package net.i2p.router.web; import; import java.text.Collator; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.router.CommSystemFacade.Status; import net.i2p.router.Router; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.router.RouterVersion; import net.i2p.router.TunnelPoolSettings; import net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia.FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade; import net.i2p.router.transport.TransportUtil; import net.i2p.stat.Rate; import net.i2p.stat.RateStat; import net.i2p.util.PortMapper; /** * Simple helper to query the appropriate router for data necessary to render * the summary sections on the router console. * * For the full summary bar use renderSummaryBar() */ public class SummaryHelper extends HelperBase { // Opera 10.63 doesn't have the char, TODO check UA //static final String THINSP = " / "; static final String THINSP = " / "; private static final char S = ','; static final String PROP_SUMMARYBAR = "routerconsole.summaryBar."; static final String DEFAULT_FULL = "HelpAndFAQ" + S + "I2PServices" + S + "I2PInternals" + S + "General" + S + "NetworkReachability" + S + "UpdateStatus" + S + "RestartStatus" + S + "Peers" + S + "FirewallAndReseedStatus" + S + "Bandwidth" + S + "Tunnels" + S + "Congestion" + S + "TunnelStatus" + S + "Destinations" + S + ""; static final String DEFAULT_MINIMAL = "ShortGeneral" + S + "NewsHeadings" + S + "UpdateStatus" + S + "NetworkReachability" + S + "RestartStatus" + S + "FirewallAndReseedStatus" + S + "Destinations" + S + ""; /** * Retrieve the shortened 4 character ident for the router located within * the current JVM at the given context. * */ public String getIdent() { if (_context == null) return "[no router]"; if (_context.routerHash() != null) return _context.routerHash().toBase64().substring(0, 4); else return "[unknown]"; } /** * Retrieve the version number of the router. * */ public String getVersion() { return RouterVersion.FULL_VERSION; } /** * Retrieve a pretty printed uptime count (ala 4d or 7h or 39m) * */ public String getUptime() { if (_context == null) return "[no router]"; Router router = _context.router(); if (router == null) return "[not up]"; else return DataHelper.formatDuration2(router.getUptime()); } /** this displayed offset, not skew - now handled in reachability() private String timeSkew() { if (_context == null) return ""; //if (!_context.clock().getUpdatedSuccessfully()) // return " (Unknown skew)"; long ms = _context.clock().getOffset(); long diff = Math.abs(ms); if (diff < 3000) return ""; return " (" + DataHelper.formatDuration2(diff) + " " + _t("skew") + ")"; } **/ /** allowReseed */ public boolean allowReseed() { return _context.netDb().isInitialized() && (_context.netDb().getKnownRouters() < 30) || _context.getBooleanProperty("i2p.alwaysAllowReseed"); } /** subtract one for ourselves, so if we know no other peers it displays zero */ public int getAllPeers() { return Math.max(_context.netDb().getKnownRouters() - 1, 0); } public String getReachability() { return reachability(); // + timeSkew(); // testing //return reachability() + // " Offset: " + DataHelper.formatDuration(_context.clock().getOffset()) + // " Slew: " + DataHelper.formatDuration(((RouterClock)_context.clock()).getDeltaOffset()); } private String reachability() { if (_context.commSystem().isDummy()) return "VM Comm System"; if (_context.router().getUptime() > 60*1000 && (!_context.router().gracefulShutdownInProgress()) && !_context.clientManager().isAlive()) return _t("ERR-Client Manager I2CP Error - check logs"); // not a router problem but the user should know // Warn based on actual skew from peers, not update status, so if we successfully offset // the clock, we don't complain. //if (!