/* AUTO-GENERATED FILE. DO NOT MODIFY. * * This class was automatically generated by the * java mavlink generator tool. It should not be modified by hand. */ // MESSAGE SCALED_IMU PACKING package com.MAVLink.common; import com.MAVLink.MAVLinkPacket; import com.MAVLink.Messages.MAVLinkMessage; import com.MAVLink.Messages.MAVLinkPayload; /** * The RAW IMU readings for the usual 9DOF sensor setup. This message should contain the scaled values to the described units */ public class msg_scaled_imu extends MAVLinkMessage{ public static final int MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SCALED_IMU = 26; public static final int MAVLINK_MSG_LENGTH = 22; private static final long serialVersionUID = MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SCALED_IMU; /** * Timestamp (milliseconds since system boot) */ public long time_boot_ms; /** * X acceleration (mg) */ public short xacc; /** * Y acceleration (mg) */ public short yacc; /** * Z acceleration (mg) */ public short zacc; /** * Angular speed around X axis (millirad /sec) */ public short xgyro; /** * Angular speed around Y axis (millirad /sec) */ public short ygyro; /** * Angular speed around Z axis (millirad /sec) */ public short zgyro; /** * X Magnetic field (milli tesla) */ public short xmag; /** * Y Magnetic field (milli tesla) */ public short ymag; /** * Z Magnetic field (milli tesla) */ public short zmag; /** * Generates the payload for a mavlink message for a message of this type * @return */ public MAVLinkPacket pack(){ MAVLinkPacket packet = new MAVLinkPacket(MAVLINK_MSG_LENGTH); packet.sysid = 255; packet.compid = 190; packet.msgid = MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SCALED_IMU; packet.payload.putUnsignedInt(time_boot_ms); packet.payload.putShort(xacc); packet.payload.putShort(yacc); packet.payload.putShort(zacc); packet.payload.putShort(xgyro); packet.payload.putShort(ygyro); packet.payload.putShort(zgyro); packet.payload.putShort(xmag); packet.payload.putShort(ymag); packet.payload.putShort(zmag); return packet; } /** * Decode a scaled_imu message into this class fields * * @param payload The message to decode */ public void unpack(MAVLinkPayload payload) { payload.resetIndex(); this.time_boot_ms = payload.getUnsignedInt(); this.xacc = payload.getShort(); this.yacc = payload.getShort(); this.zacc = payload.getShort(); this.xgyro = payload.getShort(); this.ygyro = payload.getShort(); this.zgyro = payload.getShort(); this.xmag = payload.getShort(); this.ymag = payload.getShort(); this.zmag = payload.getShort(); } /** * Constructor for a new message, just initializes the msgid */ public msg_scaled_imu(){ msgid = MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SCALED_IMU; } /** * Constructor for a new message, initializes the message with the payload * from a mavlink packet * */ public msg_scaled_imu(MAVLinkPacket mavLinkPacket){ this.sysid = mavLinkPacket.sysid; this.compid = mavLinkPacket.compid; this.msgid = MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SCALED_IMU; unpack(mavLinkPacket.payload); } /** * Returns a string with the MSG name and data */ public String toString(){ return "MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SCALED_IMU -"+" time_boot_ms:"+time_boot_ms+" xacc:"+xacc+" yacc:"+yacc+" zacc:"+zacc+" xgyro:"+xgyro+" ygyro:"+ygyro+" zgyro:"+zgyro+" xmag:"+xmag+" ymag:"+ymag+" zmag:"+zmag+""; } }