package; import android.os.Parcel; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; /** * Sent from app to Solo or vice versa to transmit cable cam options. */ public class SoloCableCamOptions extends SoloShotOptions { private static final int CAM_INTERPOLATION_ENABLED_VALUE = 1; private static final int CAM_INTERPOLATION_DISABLED_VALUE = 0; private static final int YAW_DIRECTION_CW_VALUE = 0; private static final int YAW_DIRECTION_CCW_VALUE = 1; /** * 0 if interpolation is off * 1 if on */ private boolean camInterpolation; /** * 1 means counter clock wise * 0 means clockwise * Received from shot manager, and shouldn't be persisted in the app. */ private boolean yawDirectionClockwise; public SoloCableCamOptions(boolean camInterpolation, boolean yawDirectionClockwise, float cruiseSpeed) { super(TLVMessageTypes.TYPE_SOLO_CABLE_CAM_OPTIONS, 8, cruiseSpeed); this.camInterpolation = camInterpolation; this.yawDirectionClockwise = yawDirectionClockwise; } SoloCableCamOptions(int camInterpolationValue, int yawDirectionValue, float cruiseSpeed) { this(camInterpolationValue == CAM_INTERPOLATION_ENABLED_VALUE, yawDirectionValue == YAW_DIRECTION_CW_VALUE, cruiseSpeed); } public boolean isCamInterpolationOn() { return camInterpolation; } public void setCamInterpolation(boolean camInterpolation) { this.camInterpolation = camInterpolation; } public boolean isYawDirectionClockWise() { return yawDirectionClockwise; } public void setYawDirection(boolean yawDirection) { this.yawDirectionClockwise = yawDirection; } @Override protected void getMessageValue(ByteBuffer valueCarrier) { valueCarrier.putShort((short) (camInterpolation ? CAM_INTERPOLATION_ENABLED_VALUE : CAM_INTERPOLATION_DISABLED_VALUE)); valueCarrier.putShort((short) (yawDirectionClockwise ? YAW_DIRECTION_CW_VALUE : YAW_DIRECTION_CCW_VALUE)); super.getMessageValue(valueCarrier); } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { super.writeToParcel(dest, flags); dest.writeByte(camInterpolation ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); dest.writeByte(yawDirectionClockwise ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); } protected SoloCableCamOptions(Parcel in) { super(in); this.camInterpolation = in.readByte() != 0; this.yawDirectionClockwise = in.readByte() != 0; } public static final Creator<SoloCableCamOptions> CREATOR = new Creator<SoloCableCamOptions>() { public SoloCableCamOptions createFromParcel(Parcel source) { return new SoloCableCamOptions(source); } public SoloCableCamOptions[] newArray(int size) { return new SoloCableCamOptions[size]; } }; }