_context.clock().getUpdatedSuccessfully()) long skew = _context.commSystem().getFramedAveragePeerClockSkew(33); // Display the actual skew, not the offset if (Math.abs(skew) > 30*1000) return _t("ERR-Clock Skew of {0}", DataHelper.formatDuration2(Math.abs(skew))); if (_context.router().isHidden()) return _t("Hidden"); RouterInfo routerInfo = _context.router().getRouterInfo(); if (routerInfo == null) return _t("Testing"); Status status = _context.commSystem().getStatus(); switch (status) { case OK: case IPV4_OK_IPV6_UNKNOWN: case IPV4_OK_IPV6_FIREWALLED: case IPV4_UNKNOWN_IPV6_OK: case IPV4_DISABLED_IPV6_OK: case IPV4_SNAT_IPV6_OK: RouterAddress ra = routerInfo.getTargetAddress("NTCP"); if (ra == null) return _t(status.toStatusString()); byte[] ip = ra.getIP(); if (ip == null) return _t("ERR-Unresolved TCP Address"); // TODO set IPv6 arg based on configuration? if (TransportUtil.isPubliclyRoutable(ip, true)) return _t(status.toStatusString()); return _t("ERR-Private TCP Address"); case IPV4_SNAT_IPV6_UNKNOWN: case DIFFERENT: return _t("ERR-SymmetricNAT"); case REJECT_UNSOLICITED: case IPV4_DISABLED_IPV6_FIREWALLED: if (routerInfo.getTargetAddress("NTCP") != null) return _t("WARN-Firewalled with Inbound TCP Enabled"); // fall through... case IPV4_FIREWALLED_IPV6_OK: case IPV4_FIREWALLED_IPV6_UNKNOWN: if (((FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade)_context.netDb()).floodfillEnabled()) return _t("WARN-Firewalled and Floodfill"); //if (_context.router().getRouterInfo().getCapabilities().indexOf('O') >= 0) // return _t("WARN-Firewalled and Fast"); return _t(status.toStatusString()); case DISCONNECTED: return _t("Disconnected - check network cable"); case HOSED: return _t("ERR-UDP Port In Use - Set i2np.udp.internalPort=xxxx in advanced config and restart"); case UNKNOWN: case IPV4_UNKNOWN_IPV6_FIREWALLED: case IPV4_DISABLED_IPV6_UNKNOWN: default: ra = routerInfo.getTargetAddress("SSU"); if (ra == null && _context.router().getUptime() > 5*60*1000) { if (getActivePeers() <= 0) return _t("ERR-No Active Peers, Check Network Connection and Firewall"); else if (_context.getProperty(ConfigNetHelper.PROP_I2NP_NTCP_HOSTNAME) == null || _context.getProperty(ConfigNetHelper.PROP_I2NP_NTCP_PORT) == null) return _t("ERR-UDP Disabled and Inbound TCP host/port not set"); else return _t("WARN-Firewalled with UDP Disabled"); } return _t(status.toStatusString()); } } /** * Retrieve amount of used memory. * */ /******** public String getMemory() { DecimalFormat integerFormatter = new DecimalFormat("###,###,##0"); long used = (Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory())/1024; long usedPc = 100 - ((Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() * 100) / Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()); return integerFormatter.format(used) + "KB (" + usedPc + "%)"; } ********/ /** * How many peers we are talking to now * */ public int getActivePeers() { if (_context == null) return 0; else return _context.commSystem().countActivePeers(); } /** * Should we warn about a possible firewall problem? */ public boolean showFirewallWarning() { return _context != null && _context.netDb().isInitialized() && _context.router().getUptime() > 2*60*1000 && (!_context.commSystem().isDummy()) && _context.commSystem().countActivePeers() <= 0 && _context.netDb().getKnownRouters() > 5; } /** * How many active identities have we spoken with recently * */ public int getActiveProfiles() { if (_context == null) return 0; else return _context.profileOrganizer().countActivePeers(); } /** * How many active peers the router ranks as fast. * */ public int getFastPeers() { if (_context == null) return 0; else return _context.profileOrganizer().countFastPeers(); } /** * How many active peers the router ranks as having a high capacity. * */ public int getHighCapacityPeers() { if (_context == null) return 0; else return _context.profileOrganizer().countHighCapacityPeers(); } /** * How many active peers the router ranks as well integrated. * */ public int getWellIntegratedPeers() { if (_context == null) return 0; //return _context.profileOrganizer().countWellIntegratedPeers(); return _context.peerManager().getPeersByCapability(FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade.CAPABILITY_FLOODFILL).size(); } /** * How many peers the router ranks as failing. * */ /******** public int getFailingPeers() { if (_context == null) return 0; else return _context.profileOrganizer().countFailingPeers(); } ********/ /** * How many peers totally suck. * */ /******** public int getBanlistedPeers() { if (_context == null) return 0; else return _context.banlist().getRouterCount(); } ********/ /** * @return "x.xx / y.yy {K|M}" */ public String getSecondKBps() { if (_context == null) return "0 / 0"; return formatPair(_context.bandwidthLimiter().getReceiveBps(), _context.bandwidthLimiter().getSendBps()); } /** * @return "x.xx / y.yy {K|M}" */ public String getFiveMinuteKBps() { if (_context == null) return "0 / 0"; RateStat receiveRate = _context.statManager().getRate("bw.recvRate"); double in = 0; if (receiveRate != null) { Rate r = receiveRate.getRate(5*60*1000); if (r != null) in = r.getAverageValue(); } RateStat sendRate = _context.statManager().getRate("bw.sendRate"); double out = 0; if (sendRate != null) { Rate r = sendRate.getRate(5*60*1000); if (r != null) out = r.getAverageValue(); } return formatPair(in, out); } /** * @return "x.xx / y.yy {K|M}" */ public String getLifetimeKBps() { if (_context == null) return "0 / 0"; RateStat receiveRate = _context.statManager().getRate("bw.recvRate"); double in; if (receiveRate == null) in = 0; else in = receiveRate.getLifetimeAverageValue(); RateStat sendRate = _context.statManager().getRate("bw.sendRate"); double out; if (sendRate == null) out = 0; else out = sendRate.getLifetimeAverageValue(); return formatPair(in, out); } /** * @return "x.xx / y.yy {K|M}" */ private static String formatPair(double in, double out) { boolean mega = in >= 1024*1024 || out >= 1024*1024; // scale both the same if (mega) { in /= 1024*1024; out /= 1024*1024; } else { in /= 1024; out /= 1024; } // control total width DecimalFormat fmt; if (in >= 1000 || out >= 1000) fmt = new DecimalFormat("#0"); else if (in >= 100 || out >= 100) fmt = new DecimalFormat("#0.0"); else fmt = new DecimalFormat("#0.00"); return fmt.format(in) + THINSP + fmt.format(out) + " " + (mega ? 'M' : 'K'); } /** * How much data have we received since the router started (pretty printed * string with 2 decimal places and the appropriate units - GB/MB/KB/bytes) * */ public String getInboundTransferred() { if (_context == null) return "0"; long received = _context.bandwidthLimiter().getTotalAllocatedInboundBytes(); return DataHelper.formatSize2(received) + 'B'; } /** * How much data have we sent since the router started (pretty printed * string with 2 decimal places and the appropriate units - GB/MB/KB/bytes) * */ public String getOutboundTransferred() { if (_context == null) return "0"; long sent = _context.bandwidthLimiter().getTotalAllocatedOutboundBytes(); return DataHelper.formatSize2(sent) + 'B'; } /** * Client destinations connected locally. * * @return html section summary */ public String getDestinations() { // convert the set to a list so we can sort by name and not lose duplicates List<Destination> clients = new ArrayList<Destination>(_context.clientManager().listClients()); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); buf.append("<h3><a href=\"/i2ptunnelmgr\" target=\"_top\" title=\"") .append(_t("Add/remove/edit & control your client and server tunnels")) .append("\">").append(_t("Local Tunnels")) .append("</a></h3><hr class=\"b\"><div class=\"tunnels\">"); if (!clients.isEmpty()) { Collections.sort(clients, new AlphaComparator()); buf.append("<table>"); for (Destination client : clients) { String name = getName(client); Hash h = client.calculateHash(); buf.append("<tr><td align=\"right\"><img src=\"/themes/console/images/"); if (_context.clientManager().shouldPublishLeaseSet(h)) buf.append("server.png\" alt=\"Server\" title=\"").append(_t("Hidden Service")).append("\">"); else buf.append("client.png\" alt=\"Client\" title=\"").append(_t("Client")).append("\">"); buf.append("</td><td align=\"left\"><b><a href=\"tunnels#").append(h.toBase64().substring(0,4)); buf.append("\" target=\"_top\" title=\"").append(_t("Show tunnels")).append("\">"); if (name.length() <= 20) buf.append(DataHelper.escapeHTML(name)); else buf.append(DataHelper.escapeHTML(name.substring(0,18))).append("…"); buf.append("</a></b></td>\n"); LeaseSet ls = _context.netDb().lookupLeaseSetLocally(h); if (ls != null && _context.tunnelManager().getOutboundClientTunnelCount(h) > 0) { long timeToExpire = ls.getEarliestLeaseDate() - _context.clock().now(); if (timeToExpire < 0) { // red or yellow light buf.append("<td><img src=\"/themes/console/images/local_inprogress.png\" alt=\"").append(_t("Rebuilding")).append("…\" title=\"").append(_t("Leases expired")).append(" ").append(DataHelper.formatDuration2(0-timeToExpire)); buf.append(" ").append(_t("ago")).append(". ").append(_t("Rebuilding")).append("…\"></td></tr>\n"); } else { // green light buf.append("<td><img src=\"/themes/console/images/local_up.png\" alt=\"Ready\" title=\"").append(_t("Ready")).append("\"></td></tr>\n"); } } else { // yellow light buf.append("<td><img src=\"/themes/console/images/local_inprogress.png\" alt=\"").append(_t("Building")).append("…\" title=\"").append(_t("Building tunnels")).append("…\"></td></tr>\n"); } } buf.append("</table>"); } else { buf.append("<center><i>").append(_t("none")).append("</i></center>"); } buf.append("</div>\n"); return buf.toString(); } /** * Compare translated nicknames - put "shared clients" first in the sort * Inner class, can't be Serializable */ private class AlphaComparator implements Comparator<Destination> { private final String xsc = _t("shared clients"); public int compare(Destination lhs, Destination rhs) { String lname = getName(lhs); String rname = getName(rhs); boolean lshared = lname.startsWith("shared clients") || lname.startsWith(xsc); boolean rshared = rname.startsWith("shared clients") || rname.startsWith(xsc); if (lshared && !rshared) return -1; if (rshared && !lshared) return 1; return Collator.getInstance().compare(lname, rname); } } /** translate here so collation works above */ private String getName(Destination d) { TunnelPoolSettings in = _context.tunnelManager().getInboundSettings(d.calculateHash()); String name = (in != null ? in.getDestinationNickname() : null); if (name == null) { TunnelPoolSettings out = _context.tunnelManager().getOutboundSettings(d.calculateHash()); name = (out != null ? out.getDestinationNickname() : null); if (name == null) name = d.calculateHash().toBase64().substring(0,6); else name = _t(name); } else { name = _t(name); } return name; } /** * How many free inbound tunnels we have. * */ public int getInboundTunnels() { if (_context == null) return 0; else return _context.tunnelManager().getFreeTunnelCount(); } /** * How many active outbound tunnels we have. * */ public int getOutboundTunnels() { if (_context == null) return 0; else return _context.tunnelManager().getOutboundTunnelCount(); } /** * How many inbound client tunnels we have. * */ public int getInboundClientTunnels() { if (_context == null) return 0; else return _context.tunnelManager().getInboundClientTunnelCount(); } /** * How many active outbound client tunnels we have. * */ public int getOutboundClientTunnels() { if (_context == null) return 0; else