package; import com.MAVLink.common.msg_command_ack; import com.MAVLink.common.msg_command_long; import com.MAVLink.enums.MAV_CMD; import com.MAVLink.enums.MAV_CMD_ACK; import; import; public class MavLinkCalibration { public static void sendCalibrationAckMessage(MavLinkDrone drone, int count) { msg_command_ack msg = new msg_command_ack(); msg.command = count; msg.result = MAV_CMD_ACK.MAV_CMD_ACK_OK; drone.getMavClient().sendMessage(msg, null); } public static void startAccelerometerCalibration(MavLinkDrone drone, ICommandListener listener) { msg_command_long msg = new msg_command_long(); msg.target_system = drone.getSysid(); msg.target_component = drone.getCompid(); msg.command = MAV_CMD.MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION; msg.param1 = 0; msg.param2 = 0; msg.param3 = 0; msg.param4 = 0; msg.param5 = 1; msg.param6 = 0; msg.param7 = 0; msg.confirmation = 0; drone.getMavClient().sendMessage(msg, listener); } /** * Initiate a magnetometer calibration * @param drone */ public static void startMagnetometerCalibration(MavLinkDrone drone, ICommandListener listener){ startMagnetometerCalibration(drone, false, false, 0, listener); } /** * Initiate a magnetometer calibration * @param drone vehicle to calibrate * @param retryOnFailure if true, automatically retry the magnetometer calibration if it fails * @param saveAutomatically if true, save the calibration automatically without user input. * @param startDelay positive delay in seconds before starting the calibration */ public static void startMagnetometerCalibration(MavLinkDrone drone, boolean retryOnFailure, boolean saveAutomatically, int startDelay, ICommandListener listener){ msg_command_long msg = new msg_command_long(); msg.target_system = drone.getSysid(); msg.target_component = drone.getCompid(); msg.command = MAV_CMD.MAV_CMD_DO_START_MAG_CAL; msg.param1 = 0; msg.param2 = retryOnFailure ? 1 : 0; msg.param3 = saveAutomatically ? 1 : 0; msg.param4 = startDelay > 0 ? startDelay : 0; msg.param5 = 0; msg.param6 = 0; msg.param7 = 0; drone.getMavClient().sendMessage(msg, listener); } /** * Cancel the running magnetometer calibration.˛ * @param drone */ public static void cancelMagnetometerCalibration(MavLinkDrone drone, ICommandListener listener){ msg_command_long msg = new msg_command_long(); msg.target_system = drone.getSysid(); msg.target_component = drone.getCompid(); msg.command = MAV_CMD.MAV_CMD_DO_CANCEL_MAG_CAL; msg.param1 = 0; msg.param2 = 0; msg.param3 = 0; msg.param4 = 0; msg.param5 = 0; msg.param6 = 0; msg.param7 = 0; drone.getMavClient().sendMessage(msg, listener); } /** * Accept the magnetometer calibration result. * @param drone */ public static void acceptMagnetometerCalibration(MavLinkDrone drone, ICommandListener listener){ msg_command_long msg = new msg_command_long(); msg.target_system = drone.getSysid(); msg.target_component = drone.getCompid(); msg.command = MAV_CMD.MAV_CMD_DO_ACCEPT_MAG_CAL; msg.param1 = 0; msg.param2 = 0; msg.param3 = 0; msg.param4 = 0; msg.param5 = 0; msg.param6 = 0; msg.param7 = 0; drone.getMavClient().sendMessage(msg, listener); } }