package; import java.util.Random; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.GCBlocks; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.planets.asteroids.blocks.AsteroidBlocks; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.planets.mars.blocks.MarsBlocks; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import; import; public class BaseHangar extends SizedPiece { public static final int HANGARWIDTH = 26; public static final int HANGARLENGTH = 42; public static final int HANGARHEIGHT = 15; public BaseHangar() { } public BaseHangar(BaseConfiguration configuration, Random rand, int blockPosX, int blockPosZ, EnumFacing direction) { super(configuration, HANGARWIDTH, HANGARHEIGHT, HANGARLENGTH, direction); if (direction.getAxis() == EnumFacing.Axis.X) { int w = this.sizeX; this.sizeX = this.sizeZ; this.sizeZ = w; this.coordBaseMode = direction.getOpposite(); //Maybe a bug in vanilla here? } else this.coordBaseMode = direction; int yPos = configuration.getYPosition(); this.boundingBox = new StructureBoundingBox(blockPosX, yPos, blockPosZ, blockPosX + this.sizeX, yPos + this.sizeY, blockPosZ + this.sizeZ); //TODO check save nbt } @Override public boolean addComponentParts(World worldIn, Random randomIn, StructureBoundingBox structureBoundingBoxIn) { IBlockState blockAir = Blocks.air.getDefaultState(); IBlockState blockPlain = GCBlocks.basicBlock.getStateFromMeta(4); IBlockState blockPattern = GCBlocks.basicBlock.getStateFromMeta(3); IBlockState blockGrid = AsteroidBlocks.blockWalkway.getDefaultState(); IBlockState blockSlab = GCBlocks.slabGCHalf.getStateFromMeta(1); IBlockState upsideSlab = GCBlocks.slabGCHalf.getStateFromMeta(9); IBlockState blockWall = GCBlocks.wallGC.getStateFromMeta(1); IBlockState decoWall = GCBlocks.wallGC.getStateFromMeta(0); IBlockState moonWall = GCBlocks.wallGC.getStateFromMeta(2); IBlockState blockBars = Blocks.iron_bars.getDefaultState(); IBlockState blockDesh = MarsBlocks.marsBlock.getStateFromMeta(8); IBlockState blockRedstone = GCBlocks.concealedRedstone.getDefaultState(); Block blockStair = GCBlocks.tinStairs2; Block arcLamp = GCBlocks.brightLamp; int stairmeta = 1; int stairmetaB = 2; int lampmeta = 3; int lampmeta2 = 5; if (direction == EnumFacing.SOUTH) { stairmeta ^= 1; stairmetaB ^= 1; lampmeta ^= 1; lampmeta2 ^= 1; } else if (direction == EnumFacing.EAST) { stairmeta ^= 2; stairmetaB ^= 3; lampmeta = 4; lampmeta2 = 3; } else if (direction == EnumFacing.WEST) { stairmeta ^= 3; stairmetaB ^= 2; lampmeta = 5; lampmeta2 = 2; } int maxX = HANGARWIDTH; int maxZ = HANGARLENGTH; int maxY = this.sizeY; int midPoint = HANGARLENGTH - 22; //AIR for (int zz = HANGARLENGTH; zz >= 0; zz--) { for (int xx = 0; xx <= maxX; xx++) { for (int y = 0; y <= maxY; y++) { if (y <= 1 && (xx == 0 || xx == maxX)) continue; if (y == maxY && (xx < 4 || xx > maxX - 4)) continue; if (y == maxY - 1 && (xx < 2 || xx > maxX - 2)) continue; this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, xx, y, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); } } } //endwall for (int y = 7; y <= 8; y++) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, 1, y, HANGARLENGTH, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, 2, y, HANGARLENGTH, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, 3, y, HANGARLENGTH, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, 23, y, HANGARLENGTH, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, 24, y, HANGARLENGTH, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, 25, y, HANGARLENGTH, structureBoundingBoxIn); for (int x = 5; x < 22; x++) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, this.configuration.getWallBlock(), x, y, HANGARLENGTH, structureBoundingBoxIn); if (y == 7 && (x < 9 || x > 17)) this.setBlockState(worldIn, this.configuration.getWallBlock(), x, maxY, HANGARLENGTH, structureBoundingBoxIn); } } for (int y = 7; y <= maxY; y++) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPlain, 4, y, HANGARLENGTH, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPlain, 22, y, HANGARLENGTH, structureBoundingBoxIn); } for (int y = 9; y <= maxY; y++) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, this.configuration.getWallBlock(), 6, y, HANGARLENGTH, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, this.configuration.getWallBlock(), 20, y, HANGARLENGTH, structureBoundingBoxIn); } for (int xx = 0; xx <= 3; xx++) this.setBlockState(worldIn, moonWall, xx, 1, HANGARLENGTH, structureBoundingBoxIn); for (int xx = maxX - 3; xx <= maxX; xx++) this.setBlockState(worldIn, moonWall, xx, 1, HANGARLENGTH, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockDesh, 9, maxY, HANGARLENGTH - 1, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockRedstone, 11, maxY, HANGARLENGTH - 1, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPattern, 13, maxY, HANGARLENGTH - 1, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockRedstone, 15, maxY, HANGARLENGTH - 1, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockDesh, 17, maxY, HANGARLENGTH - 1, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, upsideSlab, 10, maxY, HANGARLENGTH - 1, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, upsideSlab, 12, maxY, HANGARLENGTH - 1, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, upsideSlab, 14, maxY, HANGARLENGTH - 1, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, upsideSlab, 16, maxY, HANGARLENGTH - 1, structureBoundingBoxIn); //Ceiling struts