package micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.tile; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.GalacticraftRegistry; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.tile.ITileClientUpdates; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.vector.BlockVec3; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.Constants; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.blocks.BlockScreen; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.client.screen.DrawGameScreen; import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.tick.TickHandlerClient; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; public class TileEntityScreen extends TileEntityAdvanced implements ITileClientUpdates { public static float FRAMEBORDER = 0.098F; //used for rendering public int imageType; public DrawGameScreen screen; public boolean connectedUp; public boolean connectedDown; public boolean connectedLeft; public boolean connectedRight; public int connectionsUp; public int connectionsDown; public int connectionsLeft; public int connectionsRight; public boolean isMultiscreen; public int screenOffsetx = 0; public int screenOffsetz = 0; private int requiresUpdate = 0; //Used on client side only public boolean refreshOnUpdate = false; private AxisAlignedBB renderAABB; public void setConnectedUp(boolean connectedUpL) { this.connectedUp = connectedUpL; } public void setConnectedDown(boolean connectedDownL) { this.connectedDown = connectedDownL; } public void setConnectedLeft(boolean connectedLeftL) { this.connectedLeft = connectedLeftL; } public void setConnectedRight(boolean connectedRightL) { this.connectedRight = connectedRightL; } @Override public void onLoad() { if (this.worldObj.isRemote) { this.clientOnLoad(); this.screen = new DrawGameScreen(1.0F, 1.0F, this); } } @Override public void buildDataPacket(int[] data) { data[0] = this.imageType; int connectedFlags = 0; if (this.connectedUp) { connectedFlags += 8; } if (this.connectedDown) { connectedFlags += 4; } if (this.connectedLeft) { connectedFlags += 2; } if (this.connectedRight) { connectedFlags += 1; } data[1] = connectedFlags; } public EnumFacing getFront() { return this.getFacing(this.worldObj.getBlockState(getPos())); } private EnumFacing getFacing(IBlockState state) { return state.getValue(BlockScreen.FACING); } /** * Call when a screen (which maybe part of a multiscreen) is either * broken or rotated. * * @param state The state of the screen prior to breaking or rotation */ public void breakScreen(IBlockState state) { BlockVec3 vec = new BlockVec3(this); int meta = state.getBlock().getMetaFromState(state); TileEntity tile; EnumFacing facingRight = getFacing(state).rotateY(); int left = this.connectionsLeft; int right = this.connectionsRight; int up = this.connectionsUp; int down = this.connectionsDown; boolean doUp = this.connectedUp; boolean doDown = this.connectedDown; boolean doLeft = this.connectedLeft; boolean doRight = this.connectedRight; for (int x = -left; x <= right; x++) { for (int z = -up; z <= down; z++) { if (x == 0 && z == 0) { this.resetToSingle(); } else { BlockVec3 newVec = vec.clone().modifyPositionFromSide(facingRight, x).modifyPositionFromSide(EnumFacing.DOWN, z); tile = newVec.getTileEntity(this.worldObj); if (tile instanceof TileEntityScreen && tile.getBlockMetadata() == meta) { ((TileEntityScreen) tile).resetToSingle(); } } } } //TODO Try to generate largest screen possible out of remaining blocks this.setConnectedDown(false); this.setConnectedUp(false); this.setConnectedLeft(false); this.setConnectedRight(false); if (doUp) { tile = vec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, 1); if (tile instanceof TileEntityScreen && tile.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !tile.isInvalid()) { if (doLeft) { ((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedLeft(true); } if (doRight) { ((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedRight(true); } ((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedUp(true); // if (doLeft) ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedLeft = true; // if (doRight) ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedRight = true; // ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedUp = true; ((TileEntityScreen) tile).refreshConnections(true); } } if (doDown) { tile = vec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, 0); if (tile instanceof TileEntityScreen && tile.