package; import android.os.Handler; import com.MAVLink.Messages.MAVLinkMessage; import com.MAVLink.common.msg_mission_ack; import com.MAVLink.common.msg_mission_count; import com.MAVLink.common.msg_mission_current; import com.MAVLink.common.msg_mission_item; import com.MAVLink.common.msg_mission_item_reached; import com.MAVLink.common.msg_mission_request; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Class to manage the communication of waypoints to the MAV. * <p/> * Should be initialized with a MAVLink Object, so the manager can send messages * via the MAV link. The function processMessage must be called with every new * MAV Message. */ public class WaypointManager extends DroneVariable { enum WaypointStates { IDLE, READ_REQUEST, READING_WP, WRITING_WP_COUNT, WRITING_WP, WAITING_WRITE_ACK } public enum WaypointEvent_Type { WP_UPLOAD, WP_DOWNLOAD, WP_RETRY, WP_CONTINUE, WP_TIMED_OUT } private static final long TIMEOUT = 15000; //ms private static final int RETRY_LIMIT = 3; private int retryTracker = 0; private int readIndex; private int writeIndex; private int retryIndex; private OnWaypointManagerListener wpEventListener; WaypointStates state = WaypointStates.IDLE; /** * waypoint witch is currently being written */ private final Handler watchdog; private final Runnable watchdogCallback = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (processTimeOut(++retryTracker)) watchdog.postDelayed(this, TIMEOUT); } }; public WaypointManager(MavLinkDrone drone, Handler handler) { super(drone); this.watchdog = handler; } public void setWaypointManagerListener(OnWaypointManagerListener wpEventListener) { this.wpEventListener = wpEventListener; } private void startWatchdog() { stopWatchdog(); retryTracker = 0; this.watchdog.postDelayed(watchdogCallback, TIMEOUT); } private void stopWatchdog() { this.watchdog.removeCallbacks(watchdogCallback); } /** * Try to receive all waypoints from the MAV. * <p/> * If all runs well the callback will return the list of waypoints. */ public void getWaypoints() { // ensure that WPManager is not doing anything else if (state != WaypointStates.IDLE) return; doBeginWaypointEvent(WaypointEvent_Type.WP_DOWNLOAD); readIndex = -1; state = WaypointStates.READ_REQUEST; MavLinkWaypoint.requestWaypointsList(myDrone); startWatchdog(); } /** * Write a list of waypoints to the MAV. * <p/> * The callback will return the status of this operation * * @param data waypoints to be written */ public void writeWaypoints(List<msg_mission_item> data) { // ensure that WPManager is not doing anything else if (state != WaypointStates.IDLE) return; if ((mission != null)) { doBeginWaypointEvent(WaypointEvent_Type.WP_UPLOAD); mission.clear(); mission.addAll(data); writeIndex = 0; state = WaypointStates.WRITING_WP_COUNT; MavLinkWaypoint.sendWaypointCount(myDrone, mission.size()); startWatchdog(); } } /** * Sets the current waypoint in the MAV * <p/> * The callback will return the status of this operation */ public void setCurrentWaypoint(int i) { if ((mission != null)) { MavLinkWaypoint.sendSetCurrentWaypoint(myDrone, (short) i); } } /** * Callback for when a waypoint has been reached * * @param wpNumber number of the completed waypoint */ public void onWaypointReached(int wpNumber) { } /** * Callback for a change in the current waypoint the MAV is heading for * * @param seq number of the updated waypoint */ private void onCurrentWaypointUpdate(int seq) { } /** * number of waypoints to be received, used when reading waypoints */ private int waypointCount; /** * list of waypoints used when writing or receiving */ private List<msg_mission_item> mission = new ArrayList<msg_mission_item>(); /** * Try to process a Mavlink message if it is a mission related message * * @param msg Mavlink message to process * @return Returns true if the message has been processed */ public boolean processMessage(MAVLinkMessage msg) { switch (state) { default: case IDLE: break; case READ_REQUEST: if (msg.msgid == msg_mission_count.MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_COUNT) { waypointCount = ((msg_mission_count) msg).count; mission.clear(); startWatchdog(); MavLinkWaypoint.requestWayPoint(myDrone, mission.size()); state = WaypointStates.READING_WP; return true; } break; case READING_WP: if (msg.msgid == msg_mission_item.MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM) { startWatchdog(); processReceivedWaypoint((msg_mission_item) msg); doWaypointEvent(WaypointEvent_Type.WP_DOWNLOAD, readIndex + 1, waypointCount); if (mission.size() < waypointCount) { MavLinkWaypoint.requestWayPoint(myDrone, mission.size()); } else { stopWatchdog(); state = WaypointStates.IDLE; MavLinkWaypoint.sendAck(myDrone); myDrone.getMission().onMissionReceived(mission); doEndWaypointEvent(WaypointEvent_Type.WP_DOWNLOAD); } return true; } break; case WRITING_WP_COUNT: state = WaypointStates.WRITING_WP; case WRITING_WP: if (msg.msgid == msg_mission_request.MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_REQUEST) { startWatchdog(); processWaypointToSend((msg_mission_request) msg); doWaypointEvent(WaypointEvent_Type.WP_UPLOAD, writeIndex + 1, mission.size()); return true; } break; case WAITING_WRITE_ACK: if (msg.msgid == msg_mission_ack.MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ACK) { stopWatchdog(); myDrone.getMission().onWriteWaypoints((msg_mission_ack) msg); state = WaypointStates.IDLE; doEndWaypointEvent(WaypointEvent_Type.WP_UPLOAD); return true; } break; } if (msg.msgid == msg_mission_item_reached.MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_ITEM_REACHED) { onWaypointReached(((msg_mission_item_reached) msg).seq); return true; } if (msg.msgid == msg_mission_current.MAVLINK_MSG_ID_MISSION_CURRENT) { onCurrentWaypointUpdate(((msg_mission_current) msg).seq); return true; } return false; } public boolean processTimeOut(int mTimeOutCount) { // If max retry is reached, set state to IDLE. No more retry. if (mTimeOutCount >= RETRY_LIMIT) { state = WaypointStates.IDLE; doWaypointEvent(WaypointEvent_Type.WP_TIMED_OUT, retryIndex, RETRY_LIMIT); return false; } retryIndex++; doWaypointEvent(WaypointEvent_Type.WP_RETRY, retryIndex, RETRY_LIMIT); switch (state) { default: case IDLE: break; case READ_REQUEST: MavLinkWaypoint.requestWaypointsList(myDrone); break; case READING_WP: if (mission.size() < waypointCount) { // request last lost WP MavLinkWaypoint.requestWayPoint(myDrone, mission.size()); } break; case WRITING_WP_COUNT: MavLinkWaypoint.sendWaypointCount(myDrone, mission.size()); break; case WRITING_WP: // Log.d("TIMEOUT", "re Write Msg: " + String.valueOf(writeIndex)); if (writeIndex < mission.size()) { myDrone.getMavClient().sendMessage(mission.get(writeIndex), null); } break; case WAITING_WRITE_ACK: myDrone.getMavClient().sendMessage(mission.get(mission.size() - 1), null); break; } return true; } private void processWaypointToSend(msg_mission_request msg) { /* * Log.d("TIMEOUT", "Write Msg: " + String.valueOf(msg.seq)); */ writeIndex = msg.seq; msg_mission_item item = mission.get(writeIndex); item.target_system = myDrone.getSysid(); item.target_component = myDrone.getCompid(); myDrone.getMavClient().sendMessage(item, null); if (writeIndex + 1 >= mission.size()) { state = WaypointStates.WAITING_WRITE_ACK; } } private void processReceivedWaypoint(msg_mission_item msg) { /* * Log.d("TIMEOUT", "Read Last/Curr: " + String.valueOf(readIndex) + "/" * + String.valueOf(msg.seq)); */ // in case of we receive the same WP again after retry if (msg.seq <= readIndex) return; readIndex = msg.seq; mission.add(msg); } private void doBeginWaypointEvent(WaypointEvent_Type wpEvent) { retryIndex = 0; if (wpEventListener == null) return; wpEventListener.onBeginWaypointEvent(wpEvent); } private void doEndWaypointEvent(WaypointEvent_Type wpEvent) { if (retryIndex > 0)// if retry successful, notify that we now continue doWaypointEvent(WaypointEvent_Type.WP_CONTINUE, retryIndex, RETRY_LIMIT); retryIndex = 0; if (wpEventListener == null) return; wpEventListener.onEndWaypointEvent(wpEvent); } private void doWaypointEvent(WaypointEvent_Type wpEvent, int index, int count) { retryIndex = 0; if (wpEventListener == null) return; wpEventListener.onWaypointEvent(wpEvent, index, count); } }