package net.i2p.router.web; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import; import; import net.i2p.router.CommSystemFacade.Status; import net.i2p.router.Router; import net.i2p.router.transport.TransportManager; import net.i2p.router.transport.TransportUtil; import net.i2p.router.transport.udp.UDPTransport; import net.i2p.util.Addresses; /** * * Used for both /config and /confignet */ public class ConfigNetHelper extends HelperBase { /** copied from various private components */ final static String PROP_I2NP_NTCP_HOSTNAME = "i2np.ntcp.hostname"; final static String PROP_I2NP_NTCP_PORT = "i2np.ntcp.port"; final static String PROP_I2NP_NTCP_AUTO_PORT = "i2np.ntcp.autoport"; final static String PROP_I2NP_NTCP_AUTO_IP = "i2np.ntcp.autoip"; public String getUdphostname() { return _context.getProperty(UDPTransport.PROP_EXTERNAL_HOST, ""); } public String getNtcphostname() { return _context.getProperty(PROP_I2NP_NTCP_HOSTNAME, ""); } public String getNtcpport() { return _context.getProperty(PROP_I2NP_NTCP_PORT, ""); } /** @return host or "unknown" */ public String getUdpIP() { RouterAddress addr = _context.router().getRouterInfo().getTargetAddress("SSU"); if (addr == null) return _t("unknown"); String rv = addr.getHost(); if (rv == null) return _t("unknown"); return rv; } /** * To reduce confusion caused by NATs, this is the current internal SSU port, * not the external port. */ public String getUdpPort() { /**** RouterAddress addr = _context.router().getRouterInfo().getTargetAddress("SSU"); if (addr == null) return _t("unknown"); UDPAddress ua = new UDPAddress(addr); if (ua.getPort() <= 0) return _t("unknown"); return "" + ua.getPort(); ****/ // Since we can't get to UDPTransport.getRequestedPort() from here, just use // configured port. If UDPTransport is changed such that the actual port // could be different, fix this. return getConfiguredUdpPort(); } /** * This should always be the actual internal SSU port, as UDPTransport udpates * the config when it changes. */ public String getConfiguredUdpPort() { return _context.getProperty(UDPTransport.PROP_INTERNAL_PORT, "unset"); } public String getDynamicKeysChecked() { return getChecked(Router.PROP_DYNAMIC_KEYS); } public String getLaptopChecked() { return getChecked(UDPTransport.PROP_LAPTOP_MODE); } /** @since 0.9.20 */ public String getIPv4FirewalledChecked() { return getChecked(TransportUtil.PROP_IPV4_FIREWALLED); } /** @since 0.9.28 */ public String getIPv6FirewalledChecked() { return getChecked(TransportUtil.PROP_IPV6_FIREWALLED); } public String getTcpAutoPortChecked(int mode) { String port = _context.getProperty(PROP_I2NP_NTCP_PORT); boolean specified = port != null && port.length() > 0; if ((mode == 1 && specified) || (mode == 2 && !specified)) return CHECKED; return ""; } public String getTcpAutoIPChecked(int mode) { boolean enabled = TransportManager.isNTCPEnabled(_context); String hostname = _context.getProperty(PROP_I2NP_NTCP_HOSTNAME); boolean specified = hostname != null && hostname.length() > 0; String auto = _context.getProperty(PROP_I2NP_NTCP_AUTO_IP, "true"); if ((mode == 0 && (!specified) && auto.equals("false") && enabled) || (mode == 1 && specified && auto.equals("false") && enabled) || (mode == 2 && auto.equals("true") && enabled) || (mode == 3 && auto.equals("always") && enabled) || (mode == 4 && !enabled)) return CHECKED; return ""; } public String getUdpAutoIPChecked(int mode) { String hostname = _context.getProperty(UDPTransport.PROP_EXTERNAL_HOST); boolean specified = hostname != null && hostname.length() > 0; boolean hidden = _context.router().isHidden(); String sources = _context.getProperty(UDPTransport.PROP_SOURCES, UDPTransport.DEFAULT_SOURCES); if ((mode == 0 && sources.equals("ssu") && !hidden) || (mode == 1 && specified && !hidden) || (mode == 2 && hidden) || (mode == 3 && sources.equals("local,upnp,ssu") && !hidden) || (mode == 4 && sources.equals("local,ssu") && !hidden) || (mode == 5 && sources.equals("upnp,ssu") && !hidden)) return CHECKED; return ""; } /** default true */ public String getUpnpChecked() { if (_context.getBooleanPropertyDefaultTrue(TransportManager.PROP_ENABLE_UPNP)) return CHECKED; return ""; } /** * default false, inverse of default true property * @since 0.8.13 */ public String getUdpDisabledChecked() { if (!_context.getBooleanPropertyDefaultTrue(TransportManager.PROP_ENABLE_UDP)) return CHECKED; return ""; } /** * This isn't updated for the new statuses, but it's commented out in the jsp. * @deprecated unused, to be fixed if needed */ @Deprecated public String getRequireIntroductionsChecked() { Status status = _context.commSystem().getStatus(); switch (status) { case OK: case UNKNOWN: return getChecked(UDPTransport.PROP_FORCE_INTRODUCERS); case DIFFERENT: case REJECT_UNSOLICITED: default: return CHECKED; } } /** * Combined SSU/NTCP * Use SSU setting, then NTCP setting, then default * @since IPv6 */ public String getIPv6Checked(String mode) { String s = _context.getProperty(TransportUtil.SSU_IPV6_CONFIG); if (s == null) { s = _context.getProperty(TransportUtil.NTCP_IPV6_CONFIG); if (s == null) s = TransportUtil.DEFAULT_IPV6_CONFIG.toConfigString(); } if (s.equals(mode)) return CHECKED; return ""; } public Set<String> getAddresses() { // exclude local, include IPv6 return Addresses.getAddresses(false, true); } /** @since IPv6 */ public String getAddressSelector() { Set<String> addrs = getAddresses(); // isPubliclyRoutable() rejects some IPv6 addresses that getAddresses() allows for (Iterator<String> iter = addrs.