package; import android.os.Parcel; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; /** * Path: Bidirectional * Purpose: Configures the options for failsafe behavior of shotmanager * This can be sent at anytime to shotmanager, even outside of a shot * Requires: shotmanager 2.4.0 * Created by phu 7/2016 * @since 2.9.1 */ public class SoloRewindOptions extends TLVPacket { public static final int MESSAGE_LENGTH = 6; public static final int RETURN_AND_HOVER = 1; public static final int RETURN_AND_LAND = 0; @IntDef({ RETURN_AND_HOVER, RETURN_AND_LAND, }) public @interface ReturnPreference{} private boolean isRewindEnabled; /** * Tells shotmanager what to do when the copter reaches the home point * Options: Land or Hover */ @ReturnPreference private int returnPreference; /** * Tells shotmanager how far to backtrack along the path travelled before * engaging in the normal up and over RTL */ private float rewindDistance; public float getRewindDistance() { return rewindDistance; } public void setRewindDistance(float rewindDistance) { this.rewindDistance = rewindDistance; } @ReturnPreference public int getReturnPreference() { return returnPreference; } public void setReturnPreference(@ReturnPreference int returnPreference) { this.returnPreference = returnPreference; } public boolean isRewindEnabled() { return isRewindEnabled; } public void setRewindEnabled(boolean rewindEnabled) { isRewindEnabled = rewindEnabled; } public SoloRewindOptions(boolean isRewindEnabled, int returnPreference, float rewindDistance) { super(TLVMessageTypes.TYPE_SOLO_REWIND_OPTIONS, MESSAGE_LENGTH); this.isRewindEnabled = isRewindEnabled; this.returnPreference = returnPreference; this.rewindDistance = rewindDistance; } SoloRewindOptions(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) { this(byteBuffer.get() == 1, (int) byteBuffer.get(), byteBuffer.getFloat()); } @Override protected void getMessageValue(ByteBuffer valueCarrier) { valueCarrier.put((byte) (isRewindEnabled ? 1 : 0)); valueCarrier.put((byte) returnPreference); valueCarrier.putFloat(rewindDistance); } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { super.writeToParcel(dest, flags); dest.writeByte((byte) (isRewindEnabled ? 1 : 0)); dest.writeByte((byte) returnPreference); dest.writeFloat(rewindDistance); } protected SoloRewindOptions(Parcel in) { super(in); this.isRewindEnabled = in.readByte() != 0; @ReturnPreference int pref = (int) in.readByte(); this.returnPreference = pref; this.rewindDistance = in.readFloat(); } public static final Creator<SoloRewindOptions> CREATOR = new Creator<SoloRewindOptions>() { public SoloRewindOptions createFromParcel(Parcel source) { return new SoloRewindOptions(source); } public SoloRewindOptions[] newArray(int size) { return new SoloRewindOptions[size]; } }; @Override public String toString() { return "SoloRewindOptions{" + "isRewindEnabled=" + isRewindEnabled + "returnPreference=" + returnPreference + "rewindDistance=" + rewindDistance + '}'; } }