package codechicken.lib.config; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; public abstract class ConfigTagParent { public static class TagOrderComparator implements Comparator<ConfigTag> { int sortMode; public TagOrderComparator(int sortMode) { this.sortMode = sortMode; } public int compare(ConfigTag o1, ConfigTag o2) { if (o1.position != o2.position) { return compareInt(o1.position, o2.position); } if (o1.brace != o2.brace) { return o1.brace ? 1 : -1;//braced one goes after } switch (sortMode) { case 1: if (o1.value == o2.value) { return 0; } if (o1.value == null) { return 1; } if (o2.value == null) { return -1; } return o1.value.compareTo(o2.value); default: return; } } private int compareInt(int a, int b) { return a == b ? 0 : a < b ? -1 : 1; } } private TreeMap<String, ConfigTag> childtags = new TreeMap<String, ConfigTag>(); public String comment; /** * 0 = name, 1 = value */ public int sortMode = 0; /** * The mode for determining when child tags should leave a blank line between them and the one above * 0 = never, 1 = when braced, 2 = always */ public int newlinemode = 1; public abstract void saveConfig(); public abstract String getNameQualifier(); public ConfigTagParent setComment(String comment) { this.comment = comment; saveConfig(); return this; } public ConfigTagParent setSortMode(int mode) { sortMode = mode; saveConfig(); return this; } public ConfigTagParent setNewLineMode(int mode) { newlinemode = mode; for (Entry<String, ConfigTag> entry : childtags.entrySet()) { ConfigTag tag = entry.getValue(); if (newlinemode == 0) { tag.newline = false; } else if (newlinemode == 1) { tag.newline = tag.brace; } else if (newlinemode == 2) { tag.newline = true; } } saveConfig(); return this; } public Map<String, ConfigTag> childTagMap() { return childtags; } public boolean hasChildTags() { return !childtags.isEmpty(); } public boolean containsTag(String tagname) { return getTag(tagname, false) != null; } public ConfigTag getNewTag(String tagname) { return new ConfigTag(this, tagname); } public ConfigTag getTag(String tagname, boolean create) { int dotpos = tagname.indexOf("."); String basetagname = dotpos == -1 ? tagname : tagname.substring(0, dotpos); ConfigTag basetag = childtags.get(basetagname); if (basetag == null) { if (!create) { return null; } basetag = getNewTag(basetagname); saveConfig(); } if (dotpos == -1) { return basetag; } return basetag.getTag(tagname.substring(dotpos + 1), create); } public ConfigTag getTag(String tagname) { return getTag(tagname, true); } public boolean removeTag(String tagname) { ConfigTag tag = getTag(tagname, false); if (tag == null) { return false; } int dotpos = tagname.lastIndexOf("."); String lastpart = dotpos == -1 ? tagname : tagname.substring(dotpos + 1, tagname.length()); if (tag.parent != null) { boolean ret = tag.parent.childtags.remove(lastpart) != null; if (ret) { saveConfig(); } return ret; } return false; } public void addChild(ConfigTag tag) { childtags.put(, tag); } public <T extends ConfigTag> ArrayList<T> getSortedTagList() { ArrayList<T> taglist = new ArrayList<T>(childtags.size()); for (Entry<String, ConfigTag> tag : childtags.entrySet()) { taglist.add((T) tag.getValue()); } Collections.sort(taglist, new TagOrderComparator(sortMode)); return taglist; } public void loadChildren(BufferedReader reader) { String comment = ""; String bracequalifier = ""; try { while (true) { String line = ConfigFile.readLine(reader); if (line == null) { break; } if (line.startsWith("#")) { if (comment.equals("")) { comment = line.substring(1); } else { comment = comment + "\n" + line.substring(1); } } else if (line.contains("=")) { String qualifiedname = line.substring(0, line.indexOf("=")); getTag(qualifiedname).onLoaded().setComment(comment).setValue(line.substring(line.indexOf("=") + 1)); comment = ""; bracequalifier = qualifiedname; } else if (line.equals("{")) { getTag(bracequalifier).setComment(comment).useBraces().loadChildren(reader); comment = ""; bracequalifier = ""; } else if (line.equals("}")) { break; } else { bracequalifier = line; } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void saveTagTree(PrintWriter writer, int tabs, String bracequalifier) { boolean first = true; for (ConfigTag tag : getSortedTagList()) {, tabs, bracequalifier, first); first = false; } } public void writeComment(PrintWriter writer, int tabs) { if (comment != null && !comment.equals("")) { String[] comments = comment.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < comments.length; i++) { ConfigFile.writeLine(writer, "#" + comments[i], tabs); } } } }