package net.i2p.router.transport.udp; import; import; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import net.i2p.crypto.SigType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.router.OutNetMessage; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.router.transport.crypto.DHSessionKeyBuilder; import net.i2p.util.Addresses; import net.i2p.util.Log; /** * Data for a new connection being established, where the remote peer has * initiated the connection with us. In other words, they are Alice and * we are Bob. * * TODO do all these methods need to be synchronized? */ class InboundEstablishState { private final RouterContext _context; private final Log _log; // SessionRequest message private byte _receivedX[]; private byte _bobIP[]; private final int _bobPort; private final DHSessionKeyBuilder _keyBuilder; // SessionCreated message private byte _sentY[]; private final byte _aliceIP[]; private final int _alicePort; private long _sentRelayTag; private long _sentSignedOnTime; private SessionKey _sessionKey; private SessionKey _macKey; private Signature _sentSignature; // SessionConfirmed messages - fragmented in theory but not in practice - see below private byte _receivedIdentity[][]; private long _receivedSignedOnTime; private byte _receivedSignature[]; private boolean _verificationAttempted; // sig not verified private RouterIdentity _receivedUnconfirmedIdentity; // identical to uncomfirmed, but sig now verified private RouterIdentity _receivedConfirmedIdentity; // general status private final long _establishBegin; //private long _lastReceive; private long _lastSend; private long _nextSend; private final RemoteHostId _remoteHostId; private InboundState _currentState; private final Queue<OutNetMessage> _queuedMessages; // count for backoff private int _createdSentCount; // default true private boolean _introductionRequested = true; public enum InboundState { /** nothin known yet */ IB_STATE_UNKNOWN, /** we have received an initial request */ IB_STATE_REQUEST_RECEIVED, /** we have sent a signed creation packet */ IB_STATE_CREATED_SENT, /** we have received one but not all the confirmation packets * This never happens in practice - see below. */ IB_STATE_CONFIRMED_PARTIALLY, /** we have all the confirmation packets */ IB_STATE_CONFIRMED_COMPLETELY, /** we are explicitly failing it */ IB_STATE_FAILED, /** Successful completion, PeerState created and added to transport */ IB_STATE_COMPLETE } /** basic delay before backoff * Transmissions at 0, 3, 9 sec * Previously: 1500 (0, 1.5, 4.5, 10.5) */ private static final long RETRANSMIT_DELAY = 3000; /** max delay including backoff */ private static final long MAX_DELAY = 15*1000; /** * @param localPort Must be our external port, otherwise the signature of the * SessionCreated message will be bad if the external port != the internal port. */ public InboundEstablishState(RouterContext ctx, byte remoteIP[], int remotePort, int localPort, DHSessionKeyBuilder dh) { _context = ctx; _log = ctx.logManager().getLog(InboundEstablishState.class); _aliceIP = remoteIP; _alicePort = remotePort; _remoteHostId = new RemoteHostId(_aliceIP, _alicePort); _bobPort = localPort; _currentState = InboundState.IB_STATE_UNKNOWN; _establishBegin = ctx.clock().now(); _keyBuilder = dh; _queuedMessages = new LinkedBlockingQueue<OutNetMessage>(); } public synchronized InboundState getState() { return _currentState; } /** @return if previously complete */ public synchronized boolean isComplete() { return _currentState == InboundState.IB_STATE_COMPLETE || _currentState == InboundState.IB_STATE_FAILED; } /** Notify successful completion */ public synchronized void complete() { _currentState = InboundState.IB_STATE_COMPLETE; } /** * Queue a message to be sent after the session is established. * This will only happen if we decide to send something during establishment * @since 0.9.2 */ public void addMessage(OutNetMessage msg) { // chance of a duplicate here in a race, that's ok if (!