this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(stairmetaB + 4), 4, maxY - 1, HANGARLENGTH - 3, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(stairmetaB + 4), 4, maxY - 2, HANGARLENGTH - 2, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(stairmetaB + 4), 4, maxY - 3, HANGARLENGTH - 1, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(stairmetaB + 4), 22, maxY - 1, HANGARLENGTH - 3, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(stairmetaB + 4), 22, maxY - 2, HANGARLENGTH - 2, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(stairmetaB + 4), 22, maxY - 3, HANGARLENGTH - 1, structureBoundingBoxIn); // this.setBlockState(worldIn, arcLamp.getStateFromMeta(lampmeta), 5, maxY - 3, HANGARLENGTH, structureBoundingBoxIn); // this.setBlockState(worldIn, arcLamp.getStateFromMeta(lampmeta), 5, maxY - 6, HANGARLENGTH, structureBoundingBoxIn); // this.setBlockState(worldIn, arcLamp.getStateFromMeta(lampmeta), 21, maxY - 3, HANGARLENGTH, structureBoundingBoxIn); // this.setBlockState(worldIn, arcLamp.getStateFromMeta(lampmeta), 21, maxY - 6, HANGARLENGTH, structureBoundingBoxIn); //FIRST SECTION for (int zz = HANGARLENGTH; zz > HANGARLENGTH - 5; zz--) { for (int xx = 0; xx <= maxX; xx+= maxX) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, moonWall, xx, 1, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); for (int y = 2; y < 7; y++) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, xx, y, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); } for (int y = 9; y < maxY - 1; y++) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockAir, xx, y, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); } this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, xx, 7, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, xx, 8, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); } if (zz % 3 == 1) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPlain, 4, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPlain, 22, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); } else { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPattern, 4, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPattern, 22, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); } //Top middle if (zz < HANGARLENGTH - 1) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockGrid, 9, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockRedstone, 11, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockGrid, 13, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockRedstone, 15, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockGrid, 17, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); } //Floor this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPattern, 7, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPattern, 9, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPattern, 19, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPattern, 17, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockGrid, 8, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockGrid, 18, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); if (zz > HANGARLENGTH - 5) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPlain, 10, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPlain, 16, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPlain, 11, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPlain, 15, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); } if (zz > HANGARLENGTH - 4) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPlain, 12, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPlain, 14, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); } if (zz > HANGARLENGTH - 3) this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPlain, 13, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); } //Floor end this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(stairmetaB), 10, 0, HANGARLENGTH - 6, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(stairmetaB), 16, 0, HANGARLENGTH - 6, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(stairmetaB), 11, 0, HANGARLENGTH - 5, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(stairmetaB), 15, 0, HANGARLENGTH - 5, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(stairmetaB), 12, 0, HANGARLENGTH - 4, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(stairmetaB), 14, 0, HANGARLENGTH - 4, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(stairmetaB), 13, 0, HANGARLENGTH - 3, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPlain, 10, 0, HANGARLENGTH - 5, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPlain, 16, 0, HANGARLENGTH - 5, structureBoundingBoxIn); //Join first and second sections this.setBlockState(worldIn, moonWall, 0, 1, HANGARLENGTH - 5, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, moonWall, maxX, 1, HANGARLENGTH - 5, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, arcLamp.getStateFromMeta(lampmeta2 ^ 1), 12, maxY, HANGARLENGTH - 3, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, arcLamp.getStateFromMeta(lampmeta2), 14, maxY, HANGARLENGTH - 3, structureBoundingBoxIn); //SECOND SECTION for (int zz = HANGARLENGTH - 5; zz > midPoint; zz--) { //Top sides if (zz % 3 == 1) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockSlab, 3, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPlain, 4, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPlain, 22, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockSlab, 23, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(stairmeta + 4), 2, maxY - 1, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(stairmeta + 4), 1, maxY - 2, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta((stairmeta ^ 1) + 4), 24, maxY - 1, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta((stairmeta ^ 1) + 4), 25, maxY - 2, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); if (zz != HANGARLENGTH - 11) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(stairmeta), 1, 1, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockStair.getStateFromMeta(stairmeta ^ 1), 25, 1, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); floorStrut(worldIn, blockWall, decoWall, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); } } else { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPattern, 22, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPattern, 4, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); } //Top middle if (zz == midPoint + 1) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockDesh, 9, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPattern, 11, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockDesh, 13, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPattern, 15, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockDesh, 17, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); } else { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockGrid, 9, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockGrid, 13, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockGrid, 17, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); if (zz == HANGARLENGTH - 12) { IBlockState repeater = GCBlocks.concealedRepeater_Powered.getStateFromMeta(this.direction.getOpposite().getHorizontalIndex()); this.setBlockState(worldIn, repeater, 11, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, repeater, 15, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); } else { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockRedstone, 11, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockRedstone, 15, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); } } if ((zz - midPoint - 1) % 6 == 0) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, arcLamp.getStateFromMeta(lampmeta2), 10, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, arcLamp.getStateFromMeta(lampmeta2 ^ 1), 16, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); } //Walls for (int xx = 0; xx <= maxX; xx+= maxX) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPlain, xx, maxY - 2, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPlain, xx, maxY - 4, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPlain, xx, 2, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPlain, xx, 4, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); if (zz % 3 == 1) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPattern, xx, maxY - 3, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockPlain, xx, 3, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, xx, 5, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, xx, 6, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, xx, 9, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, xx, 10, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); } this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, xx, 7, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, xx, 8, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); } //Floor IBlockState blockBeam = (zz % 2 == 0) ? blockPattern : blockPlain; this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockBeam, 7, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockBeam, 9, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockBeam, 19, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockBeam, 17, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockGrid, 8, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockGrid, 18, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); } //THIRD SECTION int zz = midPoint; //Top sides extrudeTrioOff(worldIn, randomIn, 2, blockPlain, blockPattern, 4, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrudeTrioOff(worldIn, randomIn, 2, blockPlain, blockPattern, 22, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrude(worldIn, randomIn, 2, blockGrid, 23, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrude(worldIn, randomIn, 2, blockGrid, 3, maxY, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); //Walls for (int xx = 0; xx <= maxX; xx+= maxX) { extrudeTrio(worldIn, randomIn, 1, blockPlain, blockPattern, xx, maxY - 2, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrudeTrio(worldIn, randomIn, 1, blockPlain, blockPattern, xx, maxY - 4, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrudeTrio(worldIn, randomIn, 1, blockPlain, blockPattern, xx, 2, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrudeTrio(worldIn, randomIn, 1, blockPlain, blockPattern, xx, 4, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrudeTrio(worldIn, randomIn, 0, blockBars, blockAir, xx, 5, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrudeTrio(worldIn, randomIn, 0, blockBars, blockAir, xx, 6, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrudeTrio(worldIn, randomIn, 0, blockBars, blockAir, xx, 7, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrudeTrio(worldIn, randomIn, 0, blockBars, blockAir, xx, 8, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrudeTrio(worldIn, randomIn, 