return _context.tunnelManager().getOutboundClientTunnelCount(); } /** * How many tunnels we are participating in. * */ public int getParticipatingTunnels() { if (_context == null) return 0; else return _context.tunnelManager().getParticipatingCount(); } /** @since 0.7.10 */ public String getShareRatio() { if (_context == null) return "0"; double sr = _context.tunnelManager().getShareRatio(); DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("##0.00"); return fmt.format(sr); } /** * How lagged our job queue is over the last minute (pretty printed with * the units attached) * */ public String getJobLag() { if (_context == null) return "0"; RateStat rs = _context.statManager().getRate("jobQueue.jobLag"); if (rs == null) return "0"; Rate lagRate = rs.getRate(60*1000); return DataHelper.formatDuration2((long)lagRate.getAverageValue()); } /** * How long it takes us to pump out a message, averaged over the last minute * (pretty printed with the units attached) * */ public String getMessageDelay() { if (_context == null) return "0"; return DataHelper.formatDuration2(_context.throttle().getMessageDelay()); } /** * How long it takes us to test our tunnels, averaged over the last 10 minutes * (pretty printed with the units attached) * */ public String getTunnelLag() { if (_context == null) return "0"; return DataHelper.formatDuration2(_context.throttle().getTunnelLag()); } public String getTunnelStatus() { if (_context == null) return ""; return _context.throttle().getTunnelStatus(); } public String getInboundBacklog() { if (_context == null) return "0"; return String.valueOf(_context.tunnelManager().getInboundBuildQueueSize()); } /******* public String getPRNGStatus() { Rate r = _context.statManager().getRate("prng.bufferWaitTime").getRate(60*1000); int use = (int) r.getLastEventCount(); int i = (int) (r.getAverageValue() + 0.5); if (i <= 0) { r = _context.statManager().getRate("prng.bufferWaitTime").getRate(10*60*1000); i = (int) (r.getAverageValue() + 0.5); } String rv = i + "/"; r = _context.statManager().getRate("prng.bufferFillTime").getRate(60*1000); i = (int) (r.getAverageValue() + 0.5); if (i <= 0) { r = _context.statManager().getRate("prng.bufferFillTime").getRate(10*60*1000); i = (int) (r.getAverageValue() + 0.5); } rv = rv + i + "ms"; // margin == fill time / use time if (use > 0 && i > 0) rv = rv + ' ' + (60*1000 / (use * i)) + 'x'; return rv; } ********/ private static boolean updateAvailable() { return NewsHelper.isUpdateAvailable(); } private boolean unsignedUpdateAvailable() { return NewsHelper.isUnsignedUpdateAvailable(_context); } /** @since 0.9.20 */ private boolean devSU3UpdateAvailable() { return NewsHelper.isDevSU3UpdateAvailable(_context); } private static String getUpdateVersion() { return DataHelper.escapeHTML(NewsHelper.updateVersion()); } private static String getUnsignedUpdateVersion() { // value is a formatted date, does not need escaping return NewsHelper.unsignedUpdateVersion(); } /** @since 0.9.20 */ private static String getDevSU3UpdateVersion() { return DataHelper.escapeHTML(NewsHelper.devSU3UpdateVersion()); } /** * The update status and buttons * @since 0.8.13 moved from SummaryBarRenderer */ public String getUpdateStatus() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); // display all the time so we display the final failure message, and plugin update messages too String status = NewsHelper.getUpdateStatus(); boolean needSpace = false; if (status.length() > 0) { buf.append("<h4>").append(status).append("</h4>\n"); needSpace = true; } String dver = NewsHelper.updateVersionDownloaded(); if (dver == null) { dver = NewsHelper.devSU3VersionDownloaded(); if (dver == null) dver = NewsHelper.unsignedVersionDownloaded(); } if (dver != null && !NewsHelper.isUpdateInProgress() && !