_queuedMessages.contains(msg)) _queuedMessages.offer(msg); else if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("attempt to add duplicate msg to queue: " + msg); } /** * Pull from the message queue * @return null if none * @since 0.9.2 */ public OutNetMessage getNextQueuedMessage() { return _queuedMessages.poll(); } public synchronized void receiveSessionRequest(UDPPacketReader.SessionRequestReader req) { if (_receivedX == null) _receivedX = new byte[UDPPacketReader.SessionRequestReader.X_LENGTH]; req.readX(_receivedX, 0); if (_bobIP == null) _bobIP = new byte[req.readIPSize()]; req.readIP(_bobIP, 0); byte[] ext = req.readExtendedOptions(); if (ext != null && ext.length >= UDPPacket.SESS_REQ_MIN_EXT_OPTIONS_LENGTH) { _introductionRequested = (ext[1] & (byte) UDPPacket.SESS_REQ_EXT_FLAG_REQUEST_RELAY_TAG) != 0; if (_log.shouldInfo())"got sess req. w/ ext. options, need intro? " + _introductionRequested + ' ' + this); } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Receive sessionRequest, BobIP = " + Addresses.toString(_bobIP)); if (_currentState == InboundState.IB_STATE_UNKNOWN) _currentState = InboundState.IB_STATE_REQUEST_RECEIVED; packetReceived(); } public synchronized boolean sessionRequestReceived() { return _receivedX != null; } public synchronized byte[] getReceivedX() { return _receivedX; } public synchronized byte[] getReceivedOurIP() { return _bobIP; } /** * True (default) if no extended options in session request, * or value of flag bit in the extended options. * @since 0.9.24 */ public synchronized boolean isIntroductionRequested() { return _introductionRequested; } /** * Generates session key and mac key. */ public synchronized void generateSessionKey() throws DHSessionKeyBuilder.InvalidPublicParameterException { if (_sessionKey != null) return; _keyBuilder.setPeerPublicValue(_receivedX); _sessionKey = _keyBuilder.getSessionKey(); ByteArray extra = _keyBuilder.getExtraBytes(); _macKey = new SessionKey(new byte[SessionKey.KEYSIZE_BYTES]); System.arraycopy(extra.getData(), 0, _macKey.getData(), 0, SessionKey.KEYSIZE_BYTES); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Established inbound keys. cipher: " + Base64.encode(_sessionKey.getData()) + " mac: " + Base64.encode(_macKey.getData())); } public synchronized SessionKey getCipherKey() { return _sessionKey; } public synchronized SessionKey getMACKey() { return _macKey; } /** what IP do they appear to be on? */ public byte[] getSentIP() { return _aliceIP; } /** what port number do they appear to be coming from? */ public int getSentPort() { return _alicePort; } public synchronized byte[] getSentY() { if (_sentY == null) _sentY = _keyBuilder.getMyPublicValueBytes(); return _sentY; } public synchronized void fail() { _currentState = InboundState.IB_STATE_FAILED; } public synchronized long getSentRelayTag() { return _sentRelayTag; } public synchronized void setSentRelayTag(long tag) { _sentRelayTag = tag; } public synchronized long getSentSignedOnTime() { return _sentSignedOnTime; } public synchronized void prepareSessionCreated() { if (_sentSignature == null) signSessionCreated(); } public synchronized Signature getSentSignature() { return _sentSignature; } /** * Sign: Alice's IP + Alice's port + Bob's IP + Bob's port + Alice's * new relay tag + Bob's signed on time */ private void signSessionCreated() { byte signed[] = new byte[256 + 256 // X + Y + _aliceIP.length + 2 + _bobIP.length + 2 + 4 // sent relay tag + 4 // signed on time ]; _sentSignedOnTime = _context.clock().now() / 1000; int off = 0; System.arraycopy(_receivedX, 0, signed, off, _receivedX.length); off += _receivedX.length; getSentY(); System.arraycopy(_sentY, 0, signed, off, _sentY.length); off += _sentY.length; System.arraycopy(_aliceIP, 0, signed, off, _aliceIP.length); off += _aliceIP.length; DataHelper.toLong(signed, off, 2, _alicePort); off += 2; System.arraycopy(_bobIP, 