package net.i2p.router.transport.ntcp; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.router.OutNetMessage; import net.i2p.router.Router; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.router.transport.FIFOBandwidthLimiter; import net.i2p.router.transport.FIFOBandwidthLimiter.Request; import net.i2p.router.util.PriBlockingQueue; import net.i2p.util.ByteCache; import net.i2p.util.ConcurrentHashSet; import net.i2p.util.HexDump; import net.i2p.util.Log; import net.i2p.util.SystemVersion; import net.i2p.util.VersionComparator; /** * Coordinate the connection to a single peer. * * The NTCP transport sends individual I2NP messages AES/256/CBC encrypted with * a simple checksum. The unencrypted message is encoded as follows: *<pre> * +-------+-------+--//--+---//----+-------+-------+-------+-------+ * | sizeof(data) | data | padding | adler checksum of sz+data+pad | * +-------+-------+--//--+---//----+-------+-------+-------+-------+ *</pre> * That message is then encrypted with the DH/2048 negotiated session key * (station to station authenticated per the EstablishState class) using the * last 16 bytes of the previous encrypted message as the IV. * * One special case is a metadata message where the sizeof(data) is 0. In * that case, the unencrypted message is encoded as: *<pre> * +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ * | 0 | timestamp in seconds | uninterpreted * +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ * uninterpreted | adler checksum of sz+data+pad | * +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ *</pre> * */ class NTCPConnection implements Closeable { private final RouterContext _context; private final Log _log; private SocketChannel _chan; private SelectionKey _conKey; private final FIFOBandwidthLimiter.CompleteListener _inboundListener; private final FIFOBandwidthLimiter.CompleteListener _outboundListener; /** * queue of ByteBuffer containing data we have read and are ready to process, oldest first * unbounded and lockless */ private final Queue<ByteBuffer> _readBufs; /** * list of ByteBuffers containing fully populated and encrypted data, ready to write, * and already cleared through the bandwidth limiter. * unbounded and lockless */ private final Queue<ByteBuffer> _writeBufs; /** Requests that were not granted immediately */ private final Set<FIFOBandwidthLimiter.Request> _bwInRequests; private final Set<FIFOBandwidthLimiter.Request> _bwOutRequests; private long _establishedOn; private volatile EstablishState _establishState; private final NTCPTransport _transport; private final boolean _isInbound; private final AtomicBoolean _closed = new AtomicBoolean(); private final RouterAddress _remAddr; private RouterIdentity _remotePeer; private long _clockSkew; // in seconds /** * pending unprepared OutNetMessage instances */ //private final CoDelPriorityBlockingQueue<OutNetMessage> _outbound; private final PriBlockingQueue<OutNetMessage> _outbound; /** * current prepared OutNetMessage, or null - synchronize on _outbound to modify or read * FIXME why do we need this??? */ private OutNetMessage _currentOutbound; private SessionKey _sessionKey; /** encrypted block of the current I2NP message being read */ private byte _curReadBlock[]; /** next byte to which data should be placed in the _curReadBlock */ private int _curReadBlockIndex; private final byte _decryptBlockBuf[]; /** last AES block of the encrypted I2NP message (to serve as the next block's IV) */ private byte _prevReadBlock[]; private byte _prevWriteEnd[]; /** current partially read I2NP message */ private final ReadState _curReadState; private final AtomicInteger _messagesRead = new AtomicInteger(); private final AtomicInteger _messagesWritten = new AtomicInteger(); private long _lastSendTime; private long _lastReceiveTime; private long _lastRateUpdated; private final long _created; // prevent sending meta before established private long _nextMetaTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; private int _consecutiveZeroReads; private static final int BLOCK_SIZE = 16; private static final int META_SIZE = BLOCK_SIZE; /** unencrypted outbound metadata buffer */ private final byte _meta[] = new byte[META_SIZE]; private boolean _sendingMeta; /** how many consecutive sends were failed due to (estimated) send queue time */ //private int _consecutiveBacklog; private long _nextInfoTime; private boolean _mayDisconnect; /* * Update frequency for send/recv rates in console peers page */ private static final long STAT_UPDATE_TIME_MS = 30*1000; /* * Should be longer than 2 * EventPumper.MAX_EXPIRE_IDLE_TIME so it doesn't * interfere with the timeout, at least at first */ private static final int META_FREQUENCY = 45*60*1000; /** how often we send our routerinfo unsolicited */ private static final int INFO_FREQUENCY = 50*60*1000; /** * Why this is 16K, and where it is documented, good question? * We claim we can do 32K datagrams so this is a problem. * Needs to be fixed. But SSU can handle it? * In the meantime, don't let the transport bid on big messages. */ public static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 16*1024; private static final int MAX_DATA_READ_BUFS = 16; private static final ByteCache _dataReadBufs = ByteCache.getInstance(MAX_DATA_READ_BUFS, BUFFER_SIZE); /** 2 bytes for length and 4 for CRC */ public static final int MAX_MSG_SIZE = BUFFER_SIZE - (2 + 4); private static final int INFO_PRIORITY = OutNetMessage.PRIORITY_MY_NETDB_STORE_LOW; private static final String FIXED_RI_VERSION = "0.9.12"; private static final AtomicLong __connID = new AtomicLong(); private final long _connID = __connID.incrementAndGet(); /** * Create an inbound connected (though not established) NTCP connection * */ public NTCPConnection(RouterContext ctx, NTCPTransport transport, SocketChannel chan, SelectionKey key) { _context = ctx; _log = ctx.logManager().getLog(getClass()); _created = ctx.clock().now(); _transport = transport; _remAddr = null; _chan = chan; _readBufs = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<ByteBuffer>(); _writeBufs = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<ByteBuffer>(); _bwInRequests = new ConcurrentHashSet<Request>(2); _bwOutRequests = new ConcurrentHashSet<Request>(8); //_outbound = new CoDelPriorityBlockingQueue(ctx, "NTCP-Connection", 32); _outbound = new PriBlockingQueue<OutNetMessage>(ctx, "NTCP-Connection", 32); _isInbound = true; _decryptBlockBuf = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; _curReadState = new ReadState(); _establishState = new EstablishState(ctx, transport, this); _conKey = key; _conKey.attach(this); _inboundListener = new InboundListener(); _outboundListener = new OutboundListener(); initialize(); } /** * Create an outbound unconnected NTCP connection * */ public NTCPConnection(RouterContext ctx, NTCPTransport