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !tile.isInvalid()) { if (doLeft) { ((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedLeft(true); } if (doRight) { ((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedRight(true); } ((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedDown(true); // if (doLeft) ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedLeft = true; // if (doRight) ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedRight = true; // ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedDown = true; ((TileEntityScreen) tile).refreshConnections(true); } } if (doLeft) { tile = vec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, this.getLeft(meta)); if (tile instanceof TileEntityScreen && tile.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !tile.isInvalid()) { if (doUp) { ((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedUp(true); } if (doDown) { ((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedDown(true); } ((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedLeft(true); // if (doUp) ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedUp = true; // if (doDown) ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedDown = true; // ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedLeft = true; ((TileEntityScreen) tile).refreshConnections(true); } } if (doRight) { tile = vec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, this.getRight(meta)); if (tile instanceof TileEntityScreen && tile.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !tile.isInvalid()) { if (doUp) { ((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedUp(true); } if (doDown) { ((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedDown(true); } ((TileEntityScreen) tile).setConnectedRight(true); // if (doUp) ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedUp = true; // if (doDown) ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedDown = true; // ((TileEntityScreen)tile).connectedRight = true; ((TileEntityScreen) tile).refreshConnections(true); } } } /** * Check whether the screen can sustain 'multi-screen' connections on each of its 4 sides * (note: this can be called recursively from inside itself) * * @param doScreen If true, build a new multi-screen if connections are found */ public void refreshConnections(boolean doScreen) { this.log("Starting connection check"); IBlockState iblockstate = this.worldObj.getBlockState(this.pos); EnumFacing facing = iblockstate.getValue(BlockScreen.FACING); int meta = this.getBlockMetadata() & 7; if (meta < 2) { //TODO System.out.println("Up/down oriented screens cannot be multiscreen"); this.resetToSingle(); return; } TileEntity tileUp = null; TileEntity tileDown = null; TileEntity tileLeft = null; TileEntity tileRight = null; BlockVec3 vec = new BlockVec3(this); //First, basic check that a neighbour is there and in the same orientation if (this.connectedUp) { tileUp = vec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, 1); // this.connectedUp = tileUp instanceof TileEntityScreen && tileUp.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !tileUp.isInvalid(); this.setConnectedUp(tileUp instanceof TileEntityScreen && tileUp.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !tileUp.isInvalid()); } if (this.connectedDown) { tileDown = vec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, 0); // this.connectedDown = tileDown instanceof TileEntityScreen && tileDown.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !tileDown.isInvalid(); this.setConnectedDown(tileDown instanceof TileEntityScreen && tileDown.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !tileDown.isInvalid()); } if (this.connectedLeft) { int side = this.getLeft(meta); tileLeft = vec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, side); // this.connectedLeft = tileLeft instanceof TileEntityScreen && tileLeft.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !tileLeft.isInvalid(); this.setConnectedLeft(tileLeft instanceof TileEntityScreen && tileLeft.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !tileLeft.isInvalid()); } if (this.connectedRight) { int side = this.getRight(meta); tileRight = vec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, side); // this.connectedRight = tileRight instanceof TileEntityScreen && tileRight.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !tileRight.isInvalid(); this.setConnectedRight(tileRight instanceof TileEntityScreen && tileRight.