package; import android.os.Parcel; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; /** * Encapsulate all state that an app might want to know about the GoPro in one packet. */ public class SoloGoproStateV2 extends TLVPacket implements DroneAttribute { public static final int MESSAGE_LENGTH = 36; /** * Version of the spec. */ private byte version; /** * Model of the camera */ private byte model; /** * Gopro status */ private byte status; /** * Camera recording status */ private byte recording; /** * Gopro capture mode. */ private byte captureMode; private byte ntsc_pal; /** * Camera field of view. */ private byte fov; /** * Camera video resolution; */ private byte videoResolution; private byte fps; private byte lowLight; private byte photoResolution; private byte photoBurstRate; /** * Requires compatible video settings */ private byte videoProtune; /** * Hero 3 only. Requires protune on */ private byte videoWhiteBalance; /** * Hero 3 only. Requires protune on */ private byte videoColor; /** * Hero 3 only. Requires protune on */ private byte videoGain; /** * Hero 3 only. Requires protune on */ private byte videoSharpness; /** * Requires protune on. Can be set on Hero4 but currently does not return correct setting. */ private byte videoExposure; private byte gimbalEnabled; //EXTRA FIELDS private byte extra1; private byte extra2; private byte extra3; private byte extra4; private byte extra5; private byte extra6; private byte extra7; private short extra8; private short extra9; private short extra10; private short extra11; private short extra12; public SoloGoproStateV2(ByteBuffer packetBuffer) { super(TLVMessageTypes.TYPE_SOLO_GOPRO_STATE_V2, MESSAGE_LENGTH); this.version = packetBuffer.get(); this.model = packetBuffer.get(); this.status = packetBuffer.get(); this.recording = packetBuffer.get(); this.captureMode = packetBuffer.get(); this.ntsc_pal = packetBuffer.get(); this.videoResolution = packetBuffer.get(); this.fps = packetBuffer.get(); this.fov = packetBuffer.get(); this.lowLight = packetBuffer.get(); this.photoResolution = packetBuffer.get(); this.photoBurstRate = packetBuffer.get(); this.videoProtune = packetBuffer.get(); this.videoWhiteBalance = packetBuffer.get(); this.videoColor = packetBuffer.get(); this.videoGain = packetBuffer.get(); this.videoSharpness = packetBuffer.get(); this.videoExposure = packetBuffer.get(); this.gimbalEnabled = packetBuffer.get(); //Instantiate the extras this.extra1 = packetBuffer.get(); this.extra2 = packetBuffer.get(); this.extra3 = packetBuffer.get(); this.extra4 = packetBuffer.get(); this.extra5 = packetBuffer.get(); this.extra6 = packetBuffer.get(); this.extra7 = packetBuffer.get(); this.extra8 = packetBuffer.getShort(); this.extra9 = packetBuffer.getShort(); this.extra10 = packetBuffer.getShort(); this.extra11 = packetBuffer.getShort(); this.extra12 = packetBuffer.getShort(); } @Override protected void getMessageValue(ByteBuffer valueCarrier) { valueCarrier.put(version); valueCarrier.put(model); valueCarrier.put(status); valueCarrier.put(recording); valueCarrier.put(captureMode); valueCarrier.put(ntsc_pal); valueCarrier.put(videoResolution); valueCarrier.put(fps); valueCarrier.put(fov); valueCarrier.put(lowLight); valueCarrier.put(photoResolution); valueCarrier.put(photoBurstRate); valueCarrier.put(videoProtune); valueCarrier.put(videoWhiteBalance); valueCarrier.put(videoColor); valueCarrier.put(videoGain); valueCarrier.put(videoSharpness); valueCarrier.put(videoExposure); valueCarrier.put(gimbalEnabled); valueCarrier.put(extra1); valueCarrier.put(extra2); valueCarrier.put(extra3); valueCarrier.put(extra4); valueCarrier.put(extra5); valueCarrier.put(extra6); valueCarrier.put(extra7); valueCarrier.putShort(extra8); valueCarrier.putShort(extra9); valueCarrier.putShort(extra10); valueCarrier.putShort(extra11); valueCarrier.putShort(extra12); } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { super.writeToParcel(dest, flags); dest.writeByte(this.version); dest.writeByte(this.model); dest.writeByte(this.status); dest.writeByte(this.recording); dest.writeByte(this.captureMode); dest.writeByte(this.ntsc_pal); dest.writeByte(this.fov); dest.writeByte(this.videoResolution); dest.writeByte(this.fps); dest.writeByte(this.lowLight); dest.writeByte(this.photoResolution); dest.writeByte(this.photoBurstRate); dest.writeByte(this.videoProtune); dest.writeByte(this.videoWhiteBalance); dest.writeByte(this.videoColor); dest.writeByte(this.videoGain); dest.writeByte(this.videoSharpness); dest.writeByte(this.videoExposure); dest.writeByte(this.gimbalEnabled); dest.writeByte(this.extra1); dest.writeByte(this.extra2); dest.writeByte(this.extra3); dest.writeByte(this.extra4); dest.writeByte(this.extra5); dest.writeByte(this.extra6); dest.writeByte(this.extra7); dest.writeInt(this.extra8); dest.writeInt(this.extra9); dest.writeInt(this.extra10); dest.writeInt(this.extra11); dest.writeInt(this.extra12); } protected SoloGoproStateV2(Parcel in) { super(in); this.version = in.readByte(); this.model = in.readByte(); this.status = in.readByte(); this.recording = in.readByte(); this.captureMode = in.readByte(); this.ntsc_pal = in.readByte(); this.fov = in.readByte(); this.videoResolution = in.readByte(); this.fps = in.readByte(); this.lowLight = in.readByte(); this.photoResolution = in.readByte(); this.photoBurstRate = in.readByte(); this.videoProtune = in.readByte(); this.videoWhiteBalance = in.readByte(); this.videoColor = in.readByte(); this.videoGain = in.readByte(); this.videoSharpness = in.readByte(); this.videoExposure = in.readByte(); this.gimbalEnabled = in.readByte(); this.extra1 = in.readByte(); this.extra2 = in.readByte(); this.extra3 = in.readByte(); this.extra4 = in.readByte(); this.extra5 = in.readByte(); this.extra6 = in.readByte(); this.extra7 = in.readByte(); this.extra8 = (short) in.readInt(); this.extra9 = (short) in.readInt(); this.extra10 = (short) in.readInt(); this.extra11 = (short) in.readInt(); this.extra12 = (short) in.readInt(); } public static final Creator<SoloGoproStateV2> CREATOR = new Creator<SoloGoproStateV2>() { public SoloGoproStateV2 createFromParcel(Parcel source) { return new SoloGoproStateV2(source); } public SoloGoproStateV2[] newArray(int size) { return new SoloGoproStateV2[size]; } }; @Override public String toString() { return "SoloGoproStateV2{" + "captureMode=" + captureMode + ", version=" + version + ", model=" + model + ", status=" + status + ", recording=" + recording + ", ntsc_pal=" + ntsc_pal + ", fov=" + fov + ", videoResolution=" + videoResolution + ", fps=" + fps + ", lowLight=" + lowLight + ", photoResolution=" + photoResolution + ", photoBurstRate=" + photoBurstRate + ", videoProtune=" + videoProtune + ", videoWhiteBalance=" + videoWhiteBalance + ", videoColor=" + videoColor + ", videoGain=" + videoGain + ", videoSharpness=" + videoSharpness + ", videoExposure=" + videoExposure + ", gimbalEnabled=" + gimbalEnabled + ", extra1=" + extra1 + ", extra2=" + extra2 + ", extra3=" + extra3 + ", extra4=" + extra4 + ", extra5=" + extra5 + ", extra6=" + extra6 + ", extra7=" + extra7 + ", extra8=" + extra8 + ", extra9=" + extra9 + ", extra10=" + extra10 + ", extra11=" + extra11 + ", extra12=" + extra12 + '}'; } public byte getFov() { return fov; } public byte getFps() { return fps; } public byte getGimbalEnabled() { return gimbalEnabled; } public byte getLowLight() { return lowLight; } public byte getModel() { return model; } public byte getNtsc_pal() { return ntsc_pal; } public byte getPhotoBurstRate() { return photoBurstRate; } public byte getPhotoResolution() { return photoResolution; } public byte getRecording() { return recording; } public byte getStatus() { return status; } public byte getVersion() { return version; } public byte getVideoColor() { return videoColor; } public byte getVideoExposure() { return videoExposure; } public byte getVideoGain() { return videoGain; } public byte getVideoProtune() { return videoProtune; } public byte getVideoResolution() { return videoResolution; } public byte getVideoSharpness() { return videoSharpness; } public byte getVideoWhiteBalance() { return videoWhiteBalance; } public byte getCaptureMode() { return captureMode; } }