transport, RouterIdentity remotePeer, RouterAddress remAddr) { _context = ctx; _log = ctx.logManager().getLog(getClass()); _created = ctx.clock().now(); _transport = transport; _remotePeer = remotePeer; _remAddr = remAddr; _readBufs = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<ByteBuffer>(); _writeBufs = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<ByteBuffer>(); _bwInRequests = new ConcurrentHashSet<Request>(2); _bwOutRequests = new ConcurrentHashSet<Request>(8); //_outbound = new CoDelPriorityBlockingQueue(ctx, "NTCP-Connection", 32); _outbound = new PriBlockingQueue<OutNetMessage>(ctx, "NTCP-Connection", 32); _isInbound = false; _establishState = new EstablishState(ctx, transport, this); _decryptBlockBuf = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; _curReadState = new ReadState(); _inboundListener = new InboundListener(); _outboundListener = new OutboundListener(); initialize(); } private void initialize() { _lastSendTime = _created; _lastReceiveTime = _created; _lastRateUpdated = _created; _curReadBlock = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; _prevReadBlock = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; _transport.establishing(this); } /** * Valid for inbound; valid for outbound shortly after creation */ public SocketChannel getChannel() { return _chan; } /** * Valid for inbound; valid for outbound shortly after creation */ public SelectionKey getKey() { return _conKey; } public void setChannel(SocketChannel chan) { _chan = chan; } public void setKey(SelectionKey key) { _conKey = key; } public boolean isInbound() { return _isInbound; } public boolean isEstablished() { return _establishState.isComplete(); } /** * @since IPv6 */ public boolean isIPv6() { return _chan != null && _chan.socket().getInetAddress() instanceof Inet6Address; } /** * Only valid during establishment; null later */ public EstablishState getEstablishState() { return _establishState; } /** * Only valid for outbound; null for inbound */ public RouterAddress getRemoteAddress() { return _remAddr; } /** * Valid for outbound; valid for inbound after handshake */ public RouterIdentity getRemotePeer() { return _remotePeer; } public void setRemotePeer(RouterIdentity ident) { _remotePeer = ident; } /** * We are Bob. * * @param clockSkew OUR clock minus ALICE's clock in seconds (may be negative, obviously, but |val| should * be under 1 minute) * @param prevWriteEnd exactly 16 bytes, not copied, do not corrupt * @param prevReadEnd 16 or more bytes, last 16 bytes copied */ public void finishInboundEstablishment(SessionKey key, long clockSkew, byte prevWriteEnd[], byte prevReadEnd[]) { NTCPConnection toClose = locked_finishInboundEstablishment(key, clockSkew, prevWriteEnd, prevReadEnd); if (toClose != null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Old connection closed: " + toClose + " replaced by " + this); _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.inboundEstablishedDuplicate", toClose.getUptime()); toClose.close(); } enqueueInfoMessage(); } /** * We are Bob. * * @param clockSkew OUR clock minus ALICE's clock in seconds (may be negative, obviously, but |val| should * be under 1 minute) * @param prevWriteEnd exactly 16 bytes, not copied, do not corrupt * @param prevReadEnd 16 or more bytes, last 16 bytes copied * @return old conn to be closed by caller, or null */ private synchronized NTCPConnection locked_finishInboundEstablishment( SessionKey key, long clockSkew, byte prevWriteEnd[], byte prevReadEnd[]) { _sessionKey = key; _clockSkew = clockSkew; _prevWriteEnd = prevWriteEnd; System.arraycopy(prevReadEnd, prevReadEnd.length - BLOCK_SIZE, _prevReadBlock, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("Inbound established, prevWriteEnd: " + Base64.encode(prevWriteEnd) + " prevReadEnd: " + Base64.encode(prevReadEnd)); _establishedOn = _context.clock().now(); NTCPConnection rv = _transport.inboundEstablished(this); _nextMetaTime = _establishedOn + (META_FREQUENCY / 2) + _context.random().nextInt(META_FREQUENCY); _nextInfoTime = _establishedOn + (INFO_FREQUENCY / 2) + _context.random().nextInt(INFO_FREQUENCY); _establishState = EstablishState.VERIFIED; return rv; } /** * A positive number means our clock is ahead of theirs. * @return seconds */ public long getClockSkew() { return _clockSkew; } /** @return milliseconds */ public long getUptime() { if (!isEstablished()) return getTimeSinceCreated(); else return _context.clock().now() -_establishedOn; } public int getMessagesSent() { return _messagesWritten.get(); } public int getMessagesReceived() { return _messagesRead.get(); } public int getOutboundQueueSize() { int queued; synchronized(_outbound) { queued = _outbound.size(); if (getCurrentOutbound() != null) queued++; } return queued; } private OutNetMessage getCurrentOutbound() { synchronized(_outbound) { return _currentOutbound; } } /** @return milliseconds */ public long getTimeSinceSend() { return _context.clock().now()-_lastSendTime; } /** @return milliseconds */ public long getTimeSinceReceive() { return _context.clock().now()-_lastReceiveTime; } /** @return milliseconds */ public long getTimeSinceCreated() { return _context.clock().now()-_created; } /** * @return when this connection was created (not established) * @since 0.9.20 */ public long getCreated() { return _created; } /** * Sets to true. * @since 0.9.24 */ public void setMayDisconnect() { _mayDisconnect = true; } /** * @since 0.9.24 */ public boolean getMayDisconnect() { return _mayDisconnect; } /** * workaround for EventPumper * @since 0.8.12 */ public void clearZeroRead() { _consecutiveZeroReads = 0; } /** * workaround for EventPumper * @return value after incrementing * @since 0.8.12 */ public int gotZeroRead() { return ++_consecutiveZeroReads; } public boolean isClosed() { return _closed.get(); } public void close() { close(false); } public void close(boolean allowRequeue) { if (!_closed.compareAndSet(false,true)) { _log.logCloseLoop("NTCPConnection", this); return; } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Closing connection " + toString(), new Exception("cause")); NTCPConnection toClose = locked_close(allowRequeue); if (toClose != null && toClose != this) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Multiple connections on remove, closing " + toClose + " (already closed " + this + ")"); _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.multipleCloseOnRemove", toClose.getUptime()); toClose.close(); } } /** * Close and release EstablishState resources. * @param e may be null * @since 0.9.16 */ public void closeOnTimeout(String cause, Exception e) { EstablishState es = _establishState; close(); es.close(cause, e); } /** * @return a second connection with the same peer... */ private synchronized NTCPConnection locked_close(boolean allowRequeue) { if (_chan != null) try { _chan.