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !tileRight.isInvalid()); } //Now test whether a connection can be sustained with that other tile if (this.connectedUp) { // this.connectedUp = this.tryConnectUp((TileEntityScreen)tileUp); this.setConnectedUp(this.tryConnectUp((TileEntityScreen) tileUp)); } if (this.connectedDown) { // this.connectedDown = this.tryConnectDown((TileEntityScreen)tileDown); this.setConnectedDown(this.tryConnectDown((TileEntityScreen) tileDown)); } if (this.connectedLeft) { // this.connectedLeft = this.tryConnectLeft((TileEntityScreen)tileLeft); this.setConnectedLeft(this.tryConnectLeft((TileEntityScreen) tileLeft)); } if (this.connectedRight) { // this.connectedRight = this.tryConnectRight((TileEntityScreen)tileRight); this.setConnectedRight(this.tryConnectRight((TileEntityScreen) tileRight)); } this.log("Ending connection check"); if (doScreen) { this.checkScreenSize(); this.markDirty(); } } // @Override // public boolean canUpdate() // { // return false; // } /** * Cycle through different screen contents */ public void changeChannel() { if (!this.worldObj.isRemote) { if (++this.imageType >= GalacticraftRegistry.getMaxScreenTypes()) { this.imageType = 0; } boolean flag = false; if (!this.connectedRight && this.canJoinRight()) { this.joinRight(); flag = true; } else if (!this.connectedLeft && this.canJoinLeft()) { this.joinLeft(); flag = true; } else if (!this.connectedUp && this.canJoinUp()) { this.joinUp(); flag = true; } else if (!this.connectedDown && this.canJoinDown()) { this.joinDown(); flag = true; } this.refreshConnections(true); this.markDirty(); this.updateAllInDimension(); } } @Override public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { super.readFromNBT(nbt); this.imageType = nbt.getInteger("type"); this.connectionsDown = nbt.getInteger("connectionsDown"); this.connectionsUp = nbt.getInteger("connectionsUp"); this.connectionsLeft = nbt.getInteger("connectionsLeft"); this.connectionsRight = nbt.getInteger("connectionsRight"); this.isMultiscreen = nbt.getBoolean("multiscreen"); this.setConnectedUp(this.connectionsUp > 0); this.setConnectedDown(this.connectionsDown > 0); this.setConnectedLeft(this.connectionsLeft > 0); this.setConnectedRight(this.connectionsRight > 0); // this.connectedUp = (this.connectionsUp > 0); // this.connectedDown = (this.connectionsDown > 0); // this.connectedLeft = (this.connectionsLeft > 0); // this.connectedRight = (this.connectionsRight > 0); } @Override public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) { super.writeToNBT(nbt); nbt.setInteger("type", this.imageType); nbt.setInteger("connectionsDown", this.connectionsDown); nbt.setInteger("connectionsUp", this.connectionsUp); nbt.setInteger("connectionsLeft", this.connectionsLeft); nbt.setInteger("connectionsRight", this.connectionsRight); nbt.setBoolean("multiscreen", this.isMultiscreen); } public void checkScreenSize() { this.log("Checking screen size"); int up = 0; int down = 0; int left = 0; int right = 0; int meta = this.getBlockMetadata() & 7; BlockVec3 vec = new BlockVec3(this); TileEntityScreen tile = this; while (up < 8) { if (tile.connectedUp) { up++; TileEntity newTile = vec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, 1); if (newTile instanceof TileEntityScreen) { tile = (TileEntityScreen) newTile; vec.translate(0, 1, 0); } else { System.out.println("Debug - connected up to a non-screen tile"); // tile.connectedUp = false; this.setConnectedUp(false); tile.markDirty(); up--; break; } } else { break; } } vec = new BlockVec3(this); tile = this; while (down < 8 - up) { if (tile.connectedDown) { down++; TileEntity newTile = vec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, 0); if (newTile instanceof TileEntityScreen) { tile = (TileEntityScreen) newTile; vec.translate(0, -1, 0); } else { System.out.println("Debug - connected down to a non-screen tile"); // tile.connectedDown = false; this.setConnectedDown(false); tile.markDirty(); down--; break; } } else { break; } } vec = new BlockVec3(this); tile = this; int leftside = this.getLeft(meta); while (left < ((up + down == 0) ? 1 : 8)) { if (tile.connectedLeft) { left++; TileEntity newTile = vec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, leftside); if (newTile instanceof TileEntityScreen) { tile = (TileEntityScreen) newTile; vec = vec.newVecSide(leftside); } else { System.out.println("Debug - connected left to a non-screen tile"); // tile.connectedLeft = false; this.setConnectedLeft(false); tile.markDirty(); left--; break; } } else { break; } } vec = new BlockVec3(this); tile = this; int rightside = this.getRight(meta); while (right < ((up + down == 0) ? 