package; import android.content.Context; import android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice; import android.hardware.usb.UsbManager; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; public class UsbConnection extends AndroidMavLinkConnection { private static final String TAG = UsbConnection.class.getSimpleName(); private static final int FTDI_DEVICE_VENDOR_ID = 0x0403; protected final int mBaudRate; private UsbConnectionImpl mUsbConnection; public UsbConnection(Context parentContext, int baudRate) { super(parentContext); mBaudRate = baudRate; } @Override protected void closeConnection() throws IOException { if (mUsbConnection != null) { mUsbConnection.closeUsbConnection(); } } @Override protected void loadPreferences() { } @Override protected void openConnection(Bundle connectionExtras) throws IOException { if (mUsbConnection != null) { try { mUsbConnection.openUsbConnection(connectionExtras); Log.d(TAG, "Reusing previous usb connection."); return; } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Previous usb connection is not usable.", e); mUsbConnection = null; } } if (isFTDIdevice(context)) { final UsbConnectionImpl tmp = new UsbFTDIConnection(context, this, mBaudRate); try { tmp.openUsbConnection(connectionExtras); // If the call above is successful, 'mUsbConnection' will be set. mUsbConnection = tmp; Log.d(TAG, "Using FTDI usb connection."); } catch (IOException e) { Log.d(TAG, "Unable to open a ftdi usb connection. Falling back to the open " + "usb-library.", e); } } // Fallback if (mUsbConnection == null) { final UsbConnectionImpl tmp = new UsbCDCConnection(context, this, mBaudRate); // If an error happens here, let it propagate up the call chain since this is the fallback. tmp.openUsbConnection(connectionExtras); mUsbConnection = tmp; Log.d(TAG, "Using open-source usb connection."); } } private static boolean isFTDIdevice(Context context) { UsbManager manager = (UsbManager) context.getSystemService(Context.USB_SERVICE); final HashMap<String, UsbDevice> deviceList = manager.getDeviceList(); if (deviceList == null || deviceList.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (Entry<String, UsbDevice> device : deviceList.entrySet()) { if (device.getValue().getVendorId() == FTDI_DEVICE_VENDOR_ID) { return true; } } return false; } @Override protected int readDataBlock(byte[] buffer) throws IOException { if (mUsbConnection == null) { throw new IOException("Uninitialized usb connection."); } return mUsbConnection.readDataBlock(buffer); } @Override protected void sendBuffer(byte[] buffer) throws IOException { if (mUsbConnection == null) { throw new IOException("Uninitialized usb connection."); } mUsbConnection.sendBuffer(buffer); } @Override public int getConnectionType() { return MavLinkConnectionTypes.MAVLINK_CONNECTION_USB; } @Override public String toString() { if (mUsbConnection == null) { return TAG; } return mUsbConnection.toString(); } static abstract class UsbConnectionImpl { protected final int mBaudRate; protected final Context mContext; private final UsbConnection parentConnection; protected final Logger mLogger = AndroidLogger.getLogger(); protected UsbConnectionImpl(Context context, UsbConnection parentConn, int baudRate) { mContext = context; this.parentConnection = parentConn; mBaudRate = baudRate; } protected void onUsbConnectionOpened(Bundle extras) { parentConnection.onConnectionOpened(extras); } protected void onUsbConnectionStatus(LinkConnectionStatus connectionStatus) { parentConnection.onConnectionStatus(connectionStatus); } protected abstract void closeUsbConnection() throws IOException; protected abstract void openUsbConnection(Bundle extras) throws IOException; protected abstract int readDataBlock(byte[] readData) throws IOException; protected abstract void sendBuffer(byte[] buffer); } }