package net.i2p.router.tunnel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.util.I2PThread; import net.i2p.util.SimpleTimer; import net.i2p.util.SystemVersion; /** * Run through the tunnel gateways that have had messages added to them and push * those messages through the preprocessing and sending process. * * TODO do we need this many threads? * TODO this combines IBGWs and OBGWs, do we wish to separate the two * and/or prioritize OBGWs (i.e. our outbound traffic) over IBGWs (participating)? */ class TunnelGatewayPumper implements Runnable { private final RouterContext _context; private final Set<PumpedTunnelGateway> _wantsPumping; private final Set<PumpedTunnelGateway> _backlogged; private volatile boolean _stop; private static final int MIN_PUMPERS = 1; private static final int MAX_PUMPERS = 4; private final int _pumpers; /** * Wait just a little, but this lets the pumper queue back up. * See additional comments in PTG. */ private static final long REQUEUE_TIME = 50; /** Creates a new instance of TunnelGatewayPumper */ public TunnelGatewayPumper(RouterContext ctx) { _context = ctx; _wantsPumping = new LinkedHashSet<PumpedTunnelGateway>(16); _backlogged = new HashSet<PumpedTunnelGateway>(16); if (ctx.getBooleanProperty("i2p.dummyTunnelManager")) { _pumpers = 1; } else { long maxMemory = SystemVersion.getMaxMemory(); _pumpers = (int) Math.max(MIN_PUMPERS, Math.min(MAX_PUMPERS, 1 + (maxMemory / (32*1024*1024)))); } for (int i = 0; i < _pumpers; i++) new I2PThread(this, "Tunnel GW pumper " + (i+1) + '/' + _pumpers, true).start(); } public void stopPumping() { _stop=true; _wantsPumping.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < _pumpers; i++) { PumpedTunnelGateway poison = new PoisonPTG(_context); wantsPumping(poison); } for (int i = 1; i <= 5 && !_wantsPumping.isEmpty(); i++) { try { Thread.sleep(i * 50); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} } _wantsPumping.clear(); } public void wantsPumping(PumpedTunnelGateway gw) { if (!_stop) { synchronized (_wantsPumping) { if ((!_backlogged.contains(gw)) && _wantsPumping.add(gw)) _wantsPumping.notify(); } } } public void run() { PumpedTunnelGateway gw = null; List<PendingGatewayMessage> queueBuf = new ArrayList<PendingGatewayMessage>(32); boolean requeue = false; while (!_stop) { try { synchronized (_wantsPumping) { if (requeue && gw != null) { // in case another packet came in _wantsPumping.remove(gw); if (_backlogged.add(gw)) _context.simpleTimer2().addEvent(new Requeue(gw), REQUEUE_TIME); } gw = null; if (_wantsPumping.isEmpty()) { _wantsPumping.wait(); } else { Iterator<PumpedTunnelGateway> iter = _wantsPumping.iterator(); gw =; iter.remove(); } } } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} if (gw != null) { if (gw.getMessagesSent() == POISON_PTG) break; requeue = gw.pump(queueBuf); } } } private class Requeue implements SimpleTimer.TimedEvent { private final PumpedTunnelGateway _ptg; public Requeue(PumpedTunnelGateway ptg) { _ptg = ptg; } public void timeReached() { synchronized (_wantsPumping) { _backlogged.remove(_ptg); if (_wantsPumping.add(_ptg)) _wantsPumping.notify(); } } } private static final int POISON_PTG = -99999; private static class PoisonPTG extends PumpedTunnelGateway { public PoisonPTG(RouterContext ctx) { super(ctx, null, null, null, null); } @Override public int getMessagesSent() { return POISON_PTG; } } }