package; /** * Stores the list of gcs events (as action), and their extra parameters. * The defined events are used in system broadcasts. */ public class GCSEvent { private static final String PACKAGE_NAME = ""; /** * Key to retrieve the app id for the client that caused the event. */ public static final String EXTRA_APP_ID = PACKAGE_NAME + ".extra.APP_ID"; /** * Broadcast action: a connection with a vehicle was established. */ public static final String ACTION_VEHICLE_CONNECTION = PACKAGE_NAME + ".action.VEHICLE_CONNECTION"; /** * Key to retrieve the parameter for the connection. */ public static final String EXTRA_VEHICLE_CONNECTION_PARAMETER = PACKAGE_NAME + ".extra" + ".VEHICLE_CONNECTION_PARAMETER"; /** * Broadcast action: the connection with the vehicle was broken. */ public static final String ACTION_VEHICLE_DISCONNECTION = PACKAGE_NAME + ".action.VEHICLE_DISCONNECTION"; //Not instantiable private GCSEvent(){} }