1 : 8) - left) { if (tile.connectedRight) { right++; TileEntity newTile = vec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, rightside); if (newTile instanceof TileEntityScreen) { tile = (TileEntityScreen) newTile; vec = vec.newVecSide(rightside); } else { System.out.println("Debug - connected right to a non-screen tile"); // tile.connectedRight = false; this.setConnectedRight(false); tile.markDirty(); right--; break; } } else { break; } } this.log("Screen size check midpoint " + up + " " + down + " " + left + " " + right + " "); vec = new BlockVec3(this); TileEntity newtile = vec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, 1); TileEntityScreen tileUp = (newtile instanceof TileEntityScreen) ? (TileEntityScreen) newtile : null; newtile = vec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, 0); TileEntityScreen tileDown = (newtile instanceof TileEntityScreen) ? (TileEntityScreen) newtile : null; newtile = vec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, leftside); TileEntityScreen tileLeft = (newtile instanceof TileEntityScreen) ? (TileEntityScreen) newtile : null; newtile = vec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, rightside); TileEntityScreen tileRight = (newtile instanceof TileEntityScreen) ? (TileEntityScreen) newtile : null; //Prevent 3 x 1 and longer if (left + right == 0 && up + down >= 1) { if (up > 0 && !tileUp.connectedUp) //No need for null check if up > 0 { up = 1; down = 0; } else { up = 0; if (tileDown != null && !tileDown.connectedDown) { down = 1; } else { down = 0; } } } if (up + down == 0 && left + right >= 1) { if (left > 0 && !tileLeft.connectedLeft) //No need for null check if right > 0 { if (right == 0 || tileRight == null || tileRight.connectionsLeft == 0) { left = 1; right = 0; } else { left = 0; right = 1; } } else { left = 0; if (tileRight != null && !tileRight.connectedRight) { right = 1; } else { right = 0; } } } if (up == 0) { this.setConnectedUp(false); if (tileUp != null) { tileUp.setConnectedDown(false); } // this.connectedUp = false; // if (tileUp != null) tileUp.connectedDown = false; } if (down == 0) { this.setConnectedDown(false); if (tileUp != null) { tileUp.setConnectedUp(false); } // this.connectedDown = false; // if (tileDown != null) tileDown.connectedUp = false; } if (left == 0) { this.setConnectedLeft(false); if (tileUp != null) { tileUp.setConnectedRight(false); } // this.connectedLeft = false; // if (tileLeft != null) tileLeft.connectedRight = false; } if (right == 0) { this.setConnectedRight(false); if (tileUp != null) { tileUp.setConnectedLeft(false); } // this.connectedRight = false; // if (tileRight != null) tileRight.connectedLeft = false; } this.log("Finished screen size check"); this.checkWholeScreen(up, down, left, right); } /** * After figuring out the screen edges (overall screen dimensions) * check that the screen is a whole A x B rectangle with no tiles missing * <p> * If it is whole, set all tiles in the screen to match this screen type * * @param up Number of blocks the screen edge is away from this in the up direction * @param down Number of blocks the screen edge is away from this in the down direction * @param left Number of blocks the screen edge is away from this in the left direction * @param right Number of blocks the screen edge is away from this in the right direction * @return True if the screen was whole */ private boolean checkWholeScreen(int up, int down, int left, int right) { if (up + down + left + right == 0 || up < 0 || down < 0 || left < 0 || right < 0) { this.resetToSingle(); return true; } //System.out.println("Checking screen size at "+this.getPos().getX()+","+this.getPos().getZ()+": Up "+up+" Dn "+down+" Lf "+left+" Rg "+right); boolean screenWhole = true; boolean existingScreen = false; int barrierUp = up; int barrierDown = down; int barrierLeft = left; int barrierRight = right; int meta = this.getBlockMetadata() & 7; BlockVec3 vec = new BlockVec3(this); ArrayList<TileEntityScreen> screenList = new ArrayList<TileEntityScreen>(); // int side = this.getRight(meta); EnumFacing side = getFront().rotateY(); for (int x = -left; x <= right; x++) { for (int z = -up; z <= down; z++) { BlockVec3 newVec = vec.clone().modifyPositionFromSide(side, x).modifyPositionFromSide(EnumFacing.DOWN, z); TileEntity tile = newVec.getTileEntity(this.worldObj); if (tile instanceof TileEntityScreen && tile.