package; /** * Moved out of * Ref: * @since 0.8.7 */ class CPUIDCPUInfo implements CPUInfo { public String getVendor() { return CPUID.getCPUVendorID(); } public boolean hasMMX() { return (CPUID.getEDXCPUFlags() & (1 << 23)) != 0; //EDX Bit 23 } public boolean hasSSE(){ return (CPUID.getEDXCPUFlags() & (1 << 25)) != 0; //EDX Bit 25 } public boolean hasSSE2() { return (CPUID.getEDXCPUFlags() & (1 << 26)) != 0; //EDX Bit 26 } public boolean hasSSE3() { return (CPUID.getECXCPUFlags() & (1 << 0)) != 0; //ECX Bit 0 } public boolean hasSSE41() { return (CPUID.getECXCPUFlags() & (1 << 19)) != 0; //ECX Bit 19 } public boolean hasSSE42() { return (CPUID.getECXCPUFlags() & (1 << 20)) != 0; //ECX Bit 20 } public boolean hasSSE4A() { return (CPUID.getExtendedECXCPUFlags() & (1 << 6)) != 0; //Extended ECX Bit 6 } /** * @return true iff the CPU supports the AVX instruction set. * @since 0.9.26 */ public boolean hasAVX() { int ecx = CPUID.getECXCPUFlags(); return (ecx & (1 << 28)) != 0 && //AVX: ECX Bit 28 (ecx & (1 << 27)) != 0; //XSAVE enabled by OS: ECX Bit 27 } /** * @return true iff the CPU supports the AVX2 instruction set. * @since 0.9.26 */ public boolean hasAVX2() { return (CPUID.getExtendedEBXFeatureFlags() & (1 << 5)) != 0; //Extended EBX Feature Bit 5 } /** * Does the CPU supports the AVX-512 Foundation instruction set? * * Quote wikipedia: * * AVX-512 consists of multiple extensions not all meant to be supported * by all processors implementing them. Only the core extension AVX-512F * (AVX-512 Foundation) is required by all implementations. * * ref: * * @return true iff the CPU supports the AVX-512 Foundation instruction set. * @since 0.9.26 */ public boolean hasAVX512() { return (CPUID.getExtendedEBXFeatureFlags() & (1 << 16)) != 0; //Extended EBX Bit 16 } /** * * Intel Multi-Precision Add-Carry Instruction Extensions * Available in Broadwell. * Unused until GMP 6.1. * * @return true iff the CPU supports the ADX instruction set. * @since 0.9.26 */ public boolean hasADX() { return (CPUID.getExtendedEBXFeatureFlags() & (1 << 19)) != 0; //Extended EBX Bit 19 } /** * @return true iff the CPU supports TBM. * @since 0.9.26 */ public boolean hasTBM() { return (CPUID.getECXCPUFlags() & (1 << 21)) != 0; //ECX Bit 21 } /** * @return true iff the CPU supports the AES-NI instruction set. * @since 0.9.14 */ public boolean hasAES() { return (CPUID.getECXCPUFlags() & (1 << 25)) != 0; //ECX Bit 25 } /** * @return true iff the CPU supports the 64-bit support * @since 0.9.26 */ public boolean hasX64() { return (CPUID.getExtendedEDXCPUFlags() & (1 << 29)) != 0; //Extended EDX Bit 29 } /** * @return true iff the CPU supports the BMI1 instruction set. * @since 0.9.26 */ public boolean hasBMI1() { return (CPUID.getExtendedEBXFeatureFlags() & (1 << 3)) != 0; // Extended EBX Feature Bit 3 } /** * @return true iff the CPU supports the BMI2 instruction set. * @since 0.9.26 */ public boolean hasBMI2() { return (CPUID.getExtendedEBXFeatureFlags() & (1 << 8)) != 0; // Extended EBX Feature Bit 8 } /** * @return true iff the CPU supports the FMA3 instruction set. * @since 0.9.26 */ public boolean hasFMA3() { return (CPUID.getECXCPUFlags() & (1 << 12)) != 0; // ECX Bit 12 } /** * @return true iff the CPU supports the MOVBE instruction set. * @since 0.9.26 */ public boolean hasMOVBE() { return (CPUID.getECXCPUFlags() & (1 << 22)) != 0; // ECX Bit 22 } /** * Also known as LZCNT * @return true iff the CPU supports the ABM instruction set. * @since 0.9.26 */ public boolean hasABM() { return (CPUID.getExtendedECXCPUFlags() & (1 << 5)) != 0; // Extended ECX Bit 5 } @Override public String getCPUModelString() throws UnknownCPUException { throw new UnknownCPUException("Class CPUIDCPUInfo cannot indentify CPUs"); } }