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { } if (_conKey != null) _conKey.cancel(); _establishState = EstablishState.FAILED; NTCPConnection old = _transport.removeCon(this); _transport.getReader().connectionClosed(this); _transport.getWriter().connectionClosed(this); for (FIFOBandwidthLimiter.Request req :_bwInRequests) { req.abort(); // we would like to return read ByteBuffers via EventPumper.releaseBuf(), // but we can't risk releasing it twice } _bwInRequests.clear(); for (FIFOBandwidthLimiter.Request req :_bwOutRequests) { req.abort(); } _bwOutRequests.clear(); _writeBufs.clear(); ByteBuffer bb; while ((bb = _readBufs.poll()) != null) { EventPumper.releaseBuf(bb); } List<OutNetMessage> pending = new ArrayList<OutNetMessage>(); //_outbound.drainAllTo(pending); _outbound.drainTo(pending); for (OutNetMessage msg : pending) _transport.afterSend(msg, false, allowRequeue, msg.getLifetime()); OutNetMessage msg = getCurrentOutbound(); if (msg != null) _transport.afterSend(msg, false, allowRequeue, msg.getLifetime()); return old; } /** * toss the message onto the connection's send queue */ public void send(OutNetMessage msg) { /**** always enqueue, let the queue do the dropping if (tooBacklogged()) { boolean allowRequeue = false; // if we are too backlogged in tcp, don't try ssu boolean successful = false; _consecutiveBacklog++; _transport.afterSend(msg, successful, allowRequeue, msg.getLifetime()); if (_consecutiveBacklog > 10) { // waaay too backlogged boolean wantsWrite = false; try { wantsWrite = ( (_conKey.interestOps() & SelectionKey.OP_WRITE) != 0); } catch (RuntimeException e) {} if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) { int blocks = _writeBufs.size(); _log.warn("Too backlogged for too long (" + _consecutiveBacklog + " messages for " + DataHelper.formatDuration(queueTime()) + ", sched? " + wantsWrite + ", blocks: " + blocks + ") sending to " + _remotePeer.calculateHash()); } _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.closeOnBacklog", getUptime()); close(); } _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.dontSendOnBacklog", _consecutiveBacklog); return; } _consecutiveBacklog = 0; ****/ //if (FAST_LARGE) _outbound.offer(msg); //int enqueued = _outbound.size(); // although stat description says ahead of this one, not including this one... //_context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.sendQueueSize", enqueued); boolean noOutbound = (getCurrentOutbound() == null); //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("messages enqueued on " + toString() + ": " + enqueued + " new one: " + msg.getMessageId() + " of " + msg.getMessageType()); if (isEstablished() && noOutbound) _transport.getWriter().wantsWrite(this, "enqueued"); } /**** private long queueTime() { OutNetMessage msg = _currentOutbound; if (msg == null) { msg = _outbound.peek(); if (msg == null) return 0; } return msg.getSendTime(); // does not include any of the pre-send(...) preparation } ****/ public boolean isBacklogged() { return _outbound.isBacklogged(); } public boolean tooBacklogged() { //long queueTime = queueTime(); //if (queueTime <= 0) return false; // perhaps we could take into account the size of the queued messages too, our // current transmission rate, and how much time is left before the new message's expiration? // ok, maybe later... if (getUptime() < 10*1000) // allow some slack just after establishment return false; //if (queueTime > 5*1000) { // bloody arbitrary. well, its half the average message lifetime... if (_outbound.isBacklogged()) { // bloody arbitrary. well, its half the average message lifetime... int size = _outbound.size(); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) { int writeBufs = _writeBufs.size(); boolean currentOutboundSet = getCurrentOutbound() != null; try { _log.warn("Too backlogged: size is " + size + ", wantsWrite? " + (0 != (_conKey.interestOps()&SelectionKey.OP_WRITE)) + ", currentOut set? " + currentOutboundSet + ", writeBufs: " + writeBufs + " on " + toString()); } catch (RuntimeException e) {} // java.nio.channels.CancelledKeyException } //_context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.sendBacklogTime", queueTime); return true; //} else if (size > 32) { // another arbitrary limit. // if (_log.shouldLog(Log.ERROR)) // _log.error("Too backlogged: queue size is " + size + " and the lifetime of the head is " + queueTime); // return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Inject a DatabaseStoreMessage with our RouterInfo */ public void enqueueInfoMessage() { int priority = INFO_PRIORITY; //if (!_isInbound) { // Workaround for bug at Bob's end. // This probably isn't helpful because Bob puts the store on the job queue. // Prior to 0.9.12, Bob would only send his RI if he had our RI after // the first received message, so make sure it is first in our queue. // As of 0.9.12 this is fixed and Bob will always send his RI. // RouterInfo target = _context.netDb().lookupRouterInfoLocally(_remotePeer.calculateHash()); // if (target != null) { // String v = target.getOption("router.version"); // if (v == null || VersionComparator.comp(v, FIXED_RI_VERSION) < 0) { // priority = OutNetMessage.PRIORITY_HIGHEST; // } // } else { // priority = OutNetMessage.PRIORITY_HIGHEST; // } //} if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"SENDING INFO message pri. " + priority + ": " + toString()); DatabaseStoreMessage dsm = new DatabaseStoreMessage(_context); dsm.setEntry(_context.router().getRouterInfo()); // We are injecting directly, so we can use a null target. OutNetMessage infoMsg = new OutNetMessage(_context, dsm, _context.clock().now()+10*1000, priority, null); infoMsg.beginSend(); //_context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.infoMessageEnqueued", 1); send(infoMsg); } //private static final int PEERS_TO_FLOOD = 3; /** * to prevent people from losing track of the floodfill peers completely, lets periodically * send those we are connected to references to the floodfill peers that we know * * Do we really need this anymore??? Peers shouldn't lose track anymore, and if they do, * FloodOnlyLookupJob should recover. * The bandwidth isn't so much, but it is a lot of extra data at connection startup, which * hurts latency of new connections. */ /********** private void enqueueFloodfillMessage(RouterInfo target) { FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade fac = (FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade)_context.netDb(); List peers = fac.getFloodfillPeers(); Collections.shuffle(peers); for (int i = 0; i < peers.size() && i < PEERS_TO_FLOOD; i++) { Hash peer = (Hash)peers.get(i); // we already sent our own info, and no need to tell them about themselves if (peer.equals(_context.routerHash()) || peer.equals(target.calculateHash())) continue; RouterInfo info = fac.lookupRouterInfoLocally(peer); if (info == null) continue; OutNetMessage infoMsg = new OutNetMessage(_context); infoMsg.setExpiration(_context.clock().now()+10*1000); DatabaseStoreMessage dsm = new DatabaseStoreMessage(_context); dsm.setKey(peer); dsm.setRouterInfo(info); infoMsg.setMessage(dsm); infoMsg.setPriority(100); infoMsg.setTarget(target); infoMsg.beginSend(); _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.floodInfoMessageEnqueued", 1, 0); send(infoMsg); } } ***********/ /** * We are Alice. * * @param clockSkew OUR clock minus BOB's clock in seconds (may be negative, obviously, but |val| should * be under 1 minute) * @param prevWriteEnd exactly 16 bytes, not copied, do not corrupt * @param prevReadEnd 16 or more bytes, last 16 bytes copied */ public synchronized void finishOutboundEstablishment(SessionKey key, long clockSkew, byte prevWriteEnd[], byte prevReadEnd[]) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("outbound established (key=" + key + " skew=" + clockSkew + " prevWriteEnd=" + Base64.encode(prevWriteEnd) + ")"); _sessionKey = key; _clockSkew = clockSkew; _prevWriteEnd = prevWriteEnd; System.arraycopy(prevReadEnd, prevReadEnd.length - BLOCK_SIZE, _prevReadBlock, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Outbound established, prevWriteEnd: " + Base64.encode(prevWriteEnd) + " prevReadEnd: " + Base64.encode(prevReadEnd)); _establishedOn = _context.clock().now(); _establishState = EstablishState.VERIFIED; _transport.markReachable(getRemotePeer().calculateHash(), false); //_context.banlist().unbanlistRouter(getRemotePeer().calculateHash(), NTCPTransport.STYLE); boolean msgs = !_outbound.isEmpty(); _nextMetaTime = _establishedOn + (META_FREQUENCY / 2) + _context.random().nextInt(META_FREQUENCY); _nextInfoTime = _establishedOn + (INFO_FREQUENCY / 2) + _context.random().nextInt(INFO_FREQUENCY); if (msgs) _transport.getWriter().wantsWrite(this, "outbound established"); } /** // Time vs space tradeoff: // on slow GCing jvms, the mallocs in the following preparation can cause the // write to get congested, taking up a substantial portion of the Writer's // time (and hence, slowing down the transmission to the peer). we could // however do the preparation (up to but not including the aes.encrypt) // as part of the .send(OutNetMessage) above, which runs on less congested // threads (whatever calls OutNetMessagePool.add, which can be the jobqueue, // tunnel builders, simpletimers, etc). that would increase the Writer's // efficiency (speeding up the transmission to the peer) but would require // more memory to hold the serialized preparations of all queued messages, not // just the currently transmitting one. // // hmm. */ private static final boolean FAST_LARGE = true; // otherwise, SLOW_SMALL /** * prepare the next i2np message for transmission. this should be run from * the Writer thread pool. * * @param prep an instance of PrepBuffer to use as scratch space * */ synchronized void prepareNextWrite(PrepBuffer prep) { //if (FAST_LARGE) prepareNextWriteFast(prep); //else // prepareNextWriteSmall(); } /********** nobody's tried this one in years private void prepareNextWriteSmall() { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("prepare next write w/ isInbound? " + _isInbound + " established? " + _established); if (!_isInbound && !_established) { if (_establishState == null) { _establishState = new EstablishState(_context, _transport, this); _establishState.prepareOutbound(); } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("prepare next write, but we have already prepared the first outbound and we are not yet established..." + toString()); } return; } if (_nextMetaTime <= System.currentTimeMillis()) { sendMeta(); _nextMetaTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + _context.random().nextInt(META_FREQUENCY); } OutNetMessage msg = null; synchronized (_outbound) { if (_currentOutbound != null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("attempt for multiple outbound messages with " + System.identityHashCode(_currentOutbound) + " already waiting and " + _outbound.size() + " queued"); return; } //throw new RuntimeException("We should not be preparing a write while we still have one pending"); if (!_outbound.isEmpty()) { msg = (OutNetMessage)_outbound.remove(0); _currentOutbound = msg; } else { return; } } msg.beginTransmission(); msg.beginPrepare(); long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); // prepare the message as a binary array, then encrypt it w/ a checksum // and add it to the _writeBufs // E(sizeof(data)+data+pad+crc, sessionKey, prevEncrypted) I2NPMessage m = msg.getMessage(); int sz = m.getMessageSize(); int min = 2 + sz + 4; int rem = min % 16; int padding = 0; if (rem > 0) padding = 16 - rem; byte unencrypted[] = new byte[min+padding]; byte base[] = m.toByteArray(); DataHelper.toLong(unencrypted, 0, 2, sz); System.arraycopy(base, 0, unencrypted, 2, base.length); if (padding > 0) { byte pad[] = new byte[padding]; _context.random().nextBytes(pad); System.arraycopy(pad, 0, unencrypted, 2+sz, padding); } long serialized = System.currentTimeMillis(); Adler32 crc = new Adler32(); crc.reset(); crc.update(unencrypted, 0, unencrypted.length-4); long val = crc.getValue(); DataHelper.toLong(unencrypted, unencrypted.length-4, 4, val); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Outbound message " + _messagesWritten + " has crc " + val); long crced = System.currentTimeMillis(); byte encrypted[] = new byte[unencrypted.length]; _context.aes().encrypt(unencrypted, 0, encrypted, 0, _sessionKey, _prevWriteEnd, 0, unencrypted.length); System.arraycopy(encrypted, encrypted.length-16, _prevWriteEnd, 0, _prevWriteEnd.length); long encryptedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); msg.prepared(); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) { _log.debug("prepared outbound " + System.identityHashCode(msg) + " serialize=" + (serialized-begin) + " crc=" + (crced-serialized) + " encrypted=" + (encryptedTime-crced) + " prepared=" + (encryptedTime-begin)); } //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("Encrypting " + msg + " [" + System.identityHashCode(msg) + "] crc=" + crc.getValue() + "\nas: " // + Base64.encode(encrypted, 0, 16) + "...