0, signed, off, _bobIP.length); off += _bobIP.length; DataHelper.toLong(signed, off, 2, _bobPort); off += 2; DataHelper.toLong(signed, off, 4, _sentRelayTag); off += 4; DataHelper.toLong(signed, off, 4, _sentSignedOnTime); _sentSignature = _context.dsa().sign(signed, _context.keyManager().getSigningPrivateKey()); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128); buf.append("Signing sessionCreated:"); //buf.append(" ReceivedX: ").append(Base64.encode(_receivedX)); //buf.append(" SentY: ").append(Base64.encode(_sentY)); buf.append(" Alice: ").append(Addresses.toString(_aliceIP, _alicePort)); buf.append(" Bob: ").append(Addresses.toString(_bobIP, _bobPort)); buf.append(" RelayTag: ").append(_sentRelayTag); buf.append(" SignedOn: ").append(_sentSignedOnTime); buf.append(" signature: ").append(Base64.encode(_sentSignature.getData())); _log.debug(buf.toString()); } } /** note that we just sent a SessionCreated packet */ public synchronized void createdPacketSent() { _lastSend = _context.clock().now(); long delay; if (_createdSentCount == 0) { delay = RETRANSMIT_DELAY; } else { delay = Math.min(RETRANSMIT_DELAY << _createdSentCount, MAX_DELAY); } _createdSentCount++; _nextSend = _lastSend + delay; if ( (_currentState == InboundState.IB_STATE_UNKNOWN) || (_currentState == InboundState.IB_STATE_REQUEST_RECEIVED) ) _currentState = InboundState.IB_STATE_CREATED_SENT; } /** how long have we been trying to establish this session? */ public long getLifetime() { return _context.clock().now() - _establishBegin; } public long getEstablishBeginTime() { return _establishBegin; } public synchronized long getNextSendTime() { return _nextSend; } /** RemoteHostId, uniquely identifies an attempt */ RemoteHostId getRemoteHostId() { return _remoteHostId; } /** * Note that while a SessionConfirmed could in theory be fragmented, * in practice a RouterIdentity is 387 bytes and a single fragment is 512 bytes max, * so it will never be fragmented. */ public synchronized void receiveSessionConfirmed(UDPPacketReader.SessionConfirmedReader conf) { if (_receivedIdentity == null) _receivedIdentity = new byte[conf.readTotalFragmentNum()][]; int cur = conf.readCurrentFragmentNum(); if (cur >= _receivedIdentity.length) { // avoid AIOOBE // should do more than this, but what? disconnect? fail(); packetReceived(); return; } if (_receivedIdentity[cur] == null) { byte fragment[] = new byte[conf.readCurrentFragmentSize()]; conf.readFragmentData(fragment, 0); _receivedIdentity[cur] = fragment; } if (cur == _receivedIdentity.length-1) { _receivedSignedOnTime = conf.readFinalFragmentSignedOnTime(); // TODO verify time to prevent replay attacks buildIdentity(); if (_receivedUnconfirmedIdentity != null) { SigType type = _receivedUnconfirmedIdentity.getSigningPublicKey().getType(); if (type != null) { int sigLen = type.getSigLen(); if (_receivedSignature == null) _receivedSignature = new byte[sigLen]; conf.readFinalSignature(_receivedSignature, 0, sigLen); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Unsupported sig type from: " + toString()); // _x() in UDPTransport _context.banlist().banlistRouterForever(_receivedUnconfirmedIdentity.calculateHash(), "Unsupported signature type"); fail(); } } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Bad ident from: " + toString()); fail(); } } if ( (_currentState == InboundState.IB_STATE_UNKNOWN) || (_currentState == InboundState.IB_STATE_REQUEST_RECEIVED) || (_currentState == InboundState.IB_STATE_CREATED_SENT) ) { if (confirmedFullyReceived()) _currentState = InboundState.IB_STATE_CONFIRMED_COMPLETELY; else _currentState = InboundState.IB_STATE_CONFIRMED_PARTIALLY; } packetReceived(); } /** * Have we fully received the SessionConfirmed messages from Alice? * Caller must synch on this. */ private boolean confirmedFullyReceived() { if (_receivedIdentity != null) { for (int i = 0; i < _receivedIdentity.length; i++) { if (_receivedIdentity[i] == null) return false; } return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Who is Alice (null if forged/unknown) * * Note that this isn't really confirmed - see below. */ public synchronized RouterIdentity getConfirmedIdentity() { if (!