package net.i2p.router.web; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import net.i2p.I2PAppContext; import net.i2p.crypto.TrustedUpdate; import; import net.i2p.router.update.ConsoleUpdateManager; import static net.i2p.update.UpdateType.*; import net.i2p.util.FileUtil; import net.i2p.util.PortMapper; /** * */ public class ConfigUpdateHandler extends FormHandler { private String _newsURL; private long _refreshFrequency; private String _updateURL; private String _updatePolicy; private String _proxyHost; private String _proxyPort; private boolean _updateThroughProxy; private boolean _newsThroughProxy; private String _trustedKeys; private boolean _updateUnsigned; private String _zipURL; private boolean _updateDevSU3; private String _devSU3URL; public static final String PROP_NEWS_URL = "router.newsURL"; // public static final String DEFAULT_NEWS_URL = ""; /** very old default */ public static final String OLD_DEFAULT_NEWS_URL = "http://complication.i2p/news.xml"; /** older default */ public static final String DEFAULT_NEWS_URL = "http://echelon.i2p/i2p/news.xml"; /** old default */ public static final String OLD_DEFAULT_NEWS_URL_SU3 = "http://echelon.i2p/news/news.su3"; /** current default, i2pnews.i2p, run by echelon */ public static final String DEFAULT_NEWS_URL_SU3 = "http://tc73n4kivdroccekirco7rhgxdg5f3cjvbaapabupeyzrqwv5guq.b32.i2p/news.su3"; public static final String PROP_REFRESH_FREQUENCY = "router.newsRefreshFrequency"; public static final long DEFAULT_REFRESH_FREQ = 36*60*60*1000l; public static final String DEFAULT_REFRESH_FREQUENCY = Long.toString(DEFAULT_REFRESH_FREQ); public static final String PROP_UPDATE_POLICY = "router.updatePolicy"; public static final String DEFAULT_UPDATE_POLICY = "download"; public static final String PROP_SHOULD_PROXY = "router.updateThroughProxy"; public static final boolean DEFAULT_SHOULD_PROXY = true; /** @since 0.9.9 */ public static final String PROP_SHOULD_PROXY_NEWS = "router.fetchNewsThroughProxy"; /** @since 0.9.9 */ public static final boolean DEFAULT_SHOULD_PROXY_NEWS = true; public static final String PROP_PROXY_HOST = "router.updateProxyHost"; public static final String DEFAULT_PROXY_HOST = ""; public static final String PROP_PROXY_PORT = "router.updateProxyPort"; public static final int DEFAULT_PROXY_PORT_INT = 4444; public static final String DEFAULT_PROXY_PORT = "" + DEFAULT_PROXY_PORT_INT; /** default false */ public static final String PROP_UPDATE_UNSIGNED = "router.updateUnsigned"; /** default false - use for distros */ public static final String PROP_UPDATE_DISABLED = "router.updateDisabled"; /** no default */ public static final String PROP_ZIP_URL = "router.updateUnsignedURL"; public static final String PROP_UPDATE_URL = "router.updateURL"; /** * default false * @since 0.9.20 */ public static final String PROP_UPDATE_DEV_SU3 = "router.updateDevSU3"; /** * no default * @since 0.9.20 */ public static final String PROP_DEV_SU3_URL = "router.updateDevSU3URL"; /** * Changed as of release 0.8 to support both .sud and .su2 * Some JVMs (IcedTea) don't have pack200 * Update hosts must maintain both */ private static final String PACK200_URLS = "http://echelon.i2p/i2p/i2pupdate.su2\r\n" + "http://inr.i2p/i2p/i2pupdate.su2\r\n" + //"http://meeh.i2p/i2pupdate/i2pupdate.su2\r\n" + "http://stats.i2p/i2p/i2pupdate.su2\r\n" + // "http://www.i2p2.i2p/_static/i2pupdate.su2\r\n" + "http://update.dg.i2p/files/i2pupdate.su2"; //"http://update.killyourtv.i2p/i2pupdate.su2\r\n" ; // "http://update.postman.i2p/i2pupdate.su2" ; private static final String NO_PACK200_URLS = "http://echelon.i2p/i2p/i2pupdate.sud\r\n" + "http://inr.i2p/i2p/i2pupdate.sud\r\n" + //"http://meeh.i2p/i2pupdate/i2pupdate.sud\r\n" + "http://stats.i2p/i2p/i2pupdate.sud\r\n" + // "http://www.i2p2.i2p/_static/i2pupdate.sud\r\n" + "http://update.dg.i2p/files/i2pupdate.sud"; //"http://update.killyourtv.i2p/i2pupdate.sud\r\n" ; // "http://update.postman.i2p/i2pupdate.sud" ; /** * These are only for .sud and .su2. * Do NOT use this for .su3 */ public static final String DEFAULT_UPDATE_URL; static { if (FileUtil.isPack200Supported()) DEFAULT_UPDATE_URL = PACK200_URLS; else DEFAULT_UPDATE_URL = NO_PACK200_URLS; } private static final String SU3_CERT_DIR = "certificates/router"; /** * Only enabled if we have pack200 and trusted public key certificates installed * @since 0.9.9 */ public static final boolean USE_SU3_UPDATE; static { String[] files = (new File(I2PAppContext.getGlobalContext().getBaseDir(), SU3_CERT_DIR)).list(); USE_SU3_UPDATE = FileUtil.isPack200Supported() && files != null && files.length > 0; } private static final String DEFAULT_SU3_UPDATE_URLS = "http://echelon.i2p/i2p/i2pupdate.su3\r\n" + "http://inr.i2p/i2p/i2pupdate.su3\r\n" + //"http://meeh.i2p/i2pupdate/i2pupdate.su3\r\n" + "http://stats.i2p/i2p/i2pupdate.su3\r\n" + // "http://www.i2p2.i2p/_static/i2pupdate.su3\r\n" + "http://update.dg.i2p/files/i2pupdate.su3"; //"http://update.killyourtv.i2p/i2pupdate.su3\r\n" ; // "http://update.postman.i2p/i2pupdate.su3" ; /** * Empty string if disabled. Cannot be overridden by config. * @since 0.9.9 */ public static final String SU3_UPDATE_URLS = USE_SU3_UPDATE ? DEFAULT_SU3_UPDATE_URLS : ""; public static final String PROP_TRUSTED_KEYS = "router.trustedUpdateKeys"; /** * Convenience method for updaters * @return the configured value, else the registered HTTP proxy, else the default * @since 0.8.13 */ public static int proxyPort(I2PAppContext ctx) { return ctx.getProperty(PROP_PROXY_PORT, ctx.portMapper().getPort(PortMapper.SVC_HTTP_PROXY, DEFAULT_PROXY_PORT_INT)); } @Override protected void processForm() { if (_action == null) return; if (_action.equals(_t("Check for updates"))) { ConsoleUpdateManager mgr = UpdateHandler.updateManager(_context); if (mgr == null) { addFormError("Update manager not registered, cannot check"); return; } if (mgr.isUpdateInProgress() || mgr.isCheckInProgress()) { addFormError(_t("Update or check already in progress")); return; } boolean shouldProxy = _context.getProperty(PROP_SHOULD_PROXY_NEWS, DEFAULT_SHOULD_PROXY_NEWS); String proxyHost = _context.getProperty(PROP_PROXY_HOST, DEFAULT_PROXY_HOST); int proxyPort = proxyPort(_context); if (shouldProxy && proxyPort == ConfigUpdateHandler.DEFAULT_PROXY_PORT_INT && proxyHost.equals(ConfigUpdateHandler.DEFAULT_PROXY_HOST) && _context.portMapper().getPort(PortMapper.SVC_HTTP_PROXY) < 0) { addFormError(_t("HTTP client proxy tunnel must be running")); return; } boolean a1 = mgr.checkAvailable(NEWS, 40*1000) != null; boolean a2 = false; boolean a3 = false; if ((!a1) && _updateDevSU3 && _devSU3URL != null && _devSU3URL.length() > 0) a2 = mgr.checkAvailable(ROUTER_DEV_SU3, 40*1000) != null; if ((!a2) && _updateUnsigned && _zipURL != null && _zipURL.length() > 0) a3 = mgr.checkAvailable(ROUTER_UNSIGNED, 40*1000) != null; if (a1 || a2 || a3) { if ( (_updatePolicy == null) || (!_updatePolicy.equals("notify")) ) addFormNotice(_t("Update available, attempting to download now")); else addFormNotice(_t("Update available, click button on left to download")); // So that update() will post a status to the summary bar before we reload try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} } else addFormNotice(_t("No update available")); return; } if (!_action.equals(_t("Save"))) return; Map<String, String> changes = new HashMap<String, String>(); if ( (_newsURL != null) && (_newsURL.length() > 0) ) { if (_newsURL.startsWith("https")) _newsThroughProxy = false; String oldURL = ConfigUpdateHelper.getNewsURL(_context); if ( (oldURL == null) || (!_newsURL.equals(oldURL)) ) { if (isAdvanced()) { changes.put(PROP_NEWS_URL, _newsURL); // this invalidates the news changes.put(NewsHelper.PROP_LAST_CHECKED, "0"); addFormNotice(_t("Updating news URL to {0}", _newsURL)); } else { addFormError("Changing news URL disabled"); } } } if (_proxyHost != null && _proxyHost.length() > 0 && !_proxyHost.equals(_t("internal"))) { String oldHost = _context.router().getConfigSetting(PROP_PROXY_HOST); if ( (oldHost == null) || (!_proxyHost.equals(oldHost)) ) { changes.put(PROP_PROXY_HOST, _proxyHost); addFormNotice(_t("Updating proxy host to {0}", _proxyHost)); } } if (_proxyPort != null && _proxyPort.length() > 0 && !