setAllowIncomingConnections(true); return _serverSocket; } /** * Like getServerSocket but returns a real ServerSocket for easier porting of apps. * * This only listens on the primary session. There is no way to get * incoming connections on a subsession. * * @since 0.8.4 */ public synchronized ServerSocket getStandardServerSocket() throws IOException { if (_realServerSocket == null) _realServerSocket = new StandardServerSocket(_serverSocket); _connectionManager.setAllowIncomingConnections(true); return _realServerSocket; } private void verifySession() throws I2PException { verifySession(_connectionManager.getSession()); } /** @since 0.9.21 */ private void verifySession(I2PSession session) throws I2PException { if (_isDestroyed.get()) throw new I2PException("Session was closed"); if (!session.isClosed()) return; session.connect(); } /** * Create a new connected socket. Blocks until the socket is created, * unless the connectDelay option (i2p.streaming.connectDelay) is * set and greater than zero. If so this will return immediately, * and the client may quickly write initial data to the socket and * this data will be bundled in the SYN packet. * * @param peer Destination to connect to * @param options I2P socket options to be used for connecting, may be null * * @return I2PSocket if successful * @throws NoRouteToHostException if the peer is not found or not reachable * @throws I2PException if there is some other I2P-related problem */ public I2PSocket connect(Destination peer, I2PSocketOptions options) throws I2PException, NoRouteToHostException { if (peer == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if (options == null) options = _defaultOptions; ConnectionOptions opts = null; if (options instanceof ConnectionOptions) opts = new ConnectionOptions((ConnectionOptions)options); else opts = new ConnectionOptions(options); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Connecting to " + peer.calculateHash().toBase64().substring(0,6) + " with options: " + opts); // pick the subsession here I2PSession session = _session; if (!_subsessions.isEmpty()) { updateUserDsaList(); Hash h = peer.calculateHash(); SigAlgo myAlgo = session.getMyDestination().getSigType().getBaseAlgorithm(); if ((myAlgo == SigAlgo.EC && _ecUnsupported.contains(h)) || (myAlgo == SigAlgo.EdDSA && _edUnsupported.contains(h)) || (!_userDsaOnly.isEmpty() && _userDsaOnly.contains(h))) { // FIXME just taking the first one for now for (I2PSession sess : _subsessions) { if (sess.getMyDestination().getSigType() == SigType.DSA_SHA1) { session = sess; break; } } } } verifySession(session); // the following blocks unless connect delay > 0 Connection con = _connectionManager.connect(peer, opts, session); if (con == null) throw new TooManyStreamsException("Too many streams, max " + _defaultOptions.getMaxConns()); I2PSocketFull socket = new I2PSocketFull(con,_context); con.setSocket(socket); if (con.getConnectionError() != null) { con.disconnect(false); throw new NoRouteToHostException(con.getConnectionError()); } return socket; } /** * Update the global user DSA-only list. * This does not affect the hardcoded Ex_UNSUPPORTED_HASHES lists above, * the user can only add, not remove. * * @since 0.9.21 */ private void updateUserDsaList() { String hashes = _context.getProperty(PROP_DSALIST, ""); if (!_userDsaList.equals(hashes)) { // rebuild _userDsaOnly when property changes synchronized(_userDsaOnly) { if (hashes.length() > 0) { Set<Hash> newSet = new HashSet<Hash>(); StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(hashes, ",; "); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { String hashstr = tok.nextToken(); Hash hh = ConvertToHash.getHash(hashstr); if (hh != null) newSet.add(hh); else _log.error("Bad " + PROP_DSALIST + " entry: " + hashstr); } _userDsaOnly.addAll(newSet); _userDsaOnly.retainAll(newSet); _userDsaList = hashes; } else { _userDsaOnly.clear(); _userDsaList = ""; } } } } /** * Create a new connected socket. Blocks until the socket is created, * unless the connectDelay option (i2p.streaming.connectDelay) is * set and greater than zero in the default options. If so this will