_verificationAttempted) { verifyIdentity(); _verificationAttempted = true; } return _receivedConfirmedIdentity; } /** * Construct Alice's RouterIdentity. * Must have received all fragments. * Sets _receivedUnconfirmedIdentity, unless invalid. * * Caller must synch on this. * * @since 0.9.16 was in verifyIdentity() */ private void buildIdentity() { if (_receivedUnconfirmedIdentity != null) return; // dup pkt? int frags = _receivedIdentity.length; byte[] ident; if (frags > 1) { int identSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _receivedIdentity.length; i++) identSize += _receivedIdentity[i].length; ident = new byte[identSize]; int off = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _receivedIdentity.length; i++) { int len = _receivedIdentity[i].length; System.arraycopy(_receivedIdentity[i], 0, ident, off, len); off += len; } } else { // no need to copy ident = _receivedIdentity[0]; } ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(ident); RouterIdentity peer = new RouterIdentity(); try { peer.readBytes(in); _receivedUnconfirmedIdentity = peer; } catch (DataFormatException dfe) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Improperly formatted yet fully received ident", dfe); } catch (IOException ioe) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Improperly formatted yet fully received ident", ioe); } } /** * Determine if Alice sent us a valid confirmation packet. The * identity signs: Alice's IP + Alice's port + Bob's IP + Bob's port * + Alice's new relay key + Alice's signed on time * * Note that the protocol does not include a signature of the RouterIdentity, * which could be a problem? * * Caller must synch on this. */ private void verifyIdentity() { if (_receivedUnconfirmedIdentity == null) return; // either not yet recvd or bad ident if (_receivedSignature == null) return; // either not yet recvd or bad sig byte signed[] = new byte[256+256 // X + Y + _aliceIP.length + 2 + _bobIP.length + 2 + 4 // Alice's relay key + 4 // signed on time ]; int off = 0; System.arraycopy(_receivedX, 0, signed, off, _receivedX.length); off += _receivedX.length; getSentY(); System.arraycopy(_sentY, 0, signed, off, _sentY.length); off += _sentY.length; System.arraycopy(_aliceIP, 0, signed, off, _aliceIP.length); off += _aliceIP.length; DataHelper.toLong(signed, off, 2, _alicePort); off += 2; System.arraycopy(_bobIP, 0, signed, off, _bobIP.length); off += _bobIP.length; DataHelper.toLong(signed, off, 2, _bobPort); off += 2; DataHelper.toLong(signed, off, 4, _sentRelayTag); off += 4; DataHelper.toLong(signed, off, 4, _receivedSignedOnTime); Signature sig = new Signature(_receivedUnconfirmedIdentity.getSigType(), _receivedSignature); boolean ok = _context.dsa().verifySignature(sig, signed, _receivedUnconfirmedIdentity.getSigningPublicKey()); if (ok) { // todo partial spoof detection - get peer.calculateHash(), // lookup in netdb locally, if not equal, fail? _receivedConfirmedIdentity = _receivedUnconfirmedIdentity; } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Signature failed from " + _receivedUnconfirmedIdentity); } } private void packetReceived() { _nextSend = _context.clock().now(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128); buf.append("IES "); buf.append(Addresses.toString(_aliceIP, _alicePort)); //if (_receivedX != null) // buf.append(" ReceivedX: ").append(Base64.encode(_receivedX, 0, 4)); //if (_sentY != null) // buf.append(" SentY: ").append(Base64.encode(_sentY, 0, 4)); //buf.append(" Bob: ").append(Addresses.toString(_bobIP, _bobPort)); buf.append(" RelayTag: ").append(_sentRelayTag); //buf.append(" SignedOn: ").append(_sentSignedOnTime); buf.append(' ').append(_currentState); return buf.toString(); } }