package net.i2p.router.message; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import; import; import; import net.i2p.router.Router; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.router.TunnelInfo; import net.i2p.util.SimpleTimer; /** * Helper for OCMOSJ * * This is the place where we make I2P go fast. * * We have five static caches. * - The LeaseSet cache is used to decide whether to bundle our own leaseset, * which minimizes overhead. * - The Lease cache is used to persistently send to the same lease for the destination, * which keeps the streaming lib happy by minimizing out-of-order delivery. * - The Tunnel and BackloggedTunnel caches are used to persistently use the same outbound tunnel * for the same destination, * which keeps the streaming lib happy by minimizing out-of-order delivery. * - The last reply requested cache ensures that a reply is requested every so often, * so that failed tunnels are recognized. * * @since 0.9 moved out of OCMOSJ */ public class OutboundCache { /** * Use the same outbound tunnel as we did for the same destination previously, * if possible, to keep the streaming lib happy * Use two caches - although a cache of a list of tunnels per dest might be * more elegant. * Key the caches on the source+dest pair. * * NOT concurrent. */ final Map<HashPair, TunnelInfo> tunnelCache = new HashMap<HashPair, TunnelInfo>(64); /* * NOT concurrent. */ final Map<HashPair, TunnelInfo> backloggedTunnelCache = new HashMap<HashPair, TunnelInfo>(64); /** * Returns the reply lease set if forced to do so, * or if configured to do so, * or if a certain percentage of the time if configured to do so, * or if our lease set has changed since we last talked to them, * or 10% of the time anyway so they don't forget us (disabled for now), * or null otherwise. * * Note that wantACK randomly forces us another 5% of the time. * * We don't want to do this too often as a typical 2-lease leaseset * in a DatabaseStoreMessage is 861+37=898 bytes - * when added to garlic it's a 1056-byte addition total, which is huge. * * Key the cache on the source+dest pair. * * Concurrent. */ final Map<HashPair, LeaseSet> leaseSetCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<HashPair, LeaseSet>(64); /** * Use the same inbound tunnel (i.e. lease) as we did for the same destination previously, * if possible, to keep the streaming lib happy * Key the caches on the source+dest pair. * * We're going to use the lease until it expires, as long as it remains in the current leaseSet. * * If not found, * fetch the next lease that we should try sending through, randomly chosen * from within the sorted leaseSet (NOT sorted by # of failures through each * lease). * * Concurrent. */ final ConcurrentHashMap<HashPair, Lease> leaseCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<HashPair, Lease>(64); /** * This cache is used to ensure that we request a reply every so often. * Hopefully this allows the router to recognize a failed tunnel and switch, * before upper layers like streaming lib fail, even for low-bandwidth * connections like IRC. * * Concurrent. */ final Map<HashPair, Long> lastReplyRequestCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<HashPair, Long>(64); private final RouterContext _context; private static final int CLEAN_INTERVAL = 5*60*1000; public OutboundCache(RouterContext ctx) { _context = ctx; _context.simpleTimer2().addPeriodicEvent(new OCMOSJCacheCleaner(), CLEAN_INTERVAL, CLEAN_INTERVAL); } /** * Key used to cache things with based on source + dest * @since 0.8.3 */ static class HashPair { private final Hash sh, dh; public HashPair(Hash s, Hash d) { sh = s; dh = d; } public int hashCode() { return sh.hashCode() ^ dh.hashCode(); } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == null || !(o instanceof HashPair)) return false; HashPair hp = (HashPair) o; return sh.equals( && dh.equals(hp.dh); } } /** * Called on failure to give us a better chance of success next time. * Of course this is probably 60s too late. * And we could pick the bad ones at random again. * Or remove entries that were sent and succeeded after this was sent but before this failed. * But it's a start. * * @param lease may be null * @param inTunnel may be null * @param outTunnel may be null */ void clearCaches(HashPair hashPair, Lease lease, TunnelInfo inTunnel, TunnelInfo outTunnel) { if (inTunnel != null) { // if we wanted an ack, we sent our lease too leaseSetCache.remove(hashPair); } if (lease != null) { // remove only if still equal to lease (concurrent) leaseCache.remove(hashPair, lease); } if (outTunnel != null) { synchronized(tunnelCache) { TunnelInfo t = backloggedTunnelCache.get(hashPair); if (t != null && t.equals(outTunnel)) backloggedTunnelCache.remove(hashPair); t = tunnelCache.get(hashPair); if (t != null && t.equals(outTunnel)) tunnelCache.remove(hashPair); } } } /** * @since 0.8.8 */ public void clearAllCaches() { leaseSetCache.clear(); leaseCache.clear(); synchronized(tunnelCache) { backloggedTunnelCache.clear(); tunnelCache.clear(); } lastReplyRequestCache.clear(); } /** * Clean out old leaseSets */ private static void cleanLeaseSetCache(RouterContext ctx, Map<HashPair, LeaseSet> tc) { long now = ctx.clock().now(); for (Iterator<LeaseSet> iter = tc.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { LeaseSet l =; if (l.getEarliestLeaseDate() < now) iter.remove(); } } /** * Clean out old leases */ private static void cleanLeaseCache(Map<HashPair, Lease> tc) { for (Iterator<Lease> iter = tc.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Lease l =; if (l.isExpired(Router.CLOCK_FUDGE_FACTOR)) iter.remove(); } } /** * Clean out old tunnels * Caller must synchronize on tc. */ private static void cleanTunnelCache(RouterContext ctx, Map<HashPair, TunnelInfo> tc) { for (Iterator<Map.Entry<HashPair, TunnelInfo>> iter = tc.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry<HashPair, TunnelInfo> entry =; HashPair k = entry.getKey(); TunnelInfo tunnel = entry.getValue(); // This is a little sneaky, but get the _from back out of the "opaque" hash key if (!ctx.tunnelManager().isValidTunnel(, tunnel)) iter.remove(); } } /** * Clean out old reply times */ private static void cleanReplyCache(RouterContext ctx, Map<HashPair, Long> tc) { long now = ctx.clock().now(); for (Iterator<Long> iter = tc.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Long l =; if (l.longValue() < now - CLEAN_INTERVAL) iter.remove(); } } private class OCMOSJCacheCleaner implements SimpleTimer.TimedEvent { public void timeReached() { cleanLeaseSetCache(_context, leaseSetCache); cleanLeaseCache(leaseCache); synchronized(tunnelCache) { cleanTunnelCache(_context, tunnelCache); cleanTunnelCache(_context, backloggedTunnelCache); } cleanReplyCache(_context, lastReplyRequestCache); } } }