_context.router().gracefulShutdownInProgress()) { if (needSpace) buf.append("<hr>"); else needSpace = true; buf.append("<h4><b>").append(_t("Update downloaded")).append("<br>"); if (_context.hasWrapper()) buf.append(_t("Click Restart to install")); else buf.append(_t("Click Shutdown and restart to install")); buf.append(' ').append(_t("Version {0}", DataHelper.escapeHTML(dver))); buf.append("</b></h4>"); } boolean avail = updateAvailable(); boolean unsignedAvail = unsignedUpdateAvailable(); boolean devSU3Avail = devSU3UpdateAvailable(); String constraint = avail ? NewsHelper.updateConstraint() : null; String unsignedConstraint = unsignedAvail ? NewsHelper.unsignedUpdateConstraint() : null; String devSU3Constraint = devSU3Avail ? NewsHelper.devSU3UpdateConstraint() : null; if (avail && constraint != null && !NewsHelper.isUpdateInProgress() && !_context.router().gracefulShutdownInProgress()) { if (needSpace) buf.append("<hr>"); else needSpace = true; buf.append("<h4><b>").append(_t("Update available")).append(":<br>"); buf.append(_t("Version {0}", getUpdateVersion())).append("<br>"); buf.append(constraint).append("</b></h4>"); avail = false; } if (unsignedAvail && unsignedConstraint != null && !NewsHelper.isUpdateInProgress() && !_context.router().gracefulShutdownInProgress()) { if (needSpace) buf.append("<hr>"); else needSpace = true; buf.append("<h4><b>").append(_t("Update available")).append(":<br>"); buf.append(_t("Version {0}", getUnsignedUpdateVersion())).append("<br>"); buf.append(unsignedConstraint).append("</b></h4>"); unsignedAvail = false; } if (devSU3Avail && devSU3Constraint != null && !NewsHelper.isUpdateInProgress() && !_context.router().gracefulShutdownInProgress()) { if (needSpace) buf.append("<hr>"); else needSpace = true; buf.append("<h4><b>").append(_t("Update available")).append(":<br>"); buf.append(_t("Version {0}", getDevSU3UpdateVersion())).append("<br>"); buf.append(devSU3Constraint).append("</b></h4>"); devSU3Avail = false; } if ((avail || unsignedAvail || devSU3Avail) && !NewsHelper.isUpdateInProgress() && !_context.router().gracefulShutdownInProgress() && _context.portMapper().getPort(PortMapper.SVC_HTTP_PROXY) > 0 && // assume using proxy for now getAction() == null && getUpdateNonce() == null) { if (needSpace) buf.append("<hr>"); long nonce = _context.random().nextLong(); String prev = System.getProperty("net.i2p.router.web.UpdateHandler.nonce"); if (prev != null) System.setProperty("net.i2p.router.web.UpdateHandler.noncePrev", prev); System.setProperty("net.i2p.router.web.UpdateHandler.nonce", nonce+""); String uri = getRequestURI(); buf.append("<form action=\"").append(uri).append("\" method=\"POST\">\n"); buf.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"updateNonce\" value=\"").append(nonce).append("\" >\n"); if (avail) { buf.append("<button type=\"submit\" class=\"download\" name=\"updateAction\" value=\"signed\" >") // Note to translators: parameter is a version, e.g. "0.8.4" .append(_t("Download {0} Update", getUpdateVersion())) .append("</button><br>\n"); } if (devSU3Avail) { buf.append("<button type=\"submit\" class=\"download\" name=\"updateAction\" value=\"DevSU3\" >") // Note to translators: parameter is a router version, e.g. "0.9.19-16" // <br> is optional, to help the browser make the lines even in the button // If the translation is shorter than the English, you should probably not include <br> .append(_t("Download Signed<br>Development Update<br>{0}", getDevSU3UpdateVersion())) .append("</button><br>\n"); } if (unsignedAvail) { buf.append("<button type=\"submit\" class=\"download\" name=\"updateAction\" value=\"Unsigned\" >") // Note to translators: parameter is a date and time, e.g. "02-Mar 20:34 UTC" // <br> is optional, to help the browser make the lines even in the button // If the translation is shorter than the English, you should probably