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !tile.isInvalid()) { TileEntityScreen screenTile = (TileEntityScreen) tile; screenList.add(screenTile); if (screenTile.isMultiscreen) { if (screenTile.connectionsUp > z + up) { barrierUp = -z - 1; existingScreen = true; } if (screenTile.connectionsDown > down - z) { barrierDown = z - 1; existingScreen = true; } if (screenTile.connectionsLeft > x + left) { barrierLeft = -x - 1; existingScreen = true; } if (screenTile.connectionsRight > right - x) { barrierRight = x - 1; existingScreen = true; } } } else { screenWhole = false; } } } if (!screenWhole) { for (TileEntityScreen scr : screenList) { scr.resetToSingle(); } return false; } if (existingScreen) { return this.checkWholeScreen(barrierUp, barrierDown, barrierLeft, barrierRight); } DrawGameScreen newScreen = null; boolean serverside = true; TileEntity bottomLeft = vec.clone().modifyPositionFromSide(side, -left).modifyPositionFromSide(EnumFacing.DOWN, down).getTileEntity(this.worldObj); if (this.worldObj.isRemote) { if (bottomLeft instanceof TileEntityScreen) //It always will be if reached this far { newScreen = ((TileEntityScreen) bottomLeft).screen; if (!newScreen.check(1.0F + left + right, 1.0F + up + down)) { newScreen = new DrawGameScreen(1.0F + left + right, 1.0F + up + down, bottomLeft); } } serverside = false; } Iterator<TileEntityScreen> it = screenList.iterator(); for (int x = -left; x <= right; x++) { for (int z = -up; z <= down; z++) { TileEntityScreen screenTile =; screenTile.screenOffsetx = x + left; screenTile.screenOffsetz = z + up; screenTile.screen = newScreen; screenTile.connectionsLeft = x + left; screenTile.connectionsRight = right - x; screenTile.connectionsUp = z + up; screenTile.connectionsDown = down - z; screenTile.isMultiscreen = true; screenTile.refreshOnUpdate = false; if (serverside) { screenTile.imageType = this.imageType; screenTile.markDirty(); screenTile.updateAllInDimension(); } screenTile.refreshConnections(false); } } this.connectionsUp = up; this.connectionsDown = down; this.connectionsLeft = left; this.connectionsRight = right; return true; } /** * Reset the screen to a 1x1 size, not part of a 'multi-screen' */ public void resetToSingle() { this.screenOffsetx = 0; this.screenOffsetz = 0; this.connectionsUp = 0; this.connectionsDown = 0; this.connectionsLeft = 0; this.connectionsRight = 0; this.isMultiscreen = false; // this.connectedDown = this.connectedLeft = this.connectedRight = this.connectedUp = false; this.setConnectedLeft(false); this.setConnectedRight(false); this.setConnectedUp(false); this.setConnectedDown(false); this.refreshOnUpdate = false; this.markDirty(); if (this.worldObj.isRemote) { this.screen = new DrawGameScreen(1.0F, 1.0F, this); } else { this.updateAllInDimension(); } } /** * Get the Minecraft direction which is on the left side * for the block orientation given by metadata */ private int getLeft(int meta) { switch (meta) { case 2: return 4; case 3: return 5; case 4: return 3; case 5: return 2; } return 4; } /** * Get the Minecraft direction which is on the right side * for the block orientation given by metadata */ private int getRight(int meta) { switch (meta) { case 2: return 5; case 3: return 4; case 4: return 2; case 5: return 3; } return 5; } private boolean canJoinRight() { int meta = this.getBlockMetadata(); TileEntity te = new BlockVec3(this).getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, this.getRight(meta)); if (!(te instanceof TileEntityScreen)) { return false; } TileEntityScreen screenTile = (TileEntityScreen) te; if (screenTile.getBlockMetadata() != meta) { return false; } if (screenTile.connectionsUp != this.connectionsUp) { return false; } if (screenTile.connectionsDown != this.connectionsDown) { return false; } if (this.connectionsUp + this.connectionsDown > 0) { return true; } if (this.connectionsLeft > 0) { return false; } if (screenTile.connectionsRight > 0) { return false; } return true; } private boolean canJoinLeft() { int meta = this.getBlockMetadata(); TileEntity te = new BlockVec3(this).getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, this.getLeft(meta)); if (!(te instanceof TileEntityScreen)) { return false; } TileEntityScreen screenTile = (TileEntityScreen) te; if (screenTile.getBlockMetadata() != meta) { return false; } if (screenTile.connectionsUp != this.connectionsUp) { return false; } if (screenTile.connectionsDown != this.connectionsDown) { return false; } if (this.connectionsUp + this.connectionsDown > 0) { return true; } if (this.connectionsRight > 0) { return false; } if (screenTile.connectionsLeft > 0) { return false; } return true; } private boolean canJoinUp() { int meta = this.getBlockMetadata(); TileEntity te = new BlockVec3(this).getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, 1); if (!