0, blockBars, blockAir, xx, 9, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrudeTrio(worldIn, randomIn, 0, blockBars, blockAir, xx, 10, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrude(worldIn, randomIn, 2, blockBars, xx, maxY - 3, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrude(worldIn, randomIn, 2, blockBars, xx, 3, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); } //Floor extrude(worldIn, randomIn, 2, blockGrid, 1, 1, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrude(worldIn, randomIn, 2, blockGrid, 2, 1, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrude(worldIn, randomIn, 2, blockGrid, 24, 1, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrude(worldIn, randomIn, 2, blockGrid, 25, 1, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrudeDuo(worldIn, randomIn, 3, blockPlain, blockPattern, 7, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrudeDuo(worldIn, randomIn, 3, blockPlain, blockPattern, 9, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrudeDuo(worldIn, randomIn, 3, blockPlain, blockPattern, 19, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrudeDuo(worldIn, randomIn, 3, blockPlain, blockPattern, 17, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrude(worldIn, randomIn, 3, blockGrid, 8, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrude(worldIn, randomIn, 3, blockGrid, 18, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrude(worldIn, randomIn, 3, blockGrid, 5, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrude(worldIn, randomIn, 3, blockGrid, 21, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, moonWall, 10, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, moonWall, 11, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, moonWall, 12, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, moonWall, 13, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, moonWall, 14, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, moonWall, 15, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, moonWall, 16, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrude(worldIn, randomIn, 2, blockGrid, 10, 0, zz - 1, structureBoundingBoxIn); extrude(worldIn, randomIn, 2, blockGrid, 16, 0, zz - 1, structureBoundingBoxIn); //WHERE SECOND AND THIRD SECTION MEET //Extend the mid-side walls a little way past the midPoint for (int xx = 0; xx <= maxX; xx+= maxX) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, xx, 7, midPoint, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, xx, 8, midPoint, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockBars, xx, 3, midPoint + 1, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockBars, xx, maxY - 3, midPoint + 1, structureBoundingBoxIn); } //Extend the walkways a little way also this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockGrid, 1, 1, midPoint + 1, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockGrid, 2, 1, midPoint + 1, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockGrid, 5, 0, midPoint + 1, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockGrid, 21, 0, midPoint + 1, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockGrid, 24, 1, midPoint + 1, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockGrid, 25, 1, midPoint + 1, structureBoundingBoxIn); return true; } private void floorStrut(World worldIn, IBlockState blockWall, IBlockState decoWall, int zz, StructureBoundingBox structureBoundingBoxIn) { this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, 1, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, decoWall, 2, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, 3, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, decoWall, 4, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, 5, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, decoWall, 6, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, decoWall, 20, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, 21, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, decoWall, 22, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, 23, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, decoWall, 24, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockWall, 25, 0, zz, structureBoundingBoxIn); } private void extrude(World worldIn, Random rand, int solid, IBlockState blockstateIn, int x, int y, int z, StructureBoundingBox boundingBoxIn) { for (int zz = z; zz >= rand.nextInt(4 * (4 - solid)); zz--) this.setBlockState(worldIn, blockstateIn, x, y, zz, boundingBoxIn); } private void extrudeDuo(World worldIn, Random rand, int solid, IBlockState blockA, IBlockState blockB, int x, int y, int z, StructureBoundingBox boundingBoxIn) { for (int zz = z; zz >= rand.nextInt(4 * (4 - solid)); zz--) this.setBlockState(worldIn, (zz % 2 == 0) ? blockA : blockB, x, y, zz, boundingBoxIn); } private void extrudeTrio(World worldIn, Random rand, int solid, IBlockState blockA, IBlockState blockB, int x, int y, int z, StructureBoundingBox boundingBoxIn) { for (int zz = z; zz >= rand.nextInt(4 * (4 - solid)); zz--) this.setBlockState(worldIn, (zz % 3 == 0) ? blockA : blockB, x, y, zz, boundingBoxIn); } private void extrudeTrioOff(World worldIn, Random rand, int solid, IBlockState blockA, IBlockState blockB, int x, int y, int z, StructureBoundingBox boundingBoxIn) { for (int zz = z; zz >= rand.nextInt(4 * (4 - solid)); zz--) this.setBlockState(worldIn, (zz % 3 == 1) ? blockA : blockB, x, y, zz, boundingBoxIn); } }