not include <br> .append(_t("Download Unsigned<br>Update {0}", getUnsignedUpdateVersion())) .append("</button><br>\n"); } buf.append("</form>\n"); } return buf.toString(); } /** * The restart status and buttons * @since 0.8.13 moved from SummaryBarRenderer */ public String getRestartStatus() { return ConfigRestartBean.renderStatus(getRequestURI(), getAction(), getConsoleNonce()); } /** * The firewall status and reseed status/buttons * @since 0.9 moved from SummaryBarRenderer */ public String getFirewallAndReseedStatus() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(256); if (showFirewallWarning()) { buf.append("<h4><a href=\"/confignet\" target=\"_top\" title=\"") .append(_t("Help with firewall configuration")) .append("\">") .append(_t("Check network connection and NAT/firewall")) .append("</a></h4>"); } boolean reseedInProgress = _context.netDb().reseedChecker().inProgress(); // If showing the reseed link is allowed if (allowReseed()) { if (reseedInProgress) { // While reseed occurring, show status message instead buf.append("<i>").append(_context.netDb().reseedChecker().getStatus()).append("</i><br>"); } else { // While no reseed occurring, show reseed link long nonce = _context.random().nextLong(); String prev = System.getProperty("net.i2p.router.web.ReseedHandler.nonce"); if (prev != null) System.setProperty("net.i2p.router.web.ReseedHandler.noncePrev", prev); System.setProperty("net.i2p.router.web.ReseedHandler.nonce", nonce+""); String uri = getRequestURI(); buf.append("<p><form action=\"").append(uri).append("\" method=\"POST\">\n"); buf.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"reseedNonce\" value=\"").append(nonce).append("\" >\n"); buf.append("<button type=\"submit\" class=\"reload\" value=\"Reseed\" >").append(_t("Reseed")).append("</button></form></p>\n"); } } // If a new reseed ain't running, and the last reseed had errors, show error message if (!reseedInProgress) { String reseedErrorMessage = _context.netDb().reseedChecker().getError(); if (reseedErrorMessage.length() > 0) { buf.append("<i>").append(reseedErrorMessage).append("</i><br>"); } } if (buf.length() <= 0) return ""; return buf.toString(); } private NewsHelper _newshelper; public void storeNewsHelper(NewsHelper n) { _newshelper = n; } public NewsHelper getNewsHelper() { return _newshelper; } private static final String SS = Character.toString(S); public List<String> getSummaryBarSections(String page) { String config = ""; if ("home".equals(page)) { config = _context.getProperty(PROP_SUMMARYBAR + page, DEFAULT_MINIMAL); } else { config = _context.getProperty(PROP_SUMMARYBAR + page); if (config == null) config = _context.getProperty(PROP_SUMMARYBAR + "default", DEFAULT_FULL); } return Arrays.asList(DataHelper.split(config, SS)); } static void saveSummaryBarSections(RouterContext ctx, String page, Map<Integer, String> sections) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(512); for(String section : sections.values()) buf.append(section).append(S); ctx.router().saveConfig(PROP_SUMMARYBAR + page, buf.toString()); } /** output the summary bar to _out */ public void renderSummaryBar() throws IOException { SummaryBarRenderer renderer = new SummaryBarRenderer(_context, this); renderer.renderSummaryHTML(_out); } /* below here is stuff we need to get from summarynoframe.jsp to SummaryBarRenderer */ private String _action; public void setAction(String s) { _action = s == null ? null : DataHelper.stripHTML(s); } public String getAction() { return _action; } private String _consoleNonce; public void setConsoleNonce(String s) { _consoleNonce = s == null ? null : DataHelper.stripHTML(s); } public String getConsoleNonce() { return _consoleNonce; } private String _updateNonce; public void setUpdateNonce(String s) { _updateNonce = s == null ? null : DataHelper.stripHTML(s); } public