package; import com.MAVLink.common.msg_command_long; import com.MAVLink.common.msg_manual_control; import com.MAVLink.common.msg_mission_item; import com.MAVLink.common.msg_set_mode; import com.MAVLink.common.msg_set_position_target_global_int; import com.MAVLink.common.msg_set_position_target_local_ned; import com.MAVLink.enums.MAV_CMD; import com.MAVLink.enums.MAV_FRAME; import com.MAVLink.enums.MAV_GOTO; import; import; import; public class MavLinkCommands { public static final int EMERGENCY_DISARM_MAGIC_NUMBER = 21196; private static final int MAVLINK_SET_POS_TYPE_MASK_POS_IGNORE = ((1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 2)); private static final int MAVLINK_SET_POS_TYPE_MASK_VEL_IGNORE = ((1 << 3) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 5)); private static final int MAVLINK_SET_POS_TYPE_MASK_ACC_IGNORE = ((1 << 6) | (1 << 7) | (1 << 8)); public static void changeMissionSpeed(MavLinkDrone drone, float speed, ICommandListener listener) { msg_command_long msg = new msg_command_long(); msg.target_system = drone.getSysid(); msg.target_component = drone.getCompid(); msg.command = MAV_CMD.MAV_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED; msg.param1 = 0; // TODO use correct parameter msg.param2 = speed; msg.param3 = 0; // TODO use correct parameter drone.getMavClient().sendMessage(msg, listener); } public static void setGuidedMode(MavLinkDrone drone, double latitude, double longitude, double d) { msg_mission_item msg = new msg_mission_item(); msg.seq = 0; msg.current = 2; // TODO use guided mode enum msg.frame = MAV_FRAME.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT; msg.command = MAV_CMD.MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT; // msg.param1 = 0; // TODO use correct parameter msg.param2 = 0; // TODO use correct parameter msg.param3 = 0; // TODO use correct parameter msg.param4 = 0; // TODO use correct parameter msg.x = (float) latitude; msg.y = (float) longitude; msg.z = (float) d; msg.autocontinue = 1; // TODO use correct parameter msg.target_system = drone.getSysid(); msg.target_component = drone.getCompid(); drone.getMavClient().sendMessage(msg, null); } public static void sendGuidedPosition(MavLinkDrone drone, double latitude, double longitude, double altitude){ msg_set_position_target_global_int msg = new msg_set_position_target_global_int(); msg.type_mask = MAVLINK_SET_POS_TYPE_MASK_ACC_IGNORE | MAVLINK_SET_POS_TYPE_MASK_VEL_IGNORE; msg.coordinate_frame = MAV_FRAME.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT_INT; msg.lat_int = (int) (latitude * 1E7); msg.lon_int = (int) (longitude * 1E7); msg.alt = (float) altitude; msg.target_system = drone.getSysid(); msg.target_component = drone.getCompid(); drone.getMavClient().sendMessage(msg, null); } public static void sendGuidedVelocity(MavLinkDrone drone, double xVel, double yVel, double zVel){ msg_set_position_target_global_int msg = new msg_set_position_target_global_int(); msg.type_mask = MAVLINK_SET_POS_TYPE_MASK_ACC_IGNORE | MAVLINK_SET_POS_TYPE_MASK_POS_IGNORE; msg.coordinate_frame = MAV_FRAME.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT_INT; msg.vx = (float) xVel; msg.vy = (float) yVel; msg.vz = (float) zVel; msg.target_system = drone.getSysid(); msg.target_component = drone.getCompid(); drone.getMavClient().sendMessage(msg, null); } public static void setVelocityInLocalFrame(MavLinkDrone drone, float xVel, float yVel, float zVel, ICommandListener listener){ msg_set_position_target_local_ned msg = new msg_set_position_target_local_ned(); msg.type_mask = MAVLINK_SET_POS_TYPE_MASK_ACC_IGNORE | MAVLINK_SET_POS_TYPE_MASK_POS_IGNORE; msg.vx = xVel; msg.vy = yVel; msg.vz = zVel; msg.target_system = drone.getSysid(); msg.target_component = drone.getCompid(); drone.getMavClient().sendMessage(msg, listener); } public static void sendGuidedPositionAndVelocity(MavLinkDrone drone, double latitude, double longitude, double altitude, double xVel, double yVel, double zVel){ msg_set_position_target_global_int msg = new msg_set_position_target_global_int(); msg.type_mask = MAVLINK_SET_POS_TYPE_MASK_ACC_IGNORE; msg.coordinate_frame = MAV_FRAME.MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT_INT; msg.lat_int = (int) (latitude * 1E7); msg.lon_int = (int) (longitude * 1E7); msg.alt = (float) altitude; msg.vx = (float) xVel; msg.vy = (float) yVel; msg.vz = (float) zVel; msg.target_system = drone.getSysid(); msg.target_component = drone.getCompid(); drone.getMavClient().sendMessage(msg, null); } public static void changeFlightMode(MavLinkDrone drone, ApmModes mode, ICommandListener listener) { msg_set_mode msg = new msg_set_mode(); msg.target_system = drone.getSysid(); msg.base_mode = 1; // TODO use meaningful constant msg.custom_mode = mode.getNumber(); drone.getMavClient().sendMessage(msg, listener); } public static void setConditionYaw(MavLinkDrone drone, float targetAngle, float yawRate, boolean isClockwise, boolean isRelative, ICommandListener listener){ msg_command_long msg = new msg_command_long(); msg.target_system = drone.getSysid(); msg.target_component = drone.getCompid(); msg.command = MAV_CMD.MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW; msg.param1 = targetAngle; msg.param2 = yawRate; msg.param3 = isClockwise ? 