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { byte[] ip = Addresses.getIP(; if (ip == null || !TransportUtil.isPubliclyRoutable(ip, true)) iter.remove(); } Set<String> configs; String cs = getUdphostname(); if (cs.length() <= 0) { configs = Collections.emptySet(); } else { configs = new HashSet<String>(4); String[] ca = DataHelper.split(cs, "[,; \r\n\t]"); for (int i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { String c = ca[i]; if (c.length() > 0) { configs.add(c); addrs.add(c); } } } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128); buf.append("<div class=\"indent\">"); for (String addr : addrs) { buf.append("\n      " + "<input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"optbox\" value=\"foo\" name=\"addr_"); buf.append(addr); buf.append('"'); if (addrs.size() == 1 || configs.contains(addr)) buf.append(CHECKED); buf.append("> "); buf.append(addr); buf.append("<br>"); } buf.append("\n        "); if (!addrs.isEmpty()) { buf.append(_t("Add host name or IP")) .append(": "); } buf.append("<input name=\"udpHost1\" type=\"text\" size=\"16\" >" + "</div>"); return buf.toString(); } public String getInboundRate() { return "" + _context.bandwidthLimiter().getInboundKBytesPerSecond(); } public String getOutboundRate() { return "" + _context.bandwidthLimiter().getOutboundKBytesPerSecond(); } public String getInboundRateBits() { return kbytesToBits(_context.bandwidthLimiter().getInboundKBytesPerSecond()); } public String getOutboundRateBits() { return kbytesToBits(_context.bandwidthLimiter().getOutboundKBytesPerSecond()); } public String getShareRateBits() { return kbytesToBits(getShareBandwidth()); } private String kbytesToBits(int kbytes) { return DataHelper.formatSize(kbytes * (8 * 1024L)) + ' ' + _t("bits per second") + ' ' + _t("or {0} bytes per month maximum", DataHelper.formatSize(kbytes * (1024L * 60 * 60 * 24 * 31))); } public String getInboundBurstRate() { return "" + _context.bandwidthLimiter().getInboundBurstKBytesPerSecond(); } public String getOutboundBurstRate() { return "" + _context.bandwidthLimiter().getOutboundBurstKBytesPerSecond(); } public String getInboundBurstFactorBox() { int numSeconds = 1; int rateKBps = _context.bandwidthLimiter().getInboundBurstKBytesPerSecond(); int burstKB = _context.bandwidthLimiter().getInboundBurstBytes() / 1024; if ( (rateKBps > 0) && (burstKB > 0) ) numSeconds = burstKB / rateKBps; return getBurstFactor(numSeconds, "inboundburstfactor"); } public String getOutboundBurstFactorBox() { int numSeconds = 1; int rateKBps = _context.bandwidthLimiter().getOutboundBurstKBytesPerSecond(); int burstKB = _context.bandwidthLimiter().getOutboundBurstBytes() / 1024; if ( (rateKBps > 0) && (burstKB > 0) ) numSeconds = burstKB / rateKBps; return getBurstFactor(numSeconds, "outboundburstfactor"); } private static String getBurstFactor(int numSeconds, String name) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(256); buf.append("<select name=\"").append(name).append("\">\n"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 10; i <= 70; i += 10) { int val = i; if (i == 70) { if (found) break; else val = numSeconds; } buf.append("<option value=\"").append(val).append("\" "); if (val == numSeconds) { buf.append("selected "); found = true; } buf.append(">"); buf.append(val).append(" seconds</option>\n"); } buf.append("</select>\n"); return buf.toString(); } /** removed */ public String getEnableLoadTesting() { return ""; } public String getSharePercentageBox() { int pct = (int) (100 * _context.router().getSharePercentage()); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(256); buf.append("<select style=\"text-align: right !important;\" name=\"sharePercentage\">\n"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 100; i >= -10; i -= 10) { int val = i; if (i == -10) { if (found) break; else val = pct; } buf.append("<option style=\"text-align: right;\" value=\"").append(val).append("\" "); if (pct == val) { buf.append("selected=\"selected\" "); found = true; } buf.append(">").append(val).append("%</option>\n"); } buf.append("</select>\n"); return buf.toString(); } public static final int DEFAULT_SHARE_KBPS = 12; /** * @return in KBytes per second */ public int getShareBandwidth() { int irateKBps = _context.bandwidthLimiter().getInboundKBytesPerSecond(); int orateKBps = _context.bandwidthLimiter().getOutboundKBytesPerSecond(); double pct = _context.router().getSharePercentage(); if (irateKBps < 0 || orateKBps < 0) return DEFAULT_SHARE_KBPS; return (int) (pct * Math.min(irateKBps, orateKBps)); } }