_proxyPort.equals(_t("internal"))) { String oldPort = _context.router().getConfigSetting(PROP_PROXY_PORT); if ( (oldPort == null) || (!_proxyPort.equals(oldPort)) ) { changes.put(PROP_PROXY_PORT, _proxyPort); addFormNotice(_t("Updating proxy port to {0}", _proxyPort)); } } changes.put(PROP_SHOULD_PROXY, Boolean.toString(_updateThroughProxy)); changes.put(PROP_SHOULD_PROXY_NEWS, Boolean.toString(_newsThroughProxy)); if (isAdvanced()) { changes.put(PROP_UPDATE_UNSIGNED, Boolean.toString(_updateUnsigned)); changes.put(PROP_UPDATE_DEV_SU3, Boolean.toString(_updateDevSU3)); } String oldFreqStr = _context.getProperty(PROP_REFRESH_FREQUENCY, DEFAULT_REFRESH_FREQUENCY); long oldFreq = DEFAULT_REFRESH_FREQ; try { oldFreq = Long.parseLong(oldFreqStr); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} if (_refreshFrequency != oldFreq) { changes.put(PROP_REFRESH_FREQUENCY, ""+_refreshFrequency); addFormNoticeNoEscape(_t("Updating refresh frequency to {0}", _refreshFrequency <= 0 ? _t("Never") : DataHelper.formatDuration2(_refreshFrequency))); } if ( (_updatePolicy != null) && (_updatePolicy.length() > 0) ) { String oldPolicy = _context.router().getConfigSetting(PROP_UPDATE_POLICY); if ( (oldPolicy == null) || (!_updatePolicy.equals(oldPolicy)) ) { changes.put(PROP_UPDATE_POLICY, _updatePolicy); addFormNotice(_t("Updating update policy to {0}", _updatePolicy)); } } if ( (_updateURL != null) && (_updateURL.length() > 0) ) { _updateURL = _updateURL.replace("\r\n", ",").replace("\n", ","); String oldURL = _context.router().getConfigSetting(PROP_UPDATE_URL); if ( (oldURL == null) || (!_updateURL.equals(oldURL)) ) { changes.put(PROP_UPDATE_URL, _updateURL); addFormNotice(_t("Updating update URLs.")); } } if ( (_trustedKeys != null) && (_trustedKeys.length() > 0) ) { _trustedKeys = _trustedKeys.replace("\r\n", ",").replace("\n", ","); String oldKeys = new TrustedUpdate(_context).getTrustedKeysString(); oldKeys = oldKeys.replace("\r\n", ","); if (!_trustedKeys.equals(oldKeys)) { // note that keys are not validated here and no console error message will be generated if (isAdvanced()) { changes.put(PROP_TRUSTED_KEYS, _trustedKeys); addFormNotice(_t("Updating trusted keys.")); } else { addFormError("Changing trusted keys disabled"); } } } if ( (_zipURL != null) && (_zipURL.length() > 0) ) { String oldURL = _context.router().getConfigSetting(PROP_ZIP_URL); if ( (oldURL == null) || (!_zipURL.equals(oldURL)) ) { if (isAdvanced()) { changes.put(PROP_ZIP_URL, _zipURL); addFormNotice(_t("Updating unsigned update URL to {0}", _zipURL)); } else { addFormError("Changing unsigned update URL disabled"); } } } if ( (_devSU3URL != null) && (_devSU3URL.length() > 0) ) { String oldURL = _context.router().getConfigSetting(PROP_DEV_SU3_URL); if ( (oldURL == null) || (!_devSU3URL.equals(oldURL)) ) { if (isAdvanced()) { changes.put(PROP_DEV_SU3_URL, _devSU3URL); addFormNotice(_t("Updating signed development build URL to {0}", _devSU3URL)); } else { addFormError("Changing signed update URL disabled"); } } } _context.router().saveConfig(changes, null); } public void setNewsURL(String url) { _newsURL = url; } public void setRefreshFrequency(String freq) { try { _refreshFrequency = Long.parseLong(freq); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} } public void setUpdateURL(String url) { _updateURL = url; } public void setUpdatePolicy(String policy) { _updatePolicy = policy; } public void setTrustedKeys(String keys) { _trustedKeys = keys; } public void setUpdateThroughProxy(String foo) { _updateThroughProxy = true; } public void setProxyHost(String host) { _proxyHost = host; } public void setProxyPort(String port) { _proxyPort = port; } public void setUpdateUnsigned(String foo) { _updateUnsigned = true; } public void setZipURL(String url) { _zipURL = url; } /** @since 0.9.9 */ public void setNewsThroughProxy(String foo) { _newsThroughProxy = true; } /** @since 0.9.20 */ public void setUpdateDevSU3(String foo) { _updateDevSU3 = true; } /** @since 0.9.20 */ public void setDevSU3URL(String url) { _devSU3URL = url; } }