\ndecrypted: " // + Base64.encode(unencrypted, 0, 16) + "..." + "\nIV=" + Base64.encode(_prevWriteEnd, 0, 16)); _transport.getPumper().wantsWrite(this, encrypted); // for every 6-12 hours that we are connected to a peer, send them // our updated netDb info (they may not accept it and instead query // the floodfill netDb servers, but they may...) if (_nextInfoTime <= System.currentTimeMillis()) { enqueueInfoMessage(); _nextInfoTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + (INFO_FREQUENCY / 2) + _context.random().nextInt(INFO_FREQUENCY); } } **********/ /** * prepare the next i2np message for transmission. this should be run from * the Writer thread pool. * * Caller must synchronize. * @param buf a PrepBuffer to use as scratch space * */ private void prepareNextWriteFast(PrepBuffer buf) { if (_closed.get()) return; // Must be established or else session key is null and we can't encrypt // This is normal for OB conns but can happen rarely for IB also. // wantsWrite() is called at end of OB establishment, and // enqueueInfoMessage() is called at end of IB establishment. if (!isEstablished()) { return; } long now = _context.clock().now(); if (_nextMetaTime <= now) { sendMeta(); _nextMetaTime = now + (META_FREQUENCY / 2) + _context.random().nextInt(META_FREQUENCY / 2); } OutNetMessage msg = null; // this is synchronized only for _currentOutbound // Todo: figure out how to remove the synchronization synchronized (_outbound) { if (_currentOutbound != null) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"attempt for multiple outbound messages with " + System.identityHashCode(_currentOutbound) + " already waiting and " + _outbound.size() + " queued"); return; } /**** //throw new RuntimeException("We should not be preparing a write while we still have one pending"); if (queueTime() > 3*1000) { // don't stall low-priority messages ****/ msg = _outbound.poll(); if (msg == null) return; /**** } else { // FIXME // This is a linear search to implement a priority queue, O(n**2) // Also race with unsynchronized removal in close() above // Either implement a real (concurrent?) priority queue or just comment out all of this, // as it isn't clear how effective the priorities on a per-connection basis are. int slot = 0; // only for logging Iterator<OutNetMessage> it = _outbound.iterator(); for (int i = 0; it.hasNext() && i < 75; i++) { //arbitrary bound OutNetMessage mmsg =; if (msg == null || mmsg.getPriority() > msg.getPriority()) { msg = mmsg; slot = i; } } if (msg == null) return; // if (_outbound.indexOf(msg) > 0) // _log.debug("Priority message sent, pri = " + msg.getPriority() + " pos = " + _outbound.indexOf(msg) + "/" +_outbound.size()); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Type " + msg.getMessage().getType() + " pri " + msg.getPriority() + " slot " + slot); boolean removed = _outbound.remove(msg); if ((!removed) && _log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Already removed??? " + msg.getMessage().getType()); } ****/ _currentOutbound = msg; } //long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); bufferedPrepare(msg,buf); _context.aes().encrypt(buf.unencrypted, 0, buf.encrypted, 0, _sessionKey, _prevWriteEnd, 0, buf.unencryptedLength); System.arraycopy(buf.encrypted, buf.encrypted.length-16, _prevWriteEnd, 0, _prevWriteEnd.length); //long encryptedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("Encrypting " + msg + " [" + System.identityHashCode(msg) + "] crc=" + crc.getValue() + "\nas: " // + Base64.encode(encrypted, 0, 16) + "...\ndecrypted: " // + Base64.encode(unencrypted, 0, 16) + "..." + "\nIV=" + Base64.encode(_prevWriteEnd, 0, 16)); _transport.getPumper().wantsWrite(this, buf.encrypted); //long wantsTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //long releaseTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("prepared outbound " + System.identityHashCode(msg) // + " encrypted=" + (encryptedTime-begin) // + " wantsWrite=" + (wantsTime-encryptedTime) // + " releaseBuf=" + (releaseTime-wantsTime)); // for every 6-12 hours that we are connected to a peer, send them // our updated netDb info (they may not accept it and instead query // the floodfill netDb servers, but they may...) if (_nextInfoTime <= now) { // perhaps this should check to see if we are bw throttled, etc? enqueueInfoMessage(); _nextInfoTime = now + (INFO_FREQUENCY / 2) + _context.random().nextInt(INFO_FREQUENCY); } } /** * Serialize the message/checksum/padding/etc for transmission, but leave off * the encryption. This should be called from a Writer thread * * @param msg message to send * @param buf PrepBuffer to use as scratch space */ private void bufferedPrepare(OutNetMessage msg, PrepBuffer buf) { //if (!_isInbound && !_established) // return; //long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); //long alloc = System.currentTimeMillis(); I2NPMessage m = msg.getMessage(); buf.baseLength = m.toByteArray(buf.base); int sz = buf.baseLength; //int sz = m.getMessageSize(); int min = 2 + sz + 4; int rem = min % 16; int padding = 0; if (rem > 0) padding = 16 - rem; buf.unencryptedLength = min+padding; DataHelper.toLong(buf.unencrypted, 0, 2, sz); System.arraycopy(buf.base, 0, buf.unencrypted, 2, buf.baseLength); if (padding > 0) { _context.random().nextBytes(buf.unencrypted, 2+sz, padding); } //long serialized = System.currentTimeMillis(); buf.crc.update(buf.unencrypted, 0, buf.unencryptedLength-4); long val = buf.crc.getValue(); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Outbound message " + _messagesWritten + " has crc " + val + " sz=" +sz + " rem=" + rem + " padding=" + padding); DataHelper.toLong(buf.unencrypted, buf.unencryptedLength-4, 4, val); // TODO object churn // 1) store the length only // 2) in prepareNextWriteFast(), pull a byte buffer off a queue and encrypt to that // 3) change EventPumper.wantsWrite() to take a ByteBuffer arg // 4) in EventPumper.processWrite(), release the byte buffer buf.encrypted = new byte[buf.unencryptedLength]; //long crced = System.currentTimeMillis(); //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("Buffered prepare took " + (crced-begin) + ", alloc=" + (alloc-begin) // + " serialize=" + (serialized-alloc) + " crc=" + (crced-serialized)); } public static class PrepBuffer { final byte unencrypted[]; int unencryptedLength; final byte base[]; int baseLength; final Adler32 crc; byte encrypted[]; public PrepBuffer() { unencrypted = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; base = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; crc = new Adler32(); } public void init() { unencryptedLength = 0; baseLength = 0; encrypted = null; crc.reset(); } } /** * async callback after the outbound connection was completed (this should NOT block, * as it occurs in the selector thread) */ public void outboundConnected() { _conKey.interestOps(SelectionKey.OP_READ); // schedule up the beginning of our handshaking by calling prepareNextWrite on the // writer thread pool _transport.getWriter().wantsWrite(this, "outbound connected"); } /** * The FifoBandwidthLimiter.CompleteListener callback. * Does the delayed read. */ private class InboundListener implements FIFOBandwidthLimiter.CompleteListener { public void complete(FIFOBandwidthLimiter.Request req) { removeIBRequest(req); ByteBuffer buf = (ByteBuffer)req.attachment(); if (_closed.get()) { EventPumper.releaseBuf(buf); return; } _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.throttledReadComplete", (_context.clock().now()-req.getRequestTime())); recv(buf); // our reads used to be bw throttled (during which time we were no // longer interested in reading from the network), but we aren't // throttled anymore, so we should resume being interested in reading _transport.getPumper().wantsRead(NTCPConnection.this); //_transport.getReader().wantsRead(this); } } /** * The FifoBandwidthLimiter.CompleteListener callback. * Does the delayed write. */ private class OutboundListener implements FIFOBandwidthLimiter.CompleteListener { public void complete(FIFOBandwidthLimiter.Request req) { removeOBRequest(req); ByteBuffer buf = (ByteBuffer)req.attachment(); if (!