package; import android.os.AsyncTask; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; /** * GeoTagAsyncTask images based on camera mavlink messages. */ public abstract class GeoTagAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Integer, GeoTagUtils.ResultObject> { private final File rootDir; private final List<TLogParser.Event> events; private final ArrayList<File> photos; private final GeoTagAlgorithm geoTagAlg; private final GeoTagUtils.GeoTagListener listener = new GeoTagUtils.GeoTagListener() { @Override public void onProgress(int numProcessed, int numTotal) { publishProgress(numProcessed, numTotal); } }; /** * Asynchronous method to geotag a list of images using a list of Events as coordinate data. * * Warning: this copies data to external storage * * @param rootDir {@link File} * @param events {@link List<>} list of events to geotag photos. * @param photos {@link List<File>} list of files of photos to geotag. */ public GeoTagAsyncTask(File rootDir, List<TLogParser.Event> events, ArrayList<File> photos) { this(rootDir, events, photos, new SimpleGeoTagAlgorithm()); } public GeoTagAsyncTask(File rootDir, List<TLogParser.Event> events, ArrayList<File> photos, GeoTagAlgorithm geotagAlg){ this.rootDir = rootDir; = events; = photos; this.geoTagAlg = geotagAlg; } @Override protected GeoTagUtils.ResultObject doInBackground(Void... params) { if(isCancelled()) return new GeoTagUtils.ResultObject(); return GeoTagUtils.geotag(rootDir, events, photos, geoTagAlg, listener); } @Override protected final void onPostExecute(GeoTagUtils.ResultObject resultObject) { if (resultObject.didSucceed()) { onResult(resultObject.getGeoTaggedPhotos(), resultObject.getFailedFiles()); } else { onFailed(resultObject.getException()); } } @Override protected final void onProgressUpdate(Integer... values) { onProgress(values[0], values[1]); } @Override protected final void onCancelled(GeoTagUtils.ResultObject resultObject) { onResult(resultObject.getGeoTaggedPhotos(), resultObject.getFailedFiles()); } /** * Callback for successful geotagging * * @param geoTaggedPhotos {@link HashMap<File, File>} map of files sent in to the geotagged files. * @param failedFiles {@link HashMap<File, Exception>} map of files sent in to exception that occurred when geotagging. */ public abstract void onResult(HashMap<File, File> geoTaggedPhotos, HashMap<File, Exception> failedFiles); /** * Callback to notify when as items are processed * * @param numProcessed number of items that have been processed. * @param numTotal total number of items that will be processed for geotagging */ public abstract void onProgress(int numProcessed, int numTotal); /** * Callback for exception in geotagging * * @param e {@link Exception} */ public abstract void onFailed(Exception e); protected interface GeoTagAlgorithm { HashMap<TLogParser.Event, File> match(List<TLogParser.Event> events, ArrayList<File> photos); } }