(te instanceof TileEntityScreen)) { return false; } TileEntityScreen screenTile = (TileEntityScreen) te; if (screenTile.getBlockMetadata() != meta) { return false; } if (screenTile.connectionsLeft != this.connectionsLeft) { return false; } if (screenTile.connectionsRight != this.connectionsRight) { return false; } if (this.connectionsLeft + this.connectionsRight > 0) { return true; } if (this.connectionsDown > 0) { return false; } if (screenTile.connectionsUp > 0) { return false; } return true; } private boolean canJoinDown() { int meta = this.getBlockMetadata(); TileEntity te = new BlockVec3(this).getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, 0); if (!(te instanceof TileEntityScreen)) { return false; } TileEntityScreen screenTile = (TileEntityScreen) te; if (screenTile.getBlockMetadata() != meta) { return false; } if (screenTile.connectionsLeft != this.connectionsLeft) { return false; } if (screenTile.connectionsRight != this.connectionsRight) { return false; } if (this.connectionsLeft + this.connectionsRight > 0) { return true; } if (this.connectionsUp > 0) { return false; } if (screenTile.connectionsDown > 0) { return false; } return true; } private void joinRight() { int meta = this.getBlockMetadata(); int side = this.getRight(meta); BlockVec3 vec = new BlockVec3(this); for (int z = -this.connectionsUp; z <= this.connectionsDown; z++) { TileEntity tile; BlockVec3 newVec = vec.clone().modifyPositionFromSide(EnumFacing.DOWN, z); if (z == 0) { tile = this; } else { tile = newVec.getTileEntity(this.worldObj); } if (tile instanceof TileEntityScreen && tile.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !tile.isInvalid()) { TileEntityScreen screenTile = (TileEntityScreen) tile; // screenTile.connectedRight = true; screenTile.setConnectedRight(true); TileEntity te2 = newVec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, side); if (te2 instanceof TileEntityScreen && te2.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !te2.isInvalid()) { screenTile.tryConnectRight((TileEntityScreen) te2); } } } } private void joinLeft() { int meta = this.getBlockMetadata(); int side = this.getLeft(meta); BlockVec3 vec = new BlockVec3(this); for (int z = -this.connectionsUp; z <= this.connectionsDown; z++) { TileEntity tile; BlockVec3 newVec = vec.clone().modifyPositionFromSide(EnumFacing.DOWN, z); if (z == 0) { tile = this; } else { tile = newVec.getTileEntity(this.worldObj); } if (tile instanceof TileEntityScreen && tile.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !tile.isInvalid()) { TileEntityScreen screenTile = (TileEntityScreen) tile; // screenTile.connectedLeft = true; screenTile.setConnectedLeft(true); TileEntity te2 = newVec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, side); if (te2 instanceof TileEntityScreen && te2.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !te2.isInvalid()) { screenTile.tryConnectLeft((TileEntityScreen) te2); } } } } private void joinUp() { int meta = this.getBlockMetadata(); // EnumFacing side = EnumFacing.getFront(this.getRight(meta)); EnumFacing side = getFront().rotateY(); BlockVec3 vec = new BlockVec3(this); for (int x = -this.connectionsLeft; x <= this.connectionsRight; x++) { TileEntity tile; BlockVec3 newVec = vec.clone().modifyPositionFromSide(side, x); if (x == 0) { tile = this; } else { tile = newVec.getTileEntity(this.worldObj); } if (tile instanceof TileEntityScreen && tile.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !tile.isInvalid()) { TileEntityScreen screenTile = (TileEntityScreen) tile; // screenTile.connectedUp = true; screenTile.setConnectedUp(true); TileEntity te2 = newVec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, 1); if (te2 instanceof TileEntityScreen && te2.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !te2.isInvalid()) { screenTile.tryConnectUp((TileEntityScreen) te2); } } } } private void joinDown() { int meta = this.getBlockMetadata(); // EnumFacing side = EnumFacing.getFront(this.getRight(meta)); EnumFacing side = getFront().rotateY(); BlockVec3 vec = new BlockVec3(this); for (int x = -this.connectionsLeft; x <= this.connectionsRight; x++) { TileEntity tile; BlockVec3 newVec = vec.clone().modifyPositionFromSide(side, x); if (x == 0) { tile = this; } else { tile = newVec.getTileEntity(this.worldObj); } if (tile instanceof TileEntityScreen && tile.