_closed.get()) { _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.throttledWriteComplete", (_context.clock().now()-req.getRequestTime())); write(buf); } } } private void removeIBRequest(FIFOBandwidthLimiter.Request req) { _bwInRequests.remove(req); } private void addIBRequest(FIFOBandwidthLimiter.Request req) { _bwInRequests.add(req); } private void removeOBRequest(FIFOBandwidthLimiter.Request req) { _bwOutRequests.remove(req); } private void addOBRequest(FIFOBandwidthLimiter.Request req) { _bwOutRequests.add(req); } /** * We have read the data in the buffer, but we can't process it locally yet, * because we're choked by the bandwidth limiter. Cache the contents of * the buffer (not copy) and register ourselves to be notified when the * contents have been fully allocated */ public void queuedRecv(ByteBuffer buf, FIFOBandwidthLimiter.Request req) { req.attach(buf); req.setCompleteListener(_inboundListener); addIBRequest(req); } /** ditto for writes */ public void queuedWrite(ByteBuffer buf, FIFOBandwidthLimiter.Request req) { req.attach(buf); req.setCompleteListener(_outboundListener); addOBRequest(req); } /** * The contents of the buffer have been read and can be processed asap. * This should not block, and the NTCP connection now owns the buffer * to do with as it pleases BUT it should eventually copy out the data * and call EventPumper.releaseBuf(). */ public void recv(ByteBuffer buf) { _bytesReceived += buf.remaining(); //buf.flip(); _readBufs.offer(buf); _transport.getReader().wantsRead(this); updateStats(); } /** * The contents of the buffer have been encrypted / padded / etc and have * been fully allocated for the bandwidth limiter. */ public void write(ByteBuffer buf) { //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Before write(buf)"); _writeBufs.offer(buf); //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("After write(buf)"); _transport.getPumper().wantsWrite(this); } /** @return null if none available */ public ByteBuffer getNextReadBuf() { return _readBufs.poll(); } /** * Replaces getWriteBufCount() * @since 0.8.12 */ public boolean isWriteBufEmpty() { return _writeBufs.isEmpty(); } /** @return null if none available */ public ByteBuffer getNextWriteBuf() { return _writeBufs.peek(); // not remove! we removeWriteBuf afterwards } /** * Remove the buffer, which _should_ be the one at the head of _writeBufs */ public void removeWriteBuf(ByteBuffer buf) { _bytesSent += buf.capacity(); OutNetMessage msg = null; boolean clearMessage = false; if (_sendingMeta && (buf.capacity() == _meta.length)) { _sendingMeta = false; } else { clearMessage = true; } _writeBufs.remove(buf); if (clearMessage) { // see synchronization comments in prepareNextWriteFast() synchronized (_outbound) { if (_currentOutbound != null) { msg = _currentOutbound; _currentOutbound = null; } } if (msg != null) { _lastSendTime = _context.clock().now(); _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.sendTime", msg.getSendTime()); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) { _log.debug("I2NP message " + _messagesWritten + "/" + msg.getMessageId() + " sent after " + msg.getSendTime() + "/" + msg.getLifetime() + " with " + buf.capacity() + " bytes (uid=" + System.identityHashCode(msg)+" on " + toString() + ")"); } _messagesWritten.incrementAndGet(); _transport.sendComplete(msg); } } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"I2NP meta message sent completely"); } if (getOutboundQueueSize() > 0) // push through the bw limiter to reach _writeBufs _transport.getWriter().wantsWrite(this, "write completed"); // this is not necessary, EventPumper.processWrite() handles this // and it just causes unnecessary selector.wakeup() and looping //boolean bufsRemain = !_writeBufs.isEmpty(); //if (bufsRemain) // send asap // _transport.getPumper().wantsWrite(this); updateStats(); } private long _bytesReceived; private long _bytesSent; /** _bytesReceived when we last updated the rate */ private long _lastBytesReceived; /** _bytesSent when we last updated the rate */ private long _lastBytesSent; private float _sendBps; private float _recvBps; //private float _sendBps15s; //private float _recvBps15s; public float getSendRate() { return _sendBps; } public float getRecvRate() { return _recvBps; } /** * Stats only for console */ private void updateStats() { long now = _context.clock().now(); long time = now - _lastRateUpdated; // If enough time has passed... // Perhaps should synchronize, but if so do the time check before synching... // only for console so don't bother.... if (time >= STAT_UPDATE_TIME_MS) { long totS = _bytesSent; long totR = _bytesReceived; long sent = totS - _lastBytesSent; // How much we sent meanwhile long recv = totR - _lastBytesReceived; // How much we received meanwhile _lastBytesSent = totS; _lastBytesReceived = totR; _lastRateUpdated = now; _sendBps = (0.9f)*_sendBps + (0.1f)*(sent*1000f)/time; _recvBps = (0.9f)*_recvBps + (0.1f)*((float)recv*1000)/time; // Maintain an approximate average with a 15-second halflife // Weights (0.955 and 0.045) are tuned so that transition between two values (e.g. 0..10) // would reach their midpoint (e.g. 5) in 15s //_sendBps15s = (0.955f)*_sendBps15s + (0.045f)*((float)sent*1000f)/(float)time; //_recvBps15s = (0.955f)*_recvBps15s + (0.045f)*((float)recv*1000)/(float)time; //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("Rates updated to " // + _sendBps + '/' + _recvBps + "Bps in/out " // //+ _sendBps15s + "/" + _recvBps15s + "Bps in/out 15s after " // + sent + '/' + recv + " in " + DataHelper.formatDuration(time)); } } /** * Connection must be established! * * The contents of the buffer include some fraction of one or more * encrypted and encoded I2NP messages. individual i2np messages are * encoded as "sizeof(data)+data+pad+crc", and those are encrypted * with the session key and the last 16 bytes of the previous encrypted * i2np message. * * The NTCP connection now owns the buffer * BUT it must copy out the data * as reader will call EventPumper.releaseBuf(). */ synchronized void recvEncryptedI2NP(ByteBuffer buf) { //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("receive encrypted i2np: " + buf.remaining()); // hasArray() is false for direct buffers, at least on my system... if (_curReadBlockIndex == 0 && buf.hasArray()) { // fast way int tot = buf.remaining(); if (tot >= 32 && tot % 16 == 0) { recvEncryptedFast(buf); return; } } while (buf.hasRemaining() && !