package net.i2p.util; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import net.i2p.I2PAppContext; import; /** * Cache the objects frequently used to reduce memory churn. The ByteArray * should be held onto as long as the data referenced in it is needed. * * For small arrays where the management of valid bytes in ByteArray * and prezeroing isn't required, use SimpleByteArray instead. * * Heap size control - survey of usage: * * <pre> Size Max MaxMem From 1K 32 32K tunnel TrivialPreprocessor 1K 512 512K tunnel FragmentHandler 1K 512 512K I2NP TunnelDataMessage 1K 512 512K tunnel FragmentedMessage 1730 128 216K streaming MessageOutputStream 2K 64 128K UDP IMS 4K 32 128K I2PTunnelRunner 8K 8 64K I2PTunnel HTTPResponseOutputStream 16K 16 256K I2PSnark 32K 4 128K SAM StreamSession 32K 10 320K SAM v2StreamSession 32K 64 2M UDP OMS 32K 128 4M streaming MessageInputStream 36K 64 2.25M streaming PacketQueue 40K 8 320K DataHelper decompress 64K 64 4M UDP MessageReceiver - disabled in 0.7.14 * </pre> * */ public final class ByteCache { //private static final Log _log = I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().logManager().getLog(ByteCache.class); private static final Map<Integer, ByteCache> _caches = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, ByteCache>(16); /** * max size in bytes of each cache * Set to max memory / 128, with a min of 128KB and a max of 4MB * * @since 0.7.14 */ private static final int MAX_CACHE; static { long maxMemory = SystemVersion.getMaxMemory(); MAX_CACHE = (int) Math.min(4*1024*1024l, Math.max(128*1024l, maxMemory / 128)); } /** * Get a cache responsible for objects of the given size. * Warning, if you store the result in a static field, the cleaners will * not operate after a restart on Android, as the old context's SimpleTimer2 will have shut down. * TODO tie this to the context or clean up all calls. * * @param cacheSize how large we want the cache to grow * (number of objects, NOT memory size) * before discarding released objects. * Since 0.7.14, a limit of 1MB / size is enforced * for the typical 128MB max memory JVM * @param size how large should the objects cached be? */ public static ByteCache getInstance(int cacheSize, int size) { if (cacheSize * size > MAX_CACHE) cacheSize = MAX_CACHE / size; Integer sz = Integer.valueOf(size); ByteCache cache = _caches.get(sz); if (cache == null) { cache = new ByteCache(cacheSize, size); _caches.put(sz, cache); } cache.resize(cacheSize); //I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().logManager().getLog(ByteCache.class).error("ByteCache size: " + size + " max: " + cacheSize, new Exception("from")); return cache; } /** * Clear everything (memory pressure) * @since 0.7.14 */ public static void clearAll() { for (ByteCache bc : _caches.values()) bc.clear(); //_log.warn("WARNING: Low memory, clearing byte caches"); } /** list of available and available entries */ private volatile Queue<ByteArray> _available; private int _maxCached; private final int _entrySize; private volatile long _lastOverflow; /** do we actually want to cache? Warning - setting to false may NPE, this should be fixed or removed */ private static final boolean _cache = true; /** how often do we cleanup the cache */ private static final int CLEANUP_FREQUENCY = 33*1000; /** if we haven't exceeded the cache size in 2 minutes, cut our cache in half */ private static final long EXPIRE_PERIOD = 2*60*1000; private ByteCache(int maxCachedEntries, int entrySize) { if (_cache) _available = new LinkedBlockingQueue<ByteArray>(maxCachedEntries); _maxCached = maxCachedEntries; _entrySize = entrySize; _lastOverflow = -1; SimpleTimer2.getInstance().addPeriodicEvent(new Cleanup(), CLEANUP_FREQUENCY + (entrySize % 777)); //stagger I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().statManager().createRateStat("byteCache.memory." + entrySize, "Memory usage (B)", "Router", new long[] { 10*60*1000 }); } private void resize(int maxCachedEntries) { if (_maxCached >= maxCachedEntries) return; _maxCached = maxCachedEntries; // make a bigger one, move the cached items over Queue<ByteArray> newLBQ = new LinkedBlockingQueue<ByteArray>(maxCachedEntries); ByteArray ba; while ((ba = _available.poll()) != null) newLBQ.offer(ba); _available = newLBQ; } /** * Get the next available structure, either from the cache or a brand new one. * Returned ByteArray will have valid = 0 and offset = 0. * Returned ByteArray may or may not be zero, depends on whether * release(ba) or release(ba, false) was called. * Which is a problem, you should really specify shouldZero on acquire, not release. */ public final ByteArray acquire() { if (_cache) { ByteArray rv = _available.poll(); if (rv != null) return rv; } _lastOverflow = System.currentTimeMillis(); byte data[] = new byte[_entrySize]; ByteArray rv = new ByteArray(data); rv.setValid(0); //rv.setOffset(0); return rv; } /** * Put this structure back onto the available cache for reuse * */ public final void release(ByteArray entry) { release(entry, true); } public final void release(ByteArray entry, boolean shouldZero) { if (_cache) { if (entry == null || entry.getData() == null) return; if (entry.getData().length != _entrySize) { Log log = I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().logManager().getLog(ByteCache.class); if (log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) log.warn("Bad size", new Exception("I did it")); return; } entry.setValid(0); entry.setOffset(0); if (shouldZero) Arrays.fill(entry.getData(), (byte)0x0); _available.offer(entry); } } /** * Clear everything (memory pressure) * @since 0.7.14 */ private void clear() { _available.clear(); } private class Cleanup implements SimpleTimer.TimedEvent { public void timeReached() { I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().statManager().addRateData("byteCache.memory." + _entrySize, _entrySize * _available.size(), 0); if (System.currentTimeMillis() - _lastOverflow > EXPIRE_PERIOD) { // we haven't exceeded the cache size in a few minutes, so lets // shrink the cache int toRemove = _available.size() / 2; for (int i = 0; i < toRemove; i++) _available.poll(); //if ( (toRemove > 0) && (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) ) // _log.debug("Removing " + toRemove + " cached entries of size " + _entrySize); } } @Override public String toString() { return "Cleaner for " + _entrySize + " byte cache"; } } }