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !tile.isInvalid()) { TileEntityScreen screenTile = (TileEntityScreen) tile; // screenTile.connectedDown = true; screenTile.setConnectedDown(true); TileEntity te2 = newVec.getTileEntityOnSide(this.worldObj, 0); if (te2 instanceof TileEntityScreen && te2.getBlockMetadata() == meta && !te2.isInvalid()) { screenTile.tryConnectDown((TileEntityScreen) te2); } } } } private boolean tryConnectUp(TileEntityScreen screenTile) { if (screenTile.connectedDown) { return true; //No checks? } // screenTile.connectedDown = true; // if (this.connectedLeft) screenTile.connectedLeft = true; // if (this.connectedRight) screenTile.connectedRight = true; screenTile.setConnectedDown(true); if (this.connectedLeft) { screenTile.setConnectedLeft(true); } if (this.connectedRight) { screenTile.setConnectedRight(true); } screenTile.refreshConnections(false); //Undo if the neighbour could not maintain the same left-right connections if ((this.connectedLeft ^ screenTile.connectedLeft) || (this.connectedRight ^ screenTile.connectedRight)) { screenTile.setConnectedDown(false); // screenTile.connectedDown = false; return false; } return true; } private boolean tryConnectDown(TileEntityScreen screenTile) { if (screenTile.connectedUp) { return true; //No checks? } // screenTile.connectedUp = true; // if (this.connectedLeft) screenTile.connectedLeft = true; // if (this.connectedRight) screenTile.connectedRight = true; screenTile.setConnectedUp(true); if (this.connectedLeft) { screenTile.setConnectedLeft(true); } if (this.connectedRight) { screenTile.setConnectedRight(true); } screenTile.refreshConnections(false); //Undo if the neighbour could not maintain the same left-right connections if ((this.connectedLeft ^ screenTile.connectedLeft) || (this.connectedRight ^ screenTile.connectedRight)) { screenTile.setConnectedUp(false); // screenTile.connectedUp = false; return false; } return true; } private boolean tryConnectLeft(TileEntityScreen screenTile) { if (screenTile.connectedRight) { return true; //No checks? } if ((screenTile.connectedUp && !this.connectedUp) || (screenTile.connectedDown && !this.connectedDown)) { return false; } // screenTile.connectedRight = true; // if (this.connectedUp) screenTile.connectedUp = true; // if (this.connectedDown) screenTile.connectedDown = true; screenTile.setConnectedRight(true); if (this.connectedUp) { screenTile.setConnectedUp(true); } if (this.connectedDown) { screenTile.setConnectedDown(true); } screenTile.refreshConnections(false); //Undo if the neighbour could not maintain the same up-down connections if ((this.connectedUp ^ screenTile.connectedUp) || (this.connectedDown ^ screenTile.connectedDown)) { screenTile.setConnectedRight(false); // screenTile.connectedRight = false; return false; } return true; } private boolean tryConnectRight(TileEntityScreen screenTile) { if (screenTile.connectedLeft) { return true; //No checks? } if ((screenTile.connectedUp && !this.connectedUp) || (screenTile.connectedDown && !this.connectedDown)) { return false; } // screenTile.connectedLeft = true; // if (this.connectedUp) screenTile.connectedUp = true; // if (this.connectedDown) screenTile.connectedDown = true; screenTile.setConnectedLeft(true); if (this.connectedUp) { screenTile.setConnectedUp(true); } if (this.connectedDown) { screenTile.setConnectedDown(true); } screenTile.refreshConnections(false); //Undo if the neighbour could not maintain the same up-down connections if ((this.connectedUp ^ screenTile.connectedUp) || (this.connectedDown ^ screenTile.connectedDown)) { screenTile.setConnectedLeft(false); // screenTile.connectedLeft = false; return false; } return true; } private void log(String msg) { String connections = ""; String strSide = "S"; if (this.connectedUp) { connections = "U"; } if (this.connectedDown) { connections += "D"; } if (this.connectedLeft) { connections += "L"; } if (this.connectedRight) { connections += "R"; } if (this.worldObj.isRemote) { strSide = "C"; } //System.out.println(strSide + ":" + msg + " at "+this.getPos().getX()+","+this.getPos().getZ()+" "+connections); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void refreshNextTick(boolean b) { this.refreshOnUpdate = true; TickHandlerClient.screenConnectionsUpdateList.add(this); } @Override public double getPacketRange() { return 0; } @Override public int getPacketCooldown() { return 0; } @Override public boolean isNetworkedTile() { return false; } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void updateClient(List<Object> data) { int screenType = (Integer) data.get(1); int flags = (Integer) data.get(2); this.imageType = screenType; this.connectedUp = (flags & 8) != 0; this.connectedDown = (flags & 4) != 0; this.connectedLeft = (flags & 2) != 0; this.connectedRight = (flags & 1) != 0; this.refreshNextTick(true); } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public AxisAlignedBB getRenderBoundingBox() { if (this.renderAABB == null) { this.renderAABB = new AxisAlignedBB(pos, pos.add(1, 1, 1)); } return this.renderAABB; } @Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public double getMaxRenderDistanceSquared() { return Constants.RENDERDISTANCE_MEDIUM; } }