package net.i2p.client.streaming.impl; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import net.i2p.I2PAppContext; import static net.i2p.client.streaming.impl.I2PSocketOptionsImpl.getDouble; import; import net.i2p.util.Log; import net.i2p.util.SimpleTimer2; /** * Share important TCP Control Block parameters across Connections * to the same remote peer. * This is intended for "temporal" sharing at connection open/close time, * not "ensemble" sharing during a connection. Ref. RFC 2140. * * There is a TCB share per ConnectionManager (i.e. per local Destination) * so that there is no information leakage to other Destinations on the * same router. * */ class TCBShare { private final I2PAppContext _context; private final Log _log; private final Map<Destination, Entry> _cache; private final CleanEvent _cleaner; private final double _rttDampening, _wdwDampening, _rttDevDampening; private static final long EXPIRE_TIME = 15*60*1000; private static final long CLEAN_TIME = 5*60*1000; ///// constants defined in rfc 2140 ///// do not change unless you know what you're doing private static final double RTT_DAMPENING = 0.75; private static final double RTTDEV_DAMPENING = 0.75; private static final double WDW_DAMPENING = 0.75; private static final String RTT_DAMP_PROP="i2p.streaming.tcbcache.rttDampening"; private static final String WDW_DAMP_PROP="i2p.streaming.tcbcache.wdwDampening"; private static final String RTTDEV_DAMP_PROP="i2p.streaming.tcbcache.rttdevDampening"; ///// private static final int MAX_RTT = ((int) Connection.MAX_RESEND_DELAY) / 2; private static final int MAX_RTT_DEV = (int) (MAX_RTT * 1.5); private static final int MAX_WINDOW_SIZE = ConnectionPacketHandler.MAX_SLOW_START_WINDOW; public TCBShare(I2PAppContext ctx, SimpleTimer2 timer) { _context = ctx; _log = ctx.logManager().getLog(TCBShare.class); final Properties props = ctx.getProperties(); _rttDampening = getDouble(props, RTT_DAMP_PROP, RTT_DAMPENING); _wdwDampening = getDouble(props, WDW_DAMP_PROP, WDW_DAMPENING); _rttDevDampening = getDouble(props, RTTDEV_DAMP_PROP, RTTDEV_DAMPENING); _cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<Destination,Entry>(4); _cleaner = new CleanEvent(timer); _cleaner.schedule(CLEAN_TIME); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) { String log = "Creating TCBCache with rttDamp=%s, rttDevDamp=%s, wdwDamp=%s, "+ "expire=%d, clean=%d"; log = String.format(log,_rttDampening,_rttDevDampening,_wdwDampening, EXPIRE_TIME,CLEAN_TIME); _log.debug(log); } } /** * Cannot be restarted. */ public void stop() { _cleaner.cancel(); _cache.clear(); } /** retrieve from cache */ public void updateOptsFromShare(Connection con) { Destination dest = con.getRemotePeer(); if (dest == null) return; ConnectionOptions opts = con.getOptions(); if (opts == null) return; Entry e = _cache.get(dest); if (e == null || e.isExpired()) return; final int rtt, rttDev, wdw; synchronized(e) { rtt = e.getRTT(); rttDev = e.getRTTDev(); wdw = e.getWindowSize(); } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) { _log.debug("From cache: " + con.getSession().getMyDestination().calculateHash().toBase64().substring(0, 4) + '-' + dest.calculateHash().toBase64().substring(0, 4) + " RTT: " + rtt + " RTTDev: "+ rttDev + " wdw: " + wdw ); } opts.loadFromCache(rtt,rttDev,wdw); } /** store to cache */ public void updateShareOpts(Connection con) { Destination dest = con.getRemotePeer(); if (dest == null) return; if (con.getAckedPackets() <= 0) return; ConnectionOptions opts = con.getOptions(); if (opts == null) return; int old = -1; int oldw = -1; int oldDev = -1; Entry e = _cache.get(dest); if (e == null || e.isExpired()) { e = new Entry(opts.getRTT(), opts.getWindowSize(), opts.getRTTDev()); _cache.put(dest, e); } else { synchronized(e) { old = e.getRTT(); oldw = e.getWindowSize(); oldDev = e.getRTTDev(); e.setRTT(opts.getRTT()); e.setWindowSize(opts.getWindowSize()); e.setRTTDev(opts.getRTTDev()); } } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) { _log.debug("To cache: " + con.getSession().getMyDestination().calculateHash().toBase64().substring(0, 4) + '-' + dest.calculateHash().toBase64().substring(0, 4) + " old: " + old + " con: " + opts.getRTT() + " new: " + e.getRTT() + " oldDev: " + oldDev + " conDev: " + opts.getRTTDev() + " newDev: " + e.getRTTDev() + " oldw: " + oldw + " conw: " + opts.getWindowSize() + " neww: " + e.getWindowSize()); } } private class Entry { int _rtt; int _wdw; int _rttDev; long _updated; public Entry(int ms, int wdw, int rttDev) { _rtt = ms; _wdw = wdw; _rttDev = rttDev; _updated = _context.clock().now(); } public synchronized int getRTT() { return _rtt; } public synchronized void setRTT(int ms) { _rtt = (int)(_rttDampening*_rtt + (1-_rttDampening)*ms); if (_rtt > MAX_RTT) _rtt = MAX_RTT; _updated = _context.clock().now(); } public synchronized int getRTTDev() { return _rttDev; } public synchronized void setRTTDev(int count) { _rttDev = (int)(_rttDevDampening*_rttDev + (1-_rttDevDampening)*count); if (_rttDev > MAX_RTT_DEV) _rttDev = MAX_RTT_DEV; _updated = _context.clock().now(); } public synchronized int getWindowSize() { return _wdw; } public synchronized void setWindowSize(int wdw) { _wdw = (int)(0.5 + _wdwDampening*_wdw + (1-_wdwDampening)*wdw); if (_wdw > MAX_WINDOW_SIZE) _wdw = MAX_WINDOW_SIZE; _updated = _context.clock().now(); } public synchronized boolean isExpired() { return _updated < _context.clock().now() - EXPIRE_TIME; } } private class CleanEvent extends SimpleTimer2.TimedEvent { public CleanEvent(SimpleTimer2 timer) { // Use router's SimpleTimer2 super(timer); } public void timeReached() { for (Iterator<Entry> iter = _cache.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { if ( iter.remove(); } schedule(CLEAN_TIME); } } }