1 : -1; msg.param4 = isRelative ? 1 : 0; drone.getMavClient().sendMessage(msg, listener); } /** * API for sending manually control to the vehicle using standard joystick axes nomenclature, along with a joystick-like input device. * Unused axes can be disabled and buttons are also transmit as boolean values. * @see <a href="MANUAL_CONTROL"></a> * * @param drone * @param x X-axis, normalized to the range [-1000,1000]. A value of INT16_MAX indicates that this axis is invalid. Generally corresponds to forward(1000)-backward(-1000) movement on a joystick and the pitch of a vehicle. * @param y Y-axis, normalized to the range [-1000,1000]. A value of INT16_MAX indicates that this axis is invalid. Generally corresponds to left(-1000)-right(1000) movement on a joystick and the roll of a vehicle. * @param z Z-axis, normalized to the range [-1000,1000]. A value of INT16_MAX indicates that this axis is invalid. Generally corresponds to a separate slider movement with maximum being 1000 and minimum being -1000 on a joystick and the thrust of a vehicle. * @param r R-axis, normalized to the range [-1000,1000]. A value of INT16_MAX indicates that this axis is invalid. Generally corresponds to a twisting of the joystick, with counter-clockwise being 1000 and clockwise being -1000, and the yaw of a vehicle. * @param buttons A bitfield corresponding to the joystick buttons' current state, 1 for pressed, 0 for released. The lowest bit corresponds to Button 1. * @param listener */ public static void sendManualControl(MavLinkDrone drone, short x, short y, short z, short r, int buttons, ICommandListener listener){ msg_manual_control msg = new msg_manual_control(); = drone.getSysid(); msg.x = x; msg.y = y; msg.z = z; msg.r = r; msg.buttons = buttons; drone.getMavClient().sendMessage(msg, listener); } public static void sendTakeoff(MavLinkDrone drone, double alt, ICommandListener listener) { msg_command_long msg = new msg_command_long(); msg.target_system = drone.getSysid(); msg.target_component = drone.getCompid(); msg.command = MAV_CMD.MAV_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF; msg.param7 = (float) alt; drone.getMavClient().sendMessage(msg, listener); } public static void sendNavLand(MavLinkDrone drone, ICommandListener listener){ msg_command_long msg = new msg_command_long(); msg.target_system = drone.getSysid(); msg.target_component = drone.getCompid(); msg.command = MAV_CMD.MAV_CMD_NAV_LAND; drone.getMavClient().sendMessage(msg, listener); } public static void sendNavRTL(MavLinkDrone drone, ICommandListener listener){ msg_command_long msg = new msg_command_long(); msg.target_system = drone.getSysid(); msg.target_component = drone.getCompid(); msg.command = MAV_CMD.MAV_CMD_NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH; drone.getMavClient().sendMessage(msg, listener); } public static void sendPause(MavLinkDrone drone, ICommandListener listener){ msg_command_long msg = new msg_command_long(); msg.target_system = drone.getSysid(); msg.target_component = drone.getCompid(); msg.command = MAV_CMD.MAV_CMD_OVERRIDE_GOTO; msg.param1 = MAV_GOTO.MAV_GOTO_DO_HOLD; msg.param2 = MAV_GOTO.MAV_GOTO_HOLD_AT_CURRENT_POSITION; drone.getMavClient().sendMessage(msg, listener); } public static void startMission(MavLinkDrone drone, ICommandListener listener){ msg_command_long msg = new msg_command_long(); msg.target_system = drone.getSysid(); msg.target_component = drone.getCompid(); msg.command = MAV_CMD.MAV_CMD_MISSION_START; drone.getMavClient().sendMessage(msg, listener); } public static void sendArmMessage(MavLinkDrone drone, boolean arm, boolean emergencyDisarm, ICommandListener listener) { msg_command_long msg = new msg_command_long(); msg.target_system = drone.getSysid(); msg.target_component = drone.getCompid(); msg.command = MAV_CMD.MAV_CMD_COMPONENT_ARM_DISARM; msg.param1 = arm ? 1 : 0; msg.param2 = emergencyDisarm ? EMERGENCY_DISARM_MAGIC_NUMBER : 0; msg.param3 = 0; msg.param4 = 0; msg.param5 = 0; msg.param6 = 0; msg.param7 = 0; msg.confirmation = 0; drone.getMavClient().sendMessage(msg, listener); } public static void sendFlightTermination(MavLinkDrone drone, ICommandListener listener) { msg_command_long msg = new msg_command_long(); msg.target_system = drone.getSysid(); msg.target_component = drone.getCompid(); msg.command = MAV_CMD.MAV_CMD_DO_FLIGHTTERMINATION; msg.param1 = 1; drone.getMavClient().sendMessage(msg, listener); } }