_closed.get()) { int want = Math.min(buf.remaining(), BLOCK_SIZE - _curReadBlockIndex); if (want > 0) { buf.get(_curReadBlock, _curReadBlockIndex, want); _curReadBlockIndex += want; } //_curReadBlock[_curReadBlockIndex++] = buf.get(); if (_curReadBlockIndex >= BLOCK_SIZE) { // cbc _context.aes().decryptBlock(_curReadBlock, 0, _sessionKey, _decryptBlockBuf, 0); //DataHelper.xor(_decryptBlockBuf, 0, _prevReadBlock, 0, _decryptBlockBuf, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); for (int i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++) { _decryptBlockBuf[i] ^= _prevReadBlock[i]; } //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("parse decrypted i2np block (remaining: " + buf.remaining() + ")"); boolean ok = recvUnencryptedI2NP(); if (!ok) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Read buffer " + System.identityHashCode(buf) + " contained corrupt data"); _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.corruptDecryptedI2NP", 1); return; } byte swap[] = _prevReadBlock; _prevReadBlock = _curReadBlock; _curReadBlock = swap; _curReadBlockIndex = 0; } } } /** * Decrypt directly out of the ByteBuffer instead of copying the bytes * 16 at a time to the _curReadBlock / _prevReadBlock flip buffers. * * More efficient but can only be used if buf.hasArray == true AND * _curReadBlockIndex must be 0 and buf.getRemaining() % 16 must be 0 * and buf.getRemaining() must be >= 16. * All this is true for most buffers. * In theory this could be fixed up to handle the other cases too but that's hard. * Caller must synchronize! * @since 0.8.12 */ private void recvEncryptedFast(ByteBuffer buf) { byte[] array = buf.array(); int pos = buf.arrayOffset(); int end = pos + buf.remaining(); boolean first = true; for ( ; pos < end && !_closed.get(); pos += BLOCK_SIZE) { _context.aes().decryptBlock(array, pos, _sessionKey, _decryptBlockBuf, 0); if (first) { // XOR with _prevReadBlock the first time... //DataHelper.xor(_decryptBlockBuf, 0, _prevReadBlock, 0, _decryptBlockBuf, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); for (int i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++) { _decryptBlockBuf[i] ^= _prevReadBlock[i]; } first = false; } else { //DataHelper.xor(_decryptBlockBuf, 0, array, pos - BLOCK_SIZE, _decryptBlockBuf, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); int start = pos - BLOCK_SIZE; for (int i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++) { _decryptBlockBuf[i] ^= array[start + i]; } } boolean ok = recvUnencryptedI2NP(); if (!ok) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO))"Read buffer " + System.identityHashCode(buf) + " contained corrupt data"); _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.corruptDecryptedI2NP", 1); return; } } // ...and copy to _prevReadBlock the last time System.arraycopy(array, end - BLOCK_SIZE, _prevReadBlock, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); } /** * Append the next 16 bytes of cleartext to the read state. * _decryptBlockBuf contains another cleartext block of I2NP to parse. * Caller must synchronize! * @return success */ private boolean recvUnencryptedI2NP() { _curReadState.receiveBlock(_decryptBlockBuf); // FIXME move check to ReadState; must we close? possible attack vector? if (_curReadState.getSize() > BUFFER_SIZE) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("I2NP message too big - size: " + _curReadState.getSize() + " Dropping " + toString()); _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.corruptTooLargeI2NP", _curReadState.getSize()); close(); return false; } else { return true; } } /* * One special case is a metadata message where the sizeof(data) is 0. In * that case, the unencrypted message is encoded as: * +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ * | 0 | timestamp in seconds | uninterpreted * +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ * uninterpreted | adler checksum of sz+data+pad | * +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ * */ private void readMeta(byte unencrypted[]) { long ourTs = (_context.clock().now() + 500) / 1000; long ts = DataHelper.fromLong(unencrypted, 2, 4); Adler32 crc = new Adler32(); crc.update(unencrypted, 0, unencrypted.length-4); long expected = crc.getValue(); long read = DataHelper.fromLong(unencrypted, unencrypted.length-4, 4); if (read != expected) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("I2NP metadata message had a bad CRC value"); _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.corruptMetaCRC", 1); close(); return; } else { long newSkew = (ourTs - ts); if (Math.abs(newSkew*1000) > Router.CLOCK_FUDGE_FACTOR) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("Peer's skew jumped too far (from " + _clockSkew + " s to " + newSkew + " s): " + toString()); _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.corruptSkew", newSkew); close(); return; } _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.receiveMeta", newSkew); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Received NTCP metadata, old skew of " + _clockSkew + " s, new skew of " + newSkew + "s."); // FIXME does not account for RTT _clockSkew = newSkew; } } /** * One special case is a metadata message where the sizeof(data) is 0. In * that case, the unencrypted message is encoded as: *<pre> * +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ * | 0 | timestamp in seconds | uninterpreted * +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ * uninterpreted | adler checksum of sz+data+pad | * +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ *</pre> */ private void sendMeta() { byte encrypted[] = new byte[_meta.length]; synchronized (_meta) { DataHelper.toLong(_meta, 0, 2, 0); DataHelper.toLong(_meta, 2, 4, (_context.clock().now() + 500) / 1000); _context.random().nextBytes(_meta, 6, 6); Adler32 crc = new Adler32(); crc.update(_meta, 0, _meta.length-4); DataHelper.toLong(_meta, _meta.length-4, 4, crc.getValue()); _context.aes().encrypt(_meta, 0, encrypted, 0, _sessionKey, _prevWriteEnd, 0, _meta.length); } System.arraycopy(encrypted, encrypted.length-16, _prevWriteEnd, 0, _prevWriteEnd.length); // perhaps this should skip the bw limiter to reduce clock skew issues? if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("Sending NTCP metadata"); _sendingMeta = true; _transport.getPumper().wantsWrite(this, encrypted); // enqueueInfoMessage(); // this often? } private static final int MAX_HANDLERS = 4; /** * FIXME static queue mixes handlers from different contexts in