return immediately, * and the client may quickly write initial data to the socket and * this data will be bundled in the SYN packet. * * @param peer Destination to connect to * * @return I2PSocket if successful * @throws NoRouteToHostException if the peer is not found or not reachable * @throws I2PException if there is some other I2P-related problem */ public I2PSocket connect(Destination peer) throws I2PException, NoRouteToHostException { return connect(peer, _defaultOptions); } /** * Like connect() but returns a real Socket, and throws only IOE, * for easier porting of apps. * @since 0.8.4 */ public Socket connectToSocket(Destination peer) throws IOException { return connectToSocket(peer, _defaultOptions); } /** * Like connect() but returns a real Socket, and throws only IOE, * for easier porting of apps. * @param timeout ms if > 0, forces blocking (disables connectDelay) * @since 0.8.4 */ public Socket connectToSocket(Destination peer, int timeout) throws IOException { ConnectionOptions opts = new ConnectionOptions(_defaultOptions); opts.setConnectTimeout(timeout); if (timeout > 0) opts.setConnectDelay(-1); return connectToSocket(peer, opts); } /** * Like connect() but returns a real Socket, and throws only IOE, * for easier porting of apps. * @param options may be null * @since 0.8.4 */ private Socket connectToSocket(Destination peer, I2PSocketOptions options) throws IOException { try { I2PSocket sock = connect(peer, options); return new StandardSocket(sock); } catch (I2PException i2pe) { IOException ioe = new IOException("connect fail"); ioe.initCause(i2pe); throw ioe; } } /** * Destroy the socket manager, freeing all the associated resources. This * method will block until all the managed sockets are closed. * * CANNOT be restarted. */ public void destroySocketManager() { if (!_isDestroyed.compareAndSet(false,true)) { // shouldn't happen, log a stack trace to find out why it happened _log.logCloseLoop("I2PSocketManager", getName()); return; } _connectionManager.setAllowIncomingConnections(false); _connectionManager.shutdown(); if (!_subsessions.isEmpty()) { for (I2PSession sess : _subsessions) { removeSubsession(sess); } } // should we destroy the _session too? // yes, since the old lib did (and SAM wants it to, and i dont know why not) if ( (_session != null) && (!_session.isClosed()) ) { try { _session.destroySession(); } catch (I2PSessionException ise) { _log.warn("Unable to destroy the session", ise); } PcapWriter pcap = null; synchronized(_pcapInitLock) { pcap = pcapWriter; } if (pcap != null) pcap.flush(); } } /** * Has the socket manager been destroyed? * * @since 0.9.9 */ public boolean isDestroyed() { return _isDestroyed.get(); } /** * Retrieve a set of currently connected I2PSockets, either initiated locally or remotely. * * @return set of currently connected I2PSockets */ public Set<I2PSocket> listSockets() { Set<Connection> connections = _connectionManager.listConnections(); Set<I2PSocket> rv = new HashSet<I2PSocket>(connections.size()); for (Connection con : connections) { if (con.getSocket() != null) rv.add(con.getSocket()); } return rv; } /** * For logging / diagnostics only */ public String getName() { return _name; } /** * For logging / diagnostics only */ public void setName(String name) { _name = name; } public void addDisconnectListener(I2PSocketManager.DisconnectListener lsnr) { _connectionManager.getMessageHandler().addDisconnectListener(lsnr); } public void removeDisconnectListener(I2PSocketManager.DisconnectListener lsnr) { _connectionManager.getMessageHandler().removeDisconnectListener(lsnr); } private static final Object _pcapInitLock = new Object(); private static boolean _pcapInitialized; static PcapWriter pcapWriter; static final String PROP_PCAP = "i2p.streaming.pcap"; private static final String PCAP_FILE = "streaming.pcap"; private static void debugInit(I2PAppContext ctx) { if (!ctx.getBooleanProperty(PROP_PCAP)) return; synchronized(_pcapInitLock) { if (!_pcapInitialized) { try { pcapWriter = new PcapWriter(ctx, PCAP_FILE); } catch ( ioe) { System.err.println("pcap init ioe: " + ioe); } _pcapInitialized = true; } } } }