String getUpdateNonce() { return _updateNonce; } private String _requestURI; public void setRequestURI(String s) { _requestURI = s == null ? null : DataHelper.stripHTML(s); } /** * @return non-null; "/home" if (strangely) not set by jsp */ public String getRequestURI() { return _requestURI != null ? _requestURI : "/home"; } public String getConfigTable() { String[] allSections = SummaryBarRenderer.ALL_SECTIONS; Map<String, String> sectionNames = SummaryBarRenderer.SECTION_NAMES; List<String> sections = getSummaryBarSections("default"); TreeSet<String> sortedSections = new TreeSet<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < allSections.length; i++) { String section = allSections[i]; if (!sections.contains(section)) sortedSections.add(section); } String theme = _context.getProperty(CSSHelper.PROP_THEME_NAME, CSSHelper.DEFAULT_THEME); String imgPath = CSSHelper.BASE_THEME_PATH + theme + "/images/"; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(2048); buf.append("<table class=\"sidebarconf\"><tr><th>") .append(_t("Remove")) .append("</th><th>") .append(_t("Name")) .append("</th><th colspan=\"2\">") .append(_t("Order")) .append("</th></tr>\n"); for (String section : sections) { int i = sections.indexOf(section); buf.append("<tr><td align=\"center\"><input type=\"checkbox\" class=\"optbox\" name=\"delete_") .append(i) .append("\"></td><td align=\"left\">") .append(_t(sectionNames.get(section))) .append("</td><td align=\"right\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"order_") .append(i).append('_').append(section) .append("\" value=\"") .append(i) .append("\">"); if (i > 0) { buf.append("<button type=\"submit\" class=\"buttonTop\" name=\"action\" value=\"move_") .append(i) .append("_top\"><img alt=\"") .append(_t("Top")) .append("\" src=\"") .append(imgPath) .append("move_top.png") .append("\" title=\"") .append(_t("Move to top")) .append("\"/></button>"); buf.append("<button type=\"submit\" class=\"buttonUp\" name=\"action\" value=\"move_") .append(i) .append("_up\"><img alt=\"") .append(_t("Up")) .append("\" src=\"") .append(imgPath) .append("move_up.png") .append("\" title=\"") .append(_t("Move up")) .append("\"/></button>"); } buf.append("</td><td align=\"left\">"); if (i < sections.size() - 1) { buf.append("<button type=\"submit\" class=\"buttonDown\" name=\"action\" value=\"move_") .append(i) .append("_down\"><img alt=\"") .append(_t("Down")) .append("\" src=\"") .append(imgPath) .append("move_down.png") .append("\" title=\"") .append(_t("Move down")) .append("\"/></button>"); buf.append("<button type=\"submit\" class=\"buttonBottom\" name=\"action\" value=\"move_") .append(i) .append("_bottom\"><img alt=\"") .append(_t("Bottom")) .append("\" src=\"") .append(imgPath) .append("move_bottom.png") .append("\" title=\"") .append(_t("Move to bottom")) .append("\"/></button>"); } buf.append("</td></tr>\n"); } buf.append("<tr><td align=\"center\">" + "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" class=\"delete\" value=\"") .append(_t("Delete selected")) .append("\"></td><td align=\"left\"><b>") .append(_t("Add")).append(":</b> " + "<select name=\"name\">\n" + "<option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\">") .append(_t("Select a section to add")) .append("</option>\n"); for (String s : sortedSections) { buf.append("<option value=\"").append(s).append("\">") .append(sectionNames.get(s)).append("</option>\n"); } buf.append("</select>\n" + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"order\" value=\"") .append(sections.size()) .append("\"></td>" + "<td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">" + "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" class=\"add\" value=\"") .append(_t("Add item")) .append("\"></td></tr>") .append("</table>\n"); return buf.toString(); } }