multirouter JVM */ private final static LinkedBlockingQueue<I2NPMessageHandler> _i2npHandlers = new LinkedBlockingQueue<I2NPMessageHandler>(MAX_HANDLERS); private final static I2NPMessageHandler acquireHandler(RouterContext ctx) { I2NPMessageHandler rv = _i2npHandlers.poll(); if (rv == null) rv = new I2NPMessageHandler(ctx); return rv; } private static void releaseHandler(I2NPMessageHandler handler) { _i2npHandlers.offer(handler); } //public long getReadTime() { return _curReadState.getReadTime(); } private static ByteArray acquireReadBuf() { return _dataReadBufs.acquire(); } private static void releaseReadBuf(ByteArray buf) { _dataReadBufs.release(buf, false); } /** * Call at transport shutdown * @since 0.8.8 */ static void releaseResources() { _i2npHandlers.clear(); } /** * Read the unencrypted message (16 bytes at a time). * verify the checksum, and pass it on to * an I2NPMessageHandler. The unencrypted message is encoded as follows: * *<pre> * +-------+-------+--//--+---//----+-------+-------+-------+-------+ * | sizeof(data) | data | padding | adler checksum of sz+data+pad | * +-------+-------+--//--+---//----+-------+-------+-------+-------+ *</pre> * * sizeof(data)+data+pad+crc. * * perhaps to reduce the per-con memory footprint, we can acquire/release * the ReadState._data and ._bais when _size is > 0, so there are only * J 16KB buffers for the cons actually transmitting, instead of one per * con (including idle ones) */ private class ReadState { private int _size; private ByteArray _dataBuf; private int _nextWrite; private long _expectedCrc; private final Adler32 _crc; private long _stateBegin; private int _blocks; public ReadState() { _crc = new Adler32(); init(); } private void init() { _size = -1; _nextWrite = 0; _expectedCrc = -1; _stateBegin = -1; _blocks = -1; _crc.reset(); if (_dataBuf != null) releaseReadBuf(_dataBuf); _dataBuf = null; } public int getSize() { return _size; } /** * Caller must synchronize * @param buf 16 bytes */ public void receiveBlock(byte buf[]) { if (_size == -1) { receiveInitial(buf); } else { receiveSubsequent(buf); } } /**** public long getReadTime() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long readTime = now - _stateBegin; if (readTime >= now) return -1; else return readTime; } ****/ /** @param buf 16 bytes */ private void receiveInitial(byte buf[]) { _size = (int)DataHelper.fromLong(buf, 0, 2); if (_size == 0) { readMeta(buf); init(); } else { _stateBegin = _context.clock().now(); _dataBuf = acquireReadBuf(); System.arraycopy(buf, 2, _dataBuf.getData(), 0, buf.length-2); _nextWrite += buf.length-2; _crc.update(buf); _blocks++; if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("new I2NP message with size: " + _size + " for message " + _messagesRead); } } /** @param buf 16 bytes */ private void receiveSubsequent(byte buf[]) { _blocks++; int remaining = _size - _nextWrite; int blockUsed = Math.min(buf.length, remaining); if (remaining > 0) { System.arraycopy(buf, 0, _dataBuf.getData(), _nextWrite, blockUsed); _nextWrite += blockUsed; remaining -= blockUsed; } if ( (remaining <= 0) && (buf.length-blockUsed < 4) ) { // we've received all the data but not the 4-byte checksum if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("crc wraparound required on block " + _blocks + " in message " + _messagesRead); _crc.update(buf); return; } else if (remaining <= 0) { receiveLastBlock(buf); } else { _crc.update(buf); //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("update read state with another block (remaining: " + remaining + ")"); } } /** @param buf 16 bytes */ private void receiveLastBlock(byte buf[]) { //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("block remaining in the last block: " + (buf.length-blockUsed)); // on the last block _expectedCrc = DataHelper.fromLong(buf, buf.length-4, 4); _crc.update(buf, 0, buf.length-4); long val = _crc.getValue(); //if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) // _log.debug("CRC value computed: " + val + " expected: " + _expectedCrc + " size: " + _size); if (val == _expectedCrc) { try { I2NPMessageHandler h = acquireHandler(_context); // Don't do readMessage(InputStream). I2NPMessageImpl.readBytes() copies the data // from a stream to a temp buffer. // We could extend BAIS to adjust the protected count variable to _size // so that readBytes() doesn't read too far, but it could still read too far. // So use the new handler method that limits the size. h.readMessage(_dataBuf.getData(), 0, _size); I2NPMessage read = h.lastRead(); long timeToRecv = _context.clock().now() - _stateBegin; releaseHandler(h); if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug("I2NP message " + _messagesRead + "/" + (read != null ? read.getUniqueId() : 0) + " received after " + timeToRecv + " with " + _size +"/"+ (_blocks*16) + " bytes on " + NTCPConnection.this.toString()); _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.receiveTime", timeToRecv); _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.receiveSize", _size); // FIXME move end of try block here. // On the input side, move releaseHandler() and init() to a finally block. if (read != null) { _transport.messageReceived(read, _remotePeer, null, timeToRecv, _size); _lastReceiveTime = _context.clock().now(); _messagesRead.incrementAndGet(); } } catch (I2NPMessageException ime) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) { _log.warn("Error parsing I2NP message" + "\nDUMP:\n" + HexDump.dump(_dataBuf.getData(), 0, _size) + "\nRAW:\n" + Base64.encode(_dataBuf.getData(), 0, _size) + ime); } _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.corruptI2NPIME", 1); // Don't close the con, possible attack vector, not necessarily the peer's fault, // and should be recoverable // handler and databuf are lost if we do this //close(); //return; } } else { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn("CRC incorrect for message " + _messagesRead + " (calc=" + val + " expected=" + _expectedCrc + ") size=" + _size + " blocks " + _blocks); _context.statManager().addRateData("ntcp.corruptI2NPCRC", 1); // This probably can't be spoofed from somebody else, but do we really need to close it? // This is rare. //close(); // databuf is lost if we do this //return; } // get it ready for the next I2NP message init(); } } @Override public String toString() { return "NTCP conn " + _connID + (_isInbound ? " from " : " to ") + (_remotePeer == null ? "unknown" : _remotePeer.calculateHash().toBase64().substring(0,6)) + (isEstablished() ? "" : " not established") + " created " + DataHelper.formatDuration(getTimeSinceCreated()) + " ago," + " last send " + DataHelper.formatDuration(getTimeSinceSend()) + " ago," + " last recv " + DataHelper.formatDuration(getTimeSinceReceive()) + " ago," + " sent " + _messagesWritten + "," + " rcvd " + _messagesRead; } }